
Micah 1
  1. Yo, peep this: God dropped some truth bombs on Micah, straight outta Morashite, when Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were holding it down in Judah. Micah saw some real talk visions about Samaria and Jerusalem.
  2. Hey fam, listen up! Earth and all that’s chillin’ on it, get this: the Lord God’s peepin’ you from His holy crib.
  3. Yo, check it! The LORD’s about to roll out of His place, drop down here, and step all over the hype spots of the earth.
  4. When God shows up, mountains will straight up melt like butter, and valleys will crack open like wax in front of a blazing fire. It’s gonna flow like water down a gnarly slope!
  5. All this chaos went down ’cause Jacob and the house of Israel dropped the ball with sin. Jacob, dude, you messed up big time. Wasn’t Samaria in on it? And those places in Judah where they were vibing with other gods, wasn’t that going down in Jerusalem too?
  6. So here’s the deal: Samaria’s gonna get wrecked. It’s gonna be smashed up, vineyards and all. I’ll chuck the stones into the valley and show off its bare bones.
  7. All those statues and stuff? They’re gonna get wrecked, and any cash they bring in will burn up in flames. Those idols? Left deserted. ‘Cause they were bought with dirty money, and now it’s all coming full circle.
  8. So, I’m gonna let it out, scream and cry, strip down and get real raw: I’ll wail like dragons, cry like owls.
  9. Her wounds? They’re deep, no quick fix. They’re all over Judah, hitting close to home, even in Jerusalem. She’s messed up bad from those cuts.
  10. Keep it on the down-low in Gath, don’t shed a tear; but when you’re at home, roll in the dust. (Aphrah means Dust)
  11. Hey, Saphir, heads up! Your shame’s about to be out in the open. Zaanan crew ain’t showing up to mourn with Bethezel peeps. They ain’t riding with you, no doubt.
  12. So, peeps in Maroth were hoping for some good vibes, right? But nah, bad vibes came straight from the Lord, all the way to the gate of Jerusalem. Just so you know, ‘inhabitant’ means, like, ‘homegirl,’ and ‘waited carefully’ can also mean, you know, ‘was totally bummed out.’
  13. Yo, person from Lachish, saddle up that chariot with some swift horses. You’re the one who kicked off trouble for Zion. It’s ’cause of Israel’s messed-up deeds going down in your hood.
  14. So, check it, you gotta send gifts to Moresheth-gath. Those pads in Achzib are straight-up deceiving the kings of Israel. Achzib? Yeah, total fraud, dude.
  15. But yo, no stress, fam! I got you covered, O peeps of Mareshah. I’m sending you a new leader who’s gonna bring serious glory to Israel, you feel me? 🔥
  16. Shave your head in mourning for your precious children; make yourself bald like an eagle, because they’ve been snatched away from you as captives.
Micah 2
  1. Yo, check it: those who plot evil all cozy in bed, scheming wickedness ’til the break of day, thinking they’re slick and can get away with it.
  2. And these folks, they straight up covet other people’s land, seizing it by force. They’re like, “I’m taking this crib too,” and just snatch it all up. They oppress people and their property, messing with their whole legacy, being all shady and stuff.
  3. So listen up, fam, this is what the LORD says: I’m about to drop some serious consequences on you, something you can’t dodge or strut away from. Tough times are coming your way, for real.
  4. Yo, on that day, someone’s gonna drop a truth bomb on you with a relatable story, expressing deep sorrow, like, “We’re totally wrecked! Our lives are messed up, we lost everything that was rightfully ours. How could this dude snatch it all away? He selfishly divided up the land that belonged to all of us.”
  5. So, like, there won’t be anyone lucking out at the LORD’s gathering, you feel?
  6. Don’t even bother trying to see the future, they say to those who predict. They won’t see it coming and won’t save themselves from looking dumb. Just quit while you’re ahead…
  7. Listen up, fam of Jacob’s crib, you think the Lord’s spirit is limited or something? Are you blaming Him for all the messed up stuff? Won’t my words bring blessings to those who stay true??
  8. Lately, my people have turned against each other, treating strangers like enemies, snatching their clothes as if they hate peace.
  9. You’ve kicked the women of my crew out of their homes, taking away my precious kids. This betrayal will haunt me forever.
  10. Yo, get up and bounce; this ain’t your chill spot anymore. It’s all messed up and it’s gonna wreck you with a serious beatdown.
  11. If some dude acts fake and lies, saying, “Yo, I’m all about wine and partying,” he’s just fakin’ it as a prophet for these folks. (He’s basically frontin’ and ain’t legit.)
  12. Yo, Jacob, I’m gonna bring y’all together for real. I’m gonna gather the remnant of Israel, round ’em up like sheep in Bozrah, like a crew in their own hood. They gonna make some noise ’cause there’s gonna be a lot of ’em!
  13. The leader of the squad has rolled in and wrecked everything. They smashed through the gate and made a grand exit. And their influencer king will lead the way, with the Lord leading the charge!
Micah 3
  1. Yo, check it, leaders of Jacob and rulers of Israel! Ain’t it your job to know what’s right?
  2. Those who diss the good and hype up the bad, they basically destroy themselves from the inside out.
  3. They straight up devour my people, peeling off their skin and breaking their bones like they’re prepping some messed-up recipe on a cooking show!
  4. When they cry out to the LORD, He ain’t gonna hear ’em. He’s straight up gonna ignore ’em ’cause they’ve been acting shady and doing messed-up stuff.
  5. Yo, listen up, peeps, the LORD’s got a word about those prophets messin’ with my crew, talkin’ big but playin’ dirty, preachin’ peace but stirrin’ up drama. And anyone not buyin’ their lies, they straight-up beef with ’em.
  6. So, you’re gonna be in the dark, clueless about what’s up. Your visions gonna vanish, your psychic game gon’ be weak. Those prophets gonna be in total eclipse, darkness creepin’ over their days. No more spiritual downloads for y’all.
  7. The seers gonna be shook and the diviners gonna be lost AF. They gonna be speechless ‘cause God ain’t droppin’ no answers.
  8. But, like, real talk, I’m totally lit by the spirit of the LORD. He’s hooking me up with mad strength and wisdom vibes to call out Jacob’s bad moves and put Israel on blast for their wrongs.
  9. Yo, check it, leaders of Jacob’s squad and rulers of Israel’s crew who diss justice and don’t vibe with fairness.
  10. They’re straight up building Zion with bloodshed, and Jerusalem’s all about wickedness and stuff.
  11. The leaders hustle for their own gain, the priests preach for a paycheck, and the prophets use their gifts for profit. Then they have the nerve to say, “Isn’t the LORD with us? Nothing bad can happen to us.”
  12. So, because of you, Zion’s gonna get wrecked like a plowed field, Jerusalem will be heaps of ruins, and the mountain where God’s house is will be overgrown like a wild forest.
Micah 4
  1. In the end times, it’s gonna go down—God’s place gonna be on the highest peak, straight flexin’ above all those hills. Everybody gonna be rollin’ up there.
  2. People from everywhere gonna gather and be like, ‘Let’s hit up the Lord’s mountain and check out Jacob’s spot, fam. He gonna show us how to roll like him, and we’ll be on that same vibe, you know? ‘Cause the rules gonna drop from Zion, and God’s word gonna spread from Jerusalem.
  3. And he’s gonna totally judge all kinds of people, even call out those big nations from far away. Check it, they gonna take their swords and flip ’em into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks, like, you know, sickles. No more beef, man! Nations ain’t gonna throw hands anymore, and they won’t even learn how to start a fight. It’s gonna be all about peace, dude!
  4. But everyone gonna chill under their own vine and fig tree, and no one gonna bring on those stress vibes. ‘Cause the Lord Almighty has straight up spoken it, no cap.
  5. Everyone gonna do their own thing and vibe with their beliefs, but we gonna stay true to the LORD our God forever and ever.
  6. Yo, the Lord be like, on that day, I’m gonna gather up the strugglers, bring together those who’ve been left out, and those who I’ve put through tough times.
  7. And I’ll turn the strugglers into a tight crew, and those who were overlooked into a strong squad. And God gonna reign over them in the most epic spot, Mount Zion, forever and ever.
  8. Yo, check it out! Tower of the flock, you’re like the ultimate stronghold for the daughter of Zion. Get ready, ’cause the first rulership is coming your way. The kingdom is gonna center around the daughter of Jerusalem!
  9. Yo, why you buggin’ like that? Ain’t you got a king? Did your advisor bounce? ‘Cause it sounds like you’re going through some serious pain, like a woman in labor.
  10. Yo, daughter of Zion, brace yourself for some real struggle and hard work, like a woman going through labor pains. It’s time for you to leave the city and start living in the field. You’re even gonna end up in Babylon, but don’t trip, ’cause that’s where you’ll find your deliverance and God will save you from your enemies.
  11. There’s a whole crew of nations teaming up against you, talking like, ‘Let’s wreck her and watch Zion fall.’
  12. But they ain’t got a clue about what the LORD’s plotting, and they don’t get his game plan: ’cause he gonna gather ’em up like bundles of wheat on the threshing floor.
  13. Rise up and own it, daughter of Zion! ‘Cause I’m about to boost your strength and make you unstoppable. You gonna crush so hard that I’ll dedicate all their spoils and possessions to the almighty LORD, the boss of the whole world.
Micah 5
  1. Yo, check it, crew! The enemy’s circling us big time. They’re gearing up to go after the leader of Israel, aiming for a major showdown. It’s about to get real!
  2. Yo, listen up! Bethlehem Ephratah might not be the biggest town in Judah, but guess what? Out of there, a real leader is gonna step up to rule Israel. And get this, their roots go way, way back!
  3. So, God’s gonna let things ride for a bit, until the woman in labor has her baby. Then, the rest of his crew will come back to kick it with the Israelites.
  4. And he’s gonna be mega powerful, rocking it in the name of the LORD his God, and he’s gonna be legit, like, everywhere.
  5. And this guy will bring the chill vibes, when the Assyrian tries to invade our turf. When he steps into our fancy places, we’ll round up seven top leaders and eight bosses to take him down.
  6. And they’re gonna totally wreck Assyria with swords, and even Nimrod’s land will take a beating. That’s how he’s gonna rescue us from the Assyrians when they invade our land and start messing with our territory. It’s gonna be full-on devastation!
  7. And the remnant of Jacob will be like the fresh dew from the LORD, spreading among the nations, like showers on the grass that don’t wait for anyone’s approval or rely on anyone’s favor.
  8. So, there’s gonna be this small crew from Jacob’s peeps, right? They’ll be vibing with the Gentiles, mingling with a whole crowd. It’s gonna be epic ’cause they’ll be like a fierce lion among the animals in the forest, or a young lion among a flock of sheep. And when they decide to go for it, they’re gonna crush and tear through anything in their path, and no one can stand in their way. Oh, and just to clarify, when I say sheep, I mean goats.
  9. You’ll totally conquer your haters, and all your enemies will be defeated.
  10. Yo, check it! God’s dropping truth right here. He’s saying that when the day comes, He’s gonna straight up take out your horses and wreck your chariots. No more fancy rides for you!
  11. Dude, I’m gonna completely wipe out your cities and demolish all your fortresses.
  12. And I’ll totally put an end to all your occult practices; no more fortune-telling vibes, fam.
  13. I’m gonna straight-up smash those statues and idols you’re so hyped about. No more worshipping stuff you make with your own hands, alright? Seriously, cut it out.
  14. I’m gonna shut down all your chill hangout spots and destroy your cities, fam. Like, total wipeout. #noregrets #bringthethunder
  15. So, I’m gonna unleash some serious wrath and fury on those unbelievers, like they’ve never seen before.
Micah 6
  1. Yo, peep what the LORD is sayin’—get up and stand tall against those huge mountains. Let the hills hear your voice loud and clear.
  2. Listen up, mountains and earth’s strong crew! The LORD’s got some serious business with his peeps, Israel, and he’s gonna lay it all out.
  3. Hey fam, what’s good? Have I messed up somewhere or worn you out? Holla at me and fill me in on what’s goin’ down.
  4. So, check it out—I totally rescued you from getting stuck in Egypt, freed you from slavery and all that. And to guide you, I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to lead the way. Pretty epic, right?
  5. Yo fam, listen up and remember when Balak, king of Moab, hit up Balaam, son of Beor. They had this convo from Shittim to Gilgal, and Balaam dropped some serious truth bombs. It’s all about understanding the Lord’s righteousness, my peeps.
  6. How can I come correct before the LORD, show respect to the mighty God? Should I drop some fancy sacrifices or offer up young calves?
  7. Yo, will God be impressed if I drop a bunch of rams or pour out mad oil? Should I even think about offering my firstborn as a deal for my mess-ups, or sacrificing my own flesh and blood to make things right?
  8. Listen up, fam! God already laid it out for you—he’s all about that goodness. So, what’s He really asking for? It’s simple, my peeps: do what’s right, show love and kindness, and stay humble as you walk with your God. Trust me, it’s the real deal way to live!
  9. OMG, the LORD is totally calling out to the city! Anyone with smarts will respect His name. Pay attention to the consequences of your actions and who’s really in charge here. They’ve got everything sorted, you feel me?
  10. Is that shady guy still hiding his sketchy stash and using janky measuring cups? Seriously? Ew!
  11. Can they really claim innocence when they’re messing with rigged scales and shady weights? Nah, that’s not cool. 🙅‍♂️
  12. Yo, those rich kids stay stirring up drama, and everyone in that scene straight up lies—they’re fake AF! And don’t even get me started on their fake talk, full of deceit.
  13. So, lemme drop a truth bomb on ya—things are gonna get real messed up for you because of all the bad moves you’ve been making.
  14. You’ll grub, but still feel empty; you’ll be down and out, trying to hold it together but failing. Whatever you manage to grab onto will end up getting snatched away by the sword.
  15. You can plant all day long, but won’t reap; crush olives, but won’t lather up with oil; squeeze grapes for sweet wine, but won’t even get a sip.
  16. You’re stuck in the same old pattern as those before you, like Omri, and you’re copying the messed-up ways of Ahab’s crew. It’s gonna lead to your downfall, with everyone clowning on you. So yeah, brace yourself for the shame and criticism, my peeps.
Micah 7
  1. OMG, I’m soooo bummed! It’s like when you’re stoked for all the awesome snacks after summer, but there’s literally nothing left—just scraps. My heart hurts for that first sweet bite. #totalbummer
  2. The righteous peeps are like gone from the scene: seriously, no one’s keeping it real. They’re all out here scheming to spill blood, straight up hunting down their own crew with mad traps. #NoGoodOnesLeft
  3. They’re totally into doing bad stuff, like super passionately, you know? The big shot says, ‘Yo, gimme something back,’ and the judge is like, ‘I need a little something, bro.’ Even the VIPs are openly showing their wicked desires. They’re owning it, man.
  4. The top dogs among them are like pesky stickers, and the most respected ones are even more prickly than a thornbush. The day is coming when your security and checks will bring chaos and anxiety to everyone. Get ready for some rough times ahead.
  5. Don’t put all your trust in your squad, and don’t blindly follow your mentors. Watch what you share with those close to you.
  6. It’s like, sometimes the son disrespects his pops, the daughter clashes with her mom, and even the daughter-in-law can’t vibe with her mother-in-law. It’s wild, but sometimes the ones you live with give you the hardest time.
  7. So I’m gonna lean into the LORD, you know? I’ll be chilling, waiting on the God who saves me, ’cause my God never lets me down. He’s totally tuned in to me, no doubt.
  8. Don’t even think about celebrating my downfall, you foe of mine! When I trip up, I’ll bounce back, and when I’m lost in the dark, the LORD will light my path.
  9. I’m gonna take the heat from the LORD ’cause I messed up and sinned against him. But hold up, he’s got my back! He’ll defend me and set things straight. His light will shine on me, and I’ll see his righteousness in action.
  10. And when my enemy peeps this, shame’s gonna hit her hard. She used to mock me, asking where my God was at. Well, she’s about to see the real deal with her own eyes. She’ll be crushed like dirt on the streets.
  11. When your walls start going back up, the game plan’s gonna flip.
  12. On that day, he’ll roll in from Assyria, from all those lit fortified cities, and from the mega strong fortress all the way to the river, and from one sea to another, and from peak to peak. (And when I say ‘fortified cities,’ I mean all the way to those epic strongholds.)
  13. But the land’s gonna be wrecked big time because of the people there and all the messed up stuff they’re pulling. Seriously though, their actions are gonna bring some heavy consequences.
  14. Look after your squad with your authority, the crew that’s got your back, kicking it solo in the woods, chilling in the heart of Carmel. Let them chill in Bashan and Gilead, just like old times. (Take care: or, Lead)
  15. When you finally break free from Egypt, I’m gonna blow your mind with some seriously epic stuff.
  16. When everyone peeps their skills, they’ll be shook to the core—speechless, in total awe, ears deaf to the noise.
  17. They’ll be on the ground like snakes, slinking from their hideouts like earthworms. They’ll dread the LORD our God and be freaked because of you.
  18. OMG, there’s seriously no one as awesome as you, God! You’re like, super forgiving and cool about all our mistakes. You totally let go of the bad stuff we do, ’cause you’re all about that mercy vibe. #NoAngerForever #MercyGang
  19. He’ll bounce back, shower us with love; He’ll crush our wrongs; and you’ll toss all their sins deep into the ocean.
  20. You’ll totally come through for Jacob and show major love to Abraham, just like you promised our ancestors way back in the day.