
Proverbs 1

Proverbs’ Game Plan 📖
1 Check it, these words are straight from Solomon, son of David, the king of Israel, droppin’ some major wisdom vibes:

2 It’s all about leveling up in wisdom and gettin’ disciplined,
understandin’ deep truths,

3 So you can soak up some real knowledge and get schooled in doin’ what’s right, just, and straight-up righteous.

4 This ain’t just for the seasoned players; it’s for the newbies too, teachin’ ’em to be savvy and smart,
givin’ ’em the 411 on how to navigate life.

5 So, if you’re wise, you’ll listen up and soak it all in,
and if you’re sharp, you’ll grab hold of some wisdom.

6 ‘Cause these words ain’t just basic; they’re like puzzles to unravel,
dropped by the wisest cats around.

7 But here’s the real deal: Fear of the Lord is where it all begins,
Anybody who brushes off wisdom and discipline? Straight-up foolish.

Ditch the Drama: A Guide to Keeping It Peaceful
8 Yo, listen up, fam: Respect your dad’s wisdom and don’t sleep on your mom’s advice. They’re like those sick chains around your neck, boosting your street cred, and rocking that crown of respect on your head.

9 Trust, if some shady crew tries to pull you in, just bounce.

10 They might be all, “Yo, come vibe with us! Let’s cause chaos and take down some innocent peeps just for kicks! We’ll be swimming in riches and stacking up that loot!”

11 But nah, don’t even think about it. Their game is straight-up evil, and they’re thirsty for trouble.

12 They’re setting themselves up for a fall, thinking they’re slick, but they’re just digging their own graves.

13 Real talk, their hustle might seem tempting, but it’s a one-way ticket to disaster. It’s like playing with fire and getting burned.

14 So, don’t even entertain their offers, ’cause their game is rigged, and it’s a losing one. Stick to the straight and narrow, my dude, and keep it real.

15 Bro, don’t even think about rolling with them or stepping foot on their turf,

16 ’cause they’re all about that evil grind, rushing to cause chaos and spill blood.

17 It’s like trying to trap a bird with a net right in plain sight, pointless.

18 They’re setting traps for themselves, straight-up self-destructive;

19 This is the path of those who hustle dishonestly—it doesn’t just mess them up, it wrecks anyone caught in their game.

Wisdom’s Call
20 Yo, Wisdom’s out here hitting the streets, making her voice heard loud and clear in the public squares.

21 She’s yelling above all the noise, dropping truth bombs at the city gates like it’s a mic drop moment.

22 “Hey, all you clueless peeps, how long you gonna keep vibing with ignorance? How long you gonna keep clowning around, dissing knowledge like it’s some kind of joke?

23 But yo, if you’re down to listen up, if you’re ready to take my advice, then I got you. I’ll hook you up with some serious wisdom, pour out my spirit on you, and drop some truth bombs that’ll blow your mind.” 🌟 #StayWise

24 Yo, I’ve been reaching out, calling your name, but you straight-up ignored me.

25 I’ve been dropping advice left and right, but you brushed it off like it was nothing. You didn’t wanna hear a word I said, didn’t wanna take any of my advice to heart.

26 So now, when trouble comes knocking on your door, I’ll be the one having a chuckle. Yeah, I’ll be laughing when chaos hits you like a storm, and panic sets in.

27 When you’re caught up in the whirlwind of your own mess, drowning in stress and drama, that’s when I’ll be chillin’, watching from the sidelines.

28 And when you finally come looking for me, desperate for guidance, sorry fam, but I won’t be answering your calls. You had your chance, but you blew it. 🤷‍♂️

29 So, check it: They straight-up hated knowledge, didn’t give a second thought to respecting the Most High,

30 They weren’t vibing with my advice, brushed off every correction I threw their way.

31 Now they gotta deal with the consequences of their actions, choking on the fruit of their own mistakes, drowning in their own drama.

32 ‘Cause when you’re out here clueless, walking away from what’s right, it’s a one-way ticket to destruction.

33 But for those who tune in, who listen up and vibe with me, they’ll be living life on easy mode, chillin’ without a care in the world. 🌟 #StayWise

Proverbs 2

Wisdom’s Hustle
1 Yo, listen up, my dude: If you’re down to vibe with my words, and stash my advice deep within your mind,

2 if you’re all about tuning in to wisdom and making understanding your main squeeze;

3 If you’re reaching out for insight, and turning up the volume for understanding;

4 If you’re hunting for wisdom like it’s the hottest new drop, and digging deep like you’re on a quest for hidden treasure,

5 then you’ll get what it’s all about—respecting the Top G and tapping into the knowledge of the divine.

6 ‘Cause it’s the Top G who’s dropping wisdom bombs, spitting out knowledge and understanding like it’s nobody’s business.

7 He’s got success stacked up for the righteous ones; He’s like a shield for those who keep it real,

8 guarding the path of justice and looking out for His loyal crew.

9 So, you’ll be on that wisdom grind, peeping righteousness, justice, and integrity—every move on point.

10 ‘Cause wisdom’s gonna be flowing through your veins, and knowledge? It’s gonna be your jam.

11 You’ll be rolling with discretion by your side, and understanding? Always keeping watch.

12 It’ll save you from shady deals, from those who talk twisted talk,

13 from those who ditch the straight and narrow to walk down dark paths.

14 It’ll save you from those who love trouble, and celebrate doing wrong,

15 from those who take the crooked road, and always find sneaky ways.

16 It’ll save you from falling for the wrong girl, from those smooth talkers leading you astray,

17 who forget their promises and ditch their faith. Their house? It’s heading straight to ruin,

18 sinking into the depths of darkness. Nobody comes back from that road;

19 none find the path to real life.

20 So, stick to the straight and narrow, keep rolling with the righteous crowd.

21 ‘Cause the real ones? They’ll be holding it down in the land, while the wicked get cut off, ripped out of the scene.

22 That’s the deal, fam: Stay true, stay righteous, and you’ll be living large.

Proverbs 3

Trust in the Big Guy upstairs—it’s the ultimate move.

  1. Yo, son, don’t sleep on my wisdom, Keep it real and vibe with my commands;
  2. ‘Cause they’ll hook you up big time, With endless days, a lit life, and total zen.
  3. Stay loyal and true, always, Rock that loyalty like it’s your brand; Embed it deep within your vibe.
  4. And you’ll be blessed, my dude, With major respect from the man upstairs and the whole squad. 🙏🌟
  5. Yo, trust the Lord with everything you got, Don’t just rely on what you think you know;
  6. In every move you make, acknowledge Him, And He’ll pave the way straight ahead for ya.
  7. Don’t think you got all the answers, Respect the Lord and stay away from shady stuff.
  8. This is gonna bring you major healing vibes, And strength to your whole vibe, inside and out. 🙌💪
  9. Yo, show some love to the Lord with what you’ve got, Give Him props with the first fruits of your hustle;
  10. Then watch as your stash gets stacked to the max, And your cup overflows with fresh juice.
  11. Don’t brush off the Lord’s guidance, my dude, Embrace His lessons, and don’t hate on correction;
  12. ‘Cause when the Lord’s giving you tough love, It’s ’cause He’s got mad love for ya, just like a dad schooling his favorite kid. 🌟🍇

Wisdom = Happiness

  1. Yo, shoutout to the one who’s wise, and gets what’s up with life,
  2. ‘Cause wisdom’s worth more than stacks of cash, Her dividends are off the charts compared to gold.
  3. She’s like, way more precious than diamonds, Nothing you crave can even come close.
  4. With her, you’re livin’ long and ballin’ out, Stacking up honor and riches like it’s NBD.
  5. Her vibe is all chill and laid-back, And her path? Totally zen.
  6. She’s like the ultimate life hack, Those who vibe with her are straight-up blissed out. 🌳💡
  7. Check it, fam, the Lord laid down the earth with wisdom, And set up the skies with straight-up smarts.
  8. By His know-how, the deep oceans got split wide, And the clouds started dripping with that sweet morning dew. 🌊☁️
  9. Keep it 💯 with wisdom and staying low-key. Yo, my dude, don’t let ’em slip away.
  10. They’re like the key to living large, And they’ll add some serious swag to your vibe.
  11. With them by your side, you’ll cruise through life, No tripping up, no stumbling on the grind.
  12. When you hit the sack, no stress, Your sleep game’s gonna be straight-up lit.
  13. Don’t even trip about sudden drama, Or when the shady stuff goes down.
  14. ‘Cause the Lord’s got your back, And He’ll keep you from getting caught up in the mess. 🙌🚫👟

Treat Others Right

  1. If you got the power, don’t hold back on doing good, Share the love with those who deserve it.
  2. Don’t be telling your neighbor, “Later, dude, come back tomorrow,” When you could hook them up right then and there.
  3. Keep it real, don’t plot anything shady against your neighbor, They trust you, and they’re right there.
  4. Don’t go throwing accusations around for no reason, Especially when they ain’t done anything wrong to you.
  5. Don’t be looking up to those who throw down, Or try to roll with their shady moves;
  6. ‘Cause the Big Guy upstairs ain’t down with sneaky vibes, But He’s all about chilling with the ones who keep it real.
  7. The vibes aren’t flowing with the homes of the shady, But He’s blessing up the ones who stay on point;
  8. He’s straight-up laughing at those who talk trash, But He’s got mad love for those who keep it humble.
  9. The wise ones? They’re gonna score major respect, But fools? They’re just asking for trouble. 🚫🤡
Proverbs 4

Dad Vibes 101

1 Aight, bros, tune in to pops’ life hacks, and lean in for that big brain energy,

2 ’cause I’m droppin’ some legit guidance. Don’t ghost on my words of wisdom.

3 Back when I was just a lil’ dude with my dad, the apple of my mom’s eye,

4 he schooled me, was like, “Yo, lock those words in your heart. Stick to the game plan and thrive.”

5 Cop that wisdom, lock in that understanding; don’t zone out or bounce from the real talk I’m spitting. 🚫

6 Don’t ditch wisdom, ’cause she’s your day-one, keeping you sharp; show her love, and she’s your ultimate shield.

7 Wisdom’s the real deal—top of your must-have list. And while you’re at it, make sure to grab that understanding too.

8 Treat her right, and she’ll lift you up; get tight with her, and she’ll show you mad respect.

9 She’s gonna bless you with mad props, crown you with that glow-up. ✨

Two Vibes to Live By

10 Yo, listen up, my dude. Catch these words, and you’re set for a long, epic run. 🏃‍♂️

11 I’m laying down the wisdom track; steering you clear and straight.

12 Hit the ground walking, you won’t get tripped up; sprint, and you won’t faceplant.

13 Cling to these life hacks, never drop ’em. Protect them like they’re your whole vibe, ’cause legit, they are. ✨

14 Dodge the sketchy trail, fam; don’t even think about rolling with the shady crowd.

15 Skip that whole scene; don’t even set foot down that way. Just swerve and keep it moving.

16 ‘Cause those peeps, they’re tossing and turning, not catching Z’s unless they’re up to no good, making someone else trip up.

17 They’re feasting on trouble, sipping on chaos like it’s their go-to drink.

18 But you, walking the legit path, you’re like the morning sun, getting brighter and brighter till it’s high noon. ☀️

19 Meanwhile, the wrong crowd’s lost in the pitch-black, tripping over their own mess, clueless about what’s got them falling.

The Straight-Up Path

20 Aight, my dude, focus on these words; really hear what I’m saying.

21 Keep them in your line of vision; stash them deep in your heart.

22 ‘Cause for those who vibe with them, it’s like a life potion, total body wellness.

23 Protect your heart like it’s your most prized possession, ’cause, real talk, it’s where life kicks off.

24 Keep it 100, no shady talk, no twisted words.

25 Eyes on the prize, lock your gaze dead ahead.

26 Map out your moves with care, and you’ll be solid on your path.

27 Don’t get sidetracked, no veering off; steer clear of the trouble zones.

Proverbs 5

dodge the rizz games

  1. yo, listen up to this wisdom bomb, tune in to some real talk. 🧠🎧
  2. it’s all ’bout keeping it smart, lips locked on the good stuff. 🔒📚
  3. that off-limits honey? all sweet talk, but it’s a trap. 🍯🚫
  4. fr, it turns sour, cuts deep like you got double-crossed. 😖✂️
  5. she’s a one-way ticket to nowhere good, steps leading to ghost town. 👻☠️
  6. doesn’t even get she’s off track, wandering all delulu. 🤷‍♀️🔄
  7. so listen close, don’t hit snooze on this wisdom playlist. 🎶👂
  8. steer clear, fam. don’t even map her spot. 🚷🗺️
  9. or else you’re just handing over your hype, your years on a silver platter to heartbreak hotel. 💔🏨
  10. some randos will cash in your clout, your grind paying their way. 💸🤑
  11. when it’s all said and done, you’ll be all regrets, body cashed out. 😩🔄
  12. and you’ll be like, “why was i sleeping on the real stuff?” missed out on that self-love. 😔💔
  13. ignored the squad, wasn’t vibing with the mentors. 🚫👨‍🏫
  14. nearly hit rock bottom, all eyes on my epic fail. 🤦‍♂️👀

    vibe with your main squeeze
  15. Sip on your own good vibes, like it’s your personal hydro flask. 💧
  16. Don’t let your essence splash all over, keepin’ it lowkey, not for the ‘gram. 🚫
  17. That exclusive content? That’s just for you, not for sharing with the crowd. 🙅‍♂️
  18. Bless up your day one, revel in the vibes from your ride or die. 💕
  19. Stay hyped on your OG love, like she’s your forever mood. 😍
  20. Why chase clout in no-fly zones, cuddling up with trouble? ❌
  21. Remember, your playbook’s open, every move’s under the spotlight. 👀
  22. Playing the villain’s game will have you caught up in your own web. 🕸
  23. Without keeping it 100, you’ll find yourself in a maze of oofs, all from bad calls. 🤦‍♂️
Proverbs 6

1. Yo, if you ever said “I gotchu” and shook hands on it for your friend’s debt,
2. You’re basically caught up in your own words, like, “Oops, did I really say that?”
3. So, don’t just chill. Go sort it out, beg if you must, to get out of that mess.
4. Don’t hit snooze, don’t relax;
5. Escape like you’re in a video game, dodging and weaving.

6. Peep the ant, squad 🐜, no boss, but it’s all about the grind, storing up snacks.
7. They’ve got no one telling them what to do, but they’re all about that work life.
8. They’re stacking their pantry, ready for the chill times.
9. But you? How long you gonna lounge and be lazy?
10. A little snooze here, a little “I’m just resting” there,
11. And suddenly, you’re broke, like “Where’d my money go?” vibes.

12. Watch out for the smooth talkers, the ones always plotting something shady.
13. They signal with a wink 😉, a nudge, a twist of their words.
14. They’re always cooking up some drama.
15. But outta nowhere, they’ll take a hard fall, no second chances.

16-19. There are like, seven things God’s totally not into:

  1. Being all high and mighty 😒,
  2. Lying through your teeth,
  3. Hurting others just ’cause,
  4. Always plotting evil,
  5. Rushing into bad choices,
  6. Snitching on your friends,
  7. And stirring up drama in the fam.

20. Hold onto your parent’s advice like it’s your phone 📱; don’t let it out of your sight.
21. Tie it around your heart, let it be like your fave necklace.
22. It’ll guide you when you’re out, protect you when you’re asleep, and be the first thought when you wake up.
23. Their advice is your life hack and your day’s highlight, leading you away from trouble.
24. It’ll keep you from falling for sweet talk and ending up in a mess.

25. Don’t get lost in that gaze, in that charm, no matter how fire 🔥 it seems.
26. ‘Cause messing with the wrong person’s feelings can cost more than you’ve got.
27-28. It’s like asking, “Can I walk on hot coals and not get burned?” Spoiler: You’ll get burned.
29. So is the one who gets too close to someone else’s bae.

30-31. People might be lenient if you stole because you were starving, but you’d still have to pay back big time.
32. But getting involved with someone else’s partner? That’s just asking for trouble.
33. You’ll end up hurt and shamed, and no amount of clout will fix it.
34-35. ‘Cause jealousy is a powerful thing; it won’t accept any excuses, and it won’t back down.

Keep it real, keep it kind, and stay wise, fam. ✌️

Proverbs 7
  1. Yo, listen up, son! Take my words to heart and store my commandments in your brain.
  2. Yo, follow my commandments and you’ll live your best life; treat my law like it’s your favorite app.
  3. Keep them on your fingers and engrave them on the core of your being.
  4. Tell wisdom, like, you’re my sister; and call understanding, like, your fam:
  5. So you don’t get caught up with shady people, those who pretend to be all nice and compliment you all the time.
  6. So, like, I was just chilling at the window of my crib, peeping through my casement, ya know?
  7. So, I was looking at this group of clueless and naive young people, and I noticed there was this one guy who had absolutely no idea what he was doing.
  8. Just casually strolling down the block, cruising past her usual hangout spot; and he ended up at her crib.
  9. At dusk, when the sun sets and darkness covers the land:
  10. Yo, check it out, this woman comes up to him all dressed like she’s tryna show off, with a cunning mind.
  11. She be extra loud and stubborn; she never chill at home:
  12. She’s out there one minute, wandering the streets, and lurking at every corner.)
  13. She grabbed him and kissed him, and then confidently looked at him and said,
  14. I’ve got some sick offerings here; just fulfilled my promises today. They’re legit fire, no cap. 🔥
  15. So, I came here to meet you, really hoping to find you, and guess what? I totally did!
  16. I’ve totally hyped up my bed, it’s got the coolest tapestry covers, with some sick designs and high-quality Egyptian linen.
  17. I made my bed all cozy with some sweet-smelling myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.
  18. Yo, let’s indulge in some serious love stuff all night long. Let’s comfort ourselves with affection.
  19. The dude ain’t home, he took off on a far-out adventure:
  20. He’s got a whole load of cash on him, and he’ll come back right on schedule. #NoPromises
  21. She used her smooth talking to make him give in, and her flattery compelled him with her enticing words.
  22. He immediately goes after her, like an idiot heading towards a trap or a clueless person walking into trouble.
  23. Like, imagine getting hit hard with a sudden problem, just like an unexpected arrow to the gut. It’s like when a bird zooms into a trap without even realizing that it’s putting its own life at risk, you know?
  24. Listen up, fam! It’s time to pay attention to what I’m about to say, all you young ones out there.
  25. Don’t let your heart stray towards her ways, don’t wander off on her paths.
  26. Because she has defeated countless people: yeah, she has taken down many powerful dudes.
  27. Yo, her crib be leading straight to hell, like a dope ride to the chambers of death.
Proverbs 8
  1. Yo, isn’t wisdom out here yelling? And understanding, she’s raising her voice too!
  2. She’s flexin’ at the highest spots, chillin’ on the sickest roads.
  3. She’s screaming at the gates, at the entrance of the city, as people walk in through the doors.
  4. Yo, guys! Listen up! I’m reaching out to all you dudes, the sons of humanity.
  5. Yo fam, listen up: if you’re clueless, try to grasp some wisdom. And all you fools out there, seriously, get yourselves a brain and start understanding things.
  6. Listen up, ’cause I’m ’bout to drop some wisdom bombs with my real talk and spill truth from my mouth.
  7. I always keep it real and stay away from anything shady or dishonest. I can’t stand talking about anything that’s morally wrong, it’s just not my vibe.
  8. Everything I say is righteous; there’s nothing twisted or perverted about it. #straightup
  9. They’re all pretty clear to those who get it, and total facts to those who gain knowledge.
  10. Yo, listen up and soak in my guidance, don’t be chasing after that paper, but seek wisdom over flexing with that expensive bling.
  11. Wisdom is, like, way more awesome than rubies, and nothing else even comes close to how cool it is!
  12. I’m all about that wisdom and strategic thinking, and I’m constantly uncovering cool new knowledge and clever ideas.
  13. Respecting the LORD means hating evil: I can’t stand pride, arrogance, the wrong path, and a mouth that’s always causing trouble.
  14. I’ve got all the wisdom and smarts, with an added power boost.
  15. I’m the boss when it comes to kings ruling and princes making fair decisions.
  16. Princes and nobles got their swag from me, even the judges of the whole earth.
  17. I’m all about those who show love towards me, and those who come looking for me early in the game will totally find me.
  18. I’ve got the ultimate flex in my pocket – not just stacks of cash and clout, but also long-lasting wealth and straight-up righteousness.
  19. My fruit is straight-up better than gold, even fancy gold. And my cash flow beats out top-tier silver.
  20. I’m totally rollin’ on the righteous path, keepin’ it real in the midst of all the judgment vibes.
  21. So that those who are loyal to me can flex their wealth, and I’ll help them stack up their riches.
  22. God had me from the start, way before all the cool things He did.
  23. I’ve been around since forever, way before the Earth even existed.
  24. Like, when things were totally chill and there were no deep places or like, fancy water fountains, I was just, you know, brought into existence and stuff.
  25. Even before the mountains were flexin’, before them hills showed up, I was already poppin’ off:
  26. Before he created the earth, the fields, or even the most important part of the world’s dust,
  27. When God made the heavens, I was right there with Him, witnessing it all go down. He even marked out the boundaries of the ocean depths with precision.
  28. When he set up the sick clouds in the sky and made the deep waters flow with power:
  29. When he flexed on the sea and was like, ‘Yo, you better not cross this line!’ and set up the whole earth like a boss.
  30. I used to hang out with him all the time, like we were BFFs. He totally loved having me around, and I was always stoked, spreading positive vibes no matter what!
  31. I was stoked to hang out on Earth, where it’s all happening, and I had a blast chilling with humans.
  32. Listen up, fam: those who stay on my grind will be straight up blessed.
  33. Listen up, seek wisdom, no FOMO on learning.
  34. Happy is the person who listens to me, staying tuned in to what I have to say every single day, patiently waiting for opportunities to come knocking.
  35. If you discover me, you’ll discover the ultimate vibes and gain the Lord’s favor.
  36. But yo, anyone who disses me is straight up disrespecting their own soul: all those haters be showing love for death.
Proverbs 9

1. Yo, wisdom really be flexin’ with her dope crib, she went all out with her seven fire pillars:

2. She’s slaughtered her animals, mixed her drinks, and set up her table.

3. She’s got her squad out, shouting from the prime spots in the city.

4. Yo, if you’re clueless, come chill here. And if you lack common sense, she straight up calls you out, bro.

5. Hey, come through and grub on my bread, and sip on the lit wine I’ve mixed up for ya.

6. Ditch the clueless folks and embrace life; follow the path of knowledge.

7. If you call out someone who constantly mocks others, you’re gonna get some major embarrassment back at ya. And if you try to correct a truly evil person, it’s gonna leave a mark on your reputation.

8. Don’t waste your energy on haters, they’ll just end up hating you even more. But if you give some constructive criticism to a wise person, they’ll appreciate and respect you.

9. Share some knowledge with a smart person, and they’ll get even smarter: educate a righteous individual, and they’ll keep on growing in wisdom.

10. Respecting God is like step one in being wise, and really understanding what’s sacred is like the key to unlocking knowledge.

11. Yo, listen up! When you chill with me, your days gonna multiply and your life gonna level up with more years. No cap!

12. If you stay woke, it’s for your own benefit. But if you clown on everything, you’ll have to deal with the consequences all by yourself.

13. A clueless woman is always making noise, she’s naive and knows nothing.

14. Cause she’s posted up at the front door of her crib, chilling on a throne in the prime spots of the city,

15. To invite those who are walking in the right direction to join us:

16. If you’re feeling clueless, come over here: and if you lack understanding, listen up!

17. Sneaking a sip from someone else’s drink hits different, and munching on a hidden snack is low-key satisfying. *whispers* It’s like an exclusive club for your taste buds. *wink*

18. But he doesn’t even realize that the dead people are chilling there, and her guests are straight up in the depths of hell.

Proverbs 10
  1. These are the wise words of Solomon. A son who acts wisely brings joy to his dad, but a son who acts foolishly brings sorrow to his mom.
  2. Having a bunch of sketchy stuff won’t make you rich, but being on the right path saves you from total disaster.
  3. Bruh, God won’t let the souls of the righteous starve, but He straight up ditches the stuff the wicked ones got. Like, their whole deal evaporates because of how wicked they are.
  4. If you’re lazy with your hustle, you’re gonna end up broke. But if you stay on your grind, that’s how you make bank.
  5. Someone who gets their work done during summer is smart, but someone who sleeps during harvest brings shame upon themselves.
  6. Good vibes go to the cool ones, but bad vibes shut up the haters.
  7. The good vibes from righteous people are like, totally lit. But the reputation of the wicked? It’s gonna decay like, super gross.
  8. Those who are open-minded and attentive will embrace guidance, while those who blabber nonsense will face defeat.
  9. If you stay true to yourself, you’ll have confidence in your steps. But if you go astray, people will see right through you.
  10. If someone constantly throws shade or talks nonsense, they’re just asking for trouble. They’ll end up getting roasted.
  11. The words of a good person bring life and positivity, but negativity and harm are the only things that come out of a bad person’s mouth.
  12. Hating on others just leads to conflicts, but love is all about forgiving each other’s mistakes.
  13. Someone smart speaks wise words, but someone clueless gets what’s coming to them.
  14. Smart peeps be stockpilin’ knowledge: but fools, their yappin’ leads ’em straight to ruin.
  15. The rich dude’s mad cash is like his epic fortress: the total bummer for the poor peeps is their crushing poverty.
  16. When good people hustle, they thrive in life, while bad people’s actions lead them towards sin.
  17. The path to a good life is paved with being open to learning and correction, but those who reject feedback will veer off course.
  18. Anyone who fakes kindness but actually hates, and anyone who spreads rumors, is just plain foolish.
  19. When you talk non-stop, you’re bound to mess up: but someone who knows when to shut up is actually pretty smart.
  20. The words of righteous people are like top-quality silver: but the thoughts of wicked people are basically worthless.
  21. The words of good people can inspire and encourage many, but fools suffer because they lack the wisdom to make good decisions.
  22. God’s blessings make you thrive, without any unnecessary stress.
  23. Doing bad things may seem fun to a clueless person, but a person who’s got a clue knows that wisdom is where it’s at.
  24. When wicked people start freaking out, their worst fears will actually happen to them. But good and righteous people will get what they wish for.
  25. When the whirlwind blows by, the wicked are gone for good, but the righteous stand firm forever.
  26. Like, you know when you drink something super acidic and it makes your teeth feel weird? Or when there’s this annoying smoke that gets into your eyes and messes up your vision? Well, that’s exactly how it feels when you have a lazy person on a mission for you.
  27. Respecting God adds more time to your life, but if you’re wicked, your years will be cut short.
  28. The righteous can be stoked by hope, but the wicked’s high hopes will totally fade away.
  29. The path of the LORD is like a power-up for those who do the right thing, but it’s game over for those who choose to do wrong.
  30. The good ones will always stay strong, while the bad ones won’t last on this Earth.
  31. The mouth of a good person speaks wise things, but someone with a mean tongue will face consequences.
  32. The righteous speak in a way others respect, but the wicked use their words to be difficult and troublesome.
Proverbs 11
  1. Using fake scales is a total no-no to the LORD, but fair and accurate measurements make him super happy. (FYI, fake scales are super shady, just saying.)
  2. When someone becomes too full of themselves, they’re bound to end up feeling embarrassed. On the flip side, those who stay humble are the ones who truly possess wisdom.
  3. Being true to yourself will always keep you on the right path, but those who constantly go against the rules will only lead themselves to ruin.
  4. Being rich doesn’t really matter when the big bad judgment day comes knocking, but being righteous can save your sorry self from death’s grip.
  5. When someone’s got their act together, they’ll know which way to go. But those who are messed up will end up falling because of their own messed-up choices.
  6. If you stay righteous, you’ll be saved from trouble, but if you mess up, you’ll get caught in your own mischief.
  7. When a wicked person dies, their hopes and dreams go up in smoke. The unjust lose all their chances of success.
  8. The good ones always escape trouble, while the bad ones take their place.
  9. A fake person who talks trash about others ruins their reputation, but the righteous are protected through understanding.
  10. When things are going great for the good guys, the whole town is lit, and when the bad dudes bite the dust, there’s a major celebration happening.
  11. When upright peeps bring their blessings, the city levels up and thrives. But when the wicked start spewing nonsense, it’s game over, bye-bye city.
  12. Someone who lacks wisdom disses their neighbor, but a person who’s got brains knows when to zip it.
  13. Someone who spreads gossip spills the tea, but someone who is trustworthy keeps things on the down low.
  14. When there’s no squad to turn to, people end up tripping, but when you’ve got a crew of wise advisors, that’s where true security lies.
  15. If someone vouches for a random person, they’re gonna regret it big time, but if you avoid vouching for others, you’ll be just fine.
  16. A dope queen keeps her legacy intact: and powerful peeps secure the bag.
  17. The dude who shows mercy is all about doing good for himself, but the one who’s all cruel brings trouble on their own bod.
  18. The wicked be pullin’ sneaky moves, but the righteous be reapin’ sweet rewards.
  19. Being righteous leads to a well-lived life, but if you choose to chase after evil, it’ll only bring you closer to your own downfall.
  20. The Lord is not a fan of those with a bad attitude, but totally vibes with those who stay true and righteous.
  21. Even if the bad guys team up, they won’t get away with it! But the offspring of the righteous will be saved.
  22. Like a gold earring on a pig’s nose, so is a pretty girl who lacks common sense.
  23. The righteous only want what’s good, while the wicked will face consequences.
  24. Some people give it away and end up getting more, while others hoard and end up with nothing.
  25. A generous heart will be rewarded with abundance, and those who refresh others will find themselves refreshed as well.
  26. If someone hoards food, the people will totally curse them, but anyone who sells it will be blessed for real.
  27. If you’re all about finding the good, you’ll totally score some major brownie points. But if you’re all about causing trouble, it’s definitely gonna come back to bite you.
  28. If you be all about that money, you gonna trip and fall. But if you stay true and righteous, you gonna thrive like a fresh branch.
  29. If someone causes drama within their own household, they’ll end up with nothing but empty promises. And those who act foolish will end up groveling before those who are smart and wise.
  30. The vibes of righteous peeps are like a lit tree of life, and anyone who helps others find truth is straight-up smart.
  31. Look, the good people will get what they deserve in this world: and it goes double for the bad and sinful ones.
Proverbs 12
  1. If you’re into learning new things, you’re all about that knowledge. But if you can’t handle criticism, let’s just say you’re not the brightest bulb in the box.
  2. A righteous dude gets major love from the LORD, but a shady dude with twisted plans gets majorly crushed.
  3. A person can’t build a solid foundation by being wicked, but those who do what’s right will stand strong and unshakable.
  4. A dope woman is like a flex on her hubby, but if she embarrasses him, it’s like straight up bad vibes in his soul.
  5. The vibes of those who do good are on point: while the plans of the haters are full of lies.
  6. The words of the haters always plotting something bad, but the real ones use their voice to protect others.
  7. The wicked get wrecked and disappear, while the squad of the righteous stays strong.
  8. A person gets respect for being wise, but if someone has a twisted mindset, they’ll be looked down upon.
  9. Someone who’s looked down upon, but still has a squad, is way cooler than someone who’s all about self-promotion but can’t even afford basic necessities.
  10. A good person cares about their pets, but the bad people show no mercy and can be really heartless.
  11. The person who works their land will be content with food, but the one who chases after empty trends lacks wisdom.
  12. The bad guys wanna flex their shady moves, but the foundation of the good guys brings nothing but good vibes. It’s all about that positive energy, you know?
  13. When someone does something wrong and speaks out, it’s like they’re setting a trap for themselves. But those who do what’s right will find a way out of trouble. #StayHumbleStaySafe
  14. When you speak good things, you’ll be happy with the results, and when you work hard, you’ll be rewarded for your efforts.
  15. A fool thinks they’re always right, but the wise ones listen to advice.
  16. When a fool gets angry, everyone knows immediately, but a wise person knows how to stay cool and avoid embarrassment.
  17. If you keep it real, you’re all about being honest and righteous. But if you’re fake, you’re just bringing deceit and lies.
  18. Some people talk straight-up savage, like a sword slicing through, ya know? But the words of the smart ones, they bring good vibes and healing, ya feel me?
  19. Being truthful will always prevail, but lying only lasts for a short while.
  20. Those who plot evil carry deceit in their hearts, but those who seek peace find true joy.
  21. The righteous won’t have any bad stuff happen to them, but the wicked will totally get themselves into trouble.
  22. God totally can’t stand people who lie, like it’s a total abomination. But those who always keep it real, they’re like God’s favorite.
  23. A smart person keeps their knowledge to themselves, but fools love to broadcast their foolishness.
  24. If you put in the work, you’ll be the boss, but if you’re lazy, you’ll be paying up.
  25. When you’re feeling down and heavy-hearted, it can really bring you down. But when someone speaks kind words, it can totally lift your spirits and make you happy.
  26. The righteous person is, like, way cooler than their neighbor, but the path of the wicked totally tricks them into doing bad stuff.
  27. The lazy person doesn’t even bother to cook the food they caught while hunting: but a hardworking person’s accomplishments are highly valuable.
  28. Living right leads to a dope life, and you won’t find any bummer endings on that path.
Proverbs 13
  1. A smart kid listens to their dad’s advice, but a mocker ignores criticism.
  2. When you speak positively, it brings good things in your life. But those who do wrong, they invite trouble for themselves.
  3. If you keep your mouth shut, you’ll keep out of trouble, but if you never stop blabbering, you’re in for disaster.
  4. The lazy AF person wants things, but ends up with nothing: but the hardworking person’s soul will be lit AF.
  5. A legit person despises lying, but a shady person is straight-up disgusting and ends up feeling humiliated.
  6. Staying true to what’s right helps the good ones stay on track, but living the wrong way brings down those who do bad things.
  7. There are some people who front like they’re rich, but actually have nothing, and then there are others who act all poor but secretly have mad riches.
  8. Having mad stacks won’t save your life, but if you’re broke, you won’t have to deal with haters.
  9. The glow-up of the righteous is lit: but the vibes of the wicked will be extinguished.
  10. You know how it goes, straight-up drama only comes from being too full of yourself, but if you’re smart about it, that’s where the real wisdom is at.
  11. Trying to flex with money that you didn’t really earn will eventually disappear, but those who hustle and work hard will see their wealth grow. (working hard with your own hands)
  12. When you don’t get what you hope for, it can really bum you out, but when your desires do come true, it’s like a total life boost.
  13. If you disrespect the word, you’ll face destruction, but if you respect the commandment, you’ll receive some sweet rewards. 💯
  14. The wisdom game’s rules are like a life-giving juice cleanse, helping you ditch death traps.
  15. Having good knowledge brings you positive outcomes: but choosing the path of disobedience can be tough.
  16. A wise person always handles things wisely, but a fool exposes their own foolishness. #BeSmart
  17. If you’re a shady messenger, you’re gonna get caught up in trouble. But if you’re a loyal messenger, you bring the good vibes and positivity.
  18. If you reject guidance, you’re gonna deal with being broke and embarrassed, but if you embrace constructive feedback, you’ll become someone everyone respects.
  19. When you achieve what you really want, it feels amazing and satisfying. But for clueless people, it’s like totally disgusting to stay away from doing bad stuff.
  20. If you hang out with smart people, you’ll become smart too. But if you chill with fools, you’ll end up getting wrecked. 💥
  21. Sinners out here getting chased by bad vibes, but the righteous are about to get blessed with some serious good karma.
  22. A dope person leaves behind mad stacks for their future fam: and that money from shady peeps gets blessed upon the righteous ones.
  23. The hustle of the poor can bring in a lot of dough, but making wrong moves can also lead to major losses.
  24. If you refuse to set boundaries and discipline your child, it shows that you don’t really care about their well-being. But if you truly love them, you’ll correct and guide them at the right time.
  25. The good vibes person devours food to feel totally satisfied: but the stomach of the bad vibes person will end up craving more.
Proverbs 14
  1. A wise girl builds up her crib, but a dum-dum tears it down herself.
  2. If you live righteously, you’ll have mad respect for the LORD, but if you’re all twisted in your ways, you straight up disrespect Him.
  3. Fools struttin’ ’round with big egos only bring trouble upon themselves, but the wise ones use their words to keep ’em outta trouble.
  4. If you don’t have any oxen, your crib stays clean. But having oxen brings in a whole lotta gains and power.
  5. A legit witness ain’t gonna lie: but a fake witness gonna be spreading lies.
  6. Someone who thinks they know it all tries to find wisdom, but, like, they totally struggle with it. But, yo, knowledge comes easily to those who actually get it.
  7. Dip outta there when you spot a clueless dude spewing zero wisdom vibes.
  8. Smart peeps know the importance of self-awareness, while fools just play pretend.
  9. Only fools think sin is a joke, but the righteous are all about the good vibes.
  10. The heart knows its own struggles, and outsiders shouldn’t mess with its happiness.
  11. The crib of the bad peeps gonna get wrecked, but the chill pad of the righteous gonna thrive.
  12. Sometimes we think we know what’s right, but it can lead us down a path of destruction.
  13. Even when we’re laughing, our hearts can still be filled with sorrow; and that laughter eventually turns into heaviness.
  14. If you’re all about going back on your beliefs, you’ll end up dealing with the consequences of your own choices. But on the flip side, a genuinely awesome person will find fulfillment within themselves.
  15. The naive person trusts everything they hear, but the wise one carefully considers their path.
  16. A smart person knows better and stays away from bad stuff, but a fool loses it and acts all cocky.
  17. Someone who easily gets triggered acts stupid and people can’t stand someone who’s always scheming.
  18. The clueless end up with stupidity, but the wise ones are blessed with wisdom.
  19. The haters gotta give props to the winners; and the wannabes gotta watch from afar as the kings and queens hold it down in their territory.
  20. People sometimes hate on the poor, even their own neighbors, while the rich attract a bunch of friends. Yeah, the rich ones are pretty popular.
  21. If you hate on your neighbor, you’re doing something wrong. But if you show love and kindness to those less fortunate, you’ll be feeling pretty great about yourself.
  22. Like, aren’t those who plan wickedness just totally lost? But those who make plans for good, they’ll totally get some love and truth vibes. 🙌
  23. Grinding hard always pays off, but running your mouth only leads to being broke.
  24. Wise peeps flex their wealth like a crown, but fools just keep being foolish, which is total nonsense.
  25. A legit witness saves lives, but a fake witness just tells lies.
  26. Having a healthy respect for the LORD gives you major confidence, and his kids will always find a safe haven.
  27. Being in awe of the LORD is like the ultimate life hack, it helps you avoid the traps that lead to destruction.
  28. Having a large squad is a flex for the king, but if the prince’s squad is weak, it’s game over for their reputation.
  29. Someone who stays chill and doesn’t let anger take over is really smart, but someone who gets easily triggered just ends up looking dumb.
  30. A strong mindset is essential for a healthy life, but jealousy can totally eat away at your inner core.
  31. If you crush the poor, it’s like you’re dissing the One who made them. But if you show respect and have their back, you’re all about showing love to the poor.
  32. The bad guys get what’s coming to them because of their bad deeds, but the good guys have hope even when they die.
  33. Wisdom vibes with people who actually get it, but fools out themselves with their foolishness.
  34. Living by moral values and doing what’s right uplifts a nation, but engaging in wrongdoing brings disgrace upon any community.
  35. The king totally vibes with a smart servant, but he gets majorly ticked off with anyone who brings shame.
Proverbs 15
  1. Responding calmly can defuse anger, but using hurtful words only makes things worse.
  2. The wise know how to use their knowledge wisely, but fools just keep babbling nonsense.
  3. God’s always watching, peepin’ from every corner, peeping both the bad and the good stuff.
  4. A person who speaks positively and uplifts others is like a life-giving tree, but when they use their words to twist the truth, it hurts their own spirit.
  5. A clueless person straight up ignores their parent’s wise advice, but someone who actually pays attention to criticism is seriously smart.
  6. The crib of the good peeps be stacked with mad riches, while the bank account of the haters be full of straight-up problems.
  7. The wise share knowledge through their words, makin’ it spread like wildfire. But the foolish ones just can’t seem to do the same, their hearts ain’t into it.
  8. God’s not into wicked sacrifices, but he’s all about the prayers of righteous peeps. 🙏
  9. The wicked’s path is, like, totally disgusting to the LORD, but He’s all about loving those who vibe with righteousness.
  10. Getting called out sucks for those who ditch the path, and if you hate being told you’re wrong, you’re gonna have a bad time. #TruthHurts
  11. Bruh, God sees all the chaos and darkness in the world. So imagine how much more He knows what’s going on in our hearts, fam.
  12. A hater doesn’t dig it when someone calls them out: they won’t even bother seeking advice from the wise.
  13. Having a litty attitude brings out a lit vibe on your face, but when your heart’s full of sadness, it straight up crushes your spirit.
  14. Someone who’s smart seeks knowledge instead of spouting nonsense like a fool.
  15. Life is tough for those who are struggling, but those who have a positive attitude are constantly celebrating.
  16. It’s way cooler to have a little and respect the LORD, than to be ballin’ with tons of treasure but have a ton of stress in your life.
  17. A chill herb dinner with love beats a fancy, beef feast with a side of hatred.
  18. Getting all angry just causes drama, but if you chill and stay calm, you can squash that drama real quick.
  19. The path of a lazy person is like walking through a field of thorns: it’s a total pain. But the path of someone who does what’s right is smooth and easy to follow. It’s like walking on a newly paved road.
  20. Having a smart kid brings so much joy to a dad, but dissing your mom just shows how clueless you are.
  21. Being foolish brings happiness to those lacking wisdom, but someone who is wise will live with integrity and make sound decisions. (void of heart means lacking understanding)
  22. If you try to make plans all by yourself, they’ll probably flop. But if you get a bunch of wise peeps to give you advice, you’ll be on solid ground.
  23. Dude, speaking up and saying the right thing at the perfect time brings major happiness! It’s seriously epic when your words are on point!
  24. The smart ones know that choosing the right path leads to a better life, freeing them from the depths of suffering.
  25. God gonna really put an end to those who are all high and mighty, but for those widows out there, He’s gonna make sure they feel secure and protected.
  26. God finds it disgusting when wicked people think evil thoughts, but He is pleased with pure words that bring joy.
  27. Someone who’s constantly chasing after money ends up causing chaos in their own life; but someone who refuses to be swayed by material gifts will live a fulfilled life.
  28. The mind of a righteous person carefully considers their response, while the mouth of the wicked spews out negativity.
  29. God is, like, totally not into hanging out with the wicked people, but He’s all about listening to the prayers of the righteous.
  30. When your eyes see something awesome, it totally boosts your mood and makes your heart happy. And when you hear good news, it’s like your whole being gets a major energy boost.
  31. If you listen and learn from constructive criticism, you’ll be hangin’ with the wise ones, fam.
  32. If you ignore advice, you’re basically dissing yourself; but if you listen to constructive criticism, you’ll gain some serious insight. #SelfImprovement #GrowthMindset
  33. Respecting the LORD is like leveling up in wisdom; and being humble leads to major recognition.
Proverbs 16
  1. The things we think and the words we say are guided by the LORD. He shapes our thoughts and directs our speech.
  2. From one’s perspective, they may think their actions are flawless, but it is the LORD who truly understands one’s intentions and character.
  3. Roll with the LORD and watch your thoughts get on fleek.
  4. The LORD created everything for his own purpose, yes, even the wicked for the day of trouble.
  5. Any person who’s all high and mighty, thinking they’re better than everyone else, totally gets on the Lord’s nerves. Even if they team up with others, they won’t get away with it. God won’t let them off the hook.
  6. When people show kindness and honesty, wrongdoing is wiped away, and when they have a healthy respect for the LORD, they choose to stay away from evil.
  7. If you live life the way God digs, even your haters will chill and be cool with you.
  8. It’s way cooler to have a small stash with integrity than a huge fortune that’s all shady.
  9. A dude’s heart plans out his path, but the LORD guides his steps.
  10. The king always speaks wise and just words. He never messes up when making decisions. The dude’s got some psychic abilities or something.
  11. Dude, the Lord is all about fairness and equality, man. He totally owns the concept of having a legit measuring system. Every single weight in that bag is handcrafted by Him, bro. Like, the stones themselves, you know?
  12. Kings totally can’t stand wickedness, man. ‘Cause, like, their rule is all about being fair and just, you know?
  13. Kings totally vibe with people who have righteous lips and they genuinely dig those who speak the truth.
  14. When a king gets mad, it’s like a bunch of deadly messengers coming at ya. But if you’re smart, you know how to calm them down.
  15. When the king is feeling good, it brings good vibes and positivity to our lives; and his favor is like a refreshing rain shower after a long dry spell.
  16. Getting wisdom is way cooler than getting gold, and choosing understanding is way better than choosing silver!
  17. The path of righteous ones is all about avoiding bad stuff: if you stay on track, you protect your inner self.
  18. Being too full of yourself leads to total disaster, and having an arrogant attitude leads to a major downfall.
  19. It’s way cooler to chill with the humble peeps than to flex with the arrogant and share the spoils.
  20. If you’re smart about dealing with stuff, you’ll find some real good things come your way. And let me tell ya, those who put their trust in the LORD, they’re gonna be super happy, no doubt. #wisdom #blessed
  21. Those who have wisdom in their hearts will be known as smart, and speaking kindly will help you learn more.
  22. Having a good understanding is like having a lifesaver, it keeps you thriving, but trying to teach fools is just a waste of energy.
  23. A wise person knows how to speak with wisdom and knowledge on their lips.
  24. Nice words are like a yummy honeycomb, super sweet for the soul and good for the bones.
  25. Sometimes people think they’re doing the right thing, but it can lead to some seriously bad consequences.
  26. Someone who works, works for themselves; their own hunger drives them. (Their soul desires it.)
  27. A person who’s all about wickedness stirs up trouble and their words are like a fiery explosion. They’re seriously troublemakers to the max.
  28. A totally problematic person stirs up drama, and a gossiper ruins the closest friendships. (soweth: Hebrew for spreads)
  29. A sketchy dude convinces his friend to join him on a reckless journey down the wrong path.
  30. He closes his eyes to plot wicked schemes: with his lips moving, he accomplishes evil deeds.
  31. Having gray hair is lit and shows wisdom, as long as it comes from living righteously.
  32. Someone who stays chill instead of getting mad is way cooler than someone who’s super powerful; and someone who controls their emotions is stronger than someone who conquers a whole city.
  33. You might throw a dice and let fate decide, but ultimately, it’s all in God’s hands, fam.
Proverbs 17
  1. It’s actually better to have a small snack and some peace, than to have a fancy house party but everyone’s arguing.
  2. A smart servant will end up being in charge of a foolish son who always brings shame upon the family, and will even get a share of the inheritance alongside their siblings.
  3. The whole process of refining silver involves using a special pot, and gold goes through intense heat in a furnace. Similarly, the LORD examines our innermost feelings and intentions to see what’s truly inside our hearts.
  4. Someone who does wrong pays attention to lies, and a liar listens to harmful talk.
  5. Dissing on poor people or enjoying their misfortunes is like disrespecting the one who created them. And just so you know, those who find joy in other people’s suffering won’t get away with it, no joke.
  6. Grandkids are like the ultimate flex for the oldies, while having badass parents makes you feel like a total boss.
  7. Speaking eloquently is not something foolish people should strive for, and lying lips are even more unsuitable for someone in a position of authority.
  8. A gift is like a lit gem to someone who receives it: wherever it goes, it brings success and good fortune. It’s like a grace-filled jewel!
  9. If you hide someone’s mistake, it shows that you care about them, but if you keep bringing it up, it can drive a wedge between close friends.
  10. A wise person learns more from being corrected than a fool learns from a hundred punishments.
  11. A wicked person just wants to rebel, so they’ll get a harsh wake-up call from fate.
  12. I’d rather see a bear robbed of her cubs run into a guy than witness a fool actin’ all foolish.
  13. If someone chooses to retaliate with bad vibes instead of showing gratitude, those bad vibes will stick around their crib.
  14. Starting drama is like opening a floodgate: so quit arguing before it becomes a big mess.
  15. If someone tries to make the wicked look innocent, or unfairly accuses the righteous, it’s a total no-no in God’s book.
  16. Like, why would a stupid person waste their cash trying to get wisdom? They don’t even care, bro!
  17. A real friend is always there for you, and a sibling is like your ride-or-die through tough times.
  18. A clueless dude shakes hands and becomes a guarantor for his buddy in front of everyone.
  19. If you’re all about causing drama, you’re just in love with trouble. And if you’re all about showing off and trying to be the center of attention, you’re only headed towards self-destruction.
  20. If you’re always negative, you’ll never find anything good. And if you constantly say messed up stuff, you’ll end up in trouble.
  21. If someone has a kid who’s a total fool, it’s gonna bring them nothing but sadness. Being the parent of a fool, you won’t find any joy in that, man.
  22. A positive attitude is legit like taking meds: it’s so good for you. But feeling down and crushed totally sucks the life out of you.
  23. A shady person accepts bribes to manipulate the course of justice.
  24. Having wisdom is lit for those who are woke, but fools be looking clueless and lost in the infinite abyss of the internet.
  25. A dumb kid is a major bummer for their pops and a real downer for their ma.
  26. It’s totally not cool to punish innocent peeps or mess with powerful folks who are all about fairness.
  27. Someone who’s smart knows when to be quiet: a person who’s wise is totally awesome.
  28. Even if a total dummy keeps quiet, people will think he’s smart, and if he keeps his mouth shut, they’ll think he’s a genius.
Proverbs 18
  1. When someone’s really into something, they’re all about it and totally wanna get involved in all the knowledge and stuff. They’re like, exploring and dabbling in everything, you know?
  2. Like, fools don’t even care about gaining knowledge, they’re just all about themselves and figuring out who they are, you know.
  3. When a bad person shows up, the disrespect and shame also come rolling in.
  4. A person’s words are like super profound thoughts, and wisdom is like a total flowing stream of knowledge.
  5. It’s totally not cool to show favoritism to the wicked and unfairly mess with the righteous when making decisions.
  6. When a lame person starts arguing, their words invite trouble and they end up getting smacked.
  7. When a dummy talks, they’re just digging their own grave. Their words are like a trap that ruins their soul.
  8. Spreading rumors is straight-up hurtful, man. It goes deep and affects you on a whole other level. Seriously, it’s like getting stabbed right in the gut. Ouch!
  9. Someone who’s lazy and doesn’t put effort into their work is basically besties with someone who’s reckless and wasteful.
  10. The LORD’s name is like a powerful fortress: when the righteous seek refuge in it, they are totally secure. (secure: Hebrew – elevated and protected)
  11. Like, for a rich dude, all his money is, like, his fortress, you know? He thinks he’s invincible with his high walls and all.
  12. Just FYI, when people act all high and mighty, it usually leads to disaster. But if they show some humble vibes, that’s when respect starts rollin’ in.
  13. If you respond to something without even listening to it, you’re just being foolish and bringing shame upon yourself. It’s like, dude, stop speaking before you know what’s actually going on. #ThinkBeforeYouSpeak
  14. When you’re feeling down, your own determination can help you get through tough times, but it’s really hard to deal with emotional pain alone.
  15. Smart peeps always be seekin’ knowledge, ’cause they know it’s power. They stay curious, listenin’ to learn more ‘n’ more.
  16. A person’s talent opens doors for them, and gets them in front of important peeps.
  17. The one who speaks up for themselves first might seem righteous, but then their friend comes along and digs deeper to find the truth.
  18. When you let fate decide, it can stop arguments and settle disputes between powerful people.
  19. When your bro is mad at you, it’s like breaking into a fortress. It’s super tough to patch things up and their anger is as solid as the gates of a castle.
  20. When a person speaks wisely, they’ll be filled with satisfaction; their words will lead to success and fulfillment.
  21. Yo, your words have mad power, man. Life and death can spring from what you speak, no cap. And if you’re all about it and show love to your words, you’re gonna reap the consequences, bro!
  22. If you find a good life partner, it’s like finding something awesome and you’ll totally score some major blessings from the big guy upstairs.
  23. The poor be like, please, pretty please; but the rich be like, um, rough vibes, bro.
  24. If you wanna have friends, you gotta be a friend. And there’s a friend who’s tighter than a bro.
Proverbs 19
  1. It’s way cooler to see a poor person staying true to themselves than someone who talks all twisted and acts like a complete idiot.
  2. Yo, having no knowledge is whack, and rushing into things leads to sin.
  3. When people act foolishly, they mess up their own path, and then they get all frustrated and blame it on the Big Guy Upstairs.
  4. Having money attracts a lot of friends, but being poor keeps you isolated from your neighbors.
  5. Someone spreading fake news will definitely face consequences, and those who lie won’t get away with it.
  6. Lots of people will be sucking up to the rich and powerful, and everyone will want to be buddies with the one who hands out cool stuff. #BribesAreLit
  7. Bros all be hatin’ on that poor dude, like dang, even his squad ditch him hard. He keeps chasing after them with words, but they ain’t showin’ him no love.
  8. If you gain wisdom, you’re showing love for yourself; if you hold on to understanding, you’ll find good things.
  9. If you lie and spread fake rumors, be ready for some serious consequences.
  10. It’s plain ridiculous for a clueless person to be all thrilled; and even more absurd for a lowly servant to boss around royalty.
  11. When someone uses their common sense to control their anger, it shows how awesome they are to let go of someone’s mistake. Being smart about it is so cool, trust me.
  12. When the king gets mad, it’s like a lion roaring, but when he’s happy, it’s like fresh dew on the grass.
  13. A clueless kid is a total disaster for his dad, and a quarrelsome partner is like a never-ending drip.
  14. Dads pass down houses and wealth, but a smart wife comes straight from the LORD.
  15. Being lazy puts you in a major nap mode, and if you’re always chilling with nothing to do, you’re gonna end up starving.
  16. If you follow the rules, you’re looking out for yourself; but if you have no respect for your own path, you’re in for some serious consequences.
  17. If you show love to the less fortunate, it’s like giving a loan to the big man upstairs. And guess what? He’ll totally repay you for your kindness. Facts!
  18. Don’t hesitate to discipline your kid when there’s still a chance for improvement, ’cause you shouldn’t back down just because they throw a tantrum.
  19. Dude with major anger issues is gonna get wrecked: ’cause even if you save him once, you’ll have to do it again. #repeat_offender
  20. Listen up and take advice, so you can be smart in the long run.
  21. Yo, guys be having all sorts of plans and ideas in their hearts, but you know what? The advice from the LORD? That’s the one that’s gonna stick.
  22. A guy’s kindness is what he really wants: and a broke dude is way better than a liar.
  23. Respecting God leads to a fulfilling life, and those who do will be content and free from harm.
  24. A lazy person is always keeping their hand tucked away, refusing to even bring it up to their mouth.
  25. If someone’s acting all arrogant and disrespectful, call them out on it. The rest of the crew will take notes and learn from it. And if you have a chat with someone who’s actually got some brains, they’ll get it and gain some mad wisdom.
  26. A person who disrespects their own parents and pushes their mother away is someone who brings disgrace and shame upon themselves.
  27. Yo, dude, stop listening to teachings that lead you astray from gaining wisdom.
  28. A totally uncool and wicked person doesn’t care about doing the right thing: they just gobble up all the bad stuff they can find.
  29. Scornful people better watch out, ’cause they’ll get what’s coming to them, and fools are in for a serious reality check.
Proverbs 20
  1. Wine be like, ‘I’m gonna make a fool outta you!’ and strong drink be like, ‘I’m gonna make you go crazy!’ Whoever falls for that ain’t wise, bro.
  2. When a king gets angry, it’s like a lion’s roar. If you dare to make him mad, you’re basically messing with your own life, dude.
  3. It’s actually pretty cool when a person chooses to avoid all the drama, ya know? But hey, there’s always gotta be those fools who just can’t help but stick their noses into everything.
  4. The lazy one won’t work during the cold season; so they’ll end up asking for help in harvest time, but will have nothing. (cold: or, winter)
  5. Yo, listen up! When it comes to people’s thoughts and feelings, it’s like diving into some deep water. But if you’re sharp and understanding, you can totally dive in and uncover all the juicy details.
  6. So, like, everyone out here bragging about how good they are, but finding a truly loyal and trustworthy person? Rare AF, man. #RealTalk #RareGems
  7. The righteous dude stays true to himself and walks with integrity: his homies are blessed because of him.
  8. A king who’s totally in charge can totally make all the bad vibes disappear just by giving a serious look.
  9. Like, who can honestly be like, yo, I’m all good, my heart’s squeaky clean, I’m totally sin-free, fam?
  10. Using different weights and measures is totally gross to the LORD. Like, not cool at all. It’s like using one stone to measure something, and then suddenly switching to a totally different stone. Or using one ephah to measure something, and then switching it up with a different ephah. Big no-no.
  11. You can tell a lot about someone, even a young one, by what they do. Are they doing things with goodness and fairness?
  12. God made our ability to hear and see, both of them are so lit.
  13. Don’t sleep all day, or you’ll end up broke; stay woke, and you’ll have enough bread to satisfy.
  14. Like, seriously, they be all like, ‘This sucks, dude. Total waste of money.’ But as soon as they leave, they start bragging about it. So fake, man.
  15. Yo, check this out: there’s mad gold and a ton of rubies, but let me tell you, lips that drop knowledge are like the ultimate flex, like a super rare jewel.
  16. Yo, hold onto the guy’s clothes if he guarantees for a random person, and make sure you get something valuable from him if he vouches for a chick he doesn’t know.
  17. Lying bread may seem lit, but it’ll leave you with a mouthful of regret later. #notworthit
  18. Having a solid plan is key: consult wise peeps and strategize before going into battle.
  19. Anyone who spreads gossip spills secrets, so don’t associate with someone who sweet-talks.
  20. If anyone curses their parents, they’re gonna be left in the dark, not even a flicker of light. And I’m talking pitch black, no glow at all. #NoShade
  21. Like, rushing to get an inheritance might seem cool at first, but trust, it ain’t gonna turn out blessed in the end.
  22. Don’t even think about seeking revenge, just chill and trust in the LORD, ’cause He’s got your back and will totally save you.
  23. Using different weights is like so not cool to the LORD, and using a fake scale is like totally uncool. It’s like trying to deceive, which is like a mega-no-no.
  24. The moves we make are under God’s control; so how can we even figure out our own path?
  25. It’s like trapping yourself when you disrespect sacred stuff, and then suddenly acting curious about it after you’ve made promises.
  26. A smart ruler ruins the plans of evil people and gives them a taste of their own medicine.
  27. Yo, the human spirit is like the flashlight God uses to search through every nook and cranny of our being. (BTW, by flashlight I mean like a super lit lamp, ya feel?)
  28. Being kind and honest is what keeps the king in power, and showing kindness is what keeps his authority stable.
  29. Young dudes flexin’ their muscles be like, ‘Yo, check out my strength!’ And old dudes rockin’ that gray hair be like, ‘Ayy, ain’t I lookin’ fly!’
  30. A sick bruise heals away wickedness: just like how a smack can make your gut feel better. (FYI, this smack isn’t violence, just like a light tap or massage, okay?)
Proverbs 21
  1. God got complete control over the king’s heart, just like a boss controlling the flow of water in rivers; he can make it go wherever he wants.
  2. Everyone thinks they’re right in their own eyes, but God knows what’s really in our hearts.
  3. The LORD thinks it’s way cooler when you treat everyone fairly and make good decisions, rather than just giving offerings.
  4. Thinking you’re better than everyone else, having a big ego, and doing wrong stuff are all sinful. Yeah, having that arrogant attitude and acting like you own the world, that’s not cool. Remember, being a good person means being humble and doing what’s right.
  5. The mindset of those who work hard leads to abundance, but those who rush into things only end up in need.
  6. Using lies to attain riches is a big joke, only attracting those who are into self-destruction.
  7. The wicked will be ruined by their own wickedness because they reject doing what’s right.
  8. People can be weird and do their own thing, but those who are genuine always do what’s right.
  9. It’s way cooler to chill alone on the rooftop than to deal with a drama queen in a huge crib. Like seriously, who needs that constant arguing and all the unnecessary noise? Just give me some peace and quiet up here, fam.
  10. The wicked soul craves for evil stuff, and doesn’t really care about their neighbor. It’s like their neighbor is not even important or cool to them.
  11. When haters get called out, the clueless gain some wisdom, and when the knowledgeable get schooled, they level up their knowledge.
  12. The cool peeps who got their act together, they’re thinking smart about how messed up the wicked ones are. But the Big Guy up there, He takes down the wicked ones because of all the wicked stuff they do.
  13. If you ignore the pleas of the poor, you’ll end up crying for help yourself, but no one will listen to you.
  14. Secretly gifting someone can totally calm their anger, while a juicy reward can totally squash raging wrath.
  15. Doing what’s right brings pure happiness, but those who choose to do wrong will only find ruin.
  16. If someone strays from wisdom, they’ll end up chilling with the dead squad.
  17. If you’re all about chasing after fun and living for the moment, you’ll end up broke. And if you’re all about indulging in wine and fancy stuff, don’t expect to be rolling in dough.
  18. The bad guys will pay the price for the good guys, and the rule-breakers for the morally upright people.
  19. You’d rather live in the wilderness than deal with a drama-filled and angry girl. #desertlife
  20. Yo, listen up! The crib of a smart dude is stacked with mad treasure and dope oil. But a fool just blows it all away, man.
  21. If you go all in for doing what’s right and being kind, you’ll score big time with a dope life, mad respect, and major clout.
  22. A smart dude knows how to navigate through the city of the powerful, and can totally bring down their confidence and strength.
  23. If you can control what you say and how you say it, you’ll save yourself from unnecessary drama and stress.
  24. His name is the ultimate flexer, always flexing their pride and anger like a boss. They live for that wrathful pride energy, no cap.
  25. Being lazy AF gets you messed up, ’cause you ain’t willing to put in the work, fam.
  26. He’s constantly craving more all day long: But the righteous are generous and never hold back.
  27. Dude, offering from someone wicked is straight up disgusting. Like, seriously, how much worse is it when they’re bringing it with a wicked mindset? No cap.
  28. A fake witness won’t last, but someone who listens speaks truth always.
  29. A wicked person puts up a front, but the righteous stay true to themselves and make wise choices.
  30. No cap, you can’t outsmart or go against the LORD. He’s always right, periodt.
  31. The horse is all set for the battle, but it’s the LORD who brings the victory and keeps us safe. 🐎🛡️✨
Poverbs 22
  1. Having a solid reputation is way more important than having a ton of money, and being loved and respected is way better than having a bunch of silver and gold.
  2. The rich and poor vibe together: the LORD created all of them, no cap.
  3. A smart person can see trouble coming and takes cover, but those who are clueless keep going and face the consequences.
  4. Being humble and having a healthy respect for God can lead to awesome stuff like wealth, respect, and a fulfilling life.
  5. Watch out for haters and traps on the road, they’ll try to bring you down. But if you stay true to yourself, you’ll stay far away from all that negativity.
  6. Teach a young person the right path to follow, and as they grow older, they’ll stay on it.
  7. In this world, the rich have power over the poor, and if you owe money, you become a servant to the one who lent it to you.
  8. If you do shady stuff, you’ll end up with nothing to show for it, and your anger won’t get you anywhere.
  9. If you’re the type who’s always looking out for others and has a generous spirit, good things will come your way. It’s all about sharing what you have with those who are less fortunate, and that’s how true blessings are received.
  10. Get rid of toxic haters, and all the drama will vanish; yup, no more unnecessary arguments or insults.
  11. If someone cherishes genuineness and speaks with kindness, the king will consider them a friend.
  12. God’s eyes keep knowledge intact and he shuts down the words of those who break the rules.
  13. The lazy person is like, ‘OMG, there’s a lion! I’m gonna get wrecked if I step outside.’
  14. Dude, watch out for sketchy girls, man. Their words are like a major trap, like a deep pit. If you’re not on God’s good side, you’re gonna totally fall right into it, no doubt.
  15. Kids can be pretty clueless sometimes, but a little discipline can help set them straight.
  16. If you’re all about exploiting the less fortunate to boost your own wealth, or constantly giving handouts to the already loaded, don’t be surprised when you find yourself struggling financially.
  17. Listen up and pay attention to the wise words, and let my knowledge sink deep into your heart.
  18. It’s actually pretty cool if you keep them close to your heart, because then they’ll come out naturally when you speak. Like, they’ll just flow, y’know? It’s like having them deep down inside you.
  19. So you can trust in the LORD, I’m telling you today, yes, you.
  20. Yo, haven’t I dropped some mad wisdom and knowledge in my messages to you?
  21. So I can let you know for sure about the truth; so you can respond with the truth to those who hit you up?
  22. Don’t be a total jerk by taking advantage of the poor just because they’re struggling. And don’t be a bully to those who are already downtrodden at the entrance.
  23. Cuz the LORD’s got their back, and gonna totally wreck those who messed with ’em.
  24. Don’t hang out with someone who’s always angry, and definitely steer clear of those who are totally fired up:
  25. So you don’t end up falling into his trap and messing up your whole vibe.
  26. Don’t be one of those who throw high-fives or guarantee debts.
  27. Like, if you’re broke, why would someone just snatch your bed like that?
  28. Don’t mess with the OG landmark that your dads put in place.
  29. Do you ever see someone totally slayin’ it in their hustle? They gonna be rubbing elbows with the big shots—no time for the haters. Yeah, those obscure peeps, they won’t even be on their radar.
Proverbs 23
  1. When you’re chilling at the table with a boss babe or a king, make sure to scope out the situation real careful before you dig in:
  2. And like, seriously, control yourself, bro, or else things are gonna go south real quick.
  3. Don’t go all heart-eyes for their fancy eats, ’cause they just ain’t what they seem.
  4. Don’t sweat it trying to flex your wealth, chill out and stop thinking you’re the smartest.
  5. Are you really gonna focus on something that doesn’t even matter? Cause money, like, it’s just gonna vanish. It’s gonna fly away like a freaking eagle, straight up into the sky.
  6. Don’t munch on the bread of someone with bad vibes, and don’t crave their fancy grub either:
  7. The way a person thinks determines who they truly are: He might invite you to feast and party, but deep down, he’s not really with you.
  8. You’ll totally puke out the food you just scarfed down and ruin your whole vibe with your words.
  9. Don’t waste your breath on fools, they’ll just hate on your wisdom.
  10. Don’t mess with the old boundaries or trespass into the territories that belong to the fatherless kids. #respectthelandmarks #stayinyourlane
  11. Bruh, their redeemer be straight up powerful. He gonna come through and handle their business with you.
  12. Listen up and pay attention when you’re being taught, and open your ears to gain wisdom and knowledge.
  13. Don’t ignore correcting the child, cuz like, it won’t kill them if you give ’em a little smack with a rod.
  14. You gotta discipline him and save his soul from eternal damnation.
  15. Yo, bro, if you’re smart with your heart, my heart will be stoked too. Like, I’ll be super happy, you know? Even happier than you, even.
  16. For real, my heart will be stoked when you say positive stuff.
  17. Don’t let your heart get all jealous of those doing shady stuff, but keep it real with the Lord all day, every day.
  18. Like, for real, there’s gonna be an epic outcome; and your hopes won’t be let down.
  19. Listen up, dude, and learn from this, and make sure to keep your heart on the right path.
  20. Don’t hang with those who drink too much or indulge in excessive feasting: (of feasting: in the sense of overindulgence)
  21. If you party too hard and eat too much, you’re gonna end up broke, and laziness will leave you dressed like a fashion disaster.
  22. Listen up to your OG dad and don’t disrespect your mom when she’s getting up there in years.
  23. Invest in truth, never let go of it; acquire wisdom, instructions, and understanding too.
  24. The OG dad of the morally upright peeps will be straight up stoked, and the one who brings forth a smart offspring will be vibin’ with joy.
  25. Your parents boutta be hype, and the one who birthed you gonna be stoked.
  26. Yo, bro, open up your heart to me and watch how I roll.
  27. Having relations with promiscuous individuals can lead to complicated situations and drama; getting involved with someone unfamiliar can be a risky endeavor.
  28. She’s always on the lookout, ready to pounce and lead more people astray. Like a sneaky thief, she encourages others to break the rules.
  29. Who’s got all the bad vibes? Who’s feeling down? Who’s constantly in drama? Who can’t stop talking nonsense? Who’s got random injuries? Who’s got bloodshot eyes?
  30. Those who spend too much time drinking alcohol, and those who seek out mixed drinks.
  31. Don’t gaze at that wine when it’s all vibrant and swirly in the glass, doing its thing.
  32. In the end, it’s like getting bitten by a snake, and it stings like being pranked by a sneaky viper.
  33. You’ll peep some unfamiliar ladies, and your heart will spill some questionable words.
  34. Dude, you’ll be chilling like someone just lying down in the middle of the ocean or like you’re just lounging on the top of a super tall mast. It’s like the ultimate relaxation vibes, man.
  35. They messed with me, and I wasn’t even bothered; they attacked me, but I didn’t even feel it. When will I finally wake up? I’ll go after it once more.
Proverbs 24
  1. Don’t be all jelly of those shady peeps, and definitely don’t go chasing after them.
  2. They’re all about causing trouble and chaos, constantly thinking of ways to bring others down.
  3. Like, you gotta have wisdom to build a solid foundation for a house, and understanding is what makes it all come together, you know?
  4. And with knowledge, the rooms will be filled with all kinds of valuable and enjoyable treasures.
  5. Yo, a smart dude be hella strong; yeah, a dude who knows his stuff only gets even stronger.
  6. If you want to succeed in battles, yo, listen to the wise peeps and get advice from many homies. That’s how you keep it safe, fam.
  7. Dude, clueless peeps can’t handle wisdom. They’re so quiet when important discussions go down.
  8. If someone plans to do wrong, they’ll be known as a troublemaker.
  9. Dude, thinking foolish things is totally not cool, it’s like a sin or whatever. And, like, if you’re a hater and always mocking others, people totally can’t stand you.
  10. If you give up when things get tough, it just shows that your strength game is weak. Like, seriously narrow, dude.
  11. Yo, don’t sleep on helping those who are about to bite the dust, or those on the verge of getting wrecked.
  12. Like, if you’re all like, ‘Oh, we had no clue!’ don’t you think God, who knows what’s really in our hearts, is like, totally aware? And, hello, He’s the one protecting our souls, so obviously He knows what’s up. And, duh, He’s gonna give each person what they deserve based on their actions, ya know?
  13. Hey dude, grab some honey and enjoy it ’cause it’s totally awesome and the honeycomb is super sweet to your taste buds, man: totally satisfying!
  14. So, like, wisdom is gonna be, like, super good for your soul, you know? Once you find it, bam! You’ll get a sick reward and your expectations won’t be let down. It’s gonna be lit!
  15. Yo, don’t even think about preying on the righteous and invading their peaceful crib – respect their chill zone!
  16. Like, even a righteous person may stumble seven times, but they’ll always find the strength to get back up. On the other hand, those who are wicked are destined to fall into all kinds of trouble.
  17. Don’t celebrate when your enemy goes down, and don’t let your heart be happy when they stumble:
  18. So the LORD doesn’t see it, get mad, and stop being angry. If it’s evil in his eyes, then it’s definitely not cool.
  19. Don’t stress about haters or be jelly of the villains; don’t hang with shady peeps.
  20. Like, no vibes will come to the wicked dude; their vibe will totally get extinguished, ya know?
  21. Hey fam, listen up! It’s important to respect God and those in authority, like kings. Don’t get involved with people who are all about change, ya feel me? Stay away from those who keep switching things up all the time.
  22. Like, out of nowhere, major chaos will hit them hard. Seriously, who can even predict how messed up it’s gonna be for both of them?
  23. Yo, listen up fam! The wise ones also need to get this: being biased in judgment is straight up not cool.
  24. If someone declares to the wicked, like, ‘Dude, you’re so righteous,’ people are totally gonna curse them and nations will straight up hate them.
  25. But those who call out others shall find joy, and a great blessing shall come upon them. A blessing filled with goodness.
  26. When someone gives a solid answer, we show some love with a kiss on their lips. It’s all about speaking straight facts, no cap!
  27. Get your hustle on outside, and make sure it’s on fleek in the field; then build your crib afterwards.
  28. Don’t go snitching on your neighbor for no reason; and don’t go lying with your words.
  29. Don’t be like, ‘I’m gonna do the same thing to him that he did to me. I’m gonna pay him back based on his actions.
  30. So, I was like walking past this lazy person’s field, and this guy who was clueless about his vineyard;
  31. And, like, dude, the whole place was just totally overrun with thorns, you know? And these annoying nettles were all up in its face, and to top it off, the stone wall was totally wrecked, like totally broken down.
  32. So I was like, yo, let me tell you what went down. I peeped everything real close, took it all in, and gained some serious knowledge. I was all focused and absorbed in the moment.
  33. Just a quick nap, a little chill time, a little relaxation before tucking yourself to snooze:
  34. Your poverty will hit you like a road trip, and your lack will come at you like a superhero.
Proverbs 25
  1. So, like, these are some more wisdom nuggets from Solomon that were transcribed by the dudes of King Hezekiah of Judah.
  2. God flexes by keeping secrets, but kings get clout by investigating stuff.
  3. The sky is like, super high, and the earth is like, super deep, and you can’t even understand what’s going on in the minds of kings. It’s like, impossible to figure out, you know. No cap! 🌌 👑
  4. Get rid of the useless stuff from the silver, and you’ll have a sick vessel for the finer things.
  5. Kick out the haters in front of the king, and his throne will be totally on fleek in righteousness.
  6. Don’t flex in front of the king, or act important in the company of VIPs. Don’t be all about self-promotion.
  7. It’s way cooler to be invited up than to be embarrassed and humiliated in front of the awesome prince you’re eyeing.
  8. Don’t rush into conflict, or you’ll end up not knowing how to handle it when your neighbor embarrasses you.
  9. When you have a disagreement with someone, talk it out directly with them instead of gossiping behind their back. And don’t go around revealing someone else’s private matters to others.
  10. So you better watch out, ’cause if someone hears it, they’ll totally roast you and your reputation won’t recover.
  11. A nicely worded message is like awesome emojis in a killer Instagram post. It’s just pure gold vibes, shining bright like silver filters. 💫
  12. Yo, a dope gold earring or a sick gold accessory is like a wise person who gives solid advice to someone who’s all ears and ready to listen.
  13. Just like when you finally get a Drake ticket for his winter concert, a reliable friend who delivers the news is like an icy blast of excitement. They bring joy to their homies’ hearts.
  14. If someone brags about a fake gift, it’s like clouds and wind that don’t bring any rain. Just empty promises, ya know.
  15. A patient leader can be convinced over time, and speaking kindly can help resolve conflicts.
  16. Yo, if you stumble upon some dope honey, don’t go crazy and OD on it. Only have what’s enough for you, otherwise you might end up puking it all out.
  17. Don’t be nosy and constantly invade your neighbor’s house, or they’ll get tired of you and end up hating you.
  18. Dude, spreading lies about your homie is like being a total social wrecking ball, a fierce weapon, and a sick piercing arrow.
  19. Trusting an unreliable friend when things get tough is as useless as a broken tooth and a twisted ankle.
  20. Like, bruh, taking someone’s jacket in freezing weather or pouring vinegar on a wound, singing happy tunes to someone who’s down is just not cool.
  21. If your homie-turned-opposition hungry, hook ’em up with some bread; and if they thirsty, quench their cravings with some water:
  22. You’re totally gonna serve up some epic karma and the Almighty’s gonna hook you up, man.
  23. When the north wind blows, it stops the rain from falling. Similarly, when someone has a fierce expression, it shuts down a gossipy and mean tongue.
  24. It’s way cooler to chill in a cozy rooftop spot than to deal with a loud, argumentative person in a huge crib.
  25. Like ice-cold drinks for someone who’s thirsty, good news from a faraway place feels amazing.
  26. When a good person tries to be friends with a bad person, it’s like a busted water fountain or a polluted spring.
  27. Eating tons of honey isn’t cool, just like bragging about yourself isn’t the way to rock glory.
  28. Someone who can’t control their own vibe is like a city that’s straight up demolished, no walls whatsoever.
Proverbs 26
  1. Like, seriously, it’s like snow in the middle of summer or rain during harvest season – it just doesn’t make sense. Honoring someone who’s a total fool is like, totally not cool.
  2. Like, y’know when a bird just goes off in random directions, or when a swallow soars through the sky, that’s how the curse won’t come unless there’s, like, legit reason behind it.
  3. Like, horses need a whip to be controlled, donkeys need a bridle, and fools need a good smack on the back to wise up.
  4. Don’t stoop down to a fool’s level and entertain their nonsense, ’cause you’ll end up just like them.
  5. Don’t let a fool think he’s clever by acting as foolish as he is.
  6. If you send a message with a fool, you’re basically shooting yourself in the foot and causing unnecessary trouble.
  7. Lame legs ain’t the same: just like a dumb person telling a useless story. #NoFlexZone
  8. Just like someone putting a precious stone in a pile of rocks, giving honor to a fool is as foolish as can be.
  9. Like, when a thorn sticks into the hand of someone totally wasted, that’s how cringy a clueless person trying to tell a wise story sounds.
  10. The awesome who created everything, gives both fools and transgressors what they deserve.
  11. Like a dog going back to its puke, a fool goes back to their foolishness. They just keep doing the same dumb thing over and over again. #RepeatOffender
  12. Do you see a dude who thinks he’s all that? Yeah, a fool actually has more hope than that guy.
  13. The lazy person be like, ‘There’s a lion on the road, yo; a lion chills out in the streets, man.’
  14. Just like a door turns on its hinges, lazy people turn on their bed all day.
  15. The lazy person keeps their hand hidden, and it’s too much effort for them to bring it back to their mouth. They’re just tired, you know?
  16. The lazy person thinks they’re smarter than seven people who can actually explain themselves.
  17. If someone walks by and unnecessarily gets involved in drama that’s not their business, it’s like grabbing a dog by the ears. Talk about making things worse for themselves!
  18. Like a crazy person throwing fire, arrows, and causing harm.
  19. Like, seriously messed up is the person who tricks their friend and then is all like, ‘Chill, bro, I was just messing around!’
  20. Like, if there’s no wood, the fire dies down, you know? And if there’s no gossip, the drama stops. It’s like when there’s no fuel for the fire, and when people stop spreading rumors, all the fighting just stops, ya feel?
  21. Like, coal turns into burning coals, and wood becomes fire, you know? Well, it’s the same deal with a person who’s always lookin’ for a fight – they just ignite more and more drama.
  22. When someone spreads gossip, it’s like inflicting a wound that really cuts deep. It goes straight to the core of a person and affects them on a whole other level.
  23. When someone talks all fancy but their intentions are trash, it’s like flexing with a fake designer item.
  24. Someone who hates is fake with their words and hides deceit in their heart;
  25. Don’t fall for his smooth talk, ’cause there are seven awful things hidden in his heart. Like, dude’s just fronting with that charming voice of his.
  26. If someone tries to hide their hate with lies, their true evil will eventually be exposed in front of everyone.
  27. If someone tries to bring someone down, they’ll end up falling themselves. And if someone tries to throw shade, it’ll come right back at them.
  28. Dude, a fake tongue straight up despises those it messes with, and a super-sweet talk just causes total destruction.
Proverbs 27
  1. Don’t flex about tomorrow ’cause you never know what’s gonna go down.
  2. Don’t be all about self-promotion, let someone else give you props, maybe even someone you don’t know.
  3. Bro, like a rock is mad heavy and sand’s got some weight too, but dude, a fool’s anger is even heavier than them, straight up. #realtalk
  4. Dude, seriously, anger is so harsh and wrath is just over-the-top intense. But you know what’s even worse? Envy. Like, it’s incredibly hard to stand up against jealousy, bro.
  5. Calling someone out is way better than secretly liking them.
  6. A true buddy keeps it real, even if it hurts, while fake friends just pretend with their sweet talk.
  7. A satisfied person isn’t into honeycombs; but when you’re starving, even the bitter stuff seems sweet.
  8. Like a bird who leaves her nest, a person who ventures away from their home loses their way.
  9. Using fancy schmancy lotion and fragrance makes you feel good, just like how chatting with a true friend who gives you great advice warms your soul.
  10. Don’t ditch your friend or your dad’s friend; don’t crash at your bro’s place when the world’s falling apart. It’s way cooler to have a neighbor nearby than a distant bro.
  11. Hey dude, listen up! Use your brain and bring me some joy, so I can shut down anyone who’s talking smack about me.
  12. A smart person can see trouble coming and gets out of the way, but foolish people keep going and suffer the consequences.
  13. Yo, hold onto that dude’s hoodie if he’s vouching for a random person, and make sure you get something valuable from him if he’s backing up a sketchy girl.
  14. If you hype up your friend way too early in the morning, it’ll backfire and be seen as a total curse.
  15. Yo, it’s like dealing with a never-ending drizzle on a super wet day, or having to handle a girl who’s always starting drama. Same vibes, man.
  16. If you try to hide her, it’s like trying to hide the wind, and the smack talk about you will give you away.
  17. When you surround yourself with people who push you to be better, it’s like leveling up in a video game. We all grow and improve by encouraging and challenging one another.
  18. If you’re responsible for taking care of your grind, you’ll reap the rewards, just like if you stay loyal and committed to your boss, you’ll receive respect and recognition.
  19. Just like how you see your reflection in water, the same way one person understands and connects with another person’s heart.
  20. Hell and destruction are, like, forever hungry; and the eyes of humans are never satisfied, you know?
  21. Like when you use a filter to make your selfie look flawless, or when you photoshop your picture to make it perfect; that’s how obsessed a person can be with seeking validation and praise.
  22. Even if you grind a fool in a mortar with a pestle amidst wheat, his foolishness will still stick with him.
  23. Make sure you stay on top of the game and check your flocks and herds like a boss. Keep your eyes peeled and focus on them with all your heart, fam.
  24. Like, money isn’t like a forever thing, you know? And like, does success just keep going on forever for every single generation? Like, is it even worth it in the long run?
  25. Yo, the hay is popping up, and the fresh grass is showing itself off, and they’re scooping up some herbs from the mountains.
  26. The lambs are like trendy outfits for you, and the goats can be exchanged for that awesome piece of land.
  27. And you’ll have so much goat milk for yourself, your fam, and to keep your girls thriving. #livelaughmilk
Proverbs 28
  1. Yo, the haters be runnin’ when there ain’t even nobody chasing them, but the ones who do what’s right, they fearless like a lion.
  2. When a country messes up, it ends up with a bunch of leaders. But if there’s a smart and knowledgeable person in charge, they can keep things going smoothly and for a good while. Like, having wise and insightful folks around helps the whole place thrive.
  3. When a poor person mistreats another poor person, it’s like a relentless storm that leaves them with nothing to eat.
  4. Those who ditch the rules admire the wicked, but those who follow the rules stand up against them.
  5. Dude, wicked people just don’t get how fairness works, but the ones who are down to seek the LORD totally get what’s up with everything.
  6. It’s way cooler to be poor but stay true to yourself, than to have all the riches but be totally messed up.
  7. If you stick to the rules, you’re totally smart. But, hanging out with troublemakers? Yeah, that’s a major embarrassment for your dad. Like, who needs that?
  8. If someone tries to make extra money by charging unfair interest rates or through dishonest means, they will end up losing it all to someone who truly cares about helping the less fortunate.
  9. If you ignore the law and don’t even listen, then your prayers will be like, total disgust.
  10. Anyone who leads the righteous down a bad path will end up falling into their own mess. But those who stay true to themselves will be blessed with good things.
  11. The rich dude may think he’s all that, but the poor person with insight can see right through it.
  12. When the righteous vibe, it’s major flex: but when the wicked come up, someone’s gonna dip. (Hidden or being searched for)
  13. If you try to hide your mistakes, you won’t succeed, but if you admit them and let go of them, you’ll receive mercy.
  14. Blessed is the person who’s always mindful and respectful, but if you stubbornly close off your heart, you’ll end up in trouble.
  15. Yo, imagine a lion bein’ all loud and a bear on the loose. Well, that’s just like a really bad ruler treatin’ the poor folks.
  16. The clueless prince acts like a major bully, but the one who despises greed will live a long life.
  17. If someone harms another person, they should face the consequences; don’t try to protect them.
  18. If you live with integrity, you’ll be saved, but if you’re all twisted and crooked, you’ll stumble and fail big time.
  19. If you work on your hustle, you’ll stack up that bread, but if you chase after fake peeps, you’ll be broke as heck.
  20. A loyal person will be showered with blessings, but someone who rushes to get rich will face the consequences and won’t get away with it.
  21. Showing favoritism is not cool: some people would do anything for a little snack.
  22. If you’re always in a rush to get rich, watch out- it’s like having a negative attitude and not realizing that you may end up facing poverty.
  23. Giving someone constructive criticism later on will be more appreciated than buttering them up with sweet talk.
  24. If someone steals from their own parents and claims it’s not really a big deal, they’re basically hanging out with someone who loves causing chaos and destruction.
  25. A person with a big ego starts drama, but someone who has faith in the LORD will be blessed with success.
  26. If you think your heart knows it all, you’re being dumb, but if you make smart choices, you’ll find your way out of trouble.
  27. If you’re generous to the ones in need, you won’t be short of anything. But if you turn away and pretend you don’t see, you’ll be facing a whole lot of bad luck.
  28. When the wicked come up, people go into hiding: but when they get wiped out, the good guys rise up.
Proverbs 29
  1. If someone keeps ignoring warnings and refusing to change, they’re gonna get wrecked, like big time, with no chance of fixing it. Too bad, so sad. #rekt
  2. When the good vibes take charge, the squad celebrates; but when the haters seize power, the squad feels down.
  3. If you’re down for wisdom, it’s a total win for your dad. But if you hang with shady peeps and blow all your money, that’s a whole different story.
  4. When a righteous ruler makes fair decisions, the nation thrives. But when that ruler accepts bribes, the nation is brought down.
  5. When someone tries to be all fake and sweet to their friend, they’re actually setting up a trap for themselves.
  6. When a wicked person messes up, it’s like getting trapped, but the righteous ones find reasons to celebrate and be happy.
  7. The righteous person thinks about the struggles of the less fortunate, but the wicked couldn’t care less about understanding their situation.
  8. Like, haters can totally mess up a whole city, but smart people know how to defuse the drama. Like, they’re all about peace and stuff. #NoMoreCityFires
  9. If a smart person argues with a clueless person, whether they get angry or laugh, there won’t be any chill.
  10. The ruthless haters can’t stand righteous people, but those who are fair-minded look out for their well-being.
  11. A total dummy spills all their thoughts, but a smart person keeps it to themselves for later.
  12. If a leader believes lies, all their servants turn out wicked.
  13. When the broke and the shady dude link up: the LORD puts them both on game.
  14. The king who treats the poor fairly and justly will have a lasting reign.
  15. Discipline and guidance lead to wisdom, but a kid who’s left to their own devices embarrasses their mom.
  16. When haters be flexin’, sin levels be escalatin’: but the real ones gonna witness their downfall.
  17. When you call out your kid and show them the right way, you’ll find peace and even make your soul happy.
  18. Without a clear vision, people lose their way: but those who follow the rules find joy and happiness.
  19. A servant won’t listen to words of advice, even if they understand, they won’t respond.
  20. Do you like, see a dude who can’t control his mouth? Dude, like, a fool has more hope than him. Seriously, it’s just straight up facts.
  21. If someone treats their servant kindly since they were young, they’ll eventually become like a true fam member.
  22. When someone is really mad, they tend to cause a lot of drama, and if they’re super furious, they end up making a bunch of bad choices.
  23. When someone is too full of themselves, they’ll end up crashing down. But those who stay humble will be lifted up with respect.
  24. If you hang with a thief, you’re hating on yourself: you hear all the bad stuff but you don’t snitch on them.
  25. Being afraid of what other people think can trap you, but if you put your trust in the LORD, you’ll be all good. #blessed
  26. Lots of people try to get in good with the ruler, but at the end of the day, it’s the Big Guy upstairs who decides what’s what. Don’t rely on a ruler for justice, ’cause the real judgment comes straight from the LORD.
  27. A person who is unfair really disgusts righteous people, and a person who is honest and true is really disgusting to those who are evil.
Proverbs 30
  1. Yo, listen up! Here’s what Agur, son of Jakeh, had to say. He was dropping some deep truth, giving a prophecy. He was talking to his homie Ithiel, yeah, both Ithiel and Ucal were there, vibin’.
  2. Honestly, I’m kinda clueless compared to everyone else, and I don’t really have the smarts like others.
  3. I never really bothered to gain wisdom or learn about sacred things.
  4. Yo, who’s gone up to heaven and then come back down? Who’s got the power to control the wind and hold it in their hands? Who’s got the skills to wrap up the waters in a dope garment? Who’s the one responsible for creating the whole earth? Tell me, what’s their name and what’s their son’s name, if you actually know?
  5. God’s words are straight fire: he’s got you covered if you trust in him. #pure #shielded
  6. Don’t go adding extra stuff to what He said, or else you’ll get called out and end up looking like a liar.
  7. Yo, I got two things I need from you, so don’t front on me before I kick the bucket, aight? Don’t hold back on me, fam.
  8. Keep me away from fake stuff and deceit: I don’t want to be broke or rich; just give me enough to eat what I need:
  9. So that I don’t get too full and act like I don’t even know who God is, or end up broke and resort to stealing, disrespecting God’s name.
  10. Don’t go snitching on your homie to their boss, or they might come back and roast you, and you’ll end up caught in the drama. #NoDrama Zone 🙅‍♂️
  11. There’s, like, this generation that totally disrespects their dad and doesn’t even show love for their mom.
  12. There’s this group of people who think they’re totally clean and blameless, but they’re actually still carrying around all their dirty baggage.
  13. Yo, check out this generation, their eyes be so high up and their eyelids always raised.
  14. There’s this generation, with teeth like swords and jaw teeth like knives, ready to crush the poor and the needy.
  15. The horseleach has two daughters who are always begging for more, saying, ‘Give, give!’ There are three things that are always hungry and never say ‘Enough!’: four things that are never satisfied. They are constantly seeking more and more, never content.
  16. The empty tomb, the infertile womb, the dry land that thirsts, and the fire that never says, ‘I’m satisfied.’
  17. If you diss your dad and refuse to listen to your mom, you’ll be bird food in no time. Yikes!
  18. There are like three mind-blowing things that I just can’t wrap my head around, like seriously, and then there’s even like four more things that I just straight up don’t have a clue about:
  19. Check out how an eagle soars in the sky, how a serpent slithers on a rock, how a ship navigates through the vast sea, and how a guy acts when he’s crushing on a girl. ❤️
  20. This is how a cheater rolls; she chows down, wipes her mouth, and goes like, ‘I didn’t do anything wrong.’
  21. Like, there are three major things that make Mother Earth totally stressed out, and four that just push it to the point of no return:
  22. When a servant becomes the boss and a fool gets his fill of food;
  23. Like, when a really annoying chick gets hitched, and, like, the maid who ends up inheriting her boss’s stuff.
  24. Yo, check it out, there’s these four tiny things on the earth that are actually super wise, you know? Like, next level smart. They may be small, but they got that wisdom game strong. Trust.
  25. The ants may not be the buffest, but they know how to get their grub when the sun is shining.
  26. The conies may not be the strongest bunch, but they’ve got mad skills at building their cribs in the solid rocks.
  27. The locusts don’t have a boss but they still roll out in squads; [by…: Hebrew. like a crew]
  28. The spider be flexin’ with her hands, chillin’ in kings’ palaces.
  29. So, like, there are three awesome things that are totally epic, and y’know what? Four more things that are just super rad when they come by:
  30. A lion, flexing its strength as the top beast, and never backs down from anyone;
  31. A super fast runner; a really cool, fearless dude; and a totally unbeatable king. (BTW, the Hebrew says the first one could be a horse too, all buff and ready to go)
  32. If you’ve acted dumb by bragging about yourself, or if you’ve had bad thoughts, just zip it and keep your hand to yourself.
  33. Like, bro, when you go hardcore on churning that milk, you end up with some dope butter, ya know? And, like, if you keep messing with your nose, it’s gonna spew blood, man. So, when you let anger control you, it’s gonna lead to hella drama and conflict, dude.
Proverbs 31
  1. Listen up, fam! Here’s what King Lemuel’s mom dropped on him as a prophecy.
  2. What’s up, fam? So, like, what’s the deal, my bro? And what’s good, the sec child to come outta my womb? And yo, what’s the vibes, the child I promised to raise right?
  3. Don’t give all your energy to women, or follow paths that lead to the downfall of leaders.
  4. Hey Lemuel, kings shouldn’t be guzzling wine or princes downing strong drinks.
  5. So they don’t get wasted and totally disregard the law, messing up justice for anyone who’s already going through a tough time.
  6. Offer a round of shots to those who are on the verge of giving up, and pour some wine for those feeling down.
  7. Just let him sip and block out his financial struggles, and choose not to dwell on his hardships any longer.
  8. Speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves, defending the rights of all who are destined for ruin.
  9. Speak up, make fair decisions, and stand up for the rights of those who are less fortunate.
  10. Yo, who’s out there lookin’ for a real queen? ‘Cause let me tell you, her worth is straight up priceless, like way more valuable than any fancy gem out there.
  11. Her hubby trusts her completely, so he won’t even think about breaking hearts.
  12. She’s always gonna have his back and treat him right, every single day of her life.
  13. She be lookin’ for some dope threads, like wool and flax, and she be doing her thing with her hands, all motivated and stuff.
  14. She’s literally flexin’ like those online shopping influencers, shipping in her gourmet meals from exotic places.
  15. She gets up even before it’s light out and hooks up her fam with breakfast, and makes sure her squad gets fed too.
  16. She’s like checking out this cool field, and then she’s totally like, ‘I’m gonna buy it!’ And then she’s all like, super productive and plants a sick vineyard with her own hard-earned money.
  17. She gets strong AF, like, she works out and gains those gains in her arms.
  18. She knows that her stuff is legit: she hustles all night long without burning out. She’s constantly on top of her game.
  19. She’s so good at multitasking, she’s always spinning threads with her hands on the spindle and holding the distaff.
  20. She’s always there for the less fortunate, ready to lend a helping hand to those in need.
  21. She’s not scared of the snow for her fam: cuz they all rockin’ scarlet fits. 💯
  22. She’s all about those fancy outfits – decking herself out in tapestry and rocking silk and purple clothes.
  23. Her hubby is like, so popular in the city, chilling with all the wise OGs in the town.
  24. She’s like a boss at making dope clothes, then she sells them and hooks up the merchants with some fire belts.
  25. She’s all about strength and dignity; she’s got her stylish game on point. You know she’ll be celebrating big-time in the future.
  26. She’s always speaking wisely and spreads kindness with her words.
  27. Yo, she’s totally on top of things and doesn’t waste time being lazy in her crib.
  28. Her kids are like, ‘She’s the best!’ and her husband, he’s all like, ‘She’s absolutely awesome!’
  29. Like, there have been so many awesome girls who have totally rocked at doing amazing things, but seriously, you top them all.
  30. Being popular isn’t everything, and looking attractive doesn’t mean much either. But a girl who respects and honors God, she deserves all the praise.
  31. Let her successful endeavors bear fruit; may her achievements be acknowledged by all.