
Malachi 1
  1. Hey fam, check it out! The LORD’s got a real talk for Israel, straight from Malachi. #GodsWord
  2. Yo, I’ve been all about you, says the LORD. But you’re like, ‘Wait, when did you even love us?’ Remember Esau, Jacob’s bro? Yeah, I was totally into Jacob, no cap.
  3. And I straight up dissed Esau, wrecked his mountains and homeland, left them deserted and wild with savage beasts.
  4. So, Edom’s thinking they’re all set, like, ‘Nah, we’ll rebuild and make this place lit again.’ But listen up, says the LORD, they can build all they want, but I’m gonna come through and wreck it. People gonna start calling them the shady spot, and the ones the LORD’s super ticked at, forever.
  5. And when you peep that with your own eyes, you’ll shout, ‘Dang, the Lord is straight fire, from one end of Israel to the other.’
  6. A son gives props to his dad and a worker respects their boss. So if I’m like a dad, where’s my props? And if I’m like a boss, where’s my respect? That’s what the LORD of hosts is dropping on you, priests, who diss my name. And you’re asking, ‘How we diss your name?’
  7. You’re serving up some seriously jacked-up offerings on my altar and have the guts to ask, ‘What did we do wrong?’ Let me break it down: you’re dissing the Lord’s table and treating it like trash. Seriously?!
  8. If you think sacrificing blind or sick animals is all good, or offering up lame ones is cool, try presenting that to your boss. Will they be impressed or accept your gift? That’s what the LORD of hosts wants you to think about.
  9. Yo, for real though, can you like, ask God to be cool with us? This whole vibe is on you guys. Do you really think God’s gonna be into that? That’s what the LORD of hosts wants you to consider.
  10. Yo, is anyone here gonna shut the doors for no good reason? And you’re not even bothering to light a fire on my altar. Let’s keep it real, I’m not vibing with that, says the LORD of hosts. I ain’t accepting any offerings from you like that.
  11. My name’s gonna be lit AF all over the world, from sunrise to sunset. People from every culture will give mad props to my name and offer dope sacrifices. For real, my name’s gonna be respected by all, even those who ain’t believers, says the LORD of hosts.
  12. But y’all messed it up by saying, ‘The LORD’s table is gross,’ and dissing the food on it, even the good stuff.
  13. So you’re like, ‘Ugh, this is so tiresome,’ and straight up disrespecting it, says the LORD. Like, seriously? You’re bringing messed up, busted stuff as your offering. You really think I’m cool with that? No way, says the LORD.
  14. But woe to the faker who puts on a show and offers a jacked-up sacrifice to the Lord, even though they got a good one in hand. I’m a powerful King, declares the LORD of heaven’s armies, and my name’s respected among all nations.
Malachi 2
  1. Hey, priests! This commandment is just for you guys.
  2. Hey, if you blow off what I’m saying and don’t take it seriously, dissing my greatness, the LORD who’s totally awesome and powerful is gonna bring down a serious curse on you. Your blessings? They’re gonna be cursed too. And guess what? It’s already happening, all because you’re not paying attention. So, like, listen up and give some respect!
  3. Hey, check it out, I’m gonna expose your sketchy actions and make you face the consequences. Yeah, even the gross aftermath of your fancy parties will come crashing down on you. And trust me, it’s gonna wreck you.
  4. And you all gotta know that I’ve totally given you this command, so that my everlasting covenant can be with Levi, says the LORD Almighty.
  5. I made a solid deal with him, guaranteeing a calm and peaceful life. I gave him a healthy dose of awe and respect for me, making him seriously respect my name.
  6. He always kept it real and never lied. He walked with me in peace and fairness, and he helped a bunch of people turn away from doing wrong.
  7. Yo, the priests gotta be super knowledgeable and always speaking the law, ’cause they’re like the messengers of the LORD of hosts and all that.
  8. But y’all have totally gone off track; you’ve got so many people stumbling over the law; you messed up the whole deal with Levi, says the LORD of hosts.
  9. That’s why I’ve made you look like a joke in front of everyone, ’cause you haven’t followed my ways and have been biased in how you apply the law. #NoChill
  10. Don’t we all have the same Dad? Didn’t one big dude create us? Then why are we stabbing each other in the back, dissing the promises our ancestors made?
  11. Judah totally let us down, and things got seriously messed up in Israel and Jerusalem. Like, for real, they disrespected the holiness of our God, the One they were supposed to be all about, and they went and hooked up with someone from a totally different spiritual vibe. Like, what were they thinking, dude?!
  12. If someone pulls this, the LORD will totally disown them, whether they’re popular or brainy, from being part of Jacob’s crew. Even those who bring offerings to the LORD won’t be spared.
  13. And once again, you’re pulling this stunt where you’re like, crying your eyes out, wailing, and making a big show when you come before the LORD’s altar. It’s reached the point where He’s not even paying attention to your offerings anymore or accepting them with joy.
  14. But you’re all like, hold up, why though? It’s ’cause the LORD has seen all the shady stuff you did to your partner from way back, the one you promised to stick with. Even though you messed up, they’re still your ride-or-die, the person you made a pact with.
  15. Yo, didn’t God create just one woman for Adam? He could’ve made more, but He wanted them to raise a righteous crew. So, be careful and stay true to your spouse from when you were young. Don’t be unfaithful, my friends!
  16. Yo, the LORD, the God of Israel, straight up says He’s not down with divorces. If someone tries to hide their violence under a fancy outfit, that’s a major red flag, says the LORD Almighty. So, be careful and don’t betray each other. Seriously, check your vibe and keep it real.
  17. You’ve totally worn out the LORD with your talk. But you’re like, ‘How did we wear Him out?’ It’s when you say, ‘Everyone who does bad stuff is actually good in the eyes of the LORD and He’s cool with it.’ Or when you’re like, ‘Where’s the God who brings justice when you need Him?’
Malachi 3
  1. Hey fam, listen up! I’m sending my messenger ahead to get things ready. The Lord, the one you’ve been searching for, is gonna show up in his temple unexpectedly. He’s legit, the messenger of the covenant who’s got everyone hyped. I’m telling you, he’s on his way, says the LORD of hosts.
  2. Yo, who’s gonna be ready for his arrival? And who’s gonna stand strong when he shows up? ‘Cause he’s intense, like a refiner’s fire or top-notch soap:
  3. He’s gonna refine and purify like a pro, making the sons of Levi all clean and shiny like gold and silver, so they can present the Lord with a righteous offering.
  4. And the worship from Judah and Jerusalem will totally connect with the LORD, like it was on point back in the ancient times, you know, way back when.
  5. Yo, I’m about to drop some truth bombs and bring the heat. I’ll be quick, calling out sorcerers, cheaters, liars, and anyone who mistreats hardworking folks, widows, orphans, and foreigners, just because they don’t respect me, says the Almighty.
  6. ‘Cause I’m the LORD and I stay true. That’s why the descendants of Jacob are still around; they haven’t been wiped out or anything.
  7. Hey, you’ve been drifting from my rules since your parents’ time. You haven’t been keeping them, no lie. Come back to me, and I’ll come back to you, says the LORD. But you’re like, ‘How do we even come back?’
  8. Seriously though, would anyone dare to cheat God? But guess what? You totally ripped Him off, dude! And you’re like, ‘Wait, hold up! When did we rip You off, God?’ Well, let me tell you, it’s when you haven’t been giving your tithes and offerings, man.
  9. Dude, you’ve brought a curse upon yourselves! The whole nation has been ripping me off.
  10. Yo, don’t forget to bring all your tithes to the storehouse so there’s enough food in my place. And listen up, the LORD of hosts dares you to test Him on this – if He won’t open up the heavens for you and shower you with so many blessings that you won’t even have enough room for them. It’ll be like heaven’s floodgates wide open, pouring out blessings non-stop!
  11. And I’ll totally shut down anyone or anything trying to mess with your blessings, so your crops won’t fail and your vines won’t drop their fruit too early, says the mighty LORD.
  12. And everyone will see how blessed you are, because you’ll be an amazing place to live, says the LORD of all that’s awesome.
  13. You’ve been talking big against me, says the LORD. But you’re asking, ‘What did we even say to offend you?’
  14. So, you’re saying, ‘What’s the use in serving God?’ and ‘What do we get out of following His rules and acting all serious before the Most High?’
  15. And nowadays, it seems like we’re praising the arrogant and all, like those doing wrong get all the spotlight; even those testing God seem to be winning. It’s like they’re just coming out on top or something.
  16. So, those who feared and honored the LORD, they were totally into discussing things. And guess what? The LORD was totally tuned in and paying attention! And check it out, a super cool book of remembrance was written right there for those who showed big respect for the LORD and always kept His name in mind.
  17. And they’ll be mine, says God, when I gather up my treasured ones. I’ll protect them and show them love, just like a caring father does for his devoted son.
  18. So, you’ll come back and totally see the distinction between those who do good and those who are, like, shady and wicked. You’ll know who’s all about serving God and who’s not really into it.
Malachi 4
  1. Hey, check it out! There’s a day coming that’s gonna be lit like fire, and all the proud and wicked folks are gonna get burned up like they never existed. The LORD of hosts says that day will wipe ’em out completely!
  2. But for those who honor me, the Sun of righteousness will rise up with healing in his wings; and you’ll go out and thrive like well-fed calves.
  3. And you’ll totally put the smackdown on the wicked; they’ll be like, totally reduced to ashes beneath your kicks on the epic day when I bring it, says the LORD of all the righteous crews.
  4. Yo, remember the teachings of Moses, my original servant. I laid down the law straight up to him on Mount Horeb for all of Israel, with all the rules and justice.
  5. Hey, check it out! Before the day when the LORD shows up big time, I’m gonna send you Elijah the prophet, for real!
  6. He’ll help parents and kids get on the same wavelength, so things stay chill and trouble-free on earth.