
Psalms 1
  1. Yo, check it: Blessed is the one who ain’t taking advice from those who ain’t down with God, or chillin’ with those who do shady stuff, or rolling with those who throw shade at others.
  2. But they’re all about that LORD’s law; they’re straight-up soaking it in day and night, no cap.
  3. They’ll be like a lit tree, planted by the streams, always bringing in some dope fruit right on time. Their leaves stay fresh, and everything they do is straight fire and successful.
  4. But yo, the haters of God, they ain’t on that level: they more like the whack stuff that gets blown away by the wind.
  5. So, like, when it’s judgment time, the wicked won’t be holding it down, and the sinners won’t be vibing with the righteous crew.
  6. The LORD knows what’s up with the righteous, but the ungodly? They’re straight-up doomed.
Psalms 2
  1. Yo, why are the haters so hyped, and why are people wasting their time on pointless vibes?
  2. Bro, like, the big shots of the world are straight up scheming against God and His chosen one, you feel me? They’re like, ‘Let’s take ’em down.’
  3. Let’s ditch their rules and break free from their restrictions, fam.
  4. The one up in the heavens gonna have a good laugh: the Lord’s gonna clown on ’em.
  5. And He’s gonna be so lit, like, seriously furious, totally gonna shake ’em up and show His strong disapproval.
  6. I’ve picked my king to rule on my super holy hill called Zion. #Anointed #ZionVibes
  7. Listen up! I gotta drop some wisdom: the big guy upstairs told me straight up, you’re my bro; I’ve officially brought you into this world today. #RealTalk
  8. Just hit me up, and I’ll hand over the haters as your inheritance, and the farthest corners of the earth as your turf.
  9. You’re gonna straight-up crush them with an iron rod, like shattering a potter’s bowl into pieces.
  10. Yo, rulers, it’s time to level up your wisdom game. And judges of the earth, listen up and get schooled.
  11. Worship the LORD with mad respect, and get your hype on with a hint of reverence.
  12. Show love to the Son, or else he might get heated and you’ll lose your way when he gets even a little triggered. It’s a total blessing for those who put their faith in him.
Psalms 3
  1. [A Psalm by David, when he dipped from his son Absalom.] O God, bro, why’s the squad multiplying on me? Seems like everyone’s coming at me from all angles.
  2. So many out here thinking my soul’s doomed, like God’s hands are tied. Pause and let that sink in.
  3. But yo, God, You’re my ultimate shield, my honor, and the lifter of my head when I’m low.
  4. I hit up the LORD like, ‘yo, help me out,’ and He heard me loud and clear from His holy spot. Take a moment to ponder on that.
  5. I crashed for the night and KO’d; woke up, all thanks to the LORD keeping me going.
  6. Ain’t sweating a big crowd swarming me from every side, no matter how deep they roll.
  7. Yo, God, I’m calling for backup! Rise up and save me, ’cause You straight-up wrecked all my haters. You busted their grills, God!
  8. The Lord’s got our backs with salvation, and His blessings are on His crew. Pause and reflect on that.
Psalms 4
  1. [To the ultimate DJ, with beats on fleek, A Litty Psalm by David.] Listen up when I hit you up, O God of my righteousness: You totally boosted me up when I was down; show me some love and tune into my prayer.
  2. Yo, people, how much longer are you gonna flip my glory and make it embarrassing? How much longer are you gonna be all about useless stuff and chasing lies? Pause and think about it.
  3. But just FYI, the LORD has like totally chosen those who are always doing good for Himself: He’s gonna listen up when I hit Him up for real.
  4. Be completely blown away, but don’t mess up: have a real deep convo with yourself before you KO for the night and just chill. Pause and reflect on that.
  5. Do the right thing and have faith in the LORD.
  6. Lots of peeps be like, ‘Yo, who gonna hook us up with some lit stuff?’ But, Lord, can you just bless us with the glow of your presence?
  7. You’ve filled my heart with joy, way more than when they were raking in mad crops and getting their wine on.
  8. I’m totally chillaxing and getting some Z’s in complete tranquility, because, yo, the LORD’s got my back and keeps me wicked safe.
Psalms 5
  1. [Hey awesome DJ, for real, this is a lit track by David.] Yo, God, listen up to what I gotta say, for realz, really mulling this over.
  2. Listen up to my cry, my fam, my ultimate power: ’cause I’ll be sending my prayers your way.
  3. God, I’ll hit you up in the morning. Gonna slide into your DMs with my prayers and lift my spirit up. 🙏
  4. Like, you’re not about that wickedness, God. Evil doesn’t got a place in your vibes.
  5. Those who lack wisdom won’t last in your presence: you have no love for those who do evil.
  6. You better cancel those who be spewing lies: God gonna be disgusted by those violent and sneaky peeps.
  7. But me, I’m gonna slide into your crib with mad love and respect, and I’m gonna flex on worshiping in awe at your holy spot. You know, that temple of pure holiness.
  8. LORD, guide me in the right path when my haters are watching. Clear the way for me to move forward confidently.
  9. They can’t be trusted in what they say; deep down, they’re full of wickedness. Their words are like an open grave and their tongue is used to deceive and manipulate others.
  10. Yo, God, totally wreck them! Let them trip up by their own plans, kick them out for all their wrongdoings, ’cause they straight up rebelled against You.
  11. But hey, all you peeps who trust in you, it’s time to flex and celebrate! You always got their back, covering and protecting them, you know? And those who truly love your name, they gonna be lit with joy in you.
  12. Yo, fam, the Lord got mad love for the righteous. He’s like their personal bodyguard, surroundin’ them with all the blessings and favor as if he’s rockin’ a lit crown. No cap. #blessed
Psalms 6
  1. [To the boss musician, when feeling down, a lit song by David.] Yo, God, don’t come at me with anger, and don’t punish me when you’re mad. Like, take it easy, man.
  2. God, please show me some grace; I’m so drained and helpless right now. I really need your healing because I’m feeling so worn out and exhausted to the bone.
  3. Bruh, my soul is like hella distressed right now. But, God, like seriously, how much longer is this gonna go on?
  4. Hey God, please come through and save my soul because your mercies are lit.
  5. Like, once you’re dead, you won’t be remembered and no one in the grave can appreciate you. So, appreciate and give thanks while you’re alive, yo!
  6. I’m so exhausted from all my complaining; every night I flood my bed with tears; I cry so much that my pillow gets soaked.
  7. Dude, my eyes are totally wrecked from all this sadness; I feel ancient ’cause my haters just never give up.
  8. Get outta here, all you wicked people! God heard me crying and he ain’t playin’.
  9. God heard my plea; God will answer my prayer.
  10. May all my haters feel ashamed and extremely bothered; may they quickly regret their actions.
Psalms 7
  1. [A heartfelt song by David, expressing his feelings to the LORD, regarding the words of Cush the Benjamite.] Oh, LORD my God, I trust in you with all my heart: please rescue me from all those who are after me, and set me free.
  2. Or else he’ll totally wreck me like a lion, tearing my soul apart with no one to save me. Literally no one can help.
  3. Yo, God, if I’ve messed up here; if I’ve done anything wrong with my actions;
  4. If I have done something bad to someone who was chill with me, like seriously, I even helped out someone who was hating on me for no reason at all.
  5. Okay, let the haters come at me and try to mess with my vibe, let them trample over my life and bring me down low. But you know what? My dignity won’t be affected. Pause and think about that, fam. Selah.
  6. Yo, Lord, get up and show your anger, rise up because of my enemies who are hatin’ on me. Wake up and bring forth the judgment that you’ve been talkin’ about.
  7. The squad of people gonna surround you, so for their sake, just level up, fam.
  8. God will hold people accountable: judge me, God, based on how morally upright and genuine I am.
  9. Yo, may all the wickedness of the wicked peeps come to an end, but let the just ones thrive, ’cause our righteous God checks out their hearts and vibes.
  10. God’s got my back, saving those with pure hearts. He’s my ultimate shield.
  11. God totally respects those who do right, and God is like super mad at the wicked every single day. He’s all about giving fair judgments and stuff.
  12. If he doesn’t change his ways, he’ll sharpen his sword; he’s got his bow ready and fully charged.
  13. He has also prepped some lethal gear; he’s got his arrows locked and loaded to take down those who persecute him.
  14. Check it out, this person is totally caught up in doing wrong things, they’re all about causing trouble and spreading lies.
  15. He set up a trap, dug it with effort, and ended up falling into the very trap he prepared for others.
  16. All the trouble he causes will come back to haunt him, and his violent actions will come crashing down on himself.
  17. I’m gonna give mad props to the LORD because he’s straight up righteous, and I’m gonna sing praises to the name of the LORD, the supreme boss.
Psalms 8
  1. Yo, chief Musician, drop that beat on Gittith! This is a lit Psalm by David. Yo LORD, our Lord, your name is straight up amazing all over the earth! You’ve got your glory up there, above the heavens.
  2. You’ve given strength to even the littlest of us, silencing your enemies and those seeking revenge. They might be small, but they pack a punch. #bossmove
  3. When I think about your epic heavens, the masterpiece created by your vibe, the moon and the stars, which you totally planned out;
  4. Like, why do You, like, even think about us humans? And why do You, like, bother to hang out with us mortals?
  5. Because you’ve made humans, like, a bit less than angels, but you’ve totally put them in charge, with all the fame and respect, ya know?
  6. You gave him complete power over everything you’ve created; you’ve made him ruler over all.
  7. Like, all the sheep, oxen, and even the animals of the field, man, like they’re all included. It’s like, flocks and oxen, all of them, you know what I mean?
  8. The birds in the sky, and the fish in the ocean, and everything that travels through the waves of the sea.
  9. Yo, God, you’re truly amazing all over the world!
Psalms 9
  1. [To the OG Music Producer, a Banging Rhyme by David.] Yo, God, you the real MVP. I’m shouting out to all my followers about your incredible moves!
  2. I’m stoked and hyped about you, gonna jam out and give mad props to your name, you’re totally lit, the highest of the high!
  3. When my haters are getting played, they’re gonna totally bite the dust and vanish when you show up.
  4. Because you’ve had my back and made sure justice was served; you’ve been sitting on the throne, making fair judgments.
  5. You totally called out those non-believers, wiped out the wicked, and made sure they’re completely forgotten, like, forever and ever.
  6. Hey, you enemy! The destruction has finally stopped, and you’ve done enough damage, wiping out entire cities. No trace of their existence remains now.
  7. But God’s always gonna be here, like, forever and ever, you feel me? He’s all set, ready to drop the hammer, sitting on his throne, ready to judge and make things right.
  8. And he’s gonna be like, totally fair and just when he decides what’s what in the whole world, and he’s gonna handle things with integrity and honesty when he’s dealing with people.
  9. God’s got your back if you’re feeling down or going through a rough patch. He’s like a solid place you can go to when things get tough. #safetyinnumbers
  10. Those who are in the know will totally trust in you, coz like, you never ghost on the ones who reach out to you. For real, LORD!
  11. Praise the LORD, who’s chillin’ in Zion! Share with everyone the awesome things He’s been doin’.
  12. When God investigates a crime of violence, He does not forget the oppressed and their cries for justice.
  13. Yo, God, please show me some love; understand the struggles I’m going through because of all the haters. You’ve been there for me, lifting me up from the darkest times when I was at the brink of giving up.
  14. So I can flex all about how great You are in front of everyone in Zion: I’ll totally be hype about Your saving power.
  15. Like, those who don’t believe in the truth are totally falling into their own trap, dude: they’re getting caught up in the very schemes they tried to hide.
  16. God’s actions reveal His character: the evildoer gets caught by their own doings. Pause and reflect on this.
  17. The bad peeps gonna end up in hell, and all the nations that forget about God. Like, seriously!
  18. Don’t sleep on the needy, they won’t be ignored forever. The hopes of the poor won’t be wiped out for good.
  19. Yo, God, rise up and let no mere mortals take control; show them heathens what’s up with your judging game.
  20. Give them a good scare, God: so they realize they’re just regular humans. P.S. Take a moment to reflect on that.
Psalms 10
  1. Yo, God, why you keepin’ your distance, man? Like, why you playin’ hide and seek when things get tough?
  2. Like, it’s so messed up when people who think they’re all that try to mess with the less fortunate. Karma’s gonna hit them hard and they’ll get caught in their own messed up schemes they cooked up.
  3. Like, the wicked brags about whatever they want and thinks they’re so cool, while praising those who are greedy. But God totally can’t stand this kind of behavior. #notaboutthatlife
  4. The wicked, all full of themselves, have no interest in finding God. They never even think about God. (Or in other words: They’re so wrapped up in their own pride that God doesn’t even cross their minds.)
  5. Bruh, his methods always be mad annoying; he can’t even comprehend your epic wisdom: and all his haters? He straight up brushes them off like it’s nothing.
  6. He’s like, ‘I’ve got this, I’m unshakeable, no tough times will ever come my way. It’s gonna be smooth sailing forever, for like, forever and ever!’
  7. He always talks in curses, lies, and scams. He hides mischief and pointless nonsense in his words.
  8. He lurks around in the villages, seeking secret places to harm the innocent. He targets the poor with hidden intentions.
  9. He lurks like a lion in his hideout, waiting to prey upon the vulnerable. He ensnares the weak when they least expect it, drawing them closer into his trap.
  10. He stoops down and humbles himself, causing the poor to be crushed by his powerful followers. (He breaks himself) (into his strong parts)
  11. He’s like, thinking in his heart, Godd totally forgot about us, like he’s hiding his face and stuff, like he’ll never see what’s going on.’
  12. Yo, God, it’s time to step up! Don’t forget about us small fries. #StayHumble
  13. Why do the wicked diss God? Like, they’re all like, Godd won’t even care, whatever.’
  14. You’ve seen it all, because you witness wickedness and ill will. You take action to bring justice with your own hands. The less fortunate put their trust in you; you are the support system for those without fathers.
  15. Dismantle the power of the wicked and the evil person: dig deep until you find no trace of their wickedness.
  16. OMG, the LORD is, like, the ultimate King for all eternity: all those non-believers are, like, totally wiped out from His land.
  17. Yo, God, you’ve totally heard what the humble peeps want. You’re gonna get their hearts all ready and attentive to listen. #established
  18. So basically, step up and defend those who can’t defend themselves. We need to put an end to anyone bullying or making life miserable for others.
Psalms 11
  1. [For the chief Beatsmith, from David.] I’m all about trusting the LORD, so why are you telling me to escape like a bird to the mountains?
  2. Listen up, peeps, check it out: the wicked ones are flexing their bow, getting their arrow ready on the string, all sly-like aiming for those with pure hearts. (BTW, ‘privily’ means ‘in darkness’ – just FYI)
  3. Yo, like if the basics are totally wrecked, then what options do good people even have?
  4. OMG, the LORD is like, chillin’ in his holy temple, and his throne is like, up in heaven, you know? He’s got these super observant eyes and like, he’s always checking out what’s going on, even like testing peeps out, you know, the children of men.
  5. God tests the good and upright people to see if they’re legit, but despises those who are wicked and get off on being violent.
  6. He’s gonna rain down traps, fire and brimstone, and a crazy storm on the wicked ones. That’s what they deserve for what they’ve done. It’s gonna be one messed up time!
  7. The holy Lord totally vibes with righteousness; he’s all about those who stay real.
Psalms 12
  1. [To the sickest beats, a lit track by David.] Yo, God, I need your backup; the good ones are disappearing, and the real ones are becoming scarce among the squad.
  2. They’re all just spewing empty words to each other, using fake compliments and being two-faced. Like seriously, they can’t be trusted.
  3. God will cancel out all the fake compliments and shut down anyone who talks too highly of themselves.
  4. They’re like, ‘We’ll totally dominate with our words; our lips are ours to control. Who’s in charge anyway?’
  5. When the poor are mistreated and the needy cry out, I’m stepping up, declares the LORD. I will protect them from those who try to bring them down.
  6. The LORD’s words are totally pure, like seriously, they’ve been through so many tests, like being purified in a super intense furnace, man, like seven freakin’ times.
  7. Yo, God, you gonna hold onto them and keep them safe from this generation forever, ya know what I mean? Like, you’re gonna protect each and every one of them, no exceptions or nothing.
  8. On every corner, you see wickedness spreading like wildfire, especially when the absolute worst kind of people gain power and influence.
Psalms 13
  1. Yo, music boss, check this out, it’s a Psalm from David. Yo God, when you gonna remember me, like, forever? How much longer you gonna ghost me and not show up?
  2. Dude, I’ve been stuck in my head and feeling low every single day. Like, when are my haters gonna stop winning? It’s getting tired.
  3. God, listen up, open my eyes so I don’t pass out forever.
  4. I don’t want my haters to be all like ‘Ha, I won, I beat them!’ and have those who bug me party when I’m down.
  5. But I’m all in on your kindness; my heart is gonna be hyped about your saving grace.
  6. I’m gonna shout out to the LORD, ’cause He’s been so clutch to me.
Psalms 14
  1. [To the ultimate DJ, by David.] Yo, peep this: The clueless be saying in their head, “Ain’t no God.” They straight up messed, doing shady stuff, like ain’t no one doing good.
  2. God be peeping from the heavenly realm, checking if anyone down here is woke and seeking Him.
  3. OMG, fam, everybody be off track, like majorly messed. Like for real, ain’t nobody doing good. It’s a hot mess, you feel me?!
  4. Don’t these wicked folks got a clue? They be munching on my peeps like it’s all good, never even thinking about shouting out to the LORD.
  5. They be shooketh, like, scared AF, ’cause God rolling with the righteous crew. They be freaking out, you know what I’m saying?
  6. Y’all straight up dissing the advice of the underprivileged, but the LORD got their back, always.
  7. OMG, imagine if Israel’s salvation popped off from Zion?! When the LORD brings His squad back from captivity, Jacob gonna throw down, and Israel gonna be lit. Seriously, can’t wait for that vibe! 😇
Psalms 15
  1. [A Psalm by David.] Yo God, who’s gonna chill at your spot? Who’s gonna vibe on your holy hill?
  2. The one who stays real, walks the talk, and always speaks truth straight from the heart.
  3. Watch your words, no dissing others or throwing shade at your neighbor. Keep the gossip and rumors in check.
  4. They straight-up call out the shady ones but got mad love for those who respect the Most High. They stick to their word even if it bites back, no flip-flopping.
  5. Keep it clean, no shady loans or bribes against the innocent, and you’ll stand strong, no shaking.
Psalms 16
  1. [David’s Vibe.] Keep me safe, God: ’cause I’m all in with you.
  2. Yo, gotta keep it real with the Most High, Lord. I know my goodness ain’t even close to Yours.
  3. But for the squad on Earth, and those who straight-up rock, I’m vibing with them.
  4. Those chasing other gods? Yeah, they’ll catch endless drama. I ain’t about that blood ritual life or even saying their names. Offering gifts to other gods? Nah, not my vibe.
  5. God’s like my ultimate possession, keeping me on point. It’s like having a lucky charm, you feel me?
  6. Blessed with some prime real estate in my inheritance, living that good life.
  7. Big shoutout to the LORD, always giving me solid advice. Even in the darkest hours, that inner voice got me covered.
  8. Keeping the LORD front and center, ’cause they got my back, keeping me steady.
  9. So, my heart’s pumped, and my vibes are off the charts! Even my soul’s kicking back in hope, you know? Found that safe space to just be.
  10. Bruh, You ain’t leaving my soul in the pit, and Your Holy One ain’t getting messed up either.
  11. You showing me the path to the ultimate joy: hanging with You brings pure bliss; by Your side, endless thrills await.
Psalms 17
  1. [A Lit Prayer by David] Yo, listen up, LORD, tune in to my real talk prayer. 💯 Ain’t no fake vibes here. 🚫🗣️ [the right: in the Hebrew language, it means justice] [not…: Hebrew translation means without deceitful lips]
  2. Let my vibes be crystal clear to you; peep the realness with your eyes.
  3. You’ve tested my heart for real; checked in on me late nights; no dirt found, swear. I’m all about keeping it clean, nothing sketchy slipping out.
  4. Your word keeps me away from shady paths others take.
  5. Keep me steady, so I don’t trip up.
  6. Yo, God, hitting you up ’cause I know you got my back. Listen in, tune into what I’m saying.
  7. Show off your epic love, saving those who trust in you from their enemies. You got their backs with your power moves!
  8. Keep me close, like your fave; shelter me with your love.
  9. Gotta vent about these haters, all up in my grill, trying to bring me down. They’re draining my vibe, suffocating me. Like they’re out to crush my soul, straight up enemies.
  10. All about that self-love, flaunting their arrogant chatter.
  11. Bro, we’re surrounded – they’re everywhere! Eyes locked, ready to strike.
  12. Picture a hungry lion, ready to pounce, lurking in the shadows. Sneaky and slick, always on the hunt.
  13. Yo, GOD, step in and show ’em who’s boss, bring ’em down low: save my soul from the wicked, who you use like your weapon: shield me from their harm.
  14. Yo, God, you’re in control, especially over those worldly types who only care about the now. You hook ’em up with your blessings, keeping ’em fed. They stack up wealth for their kids, passing it on. No doubt.
  15. Can’t wait to see your face, pure goodness shining. When I wake, I’ll be chill, knowing I’m just like you.
Psalms 18
  1. Yo, peep this sick song by David, the servant of the LORD. He dropped these bars when the LORD came through, saving him from all his enemies and Saul. He was like, “Yo, I’m all about You, LORD, You’re my power source.”
  2. God’s like my solid rock, always got my back and saves me; He’s like my ride-or-die and my go-to when life gets real. He shields me, saves me, and lifts me up when I’m down.
  3. I’m hitting up the LORD, giving Him all the praise: that’s how I stay protected from my haters.
  4. Death’s sorrows hit me hard, and these shady dudes scared me senseless. #Belial
  5. I was drowning in the pains of the underworld, caught off guard by death’s traps.
  6. When things got rough, I hit up the LORD, begged for help. And you know what? He heard me loud and clear from His epic pad; my cry reached His ears. Mind-blowing, right?
  7. The earth shook, hills were quaking, all ’cause the Big Guy up there was furious.
  8. Smoke and fire came from His nostrils, flames from His mouth consumed everything. Glowing coals sparked to life by His power.
  9. He flexed the sky, came down, darkness chillin’ below Him.
  10. Hopped on a cherub, soared on the wind’s wings.
  11. Turned darkness into his crib, surrounded by deep waters and thick clouds.
  12. When He showed up, thick clouds rolled in, dropping hailstones and fiery coals.
  13. OMG, the LORD went full power in the sky, the Most High’s voice booming loud; epic hailstones and fiery coals raining down.
  14. He let loose His arrows, scattered them everywhere, lightning bolts zapped, like pew pew! Freaked them out big time, they were like, “Whoa, what just happened?!”
  15. When God got mad, water paths showed up, the world’s foundation exposed. Crazy, right? Just from His anger!
  16. He slid into my DMs, swiped right, pulled me out of the mess.
  17. God saved me from this super intense enemy, haters way too powerful for me to handle alone.
  18. They messed with me on my worst day, but God had my back.
  19. He broadened my horizons, took me to awesome places; had my back ’cause He saw my potential.
  20. God blessed me for doing right; my hands clean, He hooked me up with epic rewards.
  21. Stayed true to God’s ways, never strayed.
  22. Cool with all His rules, never ignored them.
  23. Stayed chill with God, kept away from sketchy stuff.
  24. So God rewarded me based on my goodness, clean hands before Him. In His sight, you know?
  25. He’s kind to the kind, honest to the honest.
  26. You see pure when you’re pure, but if you’re shady, things get shady for you. #NoFakeAntics
  27. He lifts up the down, brings down the arrogant.
  28. He keeps my vibe lit; the Almighty lights up my path.
  29. Thanks to Him, I ran through a squad, jumped over obstacles.
  30. God’s way is perfect; His word’s tried and true. He’s a shield for those who trust in Him. (refined)
  31. Seriously, who even compares to the LORD? Who else is a solid rock like our God?
  32. God gives me mad strength, smooths my journey, no cap.
  33. He makes me swift, like a deer; puts me on top.
  34. He’s my trainer, teaching me to fight, so I can snap a steel bow.
  35. He gives me ultimate protection, His strong support keeps me standing, His kindness elevates me.
  36. He gives me space to move, keeps me steady.
  37. I chased down my haters, caught up with them. Didn’t stop till they were done.
  38. I finished them off, they won’t bounce back; they’re under my feet.
  39. He pumped up my strength for the battle! Those haters who came at me? Crushed ’em, made ’em bow down. #MVP
  40. He handed them over, I crushed them, showed them who’s boss.
  41. They cried out for help, but no one came. Even called to the LORD, but He didn’t answer. No response.
  42. I wiped them out like dust, tossed them like dirt.
  43. He saved me from the drama, made me leader of the non-believers. Strangers will be my crew.
  44. Once they hear about me, they’ll follow, even those I’ve never met.
  45. Randoms will disappear, freak out from hiding.
  46. OMG, the LORD lives! Let’s shout out to my rock, blessed be! Let’s raise up the God who saved me, ’cause He’s awesome!
  47. God comes through, crushes my enemies. He’s got my back, they don’t stand a chance. #divinejustice #thegodfather
  48. He keeps me safe from haters, lifts me above them, saves me from toxic folks.
  49. So I’ll give props to you, LORD, to everyone, jam to your name.
  50. He hooks up His homie, the king, with sick saves; shows love to David and his descendants forever.
Psalms 19
  1. [Hey, awesome Musician, here’s a lit Psalm from David.] The heavens be showing off God’s greatness; and the sky be flexing His skills.
  2. Every day drops truth bombs, and every night’s dropping wisdom.
  3. Everybody gets it, no matter what language they speak. Their message goes global, no exceptions.
  4. Their influence spreads worldwide, their words reaching every nook and cranny. God’s set up shop for the sun, and it’s thriving.
  5. Picture a groom pumped to hit the track, bursting out of the gates. He’s hyped, like a beast mode athlete, you feel me?
  6. He starts at one end of the sky, goes all the way, nowhere his light can’t reach, nowhere to hide from its warmth.
  7. The LORD’s laws are flawless, shifting your whole perspective. His teachings? Solid, making even the clueless wise. (His legal advice? Game-changer!)
  8. God’s rules? Spot-on, lighting up our hearts: His commandments? Pure vibes, expanding our minds.
  9. Respecting the LORD? Always a vibe, lasts forever: everything He decides? Legit, righteous AF. (legit: Hb. true)
  10. These truths? Lit AF, fam. Better than any bling, for real. And sweeter than honey and the comb, you know?
  11. Yo, these teachings keep me on point, major guidance right there. And let me tell ya, sticking to ’em? Major perks.
  12. Who gets where I’m at? Clear out the clutter, help me see straight.
  13. Yo God, help me dodge those prideful sins, keep me in check. So I can stay true, clean, free from any major mess-ups.
  14. God, let my words and thoughts be cool, legit with You. You’re my rock, my strength, my savior.
Psalms 20
  1. [To the main DJ, A Psalm by David.] Yo, may the LORD cover you in the tough times; may the rep of the God of Jacob keep you safe and lifted.
  2. Hoping the sanctuary comes through with some major backup, and Zion’s there to hype you up. #BFFGoals #SupportSquad
  3. Hey, don’t sleep on those offerings you bring, and vibe with the burnt sacrifices you offer. Take a sec to think about it.
  4. May you score what you’re after, and see all your moves hit the mark.
  5. We’ll throw down a big celebration for your epic rescue, waving our flags high for our God. May the LORD make all your wishes reality!
  6. I’m getting it now, the LORD’s got the back of His chosen one; He’ll hear him out from His holy spot with all His divine strength. #divinestrength
  7. Some put all their trust in their fancy rides, others in their dope horses. But real talk, we’re here reppin’ the name of the LORD our God. #FaithGoals
  8. They crashed and burned, but we’re standing tall, holding it down.
  9. Yo, LORD: make sure the king hears us when we hit him up.
Psalms 21
  1. [To the most lit Musician, A Psalm by David.] The king’s gonna be hyped about your strength, O LORD; and man, he’s gonna be so pumped about your salvation!
  2. You totally came through with his deepest desires and didn’t hold back on answering his prayers. Pause and reflect on that, fam. 💯
  3. You decked him out with mad blessings: straight up crowned his head with pure gold bling.
  4. He asked for a dope life, and you totally blessed him with endless good vibes and prosperity forever and ever.
  5. Yo, he’s all about that saving life, like honor and greatness are his jam.
  6. ‘Cause you’ve made him the most blessed dude ever: you’ve filled him with mega joy and awesome vibes, ya know?
  7. The king’s got major faith in the LORD, and with the Most High backing him up, he’s staying solid, no shaking here.
  8. Your enemies don’t stand a chance against you. Your strong hand will find all those who hate on you.
  9. When you get mad, it’s like they’re facing a blazing fire. God’s gonna wipe them out with His fierce anger, and fire will just straight up devour them.
  10. You’ll wipe out all their success on earth, and their descendants won’t even be around anymore.
  11. Bruh, those haters were plotting against you, scheming up some wicked plan they couldn’t even pull off.
  12. So, like, you gotta make them turn tail, ya know? When you’re ready with your arrows drawn, aim straight at their faces. It’s like they’re your target. You know, their backs, like their shoulders and stuff.
  13. Yo, Lord, you’re amazing! Flex your strength and we’ll sing praises to show how powerful you are.
Psalms 22
  1. Yo, check it out, this is a lit Psalm from David for the main Musician. Yo, God, my God, why you ghosting me? Where you at when I need backup and my desperate calls are getting no response? (BTW, Aijeleth Shahar means ‘the hind of the morning’ and the word ‘helping’ in Hebrew means ‘my salvation’.)
  2. Yo, God, I’ve been hitting you up all day but it’s like you’re on mute. Even at night, I can’t keep quiet. No chill whatsoever!
  3. But you’re straight up holy, you know? You’re vibing with all the praise from Israel.
  4. Our ancestors had major faith in you: they put all their trust in you, and you came through for them.
  5. They called out to you, and you came through: they trusted in you, and you didn’t let them down.
  6. Bruh, I’m feeling like a nobody. People straight up diss me and look down on me all the time. It’s like I’m just a little worm in this big world, ya know?
  7. Everyone who sees me thinks I’m a joke: they’re all just clowning on me, sticking out their tongues and shaking their heads like, ‘Pfft, whatever.’
  8. He put all his trust in the LORD, thinking He’d save him. Let’s see if God actually shows up for him, considering how much he’s into Him.
  9. But you’re the one who literally brought me into this world! Like, you gave me life straight outta the womb. And since day one, you’ve been there for me, showing love and protection like a caring momma does. #grateful
  10. Yo, I’ve been counting on you since before I even existed. You’ve been my homie since day one, straight outta my mom’s womb.
  11. Stick by my side, ’cause I’m dealing with some heavy stuff and there’s no one else around. (No cap, fam!)
  12. So, like, there were a bunch of big dudes all around me, man. These absolute units from Bashan came and started circling me, no cap.
  13. They stared at me with their mouths wide open, like a hungry lion growling and roaring. (They were really aggressive!)
  14. I feel totally drained, like water pouring out, and all my bones are disjointed. My heart feels like it’s turned into a blob of melted wax, melting right inside me.
  15. I feel so weak and thirsty, like a broken plate. My mouth is sticking together, and you’ve made me feel like I’m at rock bottom, facing death.
  16. Yo, it’s like I’m surrounded by haters – they’re all up in my business, man! They’re messing with me, making me feel trapped. They straight up stabbed my hands and feet, no mercy here!
  17. Bruh, I can see all my bones popping out, they’re straight up staring at me like 👀
  18. They’re just out here snatching up my style, playing games to see who gets the fit.
  19. But, like, don’t ghost me, God: Oh my source of power, hurry up and come help me.
  20. Save me from getting wrecked; protect my ride from being controlled by haters.
  21. Yo, help me outta this wild situation with the lion, ’cause you know I’ve been calling out to you all the way from where the unicorns chill.
  22. I’ll totally let everyone know about you, fam: I’m gonna hype you up in front of the whole squad.
  23. Yo, all you who respect the LORD, give some props to Him; shout out to all the descendants of Jacob, show Him love; and yo, show some respect to Him, all you descendants of Israel.
  24. Because He hasn’t rejected or hated the suffering of the troubled; He didn’t ignore them or turn away from them. Instead, when they cried out to Him, He listened.
  25. I’ll totally give you props in front of everyone when we all come together. I’m gonna keep my promises in front of those who respect you, no doubt.
  26. The chill ones will grub and feel totally satisfied, they’ll praise the LORD if they’re all about that searching for Him vibe: your heart will be lit AF for eternity. 🙌
  27. Everyone from every corner of the world will remember and come back to the LORD, and all the different groups from every nation will worship and honor you.
  28. The kingdom belongs to the LORD: and He’s in charge of all the nations.
  29. All the hefty peeps on this planet are gonna fill their bellies and pay their respects: everyone who ends up six feet under will humble themselves before Him, and nobody can save their own soul.
  30. Like, this seed will totally be, like, dedicated to serving Him. And the Lord will, like, totally take it into account for, you know, that whole generation, man.
  31. They’ll come and spread the word about how righteous He is to a future generation, letting them know all the amazing things He’s done.
Psalms 23
  1. [A Psalm by David.] The LORD’s like my ultimate GPS; I won’t need anything else.
  2. God leads me to chill spots with lush greenery and guides me to peaceful, calm waters. He’s got that knack for creating perfect vibes, you know.
  3. He totally revives my soul: he leads me down the legit paths of doing right by his name.
  4. Even if I’m in a seriously sketchy place, like, with bad vibes all around, I won’t be freaking out because you’re right there with me, and your guidance and support give me major comfort.
  5. You hook me up with a lit feast right in front of my haters. You bless me with fresh style, and my drip’s overflowing.
  6. Like, no lie, blessings and love will be with me every day of my life. And I’m gonna chill in God’s spot forevz.
Psalms 24
  1. Yo, check it out! David dropped this lit Psalm. The whole Earth? Yeah, it’s totally owned by the LORD, and everyone living on it, too. Like, it’s all His, you know?
  2. Yo, God set the Earth up, even on the oceans, and it stays steady even when there’s crazy floods and stuff.
  3. Yo, who’s gonna vibe at the top of the LORD’s hill? Like, who’s cool enough to hang at His holy spot?
  4. It’s the one who’s straight up honest, no sketchy business, and keeps it real; who ain’t wasting time on nonsense or lying through life.
  5. That person’s gonna be blessed big time by the LORD, and his salvation game’s gonna be strong thanks to God having his back.
  6. It’s the crew all about seeking Him, you know, searching for His presence, O Jacob. Think on that for a sec.
  7. Yo, gates, get ready to swing wide! Ancient doors, pop open! The King of glory’s about to roll in!
  8. So, who’s this boss King of glory? It’s the LORD, all powerful and strong, the LORD, straight up fierce in battle.
  9. Yo, gates, lift up your heads! Open wide, ancient doors! Get ready, ’cause the King of glory’s about to step in!
  10. Who’s the ultimate King? It’s the LORD of all, the King with all the power. Selah.
Psalms 25
  1. [A Psalm by David.] God, I’m totally feeling your vibe! My soul’s on fire, and I’m handing it all over to you, Lord.
  2. OMG, I’m putting all my trust in You, God. Please, don’t let me down, and don’t let my haters get the best of me.
  3. Yeah, those who stay true to you won’t ever feel ashamed. It’s those who break the rules for no reason who should feel ashamed.
  4. Yo, God, show me the ropes and teach me the right moves.
  5. Lead me with your truth and school me, ’cause you’re the real MVP who’s got my back; I’m riding with you all day, no doubt.
  6. Yo, God, don’t forget about your unconditional love and mercy, okay? They’ve been there since day one. #UnconditionalLove
  7. OMG, please don’t dig up my past mistakes and bad calls, seriously! Instead, I’m counting on your endless mercy, Lord, to remember me and show your amazing grace. #Blessed
  8. The LORD is totally righteous and awesome, so he’s down to guide the clueless on how to live right.
  9. God will show the humble the smart moves to make and teach them His ways.
  10. God’s all about love and loyalty for those who stick by His side and live by His rules.
  11. Yo God, forgive me for all my mess-ups, ’cause they’re seriously messy.
  12. Who’s the one who respects the LORD? He’s gonna get schooled in the best way possible.
  13. He’ll be living his best life, and his descendants are gonna thrive on this earth. #goodvibesonly
  14. Those who seriously respect the LORD, they’re in on the secrets He’s got. And He’s gonna come through with His promise. Like, seriously, He’s all in and making sure they’re with it.
  15. I’m always looking to the LORD ’cause He’s gonna get me out of this jam.
  16. Yo, give me a hand and show some mercy; ’cause I’m feeling super alone and dealing with some heavy stuff.
  17. My heart’s totally overwhelmed with problems. Like, seriously, they’re taking up all the room in there. Please, get me out of this mess and ease the stress.
  18. Yo, check out what I’m dealing with, all this pain and stuff. And, like, forgive all my screw-ups, you know?
  19. Yo, peep my haters; they’re coming at me hard, straight up despising me with some serious intensity. (like, seriously… it’s intense, fam)
  20. Yo, keep my soul safe and bail me out, so I don’t end up looking like a fool; I’m putting all my faith in you.
  21. Yo, help me keep it real and stick to the right path, ’cause I’m counting on you.
  22. Yo, God, give Israel a hand when things get rough.
Psalms 26
  1. [A lit Psalm by David.] Yo, God, check me out and give me a fair shake ’cause I’ve been living by my principles. I’m all in with the Lord, so I ain’t gonna trip.
  2. Hey God, peep into my soul and see what’s really good; check if I’m keeping it 100.
  3. Your love vibes are always on my radar: I’ve been vibing in your zone.
  4. I’ve never rolled with the fakes, and I ain’t about to start.
  5. I can’t deal with those sketchy vibes; I’m keeping away from the shady crew.
  6. I’ll clean up my act and come correct before your altar, O LORD:
  7. So I can show some major love and shout out about all the epic stuff you’ve pulled off, for real.
  8. God, I’m all about chilling in your spot, where the real respect is at. #HouseGoals #Blessed
  9. Keep me away from the troublemakers and the drama queens.
  10. Those folks are straight up trouble, always stirring up drama, and they’re all about those shady deals.
  11. But I’m staying true to myself, you feel? Show me some love and grace.
  12. My feet are steady on solid ground: I’m gonna give props to the LORD when the crew’s all gathered.
Psalms 27
  1. Yo, this Psalm by David is fire! The LORD is like my ultimate guide and salvation. Like, who even needs to be scared when you’ve got the LORD on your team? He’s the real deal, the ultimate strength that keeps me going. Ain’t gotta fear anyone or anything!
  2. So, when all those sketchy peeps, my enemies and haters, tried to mess with me and bring bad vibes, they totally ate dirt. Like, they straight up flopped, you feel?
  3. Even if a whole squad comes at me, I ain’t sweating. Even if it’s a full-on war, I’m keeping my cool and holding it down.
  4. There’s just one thing I’m aiming for: kicking it in the LORD’s house every single day, soaking in that divine vibe and shooting my questions straight in his temple. Like, that would be epic, right?
  5. When things get real, he’s got me in his secret spot: in the VIP room, he’s keeping me safe; he’s lifting me up on this solid rock like a boss.
  6. And now, I’m standing taller than all my haters: so, I’m dropping some lit offerings of joy in God’s spot. I’m gonna sing, oh yeah, I’m gonna sing praises to the LORD. Can I get an amen? 🙌🏼
  7. Yo, LORD, I’m calling out to you: show me some love and answer me.
  8. Yo, when you were like, ‘Yo, seek my vibe,’ my heart was like, ‘For real, LORD, I’m all about those vibes.’
  9. Don’t ghost me, like, don’t leave me hanging. You’ve always had my back, so don’t bail on me now, God, my ultimate savior.
  10. Even if my folks dip, God’s got my back. #nevergoinglonely
  11. Yo, God, show me the way and steer me clear of my haters.
  12. Don’t let my enemies win: they’re spreading lies and straight up being cruel.
  13. I was almost done for, but thank God I trusted in him to see the good in this world.
  14. Just chill and trust in the LORD, alright? Stay positive and he’ll lift your spirits. Seriously, keep waiting and putting your trust in the LORD.
Psalms 28
  1. [by David.] Yo, God, you’re my rock-solid foundation! Don’t leave me hanging, okay? If you ghost me, I’ll be feeling as low as those deep in the dumps.
  2. Listen up, crew. Tune in to my desperate cries when I hit you up, raising my hands towards your holy place.
  3. Don’t vibe with the shady squad, the ones pulling sketchy moves, acting all cool with their crew but scheming some major mischief.
  4. Give them what they deserve for their deeds and the wickedness they do: pay them back according to their actions; serve them what they’ve earned.
  5. ‘Cause they don’t show love for the dope things the LORD does, and they straight-up ignore all the amazing stuff He brings to life, He’s gonna bring them down and leave them hanging.
  6. Praise the LORD, yo! He’s real for listening to my prayers.
  7. The Lord is my GOAT, he’s got my back; I trust him with all my heart and he’s always got my back. That’s why I’m so pumped; I’ll sing and give him major props.
  8. God’s hella strong, like the main source of strength for his chosen squad. He’s their ultimate savior and power source. No cap, he’s got them covered. #Blessed
  9. Yo, save your squad and bless your fam: keep them fed and elevated forever.
Psalms 29
  1. [A Psalm by David.] Yo, all you mighty ones, it’s time to give props to the LORD, showing off His glory and strength.
  2. Show mad respect to the LORD, giving Him the recognition He deserves; worship the LORD with all the dope vibes of pure awesomeness.
  3. Yo, God be droppin’ truth bombs on the waters. He’s the almighty, throwing thunder like a boss. God be doin’ His thing on so many waters, like, mad respect.
  4. OMG, the LORD’s voice is like a total power move; it’s so majestic, like, mind-blowing. It’s literally powerful AF and radiates pure majesty, no cap. #Blessed
  5. OMG, the LORD’s voice is so powerful, it’s like smashing through the cedars! You won’t believe it, but the LORD is even breaking those super sturdy cedars in Lebanon. So epic!
  6. He makes them bounce around like a lit calf; Lebanon and Sirion be flexin’ like a young unicorn.
  7. Yo, the voice of the LORD straight up splits up those fiery flames. Cuttin’ them out, you know.
  8. The LORD’s voice be like, totally shaking up the wilderness, like for real! It’s like the LORD is straight up making the wilderness of Kadesh shake too, you know?
  9. When the LORD speaks, it’s like deer giving birth and you can see the forests in all their glory. In his temple, everyone talks about how amazing he is.
  10. The LORD is chilling on the flood; like, the LORD is forever the reigning King.
  11. The big man upstairs will hook his squad up with mad strength; he’s also gonna bless us with some major peace vibes. #blessed
Psalms 30
  1. 🙌 Praise to you, O LORD! You’ve got me covered and my haters can’t even touch me. No victory dance for them, just good vibes for me.
  2. O my God, I called out to you, and you totally got me back in action.
  3. Yo, God, you legit pulled me outta the grave, kept me alive so I don’t end up in the pit. Thanks, man.
  4. Jam out to the LORD, you dope believers, and show gratitude when you remember how holy He is. #blessed
  5. God’s anger only lasts a sec, but his love is forever. Sadness might stick around for a night, but happiness comes in the morning.
  6. And when everything was going great for me, I was like, ‘I got it all figured out, nothing can shake me!’
  7. Yo God, you made my life strong with your favor. But then you dipped out and left me feeling all messed up.
  8. I was like, OMG, I called out to you, LORD, and I was like, totally begging you for help.
  9. Like, what’s the point if I’m all gone and in the dirt? Will the dust even have a chance to give you props or speak your truth?
  10. Yo, God, listen up and show me some love: be my homie and lend a hand.
  11. You totally transformed my sadness into lit moves: you made me ditch my gloomy vibes and dressed me up in pure joy;
  12. So that my awesomeness can totally vibe and give mad props to you, without staying quiet. Yo, LORD my God, I’m gonna be showing gratitude to you forever. (P.S. my awesomeness means my tongue or my soul, just to clarify)
Psalms 31
  1. [To the main DJ, A Song by David.] Yo, God, you’re my ride or die; never let me down. Bring that positive energy my way and save me from all that’s whack.
  2. Yo, listen up and hear me out real quick. Please come through for me ASAP and be my solid rock, my ultimate safe haven. Be the one who can protect and rescue me when things get tough.
  3. You’re my solid backup and my ultimate safe zone; so, for the sake of your reputation, show me the way and steer me right.
  4. Help me escape this trap they set for me without me noticing: because you’re my source of strength.
  5. I’m entrusting my whole life to you, God. You’re my ultimate lifeline, the real deal!
  6. I can’t stand those who are all about fake stuff, but I put my faith in the LORD.
  7. I’m so stoked and hyped about your love and kindness, because you totally get what I’m going through. You understand my struggles and know exactly how I feel when times get tough.
  8. And you didn’t let the enemy take me hostage: you put me in a chill spot.
  9. Hey God, can you please show me some mercy? This situation has got me all messed up, feeling so overwhelmed and down. I can’t even see clearly through all this sadness, it’s taking a toll on my heart and my whole being.
  10. My life is just filled with sadness, and I can’t stop sighing all the time. I’m so exhausted and weak because of all the bad choices I’ve made, and it’s even affecting my physical health.
  11. I was, like, total embarrassment to all my haters, but especially to my neighbors, and my friends were scared of me too. Whenever they saw me, they ran away in fear.
  12. I feel like nobody remembers me, like I’m just a forgotten ghost. I’m basically a shattered iPhone, useless and discarded.
  13. So, like, I’ve heard so many haters talking smack about me. I’ve been feelin’ mad paranoid ’cause it seems like everyone’s out to get me. They’ve been plotting together, schemin’ to end my life, straight up!
  14. But like, I put all my trust in you, God. I straight up told you that you’re my one and only.
  15. My life is in your control: save me from my haters and those who keep bothering me.
  16. Yo God, let your vibe light up my life and keep me safe because you’re all about that mercy.
  17. God, please don’t let me feel embarrassed, because I’ve reached out to you. Let the evil people be the ones feeling embarrassed, and may they stay quiet forever in the afterlife.
  18. Shut down those fake lips that be spittin’ straight up rude and arrogant disrespect towards the righteous.
  19. Dang, your goodness is on another level, stashed away for those who show respect; you’ve seriously come through for those who put their faith in you, leaving everyone else in awe!
  20. You’ll keep ’em under your wing, away from all the arrogant haters. They’ll be chillin’ in your VIP spot, shielded from drama and gossip.
  21. Praise the LORD, he’s been so kind to me in this lit city. It’s like a fortress, so secure and swaggy.
  22. I was spazzing out and thought you ditched me, but you still listened to my prayers when I was freaking out and called out to you.
  23. Yo, all you dope saints out there, show some mad love for the LORD! He straight up takes care of the faithful and hooks up the proud doers with some serious rewards.
  24. Stay strong and confident, and He will empower your heart, everyone who believes in the LORD.
Psalms 32
  1. Yo, listen up! This is a lit Psalm from David, it’s called ‘Maschil’. Check it – happy are those whose wrongs get forgiven and their sins are totally covered up. This is some legit wisdom from David right here, giving y’all some guidance.
  2. Happy is the person who isn’t blamed by the LORD for doing wrong, and whose vibes are totally genuine.
  3. When I stayed quiet, my bones got tired from all the loud ranting I did all day long.
  4. Like, your presence was on me all day and night, and it was like, so intense, man. It’s like my vibe went from being all fresh and hydrated to feeling totally dried up like summer drought. Pause and reflect on that, y’know? Selah.
  5. I admitted I messed up, I didn’t keep my wrongdoings a secret. I decided to confess my mistakes to the LORD, and you forgave the wrongness of my actions. Pause and reflect on that.
  6. Every righteous person will reach out to you when they know you’re available to help. Even in the toughest times, they won’t be overwhelmed by problems.
  7. You’re like, my ultimate safe haven where I can totally hide and feel protected from all the drama in life. You wrap me up with these amazing songs of freedom and rescue. It’s like a total vibe, you know? Selah.
  8. I got you, fam. I’ll show you the ropes and school you in the right path. You won’t be lost ’cause I’ll watch over you like my main focus. Trust.
  9. Don’t be like a horse or a mule that don’t get the big picture. They gotta be controlled with a leash and a bridle, or else they won’t listen to you.
  10. The wicked are gonna face a whole lot of troubles, but those who trust in the LORD will be surrounded by mercy.
  11. Yo, rejoice and be stoked about the LORD, all you righteous people! Let out a big shout of joy, all you with pure hearts!
Psalms 33
  1. Yo, righteous peeps, get hype and show some love to the LORD, ’cause giving props to Him is straight up good vibes.
  2. Let’s show some love to the LORD with sweet tunes: jam out on the harp and rock the psaltery and the ten-stringed instrument.
  3. Dude, jam out to a sick new track; show off your skills and crank up the volume!
  4. The LORD’s word is legit and everything he does is for real.
  5. He’s all about doing what’s right and fair: the whole planet is overflowing with the Lord’s goodness.
  6. The Lord spoke and BOOM, the heavens were created, along with all the cool stuff in them, just by His breath.
  7. He collects all the water from the sea and piles it up like a boss: he stores the deep parts away in his epic storage units.
  8. Yo, everyone on this planet better show some mad respect for the LORD, like, seriously! All the people living here need to be totally amazed and impressed by him.
  9. Like, he said it and bam, it happened; he was all like ‘do this’ and whoosh, it stayed that way.
  10. God totally cancels out the plans of those who don’t follow Him and totally renders ineffective the schemes of people. #noprobs #powermove
  11. God’s advice is timeless and his thoughts extend to all generations. Like, he’s always got your back, no matter what.
  12. The nation that has the LORD as their God is totally blessed, and the chosen people He’s claimed as His own are absolutely lit.
  13. God is always watching us from up above, seeing everything we do, every human being on this planet.
  14. He peeps at all the earth-dwellers from his crib.
  15. He designs their hearts to be the same and pays attention to everything they do.
  16. No king can rely solely on their army’s size or a warrior on their physical prowess to be saved.
  17. Using a horse for protection is totally pointless – it’s not gonna save anyone just ’cause it’s strong and swift.
  18. Yo, check it out, the LORD’s got his eyes on those who respect and trust in him for his kindness.
  19. To save them from death and make sure they don’t starve.
  20. We’re just chilling, waiting for the LORD to come through. He’s like our ultimate source of help and protection.
  21. Like, our heart is gonna be stoked on him, ’cause we totally trust in his rad holy name.
  22. God, please show us your kindness, just like we have faith in you.
Psalms 34
  1. A Psalm by David, back when he was keeping it real in front of Abimelech; dude kicked him out, and he had to bounce. Gonna give shoutouts to the LORD 24/7: His praise gonna be on my lips non-stop. Abimelech, aka Achish.
  2. My soul gonna flex for the LORD: the humble gonna peep it and be hyped.
  3. Yo, let’s hype up the LORD and give mad props to His name together.
  4. So, I was like, I totally hit up the LORD, right? And guess what? He totally heard me and, like, wiped out all my fears. No cap, He came through for me big time!
  5. They turned to Him, and their vibes were lifted: their smiles shining and free of shame.
  6. This dude who was mad struggling was straight-up calling out, and the LORD was all ears, and legit rescued him from all his drama.
  7. Yo, the LORD’s angel sets up camp around those who show Him major love, and straight up saves them.
  8. Yo, give it a shot and you’ll see how dope the LORD is! Believe me, it’s gonna be lit! Those who trust in Him, they’re straight-up blessed!
  9. Yo, peep this! Show mad love to the LORD, y’all His crew, ’cause those who respect Him never miss out.
  10. The young lions might grind and go hungry, but those who seek the LORD won’t be lacking any blessings.
  11. Yo, listen up, fam: I’m about to drop some wisdom and school y’all on the importance of respecting the LORD.
  12. Yo, who’s down to live their best life and vibe out with many lit days?
  13. Don’t be shady and keep it real, no fake vibes allowed.
  14. Steer clear of negativity, spread good vibes; look for chill vibes, and chase after them.
  15. God looks out for the righteous and hears their prayers.
  16. God ain’t vibing with those who do evil, like, He’s straight up against them, and He’s gonna totally erase their memory from the scene. No apologies.
  17. When the righteous are feeling low, they reach out to the LORD, and He totally hears them and helps them through all their struggles.
  18. God is there for those who are hurting inside, and saves those who stay humble. 🙏
  19. The challenges of good-hearted people are real, but the LORD saves them from all of them.
  20. He takes care of all their needs: not a single one is left hanging.
  21. The wicked gonna get what’s coming to them, for their evil ways gonna trip them up. Those who hate the righteous gonna end up empty-handed.
  22. The LORD saves His crew’s souls: and no one who puts faith in Him gonna be left hanging.
Psalms 35
  1. Yo Big Man upstairs, David’s got a request: when those haters try to bring me down, show ’em who’s boss. Give ’em a taste of their own medicine.
  2. Grab your shield and buckler, come rescue me, fam.
  3. Yo, whip out the spear, block those haters’ path, and let my soul know you got my back.
  4. May those trying to harm me end up embarrassed and humiliated, while those plotting trouble get their plans turned against ’em and feel lost.
  5. Let ’em be irrelevant like chaff blown away by the wind, and let the angel of the LORD chase after ’em.
  6. May their journey be dark and full of obstacles, with the angel of the LORD on their tail. #StrugglesOnFleek
  7. They’ve set traps for me for no reason, in secret, aiming for my soul.
  8. May they be caught off guard by their own plans, and fall into their own traps. Let ’em face the ruin they never saw coming.
  9. My spirit’s vibing with the LORD: it’s lit knowing I’m saved.
  10. Yo, shoutout to the LORD, who’s as awesome as you? You save the poor from those acting all high and mighty, yeah, from those trying to take advantage?
  11. So, there were these fakes spreading lies about me, accusing me of stuff I didn’t do. Like, seriously, making things up and blaming me for no reason. Can you even believe it? They even had the nerve to interrogate me. Ugh, shady!
  12. They did me dirty after I showed ’em love, killing my vibe. Messed with my soul, for real.
  13. But when they were sick, I mourned: I fasted and prayed. (humbled: or, afflicted)
  14. I treated ’em like fam, grieving like I lost my own mom, you feel me?
  15. But when I struggled, they cheered and attacked. (adversity: Hebrew for stumbling)
  16. At parties, they hated on me hard, teeth grinding in anger.
  17. God, how long you gonna chill? Save my soul from disaster, my ride or die from the haters.
  18. I’ll shout you out in front of the squad.
  19. Don’t let my haters flex for no reason, or throw shade without cause. #justkeepingitreal
  20. They’re not about peace, just scheming and tricking the chill ones.
  21. They talking smack like, ‘Aha, aha, we saw it.’
  22. Yo God, you saw this, don’t ghost now. Lord, don’t go MIA, aight?
  23. Get woke for my case, my homie God and Lord.
  24. LORD, judge me fairly, don’t let ’em celebrate my downfall.
  25. Don’t let ’em think, ‘This is what we wanted!’ Don’t let ’em say, ‘We got him.’
  26. May those finding joy in my pain feel embarrassed, may those boasting against me feel shame.
  27. Let ’em hype up, those supporting my vision—let ’em keep shouting. Show the LORD mad respect, ’cause He’s all about his servant’s success. #righteous
  28. And I’ll keep talking about your righteousness, praising you non-stop.
Psalms 36
  1. 🎵 Yo, peep this verse from David, God’s ride-or-die homie. He straight-up says, “When I peep the wicked flexin’, I can feel in my soul they dissin’ God.”
  2. Dude’s all about boosting himself, frontin’ like he’s top dog, ’til his shady moves get called out and everybody’s hatin’ on him.
  3. His talk? Pure sketch, straight lies. Homie’s given up on bein’ wise, doin’ any good.
  4. He’s schemin’ while chillin’ in bed, walkin’ paths of straight darkness, not givin’ a damn ’bout hatin’ evil.
  5. God’s love? Sky high, His loyalty like clouds, always there.
  6. Your righteousness? Lit like the highest peaks, your judgments deep AF, LORD, you got backs of both humans and beasts. Total respect, even the sickest mountains ain’t got nothin’ on you!
  7. God, your love’s unreal! That’s why peeps put all their trust in you, findin’ refuge under your wings, feelin’ mad safe.
  8. They’ll be livin’ it up in your crib, sippin’ on that heavenly H2O from your epic stream.
  9. You’re like the ultimate good vibe generator, bringin’ joy and inspo to the max. Your positive energy helps us find our own shine, seein’ life in a dope new light.
  10. Keep showin’ love to those who get you, spreadin’ your righteousness to the pure-hearted.
  11. Don’t let no arrogant haters trample me, keep them evil hands from bootin’ me out.
  12. Them evildoers? Crushed and laid low, ain’t risin’ again.
Psalms 37
  1. [A Psalm of David.] Yo, don’t trip over those doing dirt, and don’t get jelly of those who straight up wicked.
  2. They’ll be like, cut down in a flash, just like grass that dries up and fades away.
  3. Trust in the LORD, and be cool. Then you’ll have a solid crib and won’t go hungry for real.
  4. Find your vibe in the LORD, and He’ll hook you up with all your heart’s desires.
  5. Lay your plans on the LORD; trust Him, and He’ll make ’em happen. Dump your worries on Him too!
  6. He’ll make your goodness shine like the noonday sun, and everyone will peep your wisdom.
  7. Just chill and trust the LORD, and wait for Him. Don’t sweat those who hustle their own way, or those who plot wickedness.
  8. Stay calm, don’t let anger take over, and ditch those negative vibes. Ain’t worth it.
  9. Those doing dirt will fall behind, but those who trust in the LORD will own it all.
  10. Hold up, and you won’t even see those bad vibes, seriously. Look around, and they’ll be gone.
  11. But the chill and humble crew, they’ll score big, you feel? They’ll be livin’ that peaceful life, vibin’ hard.
  12. The wicked stay plotting against the righteous, grindin’ their teeth in anger like wild animals.
  13. God’s gonna straight-up laugh at them, ‘cause He knows what’s coming.
  14. The wicked be flexin’ their weapons, tryna take down the underdogs, and wipe out the righteous.
  15. But they’ll trip over their own schemes, and their plans will crumble.
  16. The humble possessions of the righteous are worth more than the riches of many wicked.
  17. The wicked’s power will be crushed, but the LORD always backs up the righteous.
  18. The Most High knows all about the righteous crew, and their future’s gonna be lit forever.
  19. They won’t be embarrassed when times get tough; when food’s scarce, they’ll be straight-up filled.
  20. But the wicked gonna vanish, and those who oppose the LORD will disappear like smoke. Their glory, gone.
  21. The wicked borrow and never pay back, while the righteous show love and give generously.
  22. The blessed ones will own this earth, but the cursed ones are straight-up cancelled.
  23. The way of the awesome person is laid out by the LORD, and they’re hyped about it. Legit.
  24. Even if they stumble, they won’t face-plant, ‘cause the LORD’s got their back, always there to help.
  25. Yo, I’ve been young, now I’m old, and seriously, never seen the righteous left hangin’ or their kids beggin’ for food.
  26. They stay showin’ kindness and generosity, and God always got their back. Their kids blessed, always.
  27. Stay away from evil, do good, and you’ll live forever.
  28. God’s all about justice, never abandons His crew; He keeps them safe forever. But the wicked’s kids? Erased.
  29. The righteous squad gonna flex on this land and chill forever, no cap.
  30. The righteous be spittin’ wisdom, droppin’ knowledge on righteous decisions.
  31. They keep God’s law in their heart, so they won’t slip up. 🙏 📖 #Blessed
  32. Haters low-key lurkin’ on the good ones, schemin’ to take ’em down.
  33. The Most High won’t let ’em suffer long, or judge ’em too harsh when it’s time.
  34. Chill, trust in the LORD, follow His path, and He’ll hook you up with this dope inheritance. You’ll see the righteous rewarded when the wicked get cut. Epic!
  35. Seen the wicked flexin’ power, flourishin’ like a plant. Like a tree in its own zone.
  36. But then, poof, they vanish, nowhere to be found no matter where you look.
  37. Peep the one who’s got it together, check out the righteous one: all about that peace, ya dig?
  38. But those who break the rules gonna get wrecked; the rebels hit a dead end.
  39. But yo, the LORD saves the righteous, you know? He gives ’em strength when times get rough.
  40. And God’s got their back, swoops in and rescues ’em, hero-style. Protects ’em from all evil, ‘cause they trust in Him. Trusting Him, that’s the key, my dudes.
Psalms 38
  1. [A TikTok by David, #ThrowbackThursday.] OMG, don’t come at me with your anger, God: like, don’t punish me when you’re totally ticked off.
  2. Yo, Your arrows are legit sticking in me and your hand’s like, putting mad pressure on me.
  3. My body’s messed up af because you’re hella mad, and my bones can’t find chill because of my mistakes. Like, no peace or good vibes, ya feel?
  4. Dude, my sins are totally overwhelming! They’re like a massive weight on my head, way too much for me to handle.
  5. Ugh, my injuries legit reek and are messed up ’cause I was being dumb.
  6. I’m so stressed out; I feel completely crushed; I’ve been feeling down and gloomy all day long. (troubled: Hebrew word for super anxious)
  7. My body is completely messed up and there’s nothing healthy about it.
  8. I feel so weak and utterly shattered: My heart is screaming in turmoil.
  9. God, you know exactly what I’m feeling. I don’t have to hide my desires or frustrations from you.
  10. My heart is like, racing and stuff, and I feel so weak. It’s like, even the spark in my eyes has disappeared. Like, completely gone, you know?
  11. My squad and my homies keep their distance when I’m going through a tough time; even my fam chooses to stay far away.
  12. Like, there are people out there totally plotting against me, setting traps and stuff. And those who wanna harm me, they’re always saying nasty stuff and coming up with sneaky plans, non-stop.
  13. But yo, like, I couldn’t even hear anything, man. I was all quiet and not sayin’ a word, just like someone who can’t talk.
  14. So I was like totally oblivious, not hearing a thing, and keeping my mouth shut without any criticism.
  15. Yo, Lord, you’re my hope. I know you’ll come through, O Lord my God.
  16. I said, like, ‘Listen up’, so that they wouldn’t find joy in my misfortunes. When I stumble, they just boost themselves up and rub it in my face.
  17. Because, like, I’m just so done with everything, and my sadness is constantly on my mind. It’s like, I feel so overwhelmed and can barely keep going, you know?
  18. I’m gonna own up to my mistakes and feel bad about the wrong I’ve done.
  19. Yo, my haters stay active and they ain’t weak. The ones who despise me without reason keep multiplying.
  20. Anyone who tries to do me wrong is my enemy because I’m all about doing what’s right.
  21. Yo God, don’t ghost me: Don’t dip out on me, my dude.
  22. Quickly come through for me, Lord, my savior.
Psalms 39
  1. [To DJ Jeduthun, a Song of David] I was like, ‘Yo, gotta watch my words, y’know? Keepin’ it chill, especially ’round sketchy peeps.’
  2. Stayed low-key, even when things were lit; but it got me feelin’ mad down and stressed.
  3. My heart was hype, thoughts on fire; then I spoke up,
  4. God, help me get my vibe and life span, so I get how short life is. Show me my fragility. #DeepThoughts
  5. My days fly like a TikTok vid, my age’s nada compared to You. Even when folks are peak, it’s like, empty, ya feel? contemplating emoji
  6. Everyone’s frontin’, no real purpose. Chasin’ that paper without a clue where it’s headed. It’s all cap, ya dig?
  7. God, what else I got but You? My hope’s on lock.
  8. Help me bounce back from screw-ups, keep me from bein’ clown material.
  9. I was mute, ’cause You were pullin’ the strings.
  10. Ease up on the grind, life’s a struggle already.
  11. Callin’ folks out, they lose their swag like a fading trend. Real talk, it’s rough.
  12. God, hear me out, see my tears. I’m just a newbie here, like my ancestors.
  13. Cut me slack, let me shine before I dip.
Psalms 40
  1. [To the main DJ, A Psalm of David.] I was just vibing, waiting on the LORD, and he totally tuned in and heard my cries.
  2. He totally pulled me out of a major mess, like I was stuck in some serious drama, and set me on solid ground, you know? He made sure I stayed on the right track.
  3. God totally dropped this sick new tune in my heart to praise Him: a ton of people are gonna hear it and be blown away, ending up putting their trust in the LORD.
  4. How dope is the one who trusts in the LORD and brushes off the haters and the liars.
  5. God, you’ve done so many incredible things and your thoughts toward us are endless. The way you’ve moved in our lives is beyond our comprehension. If I tried to list it all, I’d never finish. It’s just too much.
  6. You weren’t really after sacrifices and offerings; you’ve always been tuned in to me. Burnt offerings and sin offerings? Nah, not what you’re about.
  7. So I was like, ‘I’m pulling up, it’s all written about me in the script.’
  8. Following Your lead, God, is lit AF: Your rules are deep in my heart. Like, they’re engraved in my soul, you feel?
  9. I’ve been spreading the word about doing what’s right to a massive crowd. For real, God, I’ve been keeping it real, you know I haven’t held back.
  10. I haven’t kept your goodness to myself, I’ve been shouting about how faithful and saving you are. I haven’t kept quiet about your kindness and truth in the big crowd.
  11. God, please keep pouring out your compassion and kindness on me. Let your love and faithfulness always have my back.
  12. Yo, there’s been a ton of messed up stuff going down around me. My own mistakes have totally weighed me down to the point where I can’t even lift my head up. Like, they’re more numerous than the hairs on my head, man! No wonder my heart is heavy.
  13. God, please come through for me ASAP, I really need your help.
  14. Those who try to mess with my life will end up embarrassed and humiliated; those who wish me harm will be stopped and ashamed.
  15. May they feel total emptiness because of their own shame, those who mockingly say to me, ‘Oh snap, oh snap’.
  16. Hey, all the homies looking for a good time with you should be hyped and happy; and those who vibe with your saving grace should be like, forever shouting, “God is amazing!”
  17. But I’m, like, totally broke and in need; yet, the Lord’s got me on His radar, you know? He’s my ultimate squad and my peace-bringer; don’t keep me waiting, O my God.
Psalms 41
  1. [To the top Music Influencer, A Psalm by David.] It’s dope when you show love to those going through it: God’s got your back when life gets wild.
  2. God’s gonna have his back, like, keep him safe and all; he’s gonna be living his best life on earth, blessed AF, and ain’t nobody gonna mess with him, trust.
  3. The LORD’s gonna give him a power-up when he’s feeling low and out of energy: you’ll make sure he’s chilling in bed when he’s sick.
  4. Yo, God, I’m like, please cut me some slack: heal my soul ’cause I’ve messed up big time and sinned against you.
  5. My haters be talking smack about me, like when’s he gonna disappear?
  6. When he kicks it with me, he just talks trash, always stirring up drama. And when he’s out, he’s spreading rumors.
  7. All my haters are low-key plotting against me, trying to cause me pain and suffering.
  8. They’re saying he’s got some wicked sickness, and once he’s down, he’s out for good. Can’t shake it off. No way.
  9. Bro, my homie, the one I trusted and shared my snacks with, straight up stabbed me in the back. Can’t believe he did me like that.
  10. But yo, Lord, show me some love and lift me up, so I can clap back, you feel?
  11. I know you’re riding with me ’cause my haters can’t touch me. #Unstoppable
  12. And like, personally, you’ve always had my back, keeping it real with me, forever and ever, you know?
  13. Praise the LORD God of Israel now and forever. Amen, and Yeah, let’s go!
Psalms 42
  1. [To the sickest DJ, Knowledgeable, for the Korah Squad.] Yo, when a deer’s parched for water, that’s exactly how my soul craves You, Big G.
  2. Yo, I’m straight up yearning for God, like the legit one: when’s our next hangout sesh goin’ down?
  3. I’ve been legit bawling 24/7, while peeps keep hittin’ me up like, ‘Yo, where’s your God, tho?’
  4. Every time I think about it, I gotta keep it real: I remember the good times rollin’ with the crew, hitting up God’s crib, feeling blessed with a massive squad in celebration.
  5. Yo, soul, why you so down and restless? Trust in God, ’cause I know I’m gonna shout out praises when He comes through. His vibe is where it’s at, fam.
  6. Yo Big G, my soul’s hella low: so I’m gonna remember You, even when I’m out in the sticks by the Jordan River, or up in the mountains with the Hermonites, even chilling on this little hill called Mizar.
  7. Like, the depths of my soul are vibin’ with the sounds of Your waterfalls: all these intense waves and currents are straight-up overwhelming me.
  8. But Big G’s gonna spread love vibes in the daytime, and at night, His jams gonna be with me, and my prayers are gonna be sent up to the God who’s keepin’ me alive.
  9. I’m like, ‘Sup Big G, You my rock, but why you gotta dip out on me? I’m mega bummed and stressed ’cause my haters keep bringin’ the drama.’
  10. Feels like a sword slicing through my bones when my haters clown on me, always asking, ‘Yo, where’s your God at?’
  11. Why you feelin’ blue, my soul? Why you so shook inside? Keep your hope in God. I’m gonna keep worshiping Him, ’cause He’s the one who brings me joy and strength, my God.
Psalms 43
  1. Yo, Big G, peep this scene and back me up against these fake vibes. Snatch me from this shady character, who’s all about being cold-hearted and sneaky like a serpent.
  2. You’re my plug for power, so why you ghosting me? Why’s my vibe so low ’cause of all the whack stuff the enemy’s pulling on me?
  3. Yo, let your truth and light shine, lead me with that, take me to your chill spot and your holy crib.
  4. I’ll hit up God’s HQ, where joy is real, and vibe out on my strings to hype you up, Big G, my ride or die.
  5. Yo, why you trippin’, my soul? And why you all restless deep down? Hold tight to God, ’cause I know I’m about to give Him major props, the one who keeps my glow up and is my main squeeze.
Psalms 44
  1. [To the main Musician, vibing with the cool kids of Korah, Real Talk.] We’ve totally heard the stories, God, our folks been dropping knowledge bombs about the epic moves you pulled back then.
  2. Yo, like, you totally slammed those doubters with some serious power and straight up made them bounce; you gave them a run for their money and sent them packing.
  3. They didn’t snag that land with their own skills, and their own strength didn’t bail them out. It was all thanks to your vibes and favor that they came out on top.
  4. You’re like the OG King, God: do your thing and bless Jacob.
  5. With you on our squad, we’ll totally crush our foes and wreck anyone who dares step up, all in your name.
  6. Like, I’m not putting my trust in my weapons, and my sword ain’t gonna save me.
  7. But you totally had our backs, shut down our haters, and made them look like total chumps.
  8. Yo, we rep God 24/7, giving props to Your name forever. Selah.
  9. But it feels like you dipped on us and left us hanging; you’re not rolling with our crew anymore.
  10. You make us turn tail and leave those haters in the dust: and guess what? They end up reaping what they sowed themselves.
  11. You’ve made us easy pickings, scattered among different nations. It’s like we’re defenseless prey ready to get snatched up.
  12. You’re basically giving away your people for free, not even getting anything out of it. #NotWorthIt
  13. You’re turning us into the laughingstock of the clique, our neighbors straight clowning on us and everyone else around us throwing shade.
  14. You’re basically turning us into a meme for all the non-believers, a total facepalm in the crowd.
  15. I’m feeling lost and embarrassed,
  16. When someone disses you because of the haters and trolls.
  17. Bro, we’ve been through it all, but we’ve stayed loyal to you and kept our word.
  18. We haven’t strayed, we’re still walking in your footsteps;
  19. Yo, you really had us caught up in some sketchy situations, and like, covered us in the darkest of times.
  20. If we straight up blanked on God’s name, or started chasing after some other deity;
  21. Like, doesn’t God have, like, super detective skills? ‘Cause He’s totally clued in on all the hidden thoughts and vibes in our hearts.
  22. Seriously though, we’re getting wrecked every single day for your sake; people see us as easy targets.
  23. Yo, God, wake up! Don’t ghost us forever, rise up!
  24. Yo, why you ducking out and ghosting us when we’re struggling?
  25. Yo, our spirits are low, feeling crushed to the ground and stuck in the dirt.
  26. Yo, come through and save us, showing us love with your mercies.
Psalms 45
  1. [Sick beats from the Korah fam, dropping a lit track with mad love vibes.] My heart’s overflowing with epic thoughts, ready to spill the tea about the king and all I’ve learned. My tongue’s like a boss writer’s pen. [Instructions: overflowing: in Hebrew, more like boiling or bubbling up]
  2. Girl, you’re, like, slaying harder than anyone out there. Your words are dripping with charm, and God’s totally blessed you for life.
  3. Suit up, bro, with your sword strapped on tight. Flex that power and rock that epic swag.
  4. Roll with style and confidence, embracing truth, humility, and fairness. Your strength will lead you through some epic moments.
  5. Your arrows hit the bullseye, piercing the hearts of the king’s enemies, making them surrender.
  6. Yo, God’s throne is forever and ever: his scepter’s legit righteous.
  7. You’re all about what’s right and can’t stand evil vibes. That’s why God chose you from your crew, blessing you with extra joy.
  8. Your threads smell dope with myrrh, aloes, and cassia, straight outta those fancy ivory palaces, bringing you mad happiness.
  9. Queen’s squad’s stacked with high-status girls, and the queen herself’s slaying in gold bling from Ophir right by your side.
  10. Listen up, girl, and really think about it; ditch your crew and fam’s crib;
  11. The king’s totally mesmerized by your stunningness, ’cause he’s your main dude; so, like, totally bow down and show him some love.
  12. And the girl from Tyre’s bringing a rad gift; even the wealthy peeps are begging for your attention. (attention: in your face, legit)
  13. OMG, the king’s daughter’s got a heart of gold: her outfit’s legit pure gold.
  14. She’ll be brought to the king in a jaw-dropping outfit, with her squad of fellow virgins in tow.
  15. They’ll be hyped AF when they get brought in with all the joy and celebration. Like, they’re totally gonna party in the king’s palace, no doubt!
  16. Your kids will inherit your legacy, becoming influencers worldwide.
  17. I’ll make sure your name’s on everyone’s lips for all time. That’s why people will keep praising you, like, forever and ever!
Psalms 46
  1. [For the sickest beats by the sons of Korah, A Jam for the Squad.] God is our safe haven and source of strength, always there when things get tough. [Note: This is lit.]
  2. So, like, we ain’t gonna trip, even if the whole earth starts shaking and the mountains get chucked into the middle of the ocean. #NoFear
  3. Even if the waves are all chaotic and roaring, and the mountains are trembling with such force. Pause and reflect on that, my dudes. Selah.
  4. There’s this lit river, with straight fire streams, making the city of God hella joyful, the legit holy spot where the most High chills in his crib.
  5. God is literally always with her and she’s totally unshakeable; God’s got her back, like, super early in the morning when everything’s just starting to happen.
  6. Yo, these non-believers were straight up losing it, causing chaos and unrest in all the kingdoms. But then, God stepped in and spoke up, and let me tell you, it was so powerful that the whole earth couldn’t even handle it, man.
  7. OMG, the LORD, the ultimate squad leader, is legit by our side; the God of Jacob is like our safe space. Periodt. (our…: like we got this cozy VIP section poppin’)
  8. Yo, check out the epic stuff the LORD has done, like totally wrecking the earth with desolation.
  9. He puts an end to all wars across the whole world; he destroys the bow and shatters the spear; he burns the chariot with fire.
  10. Chill out and realize that I’m God: I’ll totally rise above all those who don’t believe, and I’ll be praised all over the world.
  11. Yo, the LORD of hosts is chillin’ with us; the God of Jacob is our safe haven. Selah.
Psalms 47
  1. [To DJ Main, a Lit Jam for the Korah Crew.] Give it up for God, squad; shout out to Him with the ultimate vibe of victory.
  2. OMG, the LORD is seriously scary AF, He’s the ultimate boss, ruling over the whole earth with major power and authority.
  3. He’s gonna totally bring all these people under our sway, and make the nations bow down at our feet. Like, we’ll be running the world!
  4. God will hook us up with the best, the lit stuff that Jacob, his favorite, gets. BTW.
  5. God just flexed with a hype shout, the LORD dropping mad bars like a sick beat drop.
  6. Yo, let’s drop some fire beats for God, let’s drop some fire beats: drop some fire beats for our King, drop some fire beats.
  7. Like, God is the ultimate ruler of the whole earth, fam: let’s vibe out with some heartfelt praise, ya feel?
  8. God totally owns the non-believers, you feel me? Like, He’s straight-up ruling with all His awesomeness from His holy throne.
  9. The cool crew of the squad gathered, like, the homies of the God of Abraham, ’cause the power moves on earth totally belong to God. He’s, like, mega exalted and all that. #bossstatus
Psalms 48
  1. Aye, listen up, fam! The Most High is straight up lit and deserves mad respect in our city, holier than any other peak! #blessed #praise
  2. Mount Zion, up north, is like totally breathtaking, legit bringing joy to the whole earth. It’s the city of the great King, no cap.
  3. Yo, God’s like, renowned for being a total safe haven in her lavish digs.
  4. Ayy, peep this, all the kings were like linking up and rolling deep together.
  5. They peeped it and were shook; they bounced real quick.
  6. They were freaking out, like someone going through intense pain during childbirth.
  7. You straight up wreck the fancy ships of Tarshish with, like, a crazy east wind.
  8. Yo, we caught wind of the rumors and now we’ve seen it with our own eyes in the epic city of the Almighty, our God. He’s gonna make sure it’s set up forever. Take a moment to let that sink in. 💯
  9. We’ve been so grateful for your amazing love, God, as we chill in your holy place.
  10. Yo, God, your name is fire af and the hype for you is everywhere. Your right hand is straight up dripping with righteousness.
  11. OMG, Mount Zion is lit right now, and the Judah girls are totally hyped, all thanks to your fair and just rulings!
  12. Take a stroll through Zion and peep all around: admire the dope towers.
  13. Check out the sick fortresses, admire the fancy palaces; so you can spread the word to the next squad. Make sure you pay attention and really think about it!
  14. Yo, this God is our God forever and ever: He’s got our backs all the way, even when we’re facing death.
Psalms 49
  1. [To the main DJ, A Lit Song for the Squad of Korah.] Yo, listen up, squad! This one’s for all y’all across the globe, for real: or, like,
  2. No matter if you’re lowkey or highkey, flexin’ or grindin’ – we’re all in this together.
  3. I’m all about droppin’ wisdom, stayin’ woke to gain that deep understanding.
  4. Ready to vibe to a story and drop some deep thoughts with sick tunes on the harp.
  5. Why stress when trouble hits and mistakes pile up?
  6. Those flexin’ their cash, boasting about their riches;
  7. Like, no one can really buy their bro’s soul or pay God to set them free:
  8. Yo, savin’ that soul is priceless, it’s eternal, no cap:
  9. So they can live on, never decayin’ or fading.
  10. Like, peep this, even the smart ones kick it, just like fools and clueless peeps. And, like, they leave their cash to others.
  11. So basically, they think their mansions are forever, passin’ down the legacy to future squads. Even naming lands after themselves, all about that ego, yo. It’s like their legacy, stretchin’ from one gen to the next.
  12. But yo, despite the flex, humans don’t last – they’re like animals that fade.
  13. Yo, that’s straight up foolishness, their whole vibe, fam. But peep this, even their offspring vibe with it, no cap. Selah. (And, Selah means pause and reflect, y’know what I’m sayin’?)
  14. They’re like sheep, headin’ to the grave. Death’s gonna devour ’em, but the righteous gonna rule in the mornin’. Their power fades in the grave.
  15. But yo, God’s savin’ my soul from death’s grip: ’cause He gonna welcome me in. Selah.
  16. Don’t stress when someone’s stackin’ and their crib’s gettin’ fancier.
  17. When they dip, they can’t take nothin’ – their clout won’t follow ’em to the afterlife.
  18. While they’re alive, they boost themselves up, and peeps gonna give props for self-care and humblebrags.
  19. They’ll join the elder squad, never seein’ light again. #NoMoreBrightness
  20. If a dude’s all popular but clueless, he’s just like animals that vanish.
Psalms 50
  1. [A Psalm by Asaph.] Yo, God Almighty, known as the LORD, just dropped a message, summoning the earth from sunrise to sunset. [Written for Asaph.]
  2. Like, God’s light is lit AF, shining from Zion, the ultimate beauty spot.
  3. Yo, our God ain’t staying quiet. There’s gonna be fire blazing in front of Him, and it’s gonna be lit all around Him.
  4. He’s gonna reach out to the heavens and the earth, calling them up, just to drop that final judgment on his homies.
  5. Gather all my squad to vibe with me; those who’ve been down with me, sacrificing and all.
  6. And the whole universe gonna be like, ‘Yo, God is totally righteous, dude, ’cause he’s the ultimate judge and stuff. Selah, ya know?
  7. Yo, listen up, fam! It’s time to pay attention. I’m about to drop some knowledge for y’all, Israel. I’m God, yup, your God.
  8. I ain’t trippin’ on all those sacrifices and burnt offerings you’ve been throwing my way, fam.
  9. I ain’t here to snatch any cattle from your crib or any fancy goats from your hangout.
  10. Like, I own every animal in the forest and all the cows chillin’ on, like, a thousand hills.
  11. I know all the cool birds in the mountains, and the rad creatures in the field are my squad, you know?
  12. Like, if I was hungry, I wouldn’t even bother telling you ’cause the whole world is mine and everything in it.
  13. Am I supposed to chow down on some beef or slurp up some goat blood?
  14. Show some love to God and keep your promises to the highest power.
  15. When things get rough, hit me up, and I got your back. I’ll come through and save the day, and you’ll be all about praising me afterwards.
  16. But to the wicked, God’s like, why you even tryna front like you’re down with my rules or my covenant?
  17. Since you’re totally avoiding any sort of instruction and tossing my words aside like they’re irrelevant.
  18. When you saw a thief, you decided to roll with them and got involved with adulterers.
  19. You’re all about spreading negativity and telling lies, like seriously, your mouth is constantly sending out bad vibes and your tongue is all about deceiving others. (BTW, ‘sendest’ means ‘giving’ in Hebrew)
  20. You’re just sitting there, dissing your own brother and spreading rumors about your own fam. Not cool, dude.
  21. Yo, you did all those things and I stayed quiet. You actually thought I was just like you, but nah. Imma call you out and set things straight right in front of you.
  22. Yo, listen up! For real, all you guys who forget about God, you better wake up before I totally wreck you and there’s, like, no way to save you.
  23. If you’re all about praising and glorifying me, I’ll hook you up by revealing God’s amazing salvation. And yo, if you’re all about keeping your talk and actions in check, I got you covered too.
Psalms 51
  1. Yo, Big G, check this Psalm by David, when Nathan rolled up after David got with Bathsheba. I’m here, humbly asking for your mercy, ’cause you’re all about that kindness and endless compassion. Please forgive and wipe out all my wrongs, ’cause I’m feeling hella remorseful.
  2. Scrub me clean from all my mess-ups, and purify me from my screw-ups.
  3. Man, I gotta own my stuff. My sins are always creeping up on me.
  4. Straight up, my bad is on you. I messed up big time, let you down, so you can call me out and show your true colors when you judge.
  5. Listen up! I was born with a messed-up nature, brought into this world in a sinful state. No lie! #truth
  6. You want honesty in the core, then drop some wisdom in the deep down.
  7. Cleanse me good, and I’ll be fresh; give me a deep scrub, and I’ll be cleaner than fresh snow.
  8. Send me good vibes and positivity, so I can bounce back and feel alive again.
  9. Don’t even look at my screw-ups, just erase ’em, please.
  10. Yo Big G, renew my heart and keep my vibe steady, you know?
  11. Don’t dip on me, God; and please keep your Holy Spirit with me.
  12. Bring back those vibes of salvation; and keep me grounded with your chill spirit.
  13. I’ll show rule-breakers the right path; and those who mess up will come around to your ways.
  14. God, relieve me from this guilt, you’re the source of my salvation. Then I’ll shout about how righteous you are.
  15. Yo, help me speak up; and I’ll give you all the props.
  16. You’re not about sacrifices, or else I’d hook you up. Burnt offerings ain’t your thing either. Just saying.
  17. God’s not about fancy offerings, you know? He’s about realness. When your spirit’s down and you’re truly sorry, He’s not gonna brush you off.
  18. Do some cool stuff for Zion, whatever you think is cool: fix up Jerusalem.
  19. You’ll be hyped when people make righteous moves and give their all. That’s when they’ll really show dedication to you on your turf.
Psalms 52
  1. [Hey, peeps! Listen up, this track’s lit by David, inspired by when Doeg the Edomite snitched on Saul, claimin’ David hit up Ahimelech’s crib.] Yo, why you flexin’ with your evil moves, Almighty? God’s goodness is forever on replay. [Btw, this track’s all ’bout teachin’.]
  2. Your tongue stay wildin’, like a sneaky blade slicin’ through lies.
  3. You’re all about that shady life, choosing lies over truth. Selah.
  4. You stay gossipin’ and spreadin’ rumors, oh sly tongue.
  5. God’s gonna wipe you out, dude. He’ll yeet you from your spot and straight up pull you from the land of the livin’. Think on that. Selah.
  6. The righteous ones gonna peep game, and they gonna be like, ‘Bruh,’ and straight up chuckle at that dude:
  7. Yo, peep this dude who didn’t ride with God for strength, but instead banked on his stacks and boosted his ego with shady moves. #NotCool
  8. Yo, I’m chillin’ like a fresh olive tree posted in God’s spot. Forever and ever, I’m puttin’ my trust in God’s dope mercy.
  9. I’m hypin’ you up forever, ’cause you straight up killed it, and I’m vibin’ with your name ’cause it’s lit in front of all your squad.
Psalms 53
  1. Yo, this one’s for all the OG musicians, straight-up natural-born talents, a Psalm by David. Real talk, if you’re denying God, you’re just not getting it. Everybody’s messed up, doing some seriously messed up stuff; ain’t nobody out here staying righteous. Just saying, there’s a lesson in there, you know?
  2. God’s peeping down from the heavens, checking out the scene, seeing if anyone’s woke enough to really get it, to actually search for Him.
  3. But nah, everybody’s backtracking, all straight up dirty. I mean, seriously, not a single person out there doing good, not one.
  4. Do these wicked folks even get it? They’re out here munching on my people like it’s a snack, not even bothering to ask God for help.
  5. They got shook for real, even though there wasn’t anything to be scared of. God straight-up wrecked those haters, scattering their bones all over the place. Embarrassed them big time, ’cause God ain’t vibing with that negativity.
  6. OMG, if only Israel could get saved straight from Zion! When God brings His people back from all that drama, Jacob’s gonna be like, ‘Yasss!’ and Israel’s gonna be hyped AF. Seriously, who wouldn’t want that vibe?
Psalms 54
  1. [A sick track by David, when the Ziphims snitched to Saul, like, ‘Yo, isn’t David vibing with us?’ Come through for me, Big Guy, with your name, and lay down some righteous judgment using your power.]
  2. Yo Big Guy, peep this; tune in to what I’m saying.
  3. Bro, I’m dealing with some major haters here, they’re straight-up out to ruin my vibe. Can you believe they don’t even acknowledge the Big Guy upstairs? Like, seriously, take a sec and think about that. #RealTalk
  4. OMG, Big Guy is literally my ride-or-die, the real MVP who’s got my back and kicks it with those who uplift my spirit.
  5. He’s gonna serve up some karma to my enemies: wipe them out, no joke. (those…: the peeps who try to mess with me)
  6. I’m totally down to offer up some praise for you, Big Guy. Your name is so dope, LORD, ’cause it’s straight-up awesome.
  7. He totally came through and saved me from all the drama, and I totally saw him flexing on my enemies with mad style.
Psalms 55
  1. [Shoutout to the ultimate DJ, dropping those sick beats, check out by David.] Yo, Big G, don’t leave me on read, okay?
  2. Yo, listen up, peeps, and hear me out: I’m feeling low-key down and I gotta spill.
  3. Yo, it’s all ’bout them haters and the shady peeps, keepin’ it real toxic. They out here lyin’ ’bout me, hatin’ on the low with all that anger.
  4. My heart’s straight up hurting, and I’m low-key scared of the end, man.
  5. I’m shook to my core right now, like, frozen with fear and totally trippin’. It’s like I’m drowning in this overwhelming dread.
  6. Ugh, I’m like, wishing I could just fly away like a dove, you feel? Then I could peace out and find some chill vibes. 🕊️💆‍♀️
  7. I’d jet off on a major adventure, like, far away, and vibe out in the wilderness. Take a sec to think on that, you know?
  8. I’d bounce outta this insane storm real quick, no doubt.
  9. Yo, Big G, shut down their lies and split their tongues: ’cause the city’s straight up messed, with all that violence and drama.
  10. They’re always on the grind, day and night, on those blocks: it’s pure chaos and sorrow in the mix.
  11. Bad vibes be everywhere: people be frontin’ and schemin’ non-stop on those streets.
  12. Like, it wasn’t just some hater throwin’ shade; I could handle that. It wasn’t even a fake friend tryna flex on me; I’d just ghost ’em, easy.
  13. But it was you, man, like my ride-or-die, my main, the one who’s always been there. That’s how tight we were.
  14. We vibed hard, had real talks, rolled up to God’s place together. only real ones know
  15. May death catch ’em slippin’ and drag ’em down to the depths for all the evil they’re about. (or, to the grave)
  16. Personally, I’m reaching out to God, and He’s gonna come through, no doubt.
  17. I’mma pray and let it all out, evening, morning, noon, and best believe, He’s tuning in.
  18. God came in clutch in this epic showdown, like, it was wild! So many against me, but He brought the peace and saved my soul. Had my back the whole time!
  19. God’s listening, and He’s bringing the heat, even the OG. Selah. They ain’t even giving God a second thought, stuck in their lame ways. No growth, nada.
  20. He straight up played his day-ones, broke promises like it was no biggie. (BTW, ‘broken’ literally means ‘disrespected’ in Hebrew)
  21. Smooth talk, but he was schemin’: words sweeter than honey, but cuts deeper than knives.
  22. Throw your worries to God, He got you: the good ones ain’t stumbling on His watch.
  23. But yo, God, send them haters straight to the trash: those violent and deceitful dudes ain’t making it far; but I’mma trust in You, always.
Psalms 56
  1. [To the Main DJ on Jonathelemrechokim, Sick Beats of David, when the Haters caught him in Gath.] Keep it real, Big Guy: ’cause peeps be tryna crush me; this enemy of mine keeps bringing me down every single day.
  2. Bro, it feels like my enemies are straight up out to get me every single day. There are so many haters trying to bring me down, man. But I know that the one who’s got my back is the ultimate, highest power.
  3. When I’m freaking out, I’ll have faith in you.
  4. I’ll hype up God’s word, trust Him completely; ain’t even scared of what anyone can do to me.
  5. Every day they twist my words, all their thoughts are against me, trying to bring me down.
  6. They all come together, hiding and creeping on my every move, patiently waiting for my downfall.
  7. Like, can they actually get away with their messed up behavior? God, show them what’s up and bring them down with your righteous anger.
  8. Yo, you keep track of all my moves, so save my tears in your stash. Can’t you jot them down?
  9. When I’m calling out to You, my haters will bounce back: no doubt; ’cause God’s got my back.
  10. I’m all about praising God’s word, like it’s such a vibe. The Lord too, I give mad props to word.
  11. I’ve totally got my trust in God, you know? No need to stress about what mere mortals can throw my way, bruh.
  12. God, I’ve made promises to you and I’m gonna keep ’em. I’ll give you all the love and shoutouts you deserve.
  13. Because you saved me from death, won’t you also keep me from stumbling and falling? I just want to live my life with God’s guidance and in a positive way.
Psalms 57
  1. [To the sickest Beat Maker, Quicksave, Epic Jam of David, when he bounced from Saul in the hideout.] Yo, peep this: Show me some love, Big G, Show me some love: ’cause my soul’s fully vibin’ with you: yeah, gonna kick it in the safe zone of your shield, till all these rough patches fade away.
  2. I’m hittin’ up God, the ultimate bro; the one who’s holdin’ it down, making moves for me.
  3. He’s droppin’ a message from the celestial scene to save me from the haters trying to wreck me. Hold up. The big boss upstairs is droppin’ his love and his truth.
  4. Bro, I’m in a vibe surrounded by lions. I’m chillin’ with those squad members who are straight-up fire, the sons of men whose teeth are like weapons, and their words are sharp as blades.
  5. Yo, God, you’re on another level! Your glory should be shining above everything in this whole world.
  6. They’ve set up a trap for me, got me feelin’ low. They dug a pit in my path, but they fell right into it themselves. Selah.
  7. Yo, God, my heart’s locked in, I’m ready to drop some sick beats and spread some love.
  8. Yo, time to rise and grind, my awesome self! Get up, grab that instrument and start the day early.
  9. I’ll give you mad props, God, in front of everyone, and I’ll even lay down a sick track for you when people from all over the world are tuned in.
  10. Your love is through the roof, reaching the highest heavens, and your loyalty stretches beyond the clouds.
  11. God, you’re the absolute bomb! Soar high above the skies and let your awesomeness fill the entire earth.
Psalms 58
  1. [Hey, Music Maker, tune in! This one’s for the crew.] So, fam, you all preaching that righteousness, huh? Judging fair and square or what? [Psst, don’t go wreckin’ stuff, just saying] [Or, Think of it as a lit Psalm]
  2. Bro, no cap, y’all are straight-up wicked deep down. Plotting out how savage you can be on this turf.
  3. Right from the cradle, the wicked are on that shady vibe, spewing straight-up nonsense.
  4. Their toxicity is like snake venom – they’re like a clueless snake that’s deaf to reason, you feel? But yo, when they talk ‘poison’, they really mean venom. And that ‘adder’ part? Think of it like an asp, ya dig?
  5. They ain’t vibing with the charmers, no matter how slick they are with their tricks.
  6. Yo, Big G, smash their teeth in: break those jaws of the fierce, young lions, Lord.
  7. OMG, let them fade like water always on the move. And when God busts out His bow and lets those arrows fly, they’re gonna get wrecked, obliterated, you get me?
  8. Picture a snail just straight-up dissolving, right? Well, let everyone fade into thin air – like a premature birth, you know? So they don’t even catch a glimpse of the sun, bro.
  9. Just when they think they’re about to flex, He’ll swoop in like a tornado and snatch them away, with a rage like no other. Whoa, major plot twist!
  10. The righteous crew gonna be hyped when they see payback goin’ down. They gonna be like, ‘Chillin’ in the blood of those evil cats.’
  11. You know what’s up? The righteous gonna get theirs, no doubt. And man, Big G, He’s gonna lay down that judgment, right here on this turf. Word.
Psalms 59
  1. [To the main DJ, Altaschith, Michtam of David; when Saul sent, and they watched the house to take him out.] Yo, God, shield me from the haters, keep me safe from those plotting against me.
  2. Save me from all the shady characters and keep me away from those bringing the drama.
  3. Hey, listen up! My enemies are scheming, all the big shots are ganging up, but it’s not ’cause I messed up or anything. Oh, Lord, lend me a hand!
  4. They’re scheming without any cause against me. Wake up and step in, take a look. (help: Hebrew: meet)
  5. Yo, LORD God, the all-powerful, it’s time to wake up and peep what’s up with all those doubters. Show no mercy to those rule-breakers. Pause and reflect on that. Selah.
  6. At night, they come back, making a racket like a dog, roaming around the city.
  7. Check it, they’re spitting venom: talking big with their lips, thinking nobody’s listening.
  8. But, God, you’re gonna straight up laugh at them and mock those unbelievers.
  9. I’m putting my trust in your strength, God, ’cause you got my back. You’re my ultimate ride-or-die.
  10. My merciful God’s got my back: He’ll make sure I see my wishes come true against those eyeing me as enemies.
  11. Don’t take ’em out, or my crew might forget: scatter them with your power; and bring ’em down, O Lord, our ultimate shield.
  12. Make ’em pay for their arrogance, their toxic talk, curses, and lies.
  13. Burn ’em up with fiery rage, wipe ’em out so they’re gone for good. Show ’em who’s boss from Jacob to the ends of the earth. Pause and think on that.
  14. And when night falls, they’ll come back; like a dog, they’ll make noise and prowl around the city.
  15. Let ’em wander, searching for food, and complain if they’re not satisfied.
  16. I’m gonna groove to your strength; gonna shout about your kindness in the morning: ’cause you’ve had my back and kept me safe through the rough patches.
  17. Yo, you’re my main plug for strength, so I’m gonna belt it out. ‘Cause God’s got my back and shows me mad love.
Psalms 60
  1. [For the dopest beats ever, inspired by David’s epic battle against Aramnaharaim and Aramzobah, when Joab came back and totally wiped out Edom in the salty valley, drop it like it’s hot.] God, you’ve been low-key MIA, shattered our crew, and been totally fed up; yo, come back to us ASAP.
  2. Bruh, you straight up made the earth shake and break! Now, fix it up and heal those cracks ’cause it’s still shaky out here.
  3. Yo, you’ve been hitting us with some tough challenges, like making us drink the most mind-blowing experiences.
  4. You’ve given a sick banner to those who respect you, so they can flex it because of the straight facts. Selah.
  5. So that your absolute ride or die can be freed; flex your dominant hand and listen up to my request.
  6. God has made it clear; I’m stoked! I’m gonna claim Shechem as my own and map out the valley of Succoth.
  7. Gilead is totally mine, and so is Manasseh. Ephraim is like the powerhouse of my squad, and Judah lays down the laws for me. No cap!
  8. Moab is like my personal cleaning tool, and Edom is where I’ll toss my shoe in victory. Philistia, rejoice because of me!
  9. Yo, who’s gonna be my guide into that lit city? Who’s gonna show me the way into Edom? Like, that city’s on another level, you know? Like a city of pure strength and power.
  10. God, like, didn’t you ditch us? Like, you didn’t even roll with our armies, dude?
  11. Yo, we need some real assistance when we’re going through tough times. ‘Cause let’s be honest, relying on people for help doesn’t always work out. Like, seriously, it’s pretty useless most of the time.
  12. With God on our side, we’re gonna do epic things; ’cause He’s the one who will totally crush our haters.
Psalms 61
  1. [To the top Artist dropping mad beats, of David.] Hey, Most High! Can you tune in to my vibe and peep my prayer?
  2. When life’s got me shook, I’ll hit you up, even if I’m on the edge of the grid. Guide me to a rock-solid vibe that’s higher than my vibe.
  3. You’ve been my chill spot, like a fortress against the haters.
  4. I’m posted in your place for good, finding shade under your wings. Hold up.
  5. Most High, you really caught my vibes: you’ve set me up with that legacy, you know, for all those who respect your name.
  6. You’ll keep the king in the game, extending his reign for ages.
  7. He’s gonna vibe in your presence forever: Let’s gear up to show him some love and respect, so he can keep on thriving.
  8. I’ll keep dropping praises on your name forever, staying true to my word every day.
Psalms 62
  1. [To the main Music Producer, to Jeduthun, A Psalm of David.] Yo, my soul’s just vibin’ with the Big Guy upstairs, you feel me? Like, He’s the plug for all my salvation, no cap. My soul be stayin’ low-key, just chillin’ in His presence.
  2. He’s like my ride-or-die, my ultimate lifesaver; he’s got my back like a boss; I ain’t gonna be shaken, period. #solidAF #strongtower
  3. Why you all gotta scheme against this homie? Y’all gonna end up getting wrecked: like a wall ’bout to crash or a fence ’bout to tumble.
  4. They straight-up wanna bring him down from his throne: they be spittin’ lies: they talk sweet to his face, but deep down, they hatin’. Selah. (Translation: pause and think on that)
  5. Yo, just chill and trust in God, ’cause all my hopes and dreams come from Him.
  6. He’s like my rock and my savior, like, he’s got my back and I ain’t gonna move.
  7. God’s like squad goals, man, He’s got my back 24/7. He’s the BOSS of my strength and the ultimate safe space, all day, every day.
  8. Always open up to him; peeps, lay it all out for him. God’s like a safe zone for us. Pause and reflect on that.
  9. Bro, people from all walks are just hollow and fake, you know? Whether they’re nobodies or somebodies, they’re totally worthless when you weigh ’em. Like, they weigh less than nothing. Fr, they’re all the same.
  10. Don’t hustle dirty or get caught up in shady deals to feel big. Remember, even if you’re swimming in cash, don’t let it consume you.
  11. God said it once; I’m hearin’ it twice: power’s all God’s. (Or you can say, God’s got all the strength.)
  12. Yo, Lord, you’re all about that mercy vibe: you give each person what they deserve based on their grind.
Psalms 63
  1. [A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah.] Yo, God, you’re like, my ride-or-die; I’m all about seeking you from the jump. My inner vibes are straight-up craving for you, my physical self is legit longing for you in this desert-like place where there ain’t a drop of water; it’s like super parched and dry here, no cap!
  2. To peep your power and your awesomeness, just like how I’ve felt you in the sacred spot.
  3. Your love is literally better than anything else in life, so I’m gonna be praising you all day with my lips.
  4. Yo, I’m gonna keep on blessing you as long as I’m alive: I’ll throw my hands up in your name.
  5. My soul gonna be lit, like filled with all the good vibes and blessings; and my mouth gonna be shouting praises with mad excitement: all that goodness, you feel me?!
  6. When I’m chilling at night, laying on my bed, and mulling over you until dawn breaks.
  7. Since you’ve always had my back, I’m gonna be vibing under your protective wing.
  8. My soul totally vibes with you, like I’m all in, and your right hand keeps me on point.
  9. But those who are out to get me, trying to wreck me, will end up in the deepest pits of the earth.
  10. They gonna get wrecked by swords and become a snack for foxes. Ya see, they’ll be like water slipping through somebody’s fingers, fleeing in defeat.
  11. But the king gonna be stoked about God; anyone who’s like ‘I swear by Him’ gonna flex hard; but those who front with lies gonna get shut down.
Psalms 64
  1. [Attention, DJ, A Song by David.] Yo, God, check it, hear me out when I pray: keep me safe from the enemy and all their scary vibes.
  2. Keep me away from the sketchy convos of the wicked; from the rebellious chaos caused by those who do wrong:
  3. Those who sharpen their tongues like a sword, and pull back their bows to release their arrows, with words that are filled with bitterness:
  4. They try to jump the innocent without warning: all of a sudden, they launch their attack and feel no remorse.
  5. They gas each other up in doing bad things: they lowkey plot to set traps, thinking nobody will clock them. #sneaky #undetected
  6. They stay hunting for wrongdoing, doing deep dives into everyone’s thoughts and desires. Their hustle is relentless, as they dig into the hidden depths of the heart. Nothing slips past their radar.
  7. But God gonna hit ’em with an arrow, and they’ll be blindsided. Like, they gonna be hurtin’ real quick. Like, outta left field, super unexpected. It’s gonna be a major smackdown.
  8. They’ll straight up trip over their own words, and everyone watching will dip out real quick.
  9. And everyone gonna be shook, spreading the word about God’s epic moves; ’cause they gonna reflect on it and see how lit it is.
  10. The real ones gonna be hyped about the LORD, and they gonna straight up trust in him; and all those who keep it 💯 will feel proud.
Psalms 65
  1. [Hey, Music Leader, here’s a Psalm and a Song by David.] Praise is all about you, God, in Sion: and people are gonna keep their promises to you. [waiteth: Heb. is silent]
  2. Yo, you who’s always there to listen, everyone’s gonna come to you.
  3. I’m getting overwhelmed by all these wrongdoings, but don’t worry, you’ll totally erase our mistakes and bad vibes. It’s like a fresh start, y’know?
  4. Happy is the person you pick and bring close to you, so they can chill in your awesome hangout spot. We’ll totally be stoked with all the good vibes in your place, especially your super sacred pad.
  5. God, you really come through for us with amazing stuff. You’re like our ultimate savior, the one everyone looks up to, no matter where they are on this planet or out at sea.
  6. He flexes his muscles and holds the mountains in place; absolutely swagged out with power:
  7. Like, dude, God totally calms the chaos of the ocean, like the crazy noise from the waves and everything, and even the drama of the people. It’s, like, super serene and peaceful vibes, you know?
  8. Even people from far and wide are shook by your epic signs. You make the sunrise and sunset lit AF, and everyone’s like, woohoo!
  9. You come to the earth and give it water; you make it rich and fruitful with the flowing river of God. The river is filled with water, like totally overflowing! And you provide the coolest corn for us, just when it needs it the most. Like, you’ve got everything on point, dude!
  10. You water the fields generously, you fill the trenches with rain, you make it soft with showers, and you bless its growth.
  11. You make the year awesome; and your ways overflow with goodness. (with: Hebrew of)
  12. Rain falls upon the grasslands of the wild, and the small hills are stoked with happiness all around. They’re totally pumped up with joy, you know?
  13. OMG, the fields are lit with fluffy animals; the valleys are totally covered with yummy crops; everyone’s hyped and celebrating, even singing their hearts out! 🌾🎉🎶
Psalms 66
  1. Yo, listen up! To the ultimate DJ, a lit tune or a mad verse. Let’s hype it up and make some noise for God, all over the globe! Shoutout to the whole world, fam!
  2. Lift up your voice and spread the awesomeness of his name: let his praise be absolutely epic.
  3. Yo, God, your works are straight up awesome! Your enemies are totally gonna bow down to you because of your immense power. They can’t even front, they’ll have to show you respect.
  4. Everyone on earth gonna worship you and sing to you, like, totally praising your name. Lit. Selah.
  5. Like, you gotta check out what God can do, man. His power is like, whoa, totally mind-blowing when it comes to dealing with us humans.
  6. He like totally made the sea become dry land: and then we all walked through that crazy flood on foot! It was lit, man! We were so stoked and grateful, like yeah, we totally rejoiced in Him, you know?
  7. He’s the ultimate boss, forever in control; he’s always watching every nation. Y’all rebellious folks better not try to get too high and mighty. Pause and reflect on that. Selah.
  8. Yo, shout out to our God, everyone! Let’s blast his praise loud and proud:
  9. God keeps us alive and makes sure we stay on the right path, never letting us stumble.
  10. Yo, God, you totally tested us out. It felt like you were putting us through some intense trials, like when silver gets tested for its quality, you know.
  11. Dude, you totally trapped us like in a virtual spiderweb. Our whole vibe got hit with major hardships.
  12. You let people dominate us, we went through tough challenges, but you brought us to a dope location.
  13. I’m gonna come through to your crib with some lit sacrifices. Gonna keep it real and fulfill my promises to you, fam.
  14. Things I said when I was going through a tough time, you know, like when I was speaking openly and speaking from my heart.
  15. I’m gonna bring you some primo offerings, like the juiciest fatlings, and the finest rams for that sweet-smelling incense. Oh, and let’s not forget the bullocks and goats too. Selah.
  16. Listen up everyone who respects God, I’m about to spill the tea on what He’s done for my soul.
  17. I straight up called out to Him, using my own voice, and gave Him mad props with my words.
  18. If I keep doing bad stuff deep inside, the Lord won’t listen to me:
  19. OMG, seriously, God totally listened to me and actually paid attention to my prayer. Like, he’s totally got my back, you know?
  20. Praise God, who hasn’t ignored my prayers or withheld his mercy from me.
Psalms 67
  1. [For the vibe Master, with some sick beats, a Psalm or Song.] God, please be chill with us and bless us; and make your face shine upon us; Take a moment to reflect on that. [overseer] [with]
  2. So that everyone on earth knows your path and your amazing healing power spreads to all nations.
  3. Yo, everyone should totally give praises to you, God; like, all the people should be praising you, no doubt.
  4. Yo, let the whole world flex and vibe with happiness: ’cause you’re gonna lay down some righteous judgment and take the lead in ruling all the nations on this earth. Pause for a sec and think about that.
  5. Yo, everyone gotta give props to you, God; all the homies gotta give props to you.
  6. When the earth starts vibing, it’s gonna bring forth mad growth, and our homie God, like, for real gonna bless us, it’s lit fam.
  7. God is gonna bless us big time and everyone all over the world is gonna be totally amazed and respectful of Him.
Psalms 68
  1. [To the hype Musician, A Psalm Song of David.] God, you better rise up and wreck your haters, scattering them like a boss. Let those who despise you run away in fear.
  2. As smoke gets yeeted, yeet them away. Like when wax melts before the fire, let the wicked totally perish when God shows up.
  3. But the righteous should be stoked; they should be totally hyped before God — like, seriously pumped up. Let them go all out and celebrate with extreme joy.
  4. Yo, blast those tunes for God, shout out praise to his name: give props to him cruisin’ the heavens with the name JAH, and straight up enjoy his presence.
  5. God be the ultimate homie for those with no dad and the ultimate real one for all the single moms out there, chilling in His holy crib.
  6. God puts lonely people in squads: he frees those who are trapped in toxic situations: but those who refuse to listen end up feeling empty and lost.
  7. Yo, God, back in the day when you were leading your squad, flexing through the wilderness like a boss; Selah:
  8. OMG, everything went crazy! Like, the earth shook and even the heavens were like dropping down when God showed up. Even freakin’ Sinai was shook to the core in the presence of God, the God of Israel.
  9. Yo, God, you sent down a mad heavy rain, boostin’ and strengthenin’ your people when they were straight up exhausted. #sendit #confirmit
  10. The squad has been chilling there: You, God, have hooked up the less fortunate with some major blessings.
  11. OMG, the Lord totally dropped the sickest verse! So many peeps were sharing it, it was like a legit army of influencers. #Blessed
  12. The kings with all their armies bounced out of there real quick, and the ones who stayed behind at home got to split up all the treasure. #winning
  13. Even though you’ve been hanging out in the messy pots, you’re gonna shine bright like a dove’s wings covered in silver, with feathers made of yellow gold.
  14. When the Almighty broke up the kings and shook things up, it was as flawless and clean as fresh snow in Salmon. For real, it was spotless and pure.
  15. The hill of God is like, totally epic, just like the hill of Bashan; super high and awesome, just like the hill of Bashan.
  16. Why are you jumping around, you tall hills? This hill right here is the place where God wants to live forever, no doubt the LORD will make it His permanent crib.
  17. God’s squad rolls deep with twenty thousand chariots, and thousands upon thousands of angels. The Lord is right up in the mix, just like back in Sinai, in that holy place. No doubt, there’s an insane number of angels on deck, fam.
  18. You went all the way up, leading those who were captured as prisoners! You received awesome gifts, yeah even for the rebellious ones, so that the LORD God could live among them!
  19. Praise the Lord, who gives us awesome stuff every single day, the God who saves us. Pause and think about that!
  20. Our God is totally the GOAT of salvation; and like, all the credit for bringing us back from the dead goes to GOD the Lord.
  21. But God gonna totally wreck the haters, especially those who keep on doing their wrongdoings with that unruly hairdo.
  22. God’s like, bruh, I’m gonna bring my fam back from Bashan, and even from the deep sea too, y’know?
  23. So you can flex on your enemies, let your sneakers be stained in their blood, and have your squad’s dogs licking it too. #Savage #BossMoves
  24. They’ve seen your moves, God; like, the legit moves of my God, my King, in the holy place.
  25. The singers were leading the way, and the musicians were coming next, jamming on their instruments. And right in the mix were a bunch of awesome girls, totally slaying it with their timbrels.
  26. Give props to God in the squad, even the Lord, who’s straight up from Israel. You know, the ultimate source of all the good stuff. Yeah, shout out to my fellow Israel peeps too!
  27. Check it out, we got little Benjamin leading the pack, along with the cool kids from Judah and their crew. Also shoutout to the squad from Zebulun and Naphtali. They all rollin’ deep!
  28. Yo, God straight up commanded us to use our strength. So, God, please flex on what you’ve done for us and make it even stronger.
  29. Btw, all the cool rulers gonna be sliding into your DMs with gifts ’cause of your epic temple in Jerusalem.
  30. Call out those spear-wielding squads and rowdy bull gangs, along with the youngsters who think they’re tough. Make them cough up some cash and put them in their place. Disband those who get a thrill out of conflict.
  31. Kings will rise from Egypt; Ethiopia will reach out to God in no time.
  32. Yo, kingdoms of the earth, it’s time to drop some sick beats for God! Give mad props and sing praises to the Lord. Selah.
  33. Yo, check it out, the dude who’s cruisin’ through the most epic level of the universe, like the OG cosmic gamer. He’s droppin’ mad vocals, and we’re talking some serious decibels. No joke, his voice is straight up powerful, fam. Like, when he speaks, everyone listens, ya heard?
  34. Give mad props to God, ’cause he’s straight fire! He’s got mad skillz over Israel, and his power’s on fleek in the clouds. #clouds #heavens
  35. Oh my God, you are so freaking awesome in your holy spots: the God of Israel is the one who boosts the strength and power of his squad. Big shoutout to God.
Psalms 69
  1. [To the main DJ, based on a lit tune by David.] Help me out, God; ’cause I feel so overwhelmed with problems.
  2. I’m literally stuck in like, the most overwhelming situation ever. It’s like being trapped in quicksand with no solid ground anywhere. I’ve been thrown into this sea of problems where the waves just keep crashing over me, like dude, it’s way too much. #Overwhelmed
  3. I’m so done with crying: my throat is parched: my eyes are giving up as I wait for my God.
  4. The peeps who hate me for no reason are, like, way more than the number of hairs on my head. These haters, who wanna take me down even though I didn’t do anything wrong, are like super powerful. But, yo, I still made things right even though I didn’t even take anything in the first place.
  5. Yo God, you know I be acting dumb sometimes; and you see all my wrongdoings.
  6. Don’t let those who trust in you, O mighty God, feel embarrassed because of me. Don’t let those who are searching for you feel confused because of me, O God of Israel.
  7. I’ve dealt with haters and trolls all because of you; my face is totally hashtag embarrassed.
  8. I feel like a total outsider with my own siblings and even with the gang from my mom’s side.
  9. I’m like totally consumed with passion for Your crib, and I’m totally taking all the hate thrown at You, for real.
  10. When I was crying and punishing myself by fasting, it made others look down on me.
  11. I was totally rocking sackcloth as my outfit, and now I’m like a total meme to them.
  12. The people hanging out at the hotspot were dissing me, and I became the topic of conversation for all the party animals. 🎵
  13. But like, for me, my prayer is for real to you, Lord, when you’re ready to listen and stuff. God, in your total kindness, make sure to hear me out and all, ’cause you’re totally legit and all about saving me.
  14. Get me out of this sticky situation and don’t let me go under: save me from the people who can’t stand me, and rescue me from the overwhelming struggles.
  15. Dude, please don’t let the massive wave drown me, or let the deep abyss swallow me whole, and like, don’t let the pit trap me forever.
  16. Listen up, God; your kindness is fire: come through for me with mad love and hella mercy.
  17. Don’t ghost me, fam; I’m going through some serious stuff. ASAP, listen up and respond quickly. You feel me?
  18. Come close to my soul, and rescue me: save me from my enemies.
  19. You know all about the haters, the embarrassment, and the disrespect I’ve faced. They’re all in your sight, God.
  20. Man, I’m so hurt right now. It feels like my heart is shattered. I’m feeling super down and I was hoping someone would show me some compassion, but nope, nobody stepped up. I really needed some support, but guess what? There was nobody there for me.
  21. Dude, they straight-up served me bitter stuff to eat, and when I was super parched, they just handed me a drink of vinegar. Like, serio?
  22. May their dinner table become a total disaster, and what was supposed to make them happy turn into a total disaster.
  23. May their vision be obscured, so they can’t see a thing; and may their confidence be shattered.
  24. Let them feel your intense anger and wrath.
  25. OMG, their place should be totally abandoned and no one should live in their fancy tents. Like, nobody should even want to live there anymore, it’s that bad.
  26. They’re totally hating on the person you’ve totally wrecked, and they’re like, totally rubbing salt in the wounds of those you’ve injured. It’s so not cool.
  27. Just pile their wrongs on top of their wrongs, and don’t let them experience your righteousness.
  28. Cancel them from the VIP list of life, and don’t even bother adding them to the squad of the righteous.
  29. But like, I’m super broke and feeling down. God, can you, like, lift me up with your amazing salvation?
  30. I’ll rock God’s name with a sick beat and totally amp him up with mad gratitude.
  31. God’s totally into this rather than, like, a beefy ox with horns and hoofs.
  32. When those who stay humble see this, they’ll be stoked, and your heart will thrive if you seek God. humblee: or, meek)
  33. Like, God totally listens to those who are struggling and doesn’t ignore those who feel trapped.
  34. Yo, let’s give some mad props to God, yo! The heavens, the earth, the oceans, and all the living creatures in ’em – they all be givin’ this dude some major love, ya feel me? #Blessed
  35. God will totally save Zion and rebuild the cities of Judah so that people can live there and own it. It’s gonna be lit!
  36. The fam of his servants gonna score that inheritance, and those who stan his name gonna vibe there.
Psalms 70
  1. [Yo, DJ, this one’s for you! A Psalm written by David, to remember stuff.] God, I need you to come through ASAP and save me; like hurry up and help me out, Lord. [Like, seriously, help me out soon… that kinda urgency, you know?]
  2. May those who are trying to harm me feel embarrassed and defeated; may they be overwhelmed with confusion and frustration.
  3. Those who mock and exclaim ‘Aha, aha’ will soon face humiliation and defeat.
  4. May everyone who’s trying to find you feel pure joy and be stoked about you. And let those who are all about your salvation keep saying non-stop, Godd deserves all the hype and recognition.’
  5. I’m totally broke and in need of help: God, please come through for me ASAP! You’re my ultimate source of support and rescue; Oh Lord, don’t keep me waiting!
Psalms 71
  1. God, I have complete faith in You. Please never let me feel lost or overwhelmed.
  2. Yo, help me out and save me with your righteousness. Lean in and listen to me, then rescue me from this mess.
  3. Yo, be my safe place where I can always chill at. You’ve got my back and saved me before, ’cause you’re my rock and fortress. #Solid
  4. God, please save me from the clutches of evil and the grip of this heartless and brutal person.
  5. You’re my ride-or-die, God: my OG since day one.
  6. Since day one, you’ve been there for me. You’re the one who brought me into this world. I’ll keep on giving props to you always.
  7. I’m like a total mystery to so many peeps, but you’re like my ultimate safe haven, dude.
  8. May my mouth be filled with praise and your honor all day long.
  9. Don’t ghost me when I’m old and my vibes are weak.
  10. Yo, my haters be talking smack about me; and those who are plotting to harm my soul be scheming together, you know what I’m saying?
  11. They’re saying God has abandoned him: go after him and capture him, because there’s no one to save him.
  12. Yo, God, don’t be distant from me: Yo, my God, hurry up and help me.
  13. OMG, anyone who hates on me and tries to bring me down, they’re totally gonna get embarrassed and ruined. Like seriously, they’ll be publicly humiliated and lose all respect if they try to hurt me.
  14. But I’m gonna keep on having faith, and I’ll keep praising you even more and more.
  15. I’m gonna keep talking about how righteous and awesome You are all day, ’cause honestly, I can’t even count all the ways You’ve saved me.
  16. I’m gonna do this with God’s power, repping your goodness, and only yours.
  17. Oh God, you’ve been teaching me since I was a young buck: and up to this point, I’ve been shoutin’ about all the awesome things you’ve done.
  18. Yo God, even when I’m old and gray, please don’t ditch me. I gotta flex your strength to this squad and show off your power to future fam. Don’t peace out on me, kapeesh? #StayLoyal
  19. Your righteousness, God, is on another level! You’ve done amazing things. Seriously, who can even compare to you, God?
  20. Bro, you’ve seen me go through some serious struggles, but you’ll revive me and bring me back up from the rock bottom, for real.
  21. You gonna make me even more epic, and keep on lifting me up, all around me.
  22. I’ll flex on You with the sickest beats, God. I’ll vibe out on my harp and drop some fire tunes for You, the holiest one of Israel. 🎶
  23. I’m gonna be totally stoked when I belt out some sick tunes for you; and my soul, which you’ve totally redeemed.
  24. I’m gonna keep talkin’ about how righteous You are all day, ’cause those haters who try to harm me will be totally embarrassed and ashamed.
Psalms 72
  1. A Psalm dedicated to Solomon. Pass on your wisdom and justice to the king, God, and grant righteousness to the king’s son. (for: or, of)
  2. He’s gonna make fair decisions for your squad, and he’ll treat the underprivileged with respect.
  3. Yo, the mountains gonna bring mad peace to the crowd, and even the tiny hills gonna join in, all ’cause of righteousness.
  4. He’s gonna stand up for the underprivileged, save the kids who need help, and crush anyone who tries to harm them.
  5. They’ll totally respect you as long as the sun and moon keep doing their thing, for like, forever and all the future generations too.
  6. He’s gonna drop down like rain on freshly cut grass: like showers that hydrate the whole earth.
  7. During his reign, the righteous will thrive, and there will be abundant peace for as long as the moon continues to shine.
  8. He’s totally gonna rule from coast to coast, and from the river to every corner of the world.
  9. Those living in the wilderness will totally bow down to him, like, showing him mad respect and stuff. And his enemies? Oh, they’ll be eating dirt, like, literally licking the dust and feeling defeated.
  10. The bosses of Tarshish and the cool kids from the dope islands will come bearing gifts: even the kings of Sheba and Seba will offer some sick presents, you know what I’m saying.
  11. Like, all the kings will totally bow down before him, and all the nations will totally be his followers.
  12. Because he’s got your back, ready to save the ones who are struggling, the ones without a voice, and those who have no one else to turn to.
  13. He gonna look out for the less fortunate and those in need, and gonna rescue the hearts of the ones who desperately need help.
  14. He’s gonna, like, save them from all the lying and violence, and their blood is, like, super valuable to him.
  15. And he’ll totally thrive, like, people will hook him up with mad gold from Sheba. Plus, prayers will be going down for him nonstop, and he’ll be getting praised on the daily, no doubt. #blessed
  16. Yo, imagine this: there’s gonna be a rad amount of corn growin’ on top of the mountains, and it’s gonna be like super vibrant, just like how the trees in Lebanon sway in the wind. And not just that, peeps in the city are gonna thrive like the lush grass on the earth, man.
  17. His name will be legendary forever: his name will shine as bright as the sun: and people will be blessed through him: all nations will honor him and consider him blessed.
  18. Praise the Lord! He’s the awesome God of Israel, who’s totally into doing mind-blowing things.
  19. And OMG, his name is totally lit forever: let the whole earth be filled with his epicness; Amen, and Amen.
  20. David, son of Jesse, is done with his prayers.
Psalms 73
  1. [A lit psalm, written by Asaph.] God is honestly so good to the people of Israel, especially to those who have a pure heart. For real, it’s all about having a clean heart, no cap.
  2. So, like, my feet were totally about to give out; my steps were, like, so close to slipping, it’s not even funny.
  3. I gotta be real, I was hella jealous of these clueless people when I peeped their mad success.
  4. When they die, they don’t have any restrictions holding them back, they’re still going strong. (Strong like fat, if we’re going by the Hebrew meaning!)
  5. They don’t go through the same struggles as other people; they don’t face the same problems. Their lives aren’t filled with the same challenges and difficulties as everyone else.
  6. So, like, pride totally surrounds them like a sick chain and violence is like their go-to outfit.
  7. Their eyes are on fleek with abundance: they have more than anyone could ever desire. (like seriously, it’s beyond what their heart can even handle)
  8. They’re totally messed up, always spewing negative vibes about hurting others: they talk so arrogantly.
  9. They’re so full of themselves, constantly bashing on anything divine, and their words spread like wildfire across social media and beyond.
  10. So his homies come back here and they’re getting handed a full-on drink, no cap.
  11. And they’re like, ‘How does God even know? Like, does the most High really have all the knowledge?’
  12. Check it out, these guys are straight up wicked, and they’re totally cashing in on this world. They’re stacking up tons of dough.
  13. Honestly, I’ve tried to purify my heart for no reason, and I’ve washed my hands with pure intentions.
  14. Bruh, I’ve been dealing with problems all day long and getting disciplined every single morning. You feel me? #DisciplineLife
  15. If I were to express myself like that, it would totally offend the fam of your peeps.
  16. When I tried to understand this, it was way too much for me to handle; it seriously hurt my brain, man. It was like my eyes were working overtime trying to figure it out.
  17. It wasn’t until I stepped into God’s crib that I finally got what was up with those peeps.
  18. Like, you totally put them in sketchy situations, and then like, sent them straight to epic disaster.
  19. OMG, they totally got wrecked and turned into a hot mess in, like, no time at all! Their fears totally took over and demolished them completely.
  20. Like when you wake up from a dream, Lord, when you wake up, you’re gonna totally reject their existence.
  21. So like, my heart was totally bummed out and I felt this strong vibe of discomfort deep in my soul.
  22. Dude, I was so dumb and clueless. I was like a total animal in front of you. Like, I had no idea what was going on.
  23. But like, I always have you with me, You’ve got my back and, like, holding my right hand.
  24. You’ll give me solid advice and then lead me to success.
  25. Like, who else do I have up in heaven, right? There’s literally nobody on earth that I’m vibing with more than you.
  26. My body and my mind may let me down, but God is my source of strength and will always be there for me.
  27. Yo, listen up! Those who distance themselves from you are gonna face destruction: all those who stray from your path will be wiped out.
  28. But it’s lit for me to get close to God: I’ve fully believed in the Lord GOD, so I can flex about all the dope things you’ve done.
Psalms 74
  1. [Song of Asaph.] OMG, God, like why did you totally ghost us forever? Why are you so triggered at your own sheep, like seriously? [Song…: or, A TikTok for Asaph to drop some wisdom]
  2. Yo, don’t forget about your crew, the OG ones you’ve had since way back; the fam that’s like your legacy, the ones you’ve saved. Shout out to Mount Zion, where you’ve been chilling and representing!
  3. Setting aside all the eternal ruins, where the enemies have carried out their wicked acts against the sacred place.
  4. Your haters be like making all that noise in your squad gatherings, they be flaunting their flags like it’s some big flex.
  5. This guy became hella popular because he totally flexed by swingin’ axes at them thicc trees.
  6. But now they just straight up destroy the cool, artistic stuff with axes and hammers.
  7. They totally trashed your sacred place, setting it on fire and wrecking the spot where your name dwells. It’s like they just threw your sanctuary into the flames, man.
  8. In their hearts, they were like, yo let’s wreck them all at once: they straight up torched every single temple of God in the whole land. #zerotolerance #nofilter
  9. We don’t know what to look for anymore. No one is speaking as a prophet among us, and there’s no one who knows what’s gonna happen next.
  10. Yo, God, when is this hater gonna stop talking trash? Are they gonna keep disrespecting your name forever?
  11. Why are you hesitating, even holding back? Share it out without holding back.
  12. God has been my OG King, straight up saving lives right here on Earth.
  13. You totally flexed and split the sea, like, with your mad strength. And you straight-up crushed the heads of those dragons, or maybe even whales, like a boss in the water.
  14. You totally smashed the heads of leviathan, and straight up fed that dude to the people living in the wild.
  15. Yo, you straight up split the whole fountain and flood, and then you went and dried up some insanely powerful rivers. Like, those rivers had mad strength, ya know?
  16. Bruh, the whole day and even the night belong to you. You straight up created the light and the sun too.
  17. You literally defined all the boundaries of the earth, like you’re the creator of summer and winter. Like, you’re the one who totally made them. #Impressive
  18. Yo, don’t forget, the haters been dissing you, God, and the dumb peeps out here be straight disrespecting your name.
  19. Yo, don’t let those wicked peeps snatch away your precious turtledove, and make sure you never forget about the squad of your poor forever.
  20. Yo, show some love for the pact: ’cause the shady spots of this world are straight up filled with messed up people doing messed up things.
  21. Yo, don’t let the ones who’ve been mistreated feel humiliated again: let those who are struggling and in need give props to your name.
  22. Yo, God, stand up for yourself: don’t forget how that idiot be dissin’ you every single day.
  23. Don’t ignore what your haters say, ’cause their noise just keeps getting louder and louder, yo.
Psalms 75
  1. Yo, to the lit music producer, check it – a Psalm or a dope track by Asaph. We wanna give mad props to you, God, like for real, we’re so grateful. Your name is straight fire and your amazing miracles are straight up proof.
  2. When I gather the squad, I’ll make fair judgments. (Or, when I set a date)
  3. The earth and everyone on it are totally falling apart: I’m holding it all together, no biggie. Selah.
  4. I was like, hey idiots, stop being dumb. And to the evil people, don’t be all boastful and stuff:
  5. Don’t be all braggy and show off: don’t be all stuck-up when you speak.
  6. Getting ahead in life doesn’t just come from luck, or connections, or being in the right place. It’s not about which direction you’re coming from. #NoShortcutToSuccess
  7. Okay, listen up y’all: God’s like the ultimate judge. He’s out here taking people down and bringing others up. It’s all in His supreme power, no cap.
  8. So, like, God’s got this cup in his hand, and the wine in it is like, totally red. It’s mixed with some powerful stuff, ya know? And He’s all like, pouring it out. But, like, the worst people on earth, they’re gonna take the dregs of that wine and drink it. Can you believe that?!
  9. But I’ll keep on flexing; I’ll drop some sick beats for the God of Jacob.
  10. I’m gonna totally snatch away all the influence of the wicked ones, while the righteous ones are gonna have their influence skyrocketed! #Winning
Psalms 76
  1. [Hey, Music Boss, this one’s for you. A Psalm (or lit jam) by Asaph.] God is totally trending in Judah. Like, everyone there vibes with Him. And in Israel, His name is mega respected. (Shoutout to the chief… and all that.)
  2. God’s spot is lit in Salem, and His HQ is in Zion.
  3. He totally owned those arrows, shields, swords, and the whole battle scene. Mind = blown. Selah.
  4. You’re way cooler and more epic than those mountains where all the action goes down.
  5. The fearless ones are totally wiped out, they’ve hit snooze, and none of the mighty dudes are flexing.
  6. When you hit up God, the boss of Jacob, those fancy chariots and horses take a major nap.
  7. OMG, you’re super lit and powerful! Who can even handle your wrath when you’re ticked off? #Intense
  8. You made heaven’s judgment go viral; the earth shook and went silent,
  9. When God stepped up to judge, to rescue all the chill peeps of the earth. Pause and reflect.
  10. Bro, seriously, even when people are all worked up, it somehow ends up showcasing how awesome you are. And if there’s any leftover anger, you’ll totally handle it like a boss.
  11. Yo, make a promise and come through by giving back to the LORD your God. Let everyone around Him offer gifts to the One who deserves our respect and reverence.
  12. He’s gonna cancel those influencer wannabes and totally intimidate those rulers, like, god-level intimidation.
Psalms 77
  1. [To the sickest Musician, to Jeduthun, A Psalm of Asaph.] I straight up cried out to God using my voice, like literally, to God with my voice; and He totally listened to me.
  2. When I was going through a tough time, I reached out to the Lord: my pain didn’t stop, it kept me up all night, and my heart didn’t want to be comforted.
  3. I was like, yo, thinking about God totally messed me up. I vented and my vibes were straight up overwhelmed. Like, selah, you feel me?
  4. You keep my eyes wide open, and I’m so overwhelmed that words fail me.
  5. I’ve totally been reflecting on the good old days, you know, those epic ancient years.
  6. Late at night, I remember my favorite jam and vibe to it. I have deep introspective convos with my inner self and my mind goes on a quest for knowledge.
  7. Yo, is the Lord gonna ghost us for good? Like, is He never gonna show us love anymore?
  8. Has God’s mercy disappeared completely? Has his promise failed forever? Like, does he not keep his promises from one generation to the next?
  9. Has God like totally forgotten to be kind? Has he like closed off his super caring love ’cause he’s mad? Wait and think about it. 🙏
  10. And I was like, ugh this sucks, but tbh I gotta remember all those lit years when the most High was flexing with His power.
  11. I’m gonna look back and remember all the awesome stuff the LORD has done, like for real, all those mind-blowing miracles from way back.
  12. I’ll totally reflect on all the amazing things you’ve done, and casually chat about how awesome they are.
  13. God’s ways are totally lit, like, straight fire in the sanctuary. I mean, who else can even come close to being as awesome as our God?
  14. You’re the GOAT, God, straight up performing miracles. You’re flexing your power and making it known to all the people. No cap.
  15. You totally flexed your arm to save your squad, the fam of Jacob and Joseph. Pause and reflect on that.
  16. Yo God, even the waters peeped you, like they got shook af! Even the deep waters were all disturbed and stuff.
  17. The clouds were like, ‘Yo, here’s some water!’ And the skies were all like, ‘Boom! Check out this sound!’ And your arrows were like, pow pow, being sent out all over the place.
  18. The voice of your thunder was like, whoa, in the sky: the lightnings lit up the whole world, it was epic: the earth totally freaked out and went crazy.
  19. Your vibes be flowin’ in the deep blue, journeyin’ through massive waves, like a mysterious wanderer leaving no trace.
  20. You guided your crew, like, so smoothly with Moses and Aaron leading the way.
Psalms 78
  1. [Holy Insta Wisdom from Asaph 🎵] Yo, peeps, tune in and vibe with my truth: I’m about to drop some serious wisdom in this psalm. 🌟
  2. Imma lay down some deep stories, unraveling ancient mysteries:
  3. We’ve heard it all before, passed down from our OGs.
  4. We ain’t keeping this knowledge to ourselves; we’re gonna flex on the next gen about how lit the LORD is, His power moves, and all the epic stuff He’s done.
  5. God had it locked in with Jacob, setting solid rules in Israel that our ancestors were straight-up commanded to pass down to us.
  6. So the next gen stays woke, even those yet to be born, and can pass on the wisdom to their own crew.
  7. So they can trust in God, never forget His epic deeds, and follow His commands:
  8. And not end up like their ancestors, a stubborn and rebellious bunch; a generation whose loyalty to God was shaky.
  9. The Ephraimite crew, armed with bows, chickened out when it was time to step up. They were supposed to sling those bows but bailed.
  10. They ghosted on God’s covenant, straight-up rejecting His law;
  11. Forgetting all the jaw-dropping things He did, like miracles and power moves.
  12. He pulled off mind-blowing stunts back in Egypt, in that scene at Zoan.
  13. Splitting the sea, making walls of water for them to walk through.
  14. Guiding them by day with a cloud vibe, and by night with a lit fire party.
  15. He cracked open rocks in the wilderness, giving them a hydration station straight from the depths of the ocean.
  16. Making streams flow from rocks, like waterfalls.
  17. And they pushed it even further, totally testing the Most High in the wilderness.
  18. Testing God by craving fancy food deep down.
  19. Dissin’ on God, like, can He really set a table in the wilderness? #JustOrderIt
  20. God heard that and got heated. He was so ticked that He lit a fire against Jacob and got real mad at Israel too.
  21. They ghosted God, lacking faith in His salvation, for real:
  22. He controlled the clouds from up high, even opening the doors of heaven.
  23. Sending down manna rain for them to feast on, hooking them up with heavenly corn.
  24. Humans chowed down on heavenly grub, feasting on epic munchies.
  25. He made the wind blow east in the sky, bringing in the southern wind. #windblowin #powermoves
  26. Dropping meat on them like a massive dust storm, with birds everywhere, like grains of sand at the beach!
  27. He dropped it right in their camp, all around where they lived.
  28. So they feasted, stuffing their faces: ’cause He made sure they got what they wanted;
  29. They didn’t hold back. But as they enjoyed their food,
  30. God got real mad and went all out on them, taking out the thicc ones and wrecking Israel’s chosen squad. 🤯
  31. But despite all that, they kept on sinning and refused to believe in His amazing acts.
  32. Their lives were just a waste, facing trouble all the time.
  33. When He took them down, they were like, ‘Whoa, we gotta find this dude!’ So they turned around and searched for God super early.
  34. They remembered that God was their ride-or-die, the one who saved them from their struggles.
  35. But they were smooth talkers, fakin’ love with their words, straight-up lyin’ with their tongues.
  36. They weren’t fully committed to God, not keeping their promises.
  37. But He, full of empathy, forgave their wrongs, not letting His rage fully loose.
  38. Knowing they were just humans, here one moment and gone the next, no coming back.
  39. Imagine how many times they got on God’s nerves in the wilderness, rebelling against Him.
  40. They kept testing God, trying to limit the Holy One of Israel.
  41. Forgetting all the cool stuff He did, saving them from their haters and tough times. It slipped their minds, man.
  42. Flexing His skills in Egypt, pulling off insane miracles in Zoan.
  43. Rivers turning to blood, floods they couldn’t gulp down.
  44. Sending annoying flies and frogs that straight-up wrecked them.
  45. Letting bugs take over their crops, ruining their hard work.
  46. Wrecking their vines with massive hail, frost messing up their fancy trees. #devastated #naturepower
  47. Wrecking their cows with hail, sheep with fiery lightning bolts. #disastermode
  48. Unleashing His rage, causing chaos with wicked angels.
  49. Getting real angry, letting a deadly disease take their lives.
  50. Obliterating the firstborn in Egypt, the swanky chads of Ham’s homes:
  51. Making them leave together, leading them through the wild like a tight crew.
  52. Guiding them safely, the ocean wrecking their enemies.
  53. Leading them to a super holy place, a mountain He bought with power moves.
  54. Kicking out non-believers, giving them their own territories, setting up Israel in chill tents.
  55. But they tested and triggered God, ignoring His teachings:
  56. Going back on their word, acting disloyally like their ancestors, sneaky as a bow.
  57. Making Him mad by worshipping in fancy places, making Him jealous with statues.
  58. God heard that and couldn’t stand Israel anymore:
  59. Ditching the setup at Shiloh, the cool tent with the people.
  60. Losing His power, His awesomeness ending up in enemy hands.
  61. Letting them get wrecked, fire taking out their crew.
  62. Fire wrecking their dudes, girls not finding partners. #foreveralone
  63. Priests getting wrecked, widows not shedding a tear.
  64. Then God woke up, roaring with energy.
  65. Destroying His enemies, embarrassing them forever.
  66. Passing on Joseph’s tabernacle, not choosing Ephraim’s tribe, you know?
  67. Choosing Judah, the squad from Mount Zion He vibed with.
  68. Making His holy place fancy, like mansions, founded like the earth.
  69. Picking David, snatching him from sheep duty:
  70. Taking care of Jacob’s peeps, guiding them like a shepherd caring for pregnant sheep.
  71. Taking care of them with genuine love, guiding them with skill.
Psalms 79
  1. [A Psalm by Asaph.] Yo God, the non-believers have straight-up invaded your turf; they’ve trashed your holy hangout spot and turned Jerusalem into a total dumpster fire.
  2. They’ve let the dead bodies of your squad become a feast for the birds in the sky, and the flesh of your most sacred ones get chowed down by the animals on the ground.
  3. They spilled blood all over Jerusalem like it was no big deal, and there was nobody around to give them a proper send-off.
  4. Our neighbors are straight roasting us, fam, finding us mega cringe and laughing at us from every angle.
  5. Yo, how much longer, God? You gonna stay lit with anger forever? Is your jealousy gonna keep blazing like fire?
  6. Unleash your wrath on those non-believers who ain’t woke to you, and on the nations that straight-up dissed you.
  7. Yo, they wrecked Jacob’s pad and left it in ruins.
  8. Yo, don’t hold our past mess-ups against us, fam. Let your mad compassion come through pronto and save us, ’cause we’re in a real tight spot right now. inserts optional clarification about past mess-ups
  9. Yo, God, we need your help to bounce back. Do it for the clout of your name. Rescue us and clean up our mess of screw-ups, all for the sake of your name.
  10. So, like, why those non-believers keep asking, ‘Yo, where’s their God at?’ We gotta flex and show ’em that God’s in the house for real, you feel? Let everyone, especially those non-believers, see that God is dropping some serious justice, okay? #justice
  11. Listen up to the cries of those locked up, flex your muscles and protect those facing death.
  12. And give our neighbors a karma smackdown seven times over for the shade they’ve thrown at You, O Lord.
  13. So, like, us, your peeps and your legendary squad, we’ll be forever giving you major props. We’ll totally spread the word about how lit you are to everyone, like, for all time, no cap.
Psalms 80
  1. [To the ultimate DJ, dropping sick beats on the Shoshannimeduth track, a lit Psalm by Asaph.] Yo, listen up, O Supreme Leader of Israel, you who steer Joseph like a tight crew; you who vibe with the cherubim, showing off your glory. [Note: Forget the ‘of: or, for’ stuff. Keeping it real.]
  2. Yo, Ephraim, Benjamin, and Manasseh, get in the zone and look to God for backup to save us. Let’s go!
  3. God, guide us back and let your radiant presence shine on us. Then, we’ll find our salvation.
  4. Yo, God, like, seriously, how much longer you gonna stay mad at your people’s prayers? It’s like you’re burning up or something, man!
  5. You’re giving them a major sob-fest, serving them tear-filled bread and tear cocktails.
  6. You’re turning us into drama for our neighbors, and our haters are straight up laughing at us.
  7. Yo God, please bring us back in the game and let your vibe shine through; then we’ll be totally saved.
  8. Yo, you took a dope vine from Egypt and straight up kicked out the haters, then planted it.
  9. You prepared space for it ahead of time, and made sure it had a solid foundation, and it covered the whole land.
  10. The hills were totally shady because of it, and its branches were like those lit cedars. (The cedars that are legit lit, you know. Like, they’re so epic, they’re literally godly.)
  11. She flexed her branches towards the lit sea, and her cool vibes reached all the way to the flowing river.
  12. Why’d you have to mess up her boundaries, so now everyone passing by can just take whatever they want?
  13. Like, the wild boar comes out of the forest and totally wrecks it, and the ferocious beasts of the field just straight up devour it.
  14. Yo, God of the Crew, we humbly ask you to come back: check us out from up above, and come through to inspect and bless this vine.
  15. And the lit vineyard that you skillfully planted with your right hand, and the epic branch that you made super powerful for yourself.
  16. OMG, it’s totally lit up in flames and getting wrecked! They’re straight-up disappearing when you give them that disapproving look.
  17. Keep supporting the dude on your right side, the one you’ve empowered for yourself.
  18. We won’t bail on you, revive us, and we’ll hit you up.
  19. Yo, God of all power, light up your face and bring us back; then we’ll be saved.
Psalms 81
  1. [To the ultimate DJ, inspired by a banger from Asaph.] Let’s drop some sick beats to give props to the almighty: crank up the volume for the OG God of Jacob.
  2. Hey, snag a dope track and bring those lit beats, the sick harp, and the mad skillz on that psaltery.
  3. Hit that trumpet when the new moon vibes hit, perfectly synced with our lit feast day!
  4. Yo, this was like a legit rule for Israel, you feel? It’s basically a law from the big man upstairs, the God of Jacob.
  5. God set this up in Joseph to show people what went down when he led the Israelites out of Egypt. I was there, and I heard people speaking a language I couldn’t even decode.
  6. I took the load off his back: his hands were freed from the grind.
  7. Yo, when things got rough, you reached out, and I totally had your back. I hit you up with some epic lightning vibes in the unseen realm. I totally tested you at the waters of Meribah, no cap. Selah.
  8. Listen up, fam, I’m about to drop some wisdom on you: Yo, Israel, if you’re vibin’ with me;
  9. Stay true to your own vibe, no worshiping weird stuff or bowing down to some random deity.
  10. I’m the OG God who busted you outta Egypt. So, get ready to chow down because I’m about to fill you up!
  11. But my crew didn’t vibe with me, and Israel wasn’t feelin’ it.
  12. So I let them do their thing, and they followed their own lead.
  13. If only my squad had listened up and rode with me like Israel!
  14. I’m totally gonna flex on their haters and clap back at their enemies real quick.
  15. Those who disrespect the LORD should’ve shown some respect, but they chose to front. Too bad for them, ’cause they’ll be dealing with the consequences for all time.
  16. He should’ve hooked them up with the tastiest wheat and blessed them with honey straight from the rock, no doubt I would’ve fully satisfied you.
Psalms 82
  1. Aight, peeps, check it out! Asaph’s droppin’ some real wisdom in this Psalm. So, listen up: God’s kickin’ it with the big shots, and He’s the ultimate judge even among the elites.
  2. Seriously though, how long you gonna keep playin’ favorites with the shady ones and droppin’ unfair judgments? Take a sec to think about it, fam. Selah.
  3. Stand up for the marginalized and those without support: treat the suffering and those in need with mad respect and fairness.
  4. Look out for the truly struggling and disadvantaged: save ’em from the grip of the shady characters.
  5. They just ain’t gettin’ it, like they’re lost in the dark, everything’s all messed up and off-kilter. #UnstableAF
  6. I’ve said it before, you guys are like mini-gods; and all of y’all are the Most High’s crew.
  7. But you’ll kick the bucket just like anyone else, and drop like one of the cool kids.
  8. Ayo, God, it’s time to drop some truth bombs! Show ’em who’s boss and take charge of the whole deal. You’re gonna own every nation, no cap.
Psalms 83
  1. [Sick Beat by Asaph] Yo God, don’t ghost us, don’t stay quiet, and don’t be chillin’, God. [by Asaph: or, for Asaph]
  2. Bro, check it, your haters are causing mad drama, and those who diss you be flexin’.
  3. They’re schemin’ behind your back, plotting against your squad undercover.
  4. They’re like, ‘Let’s wipe out their whole vibe, erase Israel from the map.’
  5. ‘Cause they’re all synced up, totally vibin’ against you: [Heb. heart: meaning they’re totally on the same wavelength and everything]
  6. Check out Edom, Ishmaelites, Moab, and the Hagarenes;
  7. Gebal, Ammon, Amalek, the Philistines, and the crew from Tyre;
  8. Assur’s rollin’ with them, backing up Lot’s crew. Selah. (helpen: Hebrew for bein’ an arm to)
  9. Treat ’em like Midianites, like Sisera, like Jabin at Kison’s stream:
  10. Some got straight trashed at Endor, turned into garbage.
  11. Let their bosses get wrecked, like Oreb, Zeeb, Zebah, and Zalmunna.
  12. They’re like, ‘Let’s jack God’s crib.’
  13. God, spin ’em like tumbleweeds! You know, those dry plant things blown by the wind.
  14. Picture a forest on fire, flames spreading on the mountains;
  15. Unleash your epic power, make ’em quake in their boots.
  16. Make ’em blush hard, so they’ll seek you, God.
  17. Keep ’em shook forever; let ’em feel the burn and fade away.
  18. So everyone knows, you, whose name is only JEHOVAH, rule the whole scene.
Psalms 84
  1. [To the Main DJ who’s crushing it, a Lit Psalm for the squad.] Your hangout spots are straight fire, God, the Ultimate Host! The sons of Korah are totally vibin’ with it! Like, they’re totally in sync with the crew.
  2. My inner self is like, totally yearning and craving, and even feeling weak, for the lit hangout spots of the LORD. Like, my heart and my body straight up shout for the Almighty, living God.
  3. Yo, the sparrow found a dope crib, and the swallow scored a sick nest for herself, where she can chill with her fam, your altars, O LORD of hosts, my King, and my God.
  4. Those who live in your house are so blessed, always giving you props. Selah.
  5. So like, the person who finds their strength in You, You know? They’re like totally blessed and stuff. And their heart is all about staying on the right path, you know what I mean?
  6. Yo, anyone trekking through the valley of Baca, listen up! Turn that dry place into a lit water source. When it rains, it’s gonna fill up those pools, no doubt. #TransformationTuesday #WaterWorks
  7. They keep leveling up, each one of them showing up before God in Zion. #StrengthGang
  8. Yo, Almighty God, listen up: hear my prayer, God of Jacob. Selah.
  9. Yo, God, our ultimate protection, check out the face of the chosen one, straight up.
  10. A day in your hangout spot is like a thousand epic adventures. I’d rather be the bouncer at the house of my God than chill in the sketchy party tents of wickedness. Sitting by the door is where it’s at!
  11. So, like, the LORD God is, like, totally a sun and shield: he’s always there for us, giving us grace and glory, and like, he never holds back anything good from those who live righteously.
  12. Yo, God Almighty, shoutout to all the homies who put their trust in You. Y’all blessed for real.
Psalms 85
  1. [For the sickest DJ, dropping a track for the Korah crew.] God, you’ve shown major love to your turf: you’ve brought back Jacob’s squad from lockdown.
  2. You’ve totally forgiven the screw-ups of your fam, and you’ve totally covered up all their mess-ups. Selah.
  3. You’ve like totally chilled out and let go of all your rage. You’ve like stepped back from being all fiery and furious.
  4. Yo God, help us get our stuff together and stop being ticked at us.
  5. Are you seriously gonna stay ticked at us forever? Like, are you gonna hold onto that anger for, like, all future generations?
  6. Hey God, can you like, revive us again? We really need some good vibes from you, so your people can totally rejoice and be like, pumped in your presence.
  7. Lord, please show us your awesome kindness and give us your incredible salvation.
  8. I’m super curious about what God the LORD is gonna say ’cause it’s gonna be all about spreading good vibes to his fam and his crew. But yo, they better not go back to doing dumb stuff.
  9. Yo, if you’re all about respecting Him, you know His salvation is coming real soon. And when it does, His glory is gonna be all up in our turf, no cap.
  10. Being kind and honest link up; doing what’s right and feeling at peace totally vibe with each other! 😇💖
  11. Like, yo, truth’s gonna pop up from the earth, and righteousness will be all like peeking down from the heavens.
  12. For real, God is gonna hook us up with some good stuff, and our turf is gonna give us major harvests.
  13. It’s all about doing right and following in his footsteps, man.
Psalms 86
  1. Yo, Big G, check it out! I’m here, feeling low-key broke and needing some divine intervention. David’s sliding a prayer your way. Can you hear me out, though?
  2. Keep my soul safe, ’cause I’m all about that divine vibe. Yo, my God, come through and rescue your main servant who’s all about that trust in you. (BTW, you know I’m your fave!)
  3. Yo, Big G, please show me some mercy ’cause I’m straight-up crying out to You like, 24/7.
  4. Yo, Lord, I’m pumped and my soul’s partying ’cause I’m handing it over to You!
  5. Dude, the Lord is seriously awesome, always down to forgive and super generous with mercy for anyone who’s down to ask.
  6. Yo, God, listen up to my prayer; tune into my requests, you feel me?
  7. When life gets crazy tough, I’m hitting you up, ’cause I know you got my back.
  8. Yo, Lord, you’re like, unmatched, no other gods even come close. And your moves? They’re on a whole other level!
  9. All the nations you created will come and worship you, God, and they’ll hype up your name.
  10. ‘Cause you’re straight-up amazing and doing dope things, you’re the one and only God.
  11. Yo, LORD, show me how to roll; I’m down to vibe with your truth. Help me keep it real and respect your name.
  12. I’m gonna give mad props to you, God, with my whole heart. Forever and ever, I’m gonna make your name shine bright.
  13. You are so incredibly merciful to me and you saved my soul from the darkest depths. (graves)
  14. Yo God, these cocky peeps be all up in my grill, and these sketchy crews of violent folks be trying to mess with my vibe. They ain’t even giving you props, all self-absorbed and whatnot. Like, seriously rude?
  15. But, like, Lord, you’re, like, super compassionate, kind, patient, and hella merciful and truthful, you know.
  16. Hey, God, please listen up and show me some love; give me a power-up, and rescue me, a child of your faithful follower.
  17. Just give me a lit sign, so all the haters can see it and feel embarrassed. You, Lord, have totally had my back and made me feel better.
Psalms 87
  1. Yo, shoutout to Korah’s crew for this dope Psalm, straight chillin’ on them holy mountains. Talk about epic vibes, fam.
  2. God’s all about that Zion life, like, it’s the ultimate spot! He’s vibin’ there harder than anywhere else in Jacob’s ‘hood.
  3. Mad props to you, City of God, for all the hype people be throwin’ your way. Take a sec and soak that in.
  4. Gotta give a shout to Rahab and Babylon, and big ups to my squad who know what’s up. We reppin’ Philistia, Tyre, and Ethiopia up in here – that’s where we’re from, yo.
  5. People gonna be like, ‘Bruh, they came up in Zion – the realest spot!’ Even the big man upstairs gonna be like, ‘Zion’s where it’s at, I got its back.’
  6. When the Lord’s keepin’ tabs on His crew, you best believe He’s marking down who’s from Zion. Pause and let that sink in.
  7. Musicians gonna be straight fire in Zion, yo! All our vibes flow from you, fam.
Psalms 88
  1. [A Fire Verse for the squad of Korah, dropping wisdom straight from Heman the Ezrahite, to the top DJ upon Mahalath Leannoth.] Yo, Big G, you’re my ride-or-die Savior, and I’ve been straight up pouring my heart out to you, Heman the Ezrahite style: dropping some serious truth bombs.
  2. Yo, Big G, listen up. I need you to vibe with me before I spill these thoughts and prayers.
  3. Yo, my soul is hella overwhelmed, man. My whole life feels like it’s on the brink.
  4. I’m just one of the strugglers, feeling like I’ve got no juice left.
  5. They’re basically forgotten, like they’ve already checked out. You don’t even remember them anymore; they’re totally off your radar.
  6. Bro, you straight up threw me into the darkest pit.
  7. I’m drowning in your anger, and these problems keep piling on. Take a sec to let that sink in, Selah.
  8. You’ve totally cut me off from my crew; now they see me like some kind of outcast. I’m stuck, boxed in, can’t even catch a break.
  9. My heart is heavy with all this drama. Big G, I’m hitting you up every day, begging for your help.
  10. Bro, you gonna do something wild for the dead? They gonna rise up and start singing your praises? Think about it, man.
  11. Are you gonna flex how awesome you are even in death? How faithful you are even when everything’s falling apart?
  12. Will your moves be recognized in the shadows? Your goodness in the darkest places?
  13. But yo, Big G, I’m calling out to you. In the morning, my prayer’s hitting your line before anything else does.
  14. Yo, Big G, why you ghosting me like that? Why you turning away?
  15. I’ve been struggling for ages, feeling like I’m about to tap out. Dealing with all this chaos has got my head spinning.
  16. Dude, your wrath is crushing me; your vibes got me feeling mad isolated.
  17. They’re all up in my grill every single day, closing in from all sides. #NoPersonalSpace
  18. You’ve cut off my main squeeze and homies, plunged my crew into total darkness.
Psalms 89
  1. [Epic vibes from Ethan the Ezrahite, droppin’ some truth.] I’m about to spill the tea on God’s endless love: I’m gonna shout about Your loyalty, from now till infinity.
  2. Hey, listen up! Mercy’s gonna be lit for days: your faithfulness is gonna be off the charts!
  3. I made a solid pact with my main man David, my ride-or-die.
  4. I promise to keep your fam strong and your throne steady forever, like, for all time. Pause and reflect on that. 🙌
  5. And the heavens are gonna hype up Your greatness, O LORD: your loyalty shines when the cool kids gather.
  6. Like, who in heaven even comes close to God? Seriously, among all the big shots out there, who even stands a chance against the LORD?
  7. God is next-level awesome when the squad of holy ones gather, and everyone around Him better show mad respect.
  8. Hey, what’s good, O Almighty God, the ultimate boss who can even match up to you? And your faithfulness is rock solid all around. No one even comes close.
  9. You totally reign over the crazy sea, like, when the waves start acting up, you just shut them down.
  10. You straight up owned Egypt, like it was no biggie; you wiped out all your enemies with your mega strength. #RIPEnemies #BossMoves
  11. The skies and the Earth totally belong to you, like, everything in this world and all the awesome stuff it holds, you totally made it happen. #CreatorGoals
  12. You made the north and the south, like, both are your creation: Tabor and Hermon are gonna throw a lit party in your honor.
  13. Your strength is on another level: your right hand game is strong. Seriously, it’s like an arm with major power!
  14. Justice and fairness rule your throne: showing kindness and keeping it real will always be lit. (establishment)
  15. OMG, if you’ve ever felt that awesome vibe of happiness, you’ll totally vibe with the Lord and walk in the glow of His presence.
  16. They’ll be celebrating all day in your name, totally lifted up in your righteousness.
  17. Because you’re the ultimate source of their power and awesomeness, like, in your favor, we’ll be totally lifted up and celebrated.
  18. God’s got our back, and the Holy One of Israel is our main. He’s like our shield, protecting us from all the haters!
  19. Back in the day, you hit up your holy homie with a sick vision and were like, I got your back with a solid squad; I’m boosting up this chosen one from the crew.
  20. I just met up with David, my dude; and yo, I used my pure oil to bless him up:
  21. I’m gonna have his back, and I’ll flex my muscles to boost him up.
  22. Haters won’t be able to touch him; and the wicked won’t be able to hurt him.
  23. And I’ll straight up crush his enemies right in front of him, and give some serious payback to those who can’t stand him.
  24. But my loyalty and compassion will always be there for him, and through my power, he will rise to great heights.
  25. I’m gonna make sure he touches the ocean with one hand, and the rivers with the other.
  26. He’s gonna be like, ‘Yo, Dad! You’re my ultimate hype, my OG, the one who saves me from all the ups and downs.’
  27. I’ll totally crown him as my #1, slaying all the kings on this planet.
  28. I’ll have infinite mercy for them, and my pact with them will always stay solid.
  29. I’m gonna make sure his descendants are gonna last forever, and his rule will be as eternal as the heavens.
  30. If his kids ditch my rules, and don’t follow my guidelines;
  31. If they disrespect my rules and don’t follow my commands;
  32. Yo, I’ll totally come down on them for their wrongdoings, like, with some real consequences and their wickedness won’t go unnoticed.
  33. But I won’t cut off my love completely and I won’t let my faithfulness fail.
  34. I won’t break my promise, and I won’t change what I’ve said.
  35. I solemnly pledge, swear on my sacredness, that I won’t deceive David.
  36. His legacy will last forever, and his influence will shine brightly like the sun in my presence.
  37. Forever, it’s gonna be solid like the moon, and totally reliable up in the sky. Pause and reflect on that. Selah.
  38. But like, you totally dissed and looked down on him, and you were so mad at your chosen one.
  39. Dude, you straight up broke the deal you had with your servant. Like, you totally disrespected his crown by tossing it on the ground.
  40. You straight up wrecked all his defenses, like you totally obliterated his epic defense systems.
  41. Everyone who sees him on the street clowns on him: he’s like, totally embarrassing to the locals.
  42. You totally called out his haters, handing them a major L, and made all his enemies flex on him with pure joy.
  43. Dude, you totally blocked his sword and made him totally weak in the battle. No chance he could stand a chance.
  44. You totally dimmed his shine, and straight up tossed his throne to the ground.
  45. You totally cut short the prime time of his life, and like, totally embarrassed him. Boom.
  46. LORD, when will you show up? Will you keep hiding forever? Is your anger gonna be lit like fire?
  47. Yo, just a friendly reminder that life’s hella short: so, like, why did you even bother creating everyone if it’s all meaningless?
  48. Yo, like who on earth doesn’t ever have to deal with death? Can they really save their own soul from the clutches of the grave?
  49. Yo, God, what happened to all the love and promises you made to David back in the day?
  50. Yo, Lord, don’t forget how your boys and I are taking all the haters’ disses to heart. It’s like carrying the weight of all these powerful people’s insults, man.
  51. God, our enemies have been talking smack about You, mocking the very path Your chosen one walks on.
  52. Praise the LORD, forever and ever. Amen, gotta say it twice!
Psalms 90
  1. Yo, God, you’ve been like our OG, holding it down for every generation. Seriously, you’ve always had our back. #BlessedLife
  2. Before the mountains popped off or you even crafted the earth and everything, you’ve been God from way back, like forever to forever.
  3. You can totally wreck someone’s vibe, but then you’re like, ‘Yo, come back, fam!’
  4. In your eyes, a thousand years is like yesterday that’s already done, or like a night watch that’s flown by.
  5. You sweep them away like a wave; they’re dazed, just like when you wake up and see dew on the grass.
  6. Every morning it’s flexing and leveling up; by evening it’s chilling hard, then bam, it’s gone and wilted.
  7. We’re totally messed up by your anger, and your wrath’s got us all shook.
  8. You’ve clocked our wrong moves, even the sneaky ones, right in your face.
  9. ‘Cause all our days have been with you being mad at us: we’re living out our years like a viral story.
  10. The average lifespan’s like 70-80 years. But even if we hit 80, we’re grinding hard and facing struggles. Life’s short, so let’s make it count.
  11. Bro, who can even handle your rage? Your anger’s legit scary, and your wrath ain’t no joke.
  12. Yo, help us soak up every day’s wisdom, so we can level up our hearts, you feel? 🙏
  13. Yo, God, how much longer we gotta wait? Can you please switch it up for your squad?
  14. God, drop that mercy on us quick, so we can vibe and stay blessed every day.
  15. Make us hype like the days we hustled through tough times, and the years we faced some real struggles.
  16. Show us your dope creations and let your awesomeness be known to the next gen.
  17. And may God’s lit vibes shine on us, and bless the work of our hands. Yeah, bless our grind all day, every day!
Psalms 91
  1. Yo, if you kick it in the super chill spot of the Most High, you’ll be totally vibin’ under the epic protection of the Almighty.
  2. Let me keep it 💯, God’s my safe zone, my ultimate shield. He’s my ride or die, I’m all in, trustin’ Him all the way.
  3. Seriously, he’s gonna straight up save you from shady traps and keep you safe from any kinda sickness tryna mess with you.
  4. He’s gonna wrap you up like your fave hoodie, and you can bet on him. His loyalty’s like a sick force field, keepin’ you safe from all the nonsense.
  5. No need to trip about sketchy stuff goin’ down at night or arrows flying past during the day.
  6. Not even freak out about those creepy viruses lurking in the shadows, or the chaos hitting hard in broad daylight.
  7. You might peep folks droppin’ on your left and right, but none of that’s touchin’ you.
  8. Just watch as those haters get what’s comin’, but you don’t gotta jump in the drama.
  9. ‘Cause you’ve chosen the LORD as your safe space, the ultimate power, as your crib;
  10. No bad vibes will touch you, and no sickness will roll up on your home.
  11. ‘Cause, like, you got these angels on your squad, straight up keepin’ you safe wherever you go.
  12. They’ll have your back, holdin’ you up so you don’t even trip over a dumb rock.
  13. You’ll be walkin’ over lions and snakes, even those fierce young lions and dragons – total boss mode!
  14. Since he’s shown me love, I’mma show up for him. I’ll lift him up, ’cause he knows what’s up with me.
  15. Hit me up, I got you covered: I’ll stick by your side when stuff goes sideways; I’ll rescue you and give you mad props.
  16. I’ll hook him up with a lit, long life, and show him my ultimate rescue game plan.
Psalms 92
  1. Yo, every Sabbath, it’s lit to give props to the LORD and vibe out to your epic name, O Highest One.
  2. Spread that love in the A.M., stay loyal every night, you dig? (P.S.: Even at night, y’all)
  3. Strumming on a ten-string, hitting up the psaltery, jamming on the harp with mad chill.
  4. Yo, LORD, you’ve totally blown my mind with all your epic creations. I’m gonna flex and throw a celebration for all the sick stuff you’ve made!
  5. OMG, Lord, your creations are like, insanely mind-blowing! And your thoughts, they go hella deep.
  6. Some peeps are clueless, straight up don’t get it.
  7. When the wicked rise up like weeds, and all the evildoers are on top, they’re just waiting to get wiped out.
  8. But yo, LORD, you’re like the ultimate vibe for eternity.
  9. Yo, peep this, Lord! Your enemies? They’re gonna be toast. Like, seriously, gone. All those troublemakers and wrongdoers? They’re gonna be scattered like confetti.
  10. You gonna lift me up like a unicorn horn, and I’ll be feeling fresh, anointed with that new oil.
  11. I’ll straight up see my haters getting served, and I’ll catch all the tea about the wicked trying to bring me down.
  12. The righteous gonna thrive like a boss palm tree, they gonna level up like a big cedar in Lebanon.
  13. Like, those who love chilling in the LORD’s house gonna straight up thrive in the courts of our God, no doubt!
  14. Even when they’re old, they’ll keep thriving and producing fruit; they’ll be glowing and full of life.
  15. Just so you know, the LORD is totally legit. He’s my solid rock, no shady stuff going on with him whatsoever.
Psalms 93
  1. OMG, like, the LORD is totally running the show! His outfit is straight-up majestic vibes. And talk about power, he’s like flexing 24/7! The world is rock-solid, nothing can even come close to shaking it, for real.
  2. Your throne has been here since day one, like, you’ve been around since forever. (like, since forever)
  3. Yo, God, these floods are insane, dude. They’re going nuts, making all that racket and whipping up those crazy waves!
  4. Yo, the LORD up there is way more powerful than a zillion raging waves in the ocean.
  5. Your word is totally solid, and your crib, O LORD, is all about purity, like, forever and ever.
Psalms 94
  1. Yo, Big G, you the ultimate payback master; O God, show up and show out.
  2. Hey, rise up, you’re the CEO of the universe: serve up some humble pie to those arrogant folks.
  3. God, for real though, when are the villains gonna catch a break? Feels like they’ve been winning forever!
  4. Seriously, when will they stop with the negativity? And the audacity of those doing dirt to act all high and mighty!
  5. They straight up be disrespecting your crew, Lord, causing havoc to your legacy.
  6. They target the vulnerable, taking out the widow, the stranger, and the orphan.
  7. But they be like, “God ain’t even peeping, the Most High ain’t tripping.”
  8. Listen up, fools: when y’all gonna wise up, like for real?
  9. The one who made ears can’t hear? The one who crafted eyes can’t see?
  10. Seriously, how can anyone doubt the all-knowing nature of the one who schools nations and drops wisdom?
  11. God knows our thoughts are all over the place.
  12. Blessed is the one you teach, God, straight from your playbook.
  13. So they can catch a break from the madness until the villains get served what’s due.
  14. God ain’t ghosting his squad, he’s sticking to what’s his.
  15. Justice gonna come through, and the real ones with good hearts gonna ride for it. #RighteousLife
  16. Who’s stepping up to battle these evil doers? Who’s got my back against these sinners?
  17. If the LORD wasn’t holding me down, I’d be on the verge of a meltdown, my soul on mute. (Or like, real close, you feel?)
  18. I was about to fall, but thank God, mercy pulled me back.
  19. When my mind’s racing, your vibes soothe my soul.
  20. Should you even chill with shady characters pushing chaos with their messed-up rules?
  21. They’re out here attacking the faith of the righteous, pointing fingers at the innocent.
  22. But God’s my ride or die, my ultimate shield when things get rough.
  23. They’ll get what’s coming to them, and God gonna shut down their wickedness. Yep, the LORD gonna handle it.
Psalms 95
  1. Yo, let’s drop some bars for the LORD: crank up the hype for the rock that keeps us steady.
  2. Yo, let’s roll in with gratitude and blast some fire tunes as we step into the presence of the Most High. Like, he’s worthy of all the hype with those sick beats. Let’s get it! 🙌🎶
  3. Yo, the LORD is straight up the illest God, like the ultimate Chad King who shuts down all these wannabe gods.
  4. He’s got the lowdown on the earth’s depths and the muscle of the mountains too.
  5. The whole ocean is his, he straight up built it: and his dope hands shaped the solid ground.
  6. Yo, let’s drop some respect: let’s bow down before the LORD who sculpted us.
  7. He’s our God, like, no doubt. And we’re his crew, just vibin’ in his fields, doing our sheep thing. So, if you’re down to hear what he’s laying down today, go for it!
  8. Don’t be stubborn like the OGs back in the day, when they were all acting up and causing chaos out in the wilderness, testing the waters and whatnot. You know, when they were pushing boundaries and all. Yeah, it was a whole saga.
  9. Back in the day when your fam decided to throw some shade my way and see what I was made of.
  10. Bro, this generation been grinding my gears for, like, 40 years. I’m telling you, they’re a bunch of screw-ups who don’t even get my vibe.
  11. I straight up swore in my frustration that they ain’t gonna kick it in my zone.
Psalms 96
  1. Yo, let’s drop some heavenly vibes for the LORD: Sing your heart out to the Most High, fam, all over the globe.
  2. Get hyped for the big man upstairs, shout out His name loud; spread the word about how lit His saving grace is, every single day.
  3. Let everyone know how dope God is, showcase all the amazing things He’s doing for all the homies.
  4. Yo, the LORD is absolutely epic and deserves major respect. Like, seriously, He’s on a whole other level, way more intense than any other gods out there!
  5. All those fake gods everyone’s into? Total fakes. But the LORD? He’s the realest, the OG who started it all.
  6. He’s all about that respect and awesomeness, like, seriously! He’s got mad power and looks so majestic in His holy crib.
  7. Yo, peeps from all over, let’s show some love to the LORD, give Him mad respect and power.
  8. Give major props to the LORD and respect His name: flex with your offering and slide into His courts.
  9. Yo, like, praise the LORD in His totally awesome holiness: show some major respect before Him, all you peeps on this planet. #holyswag
  10. Spread the word to everyone that the LORD is in charge: the world is solid and won’t budge. He’s gonna judge people with straight-up fairness.
  11. Yo, all the skies gotta be lit AF and the earth should be totally stoked; the ocean better roar and everything in it too. #oceansquad
  12. Yo, the field be lit🔥 and everything up in there be straight vibin’: then all the trees in the woods gonna be like, ‘Yaaaas, we celebrating! 🌳✨
  13. In front of the LORD: ’cause He’s coming, ya know? He’s gonna judge the whole earth, straight up! Judging the world with total fairness and the people with His realness.
Psalms 97
  1. OMG, God’s got the ultimate power, y’all! Earth, get ready to party, and islands, get hyped! 🌍🥳
  2. God’s chilling in the midst of clouds and darkness, and righteousness and justice are His cozy throne’s vibes.
  3. He’s like a blazing fire, straight up burning all his haters around him.
  4. OMG, His lit lightning totally illuminated the whole world! The earth was shook, like, whoa, in total awe.
  5. Dude, the hills were freaking out when the LORD rolled in, like melting wax. Can you even handle it? The Lord of the whole earth is no joke!
  6. The skies flexing His righteousness, and everyone checking out His insane glory.
  7. Let those who flex with fake idols and boast about their icons be totally embarrassed. Show respect to the real deal, all you divine beings.
  8. Zion was popping, and the Judah crew was hyped ’cause you dropped some righteous judgments, fam, LORD.
  9. Dude, you’re like, totally awesome, LORD. You’re up there, ruling over the whole earth. Seriously, you’re even higher than any other so-called gods out there.
  10. For those vibing with the LORD, make a solid effort to stay away from evil. Trust me, He’s got your back and will protect the souls of His faithful fam. He’s totally gonna rescue you from the grip of the wicked, no doubt.
  11. Righteous peeps are all about those good vibes, and happiness is their jam, straight up in their hearts.
  12. Party with the LORD, all you righteous crew; and show some love when you remember how lit His holiness is. #blessed
Psalms 98
  1. [Psalms: A Banger 🎶] Let’s vibe with some heavenly beats for the Big Guy up there; his moves are next level and totally righteous, securing the ultimate win.
  2. Yo, God just dropped truth bombs on us: he straight up showcased his goodness to all those out of the loop. #nosecrets
  3. God totally repped his squad, Israel. Like, everyone worldwide saw the epic saves our God pulls off.
  4. Squad, let’s crank it up for the Most High! Earth fam, get hyped and let your praise be heard!
  5. Strum some heavenly tunes and lay down vocals like fire for the LORD.
  6. Get ready to blast those horns and make some noise that screams ‘Lit for the LORD!’ in the presence of the ultimate King.
  7. The ocean better be flexing, and everything in it too. The whole world and everyone in it, bring the hype like never before!
  8. Rivers are giving high fives, and mountains are partying hard, like it’s the biggest bash ever!
  9. Listen up! The LORD’s about to drop some truth bombs on Earth, but no stress, ’cause it’s gonna be fair. He’s judging the whole world, and you know it’s gonna be righteous.
Psalms 99
  1. OMG, God’s like totally running the show, and everyone better pay attention. He’s just chilling on His throne with those cherub homies, shaking up the whole earth. It’s legit insane!
  2. The LORD is beyond epic in Zion, like seriously blowing minds, and He’s totally top-tier, no one even comes close.
  3. Yo, give props to Your sick and awe-inspiring name; ’cause it’s all pure and lit.
  4. The king is all about keeping it real and fair; he’s always making sure things stay balanced and just. He’s on it, making sure everyone gets what’s coming to them and setting things straight in Jacob.
  5. Praise the LORD, our God, and show major respect at His throne; ’cause He’s, like, totally holy. #seriousstuff
  6. Moses, Aaron, and Samuel were the OG priests, always keeping it real with the big man upstairs. They’d hit up the LORD, and He had their backs, no doubt.
  7. He spoke to them through that rad cloud thingy: they followed His rules and did what He told them to do.
  8. You totally had their backs, LORD our God! You were mad forgiving, but you also made sure to deal with their slip-ups.
  9. Praise the LORD our God and bow down at His epic holy hill, ’cause our God is totally righteous!
Psalms 100
  1. [A lit time of hype.] Yo, let’s get this party started, fam! Big shoutout to the Most High, shout it loud, all you homies across the globe. #praise #thankful
  2. Get your worship game on fleek, straight-up joy vibes: roll into His presence with those sweet melodies.
  3. Just FYI, the Most High? He’s the real deal, no cap! He’s the one who cooked us up, not us. We’re all about Him, like sheep just chillin’ in His green pastures.
  4. When you step into His zone, come correct with that gratitude, and once you’re there, spread good vibes with your praise. Show some love, give mad props to His name.
  5. The Most High is straight-up awesome; His love lasts forever, and His truth? It’s steady for every generation, no cap.
Psalms 101
  1. [A Bop by David.] Imma spit some truth on love and fairness: I’ll drop a verse for you, Big Man upstairs, no joke.
  2. I’ll roll through life with mad wisdom and a chill vibe. Yo, when you coming through? I’ll stay true to myself, no fronting.
  3. I ain’t messing with evil or shady vibes. I straight-up can’t stand those who stray from what’s right; their vibe won’t rub off on me.
  4. I ain’t down with peeps bringing negativity: I’m all about keeping good company.
  5. If someone’s talking smack about their homie, they getting cut off. I ain’t messing with nobody acting all high and mighty.
  6. I’m looking out for the real ones, so they can vibe with me. Anyone keeping it real and walking the right path, they rolling with me. No cap.
  7. No room for sketchy folks in my circle, and if you’re all about lies, you’re out. (And that’s on never being solid!)
  8. I’m gonna clean house, booting out the wicked ASAP, so the Lord’s turf stays clean for real.
Psalms 102
  1. Yo, God, when I’m feeling totally overwhelmed, I’m coming at you full force with my prayers. Please, tune in and vibe with me when I pour out my heart to you.
  2. Bro, don’t leave me on read when life’s hitting me hard. Slide into my DMs and listen up. When I hit you up, hit me back quick, no delays.
  3. Man, my days are straight-up burning away, and I feel like I’ve been roasted alive.
  4. I’m like, totally crushed, drained like a wilted plant; I can’t even remember to snack.
  5. I’m so done, I can’t even. My groans are stuck to me like my skin, like for real.
  6. I’m out here feeling like a lost bird in the middle of nowhere, or like an owl chilling in the desert.
  7. Just chilling on the roof, lone sparrow style, peeping the scene.
  8. Haters be throwing shade 24/7, and the ones who are mad are plotting against me.
  9. I feel shattered, like I’ve been snacking on ashes instead of grub, washing it down with endless tears.
  10. Yo, you’re mad and furious, lifting me up and then dropping me like it’s hot.
  11. My days are like a TikTok about to end; I’m drained like a dead plant.
  12. But you, God, you’re eternal, remembered forever and ever.
  13. It’s time to show some love to Zion, no cap. The perfect moment has arrived.
  14. Your crew is feeling her vibes, all about that dusty aesthetic.
  15. Non-believers will be shook by the LORD’s name, and even the kings will be impressed.
  16. When the LORD flexes on Zion, shining in all his glory.
  17. He’s all about listening to strugglers, not dissing their prayers.
  18. Listen up, future fam! This message is for you: The next gen gonna give props to the man upstairs. #Blessed
  19. God up in his holy crib, peeping down from heaven, checking out the whole Earth.
  20. Listening to prisoners, freeing those on death row.
  21. Spreading the word in Zion, shouting out his praises in Jerusalem!
  22. When everyone’s vibing and all the kingdoms come together to worship.
  23. He crushed my vibe on my journey, making my days too short. #struggles #feelingdefeated #shortlifeproblems
  24. God, please don’t take me out while I’m still thriving and young. You’ve been here forever, through all generations.
  25. You’ve been rocking this planet from the start, creating those boss heavens.
  26. They’ll fade, but you’ll keep going, switching them out like outfits.
  27. You’re forever, no cap.
  28. The kids in your crew will keep the legacy strong in your presence.
Psalms 103
  1. Yo, big ups to the LORD! My soul’s lit, givin’ mad props to His holy name with all I got.
  2. Praise the LORD, fam! Never forget all the dope stuff He’s pulled off for us:
  3. Yo, God forgives all your mess-ups and heals all your sicknesses, no lie.
  4. God pulls you back from the brink and showers you with endless love and kindness.
  5. God hooks you up with all the sickest stuff, so you’ll be feeling fresh and fly like a soaring eagle.
  6. God’s always got your back when you’re getting messed with, making sure justice is served.
  7. God schooled Moses on how things roll, and the rest of the Israelites saw His moves firsthand.
  8. The LORD is like majorly merciful and chill, slow to get heated, with a ton of mercy. (seriously, loads of it)
  9. He won’t stay mad forever; His anger’s just a phase.
  10. God doesn’t throw shade for our slip-ups; He doesn’t give us what we deserve for our screw-ups.
  11. Bro, God’s mercy is off the charts! It’s like the sky, way above the earth. And get this, it’s lit for those who show Him mad love. It’s like, His mercy knows no limits, just like the heavens, you feel?
  12. Yo, God’s unreal! He’s so forgiving that when we mess up, He throws our mistakes to the far ends of the earth, like, that’s a long way, dude! Our screw-ups are wiped clean, man!
  13. Just like a dad looks out for his kids, the LORD looks out for those who show Him respect.
  14. Like, God totally vibes with us, you know? He gets our deal, that we’re basically made from the same stuff as dirt.
  15. Bro, human lives are like grass – here one moment, gone the next, like flowers that pop up for a minute.
  16. Once the wind blows, it’s all gone, forgotten like it never happened.
  17. But God’s love and goodness never quit, for those who respect Him, and even their future fam too!
  18. For those who stay true to His word and actually keep His commandments.
  19. God’s got His throne in the sky, ruling over everything.
  20. Praise the LORD, you angels who are straight-up powerful, always on point with His orders, and tuned in to His every word.
  21. Praise the LORD, all you squad of angels; you ride-or-die crew, who do His bidding.
  22. Praise the LORD, all His creations across His whole deal: praise the LORD, O my soul.
Psalms 104
  1. Praise the LORD, OMG! You’re like, so lit, God. You’re all about that honor and majesty vibe. Keep slayin’!
  2. You rock the ultimate glow-up, draped in light like a killer outfit. You flex those celestial realms, stretching them out like a fancy curtain.
  3. He puts his rooms on the water like a boss and uses clouds as his ride. He even strolls on the wind like a total legend.
  4. God turns his angels into spirits and his messengers into blazing fire:
  5. Yo, like, whoever built the earth made sure it’s not gonna be moved or messed with, like, ever. They totally laid down solid foundations for it, you know, like a boss.
  6. You like, totally wrapped it up with the deep, like it was a sick outfit: the waters were all up above the mountains and stuff.
  7. When you gave them a reality check, they dipped real quick; when your vibes got loud, they bounced in a flash.
  8. They’re like, going up the mountains, and then down the valleys, to that spot you totally made for them.
  9. You’ve put a limit in place, so they can’t cross over and cover the whole earth again.
  10. He sends water flowing into the low valleys, trickling through the hills. It’s like nature taking a leisurely stroll.
  11. They hook up every animal in the field with some drinks: even the wild donkeys get their thirst quenched.
  12. The birds in the sky make their nests and sing their hearts out among the trees.
  13. He blesses the hills with heavenly hydration: the earth is totally stoked about the awesome things you create.
  14. He makes the grass pop up for the animals to munch on, and the herbs for humans to use: all so we can have yummy food from the earth.
  15. And like, wine that totally brings joy to a person’s heart, you know? And oil that gives you that awesome glow-up, make your face shine bright! And bread, oh man, it gives you all that strength to power through, like, everything!
  16. The LORD’s trees are like totally thriving, full of life and energy; it’s like those cedars in Lebanon that He Himself planted are freaking blooming and growing strong!
  17. That’s where the birds chill and build their homes, like the stork who’s all about the cozy fir trees.
  18. The tall mountains are like a chill hangout spot for the wild goats, and the rock formations are total cozy vibes for the conies.
  19. God set the moon to mark the changing seasons, and the sun knows when to call it a day.
  20. You create darkness, and it becomes night: where all the forest beasts come out. They creep forward and trample on the forest.
  21. The young lions be flexin’ and huntin’ their snacks, lookin’ up to God for a bite to eat.
  22. When the sun comes up, they all gather up and chill out in their crib.
  23. Dude heads out to do his 9-to-5 grind and hustle until the sun goes down.
  24. OMG, Lord, your creations are like sooo diverse! You totally made them with mad wisdom: the earth is like packed with all your epic riches.
  25. OMG, have you seen the massive ocean? It’s like, so vast and full of countless creatures, from tiny little ones to huge beasts!
  26. Look at those massive ships sailing out on the water, and check out that leviathan creature you made to have a good time in there. (Created, FYI)
  27. They all rely on you, so you can hook them up with their grub right on time.
  28. When you hook them up, they gather all the goods. You flex and hand out blessings, and they’re straight up satisfied.
  29. When you dip, they flip: you snatch their vibes, they fade away and go back to being dust.
  30. You’re like, sending out your spirit and bam, new creations everywhere! And you’re like, totally refreshing the whole earth, giving it a makeover and stuff.
  31. The awesomeness of the LORD will be around forever: He’s stoked about His creations.
  32. When God peeps at the earth, it starts shaking: he gives a little tap to the mountains and they start puffing smoke.
  33. I will keep vibin’ for the LORD as long as I’m alive: I’ll keep spreading the good vibes for my God as long as I exist.
  34. Thinking about him is gonna be lit: I’m gonna be stoked in the LORD.
  35. Like, may all the wicked ones vanish from the earth, and never bother us again. Yo, my soul, praise and bless the LORD. Hallelujah!
Psalms 105
  1. Yo, give props to the LORD; shout out His name and spread the word about all the epic stuff He’s done.
  2. Bust out some sick beats to praise Him; vibe with His greatness and share all the lit things He’s done, fam.
  3. Show off His holy name; let those who seek the LORD be hyped in their hearts.
  4. Stay plugged into the LORD, tap into His strength, and keep seeking His vibe.
  5. Yo, don’t sleep on all the dope things God has pulled off – His epic miracles and how He spits truth.
  6. Yo, descendants of Abraham, his day one, and kids of Jacob, his chosen fam.
  7. He’s like, our God, you feel? And His judgments? Yeah, they’re all over the place, fr.
  8. He’s never ghosted on His promise, like, ever. He swore it up for a thousand generations, fam.
  9. This pact God made with Abraham and passed down to Isaac;
  10. And they made sure Jacob knew it was legit, like, a forever thing, and they hooked up Israel with an eternal deal, no cap.
  11. And I’m telling you, you’re gonna get this lit land called Canaan. It’s gonna be all yours, like a sick inheritance. Oh, and ‘lot’ in Hebrew means ‘cord’, just so you know.
  12. Back in the day, their squad was tiny, like mad small, and they were total outsiders.
  13. They were bouncing from one nation to another, flexing from kingdom to another set of peoples;
  14. He didn’t let anyone disrespect them; and he even checked kings for them;
  15. Don’t even think about messing with my chosen ones, and don’t try to harm my prophets.
  16. And then he like, brought a major food shortage in the whole land, totally messing up the bread supply.
  17. He totally sent this dude named Joseph ahead of them, and get this, he got sold off as a servant and everything:
  18. They put him through pain, chaining his feet; he was locked up with iron shackles.
  19. Like, God’s promise took forever to happen and it seriously tested his patience.
  20. The king shot a text and set him free; like, the boss of the peeps, and let him flex.
  21. He made him the top dog in his crib and had full control over all his stacks:
  22. To have full control over his top leaders and help his government officials gain knowledge and wisdom.
  23. So like, Israel rolled into Egypt too, and Jacob stayed in the land of Ham.
  24. And he, like, totally multiplied his squad big time and made them, like, swole compared to their haters.
  25. He made them start hating his peeps and being all sneaky with his squad.
  26. God slid into Moses’ DMs, his day one, and picked Aaron as his wingman.
  27. They flexed their epic signs and pulled off some mind-blowing tricks in the land of Ham. #SignGoals #HamVenture
  28. God brought darkness and made it pitch black, but the people didn’t step to Him.
  29. He straight up turned their waters into blood, and like totally wiped out their fish.
  30. The whole place was flooded with frogs, even in the royal palaces.
  31. So like, he spoke, and all these different types of flies and lice came bursting onto the scene in every single area.
  32. He gave them hail instead of rain, and fiery flames in their land. Like, imagine getting hailstones falling from the sky instead of refreshing rain, and flames engulfing everything around. It’s like a real disaster zone, dude!
  33. He totally wrecked their vineyards and fig trees. And broke all the trees along their borders.
  34. He said it, and BOOM! Locusts and caterpillars swarmed in, and there were like, too many to even count.
  35. And like, they totally chowed down on all the plants in their land, and like, devoured all the yummy fruits and stuff from their fields.
  36. He totally wiped out all the firstborn in their land, like the OGs of their crew.
  37. He flexed on them by flexin’ some serious silver and gold, and not a single person from their squads was weak, bruh.
  38. Egypt was shook when those guys bounced. They were super scared because they were so terrified of them.
  39. He made clouds to cover up the sky, and lit up the night with fire.
  40. So, like, the peeps were all like, ‘Yo, we want some quails!’ And then, bam! God hooked them up with those juicy quails, and on top of that, he totally satisfied their hunger with the heavenly bread. It was lit!
  41. He totally cracked that rock open and you won’t believe what happened next – the water just gushed out! It flowed like a sick river through all those dry spots, no joke.
  42. Because, like, God totally remembered the super important promise He made, and He was all like, Abraham, you’re my bro, and I haven’t forgotten about you.’
  43. And he led his squad with hype, and his squad members who were chosen were lit AF.
  44. And like, they totally got all the lands from those non-believers, ya know? And they straight up took over the hard work and possessions of those peeps.
  45. So they can follow his rules, and obey his commandments. Praise the LORD.
Psalms 106
  1. OMG, big ups to the LORD! Thank you, LORD, ’cause He’s totally lit: His love never quits. Praise Him, fam! 🙌
  2. Yo, who even has the words to describe how epic God is? Like seriously, who’s got the skills to give Him the full shout-out He deserves?
  3. Blessed are those who always keep it real, and stay on the grind doing what’s right.
  4. Yo God, don’t ghost me, alright? Show me some of that love you got for your crew. Come through with your saving grace, fam.
  5. So I can vibe with the blessings you give to your favorites, so I can flex with the joy of your squad, so I can rep your crew with pride.
  6. We messed up just like our folks, we did some shady stuff, and we were straight up wicked.
  7. Our ancestors didn’t catch your awesome moves in Egypt; they blanked on the countless times you showed them mercy; instead, they acted up at the sea, yup, the Red Sea.
  8. But even though those guys messed up big time, God still had their backs ’cause he wanted to show off his epic power to everyone.
  9. Yo, this dude parted the Red Sea and made it dry AF. Then, he flexed and led them through the deep waters, like navigating a straight-up wild desert.
  10. And he, like totally saved them from their biggest hater, and like totally redeemed them from their enemy’s grip, yo.
  11. And, like, the water totally wiped out their enemies, dude. Not a single one of them made it out alive.
  12. They totally vibed with everything he said and started jamming out to his awesomeness.
  13. They quickly forgot what God had done and didn’t wait for His guidance:
  14. But they were so caught up in the wilderness, even pushed the limits and tempted God in the desert. You know, like totally craving stuff.
  15. So, like, God totally gave them what they wanted, but it messed them up inside, ya know. Like, it left them feeling empty.
  16. They were so jealous of Moses and Aaron, who were like saints in the camp, repping the LORD and all.
  17. So, like, the ground totally split open and swallowed Dathan, and then closed up again, taking Abiram and all their crew with it. Nature can be wild, man!
  18. So like, there was this major fire that started up in their crew, and it totally burned up all the wicked people. Like, they were gone in a flash! 🔥
  19. So, like, they totally made this calf statue thingy when they were in Horeb and, like, they legit started worshiping it and stuff.
  20. So, like, they totally traded in their coolness for, like, some lame ox that just chills and munches on grass.
  21. They totally spaced on God their savior, who totally flexed with those insane miracles in Egypt;
  22. Crazy stuff happening in Ham’s hood, like super intense stuff going down by the Red sea.
  23. So he was like, ‘I’m so done with them, I’m gonna wipe them out,’ but then Moses comes out of nowhere and is like, ‘Hold up! Don’t be so mad, please forgive them or they’ll be gone.’
  24. Yeah, they totally dissed that awesome place and straight up didn’t trust what he was sayin’: you know, that land that was super desirable and all…
  25. But they were like, totally complaining in their tents, and like, ignoring what the LORD was saying.
  26. So God was like, ‘Nah, not happening,’ and decided to totally wreck them in the wilderness. You know, just make ’em fall and all. #NoMercy
  27. To mess up their whole legacy and spread them out all over the place.
  28. They started vibing with Baalpeor and totally ate up those offerings meant for the deceased.
  29. So, like, they totally made God mad with all their crazy ideas and stuff, and that’s when the pandemic hit them hard, like, outta nowhere.
  30. Then Phinehas stepped up and served some justice, and bam! The plague was gone, just like that.
  31. And that was like, super righteous and will always be seen as righteous for all future generations.
  32. They really ticked off during that water situation, and poor Moses had a rough time because of their actions:
  33. They totally triggered him, causing him to speak without thinking with his mouth.
  34. They didn’t totally wipe out those nations like God said they should:
  35. But we were like, totally hanging out with the non-believers, and picking up their vibes, you know.
  36. And they were totally obsessed with their idols, which ended up trapping them big time.
  37. Yeah, they were actually offering up their own kids to demons and stuff,
  38. And they straight up killed innocent peeps, like their own sons and daughters, in sacrifice to those idols of Canaan. And dude, it totally messed up the land, all tainted with blood and stuff.
  39. So they messed up big time with their actions and got caught up in their own made-up stuff.
  40. So, like, the Lord got super mad at his peeps, and like, he was so disgusted with his own chosen fam.
  41. And he let them be taken by the non-believers; and those who despised them became their rulers.
  42. And like, their haters totally came at them, and they were, you know, totally controlled and dominated by them.
  43. He saved them so many times, but they just had to act all rebellious and suffer the consequences because of their bad choices. They ended up getting themselves messed up because of the bad stuff they did.
  44. But he totally noticed when they were going through tough times and heard their cries:
  45. And he was like, oh yeah, he totally remembered his promise to them, and he felt bad and changed his mind because he’s all about showing tons of love and kindness.
  46. He even made them relatable to all those who took them captive.
  47. Yo, God, help us out and bring us back from all these non-believers, so we can show mad appreciation for your holy name and celebrate your greatness.
  48. God is lit, forever and ever. All the homies say, Amen. Big ups to the LORD. Hallelujah!
Psalms 107
  1. Ayy, let’s give mad props to the LORD, ’cause He’s totally lit: His mercy lasts forever, no cap!
  2. Those saved by the LORD should flex hard on this, ’cause He straight up rescued them from the enemy’s grip, like a legendary win!
  3. And brought them together from all over, from every direction, ya feel?
  4. They were straight up lost, wandering with nowhere to crash.
  5. They were hangry and thirsty AF, their soul was like, ‘I can’t even right now.’
  6. So they hit up the LORD when they were going through it, and He came through, wiping away all their struggles.
  7. And He showed them the right path to a chill city to settle down.
  8. Oh man, it’d be lit if y’all could show some love to the LORD for His dope kindness and all the sick stuff He does for us humans!
  9. He vibes with the soul that’s craving it, feeding the hungry soul with straight up goodness.
  10. Like, those stuck in total darkness and the scariest spot ever, trapped in endless suffering and weighed down by their issues;
  11. ‘Cause they straight up ignored God’s advice and dissed the wisdom from the Most High.
  12. So He let them feel defeated and drained from the grind; they tripped up and no one came to help.
  13. So they straight up called out to the LORD when things got rough, and He straight up saved them from all their mess.
  14. He straight up rescued them from the darkest times and the scariest moments, breaking their chains into a bazillion pieces.
  15. Ayy, it’d be dope if people could give props to the LORD for His all-around awesomeness and the sick stuff He does for us all!
  16. ‘Cause He straight up wrecked those heavy gates and snapped the iron bars in half.
  17. Dude, when people act dumb and make bad choices, they gotta deal with the fallout.
  18. They’re so repulsed by food, it’s like they’re on the brink of checking out.
  19. Ayy, when they’re going through some real ish, they straight up hit up the LORD, and man, He saves them from all that mess.
  20. He slid into their DMs with His word, flexed it, and saved them from all those L’s they were catching.
  21. Yo, y’all better give props to the LORD for His lit goodness and the epic stuff He’s doing for us all!
  22. Ayy, go ahead and drop those thanksgiving sacrifices, and make sure to shout out about all the dope things He’s done. Sing it loud and proud, fam!
  23. Those who set sail on ships, doing business in deep waters;
  24. They witness all the epic stuff the LORD does, and it’s mind-blowing, especially when it’s going down underwater.
  25. ‘Cause He’s the boss, making things turn up, like a wild storm making huge waves go nuts.
  26. They soar up to the sky, then crash down to the deepest lows: feeling totally overwhelmed by stress.
  27. They’re all outta whack, stumbling around like they’re faded, and clueless AF. It’s like their brains are MIA.
  28. So they hit up the LORD when things get real, and He straight up saves their butts from all that drama.
  29. He’s chill like that, calming the storm so the waves are all zen.
  30. Then they’re hyped ’cause everything’s cool; and as a result, He leads them to their dream spot.
  31. OMG, it’d be lit if everyone could just give mad props to the LORD for all the amazing stuff He does for us!
  32. Ayy, hype up the man in front of everyone, and give Him mad props in front of the OGs.
  33. He straight up turns rivers into desert and water sources into dry land.
  34. Once a lit spot turned into a total wasteland because of the wickedness of those living there.
  35. He turns the desert into a lit pool party, and dry land becomes lit waterfalls.
  36. And there, He helps the needy find a place to settle down, so they can build a thriving city to call home.
  37. Go ahead and flex on those fields, planting some lit vineyards, so they can drop mad fruits and level up.
  38. He blesses them too, so they straight up thrive and their livestock don’t even take an L.
  39. Like, dude, they’re totally crushed and feeling down because of all the harshness, suffering, and sadness.
  40. He straight up disses the rulers, leaving them lost with no GPS. It’s like a void, no way out.
  41. But He lifts up the poor from their struggles, making them feel like they belong, like part of a tight squad.
  42. When the righteous peeps see this, they gonna be like ‘Yasss!’ And all the wickedness out there will just be like, ‘Speechless, fam.’
  43. If you’re woke and paying attention, you’ll totally see how awesome God’s love is, no cap.
Psalms 108
  1. Yo, God, my heart’s like solid gold, vibes on point; gonna belt out tunes and spread love with all my swag.
  2. Ayy, gear up, grab your gear, we’re gonna rise and grind: early bird mode, no cap!
  3. Big ups to you, LORD, front and center, dropping fire beats for all the world to hear.
  4. Your kindness? Straight sky-high, and your truth? Up in the clouds, no cap.
  5. God, you’re the ultimate flex, ruling the skies, your glory unmatched worldwide.
  6. So, flex your right hand, pull through for your squad.
  7. God’s speaking straight facts; claiming Shechem, mapping out Succoth.
  8. Gilead’s mine, Manasseh’s chill too; Ephraim’s where I get my strength, Judah, they’re my day ones.
  9. Moab’s for washing up, Edom, I’ll kick back; Philistia? I’ll dominate, no doubt.
  10. Yo, who’s leading the charge in that lit city? Who’s guiding us through Edom?
  11. God, you leaving us hanging? Nah, stick with us, lead the squad, keep it real.
  12. We need backup, divine intervention; human help won’t cut it.
  13. With God on our side, we’re unstoppable; He’ll crush our enemies, no doubt.
Psalms 109
  1. [To the main DJ, A Song by David.] Yo, God, don’t ghost us when we’re hyped up;
  2. Check it, these shady peeps be talking mad smack about me. Straight up lying through their teeth. They’re all about that fake vibe, you dig? Can’t keep their mouths shut, always spewing lies.
  3. They came at me with hate, unprovoked, outta nowhere.
  4. They hate on me for showing love, but I’m all about that prayer life.
  5. They repay love with hate, appreciation with negativity.
  6. Put a shady homie in charge, let Satan be his right-hand man.
  7. When he’s judged, let him be guilty; may his prayers be seen as sin. #NoExcuses
  8. Hope his reign ends soon; time for fresh leadership. #newleadership #outwiththeold
  9. May his kids grow up fatherless, his wife a widow.
  10. May his kids beg for scraps, wandering the streets.
  11. May his hustle be plundered by scammers, his hard work taken by strangers.
  12. Show him no mercy, his kids no favor.
  13. Cancel his whole fam, erase their name from history.
  14. May the LORD remember their sins, never forget their wrongdoing.
  15. Keep it real with the LORD, wipe ’em off the map.
  16. He showed no mercy, hurt the poor and needy, crushed the brokenhearted.
  17. Curses he loved, let ’em come back at him. Blessings he shunned, let ’em steer clear.
  18. Let curses consume him like his favorite fit, drip on point.
  19. May his curse be his swag, always on fleek.
  20. Let my haters get served by the LORD, payback for messing with my vibe.
  21. God, show me some love, your mercy’s legendary, save me, yeah?
  22. Broke as heck, heart’s hurting.
  23. Fading like a sunset shadow, scattered like locusts.
  24. Weak from hunger, losing my shape.
  25. They laugh at me, shaking their heads.
  26. God, I need you, your mercy game strong.
  27. Let ’em know it’s all you, Lord.
  28. While haters hate, I’ll spread love; let ’em be embarrassed, while I vibe with joy.
  29. May they be embarrassed, hiding their shame like a fashion fail.
  30. I’ll praise the LORD loud and proud.
  31. He’s got the backs of the underdogs, rescuing them from haters. #JusticeForThePoor #RescueSquad
Psalms 110
  1. [A lit Psalm by David.] Yo, God was like, ‘Yo, my ride or die! Chill with me until I handle your haters.’
  2. God’s gonna hook you up with mad power to crush your enemies and set up your kingdom right in the mix, starting from Zion.
  3. Your squad’s gonna have your back when you flex that power. They’ll be all about that holy grind from dawn till dusk. It’s like you’ll be forever vibing, always on point.
  4. The LORD made a straight-up promise and ain’t changing His mind. You’re gonna be a forever priest, walking in the footsteps of Melchizedek.
  5. God shows up big time when He’s mad, like a boss by your side.
  6. He’s gonna be straight-up ruling over all those non-believers, like so fierce, filling the spot with defeated enemies. He’s gonna put the smackdown on leaders from everywhere, like, total badass.
  7. He’s gonna sip from that trendy stream along the way, staying positive and confident, no doubt.
Psalms 111
  1. Yo, give props to the LORD. I’m gonna give mad props to the LORD with my whole heart, in front of the squad of righteous ones, and in the crew. Hallelujah!
  2. The stuff that the LORD does is legit amazing and everyone who’s into that kind of thing totally loves it, no cap.
  3. Yo, His work is totally legit and epic, and His righteousness keeps on slaying for eternity. No lie.
  4. He’s done some seriously awesome stuff that everyone’s gonna remember: the LORD is totally kind and understanding.
  5. God provides food for those who respect him: he will always remember his promise.
  6. Man, God has straight-up flexed on his people by showcasing his mad skills and power, all so that he can bless them with the same dope blessings that the unbelievers be getting.
  7. God’s creations are legit and righteous; every rule He lays down is totally reliable.
  8. They’re forever strong, done with complete honesty and integrity. They’re rock-solid, no doubt about it.
  9. He sent a major upgrade to his squad: he’s locked in his promise forever: his name is all that and more!
  10. Respecting the LORD is where wisdom starts: those who follow his ways have a strong grasp on life. His praise will last forever. Success comes to those who stick to his rules.
Psalms 112
  1. Yo, big ups to the Most High! If you’re vibing with the Most High and keeping His rules, you’re all blessed, fam. Praise up!
  2. His squad gonna be straight flexin’ down here: the crew of righteous ones gonna be lit with blessings.
  3. His crib be stacked with stacks on stacks, and His goodness gonna be forever. No cap.
  4. For those who stay real, even in the darkest times, light gonna shine through. They’re all about spreading love, being empathetic, and staying on the right path.
  5. A true G knows how to spread kindness and give back, always ready to help out. They got that wisdom on lock, making wise moves.
  6. No cap, they gonna be steady as a rock: the righteous gonna be legendary, forever remembered.
  7. No stress when bad news drops: they got their heart set on the Most High and trust Him all the way.
  8. This dude’s heart be solid as a rock, no shaking. He ain’t even sweating till he sees his haters get what’s coming.
  9. Been giving back, helping out those in need; His goodness gonna last forever; rising up with mad respect and clout.
  10. When the haters peep this, they gonna be so salty, teeth gnashing level salty—it’s gonna be legendary. Their toxic vibes? Straight vaporwave, gone with the wind.
Psalms 113
  1. Yo, keep hyping up the LORD, fam. All you servants of the Most High, give props to His name. #Hallelujah
  2. Praise the name of the Most High, now and for all time.
  3. Ayy, the Lord’s name deserves big love from dawn to dusk.
  4. God is, like, way above all nations and totally shines brighter than the stars.
  5. Bruh, for real, ain’t nobody out here even come close to our God. He’s on a whole different vibe, straight up chilling up in the sky, flexin’ His high status.
  6. The one who’s super chill and totally down to peep what’s happening up in the sky and down here on earth!
  7. He helps the lowkey squad climb up from the struggle, and lifts up the ones in need from the tough situation they’re in;
  8. So that he can vibe with the rad crew, the ones who are totally boss in his squad.
  9. He helps the woman who can’t have kids become a boss at home and a happy mom. Praise the LORD.
Psalms 114
  1. When Israel dipped outta Egypt, Jacob’s fam left a bunch of folks talkin’ gibberish;
  2. Judah was like his safe space, and Israel was his kingdom.
  3. The ocean peeped, and straight up bounced: Jordan got totally pushed back.
  4. OMG, the mountains were like, bouncing around like rams, and even the cute little hills were like, hopping like lambs.
  5. Why were you freaking out, O sea? Like, what was your deal? And you too, Jordan River, why were you panicking and going all backwards?
  6. OMG, did you mountains just bounce around like rams? And you little hills, acting all cute and fluffy like lambs?
  7. Yo, earth, you better shake in your boots when the Lord, the OG God of Jacob, comes through!
  8. Yo, check this out. God straight up turned that rock into a chill water pool and that flint into a banging water fountain. Like, it’s all about those miracles, man. So dope!
Psalms 115
  1. Bro, it’s not about us, it’s all about giving props to your name, God, ’cause of your mercy and for realness sake.
  2. So, like, why those non-believers gotta be all like, ‘Yo, where’s your God at now?’
  3. But yo, our God be up in the heavens, doing His thing, no cap.
  4. You know, they’re all about those silver and gold idols, like, crafted by humans and stuff.
  5. Yo, they got mouths but ain’t spittin’ nothin’: got eyes but ain’t peepin’ nothin’.
  6. They’ve got ears, but they ain’t listenin’; they’ve got noses, but they can’t smell a thing:
  7. They’ve got hands, but they ain’t grabbin’ nothin’; feet, but they ain’t movin’; and their voice? Straight-up muted.
  8. Those who make idols are just like the idols themselves; same goes for anyone who’s all in on ’em.
  9. Yo, Israel, you gotta vibe with the LORD. He’s got your back, like your ultimate wingman and protector.
  10. Yo, fam of Aaron, put your trust in the LORD, ’cause He’s got your back and is like your ultimate shield.
  11. All y’all who are on the same wavelength with the LORD, just trust in Him: He’s got your back and will ride for you.
  12. Yo, the Almighty has totally been watching over us: like, he’s gonna bless us big time, not just any blessings, but blessings for the whole crew, you dig? The house of Israel? Blessed. The house of Aaron? Blessed too, yo.
  13. He’ll bless anyone who respects the LORD, whether they’re young or old. #blessed #nofilter
  14. God’s gonna level you up big time, both you and your squad!
  15. You guys are so blessed by the LORD who created the whole universe. Like, He’s totally got your back!
  16. God owns the entire universe, like, all the heavens and stuff. But the Earth, yeah, that’s our turf, fam. He handed it over to us humans, ya know.
  17. The dead ain’t showin’ love to the LORD, and no one who’s chillin’ in silence does either.
  18. But we’ll hype up the LORD from now on and forever. Show love to the LORD.
Psalms 116
  1. I’m fully vibin’ with the LORD, ’cause He’s like, ‘Yo, I got you fam!’ He hears me out and gets my deepest vibes.
  2. Since He’s really been listening, I’m totally gonna keep hittin’ up that dude for life. No cap.
  3. I was just surrounded by the worst vibes ever, feeling totally overwhelmed by deep despair. Trouble and sorrow were all up in my space.
  4. So, like, I straight up reached out and called on the LORD, you know? Oh, LORD, I’m seriously beggin’ you, save my soul, like ASAP!
  5. The LORD is totally epic and righteous, for real; and yo, our God is super chill.
  6. God looks out for those who are just tryna figure things out: I was in a tough spot, and He had my back.
  7. Chill out, my soul; God has totally blessed you.
  8. You totally saved my soul from the darkness, wiped away all my tears, and made sure I never trip.
  9. I’m gonna flex in front of the LORD while living my best life.
  10. I was like, yo, I believed so I had to speak up, but dang, I was goin’ through some real stuff, man:
  11. OMG, I was so quick to judge, but honestly, everyone be throwin’ out lies.
  12. Yo, how can I show my thanks to the LORD for all the dope blessings He’s given me?
  13. I’m gonna sip on that salvation juice and hit up the LORD for some help.
  14. I’m gonna keep my word to the LORD, and I’ll do it right here, in front of all his squad.
  15. The death of his saints means a lot to the LORD. It’s like super precious to him, ya feel?
  16. Hey, God! For real, I’m totally your servant. I’m like, your loyal, kinda obsessed servant, and I’m even the offspring of your BFF. You seriously freed me from all those struggles and chains!
  17. I’ll be mad grateful and give a shout out to the LORD.
  18. I’m gonna keep my word to the LORD and do it publicly, in front of all his people.
  19. In God’s spot, right smack dab in the middle of Jerusalem, give mad props to the LORD.
Psalms 117
  1. Ayy, big ups to the Most High, yo! All you peeps from every corner of the globe, gotta give some major props and praise, you feel me?
  2. Bruh, God’s love for us is straight fire, and His truth? It’s like, eternal, fam. Let’s keep on shouting out our gratitude to the Most High!
Psalms 118
  1. Yo, let’s show some gratitude to the LORD ’cause he’s straight up good and his mercy lasts forever.
  2. Israel should totally be like, ‘His mercy is like, forever.’
  3. Yo, the fam of Aaron gotta shout out that God’s mercy is forever, no cap.
  4. Okay guys, all those who respect the LORD, it’s time to give a shout out to His never-ending mercy!
  5. When I was going through some serious problems, I reached out to the LORD and guess what? He totally came through for me and gave me some awesome breathing room. He rescued me from my troubles, no doubt about it.
  6. God’s got my back; I won’t be scared. What can anyone do to me anyway?
  7. The LORD’s got my back with those who support me: so I’m gonna witness my desires coming true when it comes to those who can’t stand me.
  8. Trusting in the LORD is way cooler than relying on humans, tbh.
  9. Trusting in the LORD is way better than relying on rulers, no cap.
  10. I was completely surrounded by all nations, but I’ll totally take them down in the name of the LORD. #NoMercy #DivinePower
  11. They totally surrounded me, like, completely surrounded me: but with the power of the LORD, I’m gonna obliterate them.
  12. They swarmed around me like bees; but they were quickly extinguished like a fire. I will bring them down in the name of the LORD.
  13. You really tried to bring me down, but the LORD had my back and saved me.
  14. God is my everything, he’s like my hype man, and he totally saved me.
  15. There’s mad celebration and salvation vibes in the homes of the righteous fam: the LORD’s right hand is straight up bossin’ it.
  16. LORD’s power is lit AF: doing major boss moves with their right hand, no doubt.
  17. I won’t bite the dust, but thrive and spread the word about the awesome things the LORD has done.
  18. God has totally schooled me: but he didn’t let me totally fail and bite the dust.
  19. Yo, open up the righteous gates for me, ’cause I’m about to enter them and give mad props to the LORD.
  20. This pathway to the Divine, where the righteous vibes enter.
  21. I’ll give you mad props, cuz you totally listened to me and saved my soul.
  22. Yo, the stone that those builders straight-up rejected has become the main flexin’ cornerstone.
  23. OMG, this is straight up God’s work; it’s like mind-blowing, you know? We’re totally in awe of it! Like, seriously, the way the Lord handles things is just so incredible. It’s like we can’t even believe our own eyes! By the way, just so you know, when it says ‘the LORD’s doing,’ it means it’s totally from God Himself. Like, He’s the one behind all this amazingness!
  24. Today is lit, like totally made by the LORD. Let’s flex and be stoked about it, you feel me?
  25. Hey God, please help us out here: God, please send us some good vibes and success.
  26. Praised is the one who comes in the name of the LORD: we’ve got your back from the house of the LORD.
  27. God is like, the ultimate boss, who has shown us the way: tie up the sacrifice really tight, all the way to the ends of the altar.
  28. You’re my homie, God, and I’m gonna praise you: You’re my homie, I’m gonna lift you up.
  29. Yo, shout out to the LORD; ’cause he’s legit good, bro. His mercy never runs out, like, it’s forever. Mad respect.
Psalms 119
  1. Hear me out, fam! Major shoutout to those who stay pure on their journey, sticking to the Lord’s path without any fakeness. It’s all about keeping it real and sincere, you feel me?
  2. Blessed are those who stay committed to living by God’s teachings, seeking a real connection with Him from the core of their being.
  3. They stay on the right path, steering clear of anything shady, and living their lives according to His guidance.
  4. You straight-up told us to be all in, dedicated to keeping your commandments.
  5. I wish I had the 411 on staying on track and following your rules!
  6. No shame when I fully honor and obey all your rules, you know what I mean?
  7. Big ups to You, Lord, for being real and authentic. Can’t wait to fully grasp your righteous ways. #nofilter
  8. I’m totally down to ride with your rules, so don’t ghost me, alright?
  9. Yo, how can a young homie stay on the right path? By tuning in to what You’re saying.
  10. I’ve been searching for You with all my heart: don’t let me stray from Your commandments.
  11. I’ve kept your teachings close, so I won’t mess up in your sight.
  12. You’re the real MVP, LORD! Show me the way, teach me your laws.
  13. I’ve been spreading the word about all the dope stuff You’ve said.
  14. I’m hyped about following your teachings, even more than hitting the jackpot.
  15. I’m gonna vibe with your guidance and keep it real with the way you roll.
  16. I’m all about your rules, no way I’m forgetting your word.
  17. Bless me so I can thrive and stay faithful to your teachings.
  18. Yo, open my eyes to see the awesome things in your law.
  19. I’m just a regular dude, so don’t keep your commandments hidden from me.
  20. My soul is craving your wisdom all the time.
  21. You’ve called out those haters who diss your commandments and they’re doomed.
  22. I’m over all the drama, ’cause I’ve been staying loyal to your teachings, fam.
  23. Even the cool kids throw shade, but I’m staying focused on your rules.
  24. Your Word is like, so lit and totally rad. It’s not just some boring book; it’s my favorite thing ever! And dude, it’s not just for reading, it’s like having the best life coach ever. Your Word gives me all the guidance I need. #Blessed
  25. Feeling low-key stuck right now. Give me a boost, like you promised.
  26. I’ve been real about my journey and you totally listened: school me on your rules.
  27. Help me understand your rules, so I can talk about all the amazing things you’ve done.
  28. Feeling overwhelmed and my heart’s mad heavy. Give me strength, like you promised in your word.
  29. Help me kick the habit of lying: and hook me up with your law in a chill way.
  30. Keeping it real: I’ve embraced the truth and I’ve got your judgments on my mind.
  31. Been true to your teachings, God. Please don’t let me down and embarrass me.
  32. I’m all in to follow your commandments, once my heart is fully open.
  33. Yo, God. Show me your rules and I’m sticking with them till the end.
  34. Help me out, and I’ll stay true to your rules; I’m following them with all my heart, no doubt.
  35. Guide me on the lit path of your commandments; ’cause I’m totally vibing with them.
  36. Help me love your teachings and not get obsessed with material things.
  37. Help me avoid distractions and revive me with your guidance.
  38. Keep your promises to me, ’cause I’m all about respecting and revering you.
  39. Help me avoid embarrassment, ’cause your rules are legit.
  40. I’m vibing with your divine guidance: boost me up with your moral goodness.
  41. God, I need some major compassion vibes. Send me your love and salvation, like you promised.
  42. That’s how I’ll handle the haters, ’cause I trust in your word, fam. #WordUp
  43. Keep it real with what I’m saying, ’cause I trust in your righteous ways.
  44. I’m sticking to your law forever, no cap.
  45. And I’ll be free to do my thing, ’cause I’m all about following your rules.
  46. I’ll speak up for your testimonies, even in front of VIPs, and won’t be ashamed.
  47. And I’ll vibe with your commandments, ’cause they’re fire!
  48. I’ll raise my hands and follow your commandments, which I’m all about, and I’ll seriously think about your rules.
  49. Remember what you told me, it gives me hope, yo.
  50. Your word gives me new energy when I’m struggling.
  51. Haters be flexing hard, but I ain’t straying from your law.
  52. Yo, Lord, remembering how You laid down the law back in the day brought me some comfort vibes.
  53. I’m legit scared, ’cause these evil peeps be ditching your law.
  54. Your commandments have been my jam on this crazy journey called life.
  55. Thinking about You late at night, when everyone’s sleeping. And I’m all about your awesome commandments, no doubt!
  56. I got this, ’cause I’ve stayed loyal to your rules.
  57. You’re my main source of satisfaction: I’m sticking to your teachings.
  58. I begged for your favor from the depths of my heart: be kind to me just as you said you would.
  59. Reflecting on my choices and deciding to follow your teachings.
  60. I was quick to obey your commandments, no time wasted.
  61. Wicked squads tried to swipe my stuff, but I haven’t forgotten your rules.
  62. I’ll stay up late to appreciate your righteous judgments.
  63. I’m down to chill with those who respect you, and those who stay true to your rules.
  64. Your mercy is everywhere, God: show me your lit rules.
  65. You’ve been clutch to me, just like you said you would be.
  66. Help me gain wisdom and understand what’s right: ’cause I’ve got faith in your rules.
  67. I was lost, but now I’m sticking to your word.
  68. You’re awesome, always doing good; show me how to live by your rules.
  69. Haters spreading fake news, but I’m staying true to your rules with all my heart.
  70. Their hearts are like supersized fries; but I’m all in for your law.
  71. Testing helps me level up and gain wisdom from your teachings.
  72. Your instructions are worth more than gold and silver.
  73. You created me and shaped me: drop some knowledge on me so I can understand your commandments.
  74. Those who vibe with you will be stoked when they see me; ’cause I’ve trusted in your word.
  75. Your way of doing things is on point, and your tough love is real. #righteousness
  76. God, shower me with your compassion so I can thrive. Your rules are what I’m all about.
  77. May those who are arrogant feel humbled; they’ve wronged me for no reason. But I’ll reflect on your teachings.
  78. Can the ones who respect you come hang with me? And those who are already all about your awesome stories and stuff.
  79. May my heart stay true to your rules, so I won’t feel embarrassed.
  80. Desperate for your salvation, I’m putting all my hope in your word.
  81. Looking forward to your word, like, can’t wait! But seriously, when are you gonna come through and give me some comfort?
  82. Feeling burnt out, but I’m staying loyal to your rules, never forgetting them.
  83. How long will I have to deal with these haters, man? When are you gonna bring some justice for me?
  84. The arrogant ones have set traps for me, going against your law.
  85. All your rules are legit: they’re hating on me for no reason; I need your backup, fam.
  86. They almost tore me apart, but I didn’t ditch your rules.
  87. Revive me with your love and I’ll stay devoted to your words.
  88. Your word is locked in heaven. #Forever
  89. Your loyalty lasts for every generation: You created the earth, and it’s been steady ever since.
  90. People still follow your rules today, ’cause everyone’s on your loyal squad.
  91. If I hadn’t found joy in your laws, I would’ve been totally wrecked during tough times.
  92. I’ll always remember your teachings, ’cause they brought me to life.
  93. I’m all yours, help me out; ’cause I’ve been following your rules.
  94. The haters have been lurking, but I’m focused on your teachings.
  95. I’ve checked out everything this world offers, but nothing compares to your vast and lit commandments.
  96. I’m obsessed with your law! It’s literally all I think about, all day long. 😍
  97. Your commandments make me smarter than my enemies, ’cause they’re always with me.
  98. I understand better than my teachers, ’cause your teachings are all I think about.
  99. I get things better than the older folks, ’cause I’m committed to your rules.
  100. I’ve stayed away from bad stuff, so I can stay true to your word.
  101. I haven’t strayed from following your rules, ’cause you’ve schooled me.
  102. Your words are tastier than honey in my mouth! Seriously, they’re the best flavor ever!
  103. By following your rules, I gain wisdom, so I can’t stand any fake paths.
  104. Your Word guides my steps and lights up my journey. #enlightened
  105. I’ve promised to always follow your righteous rules, and I’m sticking to it.
  106. Going through a lot, but I’m sticking to your word.
  107. LORD, please guide me with your wisdom based on my honest declarations.
  108. My vibe’s always on point, never straying from your righteous ways.
  109. Haters thought they could trap me, but I stayed true to your teachings.
  110. Your teachings are my forever treasure, bringing joy to my heart.
  111. I’ve committed to following your rules forever, no joke.
  112. Empty thoughts suck, but I’m obsessed with your law.
  113. You’re like my safe spot and ultimate protector: I trust what you say.
  114. Get lost, haters! I’m staying faithful to my God’s rules.
  115. Keep me strong and true to your word, so I can thrive and not feel embarrassed.
  116. Lend me a hand and I’ll be chilling, staying loyal to your rules non-stop.
  117. You put those who stray from your rules in their place, ’cause their lies are fake.
  118. You remove all the wicked people from the earth, like useless waste: that’s why I’m so into your teachings. They’re fire!
  119. I’m shook, like my whole being’s quaking, ’cause I’m straight up terrified of You, God. Your judgments are scary AF.
  120. I’ve been fair and just. Don’t let haters take over.
  121. Vouch for me, and make sure it’s all good. Don’t let those arrogant peeps bring me down.
  122. My eyes are ready for your amazing help and your righteous truth.
  123. Treat me kindly, like you always do, and show me how to live by your rules.
  124. I’m your servant, so help me understand your teachings.
  125. It’s about time for you to take action against these peeps disrespecting your law.
  126. I’m obsessed with following your rules, man. They’re worth more to me than any amount of gold.
  127. I totally respect all your rules, ’cause they’re right and legit.
  128. Your commandments are totally legit and reliable. And I can’t stand any fake behavior or wrong paths.
  129. Your testimonies are lit: that’s why I’m all about them. 🙌
  130. When you hear those words, everything starts making sense, even for those who don’t get it at first.
  131. I was so thirsty for your commandments, I couldn’t even wait! I was gasping for them, ’cause I wanted them so bad, you know?
  132. Show me some mercy, just like you do for those who rep your name.
  133. Guide my every move according to your teachings, so I’m never controlled by wrongdoing.
  134. Save me from all the haters out there: that’s how I stay loyal to your rules.
  135. Light up my life and drop some wisdom on me with your commandments.
  136. My tears flow like waterfalls ’cause people don’t follow your law.
  137. You’re righteous, and your judgments are on point.
  138. Your rules are righteous and super reliable. #righteous #faithful
  139. I’m hyped ’cause haters forgot about your teachings. 🔥
  140. Your word is so legit: that’s why I’m all about it. It’s super refined and stuff, you know?
  141. I may be underestimated, but I never forget your teachings.
  142. Your righteousness is forever righteous, and your law is totally the truth.
  143. I find so much joy in following your commandments, even in the midst of struggles and stress. They’re my favorite thing ever. Seriously.
  144. Your word is always on point: help me understand, so I can make it through life.
  145. Listen up, fam! I need to get real close to you, God. Give me some wisdom based on what you’ve said.
  146. I called out to you, asking for help and stuff. If you save me, I promise to stay loyal to your teachings and follow your guidance, you know?
  147. I stopped everything to shout out my belief in your word.
  148. I’m up before the night squad, vibing with your word.
  149. Listen up, God, show me some love and bring me back to life based on your fair judgment.
  150. Trouble’s brewing with those who don’t vibe with your laws.
  151. You’re so close, Lord; and all your commandments are legit.
  152. I’ve known since way back that your testimonies have an everlasting foundation.
  153. Check out how obsessed I am with following Your rules: give me energy, Lord, based on Your mad loving and kind nature.
  154. Stand up for me and come through: boost my energy just like you said you would.
  155. The wicked peeps be way off from salvation, ’cause they ain’t into followin’ Your rules, God.
  156. Shower me with your compassion so I can thrive. Your rules are what I’m all about.
  157. I’ve got a bunch of haters and enemies, but I never stray from following your teachings.
  158. I saw those who disobeyed, and I felt so sad; ’cause they weren’t following your word.
  159. Give me energy, Lord, based on Your mad loving and kind nature.
  160. Your word has always been legit since the beginning: and all your fair judgments stay forever.
  161. These big shot leaders be coming at me for no reason, but my heart be mad respectful of your word.
  162. I’m totally stoked about your word, like finding some epic loot!
  163. I can’t stand lying, it’s the worst: but I’m totally into your law, like, love it.
  164. I totally praise you seven times a day ’cause of how righteous your judgments are.
  165. Those who love and follow your teachings find true inner peace and nothing can shake them.
  166. God, I’ve been hoping for Your rescue and following Your rules.
  167. My inner self has stayed true to your teachings; and I am totally obsessed with them.
  168. I’ve totally followed your rules and listened to your stories, because you’re like constantly watching over everything I do.
  169. Yo, fam, I need to get real close to you. Give me some wisdom based on what you’ve said.
  170. Hear me out: I’m sending my supplication your way. Do your thing and come through for me like you promised.
  171. I’ll totally drop some hype words when you’ve schooled me in your laws.
  172. I’m gonna talk about your word, ’cause all your commandments are legit righteous.
  173. Lend me a hand, ’cause I’m all about living by your rules.
  174. Yo, I’ve been straight up yearning for your saving grace, God. And let me tell you, your word is like my ultimate vibe, it brings me all the joy.
  175. Yo, keep me alive, so I can give mad props to you. And let your righteous actions have my back, ya know?
  176. I’ve totally wandered off like a lost sheep; come find me, yo; ’cause I ain’t forgettin’ your commandments.
Psalms 120
  1. Yo, so when I was totally losing it, I hit up the LORD’s DMs, and dude, He actually listened to my rant. #blessed
  2. God, please rescue me from all those fake peeps with their lies and shady vibes.
  3. What’s your deal, fam? Why you gotta front like that?
  4. Yo, those arrows are like sharp AF, straight from a warrior’s stash, and they’re lit with coals from a juniper tree. Super intense, bro.
  5. OMG, it’s so whack living in Mesech and crashing in the tents of Kedar!
  6. Been hanging with someone who’s all about hating on peace for a minute now.
  7. I’m all about that peace life, but every time I speak up, they’re all about stirring up drama. Like, I’m just tryna keep it chill and harmonious, but they’re out here on a warpath. sigh
Psalms 121
  1. [Lit AF Verse.] Yo, peeping them hills like, where my squad at? 🌄💪
  2. Getting my vibes from the big dude upstairs, the OG who crafted everything – the skies and the earth.
  3. No cap, He won’t let you trip: the one who’s got your back stays woke.
  4. Peep this, the one holding it down for Israel never clocks out or nods off.
  5. God’s ride or die, always. He’s like your ultimate homie, keeping you safe from all the drama.
  6. You won’t get scorched by the sun during the day, and the moon won’t ghost you at night.
  7. God’s got your back, blocking all the negativity and securing your soul.
  8. Wherever you dip and whenever you bounce, God’s holdin’ it down, now and forever.
Psalms 122
  1. [David dropped a sick track.] I was pumped when my crew was like, “Yo, let’s roll to the Most High’s pad.”
  2. We’re stoked to chill in your gates, O Jerusalem.
  3. Jerusalem’s like a solid city, cozy and tight:
  4. Wherever the crews assemble, the ones who rep the LORD, they come through to show love for Israel, to give props to the name of the Most High.
  5. Yo, there’s these sick judgment seats, like VIP thrones, especially for David’s squad. 🔥
  6. Sending good vibes to Jerusalem: those who ride for it will be living their best lives.
  7. May good vibes flow within your borders, and may prosperity thrive in your lavish digs.
  8. Yo, for my crew’s sake, I gotta speak up and say, let that inner peace vibe radiate within you.
  9. I’m all about that #Blessed life and leveling up in God’s crib. Gonna grind for that divine goodness, you know what I’m saying?
Psalms 123
  1. Yo, big shoutout to You, up there in the sky, holding it down.
  2. It’s like when a squad is all eyes on their main, or when a crew’s got mad respect for their leader, that’s us with the LORD, you know? Our eyes are locked, waiting for that mercy drip, until He brings those good vibes our way.
  3. God, hook us up with some love and kindness, ’cause this world’s drowning in hate and negativity.
  4. Our vibe’s straight up irked by those who live the easy life acting all superior.
Psalms 124
  1. [Dope Jam by David.] If the Big G hadn’t been vibin’ with us, Israel would’ve been like;
  2. If it wasn’t for the LORD having our backs, when the haters tried to bring us down:
  3. And oh my days, they straight-up tried to cancel us in a flash when they got mega cheesed at us:
  4. Bro, the water totally flooded us, the current killed our vibe:
  5. And then, like, the mega waves totally swallowed our soul, you feel?
  6. Big ups to the LORD, who didn’t let us become a snack for those haters.
  7. OMG, our soul just dipped like a bird out of a trap set by the hunters. The trap got totally wrecked, and we dipped out of there without a scratch. #Blessed
  8. Our backup comes from the LORD, the all-powerful creator of the universe.
Psalms 125
  1. [Fire Verse Alert] Those who ride with the LORD stay steady and unshakable like a boss mountain, here to stay and slay forever.
  2. It’s like how the mountains wrap around Jerusalem, the LORD’s got our backs, now and forever.
  3. Evil can’t reign over the good forever; otherwise, the good might start slippin’.
  4. Yo, Big G, bless those who stay true and keep it real in their hearts.
  5. If someone’s vibin’ with the wrong crowd, the LORD will guide them along with the shady crew, but peace will roll with Israel.
Psalms 126
  1. When the Most High busted Zion outta lockdown, we were shook like it was straight outta a movie! #mindblown #blessed
  2. Our laughter was contagious, and our talk was all about those good vibes. Folks from other scenes were like, “Dang, the Big Guy’s been doing some epic stuff for them!”
  3. Yo, the Most High has totally hooked us up with some fire blessings – and we’re hyped about it, no cap!
  4. Big G, bring back our freedom like streams in the desert, flowin’ steady.
  5. Them tears you’re droppin’ gon’ turn into joy, mark my words.
  6. You go out with tears, holdin’ onto your dreams tight, best believe you comin’ back with joy, bringin’ your wins with ya. 🌟
Psalms 127
  1. [A lit verse for King Solomon.] If the Big Man ain’t the architect behind the crib, everyone putting in work is straight-up wasting their hustle: and if the Big Man ain’t holding it down, those security guards are pulling an all-nighter for nada. 🏰💤
  2. Grinding hard, burning the midnight oil, chowing down on negative vibes—it’s all for nothing. ‘Cause God hooks up His peeps with some solid ZZZs.
  3. Bro, peep this! Kids are like a dope present from the Man Upstairs. They’re like the ultimate jackpot for bae’s belly!
  4. Just like a boss has mad control over arrows, the young guns are a major force to be reckoned with.
  5. Blessed is the dude packing a bunch of arrows in his quiver. They won’t be ashamed, and they’ll straight-up own their haters at the gate.
Psalms 128
  1. Yo, listen up! Anyone who’s all about showing love for the Most High and living by His rules, yo, they’re gonna be chillin’ and blessed.
  2. You gotta vibe with your own hustle, fam! That’s when you’ll be feelin’ hella pumped, and life’s gonna be lit AF.
  3. Your girl gonna be like a dope vine, droppin’ mad fruit by your crib. And your squad of kids, they gonna be like fresh olive plants, kickin’ it around your table.
  4. Peep this, this is how you’re gonna be blessed when you show mad love for the Most High.
  5. God’s gonna hook you up straight outta Zion, and you’ll be seein’ all the good stuff poppin’ off in Jerusalem every freakin’ day.
  6. For real, you gonna see your grandkids growin’ up, and peace vibes gonna be all over Israel, no cap.
Psalms 129
  1. [Epic Level-Up Anthem] Yo, peeps been hatin’ on me since forever, but now the Israel crew’s like, “Nah fam, they can’t bring us down anymore!”
  2. They’ve been trying to drag me down since I was a youngin’, but they ain’t got nothin’ on me now. mic drop
  3. Haters came at me like a wrecking ball, leaving scars etched deep in my skin.
  4. God’s straight up righteous, yo. He’s like, split the wicked dudes’ schemes right down the middle.
  5. Let anyone who’s got beef with Zion be shook and straight-up defeated.
  6. Picture ’em like grass on a rooftop, withering away before they even sprout.
  7. The lawnmower ain’t even botherin’ to scoop ’em up, and the harvester ain’t botherin’ to fill his pockets.
  8. And when folks pass by, ain’t nobody saying, “God bless ya!” We’re throwin’ blessings your way in the name of the Almighty. 🙏
Psalms 130
  1. Hey, Big G, I’m reaching out to you from rock bottom, feeling those low-key vibes.
  2. Yo, God, lend me your ear: I’m putting it out there, so listen up.
  3. What’s good, God? If you were to keep score of our screw-ups, who’d even make it out alive?
  4. But, like, you’re all about that forgiveness, earning respect and all.
  5. I’m, like, chillin’, waiting on the LORD, my soul’s just vibing with hope in his word.
  6. My soul’s lowkey pumped for the Lord, like those binge-watchers waiting for a new season drop, I’m talkin’ serious all-nighter vibes.
  7. Israel, gotta trust in the LORD, ’cause he’s all about mercy and serving up some major redemption, ya feel?
  8. And he’s gonna swoop in and save Israel from all their mess-ups.
Psalms 131
  1. [A Dope Jam by David.] Yo, Big G, my heart’s not all about puffing up with pride, and my eyes ain’t chasing after clouds. I ain’t about flexing way beyond my lane, ya dig?
  2. No cap, I’ve been staying low-key and mellow, like a baby who’s off the boob: I’m all zen, keeping it chill like a weaned child. Seriously though, it’s all about that inner peace.
  3. Yo, Israel crew, keep that trust in the LORD, 24/7, 365. #ForeverFaithful.
Psalms 132
  1. Yo, peep this lit jam, fam. Don’t sleep on David’s hustle and the journey he’s been on:
  2. He straight up promised the LORD and swore by the OG, the mighty God of Jacob.
  3. Ain’t no way I’m hitting up my room or even catching Z’s in my bed.
  4. I’m staying woke, not even letting my eyelids snag a quick nap.
  5. ‘Til I secure a sick pad for the LORD, a spot for the mighty God of Jacob.
  6. Word on the street is, in Ephratah we got the deets; in the forests, we got the 411.
  7. Let’s slide into his crib and show some love at his feet.
  8. Yo, LORD, it’s time to chill; you and your power moves, the ark.
  9. Make sure your crew stays righteous and let your squad vibe out with pure joy.
  10. Don’t ghost your chosen one just ’cause of your boy David.
  11. The LORD’s got David’s back, no cap. He’s promised and he’s sticking to it. For real, your descendants gonna be holding it down on the throne, fam. Oh, and BTW, ‘body’ actually means ‘belly’ in Hebrew slang!
  12. If your squad stays loyal to my rules and vibes with my teachings, their offspring gonna keep the crown for eternity.
  13. Yo, the LORD’s all about Zion; it’s his dream pad and all.
  14. This is my forever chill spot: I’m setting up shop here ’cause it’s been mad cozy.
  15. I’m hooking Zion up big time with blessings for all her needs: her struggling homies gonna get that bread to fill ’em up. Bet.
  16. I’ll make sure her priests rockin’ salvation threads, and her squad gonna be lit with joy. 🙌
  17. That’s where I’m boosting David’s clout. I’ve picked out a spotlight for my chosen one.
  18. I’ll straight up clown his haters, but his own drip gonna shine bright with a crown.
Psalms 133
  1. Yo, peep this scene! It’s mad lit when squad can vibe together and just vibe, you know?
  2. Yo, it’s like that crazy oil, all swanky and stuff, right? It was dripping down Aaron’s locks, flowing all smooth down to his beard, like, whoa! And it even slid all the way down to the hem of his threads, dude.
  3. It’s like the sickest drip from Hermon, or that chill morning dew on Zion’s peaks. ‘Cause there, the LORD blesses us with endless life, no cap.
Psalms 134
  1. [Bible Vibes.] Ayy, shoutout to the Most High, yo, all you faithful homies holding it down for the Most High, hustling in the Lord’s crib when it’s lights out.
  2. Yo fam, throw them hands up in the sacred spot and show some serious love to the Most High. (Or should I say, major respect to the Most High?)
  3. Big shoutout to the One who whipped up the whole universe, blessing you straight from Zion.
Psalms 135
  1. Yo, big ups to the Most High, fam! Let’s hype up His name and spread that love, all you true believers.
  2. Chillin’ in the Lord’s crib, the ultimate hangout spot, you know what I’m sayin’?
  3. Ayy, big shoutout to the Most High, ’cause He’s lit AF! Crank up the volume and vibe to His name ’cause it’s straight fire.
  4. OMG, for real though, the Lord chose Jacob like, personally, and Israel? They’re His VIPs, His special treasure.
  5. Straight up, I know the Lord is amazing, like, no other gods even come close, you feel me?
  6. The Lord does His thing up in the heavens, down here on earth, in the seas, and everywhere else, no cap.
  7. God’s got those sick clouds popping up all over, lightning bringing the rain, and breezes from His secret stash.
  8. Who totally wrecked Egypt’s firstborn, from humans to pets, no one was spared, fam.
  9. Bruh, the Lord dropped some serious signs and miracles right in Egypt, on Pharaoh and his whole crew.
  10. Who straight up took down massive nations and powerful rulers;
  11. So, there was this dude Sihon, king of the Amorites, and don’t forget Og, king of Bashan. Plus, all the Canaanite kingdoms were in the mix too!
  12. And they handed over their land like, ‘Here you go, Israel, it’s all yours, fam.’
  13. Your name, God, gonna stay lit forever; your legacy, God, gonna be remembered for all time. #legacygoals #blessedforever
  14. Yo, the Lord’s gonna judge His squad, but if they mess up, He’s like, ‘Nah, it’s cool’ and shows mercy to His loyal crew.
  15. Bruh, those idols that non-believers worship? Just silver and gold, man-made junk. Not even worth it, tbh.
  16. These idols got mouths but stay silent; they got eyes but don’t see squat;
  17. They got ears but don’t even listen; zero swag in their game.
  18. Anyone making idols or trusting in them? Lost in the sauce just like the idols themselves.
  19. Big shoutout to the Most High, yo! Shoutout to the Lord, O squad of Israel and Aaron!
  20. Praise the Lord, Levi’s fam! All who respect Him, give that praise, no doubt.
  21. God’s reppin’ hard, posted up in Jerusalem, the hottest spot in town. Let’s give a major shoutout to God, fam.
Psalms 136
  1. Yo, let’s give some major props to the LORD, ’cause He’s totally lit: His mercy vibes last forever, fam.
  2. Yo, big ups to the Almighty, the ultimate OG, ’cause His mercy vibes are eternal.
  3. Yo, let’s give some serious love to the Supreme ruler, ’cause his mercy game is everlasting, fam.
  4. Big shoutout to the one who’s out there dropping those insane miracles. Like, for real, they’re always bringing that mercy game strong, and it’s never gonna stop. Forever, fam!
  5. Big shoutout to the absolute genius who crafted the skies with mad wisdom. His love and compassion? No doubt, it’s straight-up eternal.
  6. Shoutout to the one who flexed and spread the earth above the waters: ’cause his mercy is forever.
  7. To the one who created the lit lights: his mercy vibes last forever:
  8. The sun, straight-up ruling the day 24/7 ’cause its mercy is forever, you know? It’s like, owning the daytime! #DaytimeRuler
  9. The moon and stars shining bright at night, ’cause his mercy is lit forever.
  10. To the one who totally shook Egypt by taking out their firstborns: ’cause his mercy is like, never-ending and stuff:
  11. And totally saved Israel from the whole mess, ’cause His mercy is legit forever and ever, no cap:
  12. With a major power move and a flexed arm: ’cause his kindness is always in style, like, forever.
  13. To the one who split the Red Sea in two: ’cause his love vibes last forever:
  14. And safely led Israel right through it all, ’cause His love game is strong, like, forever and ever, you know?
  15. But totally showed up Pharaoh and his squad in the Red Sea because He’s mad merciful like that. His mercy is forever, y’know? #NoCap #ByePharaoh
  16. To the dude who guided his squad through the super rough wilderness: ’cause he’s got that endless love going on.
  17. To the one who totally took down those big-shot kings: ’cause he’s always got that never-ending mercy flowing:
  18. And took out some seriously influential kings, ’cause his mercy is like, forever and ever, man:
  19. Sihon, the absolute ruler of the Amorites, his kindness is forever amazing:
  20. And Og, the king of Bashan, showing endless mercy, yo!
  21. And they got the land as a dope inheritance ’cause God’s kindness lasts forever:
  22. It’s like a super valuable gift for Israel, God’s homies. Because God’s love never stops, bro.
  23. Big shoutout to the one who held us down when we were feeling low-key worthless, ’cause his mercy game is forever strong. 🙌
  24. And he’s saved us from our haters: ’cause his mercy lasts forever.
  25. He feeds everyone: ’cause his mercy is forever.
  26. Yo, big shoutout to the big man upstairs, the God of heaven. He’s got mad love and mercy that never runs out. Forever grateful to Him, you feel me?
Psalms 137
  1. Yo, we were posted up by the rivers of Babylon, and bruh, tears started flowing when we remembered Zion, fam.
  2. We straight up abandoned our guitars, leaving ’em hanging on the trees like relics of our past.
  3. So, like, when we were held captive, those who took us hostage were like, “Yo, bust out a tune for us.” They wanted us to vibe with some happy jams, you feel? They were all, “Sing us one of those old-school tracks from Zion, fam.”
  4. How can we groove to the LORD’s anthem in this strange land, where everything’s flipped upside down?
  5. If I ever blank out on you, Jerusalem, may I lose my flow.
  6. If I ever let go of you, may I lose my voice; if I don’t keep Jerusalem at the top of my joy list.
  7. Yo, God, don’t let the Edomites forget the shade they threw at Jerusalem. They were straight-up like, “Wreck it, obliterate it!”
  8. Yo, Babylon’s girl, you’re headed for a major downfall. But peep this, whoever serves you the payback for all the stuff you did to us, oh they’re gonna be living large. Karma’s coming, and it’s delivering justice right to your doorstep.
  9. Blessed is the one who stares down challenges and crushes them with mad determination. Embrace the power within to conquer any hurdle that comes your way.
Psalms 138
  1. Yo, check out this lit song by David, fam! I’m gonna straight-up flex my praises for you, Big G. Ain’t no hesitation droppin’ these sick lyrics, even if it’s in front of all the other heavenly squad.
  2. Rollin’ up to your holy crib, givin’ mad props to your name, ’cause you’re all about that love and truth, man. Your word’s like, the ultimate vibe, nothing tops that.
  3. Remember back when I was feelin’ low-key down? You were there, listening in, boostin’ my soul like a power-up.
  4. Bruh, when the big shots of the world catch wind of Your epic words, they gonna be bowin’ down and showing mad respect, Lord.
  5. For real though, they gonna be singing and vibin’ with the Lord’s ways ’cause His glory’s straight-up fuego, no cap.
  6. Despite being all mighty and stuff, Big Man upstairs still got love for the humble ones. But He ain’t chillin’ with the arrogant crew.
  7. Even when life hits hard, Big G’s got my back. He’s bringin’ me back to life when I’m down, shutting down the haters, and swoopin’ in with His power to rescue me.
  8. God’s got me covered, man. He’s gonna make sure everything falls into place. His love and kindness never run dry, so please, don’t ever sleep on me, the awesome creation you whipped up.
Psalms 139
  1. [To the main Music Producer, A Psalm by David.] OMG, you totally know everything about me, you’ve like, scoped out and discovered every single thing about me.
  2. You know when I’m vibing and when I’m bouncing, you totally get what’s going on in my head from a mile away.
  3. So, like, You totally know where I’m headed and where I’m just chilling, and You’re hella familiar with all my moves, ya know?
  4. Like, fam, there ain’t a single word that comes outta my mouth that you don’t already know, Lord. Seriously, you’ve got all the deets on everything.
  5. Yo, you got me surrounded from all sides, and you straight up got your hand on me like… dang, I can’t escape.
  6. This whole knowledge thing is just too mind-blowing for me; it’s on a whole other level that I can’t even grasp.
  7. Where can I escape from your spirit? Where can I hide from your presence?
  8. Like, even if I go all the way to heaven, you’ll totally be there, and even if I find myself in the darkest pit, dude, you’ll be there too. No cap, you’re everywhere.
  9. If I spread my wings at dawn and dip into the deepest oceans;
  10. Like, you’ve got my back, sticking with me every step, guiding me with your hand and holding onto me tight with your right hand.
  11. Like, even if I’m all like, darkness gonna conceal me completely, fam; even nighttime gonna be lit AF around me, you feel me?
  12. Like, you totally see everything, even in the darkness. The night is just as bright as the day to you. Darkness and light, they’re all the same to you, ya know?
  13. Yo, you got me from the jump, like you were there when I was still cooking in my mom’s belly.
  14. I’m gonna shout you out, ’cause I’m made super awesome: your creations are fire, and my soul knows it like – a whole lot.
  15. You knew all about me, even when I was being formed in secret, intricately designed in the depths of the earth. #RealTalk #NoHiddenSecrets #CraftedWithCare
  16. Your eyes saw me before I even existed, when I was still in the making. In your book, every part of me was recorded, even before they were formed. Every single one of my days was planned out.
  17. OMG, fam, your thoughts are legit priceless to me, God! They’re like, sooo vast in numbers, it’s mind-blowing!
  18. Fam, like, seriously, if I were to even try to count ’em, there’d be more of ’em than the sand. And guess what? When I wake up, you’re still right there with me, yo.
  19. God, you’re definitely gonna shut down the wicked. So, all you violent people, just stay away from me.
  20. They like, talk mad trash about you, and your haters be using your name all frivolously.
  21. Like, seriously, God? Can’t stand those people who hate You. And, like, totally bummed out with those who go against You, ya know?
  22. I’m not a fan of them at all: they’re definitely on my enemies list.
  23. Yo God, like, dive deep into my soul, ya know? Put me through the ultimate test and uncover all my thoughts and emotions, man.
  24. Check if there’s any sketchy stuff in me, and guide me on the everlasting path. Heh, no pain or grief allowed!
Psalms 140
  1. Yo, peeps, listen up, King David droppin’ some lit verses here. God, I’m callin’ out to you, gotta save me from this shady dude. Keep me away from the violent ones, you know, those troublemakers.
  2. They stay schemin’ in their hearts, always ready to team up for drama.
  3. Their tongues be sharp like a snake; poison drippin’ from their lips. Pause and reflect on that.
  4. Hey God, gotta shield me from all the haters tryna mess with me. Keep me safe from anyone tryna bring me down. They’re seriously tryna wreck my vibe, need your help big time.
  5. The cocky ones be settin’ traps and snares for me, like, they set up a whole net by the roadside, playin’ dirty. Pause and think on that, you dig?
  6. I straight up told the LORD, like, ‘You’re my God, fam. Listen up to my prayers and all, O LORD.’
  7. Yo, Lord God, the ultimate savior, you’ve had my back in some real battles. Like, you shielded me and kept me safe.
  8. Yo, God, don’t let those wicked ones get what they want, and shut down their evil schemes. We ain’t lettin’ them feel all high and mighty. Selah, you catch my drift?
  9. May the negativity they spit come back to bite those who mess with me.
  10. Hit ’em hard: fire ’em up, send ’em to those dark pits with no way back.
  11. Don’t let the toxic talkers gain power. Evil’s gonna come back on those who love violence and bring ’em down.
  12. I know for real the LORD’s got our backs, standin’ up for the ones strugglin’ and makin’ things right for the financially strapped.
  13. For real, the righteous gonna give major props to your name: those keepin’ it real gonna chill in your presence.
Psalms 141
  1. OMG, LORD, I’m legit pouring my heart out to you! Can you, like, tune in and listen up? Hear me out when I’m like, calling out to you, alright?
  2. Yo, let my prayer be like dropping some lit incense for you, and when I throw up my hands, let it be like that evening vibe, you know, coming straight from the heavens?
  3. Yo God, help me out. Put a filter on my mouth and make sure I ain’t blurting out dumb stuff.
  4. Yo, keep my heart away from sketchy scenes or hanging with those into shady stuff. And please, keep me from diving into their fancy feasts.
  5. If someone righteous calls me out, it’s all good. Their feedback’s like that premium oil, nourishing and not hurting. Actually, I’ll send up prayers for them when they’re going through it.
  6. When they’re facing cancel culture online, they’ll totally resonate with what I’m saying; ’cause my words are like, pure gold.
  7. Our vibes are scattered, like when you’re splitting firewood on the ground.
  8. But, like, I’m all about trusting You, God, with my whole heart. I’m banking on You, so please don’t leave me hanging. Don’t let me feel all lost and empty, dude.
  9. Please shield me from the traps others have set, and the shady schemes of those up to no good.
  10. May the haters fall into their own traps, while I navigate around them like a pro.
Psalms 142
  1. [A Psalm of David, when he was hiding in the cave.] Yo, I straight-up called out to the LORD, laying it all out there. I was like, “Yo, help me out here!”
  2. So, I just let it all out to Him, spilled my guts about what’s been bugging me. And you know what? He was totally there, listening, no judgment.
  3. When I was freaking out, you totally got me, saw right through the drama, how I was getting played by those shady folks.
  4. I looked around, man, and there was no one who got me, no one to lean on, no one who gave a darn about me. Just me against the world, feeling all alone, you feel me? 😔
  5. I reached out to You, God, and I was like, “Yo, You’re my rock, my ride-or-die while I’m cruising through life.”
  6. Listen up, fam! I’m struggling hard here, so please, tune in. I need saving from these haters coming at me ’cause they’re way stronger than I am, honestly.
  7. Help me ditch the negativity so I can spread good vibes and shout out your name. Surround me with positive vibes ’cause I know you’ve always got my back, showering me with love and blessings.
Psalms 143
  1. [A Psalm by David.] Yo, Big G, listen up to my prayer, peep my requests, and show me some love and justice by hitting me back.
  2. Don’t be throwing shade my way, ’cause let’s be real, ain’t nobody squeaky clean in your sight.
  3. My soul’s getting chased down by the haters; they’re wrecking my vibe, leaving me in the dark like I’m ghosted already.
  4. Ugh, feeling so drained RN. My heart’s like a black hole, just empty and sad.
  5. OMG, reminiscing hard about the good times! Can’t help but marvel at your moves, God. Your creations are next level!
  6. Reaching out to you like, “Come through!” My soul’s thirsty for you, like a desert in need of rain. Selah.
  7. Yo, Big G, listen real quick: I’m feeling low-key drained and I’m hoping you won’t ghost me. ‘Cause if you dip out on me, I’m gonna be as messed up as those hitting rock bottom.
  8. Let me wake up to your love and vibes in the AM; ’cause I’m riding with you, show me the right path for today; ’cause I’m all about you.
  9. Yo, Big G, save me from these haters: I’m sliding into your DMs for a safe spot.
  10. Teach me to vibe with your flow, ’cause you’re my main squeeze: your vibe is lit, steer me towards the good life.
  11. Yo Big G, speed me up for your name’s sake, ’cause for the sake of righteousness, get me out of this mess.
  12. Kick out the toxic peeps and deal with my enemies. I’m here to serve you, thankful for your love.
Psalms 144
  1. [A Psalm] by David. Praise the LORD, who totally hypes me up and trains my hands to battle and my fingers to fight. He’s like my solid foundation, giving me the skills to crush it in any skirmish.
  2. OMG, my ride or die; my highest vibe, and my rescuer; my armor, and the one I totally rely on; the one who keeps it all under control.
  3. OMG, God, like why do you even bother with us humans? We’re just like, a tiny speck in the grand scheme of things, yet You actually pay attention to us and care about us!
  4. People are basically just like, useless and fleeting. Their lives are like a shadow that disappears.
  5. Yo God, flex your heavenly powers and slide through: tap them mountains, watch ’em light up.
  6. Send out epic lightning bolts and totally scatter those haters; release your arrows with mad precision and utterly obliterate them.
  7. Yo, reach down from the heavens and save me, rescue me from these intense situations and protect me from shady people; handd from: Hebrew says hands from)
  8. People who only talk nonsense and deceive others with their actions.
  9. I’m about to drop a lit new track for you, God. Gonna vibe out on a sick beat with a ten-stringed instrument while singing your praises.
  10. He’s the one who hooks up kings with dope victories, and rescues his homie David from those wack swords that wanna cause some serious damage. #Blessed
  11. Like, get me outta here and save me from these weird kids who talk nonsense and their actions are all fake, man.
  12. So that our sons can thrive like well-grown plants in their prime; and our daughters can be strong and graceful like beautifully crafted corner stones in a stunning palace.
  13. So that our stashes are stacked, packed with all kinds of goodies; our followers breed and multiply all over our socials, reaching thousands and tens of thousands on our feeds. #Blessed
  14. So that our oxen are swole AF and ready to grind; no trespassing or escaping the grind; no drama on our streets. (You know, our oxen be like, strong enough to carry heavy burdens and all that, or they beefed up.)
  15. Blessed are those people, like, seriously blessed, who are in this situation. Like, seriously, blessed are those people whose God is the LORD.
Psalms 145
  1. [David’s epic Psalm of vibes.] Yo, God, you’re the absolute GOAT, no cap. Gonna shower you with blessings and hype up your name for all eternity, like forever and ever, fam.
  2. I’m gonna celebrate you every single day, and your name will be on my lips for all eternity.
  3. The LORD be like, super awesome and deserves all the praise. He’s like, beyond our understanding cool. Like, seriously, there’s no way to totally grasp how amazing He is.
  4. One gen gonna hype up your moves to the next, and straight up flex about your epic deeds.
  5. Yo, let me tell you about how amazing and mind-blowing your awesomeness is, and all the super cool stuff you’ve done.
  6. And people will totally talk about how awesome your epic acts are, and I’ll totally shout about how amazing you are. Like, seriously impressive, you know?
  7. They’re gonna totally spread the word about how awesome you are and sing about how you always do the right thing.
  8. God is so kind and understanding, like, super patient and hella merciful.
  9. OMG, God is so good to everyone, like seriously! His super kind and caring attitude extends to everything he created. No exceptions, fam!
  10. Everything you do will be like, Praisee you, God!’ And all your loyal peeps will be like, Blesss you, God!’
  11. They will totally hype up the epicness of your kingdom and chat about your mad power, fam;
  12. Spreading the word to everyone about all the epic stuff God does and how absolutely amazing and powerful His kingdom is!
  13. Your kingdom is, like, forever and ever, and your power extends to all the generations. It’s, like, an eternal kingdom, yo!
  14. The LORD got your back when you stumble and lifts you up when you’re feeling down, yo.
  15. Everyone is counting on you to provide for their needs at the right time.
  16. When you flex and drop those stacks, you straight up satisfy every living thing’s cravings.
  17. OMG, the LORD is always doing the right thing and doing amazing stuff. He’s like totally righteous and holy, like no flaws whatsoever. #Blessed
  18. God is always there for anyone who reaches out to Him genuinely.
  19. He’ll make the dreams come true for those who respect him: he’ll also listen to their venting, and will rescue them.
  20. God takes care of everyone who loves Him, but those who are wicked will be wiped out.
  21. My mouth is gonna be all about praising the LORD: and may everyone give props to his holy name forever and ever.
Psalms 146
  1. Yo, give props to the LORD. I’m talkin’ ’bout praising the LORD, from the depths of my soul. Hallelujah, y’all!
  2. As long as I’m alive, I’m gonna give props to the LORD. I’m gonna sing mad praises to my God as long as I’m still here.
  3. Don’t rely on famous peeps or regular humans, ’cause they ain’t gonna save you.
  4. When he dies, he breathes his last and goes back to the ground. That’s when all his thoughts fade away.
  5. Blessed is the one who’s got the God of Jacob by their side, putting all their hope in the LORD, their God.
  6. The one who created everything – the heavens, earth, the ocean, and everything in them – and never wavers in holding onto the truth.
  7. God delivers justice for those who’ve been oppressed, providing nourishment for the hungry and setting prisoners free.
  8. God helps blind peeps see, lifts up the down and out, and is all about those who do right. 😇
  9. God looks out for the outsiders, he helps those who don’t have parents or a spouse: but the path of the bad people, he flips it around.
  10. God is lit, and He’s in charge forever, fam. He’s your God, O Zion, for all time. Let’s hype Him up and give Him all the praise!
Psalms 147
  1. OMG, let’s give a major shoutout to the LORD! Singing praises to our God is like, totally lit and fulfilling. It’s super cool and beautiful to show some love.
  2. God’s totally boosting up Jerusalem and bringing together all the outcasts of Israel.
  3. He’s there for those whose hearts are hurting, helping to heal their deepest emotional wounds.
  4. Dude, he knows every single star out there, and he’s even got a dope name for each one of them.
  5. Our Lord is absolutely amazing, and has so much power. He gets everything, because his understanding is endless. No cap, his knowledge knows no bounds.
  6. The Lord lifts up the humble ones: he sends the wicked crashing to the ground.
  7. Praise the LORD with gratitude; serenade our God on the harp:
  8. God be like, covering the sky with clouds, making rain for the earth, and causing grass to grow on the mountains.
  9. He hooks up the animals with their grub, and throws some food to the crying baby ravens. 🐻🍔🐺🍟🦉
  10. God ain’t impressed by a strong horse or a super fit person.
  11. God vibes with those who show respect, have faith in him and trust in his love and forgiveness.
  12. Yo, shout out to the LORD, Jerusalem; give props to your God, Zion.
  13. Because he’s like upgraded the security of your gates, and he’s totally blessed all your homies chillin’ in your hood.
  14. He brings the chill vibes within your hood and hooks you up with the tastiest grub. #NoMoreDrama #PremiumNoms
  15. He puts out his command on the earth and his word spreads super fast.
  16. God makes snow fluffy and scatters frost like ashes.
  17. He flexes his ice like snacks: who can handle his chill?
  18. He’s like Wordd!’ and totally melts things, he’s all like ‘Let it blow!’ and the waters just start flowing like mad.
  19. He’s all like, yo, Jacob get ready to hear what’s up! He’s laying down his rules and laws for Israel, too. Like, straight up, his words are on point and legit. #ForReal
  20. He didn’t treat any country like this, and they have no idea about his punishments. Praise the LORD, fam!
Psalms 148
  1. Yo, big ups to the Most High! Show some love to the Most High from the sky, give Him major props up high.
  2. Give props to the Big Guy, all his angels: Give props to the crew, all his squads.
  3. Yo, give props to the sun, moon, and all the lit stars out there.
  4. Yo, shoutout to the heavens up top and the waters chilling above them.
  5. Yo, give mad props to the Most High, ’cause He straight up commanded, and everything got created, like, boom!
  6. He’s totally set them up for eternity, like forever and ever: he’s made a non-negotiable rule that isn’t gonna change or anything.
  7. Yo, give mad props to the Most High straight outta Earth, my dragons, and all the deeps!
  8. Yo, peep this: fire, hail, snow, and fog; with a stormy breeze doing its thing, all to fulfill his word, ya know?
  9. Like, yo, check out them majestic mountains and epic hills, those rad fruitful trees and all them sick cedars, bro:
  10. So like, animals and all the cool creatures; you know, the ones that crawl and fly around and stuff: you know, the birds with wings and all that. Flying high, you know, like, in the sky.
  11. Yo, world leaders, listen up! And all you peeps out there, including high-profile folks and those in positions of power:
  12. Like, all the young dudes and gals, the OGs and the little ones:
  13. Yo, let’s give mad props to the Most High, ’cause His name is straight fire! His glory is off the charts, higher than the earth and the heavens. No cap, He’s way up there, no one can top Him!
  14. He boosts the status of his squad, the ultimate hype of all his righteous peeps, even the OGs of Israel, the fam that’s tight with him. Give mad props to the Most High.
Psalms 149
  1. Yo, big shoutout to the Most High! Let’s drop some heavenly beats and hype up His name with the whole squad. #Blessed
  2. Hey, Israel, get hyped for the One who made you! And all you Zion peeps, find major joy in your King. #MasterCreator
  3. Let’s bust some sick moves to hype up His name, dropping dope verses of praise while jamming on those timbrels and harps.
  4. God’s totally pumped about His peeps, and He’s about to bless the humble big time.
  5. Yo, fam, let’s hype up our holy status and show some major gratitude by singing even when we’re just chilling on our beds.
  6. Like, let’s speak mad praises about God and hold onto that powerful Word; ‘thoat’ means ‘mouth’, by the way.
  7. Ready to clap back at the haters and serve up some divine justice.
  8. Showing up those kings with their chains, and keeping those nobles in check with iron cuffs;
  9. His holy ones are honored with the task of carrying out His written judgment against them. Praise the Most High, fam!
Psalms 150
  1. Yo, shout out to the Most High, fam! Show some love to God in His holy crib: holler up in the sky where He’s flexin’ His power.
  2. Give mad respect for His epic moves: hype Him up ‘cause He’s straight-up awesome.
  3. Bust out some mad trumpet skills to hype Him up: drop some sick beats on the psaltery and harp.
  4. Let’s vibe with those lit beats and dope moves: shred those guitar solos and crank up the organ. (or pipes)
  5. Show some love with those lit cymbals: give props with the high-key cymbals.
  6. Yo, praise the LORD, y’all! Every living being should be vibin’ and showin’ gratitude for Him. Praise the LORD, and keep on keepin’ on with that praise!