
Titus 1
  1. Ayy, it’s Paul, just vibing as a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ. I’m all about repping God’s squad and spreading the real deal, which is all about living that godly life, you feel me?
  2. We’re all about that eternal life, which God, who’s totally reliable, promised way back before the world even started; like, legit!
  3. But yo, God totally dropped his message at the right time through preaching, and I’ve totally been trusted with spreading it according to God our Savior’s command!
  4. Yo, Titus, my dude! You’re like my own son in this lit faith we share. Sending you major grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and our Savior, Jesus Christ.
  5. So, like, I left you in Crete for a reason. It’s on you to sort out and fix the stuff that still needs handling. Oh, and don’t forget to appoint leaders in every city, just like I told you to! 🙌🏼
  6. If anyone wants to be legit, they gotta be loyal to their partner, have just one solid relationship, and their kids should be chill, not causing chaos or acting out.
  7. A bishop gotta be real righteous, like they’re the boss of God’s crew. They can’t be stubborn, quick-tempered, or always hitting the bottle. No drama and definitely no chasing that cash.
  8. But someone who’s all about being open and welcoming, hanging with cool peeps, keeping it chill, treating everyone right, staying true to their values and having self-control;
  9. Keeping it real and staying true to the teachings, so that they can drop some knowledge and shut down all those haters with some solid wisdom.
  10. Ayy, there are a bunch of people out there who are all talk and no action, always trying to deceive others, especially those who stick to tradition and strict rules:
  11. Like, those people need to be called out, seriously. They’re like messing up entire communities by teaching all this messed up stuff just for some quick cash, how low can you get?
  12. Ayy, one of their own, a straight-up prophet from their tribe, once said this about the Cretians: ‘These peeps are constantly spewing lies, acting all savage, and straight-up lazy when it comes to grub.’
  13. Facts, fam. So don’t hesitate to call them out, straight up, so they can level up their faith game, ya know?
  14. Don’t waste your time on those made-up stories and rules made by others that lead you away from what’s real and true.
  15. Just so you know, to those who keep it real, everything is all good. But to those who are out of touch and skeptical, nothing is cool; in fact, even their thoughts and conscience are all messed up.
  16. So like, they’re all about talking about how they know God, but their actions don’t match up, you know? Like, they’re acting all messed up and disobedient, and they’re like a total fail when it comes to doing anything good. No judgment skills whatsoever.
Titus 2
  1. But yo, make sure whatever you’re spitting lines up with some solid teachings, you feel me?
  2. Them older heads should be chill, wise, not too wild, strong in their beliefs, dripping with love, and mad patient.
  3. Them older queens should also move in a way that screams dedication to righteousness. They gotta dodge them false rumors, not overdo the sippin’, and drop knowledge on the reg.
  4. So they can school the young queens on staying chill, keeping it tight with their partners, and showing love to their fam.
  5. Smart move, keeping it pure, holding your ground, being dope, showing respect to your partners, so God’s word stays winning.
  6. Ayo fellas, I’m dropping some wisdom on you young bucks: stay cool and keep it real.
  7. In everything you do, be a straight-up example of good vibes. Teach others with integrity, seriousness, and straight facts.
  8. Speak with respect and stay bulletproof, so even your haters can’t front on you and gotta respect your game.
  9. Tell workers to show respect and do what they’re told by their bosses, putting in work and keeping it drama-free; not popping off or starting beef.
  10. No jacking stuff, but stay loyal and legit in everything, so you can make God our Savior’s teachings pop.
  11. Listen up: God’s grace that brings salvation is on deck for everyone, yeah. It’s like a big, dope gift up for grabs, you dig?
  12. Teaching us to drop the lame stuff and the worldly cravings, and start living our lives with self-control, fairness, and godliness right here and now.
  13. Chasing that lit AF hope, and waiting for the epic entrance of the legendary God and our Savior Jesus Christ;He totally laid it all on the line for us, for real! His whole mission was to save us from all the dirt we pull and recruit us into his squad of people who are all about that good life.
  14. Speak up and lift others up, and if needed, set them straight with confidence. Ain’t nobody gonna look down on you.
Titus 3
  1. A’ight, listen up, fam. Respect those in charge, play by the rules, and be down for doing good stuff.
  2. Keep it real, don’t talk smack about nobody, steer clear of drama, and always spread kindness and stay humble.
  3. Yo, let’s be real, we used to be wildin’. Ignoring the rules, falling for every trick, chasing after whatever felt good, living shady lives full of hate and envy, straight up hatin’ on each other.
  4. But then, boom, God came through, showing us some serious love and mercy. It was like pure fire, fam.
  5. We didn’t score our salvation by being all self-righteous and whatnot, it’s all ’cause of God’s mercy. He saved us, wiped the slate clean, and hooked us up with the Holy Ghost upgrade.
  6. He poured out his blessings on us big time, all thanks to Jesus Christ, our ultimate lifesaver.
  7. By his grace, we’re legit now, lined up to score that promise of eternal life.
  8. Pay attention, fam! This ain’t just some random talk. I’m dead serious when I say, keep spreading this truth and stay committed to doing good. ‘Cause trust me, it’s more than just basic—it’s lit and helps everyone out.
  9. Don’t waste time on dumb arguments, pointless debates, or getting caught up in the law. It’s all irrelevant.
  10. If someone keeps spitting out lies after being warned twice, cut ’em off, no more energy wasted.
  11. Anyone still acting up like that is straight-up messed up, deep in sin. They’re just diggin’ their own hole, ya feel?
  12. Yo, when Artemas or Tychicus hit you up, slide through to Nicopolis ASAP. I’m posted there for the winter, you know?
  13. Make sure Zenas, the legal whiz, and Apollos are taken care of—hook ’em up with a ride and whatever else they need for their trip.
  14. And let’s all get on that hustle, doin’ good stuff for the right reasons, so we ain’t out here wastin’ time. (or, be skilled in honest jobs)
  15. Yo, shoutout to everyone rollin’ with me. Pass love and faith to our peeps. Grace be with y’all. Amen. ‘This letter’s for Titus, holdin’ it down as the top bishop of the Cretians, yo. Sent from Nicopolis of Macedonia, in case you’re curious.’