
Revelation 1
  1. Yo, this is the real deal straight from Jesus Christ, God sent it to him to clue us in on what’s gonna go down soon. He spilled the beans by sending his angel to his homie John,
  2. who’s here to tell us everything he saw—basically, it’s God’s word and Jesus Christ’s testimony.
  3. Yo, shoutout to anyone reading out loud the words of this prophecy! Mad blessings to those who listen up and really take to heart what’s written here, ‘cause we’re living in the time of it all happening soon.
  4. Hey fam, John here. This message is for the seven churches in Asia: May you all receive grace and peace from the One who always has been, who is, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne,
  5. and from Jesus Christ, the ultimate truth-teller, the first one to rise from the dead, and the boss over all the rulers of the earth. He’s the one who loves us and set us free from our sins through his blood,
  6. “And he’s made us a kingdom of priests serving his God and Father—to him be all the glory and power forever and ever! Amen.
  7. “Check it out, he’s coming with the clouds,” and “everybody will see him, even those who nailed him,” and all the people on earth “will be grieving because of him.” That’s how it’s gonna go down! Amen.”
  8. “I’m the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “the one who’s here, who’s been here, and who’s coming soon—the Almighty.”
  9. “I’m John, your bro, right there with you through the struggles, the kingdom vibes, and staying patient for Jesus. I ended up on Patmos ’cause of God’s word and Jesus’ testimony.
  10. “On the Lord’s Day, I was deep in the Spirit, and suddenly I hear this booming voice behind me, loud like a trumpet,”
  11. The voice said, “Jot down what you see and shoot it over to the seven churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philly, and Laodicea.”
  12. I spun around to catch a glimpse of the speaker. And when I did, I saw seven rad golden lampstands,
  13. Among the lampstands, there was this dude looking like a son of man, rockin’ a long robe and a sick golden sash around his chest.
  14. His hair was white as wool, pure snow-white, and his eyes blazed like fire.
  15. His kicks were like bronze, glowing like they just came out of a furnace, and when he spoke, it was like the roar of rushing waters.
  16. In his right hand, he held seven stars, and from his mouth came a sharp, double-edged sword. His face shined bright like the sun at its peak.
  17. When I peeped him, I dropped straight to the floor, like I was out cold. Then he reached out his right hand and said, “No stress, don’t freak. I’m the OG—the beginning and the end.
  18. I’m living large; I was dead, but check it—I’m alive forever and ever! And I’ve got the keys to death and the underworld.”
  19. “Write down what you’ve peeped—what’s going down now and what’s coming soon.
  20. Here’s the lowdown on those seven stars in my right hand and the seven rad lampstands: The stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the lampstands? They represent those seven churches.”
Revelation 2
  1. Yo, listen up, church in Ephesus! This message is from the one who’s got the seven stars in his grip and strolls among the seven golden lampstands.
  2. I see you hustling hard. I see your grind and how you never give up. Props to you for not putting up with shady characters, and for fact-checking those who claim to be apostles but aren’t legit — you’ve called them out and exposed their game.
  3. You’ve been grinding and staying strong for my name, enduring all the tough stuff without losing steam.
  4. But here’s the deal: I’ve gotta call you out on something. You’ve lost that passion you had at the start, that fire in your heart.
  5. Think about how far you’ve drifted from that initial spark! Change your ways and get back to how things were at the beginning. If you don’t, I’ll have to step in and take away your lampstand.
  6. But here’s the good news: You’re on point with hating the same stuff I hate about the Nicolaitans.
  7. Listen up, everyone! If you’re all in, pay attention to what the Spirit’s saying to the churches. Whoever sticks it out and wins this, I’m hooking you up with access to chow down on the tree of life in God’s paradise.
  8. Yo, to the angel reppin’ the church in Smyrna, here’s a message from the OG who’s been there from the start and came back from the dead.
  9. I see you dealing with tough times and being strapped for cash — but check it, you’re actually rich in spirit! I know about the trash talk from those who claim to be legit Jews but are really part of the enemy’s crew.
  10. Don’t trip about what’s coming your way. Here’s the deal: Some of you are gonna get locked up by the devil to see what you’re made of. It’s gonna be a rough ten days of persecution. Stay true, even if it means going all the way to death. Trust me, your reward for holding strong is gonna be epic — like a crown of victory that lasts forever.
  11. Listen up, everyone! If you’re in it to win it, pay attention to what the Spirit’s saying to the churches. Those who come out on top won’t even feel the sting of the second death.
  12. Yo, angel of the Pergamum crew, listen up! This message is from the one who wields a sharp, double-edged sword.
  13. I know where you’re at — Satan’s got his HQ there. But props to you for staying loyal to me. Even when my faithful homie Antipas got taken out in your city, where Satan’s HQ is, you didn’t back down on your faith in me.
  14. But I gotta call out a few things that aren’t cool: Some of you are vibing with the teachings of Balaam, who got Balak to trip up the Israelites by getting them to chow down on food offered to idols and get tangled up in sketchy stuff.
  15. And on top of that, you’ve got peeps here who are all about the teachings of the Nicolaitans.
  16. So, listen up and change your ways! If not, I’m coming at you, ready to throw down with the truth.
  17. Hey, if you’re tuned in, hear what the Spirit’s saying to the churches. For those who stick it out and come out on top, I’ve got some sweet rewards: hidden munchies and a fresh white stone with a name on it that’s just for you — no one else knows it but you.
  18. Yo, to the angel holding it down for the Thyatira crew, listen up! This message is from the Son of God, whose eyes are lit like blazing fire and kicks are solid like burnished bronze.
  19. I see you grinding hard — your love, faith, service, and staying power are on point. Plus, you’re stepping it up even more than when you first started.
  20. But here’s the thing I gotta bring up: You’re letting that woman Jezebel slide, who’s claiming she’s a prophet but is really leading my crew astray with her teaching on getting into all sorts of immoral stuff and grubbing on sacrificed food.
  21. I’ve given her a chance to change her ways, but she’s not down for it.
  22. So, I’m gonna lay her down on a bed of pain, and everyone who’s messed around with her will go through some serious struggles unless they turn away from her ways.
  23. I’ll take away her kids. Then, all the churches will understand that I’m the one who sees into hearts and minds, and I’ll give each of you what you deserve based on your actions.
  24. Now to the rest of you in Thyatira who aren’t buying into her teachings and aren’t diving into Satan’s supposed deep secrets: I’m not dropping any extra weight on you,
  25. just keep holding strong to what you’ve got until I roll through.
  26. For those who stay strong and keep rocking my mission until the end, I’m hooking you up with authority over nations—
  27. you’ll straight up rule them with an iron grip and break ’em like pottery, just like my Father gave me the power to do.
  28. And on top of that, I’ll hook you up with the morning star.
  29. Listen up, everyone! If you’re tuned in, pay attention to what the Spirit’s saying to the churches.
Revelation 3
  1. Yo, to the angel running the Sardis church, check it: This is from the One holding it down with the seven spirits of God and the seven stars. I peeped your game; you look like you’re livin’ large, but inside, you’re straight up ghostin’.
  2. Get woke! Amp up what’s left and on the brink, ’cause I see your hustle ain’t fully legit in the eyes of my God.
  3. Yo, remember what you got and heard; stick with it and make a change. But if you stay sleepin’, I’ll roll through like a sneak thief, catch you off guard.
  4. Still, there’s a crew in Sardis who stayed fresh, keepin’ it clean. They gonna stroll with me, rockin’ that pure white gear ’cause they on point.
  5. The winner’s gonna rock white threads like them. I won’t ever erase their name from the book of life—naw, I’m gonna shout it out to my Father and his crew.
  6. If you’re tuned in, listen up to what the Spirit’s saying to the churches.
  7. Yo, angel of the Philly church, listen up: This is from the real deal, the holy and true One holding the key of David. When I open a door, no one’s gonna slam it shut. And when I lock something down, no one’s cracking it open.
  8. I’ve peeped your moves. I’ve set before you an open door that ain’t closing anytime soon. I know you’re low on strength, but you’ve stayed true to my word and repped my name without backing down.
  9. I’ll make those from the synagogue of Satan, who pretend to be Jews but are actually liars, come and bow at your feet and admit that I’ve loved you.
  10. Because you’ve stuck with my command to be patient, I’ll protect you from the tough times that are about to hit the whole world and test everyone on earth.
  11. I’m coming soon. Hold tight to what you have, so no one can take your crown.
  12. To the one who wins, I’ll make you a pillar in God’s temple, and you’ll never have to leave it. I’ll write God’s name on you, and the name of God’s city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from heaven, and I’ll also give you my new name.
  13. Yo, if you’re really listening, pay attention to what the Spirit’s saying to the churches.
  14. Hey, angel of the Laodicea church, listen up: This message is from the Amen, the real and truthful witness, the boss of God’s creation.
  15. I’ve peeped your game—you’re not hot, not cold. Honestly, I wish you were one or the other!
  16. Yo, ’cause you’re just lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I’m ’bout to spit you out.
  17. You say, “I’m ballin’, got stacks on stacks, don’t need a thing.” But you don’t even see how messed up you really are—poor, blind, and stripped bare.
  18. Listen up—I’m giving you some real advice: Buy from me some gold that’s been through the fire, so you can get truly rich. Get yourself some fresh white clothes to cover up that shameful nakedness of yours. Oh, and grab some healing salve for your eyes, so you can really see what’s going on.
  19. When I call you out, it’s ’cause I care about you and wanna set you straight. So get serious and change your ways.
  20. Yo, I’m right here, knocking on the door. If anyone hears me and opens up, I’ll come chill with them, and they with me.
  21. Whoever comes out on top, I’ll hook them up with a seat next to me on my throne—just like I did after winning and kickin’ it with my Father on His throne.
  22. If you’re tuned in, listen up to what the Spirit’s saying to the churches.
Revelation 4
  1. So then, I saw this crazy scene: a door wide open up in heaven. The voice I heard, loud and clear like a trumpet, said, “Come up here, and I’ll reveal what’s about to go down next.”
  2. Instantly, I was in the Spirit, and right there in front of me was a throne in heaven, occupied by someone powerful.
  3. The one on the throne looked like a mix of jasper and ruby, with a rainbow that glowed like an emerald all around.
  4. Around the main throne were twenty-four other thrones, and on them sat twenty-four elders. They were decked out in white threads and sported gold crowns on their heads.
  5. From the throne, there were flashes of lightning, loud rumbles, and thunderclaps. Right in front were seven blazing lamps, which represent the seven spirits of God.
  6. And right before the throne, there was this massive crystal-clear sea of glass. And in the middle, around the throne, were four wild creatures covered in eyes, front and back.
  7. The first creature was lion-like, the second had an ox vibe, the third had a human face, and the fourth was like an eagle soaring.
  8. Each of these creatures had six wings and eyes everywhere, even under their wings. They never take a break from shouting day and night: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who always was, is, and is to come.”
  9. Every time the wild creatures give props, respect, and thanks to the One chillin’ on the throne—forever and ever,
  10. the twenty-four elders bow down to the One on the throne, worshipping the eternal One. They drop their crowns before the throne and say:
  11. “You’re legit, our Lord and God, deserving all the glory, honor, and power. You made everything, and they exist because you said so.”
Revelation 5
  1. So, like, I peeped this wild scene: there’s this dude chilling on a throne, right? And in his right hand, he’s holding this scroll—it’s legit got writing on both sides and it’s sealed up tight with seven seals.
  2. Then, out of nowhere, I see this absolute unit of an angel shouting at the top of his lungs, like, “Yo, who’s got what it takes to crack open those seals and pop open that scroll?”
  3. But, like, seriously, no one—up in heaven, down here on earth, or even beneath the earth—could step up and crack open that scroll or even take a peek inside.
  4. I was straight-up bawling my eyes out, ’cause there wasn’t a single soul who was worthy enough to open the scroll or take a sneak peek.
  5. Then this elder dude comes up to me and he’s like, “Chill out, man! Check it out—the Lion from the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, he’s totally bossed up. He’s the one who can crack open that scroll and its seven seals.”
  6. So, I look over and I see this Lamb, looking like it had been sacrificed but standing tall right smack in the middle of the throne. Around it are these four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb’s got seven horns and seven eyes, which, FYI, represent the seven spirits of God sent out all over the earth.
  7. So, he straight-up walks over and grabs that scroll from the right hand of the dude chilling on the throne.
  8. And as soon as he snags it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders hit the deck before the Lamb. Each of them’s got a harp, and they’re holding these golden bowls filled with incense. Those bowls? They’re actually the prayers of God’s people.
  9. Then they dropped this fresh new track, singing: “You’re the real deal to grab that scroll and pop its seals, ’cause you laid it all down, and with your blood, you copped people for God from every crew, every tongue, every nation.
  10. You’ve set them up as a kingdom, and they’re rocking priest status to serve our God. And they’re gonna rule the earth, no doubt.”
  11. So, I peeped and heard a crazy chorus of angels—like, thousands upon thousands, and even ten thousand times ten thousand. They’re all circling around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders.
  12. And they’re straight-up belting it out at the top of their lungs: “The Lamb, who got taken out but came back stronger than ever, he’s totally deserving of power, wealth, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and all the praise!”
  13. Then I heard literally every creature—like, from heaven, earth, under the earth, even the sea, and everything in them—saying: “Big shout-out to the One on the throne and to the Lamb! They deserve all the praise, honor, glory, and power, forever and ever!”
  14. The four living creatures were like, “Word,” and the elders just bowed down and gave their props in worship.
Revelation 6
  1. So, like, I was vibing, right? And then I saw this Lamb pop open the first of seven seals. And then, boom, one of these epic living creatures goes all thunder mode and is like, “Yo, come!”
  2. And then I’m like, whoa, check this out: there’s this sick white horse rolling up! The rider’s packing a bow, rocking a crown, and you know he’s all about that conquering life, ready to dominate everything in sight.
  3. When the Lamb cracked open the second seal, the second creature was like, “Let’s go!”
  4. Then out pops another horse, blazing red-hot. The rider got the power to snatch peace from the earth and stir up a massive clash where people start taking each other out. And dude was loaded with a massive sword.
  5. So, like, when the Lamb popped the third seal, the third creature was all, “Let’s do this!” And bam, I see this sleek black horse cruising in. The rider’s got these scales in hand.
  6. Then, from among the four creatures, I hear this voice saying, “Check it—two pounds of wheat for a day’s hustle, or six pounds of barley for the same grind, and don’t mess with the oil and wine!”
  7. So, when the Lamb popped the fourth seal, I hear the fourth creature go, “Come through!”
  8. I look, and there’s this ghostly pale horse rolling up. The rider? Death himself, with Hades right on his tail. They got the power to mess up a quarter of the world—bringing death by sword, famine, plague, and even wild beasts.
  9. When he popped the fifth seal, I peeped under the altar and saw the souls of peeps who got taken out because they were all about God’s word and stayed true to their testimony.
  10. They straight-up shouted, like, “Yo, how much longer, Almighty Lord, who’s totally pure and legit, until you set things straight on earth and bring justice for our blood?”
  11. Then they all got hooked up with these fresh white robes and were told to chill a bit longer, until all their fellow believers and squad members got done dirty just like them.
  12. So then I peeped as he popped open the sixth seal. It was like the whole vibe went wild—massive earthquake, the sun looked dark and rough like goat-hair cloth, and the moon went full-on blood red,
  13. And then, like, the stars in the sky started falling to earth, just like figs dropping from a tree when it’s shaking hard from the wind.
  14. The sky itself rolled back like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island got straight up moved from where they were at.
  15. Then all the big shots—kings, princes, generals, the rich, powerful folks, and everyone else, whether they were slaves or free—started hiding in caves and among the rocks of the mountains.
  16. They were begging the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the dude on the throne and from the Lamb’s rage!”
  17. Because the day when they bring the heat has finally arrived, and who can stand up to that?
Revelation 7
  1. So, like, I peeped this vision where four angels were posted up at the four corners of the earth, chilling and holding back the winds, stopping them from blowing on the land, sea, or any tree, you know?
  2. And then, there’s this other angel rolling in from the east, rocking the seal of the living God. This angel shouts out loud to the four angels who got the power to mess up the land and the sea:
  3. “Yo, hold up on wrecking the land, sea, or trees until we seal the deal on the foreheads of our God’s peeps.”
  4. Then I clocked the count: 144,000 sealed up tight, representing all the tribes of Israel.
  5. Straight up, from the tribe of Judah, there were 12K sealed, from Reuben another 12K, and from Gad, also 12K.
  6. Asher kicked in with 12K, Naphtali brought their 12K crew, and Manasseh rounded it out with, you guessed it, 12K more.
  7. Simeon brought in their 12K squad, Levi rolled up with 12K, and Issachar matched with another 12K.
  8. Zebulun locked in their 12K crew, Joseph repped with 12K strong, and Benjamin closed it out with, yup, you guessed it, another 12K.
  9. Later, I scoped out this scene and bam, there was this massive crowd, like so huge you couldn’t even tally them up. They were from every nation, tribe, crew, and language, all posted up in front of the throne and the Lamb. Rocking fresh white robes and waving palm branches like they just won the victory lap.
  10. And they straight-up shouted out loud: “Salvation belongs to our God, posted up on the throne, and to the Lamb.”
  11. All the angels were vibing around the throne, with the elders and the four living creatures. They straight-up dropped down, faces on the floor, giving mad props to God,
  12. saying: “Heck yes! Big ups for the praise, glory, wisdom, thanks, honor, power, and strength to our God forever and ever. Amen!”
  13. Then one of the elders hit me up, asking, “Who are these in the fresh white threads, and where are they from?”
  14. I shot back, “You know best, sir.” And he dropped this knowledge: “These are the ones who’ve gone through some serious trials and cleansed their robes, making ’em pure white with the blood of the Lamb.”
  15. So, these squad are straight chillin’ in front of God’s throne, clocking in 24/7 in His crib. The One on the throne’s got their back, keeping them safe with His vibe.
  16. “They’ll never go hungry or thirsty again. No scorching sun or heat waves bother them.”
  17. The Lamb at the throne’s core is their shepherd, guiding them to those refreshing springs of living water. And God Himself will wipe away every tear from their eyes. 🙏
Revelation 8
  1. When the seventh seal got cracked open, heaven went totally silent for like half an hour.
  2. And then I peeped seven angels posted up in front of God, each packing a trumpet.
  3. Then another angel rolled up, holding a sick golden censer, and he posted up at the altar. He got blessed with a fat load of incense to burn, mixing it with the prayers of all God’s crew, right on the golden altar in front of the throne.
  4. The smoke from the incense, along with the prayers of God’s squad, rose up to God straight from the angel’s hand.
  5. Then the angel grabbed the censer, scooped up some fire from the altar, and chucked it down to earth; and bam! There were thunderclaps, rumblings, lightning bolts, and even an earthquake.
  6. Then the seven angels with their seven trumpets got ready to blow ’em.
  7. The first angel blasted his trumpet, and boom! Hail and fire mixed with blood rained down on the earth. A third of the earth got scorched, a third of the trees burned up, and all the green grass got toasted.
  8. Then the second angel blew his trumpet, and whoosh! It was like a massive fiery mountain chucked into the sea. A third of the sea turned into blood,
  9. and a third of all the living creatures in the sea straight-up died. A third of the ships got wrecked too.
  10. Then the third angel blasted his trumpet, and bam! A massive star, blazing like a torch, came crashing down from the sky onto a third of the rivers and springs of water—
  11. they named this star Wormwood. A third of the water turned all bitter, and lots of people ended up dying from drinking that bitter water.
  12. Then the fourth angel blew his trumpet, and whoa! A third of the sun got smacked, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, making them all go dark. A third of the day had no light, and same deal for a third of the night.
  13. While I was peeping this, I heard an eagle flying high up in the sky yell out loud: “Oh snap! Oh snap! Oh snap! For all the peeps on earth, brace yourselves for what’s coming with the next three trumpet blasts!”
Revelation 9
  1. Yo, so check it—when the fifth angel blew his trumpet, I peeped this star straight up falling from the sky down to Earth. And get this—the star got handed the key to the Abyss, like some next-level unlock.
  2. So, when this star used that key and popped open the Abyss, out came this insane smoke, like it was billowing out of a mega furnace or something. It was so thick it totally blacked out the sun and the whole sky.
  3. And yo, from that smoke, these locusts swarmed down onto the earth, with power like scorpions on land.
  4. Here’s the deal though—they were straight up told not to mess with the grass, plants, or trees, but only to go after those people who didn’t have God’s seal on their foreheads.
  5. So, get this—the locusts couldn’t straight up kill these peeps, just torture them for five months. And the pain they dished out was like getting stung hard by a scorpion.
  6. It’s gonna be so rough that in those days, folks will be begging for death, but it won’t come. They’ll be desperate to check out, but death will be playing hard to get.
  7. These locusts were no joke—they were like battle-ready horses. They had these crowns on their heads that looked straight-up gold, and their faces were on some human vibes.
  8. Their hair was all flowing like women’s hair, and their teeth? Man, those teeth were fierce like lions’.
  9. These locusts were decked out with breastplates that looked as tough as iron, and when they flapped their wings, it sounded like a whole cavalry charging into battle.
  10. And get this—they had tails with stingers, just like scorpions. And those tails had the power to seriously mess with people for five months straight.
  11. So, these locusts were rolling with this angel who’s in charge of the Abyss. In Hebrew, they call him Abaddon, and in Greek, it’s Apollyon—both mean “Destroyer.”
  12. Oh, and just so you know, that first woe? It’s donezo. But hold up, there’s still two more woes coming down the pipeline.
  13. When the sixth angel blew his trumpet, I heard this voice popping off from the four horns of the golden altar right in front of God.
  14. It was like, “Yo, sixth angel with the trumpet, unleash those four angels who’ve been held down at the Euphrates River.”
  15. So, check it—those four angels who were on standby for this exact moment, day, month, and year? They got the green light to go all out and take out a third of humanity.
  16. And get this—the cavalry they rolled with? It was like twenty thousand times twenty thousand, and I straight up heard that number.
  17. In my vision, the horses and riders were next level—rocking breastplates in fiery red, dark blue, and sulfur yellow. The horse heads were fierce like lions’, and they were straight up spitting fire, smoke, and sulfur from their mouths.
  18. These three plagues torched a third of humanity—they were intense, no doubt.
  19. These horses were packing some serious firepower in their mouths and tails—like, their tails were snakes with heads that could straight-up inflict damage.
  20. But here’s the thing—even after all this chaos, the rest of humanity who survived didn’t change their ways. They still kept on with their idol worship, bowing down to demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood—idols that couldn’t even see, hear, or walk.
  21. And yo, they didn’t even think about changing their ways—still sticking to their murders, their dark magic, their wild hookups, and their stealing.
Revelation 10
  1. Yo, check it out—there’s this mega angel straight dropping from heaven. Dude’s draped in a cloud with a rainbow swag above his dome; his face shines like the sun, and his legs are straight fire pillars.
  2. And get this—he’s clutching a tiny scroll, all open and chill in his hand. He plants one foot on the sea and the other on land, like he’s owning the whole scene.
  3. Then he let out a major shout, like a lion’s roar. When he shouted, the seven thunders started spitting truths.
  4. As I was about to jot down what they said, a heavenly voice told me, “Nah, keep that under wraps. Don’t put it down on paper.”
  5. Then the angel I saw posted up on the sea and land threw up his right hand to heaven.
  6. And he swore by the eternal dude, the creator of everything up there in the sky, down here on earth, and even in the sea—like, all of it. And he dropped this truth bomb: “No more waiting around, fam!”
  7. When the seventh angel is about to blow his trumpet, that’s when God’s big mystery will be fully revealed, just like he told his prophets way back.
  8. Then the voice I heard from heaven spoke up again, saying, “Go and grab that open scroll from the angel chilling on the sea and land.”
  9. So I rolled up to the angel and straight-up asked him for the little scroll. He was like, “Take it and munch on it. It’s gonna mess with your stomach, but it’ll taste sweet like honey in your mouth.”
  10. I snagged the little scroll from the angel’s hand and chowed down. It was legit sweet like honey in my mouth, but afterward, it messed with my stomach big time.
  11. Then I got the word: “You gotta drop more prophecy about tons of peeps, nations, languages, and kings.”
Revelation 11
  1. So, like, I got this reed thingy that’s like a measuring rod, and this voice was all, “Go measure the temple of God and the altar, and count those who are worshiping there.
  2. But hold up, don’t measure the outer court ’cause it’s all going to the Gentiles. They’re gonna tread all over the holy city for 42 months.”
  3. And I’m gonna pick two witnesses, and they’re gonna be speaking truths for like 1,260 days, dressed in sackcloth.
  4. They’re like the “two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and they’re all standing before the Lord of the earth.
  5. If anyone tries to mess with them, fire shoots outta their mouths and totally takes down their enemies. That’s how anyone trying to mess with them gets taken out.
  6. They can also make it so the skies don’t rain while they’re prophesying, and they can turn water into blood and unleash all kinds of plagues on the earth whenever they feel like it.
  7. Once they finish telling their story, this beast from the Abyss will roll up and go after them, overpowering and taking them out.
  8. Their bodies will be left in the streets of this major city, which is like symbolically called Sodom and Egypt—where their Lord was crucified too.
  9. For like three and a half days, people from everywhere—different tribes, languages, and nations—will be staring at their bodies and refusing to bury them.
  10. Everyone on earth will be hyped up about it, celebrating and sending each other gifts, because these two prophets really got under the skin of those living on earth.
  11. But after three and a half days, God’s breath of life pumped back into them, and they stood right up. Everyone who saw them freaked out big time.
  12. Then a loud voice from heaven was like, “Yo, come up here!” And they shot up to heaven in a cloud while their enemies watched in shock.
  13. Right then, a major earthquake hit, and like, a chunk of the city crumbled—pretty intense stuff. About seven thousand peeps didn’t make it through, but those who did were freaked out and started praising the God of heaven.
  14. That second wave of trouble? Done and dusted. But hang tight, ’cause the third one’s about to drop.
  15. When the seventh angel blasted his trumpet, there was this epic noise in heaven. Everyone was shouting, “Now the world belongs to our Lord and his Messiah! They’re gonna rule forever and ever!”
  16. Then, those twenty-four elders, chilling on their thrones in front of God, dropped to their knees and started worshipping Him.
  17. They were like, “Big thanks to you, Lord God Almighty, the One who’s been here forever and still is. You’ve grabbed hold of your incredible power and started ruling.
  18. People were furious, and now your anger’s showing. It’s time to judge those who’ve passed away and reward your servants, the prophets, and all your peeps who honor your name, no matter if they’re big shots or regular folks— and to take down those wrecking the earth.”
  19. Then the temple of God up in heaven swung wide open, and inside, everyone caught sight of the ark of his covenant. Suddenly, there were flashes of lightning, loud rumbles, thunderclaps, an earthquake, and a heavy hailstorm.
Revelation 12
  1. Yo, peep this epic vision straight outta heaven: There was this rad woman decked out in the sun, rockin’ the moon under her feet, and sportin’ a crown with twelve stars.
  2. She was preggo and totally letting out cries ’cause she was about to give birth.
  3. And then check this out, another wild sign popped up in heaven: a massive red dragon with seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns on its heads.
  4. This dragon’s tail straight up swept a third of the stars outta the sky and chucked ’em down to Earth. It was all posted up in front of the woman who was about to give birth, ready to snack on her child as soon as it was born.
  5. She had her baby, a son, who was destined to rule all nations with an iron grip. Her child got snatched up to God and his throne.
  6. Then the woman bounced into the wilderness, to a spot set up by God, where she could chill for 1,260 days, taken care of and all.
  7. Then straight up, all-out war went down in heaven. Michael and his crew squared up against the dragon, and the dragon and his squad didn’t hold back.
  8. But guess what? They couldn’t hang, and they got kicked outta heaven, lost their spot and all.
  9. The mega dragon got straight yeeted—yeah, that ancient serpent known as the devil or Satan, who’s been leading everyone astray. He got chucked down to Earth, along with his crew of angels.
  10. Then I heard this booming voice up in heaven saying: “Now our God’s power and kingdom, and his Messiah’s authority, have arrived. That accuser of our fam, who’s been throwing shade day and night before God, he’s been hurled down.”
  11. They totally owned him with the Lamb’s blood and their stories—they didn’t even fear death, yo.
  12. So, heaven and all who live there, celebrate big time! But dang, earth and sea, watch out—devil’s down there now and he’s raging hard, knowing he’s on borrowed time.”
  13. When the dragon peeped that he got thrown to Earth, he started chasing after the woman who birthed that son.
  14. But check this—the woman got hooked up with two mega eagle wings, so she could jet to this spot in the wilderness that God had set up for her. There, she’d be looked after for a while, like a time, times, and half a time, safe from the serpent’s reach.
  15. Then that serpent spit out water like a massive river from its mouth, trying to drown the woman and sweep her away.
  16. But the earth came through big time—opened up its mouth and gulped down the river the dragon had barfed out.
  17. The dragon was totally fuming at the woman and bounced to start a war with her other kids—those who stay true to God’s commands and stand strong in their testimony about Jesus.
Revelation 13
  1. Yo, check it — there was this dragon posted up by the sea, and then I peeped this beast rolling out from the waves. This thing was decked out with ten horns and seven heads, rockin’ ten crowns on its horns, and each head had some straight-up disrespectful names on ’em.
  2. This beast looked wild, like a leopard, but its feet were straight bear-mode and its mouth? Lion vibes all the way. The dragon hooked this beast up big time, givin’ it power, a throne, and major authority.
  3. Yo, peep this: one of the heads of the beast looked like it got smoked, but then it bounced back like nothing happened. Everybody was shook and started riding hard for the beast.
  4. People started bowing down to the dragon ’cause he hooked the beast up with power. They started worshiping the beast too, saying, “Yo, who’s as lit as this beast? Who can even step to it in a battle?”
  5. This beast got a mouth that’s all about flexin’ with pride and talkin’ smack, using its authority for a solid three and a half years.
  6. It started spewin’ straight disrespect at God, dissin’ His name, His crib, and even those up in heaven.
  7. This beast was handed the power to go up against God’s squad and straight up dominate them. It got authority over every crew, nation, language—you name it.
  8. Everyone on the planet will be bowin’ down to this beast—everyone whose names ain’t in the Lamb’s book of life, that is. This Lamb’s been holding it down since day one, since the world was made.
  9. Yo, listen up, everyone who’s tuned in!
  10. “If someone’s meant to be locked down, they’ll be locked down. If someone’s meant to bite it by the sword, that’s how it’ll go down.” This is a time for God’s squad to stay strong, keep the faith, and hold steady.
  11. Then I peeped this second beast rolling out from the ground. It had two horns like a lamb, but when it spoke, it came off like straight dragon vibes.
  12. This beast was repping hard for the first one, wielding all its authority and making everyone on the earth bow down to the first beast, the one that miraculously bounced back from a fatal hit.
  13. This beast was pulling off insane miracles, like straight-up bringing fire down from the sky for everyone to see.
  14. With these crazy tricks it was doing for the first beast, it had everyone on earth fooled. It even told them to set up an image to worship the beast that got stabbed but somehow survived.
  15. This second beast got the power to make the image of the first beast come alive, so it could talk and anyone who didn’t bow down to it would get taken out.
  16. It made everyone—big shots, regular peeps, rich folks, poor folks, free folk, and those on lockdown—get a mark on their right hand or forehead.
  17. So, here’s the deal: no buying or selling without that mark, which is either the name of the beast or some number linked to it.
  18. You gotta be wise about this. If you’re sharp, you can figure out the number of the beast—it’s tied to a human number, and that number is 666.
Revelation 14
  1. So, like, I saw this epic scene—there was this Lamb, chillin’ on Mount Zion, and guess what? He had with him 144,000 squad members, all reppin’ his name and his Father’s name on their foreheads.
  2. And then, boom! I heard this crazy sound from heaven, yo—it was like the roar of massive waves crashin’ and thunder boomin’ loud. The vibe was like expert harpists just killin’ it with their jams on harps.
  3. So, picture this: they’re straight vibing with a brand-new song, right in front of the throne, the four living creatures, and the elders. This tune? Only the 144,000 who got redeemed from the earth can groove to it.
  4. These are the ones who kept it pure, stayin’ true without gettin’ involved romantically. They’re ride-or-die with the Lamb, always rollin’ wherever he leads. They were picked out from humanity, offered up as the first batch of goodness to God and the Lamb.
  5. Straight up, no cap—there ain’t no lies comin’ from their mouths; they’re straight-up blameless.
  6. So, check it out: I peeped another angel straight cruising in midair, holding the eternal gospel, ready to drop it on everyone living on Earth—no matter their nation, tribe, language, or crew.
  7. And this angel boomed out loud and clear, saying, “Respect God and give Him props, ’cause it’s judgment time. Show love to the One who made the heavens, the earth, the seas, and all the fresh water sources.”
  8. Then, like, another angel came through and dropped this bomb: “Yo, Babylon the Great has totally fallen—she got everyone sippin’ that crazy wine of her shady stuff.”
  9. And then a third angel rolled up and shouted out loud, saying: “Listen up! If anyone starts bowing down to the beast and its image, or gets marked on their forehead or hand,
  10. “Yo, peeps gonna sip on God’s full-strength fury poured into His wrath cup. They’ll deal with burning sulfur vibes chillin’ with holy angels and the Lamb.”
  11. “Their torment smoke keeps rising non-stop, forever and ever. No chill day or night for those who bow to the beast and its image, or take its name tattoo.
  12. But yo, this is where God’s crew needs steady patience and stay true to Jesus, keeping His commands.”
  13. “Yo, a voice from heaven dropped this: ‘Check it—blessed are those who die reppin’ the Lord from now on.’ The Spirit’s like, ‘Word up, they’ll finally chill from the grind, and their good vibes will stick around.’”
  14. “So, I peeped this scene—there’s this dope white cloud, and chilling on it was someone like a son of man, rockin’ a gold crown on his head and holding a sharp sickle.
  15. Then, outta nowhere, another angel rolled outta the temple and shouted loud to the dude on the cloud, ‘Yo, grab your sickle and start cuttin’, ‘cause it’s time to harvest! The earth’s all ripe and ready.’”
  16. “So the guy chillin’ on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and bam, the whole earth got harvested.
  17. Then another angel stepped outta heaven’s temple, rockin’ his own sharp sickle.”
  18. “Then another angel, in charge of the fire vibes, bounced from the altar and hollered loud to the dude with the sharp sickle, ‘Yo, grab that sickle and snatch those grape clusters from earth’s vine, ‘cause they’re fully ripe.’
  19. The angel then swung his sickle on the earth, scooped up those grapes, and tossed ’em into God’s massive wrath winepress.”
  20. “They got crushed in the winepress outside the city, and blood gushed out, reaching as high as the horses’ bridles for a distance of 1,600 stadia.”
Revelation 15
  1. Check it out, fam! I peeped in heaven and there was this crazy awesome sight: seven angels with the ultimate last plagues—like, final countdown vibes ’cause these plagues wrap up God’s wrath.
  2. Also, I spotted this epic scene: a sea of glass lit up with fire, and standing by it were these champs who totally conquered the beast, its image, and even its number. They were rocking harps given to them straight from God.
  3. “Yo, Lord God Almighty, your moves are straight fire—amazing and mind-blowing. Your ways are totally legit, King of all nations.
  4. Who wouldn’t be awestruck by you, Lord, and give mad props to your name? ‘Cause you alone are holy. Every nation’s gonna show up and worship before you, ’cause your righteous game is on point.”
  5. So then, I checked it out and peeped in heaven, and there was this lit temple—like, the real deal tabernacle of the covenant law—and it was wide open.
  6. Out of the temple rolled these seven angels, each packing one of the seven plagues. They were decked out in fresh, clean linen threads, and they had golden sashes poppin’ around their chests.
  7. Then one of the four living creatures hooked up the seven angels with seven sick golden bowls filled with God’s eternal wrath.
  8. And the temple got smoky AF from God’s glory and power—like, no one could even step inside until those seven plagues from the angels were done doing their thing.
Revelation 16
  1. So, like, this mega loud voice from the temple was all, “Yo, seven angels, go and drop those seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.”
  2. And the first angel, he went and poured his bowl on the land. Suddenly, gross, festering sores popped up on those who were all about that mark of the beast and worshipped its image.
  3. Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it went full-on blood red like from a dead person, and every living thing in the sea straight-up died.
  4. Next, the third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and bam, they turned into blood too.
  5. So then I hear this angel who’s in charge of the waters saying: “You’re totally righteous in these judgments, O Holy One, the one who always has been and always will be;
  6. ‘cause they’ve totally spilled the blood of your holy peeps and prophets, and you’re giving them blood to drink—like, that’s what they deserve.”
  7. And then the altar was like, “For real, Lord God Almighty, your judgments are totally true and fair.”
  8. So, the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given the green light to scorch people with fiery heat.
  9. It got super intense with the heat, and they started cursing God’s name. He was the one behind these plagues, but even then, they refused to change their ways and give Him props.
  10. Then the fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its whole kingdom went pitch black. People were literally gnawing on their tongues from the agony.
  11. They were straight-up cursing the God of heaven because of all their pain and those nasty sores, but still, they wouldn’t change their ways and own up to their actions.
  12. Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the mega river Euphrates, and its water straight-up dried up to make way for the kings from the East.
  13. So then I peeped these three sketchy spirits that looked like frogs—straight outta the dragon’s mouth, the beast’s mouth, and the false prophet’s mouth.
  14. These are some real demonic spirits pulling off crazy signs, and they’re out there hustling to gather up all the kings worldwide for this big showdown on the mighty day of God Almighty.
  15. “Yo, check it—I’m coming like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays woke and keeps their gear on, so they don’t end up naked and embarrassed.”
  16. So, they got all these kings together to this spot called Armageddon in Hebrew.
  17. Then the seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and bam, from the temple comes this loud voice from the throne saying, “It’s a wrap!”
  18. Next thing you know, there were flashes of lightning, crazy rumblings, thunderclaps, and this mega earthquake. Like, nothing this intense has ever happened since humans have been around—it was that massive.
  19. So, the big city split into three parts, and all the cities of the nations totally collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and served up her a cup filled with the wine of His fierce anger.
  20. Like, every island was gone, and even the mountains were nowhere to be seen.
  21. Then from the sky, massive hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds, started dropping on people. They started cursing God because of this insane hailstorm—it was that brutal.
Revelation 17
  1. So, one of the seven angels who had those seven crazy bowls showed up and was like, “Yo, come with me. I’ll show you how this mega-prostitute gets what’s coming to her. She’s chilling by a ton of waters, you know?”
  2. Turns out, this lady’s been getting cozy with all the kings of the earth, and everyone else on the planet has been totally hooked on the wild stuff she’s been up to.
  3. So, the angel whisked me away in the Spirit to this desolate place. And there, I saw this woman sitting on this beast that was all decked out with crazy names dissing God, and it had seven heads and ten horns.
  4. This woman herself was dressed to the nines in purple and scarlet, blinging with gold, jewels, and pearls. She had this golden cup in her hand, filled with all sorts of nasty stuff and the gross things she’s been into.
  5. On her forehead was this wild inscription: “BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF ALL THE BAD STUFF AND THE WORST THINGS ON EARTH.”
  6. I peeped that this woman was wasted off the blood of God’s righteous crew, the ones who stood up for Jesus. Man, when I saw all this goin’ down, I was shook to the core.
  7. Then the angel was like, “Dude, why are you so shook? Let me break it down for you about this woman and the beast she’s rollin’ with—yeah, the one with seven heads and ten horns.
  8. This beast you saw? It used to be kickin’, then it vanished, but it’s gonna pop back up from the Abyss and head straight for its own wreckin’. People all over the earth who ain’t got their names in the life book from way back will be trippin’ when they see this beast. It was here, disappeared, and now it’s makin’ a comeback.”
  9. “Okay, listen up and use your brain for a sec. Those seven heads? They represent seven hills where that woman’s posted up.
  10. “They also stand for seven kings. Five are out of the picture, one’s still in power, and the last one hasn’t shown up yet. But when he does, he ain’t stickin’ around for long.”
  11. Yo, the beast that used to be around but ain’t now, he’s like an eighth king. He’s connected to the seven and headed for total wipeout.
  12. Those ten horns you peeped? They’re ten kings who haven’t got their kingdoms yet, but they’re gonna snag power real quick—just for a hot minute—alongside the beast.
  13. They’re all about one thing: boosting up the beast with their power and authority.
  14. They’re gearing up for a showdown against the Lamb, but guess what? The Lamb’s gonna crush ’em because he’s the ultimate Lord and King. And rolling with him? His crew—called, chosen, and staying true to the end.
  15. So the angel tells me, “Those waters where the prostitute chills? They’re all about peoples, tons of folks, nations, and all kinds of languages.
  16. The beast and those ten horns? Yeah, they’re gonna straight-up despise the prostitute. They’ll wreck her, strip her bare, devour her, and light her up in flames.
  17. God’s the one who’s nudged them to do it, so they’re all in, handing over their power to the beast until everything God said comes true.
  18. That woman you peeped? She’s the mega city that’s bossin’ over all the earth’s big shots.
Revelation 18
  1. So, I peeped this angel straight coming down from heaven, rocking mad authority, and the whole earth lit up ‘cause of how dazzling he was.
  2. And then, with this booming voice, he straight up shouted: “Yo, Babylon the Great done fell! She’s become a crib for demons, a hangout for every shady spirit, and a chill spot for all kinds of nasty creatures, yo.”
  3. Yo, all the nations got lit on the wild juice of her cheating ways. The kings of the earth straight up hooked up with her, and the big-shot merchants got banked off her crazy rich lifestyle.
  4. Then this other voice from heaven drops the line: “Yo, peeps, bounce outta there, my squad, so you don’t get caught up in her mess, and avoid getting hit with her punishment;
  5. ’cause her wrongs are stacking all the way up to heaven, and God’s clocking her offenses.”
  6. “She gotta get what she gave, double trouble for all her actions. Pour her up a double shot from her own stash.
  7. Let her feel the pain and suffering to match all the fame and luxury she flaunted. In her pride, she’s like, ‘I’m the queen, untouched and forever in power.’”
  8. So, in a hot minute, all her bad vibes gonna catch up: death, mourning, and hunger. She’ll get burned up, ‘cause the Lord God, He’s heavy and righteous when He lays down the judgment.
  9. “When those big-shot kings who hooked up with her and vibed with her lavish lifestyle peep the smoke from her burning, they gonna straight-up cry and mourn for her.
  10. They’ll be shook, standing back and yelling out: ‘Dang! Dang to you, Babylon, you mega city! Your time’s up in just a flash!’”
  11. “The business peeps of the earth gonna cry and feel the loss ’cause no one’s copping their goods no more—
  12. Stuff like bling-bling gold, silver, gems, and pearls; fancy threads in linen, purple, silk, and scarlet; all kinds of boss wood like citron, plus items in ivory, swank wood, bronze, iron, and marble;”
  13. “They used to ship cinnamon, spices, incense, myrrh, and frankincense; also wine, olive oil, fine flour, and wheat; livestock like cattle and sheep; horses and fancy rides; and even people bought and sold as slaves.
  14. “Now they be saying, ‘All that swag you wanted is gone, fam. Your fancy life and bling are gone for good, never coming back.’”
  15. “Those hustlers who made bank selling this stuff, they’ll be standing back, scared stiff by her suffering. They’ll be bawling and grieving,
  16. screaming out: ‘Oh no! Oh no! Big city, you were decked out in the finest threads—linen, purple, scarlet—and dripping with bling, gems, and pearls!
  17. “All that wealth gone in just an hour! Every sea captain, cruise-goer, sailor, and anyone who makes a living from the sea will be standing way back,
  18. watching the smoke rise from her destruction, saying, ‘Has there ever been a city as epic as this one?’”
  19. “They’ll be tossing dust on their heads, crying and mourning, yelling out: ‘Oh no! Oh no! Big city, where all the ship owners got mad stacks from your wealth! Now you’re wrecked in just an hour!’
  20. “But yo, heaven, you can celebrate! And all God’s crew, shout out! Apostles and prophets, too! ‘Cause God served her the same way she served you.”
  21. “Then this massive angel grabs a huge boulder, like a massive millstone, and chucks it into the sea, saying: ‘That’s how hard Babylon’s gonna fall, never to rise again.
  22. “No more tunes from harps, musicians, pipers, or trumpeters. No workers hustling their trades. No sound of grinding millstones. It’s all gone.’”
  23. “No more lamps lighting up your streets. No more wedding bells ringing out. Your big-shot merchants ruled the world, and with your tricks, you led all nations astray.
  24. “In you, they found the blood of prophets and God’s righteous ones—everyone who’s been done wrong across the earth.”
Revelation 19
  1. Yo, check it—after this, I heard a massive crowd up in heaven straight up cheering: “Hallelujah! Our God owns it all—salvation, glory, power!
  2. ‘Cause His judgments are straight fire and legit. He’s dropped the hammer on that shady lady who messed up the earth with her scandals. It’s payback time for all the homies she hurt.”
  3. Then they shouted again: “Hallelujah! Her smoke goes up forever and ever.”
  4. The twenty-four elders and the four living creatures bowed down and praised God, who was chillin’ on the throne. They shouted: “Amen, Hallelujah!”
  5. Then this voice boomed from the throne, saying: “Yo, praise our God, all you who serve Him, whether you’re big-time or just starting out!”
  6. Then I heard this huge crowd, sounding like a wild river and booming thunder, yelling: “Hallelujah! Our Lord God Almighty is in charge!”
  7. Let’s get hyped and celebrate, giving mad props to Him! The Lamb’s wedding is on, and His bride is all set.
  8. She’s decked out in fine, clean threads (which represent the righteous acts of God’s holy crew).
  9. Then the angel hit me up, saying, “Write this down: It’s lit for those who score invites to the Lamb’s wedding feast!” He went on, “These words are straight from God, no cap.”
  10. When I heard this, I dropped to worship the angel, but he shut it down real quick. “Nah, bro, I’m just like you and all the crew who rep Jesus. We’re all in this together. Only vibe with God! The Spirit of prophecy is all about Jesus.”
  11. I peeped heaven cracking wide open, and there appeared a dope white horse. The rider? They call him Faithful and True. He’s all about fairness, handing out justice and bringing the heat in battle.
  12. His eyes are straight fire, and he’s rocking mad crowns on his head. There’s a name on him that only he knows, mysterious and deep.
  13. Check it out—dude’s rocking a robe dipped in blood, and they call him the Word of God.
  14. The heavenly squad rolls deep behind him, cruising on white horses, dressed to impress in fresh white linen.
  15. Out of his mouth, he’s got this sharp sword that’s like straight-up cutting through nations. “He’s gonna rule them with an iron grip,” they say. He’s stomping out the wrath of God Almighty like he’s crushing grapes in a winepress.
  16. On his robe and inked on his thigh, check this out: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.
  17. Then I peeped an angel posted up in the sun, shouting out loud to all the birds cruising midair, “Yo, come through and gather up for God’s epic feast,
  18. so you can chow down on the flesh of kings, generals, the heavy hitters, their horses and riders, and everyone else—free or in chains, big or small.”
  19. So, peep this—there I saw the beast and all the big shot rulers of the earth, plus their squads, all geared up for a showdown against the rider on the horse and his crew.
  20. But here’s the kicker—the beast got nabbed, and with it, the fake prophet who was pulling tricks and deceiving those who bought into the beast’s mark and worshipped its image. They both got tossed alive into the blazing lake of sulfur.
  21. The rest got wiped out by the sword that came from the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds went to town on their remains.
Revelation 20
  1. So, check it out—this wild vision I had: this angel drops down from heaven, straight-up wielding the key to the Abyss and rocking this massive chain in hand.
  2. And then bam! He grabs the dragon, you know, that ancient serpent who’s like the OG devil or Satan, and just locks him down for a thousand years.
  3. So, here’s what went down next: he chucks the dragon into the Abyss and seals it tight, making sure he can’t mess with anyone for a thousand years. But get this, after that, the dragon gets a brief timeout.
  4. Then, I peeped some thrones with judges sitting on them. Plus, I saw the souls of those who got beheaded ’cause they were all about Jesus and God’s word. They didn’t bow to the beast or its image, or sport its mark on their foreheads or hands. They came to life and ruled alongside Christ for a thousand years.
  5. Here’s the scoop: the rest of the deceased didn’t come back to life until after the thousand years were up. This is what they call the first resurrection.
  6. Now, major props and respect to those who get in on this first resurrection. The second death won’t touch them at all, and they’re set to be priests for God and Christ, ruling right alongside them for a thousand years.
  7. So, after the thousand years wrap up, Satan’s getting sprung from lockdown.
  8. He’s gonna hit the streets again, stirring up trouble and tricking nations all over the place—Gog and Magog, you name it. They’ll be rallying up like the sand on a beach for a massive showdown.
  9. So, get this—the crew Satan gathered marched all over the place and set up shop around God’s peeps and the city He cherishes. But then, boom! Fire straight from heaven swoops down and wipes them out.
  10. And as for the devil who led them astray? He got tossed into this blazing hot lake of sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet already got sent. They’re in for a non-stop, everlasting torment day and night.
  11. So, then I peeped this massive white throne with the One sitting on it. The earth and sky were like, peace out, couldn’t handle being around Him.
  12. And check it, all kinds of peeps—big shots and regular folks—were standing there in front of the throne. They cracked open some books, including the Book of Life. Turns out, everyone was getting judged based on their actions, all laid out in those books.
  13. So, get this—everybody who was chillin’ in the sea, death, and Hades got brought up for judgment based on their deeds.
  14. And then, bam! Death and Hades themselves got tossed into this blazing lake of fire. That place is the real deal, the second death.
  15. So, here’s the deal: if your name wasn’t in the Book of Life, you ended up in the lake of fire.
Revelation 21
  1. So, picture this—everything got a major upgrade: new heaven, new earth. The old ones? Totally gone, even the sea.
  2. And then, I caught sight of the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, dropping down from heaven, all decked out like a bride ready to tie the knot with her husband.
  3. Then this booming voice from the throne was like, “Check it out! God’s setting up shop right here with everyone. He’s gonna live among us—His crew. We’ll be His peeps, and God Himself will be our God.
  4. “He’s gonna wipe away every tear from our eyes. No more death, crying, or pain ’cause all that old stuff is gone for good.”
  5. The One chilling on the throne dropped this line: “I’m making everything fresh, yo!” Then He’s like, “Jot this down ’cause what I’m saying is legit and true.”
  6. And He told me straight up: “It’s a wrap. I’m the A to Z, the start and the finish. Anyone who’s craving it, I’m hooking them up with life’s water, no charge, straight from the spring of life.”
  7. Here’s the deal: those who crush it and come out on top, they’re gonna score all of this, and I’ll be their God while they rock it as my crew.
  8. But for those who punk out, don’t believe, act nasty, kill, get freaky in all the wrong ways, do magic, idolize stuff, or straight-up lie—they’re headed for the fiery lake of sulfur. That’s the second death, no coming back from that.
  9. So, this one angel, packing the bowls with the last of the plagues, rolls up to me and goes, “Yo, come peep this—I’ll show you the Lamb’s bride, his wifey.”
  10. Next thing I know, I’m whisked away in the Spirit to this massive mountain, and there it is: the Holy City, Jerusalem, sliding down from heaven, straight from God.
  11. This city was lit up with God’s glory, shining like some epic bling—think top-tier jewels, clear as crystal, like jasper.
  12. And get this: it had this massive wall, super tall, with twelve gates guarded by twelve angels. Each gate had the names of the twelve tribes of Israel engraved on it.
  13. Check it out—this city had three gates each on the east, north, south, and west sides, keeping it balanced.
  14. And peep this: the city wall was solid with twelve foundations, and each one had the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb engraved on them.
  15. So, the angel who was chatting with me had this sick gold measuring rod to size up the city, its gates, and its walls.
  16. Turns out, the city was like a perfect square—same length as width. He measured it up and it was 12,000 stadia long, wide, and high.
  17. So, the angel busted out a regular ol’ measuring tape to check the wall—it was a whopping 144 cubits thick.
  18. And get this: the wall was made of jasper, and the whole city was pure gold, clear as glass—blinged out to the max.
  19. The city walls were lit up with bling, seriously, every kind of precious stone you could imagine. Picture it: jasper was first, then sapphire, agate, and emerald.
  20. Next up, we’ve got onyx, ruby, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, turquoise, jacinth, and amethyst—each one bringing its own vibe to the party, making those foundations shine bright and looking totally on point.
  21. So, get this: the twelve gates were all pearls, each one made from a single pearl—talk about luxury. And the main street of the city? Solid gold, as clear as glass, like, next level bling.
  22. But here’s the kicker: there wasn’t even a temple in sight ’cause the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple themselves. It’s all about them, straight up.
  23. Check it out—this city doesn’t need the sun or the moon to light it up ’cause God’s glory is the real deal, shining bright. And the Lamb? He’s like the lamp, keeping things lit.
  24. All the nations are gonna stroll in that light, and even the big shots on earth will roll in with their top-notch swagger.
  25. Check it out—those gates won’t ever close, not even for a sec, ’cause there’s no night in this place.
  26. All the good vibes and respect from every nation will flow right in.
  27. But here’s the deal: nothing shady or impure is getting in here, no one pulling sketchy moves or acting shameful. Only the crew whose names are in the Lamb’s book of life—they’re the ones making the cut.
Revelation 22
  1. So, like, the angel takes me to this epic scene—picture this: a river of pure life water, crystal clear, flowing straight from God’s throne and the Lamb’s, you know?
  2. And get this—right down the main street of this mega city, there’s this massive river. On each side, towering above, stands the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, with fresh fruit popping out every single month. And get this—its leaves are like healing vibes for all the nations.
  3. So, check it—there won’t be any more curses. God and the Lamb are gonna be right in the city, and all his crew will be serving him.
  4. And get this—everyone’s gonna see his face, and his name will be tagged right on their foreheads.
  5. No more night vibes. No need for lamps or even sunlight, ‘cause the Lord God himself will light things up. And they’ll be reigning forever and ever.
  6. The angel was like, “Yo, these words are legit and true. The Lord, the God who inspires the prophets, sent me to show his peeps what’s gonna go down soon.”
  7. “Check it out—I’m coming soon! Blessed is anyone who stays true to the prophecy written in this scroll.”
  8. 8 So, it’s me, John, who heard and saw all this goin’ down. And when I heard and saw it, I was so awestruck, I fell down to worship at the angel’s feet who was showing me all this.
  9. 9 But he was like, “Nah, don’t trip. I’m just another servant like you and all the prophets, and everyone who’s keeping it real with the words in this scroll. Worship God!”
  10. 10 Then he was like, “Don’t keep these words on the DL, ‘cause it’s almost time.
  11. 11 Let those who do wrong keep doing their thing, and let the gross ones stay gross. And on the flip side, let those who do right keep doing right, and let the holy ones stay holy.”
  12. “Yo, I’m coming soon! I got my reward ready, and I’m gonna hook everyone up based on what they’ve been up to.
  13. I’m the Alpha and the Omega, the OG and the Last, the Start and the Finish.”
  14. “Big blessings to those who keep their vibe clean, ‘cause they’ll get access to the tree of life and can roll through the gates into the city.
  15. But outside? It’s a different scene—dogs, sorcerers, those all about that shady stuff, killers, idol worshipers, and anyone who’s into straight-up lies.”
  16. “Yo, it’s me, Jesus, sending my angel to drop this testimony for the churches. I’m like, the OG descendant of David, and I shine bright like the Morning Star.”
  17. The Spirit and the bride are saying, “Come on!” And anyone who hears should say, “Come on!” Whoever’s thirsty, come through; whoever’s down, grab this free gift of the water of life.
  18. Listen up, everyone who’s tuning into this prophecy: if anyone tries to add their own spin to these words, God’s gonna bring down the plagues as written in this scroll upon them.
  19. And if anyone tries to erase or water down the words of this prophecy, God’s gonna erase their share of the tree of life and the Holy City, as described in this scroll.
  20. The one who vouches for all this says, “For sure, I’m coming soon.” Amen. Come through, Lord Jesus.
  21. May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all God’s crew. Amen.