
Isaiah 1
  1. Yo, check it, fam! Isaiah, son of Amoz, dropping some truth bombs here. Back in the day, when Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were holding it down in Judah, I had this wild vision about them and Jerusalem.
  2. Listen in, squad! The Big Man upstairs has a message. I’ve been putting in work, raising these peeps right, but they’ve been straight up disrespecting me.
  3. Yo, peeps, listen up! Isaiah, son of Amoz, dropping some ancient wisdom here. Back in the day, when Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah were holding it down in Judah, I had this epic vision about them and Jerusalem.
  4. Alright, peeps, listen up! This nation is on a serious wrong path, like, drowning in sin vibes. They’re acting like a squad of troublemakers, shady and all. It’s like they’ve ghosted the Lord, ditching His ways big time. This move has seriously rubbed the Holy One of Israel the wrong way, totally breaking the connection with Him.
  5. Yo, why y’all keep acting up? Just gonna rebel even more? The whole squad’s messed, hearts weak AF.
  6. From top to bottom, this whole deal’s a disaster. It’s all about wounds, bruises, and nasty sores—and not a single one’s getting better, patched up, or soothed with some healing balm.
  7. Bro, your whole turf’s like a ghost town, deserted and empty. Your cities? Straight up torched, man. Strangers roll in, snatch up your land right before your eyes, and now it’s all wrecked and ruined. Like, totally jacked up by these outsiders, you know?
  8. Check it, fam: the daughter of Zion’s just vibin’, like a cute lil’ cottage in a vineyard, or maybe like a cozy lodge in a garden of cucumbers, you feel me? She’s posted up in this city, totally surrounded, under siege and all.
  9. If it wasn’t for the Lord of hosts keeping a handful of us around, we’d be straight-up doomed, living that Sodom life and rolling like Gomorrah.
  10. Yo, rulers of Sodom, and you too, people of Gomorrah, listen up!
  11. Why you even wasting your time with all these sacrifices? Like, seriously, what’s the deal? God’s out here saying, “I’m over the whole burnt rams and well-fed animals gig. Blood from bulls, lambs, and big goats? Nah, not doing it for me.”
  12. When you show up before me, who gave you the invite? Like, who said you could roll up to my courts?
  13. Quit with the empty offerings; the scent of incense makes me gag. Your parties for the new moon, Sabbaths, and all those get-togethers and events? I’m over it. They’re nothing but wrongdoings and they straight-up bum me out.
  14. I’m seriously over your lame new moons and scheduled shindigs, they’re just a drag for me, I’m totally over dealing with them.
  15. And when you throw your hands up, I won’t even glance your way. Yeah, even if you flood me with prayers, I won’t tune in. Your hands are stained with blood.
  16. Yo, clean up your act, for real; cut out all that messed-up stuff in front of me, and drop the evil acts, bro.
  17. Listen up and pay attention! It’s time to level up and be righteous. Stand up for what’s right, help those who are struggling, fight for justice, and back up those who are feeling alone. Just do the right thing, you feel me?
  18. Yo, check it! The Lord’s like, “Let’s sit down and hash things out, you know?” Even if your screw-ups are blazing red, they can get wiped clean, like fresh white snow. Even if they’re as bold as crimson, they can turn pure and soft as wool.
  19. If you’re down to obey, you’ll feast on life’s finest:
  20. But if you’re like, “Nah, not my vibe,” and go against the flow, you’re gonna get wrecked, like totally slashed, ’cause the Big Man upstairs, He’s like, “Yo, I said it, and that’s how it is, no cap.”
  21. Yo, how did this loyal city flip into a straight-up mess?! It used to be all about justice and righteousness, but now it’s filled with murderers. Smh.
  22. Okay, peeps, check it: Your silver? Straight-up worthless. Your wine? Like, watered-down trash, no flavor whatsoever.
  23. And let’s talk about your leaders, they’re off the rails, hanging with thieves and all. They’re all about that bribe life, chasing after gifts and rewards. They’re ghosting orphans, and don’t even bother with the struggles of widows.
  24. So, like, God, the Ultimate Boss, the Almighty One of Israel is like, “Yo, I’m totally gonna handle all my haters and give payback to my enemies.”
  25. I’ll totally refine you and eliminate all the unnecessary and fake stuff in your life, leaving only the real deal. (According to the original text, I’m doing this in the most awesome way possible!)
  26. I’m gonna bring back righteous leaders and wise advisors, just like the good old days. Eventually, you’ll be known as the city of goodness, the place that stays true.
  27. Zion’s gonna get saved by some righteous justice, and anyone who starts believing in her is gonna get hooked up with that goodness.
  28. Yo, when it goes down, those rebellious and sinful folks are gonna get wrecked. Those who ditch the Lord are gonna be totally wiped out. So pay attention!
  29. You’ll feel embarrassed about those trendy spots you used to love, and you’ll be totally confused about why you ever picked them in the first place.
  30. You’ll be like a dying oak tree with leaves that are losing their shine, or a dry garden with no water to quench its thirst.
  31. And the powerful ones? They’ll be like a flimsy thread, and the one who made it? Like a lit match, and they’ll both go up in flames, and no one will be able to put them out.
Isaiah 2
  1. Yo, check out what Isaiah, Amoz’s kid, dropped for Judah and Jerusalem.
  2. So, like, down the line, the crib of the LORD will be the ultimate chill spot – towering over every mountain and skyscraping past the hills. And peeps from all corners of the globe will totally be vibing to it.
  3. And there’ll be squads saying, “Let’s bounce to the LORD’s mountain, to the crib of the God of Jacob. He gonna drop some wisdom, and we gonna vibe with His flow. His teachings gonna spread from Zion, and His truth gonna drop straight outta Jerusalem.”
  4. And He gonna be all about calling out the nations and dropping truth bombs on mad peeps. It’s gonna be lit! They’ll flip their weapons into farming gear and stuff. No more battling vibes, fam. Nations won’t even think about grabbing swords against each other, and they’ll ghost the whole war scene. It’s all about peace vibes, bro! 🕊️
  5. Hey, fam of Jacob, let’s link up and start riding with the flow of the LORD.
  6. So, basically, you’ve dipped from your own squad, the house of Jacob, ’cause they’re way deep into Eastern beliefs now. They’re heavy on the fortune-telling vibe like the Philistines, and they’re fully into kicking it with foreigners and their scene. That’s just their whole deal, you feel?
  7. Their land is stacked with mad cash and bling, and their treasure chests are endless. They got horses for days, and their chariots are straight up decked out!
  8. Yo, peep this, their land is flooded with idols. They out here worshiping stuff they made with their own hands, like things they crafted with their fingers, you feel?
  9. And the snobby dude bows down, and the big shot dude humbles himself: so don’t let it slide.
  10. Yo, find your spot in the rock-solid foundation, and vibe there in the dust, ’cause you don’t wanna mess with the Almighty, yo. His majesty’s glory is next level.
  11. When folks get all high and mighty, they’ll be brought low, and their pride will take a hit. Only the LORD will shine in that moment, no one else.
  12. Yo, when the big man upstairs, the LORD of hosts, drops in, he’s gonna humble all those cocky and high-and-mighty folks, leveling the playing field.
  13. And on all the towering, majestic cedars of Lebanon, and on all the chill, swaggy oaks of Bashan,
  14. And on all the lit peaks and every single hype hill,
  15. And on every towering skyscraper, and on every fortified wall,
  16. And all the fresh ships of Tarshish, and all those rad pics we crave.
  17. Dude, listen up – people’s egos gonna fall, and their pride gonna take a hit. Only the LORD gonna stand tall on that epic day.
  18. And he’s gonna totally wipe out those worthless idols. Like, they’re gonna vanish for good!
  19. They’ll cower in rock crevices and earthy caves, trembling at the LORD’s power, when He rises and shakes the earth so intensely it’s terrifying.
  20. One day, peeps gonna straight up toss their silver and gold idols, the ones they crafted and bowed down to, to the moles and bats. Seriously though, those idols gonna be irrelevant, so they’re outta here!
  21. They’ll be hiding in the lit spots between rocks, and on the high edges of those rugged cliffs, ’cause we’re shook by the power of the LORD and the straight up awe of His majesty, when He rises to shake the earth like crazy.
  22. Yo, quit putting all your trust in humans; they’re just breathing the same air as everyone else. Why even think they’re all that important?
Isaiah 3
  1. Ayy, peeps, gotta tune in! So, the Big Guy, the boss of all bosses, is about to strip Jerusalem and Judah of all their backup plans and safety nets. It’s like, all the stuff that keeps them going—food, water, you name it—poof, gonna vanish!
  2. That buff warrior, the legit judge, the wise guru, and the OG elder,
  3. That squad leader, the ultimate vibe, the wise counselor, the mad skilled artist, and the silver-tongued speaker.
  4. And I’ll set ’em up with some sick young leaders, straight outta the oven, and even tiny tots gonna be running the show, yo.
  5. So, check it, peeps gonna be totally oppressed, you feel? They gonna be throwing shade left and right, non-stop drama. Even the young bloods gonna be dissing the OGs, and the regular folks gonna be dissing the VIPs.
  6. When one homie pulls up to another in the fam crew and drops, “Bro, you’re lit, why not step up and lead this crew like a boss?”
  7. When that day hits, they gonna be like, “Nah, peace out. Can’t be the savior here, my spot’s bare, no food or threads. Don’t drop the leader gig on me.”
  8. Jerusalem’s wrecked, and Judah’s in shambles: ’cause they keep throwin’ shade at the Lord, and it’s seriously irking Him.
  9. Their faces spill the tea, like they’re flexing their sins out in the open, no filter whatsoever. Such a bummer for them! They’re just digging their own graves by cozying up to evil.
  10. Yo, spread the word to the righteous crew that they’re gonna be living their best lives, for real! ‘Cause they’re gonna cash in on all the dope rewards of their grind and righteous moves.
  11. Uh-oh, wicked ones better watch out! They’re heading down a slippery slope real fast ’cause they’re gonna reap what they sow. It’s like karma’s on their tail, no dodging it.
  12. Yo, fam, it’s like the young guns pressin’ ’em down, and the ladies takin’ the reins. Oh my crew, the ones leadin’ y’all are leading you astray, messin’ with your paths. They ain’t lookin’ out for you, just tryna trip you up.
  13. God’s about to drop some truth bombs and lay down the law, ready to serve up some justice to the squad.
  14. God’s about to call out the OGs and big shots in his clique, ’cause y’all been straight-up robbing from the poor and flexin’ your wealth. No cap, treatin’ them like a snack.
  15. Why you gotta mess with my crew and step all over the rights of the underdogs? This is the word of the Lord God Almighty.
  16. Yo, peep this, the Lord’s saying, the girls in Zion acting all boujee, struttin’ around like they own the place, tossing those flirty looks, walkin’ all sassy, makin’ noise with every step. They’re playin’ people with their eyes, walkin’ all extra.
  17. So, like, God’s gonna give the ladies of Zion some serious hair-raising moments and unveil their private stuff. Yeah, He’s gonna leave ’em totally exposed, if you catch my drift.
  18. When that day comes, God’s gonna strip away their blingy anklets, their swanky headgear, and their trendy crescent-shaped jewelry.
  19. Them chains, bracelets, and blingy trinkets (you know, those cute little dangly things).
  20. The fresh snapbacks, the sleek kicks, the rad headbands, the latest gadgets, and them trendy earrings. (Tablets: Hebrew – ornaments for the neck)
  21. The lit earrings and nose rings,
  22. All them trendy threads, jackets, hijabs, and boujee hair clips,
  23. The flashy shades, the sick fits, the fire caps, and the stylish wraps.
  24. And yo, things gonna get seriously messed, alright? Instead of sweet scents, it’s gonna reek. Instead of a fly belt, it’s gonna be in shreds. And instead of lush locks, it’s gonna be baldness. And instead of designer gear, it’s gonna be rough sackcloth. Oh, and forget about being on fleek, it’s gonna be all about burning.
  25. It’s gonna be like, your soldiers getting wrecked by swords, and your strongest ones going down in battle. (Mighty: for real, like, they’re tough)
  26. And the gates gonna be mourning and sad; and she, left all alone, gonna be sittin’ on the ground. (Desolate: or, emptied: Hebrew – cleansed)
Isaiah 4
  1. And when that day comes, seven girls gonna be clingin’ to one dude, like, “We got our own vibe, we’re independent; just let us roll with you to ditch the shame.”
  2. When that day hits, the Lord’s crew gonna be lookin’ fly and flexin’, and the earth’s yield gonna be top-notch and alluring for those who made it through in Israel. 🌿
  3. Ayy, check it! In the future, those who stay in Zion and Jerusalem gonna be labeled holy. Yeah, you heard it, every single person stickin’ around in Jerusalem gonna be livin’ their best life and straight-up special.
  4. Once the Big Guy has fully cleansed the young crowd of Zion and wiped out all the wickedness in Jerusalem, all thanks to His righteous judgment and intense love for justice.
  5. And God gonna deck out every crib in Mount Zion, and their get-togethers too, with this rad cloud and smoky vibe by day, and a lit fiery glow by night. It’s like a protective shield over all the epic stuff going down there.
  6. And yo, there’s gonna be this chill spot where you can kick back, dodge the scorching heat, find some peace, and take cover from those wild storms and rain.
Isaiah 5
  1. Yo fam, peep this sick verse I’m droppin’ for my boo thang. Listen up, my bae’s got this lit vineyard up on a dope hill, straight vibin’ with fruitfulness. It’s fire, no lie. #VineyardGoals #Blessed
  2. So he’s like, he set up this tight wall around it, cleared out all the whack rocks in the way. Then he planted these dope vines, even put up a sick tower dead center. And yo, he hooked it up with a legit winepress. He thought it’d churn out some bomb grapes, but nah, it went rogue and spat out these wild, wack grapes instead.
  3. Yo, peeps of Jerusalem and dudes from Judah, I’m reaching out to y’all to be the judges in this sitch between me and my vineyard.
  4. Yo, I put in mad work for my vineyard, but dang, it totally disappointed me. I was hoping for some lit grapes, but all it spat out were these wack wild ones. Like, what more could I have done to make it tight?
  5. Aight, check it, I’m ’bout to drop some truth on what’s goin’ down with my vineyard: I’m takin’ away its protection, so it’s gonna get wrecked; and I’ll tear down the wall, so it’s gonna get stomped on. It’s gonna be rough. #Savage
  6. And I’m gonna straight up mess it up: no pruning or cultivating, just gonna let weeds and thorns take over. Oh, and I’ll make sure them clouds hold back on the rain too, just wait and see.
  7. So, like, the LORD’s rockin’ this rad vineyard called Israel, and the crew in Judah are his dope plants. He was hopin’ for fairness and righteousness, but it’s all about injustice and sadness instead. Total downer, man.
  8. Man, those peeps keep on stackin’ house after house, field after field, hoggin’ up all the space for themselves! Can’t they leave a lil’ room for others to vibe on this Earth?!
  9. Yo, the LORD of hosts just straight up dropped this truth bomb on me: for real, a ton of big, fancy houses are gonna be deserted and left empty. No joke, this is straight from the LORD, like, if things don’t shape up, it’s goin’ down.
  10. Bro, like, even if you got a huge space, just one lil’ acre of vineyard’s only gonna churn out a bit of produce, and all the seed you scatter in a big field? It’s gonna yield just a small amount, no cap.
  11. Dang, it’s a rough deal for those who rise at the crack of dawn just to chase after the hard stuff, then keep the party going till they’re fully buzzed on wine! Like, they’re all in on that quest for getting smashed.
  12. At their epic bashes, they got the harp, the viol, the drums, the pipes, and loads of wine. But they straight up brush off what the LORD’s up to, not even giving it a second glance.
  13. So, my crew’s been hauled off ’cause they’re seriously lacking in wisdom. And even the big shots are famished, and the whole squad’s thirsty as heck.
  14. So, like, hell’s just expanding and opening wide, no limits at all! And all those flashy, prideful folks with their massive entourages and fancy gear, along with those who live for the party life, they’re all headed there.
  15. The arrogant will be brought low, the mighty humbled, and those who think they’re hot stuff will be shown where they really stand:
  16. But the LORD of all that’s awesome will totally get props for being righteous and just, and God, who’s like totally holy, will be respected ’cause righteousness is lit.
  17. And so, like, the adorable lambs can totally feast in their own rad way, you feel? And those boujee rich folks, their scraps will be snatched up by randos.
  18. Dang, those who rock wickedness like it’s some kinda trend, and sin like it’s no biggie.
  19. They’re all like, ‘Get it done quick so we can peep it!’ We’re waiting for the moves of the Holy One of Israel to come through, so we can vibe with ’em!
  20. It’s like, seriously messed when people start hyping up evil as if it’s good and good as if it’s evil. They’re out here flipping the script on darkness and light, acting like what’s sour is sweet and what’s sweet is sour. It’s just, like, so messed up, you dig?
  21. Uh-oh, keep an eye out for those who think they’re mega brainiacs and always act like they’ve got all the answers! It’s like they’re blind to their own screw-ups, even when they’re staring ’em in the face!
  22. Dang, those who can guzzle wine and boast about their drinking prowess are heading for some rough waters:
  23. They’re all about cutting deals with the shady crowd, trading justice for favors, and stripping away goodness from the genuinely righteous!
  24. So, like, when fire scorches dry grass and flames obliterate worthless junk, their whole setup’s gonna crumble, and their success will just poof into thin air. And it’s all ’cause they’ve dissed God’s laws and dissed the teachings of the Almighty God of Israel. #fireemoji #totallyburned
  25. So, like, God’s really ticked at his crew and he’s dishing out some serious consequences. He’s raising his hand and delivering a major smackdown. And it’s legit intense, dude – the hills are quaking and bodies are scattered in the streets. And check it, his anger’s not cooled off yet, he’s still on that punishment vibe. It’s crazy, like dung scattered everywhere.
  26. He’s gonna wave a flag for all the nations, like, from way out there. And he’ll make this sound, like, a hiss, to grab their attention all the way from the ends of the earth. And peep this, they’ll come, like, real quick, zooming in no time!
  27. They won’t get worn out or trip up; no one will be caught slippin’ or nappin’; their belts won’t loosen, and their shoelaces won’t snap.
  28. Their arrows are sharp AF, bows all flexed, horses’ hooves solid like flint, and their wheels spinning like a freaking whirlwind:
  29. They gonna roar like a boss lion, just like the young ones do. And believe it, they gonna make some noise, snatching up their prey without breaking a sweat, and ain’t nobody gonna be able to save that prey from ’em.
  30. And on that day, they gonna straight up go off on ’em, making noise like the biggest waves in the ocean: and if someone peeps the land, it’s all gloomy and sad, with the sky looking super dark. It’s like when things are supposed to be lit, they’ll actually be dark and messed up.
Isaiah 6
  1. Yo, check it, when King Uzziah bounced from this world, I was vibing, and suddenly, I’m in this wild vision of the Almighty, posted up on this crazy majestic throne, like, way up there, and his robe? It’s like taking over the whole temple, man. (His robe was so big, it was like, whoa!)
  2. Above Him, there were these lit angelic beings called seraphim: they’re rocking six wings – two to cover their faces, two for their feet, and two for some epic flying maneuvers!
  3. And this one person was like, shouting to another, yelling, “Bruh, God is, like, mega holy, I mean, seriously, super holy! The Lord of all the armies is just mind-blowingly awesome, and the whole earth? It’s like, completely filled with His glory! It’s beyond epic, man!”
  4. And then, outta nowhere, the door was, like, shaking from this dude’s booming voice, and the whole spot was just filled with smoke. (By the way, “door” in Hebrew means thresholds, just a little FYI.)
  5. Dude, I was shook! Like, majorly freaking out! I mean, seriously, I’m all about that impure language life, and everyone around me is on the same vibe. It’s just chaotic. ‘Cause, you know, I’ve actually peeped the big boss, the Almighty King, the LORD of hosts. Mind blown, right?
  6. Then, outta nowhere, this angel dude swoops over to me, and get this, he’s clutching a hot coal he snagged from the altar with some tongs. Yeah, he’s holding it, wild, huh?
  7. He placed it on my lips and was all, “Yo, this has touched your lips; now all that guilt is wiped clean, and your sins? Yeah, they’re totally cleansed.” (Just a heads-up, in Hebrew, “laid” means causing it to touch.)
  8. So, I’m just chilling, right? And suddenly, I’m hearing the voice of the Lord, and He’s all, “Who’s gonna rep us out there?” And I’m like, “Yo, right here, send me!”
  9. And he’s all, “Yo, go tell these folks. Like, speak up, but they ain’t gonna get it. They’ll look, but they won’t really see jack.”
  10. Let their minds be all caught up in the irrelevant, their ears blocking out the real deal, and their eyes shut tight; so they’re clueless about what’s up, ignoring the truth, feeling nada inside, and staying stuck in their ways, not getting any healing.
  11. I’m there, hitting up the Lord, like, “Yo, when’s this gonna wrap?” And He’s straight up, “It’s gonna roll on till the cities are ghost towns, houses left in the dust, and the land’s deserted, like, legit.”
  12. God’s straight up yeeted people far off, and there’s, like, some serious abandonment smack in the heart of the land.
  13. But there’s gonna be a crew left, a tiny chunk of the whole deal, and they’ll bounce back and get some fuel. Like, they’ll be like sturdy trees, holding onto their strength even when they lose their leaves. So, the holy and hand-picked ones? They’re gonna be the base for building things back up and making them grow.
Isaiah 7
  1. Alright, check this out fam, way back when Ahaz was holding it down in Judah (son of Jotham, who’s the son of Uzziah, just so you know the lineage), there were these two kings on the scene. Rezin was repping Syria, and Pekah (Remaliah’s offspring) was holding it down for Israel. They thought they had a slick plan, teaming up to roll on Jerusalem. But guess what? Epic fail! They couldn’t touch Jerusalem, not even close. The city was too strong for their game.
  2. Alright, so peeps in David’s crew caught wind that Syria and Ephraim were rolling together. And let me tell you, it had them shook, like trees in a storm, swaying hard.
  3. Then the big man upstairs, the LORD, hits up Isaiah, like, “Yo, Isaiah, go find Ahaz, you and your son Shearjashub.” They’re supposed to link up at the end of this street, by that bougie pool, you know the one? Near the laundromat, like, right off the main road. Oh, and Shearjashub? It’s like his name’s saying something about a small squad bouncing back. Plus, it’s on the highway, you know, like a major road or something.
  4. Alright, fam, listen up and chillax, no need to stress or let your heart go weak over these two hot-headed dudes who think they’re the kings of the block, with Rezin from Syria and that Remaliah’s son. Don’t let their anger and drama get to you.
  5. So, here’s the deal: Syria, Ephraim, and Remaliah’s son are straight-up plotting against you, talking all kinds of trash like:
  6. Check it, fam, let’s roll up on Judah and stir up some trouble, causing straight-up chaos and installing our own king, Tabeal’s offspring, smack in the middle of it all, you feel me? Let’s shake things up a bit.
  7. But hold up, God was like, “Nah, that’s a no-go. It ain’t going down like that, fam.”
  8. Alright, check it out, fam. Syria’s main gig is Damascus, right? And the big shot running the show there is this dude named Rezin. And guess what’s up? In like 65 years, Ephraim is gonna catch a major L and won’t even be a thing anymore. Like, they’re gonna get wiped out, no more Ephraim, nada.
  9. Now, Ephraim’s holding it down in Samaria, and the top dog there is Remaliah’s kid. If you ain’t holding onto faith, you ain’t gonna see success. Lack of belief? That’s just a sign of instability, ya feel?
  10. So, the LORD reached out to Ahaz once more, like, “Hey, Ahaz, listen up!”
  11. Yo, ask for a sign from the LORD your God. Like, go big or go home, ask for something epic, whether it’s from the depths of the earth or from high up in the sky. It’s all on you, man!
  12. But Ahaz was like, “Nah, I ain’t about to ask for anything, and I sure ain’t gonna test the LORD.”
  13. And he’s all like, “Yo, fam of David, check it, it’s not cool for you to be wearing people out, but you really gonna wear out my God too?”
  14. Listen up, fam, God’s about to lay down a major clue for you: So, picture this, a girl who’s never been with a dude is gonna get pregnant and have a son, and she’s gonna name him Immanuel. (And yeah, it’s all up to her, no pressure or anything).
  15. This little dude? He’s gonna chow down on butter and honey to learn how to choose what’s right and bounce those bad vibes away.
  16. Yo, before this kid even figures out how to reject the bad and choose the good, the land that’s been giving you major bad vibes is gonna be ghosted by both its rulers.
  17. And listen up, the LORD’s about to drop some serious stuff on you, your squad, and your fam. It’s gonna be next level, like, nothing you’ve ever seen before, not since the day Ephraim dipped from Judah. So brace yourselves, ’cause even the king of Assyria’s gonna be thrown into the mix.
  18. And yo, on that day, God’s gonna call up all the flies from Egypt and all the bees from Assyria. It’s gonna be lit!
  19. And they’ll roll in and chill in the deserted valleys, the rocky hideouts, and on all the thorny bushes and sick trees.
  20. On that very day, the Lord will bust out an electric razor, borrowed from the future, to trim the hair on the heads and feet of those across the river, under the Assyrian king’s rule. Even the beards will get a clean shave.
  21. And, like, on that day, some dude will be tending to a little cow and two sheep, you know?
  22. And yo, there’s gonna be, like, mad milk flowin’, and he’ll be grubbin’ on butter. Like, everyone still kickin’ it in the land is gonna be snacking on butter and honey. It’s gonna be lit, yo!
  23. And on that day, like, all those places that used to be poppin’ with a thousand vineyards, each worth a stack of silver coins, are just gonna be overrun with annoying prickly stuff, like briers and thorns.
  24. People will be packing arrows and bows, ’cause the whole land’s gonna be swarmed with thorny obstacles.
  25. And if you’re out there diggin’ up the hills with a mattock, you won’t have to sweat annoying weeds and prickly thorns popping up. It’ll be prime territory for oxen to roam and smaller animals to trot around.
Isaiah 8
  1. Yo, God hit me up and was like, “Yo, grab that big scroll and jot down some words ’bout this dude Mahershalalhashbaz, just use a regular pen tho.” BTW, Mahershalalhashbaz? Dude’s quick to grab that cash, just sayin’.
  2. So, I’m rolling with my squad, got Uriah the priest and Zechariah, Jeberechiah’s offspring, they’re solid peeps.
  3. So, check it: I hit up the prophetess, and she’s preggers, right? She pops out a son. Then the LORD’s like, ‘Yo, name that kid Mahershalalhashbaz.’
  4. Picture this: Before that little dude even learns to say ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad,’ the king of Assyria is gonna roll in and swipe all the fancy gear from Damascus and Samaria. Yeah, he’s gonna raid their stash and loot their treasures. It’s going down, no doubt!
  5. OMG, God hit me up again, and here’s the lowdown:
  6. ‘Cause these peeps didn’t vibe with the chill vibes of Shiloah, but were all about kicking it with Rezin and Remaliah’s son;
  7. Alright, fam, pay attention. God’s about to drop some serious flood vibes on these peeps. I’m talking the king of Assyria and his whole crew, rolling in with an unstoppable wave to flood everything in its path.
  8. And he’s coming for Judah, no doubt. He’s gonna take over completely. He’ll be all up in there, reaching up to the neck, his massive wingspan covering the whole land, like, straight up, O Immanuel. The entire width of your turf will be under his massive wingspan.
  9. Yo, everyone, check it! If y’all try to stick together against this, you’re gonna end up straight-up wrecked. And I’m not just talking to locals, but y’all from faraway lands, too. Get ready ’cause the hammer’s coming down. And then get ready again ’cause it’s gonna hit hard. Believe me, it’s going down.
  10. We could brainstorm all day, but it’s gonna be useless. We could chat about it, but it ain’t gonna change anything ’cause God’s got our back, no doubt.
  11. So, like, the LORD hits me up with some serious energy, you feel me? And He’s dropping some major wisdom, saying, ‘Hey, don’t just follow the crowd, man!’
  12. Don’t go teaming up with whoever they’re teaming up with. Don’t let their fear mess with your head, and don’t you be scared either.
  13. You gotta show major love and respect to the LORD of hosts, like, for real, let Him be the one you hold in awe and reverence.
  14. For some, He’s gonna be a sanctuary, a safe space, you know? But for others, He’s gonna be a major obstacle they just can’t dodge. It’s gonna be a tough one for both the Israelites and the folks in Jerusalem to handle.
  15. And a bunch of them are gonna stumble, fall flat on their faces, get banged up, caught, and snagged.
  16. Yo, my squad, keep that testimony on lock and seal up that law among us, for real.
  17. I’m just gonna vibe and put my trust in the LORD, even when it feels like He’s low-key distant from the house of Jacob. I’ll stay woke, waiting for His comeback.
  18. Listen up, my crew and I, we’re destined to be straight-up epic, dropping some insane miracles in Israel. Our main dude, the LORD of hosts, holds it down in Mount Zion.
  19. So, if peeps start telling you to hit up those claiming they got supernatural vibes or those wizards making weird noises and mumbling like they’re lost in translation, shouldn’t you just turn to your God for guidance? Like, why bother with the spirits of the departed for answers when you got the living God right here with you?
  20. So, if people aren’t vibing with the law and the testimony, it’s just ’cause they’re missing that inner light, you know? No vibes, man. No vibes.
  21. And they’re gonna hit a rough patch, feeling stressed and hungry. And when the hunger hits, they’re gonna get all fired up and start griping about their ruler and their deity, looking up for some guidance from above.
  22. And they’ll be all about that earthly grind, and then they’ll be like, ‘Whoa, this place is packed with trouble and darkness, it’s like, majorly anguishing and gloomy,’ and then they’ll end up feeling all lost and stuck in the darkness.
Isaiah 9
  1. Yo, chillax, it’s not gonna be as gnarly as when she was major bummed out earlier, just dealing with some minor drama in Zebulun and Naphtali. But then things took a real turn for the worse, hitting hard in the coastal area by the Jordan River, in Galilee, where tons of folks reside.
  2. Check it, those who were once stuck in the dark just caught sight of an epic beam: for those chilling in the land of total gloom, the light has straight-up beamed down on them.
  3. You’ve expanded the nation, but the vibes aren’t matching up. They used to throw down in your presence, like the hype during harvest time or when the loot was divvied up.
  4. Bro, you straight-up crushed the chains of their heavy baggage, and broke the rod that weighed them down, the tool of their oppressor, just like the time Midian got wrecked.
  5. Check it, every time a soldier suits up for battle, it’s all wild and noisy, with their gear drenched in blood. But listen up, this time, it’s gonna be straight fire and major heat. Like, for real, this battle’s gonna be lit, squad.
  6. Yo, pay attention! A child’s been born for us, I’m dead serious. A son’s been handed to us, no lie. He’s gonna carry the whole government on his shoulders, no cap. And everyone’s gonna know him as the MVP, the ultimate advisor, the Almighty God, the eternal Father, and the OG of bringing peace.
  7. Yo, check it: the government’s gonna be lit, like, straight-up thriving with peace and all. It’s gonna be on a whole new level, ya know? Chillin’ on David’s throne and reppin’ his kingdom, keeping everything in check, locked in with fairness and justice for eternity. And guess what? The big man upstairs, the LORD Almighty, He’s gonna be the driving force behind all this awesomeness goin’ down.
  8. Yo, peep this: God came through with some wisdom for Jacob, and it was straight-up fire for Israel.
  9. And you know all those folks, like Ephraim and the crew from Samaria, who stay flexing and acting all superior?
  10. The bricks got wrecked, but we’re gonna level up with some sick cut stones, you feel? And those sycomores? Yeah, they got the chop, but we’re upgrading to some fresh cedars. Easy peasy!
  11. The LORD’s gonna round up a squad of haters against Rezin, bringing all his enemies together, mixing them up like a wild mashup! #EnemyMashup
  12. Yo, it’s like the Syrians are straight-up coming at Israel from the front, while the Philistines are sneak attacking from the back. They’re like, chomping down on Israel without a second thought. And yo, even with all this going on, God’s not cooling off. His hand is still outstretched, fam. (Note: ‘open’ means whole in Hebrew)
  13. And peeps ain’t down to chill with someone dissing them, nor are they trying to link up with the LORD of all squads.
  14. So, peep this: The LORD’s gonna straight-up take out both the big shots and the small fries in Israel all in one go. It’s gonna be a major cleanup, dude.
  15. The OGs and the respected ones, they’re the leaders; but those fake prophets spreading lies? They’re just playing follow the leader.
  16. Yo, the folks in charge seriously dropped the ball, leading everyone off course. And those who buy into their vibe? They end up straight-up wrecked. They might talk about being “blessedd,” but in reality, they’re just getting consumed.
  17. And check it: The Lord ain’t feeling their young dudes, and He’s not showing love to the fatherless and widows. ‘Cause everyone’s out here being fake and wicked, chatting up nonsense. But even with all that, the Lord’s anger ain’t fading, and He’s still reaching out with His hand.
  18. Evil’s like a wild fire, blazing through everything in its path, sparking chaos deep in the wilderness, sending smoke billowing high.
  19. The land’s gonna get real dark ’cause the LORD of hosts is seriously ticked off. People will be like fuel for the flames, not even looking out for their own brothers. (Note: ‘meat’ is used as a metaphor here, meaning fuel in Hebrew.)
  20. Homeboy’s gonna reach out to the right, but still be hungry; he’ll try to satisfy himself on the left, but come up short. People gonna be so desperate, they’ll be chomping on their own arms.
  21. Manasseh and Ephraim, they got each other’s backs, you feel? And they both gonna be against Judah, no lies. But even with all that drama, God’s still heated, and His power’s still strong, reaching out and all that.
Isaiah 10
  1. Yo, it’s gonna be mad tough for those who lay down whack rules and write up oppressive laws. I mean, for real, they’re just making things gnarly for everyone. Like, what’s their deal, right?!
  2. They’re straight-up ignoring the struggles of the less fortunate and unfairly stripping the homies in my squad of their rights. It’s messed how they’re targeting widows and straight-up jacking those without a dad!
  3. Ayy, when the day of judgment hits and disaster comes crashing in from all sides, who you gonna hit up for backup, and where you gonna stash all your clout and achievements?
  4. If I’m not in the mix, they’re gonna take a major L and get wrecked by their enemies. They’re gonna catch heavy hits, but don’t think for a sec that God’s cooling down; He’s still locked and loaded, ready to make moves.
  5. Yo, Assyria, you’re straight-up embodying my rage, and that scepter you’re gripping symbolizes my heavy disapproval.
  6. I’m sending him to handle a bunch of backstabbers, and I’m entrusting him with the task to loot and take down those who ticked me off. He’s gonna stomp them out, reducing them to nothing but specks on the pavement.
  7. But, like, he’s not actually plotting that, you know? And it’s not even crossing his mind, dude. But I guess at the core, he’s all about bringing down and crushing a bunch of nations.
  8. He’s all like, ‘Aren’t my big shots practically royalty?’
  9. Yo, isn’t Calno basically like Carchemish? And, like, isn’t Hamath just a mirror of Arpad? And, uh, doesn’t Samaria kinda resemble Damascus?
  10. So, like, I totally checked out these kingdoms with all their idols, and let me tell you, their carved images were way fancier than the ones in Jerusalem and Samaria!
  11. Ayy, am I not gonna handle Jerusalem and its idols just like I did with Samaria and its idols?
  12. So, like, when the Lord wraps up everything He promised to do on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, He’s totally gonna school the king of Assyria and take down his cocky attitude. Preach it, Psalm!
  13. This guy’s out here acting like he’s the one-man show, boasting about his own skills and smarts. He’s playing it cool, breaking all the rules, snatching people’s stuff, and straight-up taking down anyone who stands in his way, like a total big shot.
  14. So, I totally stumbled upon this massive stash of cash, like stumbling upon a nest packed with riches from every corner! It was like scooping up all the eggs that were just lying there, gathering up riches from all over the globe. And get this, not a peep from anyone or anything. It was dead silent, man!
  15. Yo, picture this: if an axe starts talking smack to the dude swinging it. Or if a saw gets all cocky while it’s being used. That’s like a stick trying to throw shade at the person holding it, like it’s not even made of wood.
  16. So, the Most High, the Ultimate Squad Leader, is gonna put those who are all full of themselves and arrogant in check, and under His epic greatness, He’s gonna spark a fire that’s gonna be, like, insanely lit, just blazing like crazy.
  17. Israel’s gonna be lit like a bonfire, and the Big Guy upstairs? Straight fire emoji, fam. He’s gonna burn up all the wack thorny junk in, like, a hot minute.
  18. And check it, He’s gonna wreck that fresh forest and fruitful field, messing up both the physical and spiritual vibes. It’s gonna be like when your hype squad member crashes hard. No chill, hitting both the soul and the body, y’know?
  19. And, like, there’ll just be a handful of trees left in his forest, so few that even a kid could count ’em.
  20. And in the future, the survivors of Israel and the fam of Jacob who made it out won’t be relying on those who did ’em dirty no more. Nah, they’ll be putting all their trust in the LORD, the totally holy One of Israel, no cap.
  21. The leftover squad, like, the remnant of Jacob, they’re gonna bounce back to the all-powerful God.
  22. So, even though the Israel crew is vast as the sand on the beach, only a tiny fraction will make a comeback. But those chosen few? They’re gonna be in for a divine glow-up, full of justice and righteousness, for real.
  23. Check it, the Almighty God’s ’bout to drop some major cleansing vibes on the whole land, like it’s gonna go down, no cap.
  24. So, yo, listen up, fam! This is straight from the Lord, the Almighty. My crew chillin’ in Zion, don’t even stress about the Assyrians. Sure, they might try to come at you all tough, like Egypt did back in the day. But trust, they ain’t gonna last long.
  25. So, like, in a hot sec, the anger’s gonna cool, and my frustration will dip when they face their downfall.
  26. Yo, peep this, the Almighty’s ’bout to bring some major heat to this dude, like when He straight-up wrecked the Midianites at that rock named Oreb. And remember when He split the sea with His rod? Yeah, He’s gonna pull off something epic, like He did back in Egypt.
  27. So, like, on that day, you won’t be lugging around that heavy load anymore or dealing with any kind of limitations. It’s all gonna be gone, wiped out by the anointing.
  28. He’s rolled through Aiath and made moves to Migron; at Michmash, he’s stashed his gear.
  29. Yo, they’ve been journeyin’ through the passage, chillin’ at Geba; Ramah’s buggin’ out; Gibeah of Saul is empty.
  30. Hey, sis from Gallim, speak up and let your voice echo till Laish, yo, you strugglin’ one from Anathoth. Scream out loud and clear, like, really let ’em know what’s up!
  31. Madmenah got dipped; the folks in Gebim are like, ‘Let’s bounce!’
  32. He’ll still be in Nob that day, showing mad respect to the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem.
  33. Yo, listen up fam – the Most High, the ultimate OG, gonna straight up trim them scary branches. All them tall and cocky peeps gonna get cut down, and the ones flexin’ their pride gonna be brought down low.
  34. And He’s gonna wreck them thick forests with some fierce iron gear, and Lebanon’s gonna get served by a hardcore warrior. #LegendaryShowdown
Isaiah 11
  1. Yo, check it, this dude Jesse is gonna be straight-up legendary, his family tree’s gonna be poppin’ off from his roots, no joke!
  2. And the vibe from the big man upstairs? It’s gonna be lit with him, hooking him up with serious wisdom, insight, guidance, power, knowledge, and straight-up reverence for the LORD.
  3. So, he’s gonna be all about that wisdom, zero judging based on looks or rumors. It’s all about that vibe, you feel me?
  4. When it comes to laying down the law, he’s gonna be real fair with the underdogs, and those who are chill and humble, they’ll get a heads-up: his words are gonna shake things up, and he’ll just blow away the bad vibes with a breath.
  5. He’s gonna be straight-up loyal to what he believes, never fronting. His realness? That’s gonna be his ultimate flex, keeping him solid and unshakeable.
  6. Check it, fam: the wolf and the lamb? They gonna be squad goals, and even the leopard gonna kick it with the kid. We’re talking about the calf, the young lion, and the fattened calf all chilling together too. Oh, and peep this, a little kid gonna be the leader, taking them all for a stroll.
  7. So, picture this: the cow and the bear? They’re gonna be chilling together, sharing a meal. And even the lion, dude, is gonna be munching on straw, just like the ox, you know?
  8. And even the tiniest tots gonna be playing near scary snakes, no fear. And the little ones gonna be reaching into the viper’s nest, bold as anything.
  9. Ain’t nobody gonna be causing chaos or messin’ things up in my sacred space: ’cause the whole world gonna be drenched in the LORD’s wisdom, like the oceans covering the sea.
  10. And when that day comes, someone from Jesse’s lineage gonna stand tall, a beacon for all. People from all walks gonna turn to him, and his vibe of peace gonna be straight-up breathtaking.
  11. Later on, the Lord gonna swoop in again, rescuing the folks left behind, scattered all over the place, from Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Cush, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, and even the islands.
  12. Check it, he gonna hoist a banner for all nations, uniting the outcasts of Israel and bringing back the scattered peeps of Judah from every corner of the world.
  13. So, Ephraim’s envy gonna fade away, and the haters of Judah gonna bite their tongues: Ephraim ain’t gonna be jealous of Judah, and Judah gonna chill with Ephraim too.
  14. But they gonna straight-up boss the Philistines, taking what’s theirs, moving west like soaring birds. They gonna conquer Edom and Moab, getting a grip on ’em, and even the Ammonites gonna have to play by their rules.
  15. And God’s gonna straight-up shut down the mouth of the sea in Egypt; he gonna wave his mighty hand over the river, splitting it into seven streams, so folks can just stroll across like it’s a walk in the park. Seriously, they won’t even need to worry about getting their kicks wet, dude!
  16. And there’s gonna be this epic path for the survivors of his squad, you feel me? Those who make it out of Assyria? Just like the old days when Israel dipped out of Egypt, you know?
Isaiah 12
  1. So, like, picture this: one day, you’ll be all, “OMG, LORD, I’m totally gonna hype you up! Even though we weren’t vibing before, now you’re all chill and making me feel better.”
  2. Yo, peep this: God’s my ultimate savior, ya feel? I’m all about trusting Him, no fear at all. Seriously, the LORD JEHOVAH is like my source of strength, my ride or die! When it comes to salvation, He’s always got my back.
  3. Okay, peeps, get pumped to score some seriously refreshing water from these epic wells of salvation.
  4. And when that day rolls around, be like, “Yo, let’s give major props to the LORD, spread His name far and wide, shout out about all the amazing stuff He’s pulling off, and let everybody know that His name is top-tier, like, super high and mighty. #proclaim”
  5. Time to give a major shoutout to the LORD, ’cause He’s been pulling off some seriously awesome moves that everyone on this planet knows about.
  6. Hey, listen up, all you chill peeps in Zion: get ready to scream and hype up, ’cause the Holy One of Israel is straight-up awesome, and He’s right here chillin’ with us, fam. #blessed #litty
Isaiah 13
  1. Isaiah, son of Amoz, was vibing with some visions about Babylon.
  2. Hey, let’s wave that lit flag on that epic mountain, holler at them, give ’em some high fives so they can stroll through those fancy gates.
  3. I’ve briefed my holy squad, called up my powerful crew to unleash some righteous anger, even those who get hyped about my greatness are in on it.
  4. Bro, there’s this wild scene in the mountains, like a massive party vibe! It’s a total mix of nations and kingdoms linking up. The LORD, leading the sickest armies, is calling them all together for this epic showdown.
  5. Yo, they’re rolling in from afar, all the way from the ends of the sky. It’s the LORD Himself, bringing His wrathful weapons to clean house in the whole land.
  6. OMG, brace yourselves ’cause the day of the LORD is totally on the horizon—prepare for some serious divine action, courtesy of the Almighty!
  7. So everyone’s gonna be mega tired, and hearts gonna be giving out left and right.
  8. And they’ll be shook: deep pain and sorrow will grip them; they’ll be in agony like a woman in labor. They’ll be stunned by each other; their faces will be lit up like fire.
  9. Yo, listen up! The big day of the LORD is on the horizon, and it’s gonna be next level. He’s bringing the heat with His anger and fierce wrath, ready to shake things up. He’ll clear house and kick out those sinful peeps straight up.
  10. Yo, listen up: the stars and their squads won’t be shining anymore, the sun’s gonna straight up vanish, and even the moon won’t be lighting up the night anymore.
  11. And I’m gonna clap back at the whole world for their wickedness and serve up what the wicked deserve. I’ll make sure those arrogant peeps ain’t feeling themselves anymore and shut down all that scary fierce attitude.
  12. I’m gonna raise humans up, make ’em rarer than fancy bling; they’ll be worth more than a chunk of gold from some luxe place like Ophir.
  13. So, like, get ready ’cause the Lord’s about to go wild and start shaking up the whole sky. The earth’s gonna totally shift from its spot, all ’cause the Lord of hosts is mega mad and ready to unleash His fierce anger, dude.
  14. And it’ll be like a scared deer or a sheep with no one to rescue it: everyone will head back to their own crew, and everyone will bounce to their own turf.
  15. Anyone caught will be totally wiped out; anyone who rolls with them will meet their end by the blade.
  16. Their kids will be totally wrecked in front of them; their cribs will get raided, and their spouses will be taken by force.
  17. Hey, peep this! I’m gonna set the Medes loose on ’em, and they won’t even blink at the cash. Silver? Nah, not their vibe. Gold? Nah, doesn’t even faze ’em.
  18. They’ll straight-up wreck the young dudes with their bows, showing zero mercy, not even to the newborns. No compassion, not even for the littlest ones.
  19. Babylon, the swanky kingdom with all its Chaldean flair, will be wrecked like Sodom and Gomorrah when God brought ’em down.
  20. Yo, that place is gonna be deserted for good, no one’s gonna kick it there, not now, not ever. It won’t even be a spot for Arab homies to set up camp, and shepherds won’t be herding their sheep there.
  21. But, like, there will be all sorts of wild creatures chilling in the deserted spots, and their cribs will be filled with all kinds of creepy crawlies. Owls will be posted up there, and even some satyrs will be getting their groove on. It’s gonna be quite the scene, you know?
  22. The island creatures will be bawling in their deserted cribs, and the sleek dragons in their swanky palaces. Time’s up, and her days won’t drag on any longer.
Isaiah 14
  1. ‘Cause the Big Guy upstairs is gonna show Jacob some serious love, like, for real. He’s gonna choose Israel, you know, and bring ’em back to their homeland. And not just that, but peeps from all over gonna wanna kick it with ’em and become part of the fam.
  2. And the peeps gonna scoop ’em up and bring ’em home, and the fam of Israel gonna have ’em as part of the crew. They gonna snatch up those who had ’em captive and straight up boss over their oppressors.
  3. And, like, one day, God will totally come through and lift you from all that sorrow, fear, and that crazy heavy load you were carrying, okay?
  4. Yo, pass around this saying about the king of Babylon and let everyone know the oppressor’s outta here! That super fancy city? Totally donezo! People be throwing shade and all, no joke. It used to be all about that gold, ya know?
  5. God totally wrecked the power of the wicked and stripped the rulers of their authority.
  6. The one who went all out on the people, unleashing his anger non-stop, ruling over the nations with fury, is now getting served some payback, and no one’s standing in the way. #Karma
  7. Yo, the whole earth is just chillin’, vibin’ and keeping it mellow. Everyone’s getting hyped, busting out into some sick tunes.
  8. LOL, even the fir trees and cedars of Lebanon are like, “Yo, since you took a snooze, ain’t nobody tryna chop us down.”
  9. Bro, when you roll through, even the underworld starts trembling! The dead rise up to greet you, including all the big shots on earth. They even bring up all the kings from their thrones, no kidding.
  10. They’ll be like, “Dude, are you seriously feeling weak like us now? Are you actually on our level?”
  11. Bro, your fancy vibe got wrecked and ended up in the grave. The sound of your sick tunes is gone, replaced by creepy crawlies. Worms be all up under you, totally covering you, man.
  12. Yo, check it, how you fall from heaven, Lucifer, son of the morning! You’ve been seriously humbled, taking down nations with your weak moves! Note: Lucifer can also be called the day star, just so you know.
  13. ‘Cause you thought in your heart you could totally level up and be like, ruling in the heavens, way above even God’s squad. You wanted to flex your throne, like, higher than all the legit stars. And not only that, you were aiming to chill on the peak of the crew hangout spot, all the way up north and everything.
  14. I’m gonna soar higher than the epic clouds and be on the same level as the ultimate boss.
  15. But you’ll be totally wrecked, like thrown straight into the fiery depths of hell, man, trapped in the deepest, darkest corners of the pit.
  16. When folks peep you, they’ll give you a serious side-eye, and really ponder, asking themselves, “Is this the dude who made the whole earth shake and messed up kingdoms?”
  17. Did you really leave the whole world in ruins, smashing cities without showing any mercy, and not even bothering to set your prisoners free?
  18. Like, all the rulers of the nations, seriously every single one, live in total splendor, each in their own crib.
  19. Bro, you got dumped from your tomb like a total reject, like one of those nasty branches nobody wants. And you’re dressed up like a corpse that got stabbed and chucked down into the deep dark pit. Just a dead body getting trampled on, man.
  20. Don’t even think about joining them in their burial, dude. You’ve totally messed up your land and wiped out your crew. The offspring of the wicked won’t ever make a name for themselves.
  21. Get ready to hold his children accountable for their dads’ sins, so they won’t get a shot to make it big, take over the land, or build up cities around the globe.
  22. Yo, I’m gonna straight up come for them, says the LORD of all the power, and wipe out every bit of Babylon—name, survivors, kids, and even distant fam, says the LORD.
  23. I’m gonna let nature reclaim it and turn it into a chill hangout with rad pools of water. And then I’ll totally clear it out with some epic destruction, says the LORD of hosts.
  24. Yo, God’s made a legit promise, no cap. He’s saying for real that whatever He thinks and plans is 100% gonna go down. And His plans? They’re rock solid, no doubt.
  25. I’m gonna straight up crush the Assyrian in my land and stomp them out on my mountains. Their oppressive control? Gone. My people are gonna be free from all their burdens.
  26. So, here’s the deal: this is the master plan for the whole earth. And this power? It’s reaching out to all the nations, impacting everyone.
  27. The Almighty’s got a plan, and who can mess with it? His power is straight up unstoppable, no one can stand against it.
  28. Here’s the tea from when King Ahaz died.
  29. Don’t get too hype, Palestina, just ’cause the dude who messed you up is gone. ‘Cause guess what? From that serpent’s line, a wicked snake’s coming, and its offspring’s gonna be a fire-breathing flying serpent. #Savage
  30. And the OG of the underprivileged will get fed, and those in need will have a safe space to kick it: and I’m gonna bring down your foundations with hunger, leaving none of you standing.
  31. Yo, gate, make some noise; city, start weeping; yo, Palestina, you’re straight up crumbling: ’cause from the north, there’s gonna be smoke, and nobody’s flying solo at their scheduled hangouts. Ain’t nobody left out, and ain’t nobody missin’ these group hangs.
  32. So, like, what’s the deal when people hit us up with all sorts of questions and stuff? Easy, just let ’em know the Lord’s the one who set up and established Zion, and the poor and needy can totally count on it. Like, find their safe spot and put their trust in it, you know?
Isaiah 15
  1. Alright, listen up: Moab’s in a tough spot. I mean, they’re really struggling. It’s like a ghost town over there, especially after dark. Both Ar and Kir, two major cities of Moab, have been completely wrecked and silenced. It’s pretty intense, dude.
  2. He went up to Bajith and Dibon, the swanky hangouts, to cry out: Moab’s gonna be freaking out about Nebo and Medeba, making everyone shave their heads bald and chop off their beards.
  3. They’ll rock sackcloth in the streets, crying and wailing with all their heart, on rooftops and in the streets. They’ll weep so intensely, it’s like they’re diving into a waterfall of tears. (Or, like, totally getting hit with intense weeping and stuff)
  4. Yo, Heshbon and Elealeh be straight up crying out, their voices traveling all the way to Jahaz. And let me tell you, the soldiers from Moab gonna be screaming like crazy, life gonna be real tough for them.
  5. My heart’s gonna feel heavy for Moab; those who flee gonna head to Zoar, like a young calf. They gonna trek up Luhith with tears streaming down their faces, and on the way to Horonaim, they gonna cry out in despair. They gonna witness ruins and devastation.
  6. Like, the waters of Nimrim gonna be, like, totally dried up and stuff. ‘Cause, like, the hay’s all withered and the grass is fading, you know? There won’t be any green left. #desolate #desolations
  7. So all the stuff they’ve hoarded up and stored will be taken away to the valley of the Arabians, like BYE BYE, gone for good.
  8. Yo, word’s been spreading all across Moab’s turf. You can hear the cries, man, from Eglaim to Beerelim, the whole place is grieving.
  9. Yo, the waters of Dimon gonna run crimson, ’cause I’m ’bout to bring even more chaos upon Dimon. Lions gonna be prowling for anyone who manages to escape in Moab, and all over the land too. (more: additions from the original Hebrew text)
Isaiah 16
  1. Yo fam, check it, send a dope lamb to the ruler of the land, from Sela to the wilderness, straight up to the mountain of the daughter of Zion. (P.S. Sela means Petra, it’s like this epic rock in Hebrew.)
  2. So, it’s gonna be like when a bird gets kicked outta its nest, those Moabite girls gonna be chillin’ by the Arnon River crossing. Just like birds without a nest, you feel?
  3. Yo, listen up, peeps: Seek wisdom, make smart moves; move sly like midnight when it’s bright noon; look out for the outcasts, don’t blow the cover of the wanderers. (P.S. “Take” in Hebrew means “Bring.”)
  4. Hey Moab, lemme drop this truth bomb: Let my squad who got kicked out crash at your spot. Be their safe haven from all the drama. ‘Cause the bullies are out, the troublemakers are cooling down, and the oppressors are getting kicked outta the scene.
  5. So, check it, the throne’s gonna be locked down with some serious mercy vibes, you dig? Like, for real, this guy’s gonna be posted up on it, straight chillin’ in David’s crib, laying down some righteous rulings and hustling for justice, like, pronto. He’s all about leveling up that righteousness game, you feel?
  6. Check it, we’ve peeped Moab’s vibe; dude’s hella proud: all about that arrogance, that ego, and that fiery temper. But peep this, his lies ain’t gonna hold up.
  7. So Moab’s gonna be straight up wrecked! Everyone’s gonna be wailing and grieving, especially for Kirhareseth. Like, seriously, it’s gonna be a total mess. They’re in deep trouble, fam!
  8. Ay, peep this: Heshbon’s fields and Sibmah’s vines are in a real tough spot. These outsider rulers rolled in and wrecked the top-notch crops. They even hit up Jazer and roamed wild and free. The vine’s branches are sprawled out, reaching across the sea. It’s a total mess, man!
  9. Man, it’s hitting me hard for Sibmah’s vine, just like how Jazer’s crying out. My tears gonna flow for you, O Heshbon and Elealeh. ‘Cause your summer fruits and harvest got wrecked, and it’s a major downer, you know? The buzz and excitement, all gone.
  10. And it’s like, super sad, ’cause all the joy and good times vanished from the lush fields and vineyards. No more singing or cheering. Those cool folks who used to make wine with their fancy grape-stomping machines, they’re outta luck. I turned down the volume on everything, killed the party vibes.
  11. My heart’s mad heavy for Moab, bro, and I’m feeling some intense vibes for Kirharesh.
  12. And when Moab’s burned out from hustling on socials, they gonna turn to their safe zone for solace; but it’s gonna be a dead end.
  13. Aight fam, check this out, here’s the scoop straight from the LORD about Moab way back.
  14. But yo, listen up, the LORD just dropped this: in, like, three years, which is like how long you’d be on a gig, Moab gonna catch some major disrespect, along with their big shot army. And there’ll only be a handful of weaklings left.
Isaiah 17
  1. OMG, guys, check this out! So like, Damascus is facing some real deal trouble. It’s about to get wrecked big time, like, total chaos incoming. #RIPDamascus
  2. The cities of Aroer are totally deserted, like, ghost towns. Ain’t nobody around anymore. It’s gonna be a chill spot for all the animals to hang, no one’s gonna hassle them there.
  3. The forts of Ephraim and the realm of Damascus gonna vanish, just like what’s left of Syria. They gonna be on par with the dope stuff the kids of Israel did, says the LORD of armies.
  4. And on that day, Jacob’s swag gonna take a hit, and his strength gonna dwindle.
  5. It’s gonna be like when the squad gathers up the crops, harvesting them with style; just like someone showing off while picking corn in the valley of Rephaim.
  6. Bro, even when everything seems messed up, there’s gonna be some goodness left over. Think of it like when you shake an olive tree and find a few berries up top or a bunch more in the outer branches. That’s the vibe, says the LORD, the God of Israel.
  7. When that day comes, peeps gonna turn to their Maker, and their eyes gonna respect the Holy One of Israel.
  8. And they ain’t gonna be vibing with those DIY altars they built or giving props to the stuff they crafted with their own hands, like those groves or statues.
  9. When that day hits, his strongholds gonna be like ghost towns, deserted vines and branches, left behind because of the children of Israel. It’s gonna be a wasteland vibe.
  10. Yo, you straight up blanked on God, the one who saves you and keeps you grounded. You didn’t even remember the solid foundation holding you up. So now, you planting all these dope plants, but they gonna turn out some straight weird, exotic stuff.
  11. By day, you tending to your plants, and come morning, your seeds flourishing. But when it’s time to harvest, it’s a heap of sadness and heavy grief. Feels like all your sweat and toil got snatched away, and the sadness gonna weigh heavy.
  12. Dang, the noise out there is wild, like the whole ocean crashing! And don’t even get me started on the nations, they’re moving like unstoppable water currents!
  13. The nations gonna charge like a massive wave, but then gonna show ’em who’s boss, and they’ll peace out real quick, scattering like tiny bits flying off mountains in a wild windstorm, or like stuff swirling around before a mega intense whirlwind.
  14. Yo, peep this, trouble shows up in the evening, but by morning it’s history. That’s what happens to those fools who try to mess with us and snatch our stuff.
Isaiah 18
  1. Whoa, that land over there, like shaded by cool wings, you know, across the rivers in Ethiopia? Yeah, they’re going through some rough times.
  2. God sends messengers cruising across the sea, riding makeshift boats, saying, ‘Yo, speedy messengers, head to a nation scattered and crushed, a fierce bunch from day one ’til now. They’ve been torn apart, their land wrecked by rivers!’
  3. Yo, all you peeps on this earth, from every nook and cranny, be on alert when he waves that flag up high on the mountains, and when he blows that trumpet, you better listen up real good.
  4. So, like, the LORD dropped this on me, ‘Yo, I’m just gonna kick back and think in my crib, like a warm sun blessing the plants, like a chill dew during the blazing harvest season.’
  5. So, before harvest time, when the buds are popping and the sour grapes are ripening, this dude gonna do some serious pruning, trimming the little branches with his tools and axing down the bigger ones.
  6. They gonna be left out there for the birds and beasts to chow down on: the birds gonna have a summer feast, and all the beasts gonna kick it with them in the winter.
  7. When that time hits, peeps gonna bring their offerings to the LORD of all armies. These folks gonna come from all over, facing struggles and being feared by others from day one. They’ve been through oppression and mistreatment, with their land wrecked by rivers. But they gonna roll up to the holy spot where the LORD of all armies is repping, the majestic Mount Zion.
Isaiah 19
  1. Yo, peeps, Egypt’s facing some major issues. Listen up: God’s cruising in on a swift cloud, about to drop by Egypt. And guess what? Egypt’s idols are gonna be shook when they peep Him, and their hearts will legit melt with fear.
  2. And I’m gonna stir up some drama among the Egyptians: they’ll be throwing shade at their own homies and their neighbors too; cities going at it, kingdoms clashing big time.
  3. Egypt’s gonna be feeling majorly drained, and all their schemes? Total wrecksville. They’ll be straight-up desperate, turning to idols, fortune-tellers, and all sorts of mystical vibes for answers.
  4. I’m gonna let Egypt face off against a real tough cookie; a hardcore ruler’s gonna step up, says the Lord, the ultimate boss of all!
  5. Dude, the water’s gonna ghost from the sea, and the river’s gonna be all dried up and drained out.
  6. They’ll reroute the rivers, leaving the protective streams bone dry and gone. The reeds and flags? Just gonna wither away and die out.
  7. The hip plants chilling by the fresh rivers, where the rivers flow, and all those rad plants grown by the rivers, they’re gonna dry up, get swept away, and vanish.
  8. The fisherfolk will be bummed out, and all those casting their lines into the river will be feeling low, and those setting nets in the water will be down.
  9. The fashionistas crafting fancy threads and whipping up intricate designs? They’re gonna be totally red-faced.
  10. And those building setups for fishing and farming aquatic critters? They’re gonna hit rock bottom in their ventures.
  11. Bro, those Zoan rulers are straight-up clueless, and even Pharaoh’s wise heads have lost their minds. Like, how they gonna rep that they’re descendants of ancient wise kings?
  12. Ayy fam, where they hiding? Where’s your brainiac squad? Let them spit some wisdom and clue you in on what the LORD of hosts has cooking for Egypt.
  13. The big shots in Zoan are straight up clueless, and the big shots in Noph got played too; they even had Egypt, who’s supposed to be leading the pack, following along. (Basically, the rulers got duped and led Egypt down the wrong path, which is not a good look.)
  14. God’s sent some serious vibes into the mix, making everyone in Egypt mess up big time, like someone totally wasted stumbling around in their own mess. It’s like they’re caught in a whirlwind of straight-up chaos.
  15. Egypt won’t score any gigs where even the top or bottom, influencers or TikTokers, can make a move or go viral.
  16. When that day hits, Egypt’s gonna be trembling like nobody’s business, and they’ll be scared and freaked out because of the power of the LORD of armies, flexing right over them.
  17. Judah’s gonna be giving Egypt major heebie-jeebies, like just mentioning it gonna send shivers down anyone’s spine, man. It’s all ’cause of the game plan of the LORD of hosts, like He’s dropping some serious stuff on them.
  18. When that day hits, five cities in Egypt are gonna switch up and start speaking the Canaan lingo, making a serious vow to the LORD of hosts. And one of those cities is gonna be called ‘The city of destruction.’
  19. When that day rolls in, there’s gonna be a lit altar for the LORD right in the heart of Egypt, and a massive flexing pillar on its border, all to honor the LORD.
  20. This is gonna be a huge sign and testimony for the LORD in Egypt: when the people are feeling the squeeze and cry out to the LORD, He’s gonna send them a hero—a true legend—to rescue them and set them free.
  21. And like, everyone in Egypt is gonna be woke about the LORD, you feel? The Egyptians are gonna be all tight with the LORD, like, on that day, and they’re gonna start making sacrifices and offerings, and, like, they’ll even make promises to the LORD and actually stick to ’em, you know?
  22. And the LORD is gonna totally shake up Egypt, like, seriously mess it up, but then He’s gonna, like, totally fix it too. And the people there are gonna recognize the LORD and ask for forgiveness, and He’s gonna totally listen up and make everything right.
  23. In the future, there’s gonna be a major highway from Egypt to Assyria, and both the Assyrians and Egyptians will be cruising back and forth like it’s NBD. They’ll team up, with the Egyptians offering their services to the Assyrians.
  24. When that day hits, Israel’s gonna be tight with Egypt and Assyria, and it’s gonna be epic ’cause they’ll bring serious blessings to the whole land.
  25. When the LORD of everything throws down those blessings and is like, “Egypt, you’re my peeps,” and “Assyria, you’re my rad creation,” and “Israel, you’re my special crew,” it’s gonna be all about those major blessings!
Isaiah 20
  1. So, when Tartan pulled up in Ashdod, sent by King Sargon of Assyria, ready to throw down and take over the city;
  2. That’s when God spoke to Isaiah, son of Amoz, and was like, “Yo, ditch that sackcloth and kick off those shoes.” So Isaiah strolled around in the buff and barefoot, just as God told him to.
  3. God was like, ‘Yo, listen up. My dude Isaiah went around butt naked and barefoot for three years straight as a wild sign for Egypt and Ethiopia.’
  4. The king of Assyria is gonna capture the Egyptians and Ethiopians, no matter who they are or how they roll, even showing their behinds, making Egypt totally embarrassed.
  5. They’ll be shook and embarrassed about hyping up Ethiopia and bragging about Egypt’s greatness.
  6. On that day, people here will be like, ‘Look at this mess! This is who we were counting on for help and rescue from the king of Assyria. But now, how are we supposed to escape?’
Isaiah 21
  1. Ugh, the weight of this super desolate place by the sea. It’s like those crazy whirlwinds blowing through the south, coming from this terrifying desert land.
  2. Yo, I just heard some heavy news: things are getting wild. This shady person is causing chaos and destruction. Elam, it’s your turn to step up and fight Media. I’m determined to end all the suffering and sorrow.
  3. So basically, I’m feeling this intense pain in my gut, like those crazy contractions during childbirth. Just hearing about it or seeing it has me completely crushed and overwhelmed.
  4. Yo, my heart was racing, and I was terrified. The night that was supposed to be lit turned into a nightmare. My thoughts were all over the place, and I was totally freaked out.
  5. Set up the lit table, keep watch in the lookout tower, grub out, and chill: yo, all you rulers, get ready and protect yourselves.
  6. Yo, the Lord was like, ‘Listen up, go appoint a watchman, and he’s gotta tell everyone what he sees, no cap.’
  7. And he peeped a dope ride with a couple of homies, a ride pulled by donkeys, and a lit ride pulled by camels. He listened up real close, paying mad attention:
  8. And he shouted, like, ‘Yo, there’s a lion!’ Bro, I’m always on watch during the day, and I stay up all night on guard duty, you know? Like, every single night.
  9. OMG, peep this! There’s a squad rolling in with a sick chariot, along with a couple of horsemen. And guess what? He straight up announces that Babylon is toast! Like, totally fallen. And just to add to the epicness, he totally wrecked all those carved idols of her gods, knocking them to the ground!
  10. Hey fam, gather ’round! So, I gotta share some wisdom from the man upstairs, the big guy, the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel. It’s like this, my peeps – y’all are precious to me, like the corn that gets trampled on the threshing floor. And guess what? The divine secrets and truths I’ve heard, I’m spilling the tea to all of you. Pretty solid, right?!
  11. So, like, peep this prophecy about Dumah. Dude from Seir slides into my DMs like, “Yo, watchman, spill the tea about the night? What’s the sitch?”
  12. And I’m all, “Bro, dawn’s on the horizon, but darkness is creeping in too. If you’re curious, hit me up with those Qs. But yo, don’t ghost me, aight?”
  13. A’ight, check it! This word’s for all y’all squad cruisin’ through Arabia. When you’re on the grind, kick back in the lit forest of Arabia, my Dedanim fam!
  14. Big shoutout to the peeps in Tema, comin’ through for the thirsty homie with that hydration and hookin’ up the one on the move with some bread. 💧🍞
  15. They dipped from the swords, those blades primed to slice, from the heavy-duty bows, and the straight-up horrors of battle. (from the swords: or, because they were shook, etc: Heb. because they faced, etc)
  16. So, like, straight from the Most High’s mouth, within a year, just like a gig with an expiration date, all the hype of Kedar’s gonna crumble and vanish. No lie.
  17. And the leftover crew of dope archers, those epic warriors from the Kedar squad, they’re gonna be seriously cut down. The LORD God of Israel ain’t holdin’ back on this one. #truth #preach
Isaiah 22
  1. The hustle of the valley of insight. What’s your deal, that you’re all the way up on them rooftops?
  2. You’re all about that drama, a city buzzing with activity, a lit city: your losses ain’t from battle, not one person falls in combat.
  3. All your top dogs have bounced, caught in the crosshairs of expert archers. Everyone you counted on is now nabbed, looking for safety in far-off places. (BTW, those archers mean business!)
  4. So, I was like, don’t even glance my way, I’m straight-up bawling, don’t bother trying to cheer me up, it’s just devastating seeing my people getting wrecked.
  5. Bro, brace yourself for a wild ride of mayhem and madness straight from the Lord GOD, shaking up the valley of insight. Walls are gonna crumble, and folks will be screaming at the hills.
  6. Elam rolled up with a crew on chariots and horses, while Kir flaunted their shields. (revealed: out in the open)
  7. Yo, heads up! There’s gonna come a time when your fave hangouts are swarmed with sick chariots, and the horse crew’s gonna be posted at the gate, showing off their formation. You vibin’ with that?!
  8. And he peeped the inside scoop of Judah, and scoped out the fresh threads of the stylish crib.
  9. Check out the wrecked spots of David’s city, real tragic: and y’all swooped in, scooping up all the water from that low-key pool.
  10. So you went ahead and counted all the cribs in Jerusalem, and you straight up knocked down some to beef up the wall, you feel?
  11. So, you all dug this rad ditch to channel water from the old pool, but you totally slept on the person who made it happen and didn’t even give props to the one who crafted it back in the day.
  12. And on that day, the Almighty Lord of hosts dropped a message, saying to shed tears, to mourn, to shave your head, and to wrap yourself in mourning attire:
  13. Imagine this: total bliss and happiness, munching on some juicy steaks, and savoring succulent lamb. We’re talking about diving into some epic grub and wine like there’s no tomorrow, ’cause, you know, life’s short and unpredictable.
  14. Yo, the Almighty himself hit me with this reality check: Ain’t no way you’re shaking off this wickedness until you’re six feet under, says the big man upstairs – the Lord GOD of hosts.
  15. Yo, peep this! Got a message straight from the Lord, the big boss. I need you to track down this dude named Shebna, the head honcho in charge of the house, and drop this word on him:
  16. What’s your deal? Who you rollin’ with that you’re carving out a fancy tomb for yourself, like those who make lavish graves up high or build swanky cribs in the rocks?
  17. Yo, listen up, the LORD’s gonna hit you with a major takedown, totally gonna wrap you up.
  18. He’ll straight-up toss you like a ball into a huge place: that’s where you’ll bite the dust, and there your flashy rides will be a big embarrassment for your boss. (large: as in super spacious)
  19. And I’ll straight up shake you from your throne, and your whole kingdom gonna be crushed, no lie.
  20. Yo, down the line, I’m gonna link up with my bro Eliakim, son of Hilkiah:
  21. I’ll deck him out in your gear, pass him your vibe, and make him the boss in charge. He’ll be like a father figure to the folks in Jerusalem and the squad in Judah.
  22. Lemme tell ya, this dude’s gonna rock the key to the house of David, right on his shoulder. He’ll be able to unlock any door, and nobody’s gonna be able to stop him. And when he decides to shut something, ain’t nobody gonna be able to open it again.
  23. And I’ll anchor him down like a super solid nail; he’ll totally become a lit throne for his fam’s kingdom.
  24. And they’re gonna pass on all the cool stuff from their dad’s place to him, like the whole fam and all the sick stuff, from fancy cups to straight-up party kegs.
  25. When the big guy upstairs, the LORD of all the squads, says it’s going down, that sturdy nail holding everything together is gonna get pulled out, come crashing down, and hit the dirt. And all the weight on it? Gone in a flash. ‘Cause the LORD said so, no question.
Isaiah 23
  1. Yo, fam, check it! Tyre’s totally trashed. Tarshish ships, sound off ’cause there’s no crib left. It’s been laid bare to the folks from Chittim, no secrets here.
  2. Take it easy, island dwellers; you’ve been hooked up by those Zidon merchants cruising across the sea.
  3. And with tons of water, the folks of Sihor are living large, pulling in mad crops from the river, stacking that cash flow, making it a top spot for trade from all over.
  4. Yo, Zidon, you better feel ashamed ’cause the sea’s dropping facts. It’s like, ‘I ain’t out here hustlin’ or birthing no kids, I ain’t raising young ones or watching out for the ladies.’
  5. When there’s major drama in Egypt, they’ll be freaking out when they hear what’s going down with Tyre.
  6. Hey, Tarshish, let it rip; scream and shout, all you island peeps!
  7. Yo, is this your once-lit city, like from back in the day? She gotta dip and find a new spot solo. Like, she gonna bounce real far, fam. No lie!
  8. Yo, peeps, check out Tyre, that lit city on fleek! Their hustlers? Straight-up royalty, and their biz game? It’s on another level, fam. Respected worldwide, ya feel?
  9. The Big G upstairs? He’s got a plan to humble the proud and bring down the high and mighty. It’s time to show those so-called ‘cool’ cats what’s up. They ain’t all that, trust.
  10. Let your vibes flow like a chill river, O daughter of Tarshish; your strength has faded like a worn-out belt.
  11. Bro, did you peep that? The big man upstairs just flexed on the sea and shook kingdoms! The Most High gave the word to straight-up wreck the merchant giant, yeah, the Canaan city, and tear down its defenses.
  12. And he was like, “Nah, no more parties for you, girl from Zidon. Pack up, move to Chittim, but just a heads up, it ain’t gonna be any better there.”
  13. Peep this, back in the day, the Chaldeans were nobodies until the Assyrians hooked them up, building all kinds of swanky stuff in the desert. They had dope towers and flashy palaces, but in the end, it all came crashing down.
  14. Big oof to all the ships of Tarshish, ’cause your power? Totally wrecked.
  15. Yo, listen up! So, like, peep this, there’s gonna be this day, right? And on that day, Tyre is gonna be straight-up forgotten for, like, seventy years, just like one king’s reign, you feel me? But once those seventy years are up, Tyre’s gonna bounce back strong, doin’ its thing like a siren pulling everyone in. Can you vibe with that? Yeah!
  16. Hey, grab a harp and take a stroll through the city, you chick who’s been overlooked and forgotten. Play some sweet tunes, belt out some jams, so you can reclaim your rep.
  17. And, like, after a solid 70 years, God’s gonna, like, totally scope out Tyre, and they’ll be all about that cash flow, linking up with all the kingdoms worldwide, yo!
  18. And all her hustle and earnings will be dedicated to the Most High. She won’t be hoarding it for herself, ’cause what she sells will be for those living in alignment with the Most High, to keep them fed and looking fly in those trendy threads.
Isaiah 24
  1. Yo, peep this, the Most High straight up clears out the earth, turns it into a desert, flips it around, and spreads everyone out. It’s like majorly messed up, dude!
  2. Listen up! Here’s the deal: whatever goes down with the people goes down with the priest; same goes for the servant and their master, the maid and her mistress, the buyer and the seller, and even the lender and the borrower. It’s like a give and take vibe, just like with interest and loans. You catch my drift? Word.
  3. The entire land will be deserted and laid bare, for the Most High has declared it.
  4. Dude, the earth’s vibes are so low, everything’s just fading, the whole scene’s struggling, even those prideful peeps are feeling it. You know, those who think they’re on top? Yeah, they’re lowkey losing their groove.
  5. Yo, the earth’s seriously out of whack ’cause the folks living here have been straight-up ignoring the rules, messing with the established order, and totally ghosting the everlasting agreement.
  6. Yo, the earth’s just straight-up cursed, and all the people chilling here are feeling hella lonely. It’s like a burning inferno, and only a small squad of folks are left.
  7. The vibes are majorly bummed out, the vine’s all weak sauce, and all the party animals are just straight-up sighing.
  8. The drumbeats fade, the party noise dies down, and the guitar jams lose their joy.
  9. No sipping wine while jamming; that strong drink? It’s gonna taste bitter to those who take a swig.
  10. The city’s in total chaos: every pad’s on lockdown, no one’s getting in.
  11. Folks are out in the streets, begging for some lit drinks; all the good vibes vanished, and the party scene’s a ghost town.
  12. The city’s trashed, and the gate? It’s straight-up wrecked.
  13. When this goes down in the heart of the land and among the people, it’ll be like when an olive tree is shaken and grapes are gathered after the harvest.
  14. They’ll crank up their voices and straight-up belt out tunes in honor of the Most High, like shout it loud from the sea, no holding back.
  15. So, like, gotta give major props to the LORD, even when stuff gets intense, ya know? I mean, we’re talking about praising the name of the LORD God of Israel, even out in the islands of the sea. It’s huge, bro! 🔥
  16. Been hearing these tunes of glory to the righteous echoing everywhere. But dang, I gotta admit, I’m feeling so drained, like, seriously depleted. It’s like, whoa, stuff’s hitting the fan! These shady characters are getting shadier by the minute, like, majorly sketch.
  17. Yo, living on this Earth, there’s a ton to watch out for – all kinds of traps, danger, and fear lurking.
  18. And you best believe, if someone dips out ’cause they’re scared out of their minds, they’re gonna stumble into trouble. And even if they somehow dodge that mess, they’ll just land right into another trap. It’s like the big shots up above forgot to lock the windows, and the whole dang earth’s shaking to its core, dude.
  19. Yo, the earth’s like totally wrecked, straight-up crumbling, and it’s shaking like crazy.
  20. The earth’s gonna be wobbling like someone who’s had way too many, getting tossed around like a dollhouse. The messed-up stuff people do is gonna weigh it down hard. It’s gonna crash and won’t be bouncing back anytime soon.
  21. And like, there’s gonna come a day when the Most High’s gonna school those big shots up there and humble the kings of the earth. It’s gonna be heavy, man. #Justice
  22. And they’ll be stuck together, like they’re all locked up in a dungeon, sealed tight in a cell. But don’t sweat it, someone’s gonna come check on them eventually, after a long haul.
  23. When the Big Guy upstairs takes the reins in Zion and Jerusalem, the moon’s gonna be shook and the sun’s gonna feel low-key embarrassed. Plus, his OG squad will be in awe of his epic glory.
Isaiah 25
  1. OMG, God, you’re like my ultimate bro. I’m gonna hype you up and give you major props ’cause you’ve pulled off some seriously epic moves. Your plans from way back have always been on fleek and totally reliable.
  2. Yo, you straight-up turned a city into a massive pile of rubble. That fortified city? Now it’s just a total wreck. That fancy palace where strangers used to kick back? It’s not even a city anymore. And guess what? It’s never gonna be rebuilt. #DestroyedForever
  3. So, like, the fierce squad’s gonna straight-up hype you, and the intimidating nations? They’re gonna be shook by your awesomeness.
  4. You’ve been there for the struggling crew, holding it down for the ones in need when they’re going through it. Like a safe haven when life gets wild, offering chill vibes in the heat of it all, when the haters try to bring you down like a storm against a solid wall.
  5. You gotta shut down those outsiders, like blazing heat in a dry desert; yeah, their noise fades away just like shade from a passing cloud. Those intimidating haters? Yeah, they’ll be brought low and humbled.
  6. And up on this mountain, the Most High’s gonna throw the sickest bash ever, with gourmet grub, top-notch wines, and everything popping and on fleek.
  7. And like, dude, he’s gonna totally tear down that, like, invisible wall keeping folks hidden on this mountain. It’s gonna be like a mega gulp moment, bro! And that veil thingy hiding nations? Yeah, that’s gonna vanish too. No more hiding, yo!
  8. He’s gonna totally crush death and come out on top; and God will wipe away all the tears from everyone’s faces; and all the haters dissing his people will be outta here from the whole world: ’cause the LORD said so.
  9. On that lit day, we’ll be like, “OMG, this is our God! We’ve been low-key waiting for Him, and He’s gonna come through and save us big time. This is the LORD, fam! We’ve been keeping it real for Him, and we’re gonna be so pumped and totally hyped about His salvation.” 🙌
  10. Alright fam, listen up! The hand of the LORD is gonna be all up on this mountain, and Moab? Yeah, they’re gonna be straight-up wrecked, like when you’re stomping on straw to make fertilizer. The Lord’s gonna stomp on ’em so hard, it’s gonna be like threshing in Madmenah.
  11. And you know what? He’s gonna, like, reach out his hands among them, just like when you’re swimming and you spread your hands wide? Yeah, that kind of vibe. He’s gonna totally humble their pride, like, bring it down a notch, along with everything they’ve been boasting about. 🌊🙏
  12. And he’s gonna straight-up demolish that mega fortress of your walls, like, totally obliterate it, and bring it down to the ground, like, in a major way, all the way to the dust. 🏰💨
Isaiah 26
  1. On that day, this epic anthem will be straight vibin’ in Judah; Picture this – we got a seriously solid city; salvation will be like, totally building walls and bulwarks like a boss.
  2. Yo, swing those gates wide for the righteous squad who stay real, so they can roll in. 🎶🏰
  3. For real though, God’s gonna hook up total peace to those who keep their minds locked on Him, ’cause they’re all about that trust.
  4. Yo, fam, you gotta stay steady trusting in the LORD all the time, ’cause He’s packing that everlasting strength, you feel me? He’s like the OG rock of ages, always holding it down. So, stay true to Him, no cap! 🙏🏼🔒
  5. He totally calls out those living their best life, leveling their fancy city to the ground, straight up bringing it down to the dust.
  6. The poor and needy will totally take charge, stepping all over it.
  7. The vibe of righteous people is all about keeping it real and honest. You, who always keeps it 100, carefully consider the journey of the righteous. 🌟
  8. Yeah, we’ve been vibing for you to drop some truth bombs, Lord. Our souls are all about honoring your name and keeping your memory alive.
  9. I’ve been yearning for you deep in my soul, especially when the night’s quiet. I’ll make it my mission to seek you from dawn break. ‘Cause when you bring your justice to our world, everyone will finally get what it means to live right. 🙏🏼🌅
  10. Even if you show mad love to the wicked, they still won’t learn to do right. They’ll keep pulling shady moves in the most legit spots and straight up ignore how awesome the LORD is.
  11. Yo, God, when you show your power moves, they won’t even notice, but then they gonna feel super embarrassed ’cause they were dissing your people. And those haters gonna get burned up by the fire of your enemies. No cap! 🔥🙏
  12. Yo, God, you’ll bring the good vibes our way: ’cause you’ve totally sorted everything out for us, for real.
  13. Yo, God! We’ve had others try to call the shots, but we only wanna hype up your name. Straight up truth. 🙌🏼
  14. They’re totally out, like, no chance of a comeback; they’re seriously wiped out. So, You showed up and completely erased them, wiping their memory from everyone’s minds.
  15. Yo, Lord, you’ve totally expanded the nation, like, seriously boosted it! You’re a total boss and you’ve spread it all over the entire earth, man. 🌍🙌
  16. God, when they were facing a tough time, they hit you up and prayed, even when they were getting disciplined. Prayer is like speaking in code, you know?
  17. Just like when a pregnant woman is about to give birth and goes through crazy pain, crying out in agony, we’ve also felt this way in your presence, LORD. 🙏🏼🌟
  18. We’ve been waiting, we’ve been striving, but it feels like we’ve given birth to nothing but emptiness. We haven’t made any impact in this world, and neither have the people around us.
  19. Your homies who have passed away will come back to life, and even I will rise again. So wake up and party, all of you who are stuck in the monotonous grind of everyday life. Just like the morning dew brings a fresh vibe to the grass, the earth will give back the souls of those who have departed. 🌅🌱
  20. Yo, fam, check it! It’s time to head to your own spot, lock those doors tight. Just chill there for a bit until all the negativity fades away.
  21. Yo, peep this! The LORD’s stepping out of His place to seriously deal with the folks on Earth for all their messed-up stuff. The ground’s gonna soak up the blood of those who’ve been taken out, and it won’t be able to hide the dead anymore. (BTW, in Hebrew, “blood” is plural, just a heads up)
Isaiah 27
  1. Yo, peep this: When that day rolls in, God’s gonna flex with His lit sword, straight-up owning Leviathan, that mega-twisty serpent. He’s gonna slay that dragon chillin’ in the ocean. No cap!
  2. On that day, vibe with her. She’s like a dope vineyard, serving up that fire red wine.
  3. Bruh, peep this: As the LORD, I got you covered. I’ll always be there to feed and protect you. Day and night, I gotchu, keepin’ you safe from any harm.
  4. I ain’t about that anger life. Who even dares to throw weak obstacles at me? I’d crush ’em like it’s NBD, like, light ’em up in a sec with a single swipe.
  5. Yo, check it: If they just vibe with my strength, they can totally chill with me, you know? We’ll be like, super chill together.
  6. It’s gonna be lit, fam: He’s gonna make Jacob’s crew totally flourish. Israel’s gonna bloom and thrive, spreading its fruitful vibes all over the world.
  7. Did he clap back like those who clapped at him? Or is he taken out like those who got taken out by him?
  8. When things start poppin’, you gonna be like, ‘Wait up, let’s talk this out.’ God keeps his strong wind in check even when things get real tough.
  9. So, check it out: Jacob can clear up his mess by wrecking all the stones on the altar, turning ’em into dust like crushed chalk. Once those statues and idols are history, he’ll be in the clear.
  10. But yo, that city that used to flex its muscles? It’s gonna be ghost town central, straight-up deserted, like a wasteland. Picture it: cows loungin’ around, catching some Z’s, snackin’ on tree branches and whatnot.
  11. When those branches get dry, they’re gonna get snapped off. And then, bam! The ladies are rolling in, ready to light ’em up. ‘Cause, like, this crew? They’re clueless. So, the one who made ’em won’t be showing any love, and the one who formed ’em won’t be dropping any mercy.
  12. So, check it: On that day, the LORD’s gonna make a straight-up highway from the river to Egypt. And you, the children of Israel, gonna be gathered up, one by one.
  13. Bro, when that day hits, it’s gonna be a mega-trumpet blast. And get this: Those folks who were about to hit rock bottom in Assyria and the outcasts in Egypt? They’re all gonna roll up and worship the LORD on that epic holy mountain in Jerusalem.
Isaiah 28
  1. Watch out, fam! Ephraim’s in for a reality check. Those prideful, party-hardy crew? They’re like flowers losing their vibe, just chillin’ in those valleys, sippin’ on wine like it’s the ultimate vibe. But guess what? That vibe’s temporary, and they’re gonna end up feelin’ totally wrecked.
  2. Check it out – the Lord’s power is next level. It’s like a wild hailstorm, a wrecking ball storm, or a massive flood, ready to wipe out anything in its path with just a flick of the wrist.
  3. And yo, those cocky Ephraim crew, always partying like it’s endless? They’re about to catch a reality check. They’ll be straight-up humbled and knocked down by everyone around ’em.
  4. Yo, peep this: that beauty poppin’ in the thicc valley? It’s like a flower droppin’ its petals real quick or fruit gettin’ ripe way before summer’s even in sight. People check it out, snatch it up, and chow it down in a flash, like they gulp it without even a second thought.
  5. When the big day comes, the LORD of hosts will be rockin’ it like the ultimate crown and a killer accessory, leveling up his people’s awesomeness.
  6. Plus, he’s hookin’ up those decision-makers with serious critical thinking skills and givin’ strength to those who overcome hurdles and come out on top.
  7. Even the big shots slip up because of booze, man. They get lost in the sauce, totally gone off getting wasted. Even the religious bigwigs and prophets, they’re not immune. Alcohol messes with their heads, messes with their visions, screws up their judgment big time.
  8. Bruh, it’s like all the tables are straight-up nasty, covered in vomit and grossness, not a clean spot in sight.
  9. And check it, who’s gonna get the wisdom drop? Who’s ready to level up? It’s those who’ve outgrown the basics, ready to dive into the deep stuff. You catch my drift?
  10. It’s like leveling up in a game, each step unlocking the next. Just gotta take it slow and steady, building up bit by bit. Knowledge? It’s a drip-feed, coming at you piece by piece, here and there.
  11. And when it comes to talking to certain peeps, it’s like switching up the language, hitting them with unexpected vibes. Gonna mix it up and speak in ways they least expect.
  12. And he was all like, ‘Yo, peep this! This is the chill spot where y’all can kick back and relax, vibe out. But nah, they straight-up brushed it off, didn’t wanna listen.’
  13. But the LORD’s message to them was like a broken record, repeating step by step, bit by bit, meant to guide them. But instead, they tripped up, got hurt, got stuck, and got caught.
  14. Check it, fam! The LORD’s dropping some truth bombs for all you haters in Jerusalem who think you’re calling the shots.
  15. And yo, you really think you can shake hands with death and chill with hell? You seriously believe when chaos goes down, you won’t get touched? ‘Cause you’ve been living in lies and hiding behind fakeness?
  16. So, peeps, pay attention, alright? The Lord GOD’s laying down the blueprint: In Zion, he’s gonna lay down this rock-solid foundation, like a stone that’s been through the fire and come out stronger. It’s gonna be the cornerstone, the real deal, making it a foundation you can count on. And get this, those who trust in it won’t be freaking out or feeling rushed, you dig?
  17. I’m gonna serve up some serious justice, and righteousness will be on lock. Lies? They’re toast, ’cause hail’s gonna pummel ’em and floods gonna wash ’em away.
  18. And that pact with death? Null and void. Your deal with hell? It ain’t gonna fly. When disaster hits, you’re gonna get wrecked by it.
  19. Once it’s out there, it’s gonna hunt you down, like 24/7, morning and night. And trust me, trying to make sense of it all is just gonna mess with your head.
  20. It’s like trying to chill on a bed that’s way too small for a decent stretch, and the blanket? It’s like, not even wide enough to cover you properly.
  21. The Lord’s gonna bring it like he did at Mount Perazim and in the valley of Gibeon. He’s gonna be on fire, doing his thing, working his magic, and executing his mind-blowing plan.
  22. So, don’t be all mocking and stuff, or you’ll find yourself in a real pickle. ‘Cause word on the street from the Lord GOD Almighty is that some serious trouble’s coming for the whole earth.
  23. Yo, peep this and vibe with me; open your ears and catch my drift.
  24. Does the farmer stay grinding just to plant seeds? Is he out there, breaking his back, turning over soil endlessly?
  25. Once he’s got that ground leveled, ain’t he gonna spread out those seeds, like fitches and cummin? Then he plants the primo wheat and barley in the prime spots, throwing in some rye or spelt. It’s all about matching each crop with its perfect spot.
  26. Why? ‘Cause his God’s got his back, guiding him to make those smart moves and teaching him the ropes. He’s getting that divine insight, seeing things just how his God wants him to.
  27. You don’t bring out the heavy machinery to separate the fitches from their stalks, and you definitely don’t roll a cartwheel over the cummin. Nah, you gotta beat the fitches with a staff and the cummin with a rod.
  28. The bread’s been crushed, ’cause ain’t nobody bothering to thresh it or break it with a cart wheel, or crush it with horsemen.
  29. This wisdom? Straight from the Almighty, who’s next-level at giving advice and absolutely unstoppable at getting things done.
Isaiah 29
  1. Oh snap, Ariel, the city where David used to chill! Keep those celebrations going year after year, keep on offering them sacrifices. Ariel, the mighty lion of God! Let those sacrifices roll in, heads gonna roll in this city!
  2. Yo, Ariel’s about to hit some serious turbulence, and it’s gonna be majorly heavy and heartbreaking. It’s gonna be like a chaotic whirlwind, just like how Ariel’s gonna feel.
  3. I’m gonna encircle you, setting up camp all around, then I’m gonna hit you with a massive army vibe, and we’ll build some lit forts to lock you in. 🏰 #StayStrong #GodGotThis
  4. And you’ll be straight-up humbled, speaking from the ground, your words coming out like a soft whisper, mysterious and ghostly, almost like they’re rising from the earth, gently emerging from the dust. 🌬️🌾 #StayHumble #ListenToTheSpirit
  5. And all those strangers you don’t even vibe with? They’ll be like, small fries, just specks of dust. Even those big-shot bullies? They’ll be as irrelevant as dry grass, just blowing away like it’s NBD. And yo, it’s gonna hit you outta the blue, totally unexpected.
  6. Get hyped, fam, ’cause the LORD of hosts is ’bout to bring the thunder, earthquakes, and major noise. It’s gonna be like a wild storm, with crazy tempests and fire that just devours everything. Better buckle up! ⚡🔥 #BraceYourselves #GodsPlan
  7. And all the nations that try to mess with Ariel, picking fights and stressing her out, they’ll be like characters in a dreamy VR game.
  8. Picture this: It’s like when you dream of chowing down on a feast, but you wake up starving. Or when you dream of guzzling water, but wake up parched and still craving. That’s the deal for all the nations going up against Mount Zion. 🏔️💪 #DreamVsReality #GodsGotThis
  9. Yo, check this out and be blown away; raise your voice, let it out: they’re all messed up, but not ’cause they’ve been hitting the bottle; they’re tripping, but not from getting wasted.
  10. Yo, the Lord straight up put you into a deep sleep and shut your eyes tight. Like, He covered up the prophets, leaders, and those who see visions, leaving them clueless. (Just so you know, ‘rulers’ in Hebrew means ‘heads’). 🙌😴 #MindBlown #GodsPlan
  11. So, basically, this whole vision gig is like a book that’s completely sealed shut. They pass it to someone who’s, like, a genius and they’re all, ‘Hey, can you decipher this for us?’ But the genius is like, ‘Nah, sorry, it’s locked up tight.’
  12. Then they pass the book to someone who’s not really into reading, and they’re like, ‘Um, can you make sense of this?’ And the person’s just like, ‘Nah, books aren’t really my thing, sorry.’ 📚🔒 #LockedUp #LostInTranslation
  13. So, God’s like, ‘Hey, these folks are all talkin’ ’bout me and actin’ like they respect me, but deep down, their hearts ain’t even in it. And they’re only scared of me ’cause it’s what they’ve been told.’
  14. Listen up – I’m about to drop some serious truth bombs on these peeps. It’s gonna be next-level stuff, totally mind-blowing. All those big-shot intellectuals? Yeah, their smarts won’t mean a thing, and those self-proclaimed geniuses won’t have a clue what’s coming. 💥🧠 #TruthBomb #GodsPlan
  15. Uh-oh for those trying to keep their secrets from the big man upstairs, doing their shady stuff in the shadows, acting like nobody’s peepin’. Like, c’mon, who they think they’re foolin’? He knows what’s up!
  16. Seriously, if you’re all rebellious, going against the flow, it’s like dissing the potter’s clay. Should the creation be all, ‘Yo, you didn’t make me’? Or should the crafted thing be like, ‘Dude, you have no clue what you’re doing’? 🙏🏽🔍 #GodsWatching #StayHumble
  17. Yo, hold up, fam! Check this out, Lebanon’s gonna flip the script and become this super lush, fertile field. And get this, that green and fruitful field? It’ll be like a full-on forest, straight-up impressive and all!
  18. And on that day, even those who couldn’t hear before will catch every word from the book, and even the blind will see through the darkness and obscurity. 🌱📖 #Transformation #GodsPlan
  19. Even the low-key peeps will boost their joy in the LORD, and those who are going through tough times among people will totally vibe with the Holy One of Israel. #Upgrade #Blessed
  20. Yo, the big bad dude is totally flopped, and the hater is straight up canceled, and all those sneaking around to do dirty deeds are gonna get the boot: 🚫👊 #NoEvilAllowed
  21. They try to cancel you for slipping up in speech, and they trap you if you call out injustice, and they toss fairness to the side for something trivial.
  22. So, like, the LORD drops this, you know, the one who saved Abraham and all, about Jacob’s crew. Jacob won’t feel ashamed or go pale-faced anymore. 🙌✊ #JusticePrevails #GodsPromise
  23. But when he peeps his kids, the masterpiece of my creation, chilling right beside him, they’ll give props to my name, and show love for the Holy One of Jacob, and give mad respect to the God of Israel.
  24. Those who were lost at first will find their way, and those who were whining will gain knowledge and wisdom. 🧠🙏 #BlessedKids #WisdomGrows
Isaiah 30
  1. Yo, the Big Man upstairs is like, “Those rebellious peeps are in for a bumpy ride.” They be hitting up everyone for advice except Me, chasing after all the wrong vibes instead of tuning in to My vibe. It’s like they’re on a mission to rack up sin points, stacking ’em up like it’s some kinda game.
  2. Bro, for real? They’re straight-up marching to Egypt without even giving Me a heads-up. Trusting in Pharaoh for strength and security, acting like Egypt’s got their back like it’s some kinda chill shelter!
  3. It’s like, straight up, banking all your hope on Pharaoh’s power? Not a smart move. Trusting Egypt for protection? That’s just gonna leave you feeling hella confused and stranded.
  4. ‘Cause, you know, his squad was posted up in Zoan, and his crew slid through to Hanes.
  5. Those folks got major embarrassed vibes from peeps who couldn’t even hook them up with benefits or help, just brought shame and disrespect instead.
  6. It’s like a wild adventure down south: rolling into a land of straight-up chaos and gloom. You got the fierce young and old lion, the sly viper, and the fiery flying serpent. They’re hauling their riches on young donkeys and loading up camels with their precious loot, but it’s all gonna flop ’cause the ones they’re delivering to ain’t gonna gain squat from it.
  7. Those Egyptians ain’t gonna come through, it’s gonna be a total waste. I’ve been preaching this from the get-go, they’re pros at just lounging around, doing nada.
  8. A’ight, check it out! Grab your phone and tap it out on a digital note, and be sure to save it up in the cloud. This message is straight-up timeless, gonna stay relevant for eternity. #ForeverAndEver
  9. These peeps are like, major rebels, you know? They ain’t vibing with the Lord’s laws at all. They’re straight-up fibbers, always pulling shady moves.
  10. It’s like, they’re telling the seers to shut their eyes, and the prophets to keep their mouths shut, except when they want them to say what they wanna hear, spreading lies and deceit instead of the truth.
  11. Yo, make way, clear the path, don’t block the Holy One of Israel from rolling through.
  12. Alright, listen in, folks! The big man upstairs, the Holy One of Israel, has a message for ya. You keep dissin’ His word, leaning on sketchy tactics like bullying and being all twisted. You think that’s fly? Nah, it ain’t gonna cut it.
  13. So, check it, this wrongdoing is gonna be like a total trainwreck just waiting to go down. It’s gonna be this huge wall teetering on the brink of collapse, like, outta nowhere and all at once.
  14. And He’s gonna wreck it like when a potter’s jar smashes into bits; He ain’t gonna hold back. There won’t even be a single shard left to toss in the fire or scoop water from a well.
  15. Yo, listen up, fam! The Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel, drops some wisdom: If you chillax and take a breather, you’ll score salvation; your strength lies in staying cool and confident. But y’all ain’t feeling it.
  16. But nah, you were like, “We’ll hop on those horses, so we’ll get away fast.” But guess what? Your ride’s gonna dip, so you’ll be dipping too. And we’ll jet on the swift ones; so those chasing you? Yeah, they’ll be stepping on the gas too.
  17. When one dude throws shade at you, a whole crew’s gonna dip; when five peeps start dissing, you’ll be booking it too. You’ll just keep jetting ’til you’re left solo, standing tall like a slick mast on a ship or a hip flag waving on a hill.
  18. So, check it, God’s got mad patience, just waiting to show you love and kindness. He’s gonna lift Himself up and pour out mercy on you. ‘Cause, you know, God’s all about fairness and dropping righteous judgments. Those who vibe with Him? They’re gonna be straight-up blessed, no cap!
  19. So, like, peeps are gonna kick it in Zion, aka Jerusalem, you feel me? And yo, no need for more tears ’cause when the Big Guy upstairs hears your cry, he’s gonna be chill AF. For real, he’s gonna tune in and give you an answer, no doubt.
  20. But, yo, even if life gets real rough and you’re dealing with some heavy stuff, your guides ain’t gonna ghost you. They’re sticking around, no shady business here. Actually, you’ll straight-up see them with your own eyes. Just so you know, “affliction” can also mean “oppression.”
  21. And you’ll straight-up hear a voice behind you, like saying, “Yo, this is the move, just do it!” when you’re debating which way to go.
  22. You gotta straight-up ditch those silver idols you’re all about and those golden statues you worship. Just toss ’em aside like yesterday’s news and be like, “Get outta here!”
  23. And then He’ll bless your crops with some rain so you can plant ’em and score tons of delicious grub. The land’s gonna be crazy fertile, pumping out food for days. Your animals? They’ll be living large in some spacious pastures!
  24. And yo, even the oxen and the young donkeys working the fields deserve some top-notch chow, all clean and savory, packed with flavor and totally on point.
  25. And you’ll peep some epic waterfalls and streams all over the place, cascading down from the tallest peaks and highest hills on the day things get wild, when the towers come tumbling down.
  26. A’ight, listen up. When the Lord hooks up His crew and heals their hurts, the moon’s gonna shine as bright as the sun, and the sun’s light? It’s gonna be seven times stronger, like seven days packed into one.
  27. Listen up, fam! The LORD’s name is echoing from way far off, and He’s mega ticked, like flames of fury burning bright. His anger’s got some serious weight, like He’s got some major truths to drop. His words are dripping with outrage, and His speech? It’s like a blazing fire. Seriously, His anger is no joke.
  28. And His breath? It’s like a tidal wave of truth, rising all the way up to the neck, sifting through nations with a filter of folly. Plus, a restraint will be on the people, like a bridle guiding them off course.
  29. You’ll groove to a sick beat, like when a righteous rave goes down at night; and feel pure bliss, like when someone drops an epic playlist while trekking up the Lord’s mountain, to the mighty One of Israel. (mighty…: Heb. Rock)
  30. And God’s gonna make sure everyone catches wind of His epic voice, flexing His mighty power by revealing His righteous wrath, with a fire that tears through everything, bringing chaos, storms, and hailstones.
  31. When the LORD starts dropping truth bombs, that’s when the Assyrians are gonna get served for all the chaos they caused.
  32. And wherever that righteous staff lands, like when God lays it down, it’s gonna be a hype fest with drums and guitars. And when it’s time to rumble and shake things up, God’s gonna throw down with it. 🎶
  33. Tophet’s been in the game since forever, set up for the king and decked out big time. Dude went all out, digging it deep and making it wide. There’s this massive bonfire going, stacked with tons of firewood. And check it, the breath of the LORD? It’s like a fiery stream of sulfur, cranking that fire’s heat up to the max. Been like this since way back when, like, forever ago.
Isaiah 31
  1. Yo, big oops! Those banking on Egypt for backup, trusting in horses and chariots, thinking they got a lit army with mad horsemen! But they ain’t checking in with the Holy One of Israel, nor are they seeking the LORD!
  2. But, check it, He’s mad sharp and knows when to drop the hammer. Once He lays it down, He ain’t backing off. He’s gonna straight-up confront the wicked and all those doing shady stuff. No going back on His word, yo!
  3. So, check it, those Egyptians? Just regular peeps, not gods or anything. And their horses? Yeah, just flesh, nothing supernatural. But when the LORD (you know, God) stretches out His hand, all those trying to lend a hand, and those they’re helping? They’ll all bite the dust, like, together. Total fail, dude.
  4. So, the LORD dropped me a message, and He’s like, “Yo, imagine this: It’s like a lion and its cub, getting all fierce and roaring while they’re munching on some tasty prey. And even if a bunch of shepherds roll in, making a ruckus, the lion ain’t backing down or getting scared. That’s exactly how the LORD of all the armies is gonna roll up and defend Mount Zion and its hills. Ain’t nobody gonna make Him bat an eye or bring Him down with all their noise and fuss.”
  5. Picture this: Birds soaring through the sky, right? Well, that’s how the LORD of all is gonna have Jerusalem’s back – like, fully defending and delivering it, even like, hovering over it to keep it safe and sound.
  6. Yo, Israelites, it’s time to circle back to the One you’ve seriously let down.
  7. When that day comes, everyone’s gonna toss out their DIY silver and gold idols, which, let’s be real, are straight-up sinful. Yep, even those golden statues they’ve been all about. Like, seriously, they’re a big deal in the Hebrew culture.
  8. So, here’s the deal: The Assyrian won’t get taken down by some big-shot warrior’s sword, but by a blade wielded by a total underdog. It’s gonna wipe him out, catching him totally off guard. He’ll try to bounce, but even his young soldiers will be shaking in their boots.
  9. And, like, he’s gonna dip to his safe space ’cause he’s straight-up scared, and his crew will be losing it when they catch sight of the sign, says the LORD. ‘Cause, you know, God’s fiery power is in Zion, and His epic furnace is in Jerusalem. Like, for real, his foundation will crumble from fear.
Isaiah 32
  1. Yo, listen up, there’s gonna be this righteous king ruling the scene, with some seriously wise rulers making savvy moves.
  2. Bro, imagine this – there’s this dude who’s like your ultimate shelter when life gets crazy. He’s your refuge from the stormy chaos, like a cool stream in the middle of a dry desert. And he’s as comforting as the shade of a massive rock on a scorching hot day. That’s deep, man!
  3. And those with sharp eyes won’t need specs, and those with keen ears will tune in closely.
  4. Even the spontaneous can score wisdom, and those who struggle with speech can learn to speak up with confidence.
  5. The shady one won’t be labeled as lit anymore, and the disrespectful won’t be hailed as generous.
  6. The sketchy dude will run his mouth, all about that wicked life, acting like he’s the bomb while spreading lies about the LORD, leaving the hungry feeling hollow and messing with the thirsty’s drink.
  7. The gear that jerks pull is straight-up wicked: they hatch twisted schemes to wreck the lives of the less fortunate, using lies and deceit, even when the oppressed are fighting back.
  8. But the open-minded one? They’re dropping fresh ideas left and right, and their success is built on those very ideas.
  9. Yo, all you ladies kicking back in comfort, tune in! Check what I’ve gotta share.
  10. Hey, you easygoing ladies, prepare for some serious stress ’cause the wine-making season’s gonna be a bust and there won’t be any harvest to bring in. Just giving you a heads up.
  11. Yo, all you laid-back gals, it’s time to start trembling. You carefree ladies better get shook. Strip down, get real humble, and wrap yourselves in sackcloth around your waist.
  12. They’ll be bummed about the sick views, the lit hangout spots, the thriving vines. 💔
  13. Thorns and prickly plants will take over the land where my people dwell, even the upbeat city and its cheerful homes.
  14. Yo, check it out! Those swanky palaces? Ghost towns. The hustling city? Deserted, not a soul in sight. The forts and towers? They’ll just be kicking spots for wild donkeys, a chill place for flocks of sheep to snack on some grass. Yeah, those forts… or should I say, cliffs and watchtowers?
  15. Until the vibes drop from above, and the deserted spot becomes lit and popping, and the popping place turns into a straight-up jungle.
  16. Yo, when things go down in the wilderness, you know judgment’s about to go down. And righteousness? Yeah, that vibe’s gonna be holding it down in the fruitful field, no doubt.
  17. Being on the right side brings that peaceful flow; righteousness brings that chill assurance that lasts forever.
  18. And my squad’s gonna be posted up in some chill digs, with solid homes, and in real tranquil spots to just vibe and unwind;
  19. When those hailstorms come crashing down on the forest, and the city gets straight-up wrecked, like totally flattened.
  20. Y’all are seriously blessed if you’re out there planting seeds left and right, making sure those oxen and donkeys are putting in work on the farm grind.
Isaiah 33
  1. Totally yikes for you, the one who’s all about throwing shade without catching any yourself, and pulling sneaky moves when nobody’s watching! Heads up, when you quit the shady game, it’s gonna come back at ya, and when you stop with the sneakiness, expect it in return.
  2. Hey God, we’re vibing for some love vibes; we’ve been holding out, keeping it chill for you. Be our rock and rescue, especially when life gets wild.
  3. When things got wild, everyone bounced in a flash; but when you stepped up, the whole scene got shook.
  4. Your stash will get swiped like when caterpillars roll through: he’ll come in fast, like locusts swarming in.
  5. OMG, God is, like, the ultimate! He’s chilling up there, doing his thing. And lemme tell ya, he’s brought so much justice and goodness to Zion, it’s fire!
  6. So, wisdom and knowledge? They’re basically the building blocks of your life, you dig? They’re like the superpower that keeps you on track. And, showing major love and respect for the LORD? That’s like hitting the jackpot, ya know?
  7. Listen up, even the tough guys gonna be shedding tears, and even the peacekeepers gonna be bawling. 😢💔
  8. Dude, the highways are deserted, no one’s hitting the road anymore; they’ve bailed on their commitments, showing zero love for the towns, and straight-up dissing everyone.
  9. The earth is seriously bummed out and drained: Lebanon is feeling low and chopped down. Sharon’s looking like a ghost town; even Bashan and Carmel are losing their vibe. (They’ve totally dried up.)
  10. Listen up, it’s game on, declares the LORD. I’m about to step up and take it to the next level.
  11. So, you’re gonna plot all these empty schemes, but end up with nothing to show for it. Your hype and hustle will just fizzle out.
  12. The crew gonna be blazing like neon lights, they gonna get roasted like thorns in the fire.
  13. Check it, whether you’re far or close, I want you to know all the epic stuff I’ve pulled off and acknowledge my power.
  14. Man, the Zion crew is seriously shook! The fakers are totally blindsided by this fear. Like, who can even handle that insane blaze? Or endure those never-ending flames?
  15. Someone who walks the talk, keeps it real, doesn’t gain from lying, turns down shady deals, steers clear of violence, and refuses to be part of evil scenes;
  16. They’ll be chilling in the penthouse, surrounded by fortress-level security. Food’s always on point, and water’s never running dry.
  17. Picture this: the king, decked out, scoping out a distant, super rad land. Like, way beyond the usual sights.
  18. Your heart’s gonna be racing with anxiety. Like, where did the smart dude vanish to? And what about the guy who was keeping tabs? And where’s that tower-counter guy at? Was he actually serious about that?
  19. You’ll be lost with people talking a whole different vibe, with a wild language and accents that don’t even register.
  20. Peep Zion, the epic city where the vibes are always on point. Your eyes gonna witness Jerusalem as the ultimate hangout, a place that’s gonna stand strong forever. Ain’t nobody gonna mess with it, ain’t no cords gonna snap.
  21. But yo, the awesome LORD gonna be a lit oasis for us with crazy rivers and streams, where no paddleboard or fancy yacht gonna cruise through. It’s gonna be mega spacious, you feel?
  22. The LORD is totally on point as our judge, like he’s got the whole scene dialed in. He’s also our lawgiver, laying down the rules and all. Plus, he’s our king, totally running the show. And you know what’s up? He’s gonna save us. Oh, and by the way, ‘statutemaker’ means he’s the one who sets all the laws, just a heads up.
  23. Bro, your setup is wrecked! They couldn’t even patch up the mast right or hoist the sail. So, the loot from a major raid gets divvied up among them, and even the feeble ones get a piece of the action.
  24. And no one living there will be like, ‘I’m under the weather.’ The folks who dwell in that spot will have their sins wiped clean.
Isaiah 34
  1. Hey, squad! Check it out, fam from all over! I’m about to drop some wisdom, let the entire globe and everything in it tune in.
  2. Yo, the Most High ain’t vibing with the nations, even their squads are getting hit with His wrath. He’s straight up laying down the smack, giving them a serious reality check.
  3. Their corpses gonna get tossed, and their stench gonna fill the air, making the mountains soaked in their blood.
  4. And like, the whole crew up in the sky gonna vanish, and the heavens gonna roll up like a scroll, and everyone up there gonna fall like leaves dropping off a vine or figs falling from a fig tree.
  5. Yo, my sword’s gonna be swishin’ up there, like straight from the divine vibes, dude. Peep this, it’s gonna drop on Idumea and those folks I’ve laid the curse on. It’s time for some major reckoning!
  6. OMG, dude, the LORD’s sword is like, dripping with blood, like seriously soaked with fat and all. It’s from lambs, goats, and all that jazz, even the juiciest parts of rams! The LORD’s gearing up for this insane sacrifice in Bozrah and like, a massive slaughter in the land of Idumea, you feel me?
  7. Yo, peep this, fam: When the big day comes, those unicorns (yeah, rhinoceroses too, fam) are gonna be straight up rolling with them, along with the bullocks and bulls. And let me tell ya, their turf’s gonna be dripping with blood, like, soaked through, and the dust? Thicker than a milkshake, greasy with fatness. It’s gonna be lit, fam, like, intense vibes all around!
  8. Ayo, when the Big Guy upstairs finally decides to drop the mic and set things straight in Zion.
  9. Streams? They’re gonna flow like straight-up tar, dust turning into that scorching brimstone vibe, and the land? Lit up like a flame with blazing pitch.
  10. Check it, it’s gonna be lit 24/7, with the smoke rising non-stop. Like, it’s gonna be a wasteland for all time, no cap, and ain’t nobody gonna be able to roll through, like, forever and ever.
  11. Yo, it’s gonna be like the cormorant and the bittern are throwing a party there, chilling with the owl and the raven. Then it’s gonna be straight-up jacked and deserted, like majorly jacked, with nothing but chaos and emptiness. (P.S. Cormorant’s like a pelican, FYI)
  12. So, they’re gonna try to assemble all the cool cats to run the kingdom, but plot twist: none of ’em will RSVP, and all their supposed leaders? Big ol’ goose eggs.
  13. her palaces overrun with thorns, fortresses covered in nettles and brambles. It’s gonna be like a scene straight outta fantasy, where dragons and owls kick it, you feel? Yeah, it’s gonna be the ultimate chill spot for owls… or if you’re into the Hebrew vibe, ostriches. #NatureGoneWild
  14. So, check it, desert critters vibing with the island squad, even mythical creatures hitting up their crew. Night owl’s gonna be posted there, finding its cozy nook.
  15. Big owl’s gonna scope out a chill spot, set up her nest, keep her eggs warm, and the squad’s gonna gather under her shade. And yo, vultures gonna be in the mix, paired up with their ride-or-dies.
  16. Alright, peep the Word of the LORD, fam: what’s written there ain’t gonna flop, and nothing’s out of place, straight facts. ‘Cause I spoke it, and my spirit pieced it all together, no cap.
  17. So, he’s like, dished out their territories, drew the lines, and boom, it’s theirs for keeps, from generation to generation, they’re setting up shop there.
Isaiah 35
  1. So, those desolate spots? They’re gonna be popping off; picture the desert going all ‘yasss’, blooming like a total boss babe rose.
  2. It’s gonna bloom like crazy, joy levels skyrocketing: Lebanon, Carmel, and Sharon gonna be all eyes on it, seeing the awesomeness of the LORD and our incredible God.
  3. Be there for those with shaky hands and give a boost to those with wobbly knees.
  4. If anyone’s feeling anxious or scared, tell ’em to stay strong, no fear allowed. Your God’s on the way with justice, settling the score for those who did you dirty. He’s coming to your rescue.
  5. Listen up, fam, when this goes down, those who couldn’t see gonna have their eyes wide open, and the deaf crew gonna have their ears totally unblocked. It’s gonna be epic!
  6. Picture this: that dude who couldn’t even walk? He’ll be bouncing around like a rad deer, and the one who couldn’t speak? They’ll be dropping some sick beats. It’s gonna be insane, yo! Water’s gonna be bursting out in the middle of nowhere, streams flowing through the parched desert.
  7. Ayo, peep this. The cracked desert ground? It’s gonna turn into a sick pool, and the thirsty land? It’s gonna be popping with springs of water. Even in spots where dragons would usually be posted, there’s gonna be lush grass, reeds, and rushes. Serious vibes!
  8. There’s gonna be this lit road, like, a whole mood, called The Holy Highway. Only the real ones who are about it are allowed on there, no fakers. Even if they’re not the sharpest tools in the shed, they’ll stay on track. I’m talking legit, ’cause the man himself gonna be right there with them.
  9. Lions and hungry beasts? Nah, they won’t be strolling around there, straight up vanished. But those who got saved? They’ll be roaming free.
  10. And those who got hooked up by the LORD? They’ll roll back, hitting up Zion with lit tunes and eternal bliss on their minds: they’ll be filled with so much joy and hype, and all the sadness and sighing? Totally gone.
Isaiah 36
  1. Yo, in the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah’s reign, Sennacherib, the Assyrian king, decided to flex on all the fortified cities of Judah and straight up took them down.
  2. So, the king of Assyria sends this dude named Rabshakeh from Lachish to Jerusalem, right? And this dude rolls in with a huge army. He goes and posts up near the conduit of the upper pool, you know, by the road that leads to the fuller’s field.
  3. So, there were these dudes named Eliakim, Hilkiah’s son, holding it down at the crib, and Shebna, the scribe, and Joah, Asaph’s son, the recorder. Oh, and FYI, scribe here’s like a secretary.
  4. So, Rabshakeh straight up tells them, you know, go deliver this message to Hezekiah: ‘Listen up, man, the mighty king of Assyria’s got a question for you! What’s with all this trust you’re throwing around? Like, what’s the deal?’
  5. Seriously, do you think your words hold any weight? I’ve got all the strategy and power for war. So, who do you think you can count on to stand against me like this?
  6. Listen up, leaning on that weak Egyptian alliance? Dude, if you use that like a walking stick, it’s gonna snap and stab you in the hand. Same goes for Pharaoh, he’s a total letdown for anyone who puts their faith in him.
  7. Alright, listen up fam. So, if you’re all about saying, ‘Hey, we’re all about trusting in the LORD our God,’ remember how Hezekiah straight up ditched all those fancy worship spots and altars? He was like, ‘Yo, Judah and Jerusalem crew, you gotta stick to this one altar.’
  8. So, peep this. If you’re vibing with my main dude, the Assyrian king, I’ll hook you up with a cool 2k horses. But here’s the tea: Can you actually handle them and get riders on deck? Just curious, fam. Oh, and when I say ‘pledges,’ I mean those fancy words for ‘hostages’. NBD, just keeping it real.
  9. Bro, think about it. How you gonna impress anyone, let alone some small-time dude, by putting your trust in Egypt for their flashy rides and soldiers?
  10. Hold up, did I just stroll in here without the Lord’s green light to wreck this joint? The Lord was like, “Go full throttle and lay this land to waste.”
  11. Eliakim, Shebna, and Joah were like, “Yo, Rabshakeh, can you switch to Syrian? We’re cool with that. Just don’t speak Hebrew in front of the crowd, okay?”
  12. But Rabshakeh was all, “Did my boss really send me here to chat with your boss and you? Nah, man. He sent me to those dudes on the wall over there, so they can munch on their own crap and sip on their own pee right alongside you.”
  13. Yo, Rabshakeh was all up, standing there and straight up shouting in Jewish, like, “Yo, peeps! You gotta hear this from the big boss king, the Assyrian king.
  14. Check it, squad! The king’s like, “Don’t get played by Hezekiah. He ain’t gonna come through for you, for real.”
  15. Yo, don’t get tricked by Hezekiah into trusting the LORD, saying the LORD will straight up rescue us and this city won’t get snagged by the Assyrian king.
  16. Nah, don’t buy into Hezekiah’s spiel, ’cause the Assyrian king’s all like, “Yo, let’s negotiate. Roll out to me, and we’ll split all the sweet vineyards, fig trees, and your own water stash. It’s gonna be lit, trust.”
  17. Peep this: I’ll swoop in and teleport you to a rad land, just like where you’re at now. It’s gonna be stacked with awesome grub and drinks, overflowing with fresh bread and chill vineyards.
  18. But listen up! Don’t let Hezekiah pull the wool over your eyes, thinking the LORD’s gonna bail us out. Have any of those other gods from other nations actually saved their lands from the Assyrian king? Doubt it!
  19. Yo, where those gods of Hamath and Arphad at? And what about the gods of Sepharvaim? They ain’t done squat to save Samaria from me, fam!
  20. For real though, which of these so-called gods actually came through for their land? Like, why would the Lord save Jerusalem from me?
  21. But they were totally silent, didn’t even drop a reply, ’cause the king was like, “No need to engage, man.”
  22. So Eliakim, Hilkiah’s kid, who was running the crib, and Shebna, the scribe, and Joah, Asaph’s boy, the recorder, they roll up to Hezekiah, looking all shook, spilled the beans about what Rabshakeh had laid down.
Isaiah 37
  1. Yo, when King Hezekiah heard the news, he was shook to the core, like, totally devastated. He straight-up ripped his threads, threw on some sackcloth, and bounced to the house of the LORD.
  2. He gathered his squad – Eliakim, the big boss, Shebna the scribe, and the OG priests all draped in sackcloth – and they rolled to Isaiah the prophet, son of Amoz.
  3. They’re all like, “Yo, Hezekiah, today’s just a total vibe killer, like, drama everywhere, straight-up disrespect, man. Feels like labor pains without the birthing energy. The level of disrespect is off the charts!”
  4. “Maybe the big G upstairs will tune in to what Rabshakeh, that messenger from the Assyrian king, is spitting out against the Almighty. He might even throw down a response to those words He’s been catching. So, like, go ahead, and send up some prayers for the few of us left holding it down here.”
  5. So, King Hezekiah’s crew rolled up at Isaiah’s spot.
  6. And Isaiah was like, “Yo, relay this message from the Big Man Upstairs: Don’t trip over the trash those Assyrian king’s servants been spewing, dissing me and whatnot.”
  7. “Listen up, fam, I’m about to drop a massive vibe on him. He’ll catch word on the streets and peace out back to his turf. Then, I’ll make sure he gets served by the sword right in his own hood.”
  8. So Rabshakeh bounced back and peeped that the Assyrian king was going head-to-head against Libnah ’cause he heard they dipped from Lachish.
  9. So, rumor had it that Tirhakah, the king of Ethiopia, was gearing up for war against you. And when he got wind of it, he shot messengers over to Hezekiah, dropping a line like,
  10. “Hey, here’s the script for talking to Hezekiah, the king of Judah, dude. Don’t let your faith in your God fool you into thinking Jerusalem won’t get snatched up by the king of Assyria.”
  11. “Ayo, pay attention! You seen how those Assyrian kings been wrecking every place they step foot in? So, like, you think you’re gonna be the one exception spared from their fury?”
  12. “You seriously believe those gods from other lands can save you? Like, come on, my ancestors straight-up wiped out places like Gozan, Haran, Rezeph, and those Telassar crew. They were nothing compared to our might, so why would they come through for anyone else?”
  13. “Hey, where those kings of Hamath, Arphad, Sepharvaim, Hena, and Ivah at nowadays? They straight-up vanished, man!”
  14. So Hezekiah gets that letter from the messengers, gives it a read, then rolls to the house of the LORD and lays it out before Him.
  15. And Hezekiah was all about that prayer life, reaching out to the LORD, saying,
  16. “Yo, God, the ultimate OG, the one true God of Israel, chillin’ with the cherubim crew, you’re the real deal, running the show over all the kingdoms on earth. You’re the one who whipped up the heavens and the earth, no cap.”
  17. “Yo, God, tune in and peep this. Open your eyes wide and clock all the shade Sennacherib’s throwing at you, the one true God.”
  18. “OMG, for real, LORD, those Assyrian kings went all out, wrecking every nation and their turf, you feel? #nations #lands”
  19. And they straight-up tossed their fake gods into the fire ’cause, come on, those things ain’t even legit. Just some DIY projects whipped up by humans, made of wood and stone. Obviously, they got wrecked ’cause they were such a joke.
  20. “Yo, God, we’re calling on you to come through and save us from this mess. We’re putting all our faith in you ’cause when you rescue us, the whole world gonna see you’re the one and only Lord.”
  21. So Isaiah, son of Amoz, hit up Hezekiah, like, “Yo, here’s the word from the LORD God of Israel: ‘Since you’ve been all about praying to me about Sennacherib, the king of Assyria…”
  22. Here’s the scoop from God: “Zion’s top influencer totally threw shade at you and had a laugh. Jerusalem’s queen bee gave you the side-eye.”
  23. “Who you think you dissin’ and flexin’ on? Acting all high and mighty, like you’re above it all? You’re stepping on the turf of the Holy One of Israel.”
  24. “You’ve been throwin’ shade at the Lord through your peeps, boasting about how your sick rides took you to conquer the tallest peaks and the lush forests of Lebanon. You talked about cutting down their majestic cedar and fir trees, and invading their turf, even that stunning Carmel forest.”
  25. “I’ve dug deep and satisfied my thirst; I’ve even walked around and dried up all the rivers surrounding fortified places.”
  26. “Yo, didn’t you hear about this ages ago? I totally pulled it off. Like, way back, I set it all in motion. And now, it’s going down: turning those fortified cities into straight-up ruins. Like, for real, haven’t you heard? I mapped this out ages ago, and now it’s all unfolding. Strong, secure cities reduced to rubble. Crazy, right?!”
  27. So, the folks there were weak and trembling, straight-up panicking. They were like grass getting stomped on, just insignificant. It was like they were grass growing on rooftops, or crops getting wrecked before they even had a chance to grow. They had zero power to stand up to anything.
  28. But I know your spot, when you bounce, when you roll back in, and how ticked off you are at me.
  29. “Since I’ve caught wind of all the hate and chaos you’ve been throwing my way, I’m gonna shut it down by messing with your schemes. Think of it like hooking your nose and slapping a bridle on your mouth, and I’ll make sure you head back the way you came.”
  30. “Yo, listen up, I’m dropping a lit sign for you: for this year, you’re gonna munch on whatever grows wild, and for the next year, you’ll be grubbing on what comes from that. But wait, there’s more! In the third year, you get to start planting and harvesting your own stuff, even growing some fresh vines for juicy fruit!”
  31. “And the few who make it through from the house of Judah will rebuild and thrive:
  32. “Yo, from Jerusalem, only a small crew gonna make it out of Mount Zion. It’s gonna be epic ’cause the LORD of hosts is all about making it go down. Like, escape game level unlocked, you feel? #Blessed”
  33. So, like, God’s laying it down that the king of Assyria ain’t even gonna set a foot in this city, you feel? No arrows fired, no shields up, and definitely no siege ramps or anything.
  34. Just a heads-up, he’ll bounce the same way he came, and won’t be showing up in this city, says the LORD.
  35. ‘Cause I’m holding it down to protect this city, not just for my own rep but also for my boy David’s legacy.
  36. Then this angel straight from God rolled up to the Assyrian camp and wiped out a massive army of 185,000 soldiers. When the few survivors woke up the next morning, they found the whole camp filled with bodies.
  37. So, Sennacherib, the Assyrian king, peaced out and headed back, crashing at Nineveh.
  38. Now, this dude was just vibing, doing his worship thing in his god’s crib, Nisroch. And outta the blue, his sons Adrammelech and Sharezer roll up on him with swords! They dipped to Armenia, leaving the old man behind. So, Esarhaddon, his son, steps up to the throne. Oh, by the way, in Hebrew, Armenia’s also known as Ararat!
Isaiah 38
  1. Back in the day, Hezekiah was seriously sick, like, on the verge of checking out. Then Isaiah, this prophet dude who’s Amoz’s son, comes through and straight up drops this: “Yo, this is what the LORD says: Sort yourself out, ’cause you’re about to dip and lose your cool.” (Oh, and just an FYI, “Sort yourself out” in Hebrew means “Give charge concerning thy house”, just so you know.)
  2. So Hezekiah, like, faces the wall and starts praying to the LORD,
  3. And Hezekiah is like, “Yo, God, you know I’ve been keeping it 💯 with you, doing all the good stuff you’re into? So Hezekiah starts shedding some real tears.”
  4. And God hits up Isaiah with a message like,
  5. “Yo, slide over to Hezekiah and drop this from the LORD, the God of your pops David: I caught your prayer, saw those tears. Check it, I’m hooking you up with another fifteen years.”
  6. “And I got your back, fam! This city ain’t gonna get wrecked by the king of Assyria. It’s all good, I’m holding it down!”
  7. “And here’s a heads-up from the LORD to show He’s gonna come through just like He promised;”
  8. “Yo, peep this, I’m gonna make that shadow on Ahaz’s sundial go back ten degrees. So the sun did a rewind, going back ten degrees from where it was heading.”
  9. The writing of Hezekiah, the king of Judah, when he was super sick but pulled through:
  10. I was just thinking, when my days were getting cut short, I thought I was heading straight for the grave. Feels like I got cheated out of the rest of my years.
  11. I was like, “Yo, I thought I was done seeing the Lord, like, forever, you know? Thought I was about to bounce and never lay eyes on another human on this planet.”
  12. Dude, I’m aging real fast. Feels like my youth vanished in a blink, like when a shepherd packs up his tent. My life’s like a thread on a loom, about to get snipped. I know some heavy sickness is coming to finish me off. Feels like I’m running out of time, like, 24/7, from sunrise to sunset.
  13. I was tossing and turning all night, feeling like someone’s gonna tear me apart, like a lion crunching my bones. It’s like you’re gonna keep me down all day and all night.
  14. I was spilling my heart out, like a crane or a swallow, pouring my grief out like a dove. My eyes are worn out from looking up. O LORD, I’m feeling swamped; watch over me.
  15. “Yo, what can I even say? It’s been said to me, and he’s already doing it. I’m just gonna chill and keep it lowkey, dealing with the bitterness in my soul.”
  16. “Yo, God, these things are what keep us going, and they bring life to my spirit too. Can you, like, bring me back and revive me?”
  17. “OMG, listen up! I went through some seriously rough patches that really messed me up, but you, out of everyone, pulled me out from the darkest hole. You’ve totally wiped out all my mistakes like they never even happened. #NewBeginnings”
  18. The grave can’t even give you props, death can’t throw a party in your honor, and those who end up in the pit can’t even rely on your truth.
  19. “Yo, the living ones, they gonna shout you out big time, just like I’m doing right now: the OGs gonna pass on your truth to the next gen.”
  20. God was totally on board to save me, so we’re gonna vibe out to some lit tunes with those stringed instruments, like, forever and ever, whenever we hang at God’s place.
  21. Isaiah was like, “Just snag some figs, toss ’em on the boil, and watch the miraculous healing go down.”
  22. Hezekiah was like, “Yo, how am I supposed to know if it’s cool for me to hit up the house of the LORD? What’s the sign, bro?”
Isaiah 39
  1. Once upon a time, there was this guy named Merodachbaladan, whose pops was the big boss of Babylon. So, he decides to hit up Hezekiah with some letters and a lit gift. Why? ‘Cause word on the street was that Hezekiah was down with a sickness, but then he bounces back like nothing happened.
  2. And Hezekiah was hyped about it, showing off all his epic loot: the cash, the bling, the dope fragrances, the fancy creams, his lit armor—literally everything tucked away in his secret spots. Hezekiah was flexing hard, no cap.
  3. So Isaiah, the prophet, rolls up to King Hezekiah like, “Yo, what’s the deal with those dudes? Where they from, man?” Hezekiah’s like, “Oh, they pulled up from Babylon, bro.”
  4. Then Isaiah’s like, “What they peep in your crib?” And Hezekiah’s straight up, “They saw everything, no cap. I didn’t hold back, not even in my stash.”
  5. So Isaiah drops this message like, “Yo, Hezekiah, listen up to what the LORD, the real deal, gotta say:
  6. Listen up! Big things are going down in the future. Everything you’re flexing in your crib, even the stash your folks saved up till now, it’s all gonna be taken to Babylon. Nothing’s gonna be left behind, that’s the word of the LORD.”
  7. And your future offspring, the ones coming from you, they’re gonna be snatched up and serving as eunuchs in the king of Babylon’s crib.
  8. Hezekiah’s like, “Yo, Isaiah, that’s some real talk from the LORD. And peep this, he said there’s gonna be peace and truth during my time.”
Isaiah 40
  1. Hey fam, chillax. God’s like, “Relax, my squad.”
  2. Yo, spread the word to Jerusalem: her struggles? Over. Her wrongs? Forgiven, no cap. She’s got double the peace for all her past stuff from the Most High.
  3. Hey y’all, check it! There’s this dude out in the wilderness, straight yelling for us to prep for the big entrance of the LORD. He’s like, “Clear the way, make it as smooth as a highway for our Big Guy.”
  4. Those rough patches? Smoothed out. Those flashy moments? Toned down. The crooked ways? Straightened out. The rocky spots? Leveled.
  5. And yo, peeps, get ready to witness the insane power of the LORD! It’s gonna be off the charts when God’s glory shines, and everyone sees it together. Like, God’s not messing around; He’s totally spoken it into being.
  6. So, the voice was all, “Yo, shout!” And the dude’s like, “Uh, what do I shout, though?” Check it, fam, here’s the deal: Humans are just like grass, and all that flashy stuff they’re into? It’s quick, like a wildflower in a field.
  7. Grass? It withers. Flowers? They wilt. ‘Cause the LORD’s spirit sweeps over ’em, you feel? Straight up, us humans? We’re just like grass, dude.
  8. So, the grass? It’s all dried up. And those flowers? They fade, you know? But, bro, the word of our God? It’s gonna stay forever, for real.
  9. Yo, Zion, listen in! Climb that peak and let it out! Hey, Jerusalem, use that strong voice, no holding back! Rise up, no fear! Shout to the cities of Judah, “Guess what? Your God’s here!”
  10. Yo, peep this! The mega-Lord GOD? He’s coming in strong with some serious power plays. His arm’s gonna dominate, no question. And get this? He’s bringing rewards like the ultimate boss. Plus, his work’s right there, waiting to be acknowledged. It’s gonna be legendary!
  11. He’s gonna look after his squad like a top-tier boss: rounding up the little ones with his strength, keeping ’em close to his heart, and guiding the moms with kindness.
  12. Picture this: Who’s got the power to size up the vast oceans with just a hand? And get this, he can stretch out the heavens like it’s NBD! Plus, he’s got the lowdown on all the dust on Earth, measured up perfectly. Even weighs mountains on scales, and balances hills like it’s a piece of cake. Mind-blowing, huh?
  13. Seriously, who can think they’re smarter than the LORD? Or like, who’s even gonna give Him advice? No one, dude, absolutely no one.
  14. Yo, who’s he getting advice from? Like, who’s dropping wisdom on him, teaching him how to make the right calls? And who’s giving him all that knowledge, showing him the way to real understanding? Like, for real, who’s helping him get all this?
  15. Yo, listen up. The nations? They’re like, just a little drip in a bucket. They’re nothin’ but tiny specks of dust on a scale. And those islands? Barely even on our main guy’s radar.
  16. Lebanon couldn’t even handle being a blazing fire, and the animals there? They ain’t fit for sacrifices.
  17. Every single nation? Yeah, to Him, they’re like… totally nothing, seriously, not even a blip on the radar. He sees them as less than nothing, like total void. So yeah, it’s kind of a major deal.
  18. So, who even thinks they can match up to God? Like, seriously, there’s literally no one or nothing that even comes close to being like Him.
  19. The artist melts down a carved figure, then the jeweler decks it out in gold and adds silver chains.
  20. If you’re strapped for cash and can’t afford an offering, you might opt for a tree that won’t rot. You’ll hunt for a skilled artist to craft a sick statue that won’t topple.
  21. Haven’t y’all got the memo on this? Like, haven’t you heard? Hasn’t someone briefed you since day one? Seriously, haven’t you clocked this since the Earth started buzzin’?
  22. Picture this, dude. The one who’s kickin’ back on Earth, like it’s his mega throne or somethin’. And us? We’re just tiny grasshoppers compared to him. He’s the one who stretches out the sky like a fancy curtain, setting it up like a chill tent for us to crash in.
  23. He totally puts those big-shot leaders in their place, making them like, insignificant. He makes the earthly judges seem totally irrelevant.
  24. Yeah, they won’t even get planted; they won’t even get sown. Their roots won’t even dig in, dude. Then, whoosh, a gust of wind comes, and they dry up like grass, blown away in a whirlwind.
  25. So, who even thinks they can measure up to me? Like, seriously? The Holy One’s curious, y’know.
  26. Yo, take a sec to peep the insane view up there and see who’s behind all this awesomeness! This dude lines up all the stars like it’s nothing, and even knows each one by name. He’s crazy strong and powerful, never misses a beat.
  27. Yo, why you frontin’, Jacob? Why you chattin’, Israel, like the LORD’s not clocking your vibe, like he’s blind to your deal?
  28. Yo, you haven’t heard? You ain’t clued in that God’s like, forever and ever, the one who whipped up the whole earth and everything? Dude never gets worn out or drained. And yo, his wisdom? You can’t even touch that.
  29. He hooks up the exhausted with major power; and for those feeling weak, he boosts their strength big time.
  30. Even the youngsters gonna be wiped out, and the dudes at their peak gonna straight up hit the floor:
  31. Those who stay chill and trust in the LORD? They’re gonna level up big time; they’ll rise high like epic eagles; they’ll run without running out of steam; and they’ll walk with steady energy, never losing their vibe.
Isaiah 41
  1. Ay, chill out islands, give the peeps a sec to recharge. When they’re ready, they’ll sound off. Let’s link up for some fair vibes and make the calls together.
  2. Yo, who’s hyping up that solid dude from the east, gave him the nod, and dropped entire nations at his feet, making him boss over kings? He straight up made them weak like dust to his sword, and powerless like stubble in the wind. #RealTalk
  3. He straight up went after them and bounced back without a scratch, like, taking a whole new path he’d never seen before. It was, like, mega serene and laid-back, you feel?
  4. Who’s the one pulling the strings and summoning all the generations from day one? It’s me, the LORD, the Original, and I’ve been here since the jump, all the way to the end; that’s my vibe.
  5. When the islands peeped it, they were shook; even the far-out corners of the earth were straight up spooked, rolling up to check it out.
  6. They had mad love for each other, being like, ‘Bro, hold it down and keep your vibe high.’
  7. So, the carpenter gave props to the goldsmith, and the one who smoothes stuff with a hammer gave props to the anvil-hitter. They were all like, ‘It’s time to lock this in!’ And they secured it tight so it wouldn’t budge. It was solid, man!
  8. Yo, Israel, you’re like my main crew, Jacob, handpicked by yours truly, the descendant of Abraham, who’s like my ride-or-die.
  9. Yo, the one I scoped out from the farthest reaches of the globe, I’m giving you a shout-out among the big shots. I’m straight up telling you, you’re my main squeeze; I picked you and I’m not ghosting you.
  10. Chill, I got you covered! Don’t trip; remember, I’m in your corner! I’ll boost your game and lend a hand, backing you up with the strength of my righteousness.
  11. Hey, check it out! Anyone throwing shade your way is gonna end up feeling embarrassed and defeated. They’ll be like zeroes, no competition for you. Those who dare to mess with you will straight-up disappear.
  12. You’ll look around for them, but they’ll be nowhere to be seen, those who opposed you. The ones who battled against you will be like nothing, totally irrelevant. Not a trace of them anywhere.
  13. Ay, I got your back! It’s your homie, the LORD your God, and I’m right here, grip tight. No need to stress, no need to worry, I got you covered. I’m here to lend a hand, no question!
  14. Don’t sweat it, you underdog Jacob and all you folks of Israel; I’m holding you down, says the LORD, your savior, the top dog from Israel. Just a few hurdles, ain’t no thing.
  15. Listen up, fam – I’m about to bless you with a fresh, mega-powerful threshing tool that’s gonna pack a punch. You’ll straight up be smashing those mountains, breaking ’em down into bits, and turning the hills into dust. (P.S. Threshing tool with teeth actually means mouths in Hebrew – pretty dope, huh?)
  16. You’re gonna show ’em what’s up, and the wind’s gonna send ’em flying, and the tornado’s gonna scatter ’em: and you’re gonna be pumped in the LORD, and gonna give props to the Holy One of Israel.
  17. When the struggling and broke folks be searchin’ for some water, but it’s nowhere in sight, and their mouths be dry as heck, your boy the LORD gonna hear ’em, ’cause I, the God of Israel, ain’t gonna ditch ’em.
  18. I’m about to let loose some epic rivers in the raddest spots, and set up cool fountains in the valleys. That barren wilderness? I’m turning that into a lit waterpark, and the dry land will be popping with refreshing springs.
  19. Out in the middle of nowhere, I’m gonna grow some sick cedar, shittah tree, myrtle, and oil tree; in the desert, I’ll plant some lit fir tree, pine, and box tree all together.
  20. So that everyone can check it out, chill, ponder, and get that it’s all thanks to God’s amazing power and the Holy One of Israel who made it go down.
  21. Yo, lay it out, says the LORD. Bring your A-game, says the King of Jacob. Step up and make your case, fam.
  22. Yo, let those peeps come through and lay down the truth. Like, spill the beans on what’s already gone down, so we can peep it and see how it all plays out. Or spill the tea on what’s coming next. Let’s see if they got the scoop.
  23. Bring on the future predictions, so we can see if you’re the real deal. Do something epic or something crazy, so we can be fully amazed and watch it all unfold together.
  24. Listen up, y’all aren’t bringing anything of value, and everything you’re doing is pointless. It’s wild to even think of picking you. Honestly, you’re worse than nothing, completely useless.
  25. I’m sending someone from the north, and he’s about to make his entrance. He’s gonna call out to me from the east, where the sun rises. This guy is gonna completely own those powerful rulers, crushing them like a potter smashes clay.
  26. So, who’s out here revealing things from the start so we can actually know? And who’s doing it first so we can call them righteous? Yeah, no one’s stepping up to show or declare anything or even listen to you. None of that, for real.
  27. Yo, listen up! Check it, fam: I’m sending someone to Zion and giving Jerusalem some amazing news.
  28. So, I looked around and couldn’t find anyone, seriously, not a single person. And to top it off, there wasn’t even anyone I could get advice from. I asked around but got zero responses. It was just crickets, for real.
  29. Look, all that stuff is totally pointless; their actions mean nothing. Those idols they worship are just empty and chaotic.
Isaiah 42
  1. Yo, check out my main guy! I’m all in for him; he’s my chosen one, and I’m super hyped about him. I’ve given him my spirit, and he’s gonna bring justice to all the non-Jewish folks.
  2. He won’t be all loud and extra, making a scene in the streets.
  3. He won’t break a bruised reed or snuff out a dim flame; he’s gonna bring justice with integrity.
  4. He won’t quit or lose hope until justice is set everywhere. People from all over will be eager to follow his ways.
  5. God be like, “Listen up fam, I made the sky and stretched it out, I made the earth and everything on it. I’m the one giving breath to everyone and spirit to those walking around.”
  6. “Yo, it’s me, the LORD, hitting you up with some truth. I’m calling you to do what’s right, and I got your back for real. I’ll guide and protect you, and you’re gonna be a real blessing to everyone. You’ll shine like a bright light for all the non-Jewish crew too, no doubt!”
  7. I’m here to give people vision, to set the captives free, and to rescue those stuck in dark places.
  8. I’m the LORD – that’s my name, and I’m not sharing the spotlight with anyone else. Idols don’t deserve my praise either.
  9. Alright, what happened in the past is old news, but brace yourselves for the scoop I’m about to drop: I’m giving you the lowdown before it even goes down, way in advance.
  10. Hey, groove with the LORD to a brand-new beat, and holler out His name from every nook and cranny of the world! Whether you’re chilling seaside or sailing the seas, let all the islands and their crews get in on it too. Embrace the whole scene, soaking up all its vibes!
  11. Yo, check it! From the wilds to the cities, even the small spots where Kedar hangs, everyone needs to make some noise. Let the folks in the rocky hideouts sing loud and shout from the mountain tops.
  12. Give props to the LORD and let everybody know how rad He is, even in the most remote spots.
  13. The LORD’s gonna show up like a total legend, sparking jealousy like a warrior. He’s gonna holler and roar, totally owning his enemies.
  14. I’ve been quiet for a minute, keeping my feelings to myself. But now, I’m gonna let it all out like a woman giving birth. I’ll take charge and sweep everything away in one go.
  15. I’m gonna totally shake up those mountains and hills, withering away all the plants. Rivers will become like islands, and even the pools will dry up.
  16. And, like, I’m gonna lead the blind in a whole new way, you dig? Taking them on paths they’ve never even dreamed of. I’ll shine a light on the darkness ahead and make all the crooked stuff straight. Trust me, I’ve got their back and won’t dip out on them, alright?
  17. Those who cling to fake idols and swear by lifeless statues will end up let down and feeling majorly embarrassed.
  18. Hey, open your ears, you who can’t hear, and wake up, you who can’t see, so you can get some wisdom.
  19. Hey, who’s blind like my buddy here? Or who’s deaf like the messenger I sent? Ain’t nobody blind like the one who thinks they’ve got it all figured out and claims to be all about the LORD.
  20. You’re looking, but you’re not really seeing; you’re hearing, but you’re not really listening.
  21. God is totally pumped about his righteousness; he’s gonna make the law super cool and respected. Him or it, it’s gonna be lit!
  22. But, yo, these people got messed up bad. They’re caught in traps and locked up tight. They’re easy targets, and nobody’s stepping up to help or saying, “Give ’em back their stuff.” They’re getting walked all over and nobody’s even trying to fix it.
  23. Hey, check it out! Who’s down to tune in to this? Who’s gonna open their ears and catch what’s coming up ahead? Like, for real, who’s got that vision?
  24. Hey, like, who let Jacob get wrecked and Israel get looted by thieves? Wasn’t it the LORD, the one we ticked off with our sins and disobedience? They straight-up ignored His ways and His rules, you feel me?
  25. So, God let loose his fierce anger and power on him, like a raging battle burning him up. But he didn’t even notice, even as he was consumed by the flames. He didn’t grasp how serious it was.
Isaiah 43
  1. A’ight, check it out! The Most High, the one who crafted you, Jacob, and molded you, Israel, is droppin’ some wisdom on ya: Don’t trip, ’cause I got your six. I’ve copped you out, I’ve hollered your name. You’re part of my squad.
  2. When you’re in the thick of it, I’m rollin’ with you; even if it feels like you’re getting swamped, you won’t get washed up. When you’re staring down the impossible, you won’t get roasted; the heat won’t scorch you.
  3. ‘Sup, fam? It’s ya boy, God, the Holy One reppin’ Israel, your ultimate Savior. I straight up laid down Egypt, Ethiopia, and Seba on the line just to have your back.
  4. Bro, you’ve been VIP since day one. I’ve always had mad respect for you, seen you as royalty, and straight up loved you, dude. So, like, know this: I’m ready to trade in a whole crew for you, my dude. You’re my everything.
  5. Chill, I got you covered! I’m gonna link you up by bringing your squad from all over!
  6. I’m like, hittin’ up the north, like ‘yo, come through’; and to the south, no need to hold up: bring my dudes from far and wide, and my girls from every corner of the globe.
  7. Yo, check it out! Anyone who reps my name, ya feel me? ‘Cause I totally crafted them to shine the spotlight on me. I designed and put together each one, no cap.
  8. Round up the visually impaired homies with sharp observation skills, and the audibly challenged ones with epic listening game.
  9. A’ight, peeps, check it out! Let’s rally all the nations and round up the crew. Now, here’s the deal: anyone out there think they can break it down and clue us in on what went down in the past? They better come with some legit proof to back it up, or else they better just own up that what we’re spittin’ is the real deal.
  10. Yo, fam, listen up! Says the LORD, y’all are my ride-or-die crew, my chosen squad: so you best believe, trust, and recognize that I’m the real deal. Ain’t no other God before me or after me, like, ever.
  11. I’m, like, the LORD, straight up the one and only savior. Nobody else even comes close, yo.
  12. Yo, I’ve laid it down and followed through, making it clear to you, when there wasn’t any other strange god in the mix: so, y’all are my crew, says the LORD, to testify that I’m the legit, Almighty God.
  13. Yeah, even from way back, I’ve been holding it down; and ain’t nobody gonna rescue you from me, no cap: I’m about to make moves, and who’s gonna block it? Like, for real, who’s even gonna try?
  14. Hey, fam, tune in! The Most High, your ultimate rescuer, the Holy One of Israel, drops some truth: I straight up moved into Babylon just for you, crushing their high and mighty rulers and those Chaldeans who dig their boat trips. #powermove #noblescrushed #ChaldeanSailors
  15. Yo, I’m the LORD, your Holy One, the architect of Israel, your ultimate boss.
  16. Yo, fam, gather round! The Lord, the one who straight up carves paths in the sea and navigates through the wildest waters, drops this truth:
  17. Picture this, like a lit convoy with horses and a full squad, flaunting their power. But then, they hit rock bottom, totally wiped out and faded away, just like a burnt-out cigarette.
  18. Don’t get stuck in the past, and don’t cling to outdated trends.
  19. Yo, check it! Something totally new is on the horizon. Can’t you see it? I’m about to carve out a path in the middle of nowhere and bring rivers to the dry desert!
  20. Even the sickest beasts, like those rad dragons and trendy owls, are gonna give me props. Why? ‘Cause I’m hooking them up with water in the middle of nowhere, and rivers in the seriously dry desert. It’s how I make sure my chosen crew stays hydrated. (BTW, the Hebrew word for ‘owls’ could also mean ‘ostriches’. Just a heads up!)
  21. I crafted these folks for myself; they’re gonna rep and spread my good vibes.
  22. Yo, Jacob, you’ve been ghostin’ on me; you’re straight up done with me, Israel.
  23. Yo, check it, fam. You haven’t even brought me those lit lambs or goats for your burnt offerings, and you ain’t even showing me respect with your sacrifices. Like, I haven’t even asked you to grind hard or hassle you with incense offerings, fam. (BTW, small cattle means lambs or kids in case you didn’t know)
  24. You ain’t dropping any cash on sweet stuff for me, and you ain’t serving up the best of your offerings. But instead, you got me out here working for you by doing shady stuff, and you’re wearing me out with your wickedness.
  25. Yo, I’m the one who wipes out all your slip-ups, for real. And check it, I don’t even keep tabs on your mess-ups. No cap.
  26. Yo, yo, just a reminder: let’s sit down, let’s hash it out and make our case, so you can back up your side.
  27. Bruh, your OG ancestor totally blew it, and your influencers have straight up let me down. Ayo, those ‘interpreters’ who were supposed to steer you right? Yeah, they went too far.
  28. So basically, I called out the big shots in the sacred spot and kinda brought trouble on Jacob and Israel. Like, they’re getting thrown shade in a real nasty way and all. You know, those high-up dudes in the holy spot?
Isaiah 44
  1. Ay, yo, Jacob, my main man, and Israel, the squad I’m vibing with:
  2. Yo fam, peep this! It’s a word from the Most High, the one who’s been with you since day one, even before you popped out into the world. Don’t trip, Jacob, my day one, and Jesurun, the one I handpicked, hear me out.
  3. ‘Cause I’m about to hydrate those who are parched, and flood dry lands with blessings: I’m gonna unleash my spirit on your crew, and rain down blessings on your future fam:
  4. They’ll spring up like new growth, chillin’ by the streams, just like laid-back willows.
  5. It’s gonna be like, one dude’s gonna be like, ‘Yo, I’m all about the Most High,’ and then someone else is just gonna be like, ‘Nah, just call me Jacob.’ And then there’s gonna be that one person who’s like, ‘Watch me join up with the Most High’s squad and go by Israel.’
  6. God, the ultimate boss, is like: ‘I’m running the whole game, I’m the original and the grand finale. Nobody else even comes close.’
  7. Yo, who else can drop truth bombs like me and lay down the plans like a boss, picking the wise crew since way back? Let them drop some knowledge about what’s coming next.
  8. Chill out, don’t freak – I’ve been preaching this since day one, and y’all know it. Any other gods in the house? Nah, none that I know of. mic drop
  9. Yo, if you’re crafting up idols, you’re basically chasing after empty vibes; all that fancy stuff ain’t gonna do squat for you. It’s like you’re living in the dark, clueless, and too blind to even see it. Super cringe, right?
  10. Seriously though, who’s out here trying to DIY their own god or sculpt some worthless statue? Total waste of time.
  11. Aight, check it! All those who ride with him are gonna be straight-up ashamed, and those who think they’re top dogs? Nah, they’re just like everyone else. Round ’em up, let ’em flex, but inside, they’re shaking in their boots, no cap!
  12. The blacksmith is out here working with fire and hammer, putting in all his muscle. But yo, even he gets hungry and worn out, ain’t got time to hydrate, feeling drained.
  13. This carpenter’s all about showing off his tools, pulling out his ruler for precise measurements, lining it up smooth with planes, tracing curves with a compass, and sculpting it to look as sleek as a person. All that work just to make sure it’s sitting pretty in the house.
  14. He’s out there chopping down cedars, snagging cypress and oak to deck out his sweet pad in the woods. Planting an ash tree, getting that rain to keep it lush and thriving. 🌲
  15. Yo, check it, when this thing’s lit, you can warm up by it, right? You can spark it, bake some bread, or even shape it into some idol to worship. You could straight-up carve an image from it and bow down.
  16. He’s like, totally roasts some of it over the flames, then chows down on the juicy meat. He BBQs it until it’s all crispy, and it’s hitting the spot. He cozies up and goes, like, “Yasss, I’m toasty, I’ve felt the heat, dude!”
  17. Then he’s like, “Yo, I’m gonna take these leftovers and craft me a god,” like, a legit statue. And get this, he’s actually kneeling down to it, worshiping it, and hitting it up in prayer like, “Save me, ’cause you’re my god!”
  18. They’re clueless, don’t get it at all: he’s blinded them so they can’t see; closed off their hearts so they can’t understand. (covered: Hebrew term for daubed)
  19. And it’s wild, ’cause like, nobody’s even stopping to think about it, for real. Nobody’s got the sense to be like, “Yo, I burned some of that wood, cooked bread on the coals, grilled up some meat, and chowed down. So, am I really supposed to see the rest of it as sacred? Should I actually bow down to a piece of timber? Like, seriously, think about it…”
  20. Dude’s out here munching on ashes, seriously. His heart’s all twisted, leading him down the wrong path. He can’t save himself or even admit he’s clutching onto a total sham.
  21. Yo, Jacob and Israel, keep this in your heads: You’re my original squad, like, I crafted you myself. You’re close to my heart; Israel, I got you locked in my memory.
  22. I’ve cleared out your mess-ups like a huge cloud, and your sins like morning mist. Come back to me, ’cause I’ve got your back.
  23. Yo, skies, throw down some serious beats! The Lord’s making moves! Earth, let out those cheers! Mountains and forests, jam out with every tree! The Lord’s come through for Jacob and showed up big time in Israel.
  24. Yo, peep this! The Lord, your redeemer, dropping some truth. He’s the OG who formed you from day one, even back when you were still in the womb. Believe it, I’m the Lord who crafts it all. I’m the one stretching out the heavens solo, spreading the earth all by myself, no backup needed.
  25. It throws off the fake signs, leaves fortune tellers shook; it flips the script on the wise, making their knowledge look basic.
  26. God’s got his servant’s back, making sure their words go down. He’s telling Jerusalem, “People are coming back,” and to Judah’s cities, he’s like, “Y’all getting rebuilt, every rundown spot getting a makeover.”
  27. Picture this, there’s someone rolling up like, “Hey, deep waters, calm down, I’m drying you up. And check it, I’m even parching your rivers.”
  28. My dude Cyrus is coming in hot, doing exactly what I say. He’s even dropping the word to Jerusalem, “You’re getting rebuilt,” and to the temple, “You’re getting a solid foundation!”
Isaiah 45
  1. A’ight, check it out! This is straight from the Big Guy upstairs to his main man, Cyrus. Yo, I’m telling you, I got his back, yo! He’s gonna boss up on nations, and I’ll have kings straight trembling. Ain’t no gate gonna front on him, they’ll be swingin’ open wide!
  2. Bro, I’m ride or die with you. I’m clearing the path, smashing through those hard walls blocking your grind.
  3. Plus, I’ll hook you up with some lit treasures from undercover spots, so you know it’s legit coming from me, the LORD. I know you by name, and trust me, I’m the OG God of Israel, no cap.
  4. Yo, I handpicked you, gotta shout out Jacob, my day one, and Israel, my squad. I straight-up called you out by name, even threw in a dope nickname, even though we weren’t tight like that before.
  5. Bruh, I’m the LORD, like, there ain’t no one else, no other divine squad: I had your back, even when you were clueless it was me.
  6. So, straight up, I want everyone from coast to coast to get it clear that it’s just me in the game. I’m the LORD, and there ain’t no one else rocking like me.
  7. I’m the one droppin’ light and darkness, I’m the boss of peace and chaos. Yup, you heard it, your dude LORD handles all that jazz.
  8. Yo, heaven’s vibes dropping down, righteousness pouring from the skies. Earth, crack open and let salvation flow, and righteousness pop up all over. Just keepin’ it real, I’m the LORD, the mastermind behind all this.
  9. Whoa, major facepalm for anyone trying to beef with their Creator! It’s like a busted-up mug tryna throw shade at other broken pieces. Should clay really be popping off at the potter like, ‘Yo, what’s your deal?’ or be like, ‘You can’t even craft something decent’? Nah, that’s just plain ridiculous.
  10. It’s seriously not cool to diss your pops and be like, ‘What’s with your parenting skills?’ And it’s mega uncool to trash-talk a woman and be like, ‘What even did you birth?’ Like, come on, show some respect, dude.
  11. So, here’s the scoop from the Big Guy, the Holy One of Israel, the one who cooked up your existence: If you’re curious about what’s next for my crew or if you’re thinking you can school me on my job, go ahead, ask away.
  12. Yo, I straight-up crafted the whole earth and brought humans into the mix. Yeah, it was all me! I personally stretched out the heavens with my own hands and ran the show up there.
  13. I’ve totally hooked him up and will steer him in the right direction. He’s gonna be the architect of my city and liberate my people, no strings attached, declares the LORD of all power and might.
  14. Ayo, pay attention! God’s dropping some knowledge. So, get this: Egypt, Ethiopia, and the Sabeans are gonna roll through, bringing all their stuff and VIPs. And guess what? It’s all gonna be yours! And get this, they’ll come to you, locked up tight, showing mad respect and bowing down. They’ll straight-up be like, ‘You’re rolling with God, no doubt. Ain’t nobody else packing that kinda power, no other God in sight.’
  15. Seriously, you’re like a stealth God, O God of Israel, the ultimate rescuer.
  16. OMG, those idol crafters are gonna be straight-up red-faced and clueless. They’ll be all mixed up together, like, totally shook.
  17. But, like, Israel’s gonna be saved by the LORD with, like, a forever kind of rescue, ya feel? You won’t ever feel embarrassed or lost, like, for all eternity, you catch my drift?
  18. Yo, it’s your main man, God! Just gotta lay down some truth bombs: I’m the mastermind behind the whole universe, fam. I put in the grind to shape up the earth and make it poppin’. It ain’t some random gig, you dig? My plan was to fill it up with all you amazing peeps. Just so you know, I’m the top dog LORD running the show. Nobody else even comes close, you catching my vibe?
  19. I ain’t been playing games or keeping secrets on the low, ain’t no shady business here. I didn’t send out invites to the descendants of Jacob just to leave ’em hanging. As the LORD, I keep it real and spit straight facts. I lay it all out and declare what’s up.
  20. Ayo, gather ’round and roll up; come through, all you survivors from different crews. These fools be clueless, bowing down to their wooden idols and praying to a god who can’t even come through for ’em.
  21. Ayo, listen up and huddle in, for real; let’s brainstorm together: who been calling shots since way back? Who been spitting truth since day one? It’s ya boy, the LORD, no question; there ain’t nobody else but me. I ain’t just righteous, but I’m also the ultimate savior; there ain’t nobody else on my level, squad.
  22. Ayo, all y’all out there, check me out and get saved. Straight up, I’m God, and there’s nobody else on my level.
  23. I swear, straight facts, what I’m saying is legit and it ain’t ever gonna switch up. Everybody gonna give props and recognize me, no question.
  24. Seriously, folks gonna be all like, “In God, I find my vibe and power.” Everybody gonna turn to Him, and those who try to play Him gonna end up red-faced.
  25. All the crew from Israel gonna find love and throw down with the LORD.
Isaiah 46
  1. Aight, peep this: Bel’s like, “Whoa, I’m out!” Nebo’s like, “Bendin’ over backwards, yo!” Their idols kickin’ it on animals, and their rides? Straight up maxed out, weighin’ down those poor beasts.
  2. They’re all like, “We surrender, fam,” bowing down and all. But guess what? They can’t even handle their own drama, ending up snagged and tagged, losing themselves—like, soul and all.
  3. Yo, squad! Check it, I’m hittin’ up all my homies from Jacob’s crib and the leftover crew from Israel who’ve been rollin’ since day one in the womb!
  4. No cap, even when you’re rockin’ the silver fox look, I’m holdin’ you down. I made you, I’m ridin’ with you, and I got your back for real.
  5. Bro, who you tryna match me up with, thinking we on the same level? Nah, for real, let’s keep it 💯.
  6. They stuntin’ with their gold, weighin’ out their silver like it’s some kinda status symbol, even hirin’ craftsmen to shape it into gods. Then they worship and bow down to it like it’s everything.
  7. They boost him up, haul him around, set him in his place, and he just stays put, like he ain’t gonna budge. Even if someone shouts at him, he ain’t gonna answer or swoop in to save them from their mess.
  8. A’ight, peeps, time to tune in and level up: take a good look at this and start movin’ like you got some sense. Remember, y’all the ones who messed up first, so it’s time for a rethink.
  9. Yo, peeps, never sleep on the OG moves from way back when: ’cause I’m the Most High, ain’t no one else callin’ the shots; I’m the Most High, and there ain’t nobody like me.
  10. Droppin’ knowledge on what’s comin’ way before it hits, spillin’ the tea on stuff from back in the day that ain’t even gone down yet, straight-up sayin’ my game plan’s gonna win, and I’m gonna make all my dreams happen:
  11. Callin’ forth a lit bird from the east, someone who’s gonna execute my moves from far away. Yeah, I’ve said it, and it’s goin’ down; I’ve mapped it out, and I’m bringin’ it to life. (referring to the bird as someone who carries out plans)
  12. Yo, check it, all you bold thinkers who be straying far from what’s righteous:
  13. I’m bringin’ my righteousness near, ain’t gonna keep it distant, and my salvation ain’t takin’ forever: I’m makin’ sure salvation pops off in Zion for Israel, my pride and joy.
Isaiah 47
  1. Aye, Babylon, kick it and squat on the ground, no more flashy throne for you, Chaldean buddy. Your status as a gentle and delicate maiden? That ship sailed long ago.
  2. Snatch those grain mills, let’s grind some wheat: flaunt your locks, flaunt those gams, show off them thighs, we’re crossing rivers.
  3. Yo, I’m about to spill the tea on all your shameful secrets, no filter. I’m coming at you with revenge like you’ve never imagined, and I ain’t holding back on the mercy train.
  4. Dude, our redeemer? Straight up, it’s the LORD of hosts, fam! He’s the Holy One of Israel, and he’s got everything under control, you feel me?
  5. Hey, ease up and blend into the background, Chaldean chick: ’cause you won’t be rocking the title of queen of nations anymore.
  6. I was furious with my crew, I messed up my own turf, and handed them over to you: you didn’t cut them any slack; you put the older heads through the wringer with your tough laws.
  7. You were all like, ‘I’m gonna slay as a boss babe forever, like, no stress!’, but you totally spaced on considering the consequences or what’s down the road.
  8. Hear me out, you pleasure-craving, live-in-the-moment type who thinks they’re the center of the universe, whispering to themselves, ‘I’m top tier, and nobody stacks up to me! I’ll never be solo or feel the sting of losing loved ones.’
  9. Get ready, ’cause in the blink of an eye, two heavy blows are coming your way: the gut-wrenching pain of losing your peeps and facing solitude. It’s all gonna hit you hard, thanks to the shady stuff and dark vibes you’ve been messing with.
  10. ‘Cause you’ve banked everything on your wicked ways, thinking you’re flying under the radar. Your supposed smarts and know-how have led you off course, making you think you’re the only big deal in town.
  11. So, like, some heavy vibes are gonna blindside you, and you won’t see it coming, you feel? It’s gonna wreck you, and there’s no dodging or shaking it off. Then, out of the blue, full-on destruction’s gonna smack you, and you won’t even peep it.
  12. Yo, flex your skills with all that magic and sorcery you’ve been into since way back. Let’s see if you’re actually gonna gain anything from it or if you’ll even have a shot.
  13. Bro, you’re worn out from all that overanalyzing. So why not hit up those astrology geeks and fortune-tellers? Let them take a crack at saving you from the rough times ahead. (Just so you know, astrologers are into studying the stars and monthly prognosticators are all about predicting the future based on the months.)
  14. Yo, check it! These folks are gonna be toast, like straight-up burnt to a crisp. They won’t dodge the fiery inferno, not even a spark to warm up to or a flame to vibe with. Nope, nada!
  15. So, like, all those folks you hustled with, your day-one business partners? They’re gonna dip and leave you hanging. Nobody’s swooping in to rescue you.
Isaiah 48
  1. Yo, fam of Jacob, holdin’ it down for Israel and comin’ straight outta Judah. Y’all be talkin’ big about the Lord and showin’ love for the God of Israel, but let’s keep it real, your vibe ain’t all about that truth and righteousness.
  2. ‘Cause some folks out here, claimin’, ‘We’re straight outta the sacred city, rollin’ with that faith in the God of Israel.’ Yeah, His name’s the LORD of hosts.
  3. Yo, I called it before it even went down; I straight-up spoke it, backed it up, then bam, it went down just like I said.
  4. I peeped your stubbornness from miles away, with a neck like solid iron and a forehead made of brass. Ain’t no changing your mind, huh? 🙄
  5. I’ve been keepin’ you posted from day one, makin’ sure you’re in the loop before it all goes down. I did this so you wouldn’t be givin’ props to your little statue gods, thinkin’ they’re the ones runnin’ the show.
  6. Yo, you’ve peeped and witnessed all of this, but for real, why ain’t you spreadin’ the word? I just dropped some major truth bombs you never even knew existed. Straight up hidden gems, and you were clueless about it.
  7. These things are fresh, like, not ancient at all, even before you were clueless about ’em; so you can’t front like, ‘Yo, I totally saw that coming.’
  8. Yeah, you were straight-up not paying attention, ears plugged the whole time. I knew you were gonna be on that sneak and rebellion vibe from the jump.
  9. I’ll chill on my anger and cut you some slack for the sake of my rep, and I won’t bounce on you ’cause I wanna keep my name in good standing.
  10. Yo, pay attention! I’ve put you through the wringer, but not with some basic test; I’ve chosen you during some real rough patches. Believe me, it’s all part of the master plan!
  11. This is all for me, like, completely for me, ’cause I can’t let anyone diss my name, you feel? Ain’t letting nobody else swipe my glory.
  12. Yo, fam! Jacob and Israel, my chosen squad, listen up. It’s me talking – I’m the original, the one who kicked it all off, and I’m sticking around ’til the end.
  13. Yo, check it, I straight-up crafted the earth with my own hand, and I totally stretched out the heavens with my right hand. And yo, when I call ’em out, they all step up together. It’s like my right hand is the boss, handling all the spreading out.
  14. Listen up, everyone! Who else do you think could spill these deets? The LORD is all about this dude! He’s gonna lay down the law on Babylon and drop some serious power moves on those Chaldeans. They better stay woke!
  15. Listen up, fam, I straight-up called it! Yeah, I shouted him out! I’ve brought him out and he’s gonna make it big.
  16. Yo, gather round and tune in! I haven’t been keeping this low-key from the jump. I’ve been here since day one, and now the Lord GOD and his Spirit have sent me.
  17. Hey, check it out! This is what the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, has to say: I’m the one and only LORD your God, your ultimate wingman who’s always got your back. I’ll school you on how to thrive and guide you on the dopest path.
  18. If only you’d vibe with my rules and all! Then you’d be riding on mega peace, flowing like a chill river, and your righteousness would be as rad as sick waves in the sea:
  19. Bro, your descendants would be like endless sand, and your kids would be as plentiful as gravel. And believe me, their names would never fade or be erased from my sight.
  20. Yo, bounce outta Babylon, dip from the Chaldeans! Raise the roof and let everybody know, scream it from one end of the earth to the other. Shout it loud and proud, the LORD has come through for his loyal homie Jacob.
  21. And get this, they weren’t even thirsty when he guided them through those deserts, like, he made water straight up flow outta a rock for ’em! Like, he split that rock and water came gushing out, man!
  22. My bad, but if you’re on that wicked vibe, there’s gonna be no chill, says the LORD.
Isaiah 49
  1. Hey fam, check it: Big man upstairs been hitting me up since forever, even before I came into this world, He already had my name on lock, like, He was calling it out before I even knew what’s up!
  2. He’s hooked me up with this crazy gift of words that hit hard, got my back like a shield, shaping me up like a boss arrow, always keeping me in His toolkit;
  3. And He’s all, “Yo, you’re my main player, Israel, the one who’s gonna make me shine.”
  4. And I’m sitting there like, ugh, all this hustle I’ve been putting in feels like it’s just going nowhere, like a total waste of my vibes. But, like, deep down, I know Big G’s got me covered, and He’s got this epic blueprint for my life. My grind won’t be for nothing, you feel me? It’s all chill, fam.
  5. And check it, fam, the LORD, who’s been with me since I was rocking in my mom’s belly, set me up to serve Him and bring Jacob back into His fold. Even if Israel’s on the struggle bus, I’m still shining bright in the LORD’s sight, and He’s my rock.
  6. Yo, listen in. It’s no sweat for you to roll with me and bring back the Jacob crew and all the saved peeps of Israel. I’m setting you up to be a beacon for all the non-Jewish crew too, so you can be everyone’s hero till the end of time. No stress or anything.
  7. Yo, peep this! Here’s what the LORD, the one who saves Israel, the Holy One, has to say. I’m talking to the one who’s been stepped on, the one that the whole nation can’t vibe with, the underdog servant of rulers. Check it – kings are gonna peep you and show respect, even princes will bow down, all because of the faithful LORD, the Holy One of Israel, who’s riding with you. He’s picking you, bro, no matter how low you might feel in your soul.
  8. Yo, God’s all like, “I got your back, fam. I’ve been tuning in to your vibe at just the right moment, and when you needed backup, I was right there. I’m gonna shield you and make a dope covenant with the crew, so we can level up this Earth and revive the deserted spots. #RiseUp
  9. So, like, spread the word to the captives: break free from your chains, and those chillin’ in the shadows, come out and shine. There’s a feast waiting on your journey, and lush fields in all the lit spots.
  10. They won’t be hangry or parched; the blazing sun won’t even faze them. The one with mad love will be their leader, guiding them to chill watering holes.
  11. And I’ll transform my epic mountains into rad walkways, and my lit highways will be straight up elevated.
  12. Listen up, peeps are gonna roll in from all over, I’m talking crazy far. Like, they’re coming from the north, the west, and even this spot called Sinim.
  13. Yo, skies, belt it out! Earth, drop those beats and vibe out! Mountains, time to hit those high notes! ‘Cause guess what? The LORD is holding us down, bringing comfort to His crew and showing love to those going through tough times.
  14. But Zion’s all, like, OMG, God’s totally ghosting me, and it’s like, my Lord just totally spaced on me.
  15. Can a mom forget her own baby, like, not even have any vibes for the kid she carried? Like, it could happen, but listen up, I’m never gonna forget you, no matter what!
  16. Look, I’ve inked you on the palms of my hands, and your walls are always on my mind.
  17. Your crew will step up real quick; those haters and anyone messing with you will be history.
  18. Yo, peep this! Scope out your surroundings and peep: all the good stuff’s heading your direction. Seriously, I’m swearing on the LORD, you’re gonna own this whole scene like a fresh accessory and rock it like a bride. Believe me on this, fam.
  19. Bro, like, your busted spots and deserted scenes, and the places where everything went south, they’re gonna be too tight for all the folks moving in. And those who caused you grief? They’ll be miles away.
  20. Your future kids, after you’ve been through the hard times, gonna be like, ‘This place is way too crowded, give me some space to breathe.’
  21. But then you’ll be like, whoa, where did all these people come from? Like for real, I thought I lost my kids, feeling so alone and down, stuck and always on the move. And who even took care of these kids? It’s wild, ’cause I thought I was solo and then boom, here they are!
  22. Yo, fam! The Lord GOD’s like, “Check it, I’m reaching out to all the peeps, making my vibe known to everyone. They gonna cradle your sons in their arms and lift up your daughters on their shoulders. You know, like a real parent does. 💪”
  23. I know this might sound out there, but peep this: the bigwigs, the rulers, they gonna treat you like their own fam. They gonna lay down serious respect, bowing down and even cleaning the dirt off your kicks. And when that goes down, you’ll know for sure that I, the LORD, got your back. Those who put their trust in me won’t ever be disappointed, no shame in that game.
  24. Can anyone swipe the trophy from the champ, or bust loose those who got snagged fair and square?
  25. But yo, check it! The LORD’s spitting truth, even those locked down by the powerful will be set free, and those crushed by the fierce will be rescued. Why? ‘Cause I’ll straight up throw down against anyone messing with you, and I’ll save your kids.
  26. And those who do you wrong gonna face the music; they’ll get hit by their own karma, like getting wasted on their own blood, sippin’ on sweet wine. And everyone gonna see that I, the LORD, am your Savior and Redeemer, the one who’s got Jacob’s back.
Isaiah 50
  1. Alright, fam, peep this! The Most High’s dropping some truth bombs: Like, where’s that receipt for the divorce with your old lady? Or who’s the creditor I handed you over to? ‘Cause I’m all, “What’s the deal?” It’s like, your own shady moves got you in this mess, and your mom’s out ’cause of your wrong turns.
  2. Yo, like, when I showed, was it crickets? When I hit you up, did I ghost? Am I lacking the strength to come through for you? Do I not have the juice to rescue you? Listen up, with just a word from me, I can dry up whole seas, turn rivers into sandboxes. The fish? They’re straight up gonna reek ’cause there’s no water, they’ll be parched to the max.
  3. And yo, I can dim the skies, drape ’em in gloom.
  4. The Most High hooked me up with some serious brainpower, so I can spit wisdom for those who are straight-up drained. Every morning, He’s waking me up, tuning my ears to soak in some major knowledge.
  5. God opened my ears, and I didn’t bail or dodge.
  6. I let the haters do their thing—hitting my back, yanking my hair. I didn’t dip when they dissed me, spat on me.
  7. God’s got my back, so I’m chill. I’m focused, unshaken, and I know I won’t get embarrassed.
  8. The one who’s got my back is right here; who’s got the guts to test me? Let’s squad up and hold our ground tight. Who’s trying to be my competition? Let ’em come forward and meet me. Are they even on my level?
  9. OMG, the Lord GOD’s totally got my back; like, who even thinks they can judge me? Ugh, they’ll fade like old threads; the moth’ll just munch ’em up.
  10. Who’s like, kinda shook by the LORD, and actually tunes in when his servant speaks, even when things are whack and they feel lost? Just lean into the LORD and hold onto your faith.
  11. Yo, listen up! To all you folks out there tryna stir up drama and light unnecessary fires: you think you’re glowing with your own flames, with those little sparks you’re sparking. Well, news flash? That’s all you’ll get from me. Get ready to crash and burn in sorrow.
Isaiah 51
  1. Yo, squad! Time to tune in if you’re all about that spiritual vibe. Let’s dive into the roots, like, imagine this epic rock and, like, a bottomless pit!
  2. Peep your OG, Abraham, and his day one, Sarah, who kicked off your whole journey. I totally chose Abraham and blessed him with mad abundance in all things.
  3. Listen up, fam, the Most High’s gonna bring some major vibes to Zion. He’s gonna upgrade all those rundown spots and turn that dry wasteland into a total paradise, like one of those lit gardens He’s always flexing on. It’s gonna be straight fire, filled with mad joy, gratitude, and sweet tunes.
  4. Yo, squad, lend me your ears; focus up on what I’m ’bout to say. ‘Cause I’m ’bout to drop some wisdom bombs and make some righteous moves that’ll light the path for all of us.
  5. My righteousness is right here, like, super close; my salvation’s been unleashed, and I’m about to lay down the sickest judgments on the people. The rad islands are gonna kick back and wait for me, putting all their trust in me and my epic power.
  6. Yo, peep the sky, check the earth below. ‘Cause one day, the sky’s gonna vanish like smoke and the earth’s gonna age like some worn-out threads. The peeps living there are gonna clock out eventually. But don’t stress, my salvation’s always gonna be there, and my righteousness ain’t ever gonna fade.
  7. Yo, all you righteous ones, who keep my law close to your hearts, listen up. Don’t let the haters and their insults get you down, and don’t trip over their nasty comments.
  8. Yo, these haters be getting devoured like the freshest fits by moths, and worms be munchin’ on ’em like a cozy sweater. But don’t stress it, ’cause my righteousness gonna be forever, and my salvation gonna keep getting passed down from one gen to the next.
  9. Rise up and flex, O mighty arm of the LORD; awaken, like back in the day, in the ancient times. Ain’t you the one who took down Rahab and put a smackdown on the dragon?
  10. Aren’t you the one who, like, totally dried up the massive ocean and made an epic pathway for the redeemed crew to cross over?
  11. So, when God saves His squad, they’re gonna straight vibe back to Zion. They’ll be singing and all, and they’ll be rocking non-stop joy on their heads. No more feeling low or bummed out, it’s gonna bounce back real quick, fam!
  12. Yo, I’m the one holding you down, so why you stressing over some regular dude who’s gonna fade away like a patch of grass?
  13. And, bro, how you gonna forget about your Creator, the one who built the universe and laid the foundation of the earth? Instead, you’ve been living in constant fear of those who oppress you, thinking they’re all that and ready to wreck everything. But for real, where’s their power and fury now? It’s time to remember who’s really running the show.
  14. Check it, the one stuck in captivity’s itching for freedom, so they won’t crash in despair or run dry on resources.
  15. Listen up, I’m the OG LORD, your God. I’m the one who bossed it and split the sea, making those waves go wild. They call me the Almighty, the LORD of hosts.
  16. I’ve hooked you up with my words to spread, and I’m your ride-or-die, keeping you safe. My game plan? Creating the universe, laying the foundations of the earth, all while telling Zion, ‘You’re my chosen crew.’
  17. Yo, check it! Rise and shine, O Jerusalem! You’ve felt the full power of the Lord’s anger, sippin’ from His cup of wrath and trembling in fear. You’ve downed every last drop and been through all the shakes.
  18. She’s got no one to guide her among all the kids she’s raised; not a soul to lend a hand to the children she’s nurtured.
  19. These two whammies hit you hard, and who’s gonna feel for you? Desolation, destruction, famine, and sword have taken their toll. Who’s gonna offer you solace?
  20. Your crew’s wiped out, scattered like a beast caught in a trap. They’re fully loaded with the LORD’s wrath, feeling the disapproval from your God.
  21. Yo, all you peeps going through rough patches, feeling drained, not from sipping on wine:
  22. Listen up, fam! Your homie, the LORD, is dropping knowledge. I’ve always got your back, constantly watching out for my crew. Look, I just took that cup of fear and anger straight outta your grip. You won’t have to taste that junk ever again.
  23. But I’m gonna serve it up to those who mess with you, they’ve been pushing you to give in, so they can stomp all over you. And you’ve been treating yourself like the ground, letting them walk all over you like the street.
Isaiah 52
  1. Ayo, rise and shine, Zion! Put on your freshest threads, Jerusalem, the sacred spot. No more negativity or bad vibes cramping your style.
  2. Hey, shake off that funk, Jerusalem! Cut loose from the chains holding you down, you, the captive daughter of Zion.
  3. Check it, fam. The Most High is saying you’ve been shortchanged, but here’s the scoop — you can turn it around and get redeemed, and guess what? It’s on the house.
  4. So peep this, says the Lord GOD: Once upon a time, my squad dipped to Egypt for a vibe sesh, but then the Assyrians swooped in and started messing with them for nada.
  5. Yo, for real, why am I even here, says the LORD? My crew is getting straight-up played for no reason. The ones in power are making them scream, says the LORD. And, like, my name is getting trashed round the clock, non-stop.
  6. So, listen up, my peeps will totally vibe with my name, you feel? And when that day comes, they’ll be like, ‘Whoa, this is legit! It’s me, the one speaking!’ Like, for real, it’s all me, no cap!
  7. Bro, peep those dope kicks on the mountains? They belong to the OG who’s dropping mad wisdom and spreading positive energy. He’s bringing the good news and shouting, ‘Yo, Zion, your God reigns supreme!’
  8. Ayo, those who stay woke will join in harmony and belt it out, ’cause when the LORD brings Zion back, it’s gonna be lit, you dig?
  9. OMG, let’s vibe with pure joy! Sing out loud, all the deserted spots in Jerusalem. God has totally soothed His squad and rescued Jerusalem!
  10. God flexed His power for all the nations, and every person on this planet will see His incredible rescue mission.
  11. Hey, yo, bounce outta there, don’t mess with anything shady, step outta that scene, keep it clean if you’re rolling with the Lord’s crew.
  12. Relax, no need to hustle or dip out in a hurry, ’cause the LORD’s gonna be your guide and your ultimate support, like the hypest squad ever. The God of Israel’s got your back, no question.
  13. Yo, peep this, my servant’s gonna be wise in all things, and they’ll be honored and lifted up, like, majorly respected.
  14. Like, a ton of people were tripping when they saw him; his appearance was wrecked, like way worse than anyone else’s, and he looked totally out of the ordinary:
  15. He’s gonna go viral worldwide; even the big shots gonna be stunned. They’ll see things they never dreamed of and seriously ponder stuff they never heard before.
Isaiah 53
  1. Yo fam, who’s really vibing with what we’re laying down? Who’s actually witnessed God flexing in person? I mean, for real, who’s woke enough to catch that?
  2. It’s like, he’s gonna come up in this scene like a low-key sprout in a desert, you feel me? Ain’t gonna be no flashy entrance, no Instagram-worthy looks. We ain’t gonna be drooling over him for his appearance, nah, it’s all about what’s inside.
  3. Folks straight up dissed him, acting like he was worthless, carrying mad pain and low vibes. We straight up ghosted him, treating him like he was nada.
  4. It’s like, fam, he totally took on our stress and dealt with our pain. But we were all up in our feels, thinking he was getting rekt by the man upstairs, going through some heavy stuff.
  5. It’s like, he got wrecked ’cause of our screw-ups, you feel? He took the hits for our wrong moves. The stuff that was meant to mess with our heads, he owned it. And ’cause he went through all that pain, we find our chill. Like, he took the heat for us, you dig? And those scars, they brought us back together.
  6. Yo, we’re all out here like wandering sheep, doing our own thing, straying left and right. But the Most High, the LORD, he took all our messed up vibes and owned ’em, no joke.
  7. He caught some major shade but stayed solid: he went to the slaughter without a peep, like a sheep getting its fleece clipped, silent and serene.
  8. Dude got yanked from lockdown and punishment. Who can even grasp his real deal? He got cut off from the living scene, taking the rap for my crew’s rebellion. 🙏
  9. And he ended up in the grave with the rough crowd, yet also chillin’ with the wealthy in his passing; ’cause he never did any shady stuff, always straight up. #realtalk
  10. But the Most High was cool with letting him go through the hurt, bringing him down. When his soul becomes a sacrifice for sin, he’ll see his offspring, live it up, and the Most High will be stoked with his moves.
  11. He’s gonna peep all the hard times he went through and be totally cool with it. By dropping his knowledge, my righteous homie is gonna make a bunch of peeps righteous too, ’cause he’s gonna take on their wrong moves.
  12. So, check it, this dude’s gonna split the prize with the VIPs, ’cause he threw down everything, even his own life. He got lumped in with the troublemakers, but he carried the weight of sin for a ton of people and had their backs.
Isaiah 54
  1. Ayy, listen up, all you who couldn’t pop out any babies! Get ready to blast some tunes and scream it out! The big man upstairs says more kiddos are gonna come from those who felt like they got left in the dust, rather than from Mrs. Ring-on-the-Finger.
  2. Yo, check it, upgrade your crib and show off those fancy drapes in your space. Don’t skimp out, make those ropes stretch longer and bolt down those stakes real tight.
  3. Get ready to flex and boost your game, spreading your blessings all around. Your squad’s gonna score the whole world, reviving ghost towns.
  4. Chillax; you won’t feel awkward or lost. No need to trip about feeling ashamed, ’cause the cringey stuff from your past will fade, and you won’t even remember the shady remarks about your old struggles.
  5. Your Maker’s got your back; the Supreme CEO is his title, and he’s the one bringing salvation, the Holiest of the Holy! Soon, everyone’s gonna recognize him as the Divine CEO running the whole planet. (Creator: Hebrew word for Makers)
  6. The Most High picked you up when you were at rock bottom, feeling deserted and low, like someone ghosted after a breakup. He sees you as a partner who felt rejected in her prime, but don’t trip, ’cause this is the message straight from your Divine Squad.
  7. My bad for ghosting for a bit, but believe me, major love’s heading your direction real soon. You’re still in the loop, fam!
  8. I was a bit ticked off for a sec and turned away, but no worries, fam, ’cause I’m always gonna have your back with infinite love and understanding, says the LORD, your ultimate Savior.
  9. This is like Noah’s flood all over again to me: just like I swore the waters wouldn’t flood the whole earth again, I promise I won’t be throwing shade or giving you a lecture.
  10. Ayy, even if those mountains start vibin’ and the hills get tossed, no stress, ’cause my love for you ain’t budgin’. My chill promise to you stands strong, says the LORD, who’s all about showing love and mercy.
  11. Listen up, all you going through hard times, feeling like everything’s a mess, and there’s no chill in sight, peep this: I’m gonna turn your world into a masterpiece, with dope colors on your stones, and foundations crafted with sapphires.
  12. And I’ll deck out your windows with agates, and your gates with carbuncles, and all your borders with sweet stones.
  13. And yo, your whole crew gonna be schooled by the LORD, and they’ll vibe with some serious peace, fam.
  14. You’ll be straight-up secure, shielded from all the whack stuff, and not stressing about a thing. No darkness or fear gonna come near you.
  15. Yo, peep this! Those haters gonna try to squad up, but not on my watch, nah. Anybody who tries to step to you, they gonna flop on your behalf.
  16. Ayy, listen up, I’m the one who crafted the blacksmith, who fires up the coals and makes tools for his trade. And I’m also the one who made the destroyer to bring about destruction.
  17. No weapon can even come close to touching you, fam, it’s all useless. Anyone trying to drag you down will face major failure. This is how the squad of the Almighty rolls, and their righteousness comes straight from the top dog himself. God speaking, no lie.
Isaiah 55
  1. Yo, fam, if you’re seeking that authentic vibe, slide over to the spot where it’s all happening. And yo, even if your pockets are empty, no stress; swing by, grab what you need, sip on some top-notch wine and creamy milk, no cash needed, no strings attached.
  2. Why you throwing your dough on stuff that ain’t even hitting the spot? And why you hustling for things that ain’t bringing you joy? Listen up, squad, and dig into the good stuff that truly satisfies and lights up your soul. It’s time to focus on what really counts, fam!
  3. Aight, peeps, tune in and chill with me: pay real close attention, and your soul will be lit; and I’ll hook you up with this eternal bond, like, the mega blessings David scored.
  4. Yo, peep this, I’ve set him up as the ultimate example for everyone, a total boss and leader for the crew.
  5. Ayo, peep this! You’re gonna be reaching out to a nation you ain’t even met yet, and lands that never heard of you gonna be sliding into your DMs because of the lit power of the LORD your God, and the Holy One of Israel. They gonna be all about giving you props, dude!
  6. Yo fam, chase after the LORD while you still got the chance, hit him up while he’s within reach, you dig?
  7. Yo, if you’re out here being sketchy and doing dirt, it’s time for a major turnaround. Ditch that shady path and those messed-up thoughts. Instead, come back to the LORD and peep how he’s all about showing you crazy love and giving you a massive forgiveness boost. Our God is all about that abundant grace, no lie.
  8. My mindset ain’t vibin’ like yours, and my moves are on a whole other level, says the LORD.
  9. It’s like, the heavens are way up there, higher than the earth, right? Well, my ways? They’re like, on a whole other level than yours, and my thoughts? They’re in a different universe.
  10. You know how when it rains or snows, it’s not just disappearing, right? Nah, it’s watering the earth, making it produce all sorts of plants and flowers, giving seeds for planting and grub for people to chow down on:
  11. Check it: When I drop words, they ain’t just talk. They actually do what I want and nail what I send them out to do.
  12. ‘Cause you’ll roll out with crazy joy, vibes so chill guiding you. The mountains and hills gonna burst out some sick tunes, and all the trees in the fields gonna be clappin’ like they’re at the dopest concert ever.
  13. Those prickly vibes? They’re getting swapped for laid-back fir trees, and those annoying briers? Turning into awesome myrtle trees. It’s all about giving props to the LORD and making a forever statement that can’t ever be trashed.
Isaiah 56
  1. Yo, check it out! The Most High is like, “Yo, be fair and just in all your moves, ’cause I’m about to drop some major salvation vibes and flex my righteousness game. It’s all about keeping it real and equal, you dig? #Equity
  2. Bro, you’ll be mega blessed if you’re on this vibe, and dude, if you’re all in, you’ll be lit. Just make sure you’re showing love to the sabbath and staying away from anything sketchy with your hands.
  3. Don’t let someone who wasn’t born into God’s squad but now reps the fam be like, “God’s not into having me around His crew anymore.” And yo, don’t let someone who can’t have kids be all, “I’m worthless and got no future.”
  4. So, like, God’s saying to the eunuchs who stay loyal to my sabbaths and choose what vibes with me, embracing my covenant fully;
  5. Yo, I’m setting them up big time in my crib! They’ll score a spot and a rep that’s even more lit than being called sons or daughters. I’ll bless them with a name that lasts forever, no one can front and swipe it away.
  6. And even if you’re not from this block, but you decide to link up with the big man upstairs, dedicating yourself to serving Him and showing mad love for His name, becoming His ride-or-die crew, anyone who respects the chill day and vibes with His sacred agreement;
  7. I’ll even invite those dudes to my mega-holy mountain and have them hyped in my chill prayer pad. Their offerings and sacrifices? Totally vibin’ on my dope altar ’cause my place is gonna be the go-to spot for prayer, no cap.
  8. The Lord GOD, the one who unites all the outcasts of Israel, says, “I’ll bring even more peeps to Him, on top of the ones already there.”
  9. Yo, creatures of the wild, it’s grub time! Yeah, all you forest-dwellers, come get in on this too.
  10. Dude, these watchmen are blind AF, like they’re clueless. They’re just some lame dogs, can’t even bark. They’re always knocked out, just lounging around, totally in sleep mode. (or maybe they’re dreaming or sleep-talking, who knows)
  11. Like, whoa, those guys are such greedy dogs, you feel me? They can never get enough, dude. And those shepherds, they’re totally clueless. They’re just all about doing their own thing and only care about getting ahead for themselves. It’s like they’re always hungry for more and don’t even know what it’s like to be content.
  12. Yo, let’s go snag some wine and party! And tomorrow’s gonna be just as lit, or maybe even better!
Isaiah 57
  1. Yo, it’s wild how the rad ones, they bounce, and it’s like no one’s even vibing, you feel? And the pure-hearted ones just peace out, and nobody clocks they’re dodging all that future drama, you dig?
  2. They’ll chill and vibe in their comfy spots, finding their inner peace, walking in their true selves. It’s their journey, real talk.
  3. Aye, check it, you offspring of sorcery, descendants of deceit and loose living, gather ’round.
  4. Why you clowning on others? Why you acting all sassy and disrespectful? Ain’t you just stirring up trouble, spreading falsehoods?
  5. Are y’all really getting lit over idols and junk, doing your thing under every tree, and straight up harming kids in the valleys by the rocky cliffs? For real? 🌳💥😱
  6. Kicking it by the chill stream, you snagged some sick smooth stones as your cut. They’re totally your vibe, dude. You even poured a drink and offered some grub as thanks. But honestly, should I find peace in this stuff?
  7. You found this insane spot on a huge mountain to vibe and worship, went all out climbing up there to make your offerings.
  8. You’ve set up your reminders behind closed doors and doorposts. Because you’ve shown yourself to someone other than me, you went and made your bed wider, and struck a deal with them. You were all about their bed when you saw it, and even made yours wider than theirs.
  9. So, you rolled up to the king with that premium ointment, rocking those killer perfumes, even sending your crew on a serious long-haul, like, way out there, and you brought yourself down to the depths, for real. Mad props.
  10. Bro, you’re straight worn out from all the twists and turns on this wild ride. But hey, don’t lose hope! You’ve found some legit joy in the grind, so don’t let it drag you down, dude. Keep slaying!
  11. Like, who even freaks you out? Why you fronting and blanking on me? Haven’t you clocked I’ve been quiet for a minute and you’re not even shook?
  12. Gonna give props to your righteous moves, but real talk, they ain’t gonna boost you up in any way.
  13. When you’re in a bind, lean on your crew for backup, but they’re as unreliable as the wind and won’t stick around for long. They’re just chasing after hollow stuff. But if you put your trust in me, you’ll be holding down the fort and snagging my epic mountain.
  14. And they’ll be all like, ‘Yo, make room, make room, clear the way, get rid of anything that’s slowing down my squad.’
  15. Yo, check it! The big dude up there, the OG who’s been around since forever, whose name is Holy, he’s posted up in the most sacred spot. And get this? He’s vibing with those who stay humble and repentant. He’s all about reviving the spirit of the humble and giving a fresh vibe to the hearts of those who are truly sorry.
  16. Bro, listen up! I ain’t gonna hold a grudge against y’all forever, and I won’t stay mad forever either. ‘Cause let’s be real, your spirit and the souls I crafted might not be able to handle it, man. So just chill.
  17. Yo, I totally lost it with him ’cause he was all about that greed vibe, so I laid down some tough love: dipped out and stayed in my feels, but homeboy just couldn’t stay on the straight and narrow, doing whatever he felt like.
  18. But check it, I’ve been keeping tabs on his hustle, and I’m down to lend a hand: gonna steer him back on course and bring back those positive vibes for him and his crew who’ve been feeling low-key bummed.
  19. The vibe I’m putting out? It’s all about spreading love and positivity! My Word carries weight, bringing tranquility to peeps, whether they’re miles apart or chillin’ right next to you, says the LORD. And I’m totally there to help you heal, no cap.
  20. But peep this, the shady characters? They’re like a wild ocean, straight-up restless, stirring up all sorts of shady stuff.
  21. My bad, fam, but let me tell ya, my God ain’t vibin’ with that whole “peace for the wicked” scene.
Isaiah 58
  1. Yo, shout it out loud, no holding back! Blast that trumpet, let your voice be heard, and call out where my squad messed up, and the house of Jacob where they went wrong.
  2. But yo, check this out, they’re out here seeking me every single day, fully vibing with my ways. They’re like a whole squad repping righteousness, sticking to their God’s rules and all. Always hitting me up, asking about fairness and justice, truly loving that connection with God.
  3. Okay, so like, we’re all wondering why we’re fasting and all, but God, it’s like you don’t even notice? We’re all about that self-sacrifice, but you ain’t even tuning in, you feel me? But listen up, during our fasting days, we’re just out there having a blast while making everyone else do all the heavy lifting. It’s like we’re bringing grief to others instead of getting what fasting’s really about.
  4. Yo, listen up, fam. You’re fasting just to stir up drama and beef, and to bring down others with wickedness. But that’s not the vibe of fasting. Today, it’s like you’re just trying to make yourself seen and heard, but that’s not cool.
  5. Hold up, is this the fasting I’m really after? Just a day of being all gloomy and down? Just walking around acting all low-key and humble? You think that’s what fasting’s about and that God’s gonna be cool with that? Seriously, just fasting for one day?
  6. Yo, isn’t this what fasting’s all about? Ditching the wickedness, easing our heavy loads, setting the oppressed free, and smashing every form of injustice?
  7. Hey, isn’t it like mega important to share your grub with those who are starving, and bring in those who’ve been left out to chill at your spot? And when you see someone who’s lacking threads, you gotta hook them up, and not forget about your own fam who’s in need, ya feel?
  8. Your energy will be as vibrant as the sunrise. And your recovery will be swift, like bouncing back from a sick day. Your honesty will light the path, and God’s got your back with all His greatness.
  9. When you hit up the Most High, He’s gonna hit you back; when you call out for help, He’s gonna be like, ‘Yo, I’m right here.’ But check it, if you ditch all that extra drama, stop blaming others, and cut out the pointless chatter, that’s when the real magic happens.
  10. Yo, if you step up to help out those in need, feeding the hungry and giving comfort to the hurting, you’ll see your own potential shining bright, even when times get rough, like the blazing midday sun.
  11. God’s always gonna light your path and satisfy your soul, even when times are tough. You’ll be strong and thriving like a well-watered garden, and your spirit will always be refreshed like an eternal spring.
  12. And the peeps from your crew will restore the old ruins. You’ll revive the ancient ways of our ancestors and be recognized as the ones who mend broken bonds and pave the way for us to live in harmony.
  13. If you don’t just do your own thing on the Sabbath, my sacred day, and actually find joy in keeping it holy to the LORD, showing it some serious respect and reverence, not chasing your own desires or chatting nonsense…
  14. You’ll be on the same wavelength as the LORD, and He’ll hook you up with the sickest rewards – like living large and soaking in the blessings of your ancestor Jacob. The LORD said it, and He’s got your back, no doubt.
Isaiah 59
  1. Yo, check it! God’s like the ultimate boss, nothing’s too lit for Him to handle. He’s always there for you, no matter what’s goin’ down. His line’s always open, no ghostin’ here!
  2. Bro, your shady moves have created a huge gap between you and God. Your sins are basically making Him ghost you, so He ain’t even listenin’ to your vibe. It’s like your constant mess-ups are pushin’ Him away, dude.
  3. Bro, your hands are all tainted with blood, and your fingers are straight up wicked. Your mouth’s always droppin’ lies, and your tongue’s on a loop of twisted talk.
  4. Ain’t nobody caring ’bout what’s right or fighting for truth anymore. They’re all obsessed with surface-level stuff and spittin’ out lies left and right. It’s like they’re just cookin’ up evil schemes all day, every day.
  5. Yo, peeps out here raisin’ deadly snakes and weavin’ wicked spider webs. If you try munchin’ on those snake eggs, you’re asking for death, and even if you just step on ’em, bam, a venomous viper pops out.
  6. They can’t flex their webs as fly outfits, and they can’t hide behind their successes. Their wins are straight sketchy, all ’bout causin’ trouble.
  7. They’re constantly on the hustle, rushing to do harm to the innocent. Their heads are just filled with sinful vibes, leaving a path of ruin in their wake.
  8. They’re clueless about chillin’; their moves ain’t fair at all. They’ve twisted up the roads, and anyone who rolls with them won’t ever find real peace.
  9. It’s like, justice is totally MIA, nobody’s getting what’s comin’ to ’em. We’re just here, hopin’ for a glow-up, but it’s like everything’s just tankin’. We were expectin’ some sunshine, but it’s like we’re stuck in an endless blackout.
  10. We’re out here gropin’ for a wall, actin’ like we’re blind, stumbling around in broad daylight like it’s midnight; driftin’ through empty spots like we’re straight-up zombies.
  11. We’re roarers like bears and cooin’ like doves, but we’re straight-up hungry for justice, and it’s like playin’ hide and seek; we’re achin’ for rescue, but it feels miles away.
  12. Our mess-ups are stackin’ high, glaring at us like neon signs. Our sins are like, “Yo, we see you!” We can’t dodge the fallout – we know exactly where we went wrong.
  13. When we diss God, tell lies, and bounce from Him, talking smack and straight-up rebelling, spittin’ out fake truths from deep within.
  14. And justice? It’s like, flipped, doing a 180, totally backwards. It’s like justice took a vacay, miles away, like super distant. Truth? It’s straight-up buried in the streets, and fairness can’t even catch a break.
  15. Truth bombs and honesty? Rare commodities these days; anyone tryna steer clear of shady stuff becomes a target. And God peeped all this, and it seriously bugged Him that fairness and justice were no-shows. Major bummer in His book.
  16. So, like, He clocked that no one was there to step up, and He was shook that there wasn’t a middleman. That’s when He flexed His power, saving Himself, and His righteousness kept Him on track.
  17. He decked Himself out in righteousness, like a boss bulletproof vest, and sported a sick helmet of salvation. Rocked vengeance as his style choice and draped himself in passion like a lit cloak.
  18. He’s gonna serve up some real talk based on their actions, bringing the heat to his haters and dishing out payback to his enemies; even those far off are gonna feel it.
  19. Everyone’s gonna give mad props to the LORD, from west to east, once they peep how lit He is. And when the enemy tries to step, the LORD’s Spirit’s gonna straight up shut ’em down!
  20. And the Savior’s gonna roll through Zion, yeah, and to all the crew in Jacob who’ve dropped their wicked ways, the LORD’s dropping truth bombs, yo.
  21. Yo, check it. This is the real talk between me and them, says the LORD. I’m hooking them up with my spirit, like, it’s gonna be with you 24/7. And the words I’ve dropped, they’re gonna be spoken by you, your kids, and your grandkids, straight up. This is gonna last forever, believe me, says the LORD.
Isaiah 60
  1. Yo, wakey wakey, rise and shine, fam! ‘Cause the LORD’s glory’s about to hit you like a vibe. It’s time to level up, ’cause your light’s about to pop off!
  2. Yo, check it! Imagine this: the whole world’s in the dark, and peeps are straight up lost. But chill, ’cause the LORD’s stepping up, about to drop that heavenly glow on you. You’ll be flexin’ that divine light, no cap!
  3. even the skeptics will be vibin’ with your glow-up, and even the big shots gonna wanna catch that rise of yours.
  4. Scope out the scene: everyone’s linking up, rollin’ your direction. Your crew’s gonna show from all corners, and your girls? They got your back, no doubt.
  5. Brace yourself, ’cause you’re in for some jaw-dropping moments, linking up with peeps and feeling that heart buzz with awe and hype. ‘Cause opportunities gonna flood your way, and you’ll soak in the diverse vibes of different cultures.
  6. Hold tight, ’cause you’re ’bout to be surrounded by a legit camel squad – Midian and Ephah rolling in with those turbocharged dromedaries! Sheba’s crew’s making moves too, packing gold and incense. They’re gonna spread the word on how lit the LORD is!
  7. Check it, the trendy sheep from Kedar gonna kick it with you, and the rad rams from Nebaioth gonna be on deck, serving you up. They’ll roll up to my spot with straight-up respect, and I’ll crank up the shine in my glorious crib.
  8. Whoa, who are these peeps soaring in like clouds, and like doves flocking to their nests?
  9. The islands are straight-up holding out for me, and those Tarshish ships gonna be rolling in first, bringing your squad from distant lands, packing serious cash in the name of the LORD your God, and for the Holy One of Israel, ’cause He’s the one who’s got you looking fly.
  10. Outsiders gonna hook you up, fortifying your walls, and their leaders gonna have your back. Yeah, I laid down some tough love when I was heated, but now it’s all about that love and mercy flow.
  11. Keep those gates unlocked round the clock, no chill, no off-days. Why? ‘Cause peeps bringing you that global goodness, and even the big shots wanna scope you out. They gotta know what’s up.
  12. Any nation or kingdom fronting on serving you? They gonna crash and burn, straight up. Those nations? Donezo.
  13. You’re getting all of Lebanon’s swag, with its sick fir trees, pine trees, and cedar wood, decking out my sacred space like never before. And where I’m posted? It’s gonna be straight-up majestic.
  14. The doubters gonna eat humble pie in front of you, and those who gave you side-eye? They’ll be kissing the ground at your kicks. They gonna know you’re the chosen turf of the Most High, the holy HQ of God in Israel.
  15. Yo, you’ve been ghosted and dissed, feeling like no one’s got your back. But check it, I’m flipping that script, turning you into a straight-up legend, spreading joy for ages.
  16. You’re about to boss up on the international scene, gaining major clout. Plus, you’re gonna be rubbing elbows with royalty, living that VIP life. And peep this, I, the LORD, got you covered as your ultimate savior and redeemer. I’m the OG, holding it down for Jacob.
  17. I’m about to level up your gear, like major upgrade vibes. That old brass? Nah, we’re switching it up to gleaming gold. And forget about plain iron, now we’re talking sleek silver. Wood? Yeah, that’s getting swapped for brass, no doubt. Oh, and those basic stones? Let’s upgrade ’em to solid iron. Plus, your leaders? They’ll be bringing serious peace energy, and your tax collectors? All about that righteousness grind.
  18. No more drama in your hood, no more wrecked spots or chaos within your borders; you’ll call your walls “Salvation” and your gates “Praise.”
  19. The sun won’t be your daytime vibe anymore, and the moon won’t light up your nights. But the LORD will be your eternal glow, and your God will be your ultimate source of shine.
  20. The sun’s never clocking out on you, and the moon’s sticking around too: ’cause the LORD’s gonna be your endless glow-up, and those gloomy days? Donezo.
  21. And listen up, your squad gonna be on that righteousness grind, scoring the land for keeps, like a dope tree I personally planted, a masterpiece crafted by yours truly, all to give me props.
  22. A single individual gonna boom into a whole squad, and a tiny crew gonna level up into a major nation. I, the LORD, gonna make this happen quick, when the timing’s just right.
Isaiah 61
  1. Ayy fam, peep this: The Most High’s vibe is like totally inside me, ’cause the Most High chose me to spread some love to the chill ones. He’s like sent me to heal those with shattered hearts, to shout out freedom to the ones stuck in a rut, and to unlock those trapped in their own cages.
  2. To boost up the epic year of the Most High, and the day when our God drops some justice; to back up all those feeling low;
  3. To lift up those feeling low-key in Zion, to swap their sadness with something lit, to bring joy instead of mourning, to trade despair for praise; so they can rep as righteous and loyal, like the Lord planned, and bring mad glory to Him.
  4. And they’ll straight-up rebuild those ancient ruins, bring back the abandoned spots, and restore the once wrecked cities that’ve been bummed out for way too long.
  5. Outsiders will handle your flocks, and even peeps from far-off lands will work your fields and vineyards.
  6. But you’ll be like top-tier leaders for the Most High: folks gonna see you as the lit Ministers of our God. You’ll feast on the finest goods from other nations, and you’ll flaunt and honor them big time.
  7. You’ll cop double the shame, and they’ll throw a party over your confusion. That’s why they’ll score double the land, and they’ll vibe with endless joy.
  8. Yo, the Most High is all about that fairness, totally not into folks jacking stuff just to make offerings. But here’s the scoop: I’ll steer them to do what’s righteous, no cap, and I’ll lock ’em into an everlasting bond, like a forever contract, you feel?
  9. And their offspring will be known far and wide. Everyone who peeps them will be in awe and see that they’re the chosen, blessed crew picked by the Lord.
  10. I’m gonna throw a huge celebration and be hyped about the Most High; my soul’s gonna be lit in my God. ‘Cause he’s hooked me up with the sickest salvation gear, he’s draped me in this dope righteousness fit, like a groom rocking all the fresh accessories and a bride flaunting her bling. (decketh: in Hebrew it means decked out like a priest)
  11. It’s like how the earth pops out those fresh flowers, and gardens sprout seeds into beautiful plants; the Lord GOD’s gonna make righteousness and praise blossom in the same way, for everyone in every nation to peep.
Isaiah 62
  1. Yo, I ain’t gonna stay silent for Zion’s sake, and I ain’t gonna chill for Jerusalem’s sake, until their vibe is all about righteousness, shining bright like those lit neon signs, and their salvation is blazing like a fire emoji.
  2. And check it, all the dope peeps from different cultures are gonna be in awe of your awesomeness, and even the big shots will be bowing down to your epicness. And God’s gonna hook you up with a super slick nickname that only He’s vibing with. So, like, brace yourself for some serious fame, my homie!
  3. You’ll be rocking it like a lit crown of glory in the hands of the LORD, and a legit royal diadem in the hands of your God.
  4. Forget about being called Forsaken, and ditch the Desolate vibes for real. From now on, you’re rolling as Hephzibah, and your land is stepping up as Beulah. Why? ‘Cause the LORD is all about you, and your turf is gonna be straight fire.
  5. It’s like when your bro locks it down with a girl who’s never been with anyone else, that’s the level of loyalty your future kids will have towards you. And just imagine, like a groom throwing down with his brand-new wifey, that’s how pumped your God will be about you. It’s gonna be one epic bash!
  6. Yo, I’ve got a squad of guards posted up on your walls, Jerusalem, and they’re never gonna be silent, not even when it’s lit or when it’s chill. So all you peeps who are all about the LORD, don’t keep your lips sealed, and keep shouting out about Him!
  7. And keep on hitting up God until He’s totally upgraded Jerusalem to be next-level awesome and famous!
  8. Listen up, the LORD’s dropping some truth: ‘I’m putting it on the line, swearin’ by my right hand and my power moves, your enemies ain’t snaggin’ your grain no more. And those outsiders? They ain’t touchin’ your top-notch wine. Trust me, it’s locked in.’
  9. But those who get their act together will be vibing with it, and they’ll be shouting out to the LORD; and those who’ve made it happen will be having a blast in the sickest holy spots.
  10. Aight, swing wide those gates and prep the path for the crew. Clear out the roadblocks, smooth out the bumps, and kick out anything slowing us down. Hoist that flag high and lead the way for the people.
  11. Yo, listen up! The LORD’s message has gone global, spreading all the way to the ends of the earth. So, tell Zion’s crew to gear up, ’cause salvation’s rolling in hot! And trust, it’s bringing some serious blessings, He’s got everything under control. He’s on it, no question!
  12. And folks will be saying, ‘Yo, those peeps? They’re totally set apart, redeemed by the LORD.’ And you, my friend, you’re gonna be known as sought after, a city that’ll never be left in the dust.’

Isaiah 63
  1. Yo, peep who’s pullin’ up from Edom, drippin’ hard from Bozrah? Swag on point, flexin’ that strength like whoa. It’s me, droppin’ straight truth, power player in the salvation scene.
  2. Why you rockin’ all red like you been stompin’ grapes in a vineyard?
  3. I totally solo’d it in the winepress, no backup, not even one homie. I was mega heated, so I stomped ’em out hard, walked all over ’em, ya feel? And bam, their blood’s all over my fit, staining everything up.
  4. It’s payback time, and my squad’s about to be saved. Get ready, fam, it’s happening!
  5. So, I’m scoping the scene, right? And it’s like, crickets, nobody’s got my back. Kinda threw me off, you know? But then it hit me, I gotta be my own hero ’cause I got that inner strength. And yo, my righteous fury? That’s what kept me pushing forward.
  6. When I’m heated, I’m gonna lay the smackdown, bringin’ ’em down hard!
  7. Gonna spread the word about how epic the LORD is, all the incredible stuff He’s pulled off for us. He’s been straight up loving and kind to Israel, pouring out His mercy and mad love on ’em.
  8. He was like, “These are my ride-or-die crew, straight-up honest kids,” so he stepped in as their savior.
  9. When they hit rough patches, he was right there in the trenches with ’em. His angel had their back, swooping in to save the day. ‘Cause of his crazy love and deep feels, he redeemed ’em, looked after ’em, and carried ’em through all the ages.
  10. But they went full rebel mode, ticking off his holy Spirit big time. So he was like, “Alright, guess I gotta switch to enemy mode now,” and he went head-to-head with ’em.
  11. He was on some throwback vibes, you know? Thinking back to Moses and the squad, like, where’s the dude who parted the sea, leading his crew? And where’s the one who hooked him up with that holy Spirit? Like, the ultimate shepherd, you catch my drift?
  12. Who was rolling with Moses, flexing his epic strength, guiding them through the water to make a name for himself?
  13. They were led through crazy rough paths, like a wild horse in the untamed wilderness, to keep ’em on track.
  14. Picture a wild beast cruising through the valley, and it’s like the Spirit of the LORD is steering it to a chill hangout spot. That’s exactly how you led your crew, making your name known in the most epic way!
  15. Yo, peep it from up high, from where you chill all holy and glorious. Where’s your fire and might? What happened to your love and mercy for me? Did they just dip out or what?
  16. Picture a wild beast cruising through the valley, and it’s like the Spirit of the LORD is steering it to a chill hangout spot. That’s exactly how you led your crew, making your name known in the most epic way!
  17. Yo, peep it from up high, from where you chill all holy and glorious. Where’s your fire and might? What happened to your love and mercy for me? Did they just dip out or what?
  18. No lie, you’re like our OG dad, even though Abraham and Israel might not have us on their radar. But you, Lord, you’re the real deal, our dad and our savior. Your name’s been poppin’ since forever, like, eternal vibes. Seriously, you’re our ultimate redeemer!
  19. Dude, why you gotta steer us off course, making our hearts all tough, man? Show us some love and come back for your crew, your peeps.
  20. The squad reppin’ holiness just got started: our enemies been trashing your sacred spot.
  21. We’re yours, but it’s like you never led us; we weren’t even recognized as yours. Feels like you never even shouted our name.
Isaiah 64
  1. Yo, it’d be next level if you could tear open the sky, like, roll through and have those mountains trembling in amazement when you pull up.
  2. You know, when things heat up and the water’s bubblin’, it’s like your way of showing your enemies who’s boss, so all the nations straight up quake when they witness your power moves!
  3. When you pulled off those mind-blowing stunts we never saw coming, you showed up and even the mountains were like, “We’re not worthy.”
  4. From way back when, no one’s ever heard or seen anything like the stuff You’ve got lined up for those who stick it out, God. No one else even comes close to what You can do!
  5. You kick it with those who are hyped about doing what’s right, the ones who stay focused and roll with your flow. But, peep this, you’re not exactly thrilled with us ’cause we’ve been messing up and sinning. We keep at it, but we know it’s all good ’cause you got our backs and you’re gonna come through for us.
  6. But, yo, we’re all jacked up, you feel? Our so-called ‘good’ deeds? Straight up trash, like filthy rags. We fade away like a dying leaf, and our wrongs just sweep us away like a gust of wind.
  7. And it’s like, nobody’s even dropping you a text or sliding into your DMs, no one’s putting in the effort to vibe with you. Feels like you’ve dipped out and we’re straight up crumbling under the weight of our screw-ups.
  8. But check it, LORD, you’re like our ultimate dad, you know? We’re just like clay and you’re this legendary potter, molding us and everything. We’re basically a masterpiece crafted with love by your hand.
  9. Don’t be too heated, God, and, like, don’t hold our mess-ups against us forever. We’re all pleading with you, we’re totally your crew.
  10. OMG, it’s insane, the holy cities are deserted! Zion’s like, a ghost town, and Jerusalem’s a wreck. 😮
  11. Yo, our holy and lit crib, where our ancestors used to give you props, got torched, and all our sick stuff got wrecked.
  12. Yo God, you gonna stay silent while we go through this or what?
Isaiah 65
  1. Yo, it’s crazy, folks who never even thought about hitting me up, they’re out here looking, and I’m right there! And those who never even considered hunting me down, they’re stumbling upon me too! I’m like, ‘Hey, hey, peep me!’ to a nation that didn’t even have my digits, but here I am.
  2. Been out here all day, trying to reach some rebellious folks, who are just cruising down a shady path ’cause they’re all about their messed up thoughts;
  3. These peeps keep grinding my gears, straight up disrespecting me in my own house. They’re all about flexin’ with their fancy garden sacrifices and lighting up incense on sleek brick altars.
  4. They’re posted up at tombs, chillin’ at burial spots, munching on bacon, and slurping down all kinds of gross grub from their fancy bowls.
  5. They’re out here like, ‘Back off, I’m all holy and above you.’ Ugh, they just get under my skin all day, like smoke blowing in my face or a fire that won’t quit.
  6. Hear this loud and clear: I’m not staying silent on this one. They’re gonna get what’s coming to ’em, right back at ’em.
  7. Your mess-ups, and the mess-ups of your ancestors, according to the LORD, who’ve been burning incense on the mountains and dissing me on the hills. That’s why I’m gonna bring their past actions back to haunt ’em.
  8. God’s like, when you find some fresh wine in a grapevine and someone’s like, ‘Don’t mess it up!’ ’cause it’s actually a good thing, yeah, that’s how I’m gonna treat my crew. I’m not just gonna wipe everyone out, you know, ’cause I got love for my servants and all.
  9. Yo, I’m dropping a lit crew from Jacob, and from Judah, someone worthy of scoring my mountains. They’re my chosen squad, they’re gonna vibe up there, and my loyal ones will make it their home.
  10. And Sharon’s gonna be the ultimate chill spot for all the cool flocks, and the valley of Achor’s gonna be the perfect spot for the herds to chillax, for my peeps who stay on the lookout for me.
  11. But y’all are the ones who bail on the LORD, forget about my holy hangout, setting up a table for that crew, and mixing drinks for that pagan god. (The crew is also called Gad and the pagan god is also called Meni)
  12. So I’m gonna bring the sword down on you, and you’ll all get wrecked: ’cause when I hit you up, you ghosted me; when I spoke, you didn’t tune in; instead, you were all about the messed up stuff that I totally can’t stand.
  13. Yo, peep this, says the Lord GOD: My loyal fam’s gonna be feasting while you’re left starving. Check it, my ride-or-die crew’s gonna be sippin’ while you’re parched. And you know what’s up? My squad’s gonna be turning up while you’re feeling all embarrassed.
  14. Listen up, fam! My servants gonna be vibin’ with pure joy, but y’all gonna be straight up crying ’cause your hearts are heavy. And it’s not just that, you gonna be howlin’ ’cause your spirits are all messed up. Man, it’s gonna be rough!
  15. And your name will become like, a buzzkill among my chosen crew: ’cause God’s gonna shut you down and bless his fam with a whole new name:
  16. If someone’s all about spreading good vibes and positivity, they’ll show love and respect to the ultimate truth. And if they make any promises or declarations, they better keep it real by acknowledging the ultimate truth. But hey, past drama’s ancient history now, and I’m not trippin’ over it anymore.
  17. Yo, peep this, I’m ’bout to lay down some major news: I’m totally gonna drop a whole new scene – new heavens and a new earth. And here’s the scoop: the old stuff? Yeah, it’s gonna be outta sight, outta mind. It’s gonna be ancient history, no doubt. Trust me on this.
  18. But like, get pumped and hyped for eternity about what I’m cookin’ up, ’cause check it out, I’m totally turning Jerusalem into the ultimate party spot, and its people are gonna be all about those good vibes and happiness.
  19. And I’ll be pumped in Jerusalem, all about my people: and no one will be shedding tears or crying anymore.
  20. Yo, check it: No more babies or OGs not living their best lives. Even if they hit a hundred, it’s still a vibe check for the older crew who’ve been on some wicked paths.
  21. They’ll be all about crafting their crib, vibing at home, planting those vines, and munching on their own harvest.
  22. Yo, peep this: They won’t hustle to build and then have someone else slide into their spot; they won’t plant and watch someone else feast off their grind. Just like trees stand firm, my squad’s gonna stand strong, and my chosen fam will savor the rewards of their hustle for mad long.
  23. No cap, they won’t grind for nada or deal with struggles; ’cause they’re straight-up blessed, descendants of the Most High, and their offspring too.
  24. Bro, it’s a vibe, you feel me? I’m totally riding for them, even before they drop the request. And while they’re spitting words, I’m tuned in, ears wide open.
  25. Check it, the wolf and the lamb? Straight chilling, no beef. The lion? Snacking on straw like it’s no biggie. Even the serpent? Dust is its jam. No wrecking or chaos on my holy turf, that’s the word from the Most High.
Isaiah 66
  1. God’s like, “Hey, peeps! Heaven’s where I kick back, and Earth’s like my footstool, you feel me? So, where’s the hangout spot you’re trying to set up for me? And where’s my chill zone at?”
  2. Yo, I brought everything into existence, fam! It’s your boy, God, dropping some truth bombs. But check it, I’m all about that humble vibe and showing some love for my Word. Those who keep it real and respect what I’m laying down, they’re the ones I’m vibing with, ya dig?
  3. Alright, peeps, listen up. It’s like this: if someone offed an ox, it’s as if they took out a human. Sacrificing a lamb? It’s like slicing a dog’s throat. And offering some worship? It’s like throwing pig’s blood around. Oh, and burning incense? That’s like giving props to an idol. Seriously, they’ve straight-up gone down a jacked-up road, getting off on some gross stuff.
  4. So, check it, I’m gonna let them ride with all their fake vibes, and then I’ll hit ’em with some real terror. ‘Cause when I was reaching out, they ghosted me, and when I was spitting truth, they straight-up ignored it. Instead, they were on some shady stuff that ain’t my vibe at all.
  5. Yo, listen up, all you righteous homies who stay true to the word of the LORD! Your crew, the ones who straight-up dissed you and left you hanging just ’cause you repped your faith, they gonna be like, “Yo, let’s show some love to the LORD and make Him look good!” But peep this, He’s about to show up and bless you big time, while they gonna be feeling some serious remorse.
  6. OMG, you won’t believe it, but the city’s lit right now with this crazy noise, even the temple’s buzzing! It’s like God’s speaking up, and He’s totally serving up some karma to His haters. So epic, am I right?!
  7. Yo, before she even went into labor, she straight-up delivered a baby boy like it was NBD, no pain or anything.
  8. Yo, have you ever heard anything more wild than this? Like, seriously, has anyone witnessed something so mind-blowing? Picture this: the whole earth bursting with life in just one day? Or a nation popping up all at once? ‘Cause let me tell you, the minute Zion got to work, boom! She birthed all her children. It was like pure magic, dude.
  9. Am I gonna start something and then just leave it hanging? God’s like, nah, that’s not how I roll. Your God says no way, that’s not going down!
  10. Join the hype with Jerusalem, all you who are all about her: throw down and have a blast with her, all you who are feeling down for her.
  11. So you can get filled up and feel totally chill with the cozy vibes she brings, and so you can soak in and feel super stoked with the overflow of her radness. (Radness also means brightness)
  12. God’s like, yo, listen up: I’m bringing mega peace to her, like those chill river vibes, and the awesomeness of the non-believers will flow like a sick stream. Then you’re gonna be all taken care of, like being carried on your bestie’s shoulders, and you’ll be cuddled close like a babe on her lap and all that good stuff.
  13. It’s like when a mom wraps her arms around her kid, that’s how I’ll wrap you up. And you’ll be feeling all snug and safe in Jerusalem.
  14. And when you see this go down, your heart’s gonna be pumped and your vibe’s gonna be solid like some fresh herbs. And the LORD gonna shower his servants with love, but those who go against him gonna feel his heat.
  15. Yo, peeps, tune in! Here’s the deal: the LORD’s about to roll in with some major fire, cruising in his chariots like a tornado. He’s gonna let loose his anger and rage, and trust, it’s gonna be lit! His scolding gonna be blazing, flames and all!
  16. The Lord’s gonna bring the heat and swing his sword, dealing with everyone. Yeah, there’s gonna be some heavy hits from the Lord’s end.
  17. So, peeps who act all high and mighty, thinking they’re sneaky with their secret gardens, munching on all sorts of forbidden grub like pork and other nasty stuff, best believe they gonna get served, says the LORD. They can’t keep their secrets forever.
  18. So, like, I totally clock what’s up with these folks and what they’re scheming, you feel me? And let me tell you, there’s gonna be a day when I gather all nations and groups, and they gonna witness the straight-up awe and wonder of my greatness. Bet on it!
  19. I’ll drop a sick signal for them, and send some survivors to spots like Tarshish, Pul, and Lud – you know, where the archery scene’s on point. And also to Tubal, Javan, and the far-off islands where folks haven’t even clocked me or seen my radness. They gonna spread the word about my glory to all those who don’t believe, too.
  20. And your crew gonna pull up in style, riding horses, chariots, sweet rides, and awesome animals from all corners of the globe, presenting them as an offering to the LORD at the lit holy mountain in Jerusalem. God said it’s gonna be just like when the Israelites bring their fresh offering in a clean container to the house of the LORD. Roll on, fam!
  21. And I’m even gonna handpick some of them to serve as priests and Levites, says the LORD.
  22. TBH, I’m cooking up some major plans for a whole new version of heaven and earth. And believe me, they gonna stand before me forever, declares the LORD. Just like your squad and your name – they gonna stick around too, no cap.
  23. And it’s gonna go down like this: Every time a new month rolls in, and every chill Sabbath day vibes, everyone’s gonna link up to worship me, says the LORD. Like, we’re talking hitting up the new moon and the Sabbath, no question. It’s gonna be epic!
  24. And they gonna peep the scene where those who crossed me lay, ’cause their worms won’t quit and their fire won’t die out. They’ll be a total sight of disgust for all.