
Philemon 1
  1. Yo, it’s your boy Paul, holdin’ it down for Jesus Christ, and my dude Timothy, hittin’ up Philemon, our ride-or-die partner,
  2. Big shoutout to our girl Apphia, and Archippus, our fellow warrior, and to the whole crew kickin’ it at your place:
  3. Yo, sending you major grace and peace vibes from God our Father and the one and only Lord Jesus Christ.
  4. Big ups to my man upstairs, always liftin’ you up in my prayers.
  5. Heard about your mad love and faith for the Lord Jesus and all the squad in the faith game;
  6. So when you spread the word, it’s gonna hit different, acknowledging all the dope stuff inside you ’cause of Jesus.
  7. Dude, we’re totally pumped and comforted by your love, ’cause you’ve been showin’ mad support to the crew, bro.
  8. So, even though I could flex in Christ and lay down some truth,
  9. But yo, out of love, I’m straight-up reaching out to you, like, I’m Paul the wise OG, and right now I’m locked up for Jesus, you get me?
  10. Yo, listen up! I’m seriously asking you for a major favor about my dude Onesimus, who’s like my own son. I actually raised him while I was locked up, so you know he’s family.
  11. Back then, he might’ve been useless to you, but now he’s actually beneficial for both of us:
  12. Yo, I’m sending him back, so you better welcome him like he’s fam to me,
  13. I wanted to keep him here with me, so he could’ve been helpin’ me spread the good news:
  14. But I wouldn’t do anything without your consent; I want your help to be genuine, not forced.
  15. Maybe he dipped out for a bit so you could have him for good, ya feel?
  16. Right now, I see you not just as a servant, but more like a real homie who I genuinely care about. And guess what? You’re even more important to me than that! We’re tight, both in the real world and spiritually with the Lord.
  17. Yo, if you see me as your bro, then treat my dude like you would treat me, fam.
  18. If he’s done you dirty, or owes you anything, put it on my tab, fam;
  19. Yo, it’s your boy Paul writing this letter with my own hand. Just wanna let you know I got your back and I’ll make it right, no doubt. But, I ain’t tryna flex, but you owe me big time. Like, you owe me your whole self, bro.
  20. Hey, bro, it would mean a lot if you brought me joy in the Lord: lift my spirits up in the Lord.
  21. I’m pretty sure you’ll go above and beyond what I’m asking, so I’m hitting you up with this message.
  22. Yo, can you hook me up with a place to crash? I know if y’all pray for me, I’ll be able to join you.
  23. Big shoutout to Epaphras, my dude locked up for Jesus, too! 🙌
  24. Yo, Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my squad grindin’ with me.
  25. May the radical grace of our dude Jesus Christ vibe with your spirit, ya feel me? Amen. – Sent from Rome to Philemon, by Onesimus, like, totally his servant.