
James 1
  1. Hey y’all, it’s James, just vibin’ as a servant of God and Jesus Christ. Droppin’ a shoutout to all the tribes out there, spreadin’ that love and peace.
  2. Yo fam, when life throws shade at ya, embrace that positivity, it’s all about leveling up, you know? #StayPositive
  3. Remember, facing tough times? That’s just building up your patience game.
  4. Let patience do its thing, so you can be totally flawless and lit, no missing pieces.
  5. Need wisdom? Hit up God, He’s always got your back, no judgment, just wisdom flowin’.
  6. But, like, when you ask, you gotta believe, no doubts, it’s vibe check time. Stay steady like a wave, don’t let doubts sway ya.
  7. So, like, don’t expect anything from the Big Guy if you’re all wishy-washy.
  8. Someone who’s all over the place? Yeah, unstable much.
  9. Hey, if you’ve been slept on, it’s time to pop some bottles, you’re getting recognized now! #Winning
  10. But rich peeps? They ain’t all that, just like a flower, they’re here today, gone tomorrow.
  11. When life gets real, they fade away, just like fancy grass in the sun.
  12. Stay strong, fam, blessings await after the storm. Crown of life, anyone?
  13. Don’t blame God for your temptations, He’s all good, never shady.
  14. Temptations? We all get ’em, desires pulling us left and right.
  15. Giving in? That’s the slippery slope to sin, and then, boom, death.
  16. Stay woke, fam! Love y’all.
  17. Every lit gift? Straight from the OG Father of lights. No shady business there.
  18. We’re all OGs in His eyes, spoken into existence with truth.
  19. Quick to listen, slow to speak, and chill on the anger, fam.
  20. Anger ain’t about that goodness vibe, you know?
  21. Ditch the negativity, embrace the Word, it’s soul-saving stuff, fam.
  22. Talk the talk, walk the walk, no cap, or you’re just frontin’.
  23. Listening ain’t enough, gotta put it into action, otherwise, you’re just clueless.
  24. It’s like looking in the mirror and forgetting your own face, dude.
  25. Stick to the freedom rule book, put it into play, and watch those blessings flow. No cap, for real.
  26. Claiming to be religious but can’t watch your words? Faith on mute.
  27. Real deal religion? Supporting the ones in need and staying clear of the world’s drama.
James 2
  1. Yo, squad, don’t be playing favorites or boosting certain peeps when it comes to our faith in Jesus Christ, who’s all about that glory.
  2. Yo, listen up! Imagine this: a dude walks into your hangout sporting a sick gold ring, looking fresh AF. And right next to him, there’s another dude, broke and wearing ratty clothes. (BTW, gathering here means like, church, in case you’re not up on the lingo).
  3. And you’re giving the fancy-dressed person all the props, like, ‘Yo, take this prime seat,’ while telling the poor, ‘You can chill over there, or sit on the floor.’
  4. So, like, are you being all biased and acting like you’re some judges with evil thoughts?
  5. Yo, listen up fam, don’t you know that God vibes with those who don’t have much in this world but are rocking it in faith? They’re gonna score big time with the kingdom God promised to those who are all about Him, you feel me?
  6. But y’all diss the poor. Don’t the rich peeps diss you and take you to court?
  7. Like, seriously, don’t even think about disrespecting that rad name you’ve been called by, okay? #Respect
  8. If you’re all about that royal law, doing it right according to the scripture, showing love to your neighbor like you love yourself, then you’re totally killing it! 🙌
  9. But if you’re all about playing favorites, that’s a sin and you’re totally breaking the rules, dude.
  10. If you’re all about following every rule, but mess up just one, you’re still in the wrong for breaking them all.
  11. Okay, listen up fam. This verse is all about the rules, ya know? The one who was like, ‘Yo, don’t cheat on your boo’ was also like, ‘Yo, don’t take someone’s life.’ So, even if you’re not cheating, if you go and kill somebody, you’re breaking the law. It’s pretty straightforward, so let’s play it safe and keep it real.
  12. Like, make sure you talk and act in a way that shows you know you’ll be held accountable by the law of freedom.
  13. If you refuse to show mercy, you’re gonna face some serious judgment. But hey, mercy totally wins over judgment, so choose wisely and spread that love!
  14. Yo, my fam, what’s the point if someone talks big about having faith but doesn’t back it up with actions? Can that kind of faith really save them?
  15. If your homie ain’t got clothes or food every day,
  16. And if one of you tells them, ‘Stay blessed, stay fed,’ but you don’t actually give them what they need for their body, then what’s the point?
  17. Yo, listen up! Just having faith ain’t enough if you don’t back it up with actions, ya know? Faith without works is like dead, straight up. It’s all alone and ain’t doing jack. #TrueStory
  18. Yeah, like, you could say, ‘Oh, you have faith, but I have actions.’ Prove to me that you have real faith without any actions, and I’ll prove my faith by what I do.
  19. So like, you believe in one God? That’s cool, man. But check it, even the devils believe too, and they’re shook about it.
  20. Yo, dude, check it out: faith minus action equals RIP.
  21. Yo, didn’t Abraham, our OG father, straight up prove himself when he was about to sacrifice his own son Isaac on that altar?
  22. Yo, did you peep how faith and actions were a killer combo? Like, actions completed faith and took it to the next level.
  23. So, like, the prophecy was totally on point, you know? It said that Abraham had mad faith in God, and that’s why he was considered as righteous, bro. They even started calling him God’s BFF, dude.
  24. So, like, you see how a person is legit righteous by their actions and not just by belief alone, you know?
  25. And let’s not forget how Rahab, the hustler, totally proved herself by taking in those messengers and helping them escape through a different route. It was all about her actions, you know?
  26. Like, if your body has no spirit, it’s like totally dead. Same thing goes for faith – it’s dead without actions backing it up.
James 3
  1. Ayy fam, chill out on that rush to be the big shots, ’cause trust, the heat’s on for leaders. Stay humble, stay real. #Truth
  2. ‘Cause let’s keep it 💯, we all mess up. But if you can keep a lid on those words and not step on anyone’s toes, you’re on another level of self-control, dude.
  3. Peep this, we slap bridles on horses so we can steer ’em wherever we want, controlling their whole vibe.
  4. Look at those giant ships, getting tossed around by wild winds, yet they still do a 180 with just a tiny rudder, wherever the captain’s vibe is at.
  5. Yo, the tongue might be small, but it packs a punch. Check it, that little spark can ignite a huge fire! 💥
  6. The tongue’s like a lit match, full of mischief and wickedness. It’s got the power to mess up the whole body and stir chaos in our lives. It’s like setting off a chain reaction of destruction, fueled by the darkest vibes.
  7. Listen up, peeps! We’ve totally mastered the art of taming all kinds of animals, from cuddly pets to majestic birds, slinky snakes, and even wild sea creatures. It’s like we’ve got this mad power to control nature, you feel me? #MindBlown
  8. Bro, no one can tame the tongue, it’s like a wild beast, stirring up chaos and spreading negativity everywhere.
  9. We use our words to shout out to God, our main homie, but sadly, we also use ’em to diss or curse fellow humans, who are made in God’s image.
  10. Dude, it’s lame AF when you’re all sweet one minute and then start spewing hate the next. Seriously, fam, that ain’t our vibe.
  11. Yo, can a fountain gush out both sweet-as water and a bitter vibe from the same source? Can it switch from totally refreshing to straight-up sour in a sec?
  12. Yo, fam, can a fig tree pop out olives? Or a vine, spit out figs? For real, a fountain can’t be flowing with both saltwater and fresh water at once.
  13. Who among you is really wise and clued up? Let ’em show their wisdom through their actions and humble vibe.
  14. But, like, if you’re all caught up in that green-eyed monster and keep arguing, don’t front like you’re all that and deny the real deal, yo.
  15. This wisdom ain’t from up there, fam, it’s all about this earthly, basic, straight-up devilish stuff. (And by ‘basic,’ I don’t mean it in a good way)
  16. When jealousy and conflict are in the mix, things get messy real quick and chaos takes over. (Oh, by the way, ‘confusion’ in Greek is like a big noisy chaotic situation, just so you know.)
  17. But real wisdom from up top is all about staying pure, chill, kind, hella approachable, super compassionate, and spreading good vibes, with no favoritism or fake energy. No drama, you catch my drift?
  18. And when you’re spreading positivity and aiming for peace, you’ll cash in on the rewards of doing right.
James 4
  1. Yo, fam, where’s all this beef and drama coming from? Ain’t it deep inside, where those intense cravings battle it out? It’s like a constant vibe of drama and wanting something more, you feel me?
  2. Always hungering but never satisfied, ready to step on others and chase after things you can’t cop, always in this internal struggle, but coming up short ’cause you never bother to hit up the source.
  3. You keep asking for stuff, but it’s like hitting up the wrong plug. You just tryna feed your own selfish cravings.
  4. Hey, players and playerettes, don’t you get it? Trying to buddy up with the world is like straight-up beefing with the Big Man Upstairs. So, if you’re all cozy with the world, you’re basically ghosting on God.
  5. You think the scriptures are just chatting for no reason when they talk about that inner spirit being all jelly and envious?
  6. But Big Man, He’s all about that extra grace. That’s why He’s like, “Nah” to the cocky ones but throwing that grace at the humble crew.
  7. Surrender to God, fam. Straight up, shut down the devil’s party and watch him dip out.
  8. Get tight with God, and He’ll get tight with you. It’s time to clean up your act, sinners, and get your heads in the game.
  9. Feel low, shed some tears, let your laughs get heavy, and your joy turn to straight-up weight.
  10. Yo, humble yourselves before the Big Guy, and trust, He’ll lift you up like no other.
  11. Don’t be out here throwing shade at each other, fam. When you diss your bro and play judge, you’re basically disrespecting the rules and judging the whole system. But if you’re busy judging the system, you ain’t even playing by the rules yourself, you’re just acting like you’re in charge and all.
  12. There’s only one OG when it comes to the rules, and they got the power to make or break everything. So who do you think you are, throwing shade at someone else?
  13. Listen up, all you planners like, “Yo, tomorrow or next year, we gonna hit up this city, grind hard, and stack that paper:”
  14. But yo, you don’t even know what’s good tomorrow. Like, seriously, think about it – what’s your life even about? It’s just a quick flash, here one sec and then gone the next. Like, poof! Disappeared.
  15. So, you should be like, “If it’s in God’s plan, we’ll for sure be alive and do this or that.”
  16. But y’all be flexing hard with your plans: but real talk, that kind of boast is just not cool.
  17. So, if you know what’s up but don’t actually do it, that’s what we call a major fail, my fam.
James 5
  1. Aight, listen up, ballers, ’cause some serious tears and drama are on deck for ya with these tough times ahead.
  2. Bro, your cash stacks are looking whack, and your drip’s got moth bites.
  3. Bro, your dough’s straight corroded, and that rust’s gonna come back to haunt ya. It’s gonna gnaw through your flesh like wildfire, no cap. You’ve been stacking that paper, thinking it’s eternal, but it’s only lasting till the world clocks out, fam.
  4. Yo, peep this: you’re holding back the bread the field hands earned by shady means. And lemme tell ya, their cries for justice ain’t falling on deaf ears—the big boss, the Lord of hosts, hears ’em loud and clear.
  5. Been all about that earthly flex, living it up and treating yo’selves like every day’s a feast.
  6. You straight up canceled and took out the righteous dude, like he didn’t even clap back.
  7. Chillax, fam, and hold tight till the Lord pulls through. Like a farmer waiting on that harvest, He’s got mad patience, even for that early and late rain, you dig?
  8. Just chill, alright? Keep your head in the game ’cause the Lord’s pullin’ up real soon.
  9. Don’t hold grudges, fam, ’cause that’s just gonna bring you drama. Remember, the judge is right around the corner, ready to drop that final verdict.
  10. Yo, fam, check out them prophets who held it down in the Lord’s name. They’re like role models for staying strong through the struggle, you feel me?
  11. Yo, listen up, we admire those who stay solid through the hard times. Like, y’all heard about Job, right? Dude had mad patience, and it all worked out in the end ’cause of the Lord’s love and mercy.
  12. Aight, fam, peep this. Keep it clean with your words, whether you’re talkin’ ’bout heaven, earth, or whatever. Keep it 100—say yes when you mean yes, and no when you mean no. Trust, you don’t wanna get caught up, so keep it real and simple.
  13. Feeling low? Hit up the man upstairs with a prayer. Feelin’ lit? Crank up the jams and vibe out with some dope psalms.
  14. Yo, if someone’s under the weather, hit up the OGs of the church crew. They’ll roll through and drop some prayers, anointing ’em with oil in the Lord’s name.
  15. And if you pray with faith, it’ll help heal the sick and the big man upstairs will make ’em feel better. Plus, if they’ve been messin’ up, their slate’s wiped clean.
  16. Let’s keep it real and lift each other up in prayer for healing. When a righteous homie prays hard, it makes a big difference.
  17. Elias was just a regular dude like us, dealing with all the same feels. He prayed hard for no rain, and guess what? Zip, nada, for a whole three and a half years! Wild, right?
  18. Then he prayed again, and the sky opened up, and the earth started poppin’ off.
  19. Hey fam, if someone’s veering off track and someone helps ’em get back;
  20. Just so you know, helping someone get back on track saves their soul from crashin’ and covers up a bunch of their mistakes.