
Philippians 1
  1. Hey fam, it’s Paul and Timotheus, reppin’ Jesus Christ! Big ups to all the holy crew in Philippi, including the bishops and deacons. 🙌
  2. May you be blessed with heaps of grace and chill vibes, straight from our main man God the Father, and from the one and only Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. I’m mega thankful to my God whenever you cross my mind, you feel me? Like, it’s such a rad feeling, dude.
  4. When I pray for y’all, it fills me with so much joy and good vibes!
  5. Been rolling with you in spreading the good news since day one till now;
  6. Yo, like, be totally sure that the dude who kicked off something good in you will keep at it until Jesus Christ comes back, ya know? He’ll totally finish what he started, no cap!
  7. I really appreciate all of you and have so much love for you in my heart. Whether I’m locked up or standing up for and affirming the good news, you all are straight-up sharing in the good stuff with me.
  8. I swear, I seriously can’t even express how much I miss all of you deeply from the core of my being, all because of Jesus Christ.
  9. Yo, I’m praying that your love game levels up, gaining mad knowledge and getting solid in all areas of understanding and making wise decisions; like, you know?!
  10. So you can vibe with things that are straight fire, and be genuine and drama-free until the day Jesus comes through;
  11. We gotta vibe with those righteous vibes, brought to us by Jesus Christ, all for giving props and showing love to God.
  12. But yo, fam, I want you to peep this: the things that went down with me actually ended up boosting the spread of the gospel, my fellow homies.
  13. So that everyone can see how I am connected to Christ, even in the palace and everywhere else. Whether it’s in Caesar’s court or anywhere else, it’s clear that I’m linked to Christ.
  14. And a lot of my fellow believers, getting inspired by seeing me in chains, have become even more fearless in spreading the good news.
  15. There are some peeps out there preaching about Christ because they’re all jelly and looking for some drama. But there are also some who are doing it out of genuine love and pure intentions, ya know.
  16. There’s this person out here, trying to spread the message of Christ, but they’re only doing it to cause drama, not genuinely. They think they can make my situation even worse while I’m already going through a hard time in prison. How uncool is that?
  17. But the other person knows I’m all about spreading love and being ready to defend the good news.
  18. So, what’s the deal? Regardless, whether it’s just for show or for real, Jesus is being talked about, and that totally makes me happy. Like, for real. And I’m gonna stay happy about it.
  19. I’m confident that this situation will work out for my benefit thanks to your prayers and the support from the Spirit of Jesus Christ.
  20. So, like, I’m totally stoked and hopeful that I won’t be embarrassed about anything, you know? And I’m gonna have this sick confidence to show off Christ in everything I do, whether I’m livin’ it up or, like, facing death.
  21. For me, life is all about Jesus, and dying is actually a win.
  22. But if I continue living in this physical world, this is the result of my hard work; yet I’m unsure of what I should choose.
  23. I’m stuck between two things, torn between leaving and being with Christ, which is way more awesome.
  24. But, like, I get that it might be important for me to stick around in this physical world for you guys.
  25. And with this confidence, I know that I’ll be sticking around, supporting and bringing positive vibes to all of you, helping you grow in your faith and bringing you joy.
  26. So that you can flex harder for Jesus Christ when I see you again.
  27. Just make sure your words and actions show that you’re all about spreading the good news of Jesus. Whether I’m there in person or not, I want to hear that you guys are staying strong together, united in your beliefs and working hard to promote the message of the gospel.
  28. And don’t let your haters scare you at all. It just shows that they’re doomed, but for you, it’s a sign that you’re gonna be saved, all thanks to God.
  29. Yo, Christ hooked you up with something special. It’s not just about believing in Him, but also about going through some tough stuff for His sake. So, embrace the challenges and keep the faith, my fam!
  30. So, you know that same struggle you witnessed in me? Well, guess what? It’s still going strong.
Philippians 2
  1. Yo, if you’ve found peace kickin’ it with Jesus, if love’s got your back, if you’re feelin’ that spiritual squad vibe, if you’re all about spreading kindness and compassion,
  2. Hit me up with that positive energy, show some love, and let’s stay connected and on the same page, you feel?
  3. Don’t be about that drama and flexin’. Keep it humble and look out for others more than yourself.
  4. Don’t just be all about your own stuff, peep what’s up with others too.
  5. Squad, let’s rock the same mindset as Jesus, alright?
  6. Jesus was God, but he was chill about it, you know?
  7. He wasn’t about that ego trip. He straight up served and got real with us, like he was one of us:
  8. Even when he took on human form, he stayed humble, even to the point of taking orders and getting nailed on a cross.
  9. So, God hooked him up with the ultimate rep, better than anyone else:
  10. One day, everybody, and I mean everybody, gonna bow down to Jesus. Even stuff in heaven, earth, and below. It’s just how it is, man.
  11. Everybody gotta give props to Jesus Christ, showing love to God the Father.
  12. Listen up, fam! Keep on grindin’, not just when I’m around, but especially when I’m not. Work out your salvation with a little fear and humility, you dig?
  13. It’s all God’s work in you, making you wanna do right and actually do it. And He’s hyped about it!
  14. Do your thing without whining or beefing, fam:
  15. So you can shine like stars, standing out in this messed-up world;
  16. Dropping that truth, so I can flex when Christ rolls through, knowing my grind wasn’t for nothing, no cap.
  17. And if I gotta go all out for your faith, I’m amped, celebrating with all y’all.
  18. So let’s all get hyped for the same reasons, spreading that good vibe and celebrating together, feeling all them good feels.
  19. Trusting Jesus to send my boy Timotheus ASAP, so I can chill knowing how you’re doing. Oh, by the way!
  20. ‘Cause ain’t nobody else vibin’ like me, caring for you like I do.
  21. Everybody out there just looking out for themselves, not Jesus Christ.
  22. But Jesus is solid, like a homie grinding with his pops and me for the good news.
  23. So I’m sending him your way once I know what’s up for me.
  24. But I’m trusting Jesus that I’ll be there soon.
  25. Sending you my dude Epaphroditus, my partner in the hustle, your messenger, and the one who looked out for me.
  26. He missed y’all and was bummed to hear you knew he was sick.
  27. Dude was on death’s doorstep, but thank God, he got mercy. Saved me from double sadness, for real.
  28. Sent him your way with extra care, so when you see him, you’re stoked and I’m less sad.
  29. So show him love and mad respect, for real.
  30. This dude was risking it all for Christ, not even trippin’ on his own life to make up for what y’all couldn’t do for me.
Philippians 3
  1. Ayy, squad, listen up! Last words from me: Stay connected with the Big Man upstairs. I know, sounds like I’m on repeat, but trust, it’s for the vibes – keeps me chill, keeps you safe, you feel?
  2. Watch out for those fake vibes, dodge those toxic energies, steer clear of drama-mongers.
  3. ‘Cause us believers, we’re all about that heart connection with the Big Guy, finding joy in Jesus, not sweating the small stuff.
  4. Gotta keep it real for a sec. Could flex hard if I wanted. If anyone’s boasting, I got more street cred, no cap.
  5. Got snipped at eight days, Israel fam, Benjamin tribe represent. True Hebrew, top-tier Pharisee.
  6. Passion for the church? Had it on lock. Played by the law, no slip-ups.
  7. But all that jazz? Worthless compared to Christ.
  8. No cap, I’m convinced everything else is trash compared to vibing with Jesus, my day-one. Took some major L’s for Him, but it’s all good, just background noise.
  9. I ain’t about that self-righteous vibe. It’s all about trusting in Jesus, faith is the key.
  10. So I’m down to vibe with Him, go through the grind, relate to His struggles, even death;
  11. Hoping for that epic comeback, you feel?
  12. Haven’t nailed it yet, but I’m grinding, aiming for what Jesus wants for me.
  13. Real talk, still figuring stuff out, but one thing’s for sure: leaving the past behind, chasing what’s ahead.
  14. Hustling for that heavenly reward through Jesus, ya dig?
  15. If you’re on point, you get it. If not, chill, God’s got you.
  16. Stay on the grind, keep your eyes on the prize.
  17. Stick with me, peep those on the same vibe.
  18. It’s heavy, fam. So many sleeping on what Jesus did. Breaks my heart.
  19. They’re heading for disaster, all about earthly desires, flexing what’s shameful.
  20. Our vibe? Heaven-bound. Waiting for our hero, Jesus, to swoop in. Living that heavenly life, #HeavenGoals.
  21. Who’s gonna upgrade our weak bods to His level? He’s got the power, no doubt.
Philippians 4
  1. Yo, fam, to all my beloved squad who keep me hyped and on point, stay strong in the Lord, okay? You guys are my ultimate source of joy and accomplishment.
  2. Aye, Euodias and Syntyche, listen up. I’m seriously urging y’all to vibe on the same frequency when it comes to living out the Lord’s teachings.
  3. Yo, fam, I need a favor. Can you show some love to those amazing ladies who’ve been hustling with me to spread the good word? Big shoutout to Clement and the whole crew, they’re straight-up legends with their names lit up in the book of life.
  4. Always stay pumped in the Lord, like for real, and I’m saying it again, stay pumped, okay?
  5. Yo, just keep it chill and balanced, you feel me? Let everyone peep it. The Lord’s always right there, too.
  6. Don’t stress about anything, but for real, hit up God with prayer and thanksgiving, letting Him know what’s up.
  7. And then God’s chill vibes, which are beyond anything we can wrap our heads around, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
  8. Yo, fam, at the end of the day, focus on what’s legit, what’s real, what’s pure, what’s beautiful, what’s getting good vibes. If there’s any goodness or positivity out there, that’s where your head should be at. Stay woke! 💯
  9. Yo fam, whatever you’ve peeped from me, learned, or vibed with, go ahead and put it into action. And trust, the God of peace will roll with you. No cap.
  10. I was totally hyped, bro, when I saw you guys once again holding it down for me. You’ve always had my back, but sometimes life just didn’t give you a chance. Keep it up, you’re killing it! 🙌
  11. Not gonna lie, I’m not talking about being needy or anything. But like, I’ve learned to be totally chill and content no matter what situation I’m in.
  12. I’ve seen both the struggle and the success, man: no matter where or what, I’ve learned to be cool whether I’m ballin’ or barely making it.
  13. I can totally crush any challenge with the strength Christ gives me.
  14. Yo, you guys came through big time when I was going through a rough patch. Mad respect.
  15. Hey Philippians, just wanna shout out that back when I first started spreading the good word and left Macedonia, y’all were the only ones who had my back, giving and receiving. No other crew showed support like y’all did.
  16. Yo, even when you were in Thessalonica, you came through for me, hooking me up multiple times when I was in need.
  17. I ain’t asking for a handout, but I wanna see your success multiply and add to your overall growth.
  18. Dude, I gotta say, I’m set with everything and more. Huge shoutout to Epaphroditus for coming through with the stuff you sent. It’s like a dope aroma, a lit offering that God’s totally feeling. Like, seriously, I’m set. Or should I say, I’ve copped all the cool stuff.
  19. But for real, trust me, my God’s got your back and will hook you up with everything you need, no joke. He’s loaded with glory, thanks to Christ Jesus and all.
  20. Now let’s give a major shoutout to God, our ultimate Father, for being the realest and most awesome forever and ever. Amen, y’all.
  21. Yo, big ups to all the lit Christians out there repping Christ Jesus. The crew rolling with me sends their love to you.
  22. Yo, all the saints send you a shoutout! Especially the ones repping Caesar’s crew.
  23. May the love of Jesus be with all of you. Amen. “This letter to the Philippians was written from Rome by Epaphroditus.”