
Job 1
  1. Alright, check it: There’s this guy named Job chilling in the land of Uz, and let me tell ya, he’s legit. Like, he’s all about that righteous vibe and keeping it real. He’s got major love for God and stays away from anything sketchy.
  2. Oh, and get this – he’s got seven sons and three daughters, you feel me? That’s a big fam right there!
  3. Alright, listen up: Job was stacked with 7000 sheep, 3000 camels, 500 pairs of oxen, and 500 she-asses. And let’s not forget, he had a massive squad and was basically the top boss in the whole east.
  4. So, his sons were throwing these banging parties at their place, each one on their own day. And they hit up their three sisters to come through and hang, munching and chilling together like it’s all good.
  5. Alright, peep this: So, after the fam wrapped up their lit parties, Job was like, “Yo, gotta make sure my kids are all good.” So, he sent them to get blessed and woke up mad early the next day to offer burnt offerings for each of them. Job was like, “You never know, maybe my kids messed up and dissed God on the low.” And he did this like, all the time, staying on top of things.
  6. Then one day, the crew from heaven rolled up to hang with the big man upstairs, and even Satan pulled through with them. (BTW, Satan means ‘the adversary,’ and he was straight-up there in the mix.)
  7. Alright, check this out: God’s like, “Yo, Satan, where you been hanging?” And Satan’s all, “Just cruising around the earth, you know, taking my leisurely walks and whatnot.”
  8. So, God’s like, “Listen up, Satan, you ever peeped Job? He’s legit one-of-a-kind, a real icon on this planet. He’s all about respecting me and steering clear of any shady business. Have you even considered him?”
  9. So Satan’s like, “Does Job only hype up God for no reason?”
  10. He’s like, “Uh, God, you’ve totally put a protective bubble around him, his place, and all his gear, right? You’ve blessed everything he touches, and he’s raking in the cash. #Blessed.”
  11. But like, go ahead, mess with all his stuff, and he’ll straight-up turn his back on you.
  12. And then God’s like, “Yo, Satan, listen up. Everything this dude’s got is in your hands, but don’t touch him himself, alright?” So Satan dipped from God’s presence, respecting his boundaries and all. (By the way, the Hebrew word for ‘control’ here is ‘hand’.)
  13. Alright, check it: So his siblings were throwing this lit feast with wine at their older bro’s place.
  14. Then, this messenger rolls up to Job and is like, “Bro, I saw the oxen out there grinding in the fields and the donkeys just chilling, munching right alongside ’em.”
  15. So, like, these Sabeans rolled in, straight-up attacked, and snatched everything. It was savage, man. They straight up took out all the servants with their swords. And you know what? I’m the only one left alive to spill the beans.
  16. And while he’s still talking, another person shows up and is like, “Bro, God’s fire just poured down from the sky and completely roasted all the sheep and the servants. They’re gone, man. I’m the only one left, and I came to give you the scoop.”
  17. And while he’s still talking, another person pops up and is like, “Bro, the Chaldeans straight-up hit us in three waves and ambushed our camels. They jacked them all, and on top of that, they took out the workers with their blades. It’s insane, man. I’m the only one who made it out alive, and I’m here to fill you in.”
  18. And right as he’s speaking, another person shows up and says, “Bro, your kids were just chilling, having a blast, eating good food, and sipping wine at your oldest son’s place:”
  19. Yo, listen up! Out of the blue, this mega wind from the wilderness comes roaring in and totally wrecks the whole crib. And yo, it crashes right on top of the young dudes, and yup, they’re done for. It’s just me, the only one left standing, here to spill the tea and fill you in on what went down. (From the Hebrew, it means like, off to the side, ya know?)
  20. So, Job’s there, rocking his cool threads, but then he straight-up tears them, shaves his head, and hits the ground. And he’s like, “Yo, gotta give props where it’s due.”
  21. He’s all, “I came into this world with nothing, and I’m leaving with nothing. Whatever God dishes out, He can take back. Praise the Lord, no matter what.”
  22. And through all of this, Job doesn’t mess up or disrespect God with any dumb accusations.
Job 2
  1. So, like, one day the crew was hanging out, doing their thing, you know, just vibing with the big man upstairs, and even Satan decided to slide in and vibe with the big man too.
  2. God was like, “Yo, Satan, what’s good? Where you been at?” And Satan was like, “Oh, you know, just out and about, checking out all the spots on Earth, seeing what’s up.”
  3. And then God’s like, “Yo, Satan, peep Job over there. He’s a rare breed, an absolute icon. Constantly showing love for me, dodging all the negativity, and staying authentic. Despite your attempts to throw him off, he’s staying solid and staying true.”
  4. Then Satan hits back at the big man and says, “Dude, humans are all about self-preservation. They’ll ditch everything they’ve got just to keep breathing, you feel me?”
  5. But, like, if you wanna test him, go ahead and touch his stuff, see if he doesn’t throw some shade right back at you, I dare you.
  6. And then God’s like, “Listen up, Satan, you can test him, but don’t mess with his life, got it? Just a heads up.”
  7. So Satan jetted out of God’s vibe and straight-up messed Job’s whole vibe with some wicked boils all over, from his dome to his toes.
  8. Then Job grabbed a busted piece of pottery to scratch himself with and just crashed among the dusty rubble.
  9. His wife was like, “Bruh, are you seriously still holding onto your vibe? Just throw in the towel and ditch your faith, man.”
  10. But he was like, “Sis, you spittin’ straight cap right now. Real talk though, should we only expect blessings from the man upstairs and not face any struggles? Job ain’t even stepping out of line by saying this.”
  11. Then, like, when Job’s three homies heard about all the messed-up stuff going down, they all pulled up from their own block. We got Eliphaz repping Teman, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar from Naamath. They had actually planned to link up and have Job’s back through his rough patch.
  12. When they peeped him from afar and couldn’t even clock who he was, they straight-up wailed and started bawling. They ripped their threads and tossed dust up into the air like some kind of ancient emoji, showing their grief.
  13. So they just posted up with him for a full week, not even saying a word, just chilling on the ground. They totally vibed with how wrecked he was feeling, so they didn’t wanna disrupt his vibe or anything.
Job 3
  1. So Job was totally vibing, right? He’s all like, “Yo, let me spill the tea about how trash my day’s been.”
  2. Job’s like, “Okay fam, gather ’round. I gotta drop some truth bombs on y’all…” 💬
  3. Bro, I’m telling you, Job was in his feels. He’s like, “OMG, I wish the day I popped into this world and the night everyone found out about it never even went down! 🙅‍♂️”
  4. Job’s like, “Let’s blackout that day, man. Let God ignore it up there in the heavens, and keep any light from touching it, you feel me?”
  5. He’s like, “Yo, let darkness and the shadow of death crash that party; let a cloud loom over it; let the gloom of the day freak it out. 🌑”
  6. Job’s like, “Let darkness rule that night; let it be off the calendar, not even counted with the other days or months. No joy allowed, man.”
  7. He’s saying, “Make that night mad lonely, bro. No good vibes, just straight-up solitude.”
  8. It’s like, “You know those negative peeps, always cursing the day? They’re like a vibe killer, spreading their sadness everywhere.” 🌑
  9. Job’s like, “As the night falls, may the stars dip into darkness, no glimmer of hope in sight. Let the night linger, covering the prospect of a new day, like sleepy eyes resisting the dawn.”
  10. He’s saying, “It’s like that night didn’t block the doors of my mom’s womb or shield my eyes from all this pain.”
  11. Job’s like, “Why didn’t I just bounce when I popped out? Why couldn’t I have just peaced out right then and there?”
  12. He’s wondering, “Why’d I even bother coming out? What was the point of these knees, these boobs for nursing?”
  13. He’s saying, “If I had just kept quiet and chilled, I would’ve been knocked out, living in ultimate peace.”
  14. Job’s like, “I’m stuck here, surrounded by all these fancy royals and supposed wise dudes, building themselves some bougie empty cribs.”
  15. He’s saying, “Or kicking it with influencers, flaunting their wealth, filling their mansions with stacks of cash: 💰”
  16. Job’s like, “I could’ve been a total ghost, like a secret miscarriage, you feel me? Like those babies who never even got a chance to see daylight.”
  17. He’s saying, “That’s where all the drama ends, and exhausted souls can finally find some peace.” 🌅
  18. Job’s like, “In that spot, all the inmates vibe together; they don’t even gotta deal with the noise from their haters.”
  19. He’s saying, “It’s an all-access party, no matter your status; even those who usually call the shots get a breather.” 🎉
  20. Job’s like, “Why do they gotta shine a light on someone who’s going through it, and give life to someone drowning in bitterness?”
  21. He’s saying, “They’re all about wanting to check out, but it’s like, not happening, you know? They’re out here digging for it like they’re hunting for buried treasures, so impatient. (By the way, ‘long’ means ‘wait’ in Hebrew, just throwin’ that out there.)”
  22. Job’s like, “They’re totally hyped and pumped when they find out where the burial ground is, like, no joke.”
  23. He’s saying, “I mean, why even shed light on someone when their path is completely blocked off and God’s got them fenced in?” 🤔
  24. Job’s like, “Right before grubbing down, I can’t help but let out this heavy sigh, and my loud outbursts are like a never-ending flood.”
  25. He’s saying, “Dude, you know that thing I was stressing over? Well, it’s here now, man! #bummer”
  26. He’s like, “I was totally not living my best life – no safety, no chill, no real peace – and then BOOM, trouble rolls in outta nowhere. 🙃”
Job 4
  1. Eliphaz, the Temanite, was like,
  2. “Bro, if we hit you up, you gonna get triggered? But, like, who can really hold back from speaking, right? It’s like trying to stay quiet is next to impossible. So, can we just, you know, chat?”
  3. He’s saying, “Listen up, man. You’ve been dropping wisdom bombs, lifting up those who needed it.”
  4. “Your words have been a lifeline for the struggling and a boost for the weary.”
  5. “But now, it’s like you’re the one going through it, feeling drained and overwhelmed.”
  6. “Isn’t this what you’ve always preached—being authentic, finding strength, clinging to hope, and staying true to yourself?”
  7. “Bro, think about it, has anyone just vanished for no reason? Have the good peeps ever been unfairly taken out?”
  8. “I’ve totally seen how those who do shady stuff and spread negativity end up facing the music, man.”
  9. “God totally wipes them out, like with a powerful wind and his intense vibes. His anger is no joke.”
  10. “Dude, that lion may roar and all, but guess what? It’s totally wrecked! Young lion’s teeth? Snapped. It’s game over, man.”
  11. “The OG lion can’t even make it ’cause it can’t find food, and the fierce lion’s cubs are scattered all over now.”
  12. “So, someone hit me up on the down-low, and I kinda caught wind of their secret convo.”
  13. “Late at night, when we’re all knocked out in a deep sleep,”
  14. “I was totally scared and trembling, like my bones were having a rave. It was wild, like a whole crowd going nuts!”
  15. “And then, this eerie vibe hit me, like a ghost just drifted by and I was shook. My whole body got major goosebumps, man!”
  16. “Yo, it just froze right there, but I couldn’t really make out what it looked like. There was this sorta image in front of me, everything went silent, and then I heard this voice, you know. And it was like, ‘Pay attention…’”
  17. “I mean, can humans really be more righteous than God? Can we even be purer than the one who created us?”
  18. “Bro, he didn’t even trust his own squad; he straight-up called out his angels for messing up: (or, he didn’t trust his angels, the ones he gave the spotlight)”
  19. “Think about how puny that is compared to folks living in clay houses. Their whole setup’s on the ground, and they can get wiped out quick, like a moth swooping in and wrecking them.”
  20. “They’re straight-up wrecked from sunrise to sunset, totally wiped out with no one batting an eye. Like, obliterated to the max, ya feel?”
  21. “I mean, dude, their coolness just disappears, they totally crash and burn even without a speck of wisdom.”
Job 5
  1. “Shoot them a text ASAP, see if anyone’s gonna reply; who you gonna hit up from the crew?
  2. “Getting all worked up takes out the clueless one, and jealousy brings down the foolish one.
  3. “Yo, I’ve seen fools kicking back and settling in, but suddenly I ended up roasting their crib.”
  4. “His kids are totally at risk, getting wrecked at the gate, with no one to save them.”
  5. “When the hungry devour someone else’s crops, plowing through barriers to snatch it all, and the thief swipes their stuff.”
  6. “Yo, check it! Troubles ain’t just magically appearing outta thin air, and problems ain’t growing from the ground, you get me?”
  7. “But life’s always a grind for humans, like sparks shooting up into the sky.”
  8. “I’d totally hit up God, and like, hand over all my stuff to Him, you know?”
  9. “Yo, this dude’s out here pulling off some insane stuff that blows your mind. Like, seriously mind-blowing stuff you can’t even tally ’cause there’s just so much of it. No cap, it’s like you can’t even Google all the dope things he’s done ’cause they’re beyond our comprehension. And it’s not like you can put a number on it, I mean, it’s just endless. Um, yeah, it’s pretty wild, bro.”
  10. “Who’s the one making it rain on the earth and sending water to the outplaces?”
  11. “To boost up the down-and-out; so the sad ones can find comfort and security.”
  12. “God messes up the sneaky’s plans, making it impossible for them to pull off what they schemed. (or anything)”
  13. “God totally catches the brainiacs off guard with their own smarts, and the stubborn ones totally trip over their own bad advice.”
  14. “They’re clueless during the day, wandering around like it’s nighttime.”
  15. “He rescues those who are struggling, from their own mess-ups, and from the clutches of the powerful.”
  16. “So, the ones going through it find hope, and evil gets shut down.”
  17. “Yo, pay attention. Anyone who gets corrected by God is blessed, so don’t disrespect His discipline, okay?”
  18. “Because, like, he’s all about looking out for us when we’re hurting, you know? He heals our wounds and brings us back to full strength with his hands.”
  19. “He’s there for you through six kinds of tough, and not even in the seventh will anything bad come near you.”
  20. “When life gets rough and you’re facing hunger and danger, God’s got your back. He’ll rescue you from famine’s deadly grip, and shield you from violence and harm in times of war. #DivineRescue”
  21. “You won’t even trip about the haters spreading gossip or freak out when trouble rolls in.”
  22. “You’ll straight-up laugh when disaster and hunger hit, and you won’t even stress about the wild beasts roaming around. No fear, fam!”
  23. “Dude, even the rocks will vibe with you, and the wild creatures will be totally chill with you, bro.”
  24. So, like, picture this: Your chill spot? Total tranquility vibes, dude. You’ll be straight posted up at your crib, steering clear of anything sus. #positiveenergyonly
  25. Heads up, fam: Your crew’s gonna be mega, and your descendants? Yo, they’re gonna be spreadin’ like mad grass on the ground, straight poppin’ off. #blessed
  26. When you’re old, you’ll chill in the grave, just like a dope harvest coming in at the perfect moment.
  27. Yo, check it: We’ve totally looked into this, so listen up and soak it in ’cause it’s gonna be majorly beneficial for you, ya dig?
Job 6
  1. So, check it, Job straight up spoke, saying,
  2. “I’m telling you, if someone could just grasp the depth of my agony, and measure the chaos I’m swimmin’ in!
  3. It’s heavy, man, like a stack of bricks, even heavier than the whole beach. That’s why I can’t even find the words to explain. (Believe me, I’m tryna lay it all out.)
  4. Dude, it’s like I’m getting zapped by God’s arrows, and this poison is just sapping my energy, for real. Those crazy terrors from God? They’re coming at me full force, no joke.
  5. Think about it: Does a wild donkey start blabbin’ when it’s munchin’? Or does an ox start hollerin’ when it’s chow time?
  6. I mean, why bother with tasteless grub? And let’s be real, plain egg whites? Zero flavor, am I right?
  7. That thing I totally dodged? It’s like a major bummer meal.
  8. Bro, I’m seriously hoping my dream comes true, that God hooks me up with what I’m really wishing for! I’m just hyped and hopeful about it, you feel me? #ExpectingIt
  9. I’m like, low-key wishing God would just erase me, you know? Like, if He could just let me vanish into thin air!
  10. Honestly, if I could find some kind of comfort, I’d fully embrace my sorrow. No holding back, ’cause I’ve been real with the words of the Almighty.
  11. I’m kinda wondering, what’s even the use of having strength or holding onto hope? And, like, why am I stressing over how things will eventually play out?
  12. Is my strength like unbreakable rocks? Or is my flesh as tough as metal?
  13. I mean, isn’t my help supposed to be within me? And, like, has wisdom totally dipped out on me?
  14. When your homie’s going through it, you gotta show ’em some love and support, for real. But it’s a downer when they forget to give props to the man upstairs. Don’t ghost on your faith, man.
  15. My crew be frontin’ like those streams, flowin’ for a sec then ghostin’ like they never existed.
  16. They’re dark as night from the ice, with snow hidin’ underneath.
  17. When stuff gets intense, they bounce; when it’s scorching, they’re totally wiped out.
  18. Bro, they’re just straight up losing it, ending up in nothingness and straight up vanishing.
  19. The Tema clique scoped it out, while the Sheba crew kept it chill for them.
  20. They were mega embarrassed ’cause they were expecting big things; they rolled up, and it was just a total cringe fest.
  21. You’re feeling pretty tiny and powerless, watching me go through this mess, and it’s freaking you out. Basically, you’re like them, just a bunch of zeros. #NotFeelingIt
  22. Did I really ask for all this? Or was I like, “Slide me some cash”?
  23. Can you, like, pull me out of the enemy’s grip? Or save me from those heavy hitters?
  24. School me and I’ll chill: help me figure out where I went wrong.
  25. Yo, speaking truth is majorly impactful! But why you gotta keep on with all this arguing, you feel?
  26. You really think you can just brush off someone’s words and deep talks like they mean nothing?
  27. Seriously, you’re making things rough for the fatherless and scheming against your own crew. Not cool, man. #betrayal
  28. Look, just relax and listen up; you can totally spot if I’m being real or not. It’s right there in front of you.
  29. Hey, come back and tune in, don’t veer off course; yeah, turn around and rethink, ’cause my honesty’s on the line here. (in this matter: meaning, in this situation)
  30. Is my tongue spewing poison? Can’t I taste when something’s off?
Job 7
  1. Yo, ain’t there a schedule for us humans on this earth? Feels like we’re just grindin’ like gig workers, you know? It’s a real hustle out here, man.
  2. It’s like how a gig worker waits for payday, and a servant dreams of some downtime,
  3. So, here I am, stuck dealing with pointless months, and, OMG, enduring these crazy exhausting nights.
  4. Every night, I’m like, “When’s this gonna end?” Tossin’ and turnin’ till morning breaks. Like, seriously, how much longer is this night gonna drag on?
  5. Man, I’m feelin’ like my body’s crawlin’ with worms and grime; my skin’s all messed up, lookin’ hella nasty.
  6. Life’s zoomin’ by quicker than a TikTok vid, and it feels like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.
  7. Just so you know, my life’s like a quick gust of wind – here one sec, gone the next, you feel? I won’t even be around to enjoy the good stuff anymore, won’t even lay eyes on it again. #noreturnsies #nojoydays
  8. The one who’s seen me won’t see me again: you’re peepin’ me, but I ain’t here no more. I can’t stick around.
  9. It’s kinda like when a cloud vanishes into thin air, right? That’s the deal when someone dips into the grave… no coming back, period.
  10. Once they bounce, they ain’t coming back to the crib, and nobody’s gonna recognize ’em anymore.
  11. I’m not gonna front, alright? I’m gonna let it out ’cause my heart’s heavy and I gotta vent. I’m airing my grievances ’cause my soul’s hurting, dude.
  12. Am I some massive ocean, or like, a huge whale, that you’re, like, keeping tabs on me or what?
  13. When I’m like, “Yo, my bed’s gonna be so comfy, and my couch will be my chill spot when I’m dealing with stuff,”
  14. You straight up hit me with wild nightmares and trip me out with your mind-blowing visions:
  15. Honestly, I’m just done. I can’t even with this anymore. My soul’s like, “nah, I’m out.” Everything’s just so heavy and meh. Life’s feeling super low-key trash right now. #MentalHealthMatters #GodHelpMe
  16. I’m so over it, can’t even with this forever stuff. Just let me be; my days feel totally pointless.
  17. Bruh, why you gotta be so obsessed with us humans? Like, why you care so much?
  18. Ugh, you seriously check up on him every morning and keep testing him non-stop? Like, for real?
  19. Yo, how long are you gonna keep watching me? It’s like, forever, man. I can’t even swallow my spit without you bugging me.
  20. Yo, I really messed up. How can I fix this with you, the one who’s always got our backs? Why does it feel like I’m your target, like I’m fighting against you and just dragging myself down?
  21. Why aren’t you forgiving my mistakes and erasing my mess-ups? ‘Cause I’m about to crash and burn, and by morning, I’ll be gone, fam.
Job 8
  1. So, Bildad the Shuhite was like,
  2. Bro, why you gotta keep rambling like that? And seriously, how long you gonna let your words fly around like a wild wind?
  3. Yo, does God play around with justice? Or does the Almighty toy with fairness?
  4. If your crew messed up and got called out for their mistakes, ’cause they couldn’t shake off their negative energy.
  5. If you wanna reach out to God ASAP and drop those prayer requests into the Almighty’s DMs;
  6. If you were straight-up pure and righteous, no cap, God would definitely take notice and bless all your righteous moves.
  7. Even if you started from the bottom, you’re gonna glow up big in the future.
  8. Hey, dive into the archives, like way back, and check out what our ancestors were all about, you feel me?
  9. ‘Cause honestly, we’re clueless and our time on earth is like a quick flicker, just here for a minute and clueless about it all.
  10. Won’t they drop some wisdom, spill the tea, and speak from the heart?
  11. Like, can a plant pop without soil? Can a rad flag fly without water?
  12. Before it even gets a chance to sprout and thrive, it withers like any other plant.
  13. Yo, those who straight up ghost God, their lives be all twisted and that fake hope won’t hold up.
  14. Those who ditch hope and lean on stuff as fragile as a spider’s web are in for a letdown.
  15. They might lean on their pad, but it won’t stick around; they’ll grip it, but it won’t endure.
  16. He’s showing off his lushness in the sunlight, and his branch is getting swole in his crib.
  17. His roots all wrapped up around the pond, and he’s scoping out the scene where all the rocks chill.
  18. If someone tries to kick him out of his spot, he’s gonna bounce like, “Nah, never heard of you, bro.”
  19. Yo, peep this! This is the rad flow of his path, and others will rise from the earth.
  20. Yo, check it out! God doesn’t ghost a flawless homie, but He ain’t backing the wrong crowd either. He ain’t handing out any favors to the ungodly!
  21. Until he’s got you geeking and your lips are buzzing with hype.
  22. Those who diss you will be embarrassed, and the wicked won’t have a crib to crash in anymore.
Job 9
  1. So, Job’s vibe was like, “Yo, chill fam, let me lay down some wisdom for y’all.”
  2. I feel that for sure, but, like, how can we even flex our righteousness in front of God, you know?
  3. If someone tries to square up with Him, they won’t even have a comeback ready, not even one out of a thousand.
  4. Bro, He’s like mega wise and crazy powerful, you feel me? Who even tries to throw hands with Him and expects to win? Seriously?
  5. It’s like, He straight up moves mountains and they’re like, “What just happened?” Then He’s like, flipping them over ’cause He’s next level.
  6. When the whole earth starts shaking like wild and its foundations start bugging out.
  7. It’s like, God straight up tells the sun, “Chill, don’t even rise,” and hides the stars.
  8. The one who stretches out the sky solo and casually strolls on the massive waves of the sea.
  9. The one who crafts dope constellations like Arcturus, Orion, and the Pleiades, and those lit rooms in the southern sky. (Yo, Arcturus… in Hebrew it’s Ash, Cesil, and Cimah)
  10. This dude pulls off these insanely epic moves that are like, beyond mind-blowing and impossible to wrap your head around, for real, there’s no end to the crazy stuff he can pull off.
  11. Bro, he’s right there, but it’s like I can’t even peep him. He just keeps moving, but it’s like low-key invisible.
  12. Yo, peep this, when he sets his mind to something, who’s gonna step to him? Like, who’s gonna be like, “Hey, what’s your deal, anyway?”
  13. Bro, if God stays lit with anger, those arrogant dudes who think they’re top-notch will straight up collapse before Him. #ProudBoisGotNoChance
  14. I mean, seriously, how am I supposed to drop any sick lines when it’s time to chat with Him?
  15. Even if I was squeaky clean, I wouldn’t even try to play it cool. I’d just humble myself and present my case to the one who’s got the final say.
  16. Like, picture this—I shoot Him a text and He actually hits me back; even then, it’s like, hard to believe He really heard me out.
  17. He straight up wrecked me with this wild storm and left me with mad scars for, like, no reason whatsoever.
  18. It’s like He won’t cut me some slack, constantly drowning me in bitterness.
  19. Yo, listen up, if we’re talking about strength, I gotta say, I’m kinda boss at it. And when it’s time for decisions, who’s gonna step up and set a time for me to present my case?
  20. If I start trying to justify myself, I’ll just end up putting myself down: claiming I’m all perfect will only highlight my flaws.
  21. Even if I had it all together, I still wouldn’t get myself. I’d straight up despise my life.
  22. It’s like, I gotta lay this truth down, you know? God ain’t about playing favorites; He brings consequences for both the righteous and the shady.
  23. It’s messed, you know, when bad stuff hits outta the blue, and it’s like a sick joke that the innocent gotta suffer.
  24. Dude, for real, the wicked got this world in a grip. They’re covering up the real faces of the judges, no joke. If not them, then who else?
  25. My days fly by quicker than a text on turbo mode: they vanish in a blink, without a hint of light.
  26. They raced by like turbo ships, just like an eagle diving for its prey. #FastAndFurious #EagleEyed
  27. If I’m like, cool, I’m gonna skip the rant, shake off my bad vibes, and vibe with some self-care:
  28. I’m trippin’ over all this hurt, I know You won’t let me slide.
  29. If I’m out here doing shady stuff, then why am I even hustling?
  30. Even if I try to clean up with pure snow water and scrub my hands till they’re squeaky clean;
  31. But you’d straight up toss me into that mess, and even my own vibe would be like, “Nah, I’m out.”
  32. He ain’t just some random person I can debate with and throw shade at.
  33. There’s no middleman between us who could vibe with both sides and bring us together.
  34. I’m not really vibing with the whole discipline thing from Him, and I hope He doesn’t bring the fear vibes too strong:
  35. It’s like, if only I could speak without feeling all shook, but that’s just not where I’m at. I’m not in that zone right now.
Job 10
  1. Ugh, I’m seriously over it all, gonna spill my guts here, straight from the heart. #venting
  2. Hey, Big G, chill with the judgments. Can we talk? Like, what’s up with the tension between us?
  3. Seriously, do you think it’s cool to diss what you made, just to vibe with those shady folks?
  4. Dude, you peepin’ things like us regular folks or what’s up?
  5. Yo, what’s your time frame, Eternal or just clocking in with us mortals?
  6. You really gonna scroll through my wrong moves and track my slip-ups?
  7. You know I’m not all dark vibes, and nobody’s sneakin’ past your radar. It’s all on your watch, Chief.
  8. Bro, you molded me from scratch, like, full circle. But now you’re about to tear me down? What’s the deal?
  9. Hey, just a heads up, you shaped me like clay, you know? And now you’re gonna reduce me to dust? Like, what gives?
  10. Dude, you treated me like milk, but then you went and left me curdled like cheese?
  11. You’ve hooked me up with this sick body, flesh and all, and you’ve built me up with bones and muscles. (PS: “fenced” means you’ve hedged me in, in case you weren’t up on that lingo.)
  12. Big G, you’ve blessed me big time with this awesome life, and your visits keep my soul on fire.
  13. And you’ve totally held onto these thoughts: I know they’re on your mind.
  14. If I slip up, you’re on it, and you don’t let me slide on my mistakes.
  15. Bro, if I mess up, it’s gonna be seriously rough. And even if I do something good, I won’t even feel like celebrating. I’m just all kinds of messed up and lost, so can you please understand all the battles I’m facing?
  16. Dude, it’s getting real. You’re coming at me like a fierce lion, and then hitting me with some deep thoughts.
  17. You keep piling up accusations and cranking up the heat; my life’s like a rollercoaster of drama.
  18. What was the point of bringing me here anyway? Sometimes I wish I never even existed, just to save everyone the trouble!
  19. Sometimes I wish I never existed; just born and then vanished.
  20. Yo, aren’t my days, like, crazy short? Can I just get a break for a sec, you know, to chill and catch my breath?
  21. Before I bounce, I ain’t going back, not even to that gloomy place or the shadow of death.
  22. It’s like this mega-dark zone, you know? Dark to the max, like something out of a horror flick. And there’s this eerie death shadow lurking all over, dude. It’s like pure chaos, no order at all. And get this, even the light there is dark, like next-level dark.
Job 11
  1. So, Zophar from Naamath was all like, “Listen up, peeps!”
  2. He dropped some wisdom bombs, saying, “Hold up, fam! It’s not about flexing your speech game but showing up with legit deeds. #ActionsOverTalk”
  3. He straight-up questioned, “You really think you can keep spinning those lies and not get caught? Or throw shade at others and not get called out? #ThinkAgain”
  4. You’re all like, “My teachings are pure, and I’m squeaky clean,” like, no flaws in sight.
  5. Honestly, I’m low-key wishing for a divine mic drop moment, where God’s like, “Hold up, fam!”
  6. God’s wisdom is next-level lit, like, way beyond what you think. But, FYI, He’s all about that chill vibe, even when you mess up big time.
  7. Yo, can you even wrap your head around God? Can you really know the whole deal about the Big Guy?
  8. It’s like, sky-high, you feel? What’s your move, huh? And it’s deeper than deep, my dude. What can you even grasp?
  9. It’s massive, like, bigger than Earth and wider than the ocean, you dig?
  10. Yo, can you even vibe with God’s fullness? Can you truly know the 411 on the Big Guy?
  11. It’s like, sky’s the limit, ya know? So what’s your game plan? And it’s deeper than deep, my homie. Can you even handle it?
  12. It’s huge, like, bigger than Earth and wider than the ocean, you catching my drift?
  13. Like, get your head in the game and reach out to Him with open vibes;
  14. If any shady stuff’s going down, ditch it quick and keep your space clean, no evil vibes allowed.
  15. Then, you’ll be rocking that confidence, no regrets or stains. You’ll be straight-up solid, no doubts or fears dragging you down.
  16. Your struggles will be like yesterday’s TikTok, just a quick flash.
  17. Your vibe will be brighter than a sunny day; you’ll glow, like the dawn breaking. Rise up and shine, my friend.
  18. You’ll be cool, ’cause hope’s in the mix; you’ll roam free, and downtime will be all safe vibes.
  19. You can kick back without worrying about haters, and actually, a bunch will flock to you for guidance. They’ll be all up in your DMs, seeking your wisdom.
  20. But the shady won’t last – their schemes will crash, and their dreams will fade like yesterday’s TikTok. No dodging karma, their visions gonna be like a burst balloon.
Job 12
  1. So, Job was all like, “Hey, peeps, gather ’round,
  2. You lot think you’re the ultimate brainiacs, like wisdom’s your BFF forever.
  3. But hey, I’m not clueless either, okay? I’m on your level, no cap. Like, who’s clueless about this stuff, seriously?”
  4. Bro, it’s like my neighbor’s flexing on me. They pray and boom, God’s on speed dial, while the good ones get mocked.
  5. You trip up and suddenly, you’re like a lamp nobody cares about, especially when life’s all cushy for others.
  6. The shady spots where thieves chill? Booming. And those who ghost God? Feeling themselves big time, like they got VIP treatment.
  7. Yo, check it, even the animals got wisdom to spit; birds up in the sky dropping knowledge bombs.
  8. Earth’s got the 411, bro, ask and you shall receive. Fish in the sea? They got insights too.
  9. Seriously, who’s sleeping on the fact that the Lord’s the mastermind behind all this?
  10. God’s the boss of all life, from every living being’s vibe to every breath we take, including the whole human squad.
  11. Ain’t it just natural for our ears to vibe-check the words we hear and our mouths to savor the grub we munch? It’s like our taste buds putting in work, you feel? #PalatePower
  12. They’re dripping with that OG wisdom, soaked in understanding from all those years on the clock.
  13. Dude’s packing all the wisdom and strength, like, his advice is always spot-on and he totally gets the deal. I’m telling you, God’s the real deal!
  14. Listen up, when this guy tears something down, it’s gone for good. And when he locks someone up, there’s no loophole. (BTW, ‘upon’ means ‘on top of’)
  15. So, peep this, right? God’s got full control over the water game. He can hold it back, dry it up, or unleash it and totally rock the whole earth, you dig?
  16. His strength and wisdom are off the charts: He’s got both the deceived and the deceivers in check, all under his watch.
  17. He throws off the wise and makes judges clueless.
  18. He lets kings loose and amps up their leadership skills.
  19. He checks the VIPs and sends the powerful ones packing.
  20. He’s all about swiping the smooth talk from the trustworthy and low-key dims the wisdom of the OGs.
  21. He throws shade at the wealthy and brings down the strength of the bold.
  22. He’s out here unveiling some serious mysteries from the dark, shining a light on the scary shadow of death.
  23. He amps up nations, then shuts down shop on them; he grows nations, then tightens their purse strings.
  24. He throws shade at the head honcho among the peeps on earth, leaving them lost in a maze with no GPS.
  25. They’re stumbling in the dark, clueless, like they’ve had one too many. They’re all over, totally off their game.
Job 13
  1. Bro, I’ve totally seen all this go down, and my ears have fully taken it in, you feel me?
  2. I’m vibin’ with you, man. I’m all caught up on what you know, ain’t no different here.
  3. Dude, I’m so down to have a legit convo with the Most High, like, straight up talkin’ to God, you know?
  4. Yo, stop with the fake news, man. Y’all actin’ like you got all the wisdom but you ain’t got the skills.
  5. Can y’all just chill and, like, keep it quiet? That’d be pretty smart.
  6. Hey, listen up, fam. Tune in ’cause what I’m about to drop is important.
  7. Are you seriously gonna front and be fake just to score points with God or what?
  8. You gonna be all judgy and stuff? Like, you gonna ride for God or what’s the deal?
  9. Is it cool if he tries to get where you’re coming from? Or are you gonna clown on him like you’re better than him?
  10. If you’re frontin’ and playin’ favorites, best believe he’s gonna call you out.
  11. Bro, ain’t his power gonna give you chills? Won’t you be straight up shook by his awesomeness?
  12. Your past fades like ashes, your bodies like clay in the potter’s hands.
  13. Yo, check it, give me a sec. Got something on my mind and I’m ready for whatever comes.
  14. Why am I putting it all out there, risking everything, even my life?
  15. Even if he totally wrecks my vibe, I’m still gonna keep the faith, but I’ll stay real, standin’ strong before him.
  16. He’s gonna come through for me ’cause no fake ones gonna challenge him, no chance.
  17. Hey, listen up, everyone! Seriously, tune in and hear me out!
  18. Yo, peep this. I got it all in check; I know I’ll be victorious in the end.
  19. Yo, who’s gonna step up and try to debate with me? If I stay quiet, I might just, like, fade away.
  20. Please, just steer clear of these actions, alright? If you can do that, I won’t have to avoid you.
  21. Hey, hold up, don’t hit me with that fear energy.
  22. Just shoot me a text and I’ll hit you back, or give me a chance to talk and you can hit me up after.
  23. Yo, how many times have I messed up? Can you help me figure out where I went wrong?
  24. So, like, why are you ghosting me and acting like I’m your opponent?
  25. Are you really gonna stress over a leaf just blowing in the wind? And like, are you seriously gonna chase after some dry, worthless stubble?
  26. Hey, you’re hitting me with some heavy words, bringing up all the stuff I messed up in the past.
  27. It’s like you’re always holding me back, keeping an eye on every move I make. Feels like you’re leaving your mark on every step I take.
  28. And they, like, rot away, like something gross, or like an old shirt all eaten up by moths.