
Jude 1
  1. Ayy, it’s Jude, just your boy James’ bro, droppin’ some truth bombs for Jesus Christ. This one’s for all y’all reppin’ that holy vibe, handpicked by God the Father, stayin’ tight with Jesus. You know who you are, destined for greatness.
  2. May you score heaps of mercy, peace, and love.
  3. Listen up, fam. When I was grindin’ to write y’all about our shared salvation, it was crucial for me to reach out and boost you to straight-up fight for the faith passed down to the holy crew.
  4. Check it: there are these shady dudes who slid in undercover, predestined for this beatdown. They’re straight-up ungodly, twistin’ God’s grace into something sketchy, and denying our one and only Lord God and Jesus Christ.
  5. So, quick reminder, even though you prob already know this, the Lord totally saved the people from Egypt back in the day. But here’s the kicker: He took down those who didn’t trust in Him.
  6. And those angels who ditched their original gig, now locked up, waiting for judgment day.
  7. Remember Sodom and Gomorrha? They were all about gettin’ freaky, and they faced the heat, burned by eternal fire. Woah, did you know the Greek word for ‘strange’ means ‘other’? Cool, right?
  8. These dudes with wild dreams mess up their bodies, think they’re better than everyone, and diss those in power.
  9. But check it, even Michael the archangel, when beefin’ with the devil about Moses’ body, didn’t diss him. He was like, ‘The Lord’s got you.’
  10. These haters talkin’ smack about stuff they don’t know. Actin’ all wild, messin’ up with their instincts.
  11. They’re in deep trouble! They’re like Cain, Balaam, and Core, chasing their desires and ending up wrecked.
  12. These people kill the vibe at your lit charity parties. Just there to grub, like dry clouds with no water. And those trees? Useless. No fruit, dead twice over.
  13. Like, waves in the ocean, wild and shameful. Lost stars, headed for eternal darkness.
  14. Enoch, seventh from Adam, predicted it: the Lord rollin’ in with his squad.
  15. Exposin’ the ungodly and their disrespectful words.
  16. Complainers, doin’ whatever, spoutin’ fancy words.
  17. Don’t forget the words of our homies, the apostles.
  18. In the end times, haters gonna hate, doin’ whatever they want.
  19. Isolating themselves, all about their desires, no spiritual vibe.
  20. Work on that holy faith, keep it real, pray in the Holy Ghost.
  21. Stay connected to God’s love, wait eagerly for Jesus’ mercy.
  22. More empathy, positive impact.
  23. Save others, be cautious, despise unwholesome activities.
  24. The one who’s got your back, preventing you from trippin’, showin’ you off perfect and flawless.
  25. Shoutout to the all-knowing God, our ultimate Savior! Props for His glory, majesty, dominion, and power, now and forever. Amen, fam!