
Hebrews 1
  1. Aight, peeps, way back, the Big Man upstairs used to drop knowledge through prophets and stuff, ya know, in all sorts of ways and at different times.
  2. But check it, lately, God’s been speaking through his Son. He’s like the OG owner of everything and the mastermind behind it all.
  3. This dude? He’s the ultimate embodiment of God’s awesomeness. He keeps everything in check with his powerful words. And get this, he wiped our slate clean solo dolo, and now he’s posted up in the VIP section next to the Most High.
  4. He’s way fresher than the angels ’cause he got blessed with a way cooler name than them.
  5. God never hit up an angel like, ‘Yo, you’re my offspring, born fresh today.’ Nah, He straight up said, ‘I’m the Dad, and he’s my Son.’
  6. And when he introduced his firstborn to the world, it was like, ‘All y’all angels better bow down and show some respect.’
  7. God’s vibe about angels? They’re all about those good vibes and fiery passion. They’re pure spirits, bringing that heat and intensity, like flames on fire. 🔥
  8. But to the Son, it’s like, ‘Your reign, O God, is gonna last forever and ever: you’ll be the king of righteousness. And just so you know, righteousness is all about staying true and just.)’
  9. You’re all about that righteousness and hating on the bad stuff. That’s why God, your main dude, has crowned you with the happiest vibes, more than any of your squad.
  10. And yo, Lord, from day one, you laid the foundation of the earth, and the skies are your masterpiece, dude:
  11. They’ll fade away, but you’ll be standing strong. They’ll age like yesterday’s fashion.
  12. You’ll switch ’em up like a dope outfit, and they’ll go through changes, but you, my homie, will always be the same, never running out of time.
  13. God never told any angel, ‘Kick back on my right side until I put all your haters in check under your feet.’
  14. Bro, ain’t they all like these rad spirit guides sent to help out those who gonna score salvation?
Hebrews 2
  1. So, y’all gotta be laser-focused on what’s been laid down, ’cause otherwise, it might just slip right past us. (Think of it like those leaky water bottles, you feel me?)
  2. If what the angels were saying was straight-up real, and every time we go against that, we get served what we deserve;
  3. Yo, if we brush off this sick salvation, how are we supposed to bounce back? It all started when the Lord kicked it off, and then the homies who heard him backed it up, ya know?
  4. Did God straight flex, with signs, miracles, and lit gifts from the Holy Ghost, ’cause that’s just how He rolls? #blessed #accordingtoHiswill #divergifts
  5. Angels ain’t the ones running the future world we’re talking about.
  6. But then there’s this person asking, like, why even bother with us humans? Like, what’s so special that You’d swing by?
  7. You gave him a bit less power than the angels, but still gave him honor and glory, putting him in charge of everything you created.
  8. You made everything bow to him, like, totally under his control. Seriously, there’s nothing that isn’t under him. But, like, we can’t see it all under him yet.
  9. But peep Jesus, flexin’ a bit lower than the angels to go through that death grind, but then dude got crowned with mad glory and honor. God’s grace hooked him up to experience death for every single person.
  10. It’s just, like, perfect for the One who made everything and controls everything to make the ultimate salvation leader super flawless by going through tough times and all.
  11. The one who makes things holy and the ones who are made holy are all tight like fam. That’s why he ain’t ashamed to call them his bros and sistas.
  12. I’m gonna shout out your name to my squad, and when we all hang, I’ll serenade you with mad love and props!
  13. And once again, I’m gonna have faith in him. And again, check it out, me and the squad that God has blessed me with.
  14. So, like, since we’re all just humans and stuff, Jesus, like, totally became human too, ya know? He did it so that, by dying, he could totally wreck the dude who had the power over death, AKA the devil.
  15. And rescue those who were stuck in a lifetime of fear ’cause of death.
  16. Like, for real, he didn’t become an angel or anything; instead, he became one of Abraham’s descendants. He wasn’t about sticking with angels but getting down with Abraham’s crew.
  17. So, like, it was hella important for him to be just like his peeps, so he could be this compassionate and loyal high priest for all things related to God, ya know? His main gig was to make things right with people’s sins and stuff.
  18. ‘Cause he’s been through temptation and suffering himself, he’s totally equipped to help out those who are going through the same.
Hebrews 3
  1. Yo, fam, check it out. You’re all blessed, like, on this heavenly mission, right? But yo, don’t forget to give major props to Jesus, the ultimate boss who’s like, both an Apostle and a High Priest for all of us. He’s totally legit!
  2. He stayed true to the one who picked him, just like Moses was super faithful in everything he did for God’s squad.
  3. This dude deserves way more clout than Moses ’cause the one who builds the house is always more lit than the house itself.
  4. Like, every crib is made by someone, but the one who built everything is God, ya feel?
  5. And Moses was totally loyal in everything he did, like a servant, as a sign of what was gonna go down later;
  6. So, like Christ is totally running his own crib, and we’re part of his crew if we keep it real in our faith and stay pumped about that hope till the end.
  7. Yo, listen up! The Holy Ghost is like, if you’re down to hear His voice today,
  8. Don’t be close-minded, like those who acted all rebellious, when faced with challenges in the wilderness:
  9. When your parents tested me, challenged me, and saw my miracles for a whole forty years.
  10. I was so bummed by that generation, like seriously, they were always messing up and not getting what I’m all about.
  11. So I swear, in my anger, they won’t be able to kick it with me in my peaceful place. (If they try, they won’t make it)
  12. Yo, listen up, fam. Don’t let it slip, my squad. None of y’all should let a wicked mind of disbelief creep in and separate you from the almighty God.
  13. Yo, like, always be lifting each other up, ya know? Don’t wait ’til tomorrow, do it today! ‘Cause sin can totally mess you up if you’re not careful.
  14. Like, if we stay totally loyal to Jesus from start to finish, we’ll totally be part of His crew, too!
  15. So like, they say, if you hear his voice today, don’t be all closed off and stubborn like back in the day when everyone was rebelling.
  16. Like, there were some people who straight up got triggered when they heard it, you know? But not everyone who dipped from Egypt with Moses.
  17. But who was he really mad at for forty years? Wasn’t it those dudes who messed up and ended up biting the dust in the middle of nowhere?
  18. And who did he promise wouldn’t enter his chill zone, except those who didn’t have faith?
  19. So basically, they couldn’t get in ’cause they just didn’t believe enough.
Hebrews 4
  1. Yo, fam, gotta stay woke on that promise of chillaxation, ya dig? Can’t be slippin’ and missin’ out, feel me?
  2. It’s like, yo, they got the same good news drop, but it didn’t click for them, you know? They weren’t vibin’ with it, so they missed out on the blessings.
  3. Us believers, we get to kick back and vibe, just like He said, like, “If you try to crash my chill spot, you ain’t gettin’ in!” But peep this, this plan’s been in the works since way back.
  4. Word, in the Bible, it talks about God taking a day off after putting in work, you know? Dude needed his chill time, no more grind for Him.
  5. It’s like a repeat, man, tryin’ to break into His chill zone.
  6. Some folks still gotta get in on it, but the OG crew missed out ’cause they weren’t believing, you know? All about that gospel flow.
  7. Again, He’s setting the date, quoting David like, “Yo, today’s the day! After all this time, listen up and don’t let your hearts go cold.”
  8. If Jesus had already given them that chill break, He wouldn’t be like, “Yo, another day’s coming, guys.” (btw, Jesus means Joshua, just a heads up)
  9. God’s still got that lit chill time planned for His crew, you feel? It’s all about kickin’ it and vibin’ with Him. #SabbathGoals
  10. Once you’re in that chill mode, you’re done with your own grind, just like God took a break from His hustle.
  11. Gotta hustle to get into that chill zone, or else end up like those who didn’t believe.
  12. Yo, the Word of God is straight fire! It’s got mad power, cuts through everything like a double-edged sword. It can dissect your soul, spirit, bones, marrow, knows what’s up in your thoughts and heart. No cap!
  13. Ain’t no hiding from Him, for real! He sees all, and I mean all. It’s like everything’s laid bare, no filter, for Him to peep. And yo, He’s the one we gotta vibe with, you feel?
  14. So, we got this dope high priest, Jesus, already up in the heavens ’cause He’s God’s Son. Let’s hold tight to our faith and keep reppin’ it, know what I’m sayin’?
  15. Our high priest’s mad relatable, been through it all – every single temptation – but never sinned, man.
  16. Let’s straight up hit that throne of grace with confidence, you feel? That’s where we can cop some mercy and find grace when we’re in a tight spot.
Hebrews 5
  1. So, peeps, every high priest that’s picked is there for you, right? They’re all about doing their thing for God, offering gifts and sacrifices to make up for sins and stuff, you feel me?
  2. Who can vibe with those who lack knowledge and wander off, ’cause they got their own struggles and flaws too.
  3. And ’cause of that, he should offer sacrifices not just for y’all but also for himself, to make up for sins.
  4. No one just decides they’re worthy of this honor on their own, it’s only for those chosen by God, like Aaron was.
  5. Yo, Christ didn’t just decide to become a high priest on His own. It was the one who said to Him, ‘You’re my Son, I’ve brought you into this world today.’
  6. Like, he also says in another passage, You’re like a forever priest, just like Melchisedec, you know?
  7. Back when Jesus was a human, he was all about that prayer and supplication game. He cried out real loud and shed some legit tears to God, the ultimate savior, who actually heard him ’cause he had deep respect and fear. Like, for real.
  8. Even though he was totally the Son, he actually learned how to obey by going through some really tough stuff;
  9. And once he achieved peak awesomeness, he totally became the ultimate boss of eternal salvation for all those who totally follow him;
  10. Like, chosen by God to be a super legit high priest, just like Melchisedec and stuff.
  11. There’s a lot we could say about this, but it’s kinda hard to explain ’cause y’all seem to have trouble paying attention.
  12. So, like, yeah, at this point you should already be experts, but you still need someone to re-teach you the basics of God’s teachings. It’s like you’re still babies in the faith, only able to handle milk and not solid food.
  13. If you’re still on that milk, you’re like a total newbie when it comes to understanding righteousness. You’re basically a baby, lacking experience and all that. #NoobLife
  14. But, like, the deep stuff is for those who are mature enough to handle it, ya know? It’s for those who have practiced and honed their senses to distinguish what’s right and what’s wrong.
Hebrews 6
  1. Alright fam, let’s level up and move on from the basic teachings of Jesus, no need to keep repeating stuff like repenting from whack actions and having faith in God.
  2. About the teachings on baptisms, the power of touch, bringing back the dead, and the never-ending review.
  3. And we’ll totally go for it, if God gives us the green light.
  4. It’s like, totally impossible for those who were once woke and tasted that divine gift and felt the Holy Ghost, ya feel?
  5. We’ve totally experienced God’s lit message and the sick things coming in the future,
  6. If they mess up and bounce, it’s tough to bring ’em back, it’s like they’re crucifying Jesus all over again, major yikes.
  7. Like, the earth soaks up all the rain and produces dope plants, blessing vibes from God, ya know? #blessed
  8. But anything negative and toxic gets left behind and is toast; just asking for trouble, destined to be burned.
  9. Listen up fam! We believe in you and expect dope things with salvation, even though we’re talking like this.
  10. God ain’t unfair, He remembers your hard work and love for the saints, now and before.
  11. We want each one of you to stay confident in your hopes till the end:
  12. Don’t be lazy, be like the squad who, with faith and patience, cash in on those promises.
  13. So, when God made a promise to Abraham, there wasn’t anyone greater to swear by, so He was like, ‘I swear, staking everything on this promise!’
  14. I swear to you, you’re gonna be blessed AF and blessings gonna be poppin’ off. No cap, fam.
  15. And after he stayed chill and didn’t give up, he got what he was promised, you know?
  16. Swearing on something major is like the ultimate way to end an argument.
  17. So, God really wanted to make it clear to the future inheritors of His promises that His plans are solid, sealing the deal with an oath, just so everyone got the memo. #Trustworthy
  18. God made some promises that can’t change, and He can’t lie. Comfort and hope for us who run to Him for safety.
  19. This hope is like a solid anchor for the soul, reliable and unwavering, reaching deep.
  20. Jesus went ahead and became a forever high priest, just like Melchisedec.
Hebrews 7
  1. Okay, peeps, check it: There’s this dude named Melchisedec, right? He’s the big cheese in Salem and a priest for the Most High God. And guess what? He bumps into Abraham after Abraham’s done beating down a bunch of kings and gives him some mad blessings, for real!
  2. Abraham’s all about spreading the love, so he tosses Melchisedec like a tenth of everything he’s got. And this guy’s known as the King of righteousness. Later, he’s also called the King of Salem, which means the King of peace. Dude’s all about keeping it righteous and spreading that peace vibe.
  3. Now, this priest guy is one-of-a-kind, man. No folks, no fam, no birth certificate or death record. But get this: he’s on the same level as the Son of God. And he’s on this priest gig forever, no breaks.
  4. Think about it, bro: Even Abraham, the legend himself, kicks a tenth of his loot to this dude. Total respect.
  5. So, like, the Levi crew, chosen to be priests, they’re all about collecting a cut of the people’s stuff as tithes, following the law and all. They’re like, Abraham’s fam, you know?
  6. But this other dude, not from that crew, gets tithes from Abraham and throws him blessings, even though Abraham’s the one with the promises.
  7. No lie, the less legit dude gets the blessings from the top-tier one. Crazy, right?
  8. In this world, the dead get tithes, but in the spiritual game, there’s someone alive who takes ’em.
  9. And yo, Levi, who’s all about the tithes, throws some Abraham’s way, you know?
  10. ‘Cause he’s still in his dad’s genes when he runs into Melchisedec.
  11. So, if being perfect relied only on the Levitical crew (you know, the lawkeepers), why would there even need to be another priest, following Melchisedec instead of Aaron? Mind-blowing, tbh.
  12. So, when the whole priesthood gets an upgrade, you know there’s gotta be some law changes too.
  13. This dude, he’s from a whole different squad. None of that crew ever showed up at the altar.
  14. It’s crystal: Our Lord’s from the tribe of Judah, and Moses didn’t say squat about priests from there.
  15. And it’s even more obvious, ’cause there’s another priest like Melchisedec, you know?
  16. Not made by boring rules, but by the epic power of eternal existence.
  17. ‘Cause God himself said, ‘Yo, you’re gonna be a forever priest, just like Melchisedec.’
  18. The old rules? Cancelled. Weak and useless, no cap.
  19. Those rules didn’t make things perfect, but this new hope? That’s what gets us close to God, you know?
  20. And dude became a priest with a hardcore oath, for real.
  21. Other priests didn’t swear, but this one did, and God was like, ‘I swear, you’re a priest forever, like Melchisedec!’
  22. Jesus totally brought in a way cooler deal, no doubt.
  23. Back then, there were tons of priests, but they couldn’t stick around forever ’cause of death, ya feel?
  24. But this dude? He’s here to stay, steady priesthood, no passing it on.
  25. So, he can save anyone who comes to God through him. Always there to make things right, always making requests for them, you know? Always there.
  26. This high priest? Perfect for us. Pure, innocent, clean as a whistle, and totally separate from sinners. On a whole other level than the heavens!
  27. Unlike those other high priests, offering sacrifices every day for their own mess-ups and the people’s, Jesus did it once, offering himself.
  28. So, the law? Makes these high priests who are just regular folks with flaws and stuff. But the promise? Made after the law? Makes the Son, forever perfect and consecrated, you dig? (consecrated: perfected)
Hebrews 8

Alright, fam, let me break it down for ya:

  1. So, picture this: We’re talking about this lit high priest, posted up on the right hand of the Most High up in the heavens.
  2. He’s like the ultimate influencer of holiness, and he’s holding it down in the sickest hangout spot, set up by God, not us. #SacredStuff
  3. Every high priest gets picked to bring the vibes and make sacrifices. So, obviously, this dude’s got something to bring to the table too.
  4. But here’s the thing, if he was down here on Earth, he wouldn’t even qualify as a priest. We’ve already got priests handling their business, offering up gifts and whatnot. They got it covered.
  5. These priests are like the real-life embodiment of heavenly stuff. Just like Moses was schooled by God when he was putting together the tabernacle, God was like, “Stick to the blueprint I showed you on that mountain.”
  6. But yo, this dude’s ministry is on a whole other level. He’s the plug for this way better covenant, loaded with way better promises, ya feel? #CovenantUpgrade
  7. I mean, if the first covenant was flawless, there wouldn’t even be a need for a second one, right?
  8. So, God wasn’t vibing with how things were going down. He was like, “Listen up, fam! It’s time for some changes,” says the Lord. “I’m dropping a fresh covenant, a new deal, with the Israel and Judah crew, so get ready!”
  9. Honestly, the deal I made with their ancestors way back when, during the whole Egypt escape plan, it kinda flopped. They dropped the ball big time, and tbh, I kinda lost interest in ’em, says the Lord.
  10. Peep this: Here’s the lowdown on the new covenant I’m making with the Israel fam down the line, says the Lord. I’m gonna plant my laws straight into their minds and tattoo ’em on their hearts. It’s gonna be a vibe, me and them, tight like that. And when I say “put,” I mean, like, “give” or even “slap on.”
  11. Ain’t nobody gonna need to school their neighbor or their homie, like, “Yo, get to know the Lord,” ’cause everyone’s gonna be on the same page, from the smallest to the biggest.
  12. I’m showing mad love for their screw-ups, straight up forgetting about their sins and wicked ways.
  13. When I say there’s a new “deal” in town, it means the old one’s ancient history. That old stuff’s fading away, losing its shine. #OutWithTheOld
Hebrews 9
  1. Alright, check it, the OG covenant was all about rules for doing holy stuff and having a spot to chill with God. #ceremonies
  2. So, they whipped up this lit tent, right? It was the first one ever, decked out with a candlestick, a table, and some shewbread. They called it the sanctuary. Totally sacred vibes, yo.
  3. And behind the second curtain, there’s this epic tabernacle, like the ultimate holiest place ever;
  4. They had this sick golden censer thing and the lit ark of the covenant, all blinged out in gold. Inside, there was this dope golden pot filled with manna, Aaron’s rod that sprouted, and the tables of the covenant.
  5. And there were these super cool cherubims of glory chilling out, spreading their wings over the mercy seat, you know? But, like, we can’t really dive into all the deets right now.
  6. So, once everything was set up, the priests would always go into the first tabernacle and do all the God-related stuff.
  7. And then, the high priest would, you know, head into the second part of the place, all by himself, once a year. And he wouldn’t go empty-handed, man! He’d bring some blood to offer for his own stuff and also for any mistakes the people made. No pressure or anything!
  8. Yo, the Holy Ghost was basically saying that the entrance to the most holy place wasn’t fully revealed while the original shrine was still standing, you know?
  9. This was like a symbol from back in the day, when people used to give gifts and make sacrifices. But those acts couldn’t really make the ones offering them perfect in their own conscience.
  10. Back in the day, all they cared about was what food and drinks they could have, along with different kinds of washings and physical rituals. It was something that was strictly enforced until everything got changed up and improved.
  11. But, like, Jesus came and became this super high priest of awesome things that are gonna happen, and His place of worship is, like, way better than any human-made structure, you know? It’s like not even made with hands, man. It’s, like, on a whole different level.
  12. Not with goat and cow blood, but with his own blood, he went into the holy place once, getting eternal redemption.
  13. So like, if sacrificing bulls and goats, and using the ashes of a cow to sprinkle on the unclean, can make your body all clean and stuff:
  14. Yo, the blood of Christ is next-level, fam. Like, for real, He offered Himself to God through the eternal Spirit, no flaws or anything. And guess what? It straight-up cleanses your conscience from doing dead works so you can serve the living God, y’know? Oh, by the way, ‘spot’ could also mean ‘fault’.
  15. So, like, he’s the middleman for the new agreement, ya know? He died and stuff to save us from all the bad stuff we did under the old rules. Those who are chosen get the promise of, like, everlasting inheritance, man. It’s real cool.
  16. Like, when there’s, like, a will, there totally has to be, like, the death of the person making the will. Like, it’s a total requirement and stuff.
  17. Like, a will only has power after someone dies, ya know? Otherwise, it’s totally meaningless while the person who made the will is still alive.
  18. Back then, even the first couldn’t be set apart without some blood being involved.
  19. So, like, when Moses dropped all the rules to the people as per the law, he got some cow and goat blood, mixed it with water, and threw in some fancy scarlet wool and hyssop. Then he sprinkled that mixture on the book and everyone present, ya know, sorta like a spray of purple or whatever.
  20. Like, God’s like, ‘Yo, this is the legit blood of the covenant that I’m totally giving you guys.’
  21. And he, like, totally showered blood all over the tent and all the cool stuff used for serving.
  22. Like, pretty much everything is made clean by following the rules and making a sacrifice, you know? And there’s no way to be forgiven without like someone shedding their blood for it.
  23. So, like, it was totally necessary to purify the heavenly things with even better sacrifices than the patterns of things in the heavens.
  24. Yo, Christ didn’t just stroll into those man-made holy places, ya know, the ones that are like a representation of the real deal. Nah, He straight up entered into heaven itself, to kick it with God on our behalf, ya feel me?
  25. And it’s not like he has to keep offering himself over and over again, like how the high priest goes into the sacred place every year with the blood of others.
  26. Like, it totally makes sense that he would have had to suffer a bunch of times since the world began, right? But check this out, at the very end of the world, he showed up just once and totally got rid of sin by sacrificing himself. Crazy, right?
  27. Yo, just a heads up, every person gotta face death once, and then, boom, it’s time for the ultimate judgment:
  28. So ya know, Christ was totally sacrificed that one time to carry the sins of like, so many people; and for those who are like eagerly waiting for him, he’s gonna come back a second time all pure and sinless, ready to bring salvation and all that.
Hebrews 10
  1. So, it’s like the law was a sneak peek of all the epic things to come, but it wasn’t the real deal. And let’s be real, those sacrifices they kept making every single year couldn’t make people totally flawless, you feel me?
  2. If that was the case, they wouldn’t be hustling with sacrifices anymore, ’cause the forgiven squad wouldn’t be feeling guilty about their past mess-ups. #NoMoreSinGuilt
  3. But, like, those sacrifices were just a yearly reminder of our screw-ups, you know?
  4. Sacrificing bulls and goats ain’t gonna fix all our screw-ups, that’s for sure.
  5. So, when Jesus stepped into the scene, he was like, ‘Yo, sacrifices and offerings ain’t my vibe, but you totally hooked me up with this dope body.’
  6. Burnt offerings and sin sacrifices? Nah, didn’t click with him.
  7. So I was like, ‘Word, God, I’m down to roll with your plan.’ It’s all written in the playbook, you dig?
  8. Back in the day, when he was like, ‘Nah, not feeling all these sacrifices, burnt offerings, and sin offerings y’all been doing by the law,’
  9. So, he was like, ‘I’m here to do your thing, God.’ And he ditched the old stuff to make room for the new, ya know?
  10. Jesus Christ’s sacrifice makes us holy once and for all, according to his master plan.
  11. So, priests keep doing their thing, serving and sacrificing, but those sacrifices can’t erase the sins, you know?
  12. But Jesus, with that one sacrifice, forgave sins for good and now he’s just chilling on God’s right hand, you know?
  13. Just chilling, waiting, ’cause soon his enemies gonna be under his feet.
  14. Just one offering and he’s totally perfected those who are set apart forever.
  15. And yo, even the Holy Ghost is co-signing this, ’cause he said it first, you know?
  16. This is the deal I’ll make with them once those days are over, says the Lord. I’ll plant my rules deep within their hearts and inscribe them in their minds.
  17. And I won’t remember their sins and wrongdoings anymore.
  18. Once your sins are forgiven, no need for more sacrifices.
  19. So, bros, thanks to Jesus’s blood, we can confidently step into the holiest place, you know? #NoFilter #Blessed
  20. Through this fresh and lit pathway he made sacred for us, veiled by his flesh;
  21. And we got this awesome high priest in charge of the house of God, you know?
  22. Let’s come close with real sincerity and complete confidence in what we believe, making sure our hearts are cleansed from guilt and our bodies refreshed with pure vibes.
  23. Let’s stay solid in representing our faith, no doubt; ’cause the one who made those promises is totally trustworthy;
  24. And let’s totally think about each other and inspire each other to show love and do good things, you know?
  25. Don’t bail on hanging out with each other like some people do, but instead encourage one another, especially as the day gets closer.
  26. If we mess up after knowing the deal, there’s no more way to fix our mistakes.
  27. But there’s this intense anticipation for judgment and this burning anger, you know? It’s gonna totally consume those who are against it, like for real.
  28. Anyone who dissed Moses’ law got wrecked without mercy, with at least two or three witnesses flexin’.
  29. Imagine how much worse someone will totally deserve if they disrespect the Son of God and treat the blood of the covenant that made them pure as insignificant, and just diss the Spirit of grace. Not cool at all, man.
  30. You feel me, right? God’s got this whole vengeance thing covered. He said, ‘I’ll handle it, don’t you worry.’ Trust me, The Lord’s gonna judge His peeps, straight up.
  31. It’s legit scary to mess with the hands of the almighty God, fam.
  32. Remember back when you first started rolling with the faith? It was rough AF, you faced some real tough times and a ton of challenges.
  33. Sometimes you were straight-up talked about and made fun of, and other times you were just chilling with people going through the same stuff.
  34. You guys showed empathy when I was locked up, and you embraced the loss of your belongings with a positive attitude. You knew deep down that you have something way better and everlasting waiting for you in heaven.
  35. Don’t ditch your confidence, it comes with awesome rewards.
  36. Y’all gotta have mad patience, so that once you’ve done what God wants you to do, you’ll score the promise.
  37. Just wait a sec, and the dude who’s coming will totally arrive, and he won’t be all slow about it.
  38. Like, those who do the right thing will thrive by having faith and all, but if someone decides to bail, my soul won’t be stoked about it.
  39. But we’re not about those who give up and head towards destruction; we’re all about those who believe and save their souls, you know?
Hebrews 11
  1. Yo, faith is like the ultimate vibe, you feel me? It’s what keeps us chasing our dreams, even when they’re on some invisible tip. It’s that solid proof that what we can’t see is straight-up legit. Trust, fam. Trust.
  2. ‘Cause of that, the OGs got mad respect, you know?
  3. By faith, we know the universe got made by God’s word, not some visible stuff.
  4. Abel flexed his faith game, offering God a way better sacrifice than Cain. God was like, ‘Respect, bro. You’re righteous af.’ Even though Abel’s gone, his legacy still speaks, loud and clear.
  5. Enoch was on another level with his faith, so God was like, ‘Nah, you ain’t dying,’ and just yeeted him outta here. Dude vanished, God-style. And before that, Enoch was already getting major props from God, like, ‘This dude gets me.’
  6. Listen up, if you wanna be tight with God, faith is key. You gotta believe in Him, trust He’s coming through. Bonus points if you’re always seeking Him, putting in that effort. He rewards the hustle, every time.
  7. Noah was a believer, no doubt! God gave him a heads-up on some wild stuff. Dude built a massive boat, making everyone else look clueless. His faith was so strong, he got labeled righteous.
  8. Abraham was all about faith, right? Then outta nowhere, he gets a call to ditch everything, head to a new spot, no questions asked! And get this, he didn’t even know where he was going! Crazy, right?
  9. His faith kept him in the promised land, feeling like a stranger. He chilled in temporary spots with Isaac and Jacob, heirs of the same promise.
  10. He was hunting for a legit city, built by God Himself, solid foundation and all.
  11. Sara got that faith strength to have a baby, even though she was old. She trusted the promise-maker.
  12. From just one person, so many descendants! Even though he was as good as dead. They were countless, like stars and sand.
  13. They died believing, never seeing the promises come true. But they were fully convinced, embracing hope like bosses. They knew this world was just a pit stop.
  14. People who talk like that are looking for a new place to belong.
  15. If they remembered where they came from, they could’ve had a chance to go back.
  16. But nah, they’re after that celestial spot. God ain’t even ashamed to be called their God, ’cause He’s got a dope city waiting.
  17. Abraham, the faith legend, faced a crazy test. He offered up his boy Isaac, his only one, just like that. He was all about those promises, so he went for it, no hesitation.
  18. They said Isaac’s descendants would be called through Isaac.
  19. Dude thought God could raise Isaac from the dead, no sweat. And that’s exactly what happened, in a way.
  20. Isaac had faith, blessing Jacob and Esau, spilling the tea on the future.
  21. Right before Jacob checked out, he blessed Joseph’s sons, leaning on his staff, all devout.
  22. Joseph, at the end, knew Israel’s kids were bouncing from Egypt. He straight-up told them to take his bones. Dude wanted in on the journey, you know? #faith
  23. Moses’ parents knew he was special from day one. They hid him, no fear, even when the king ordered otherwise. That’s some serious faith right there!
  24. Grown-up Moses was like, ‘Nah, I ain’t just Pharaoh’s daughter’s son.’
  25. Choosing tough times with God’s crew over temporary fun with sin.
  26. Taking heat for Christ is way cooler than Egypt’s riches. He was all about that future reward.
  27. Moses bounced from Egypt by faith, not caring about the king’s rage! He persevered, seeing the invisible, you know?
  28. With total belief, he kept the Passover, going all out with the blood vibes, keeping the firstborn safe. No chance for the destroyer!
  29. They had faith, walking through the Red Sea like it was solid ground. Egyptians tried the same, met watery doom.
  30. Jericho’s walls crumbled after seven days, thanks to mad faith.
  31. Rahab, the queen, showed faith, living while the unbelievers bit the dust. She welcomed the spies, no regrets.
  32. And dude, don’t even get me started on Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and the prophets! I’d run outta time!
  33. These folks conquered kingdoms with faith, did righteous stuff, got promises, shut up lions.
  34. They calmed fire, dodged swords, got stronger when weak, showed bravery, made enemies run.
  35. Some saw their loved ones come back to life, others endured torture for a greater resurrection.
  36. Some dealt with harsh insults, beatings, prison:
  37. They were cut in half, faced temptation, tortured; roamed in deserts, climbed mountains, hid in caves.
  38. (Seriously, the world didn’t deserve them:) they roamed, having nothing, facing rough times.
  39. They proved their faith, didn’t get what was promised.
  40. God hooked us up with something even better, so we’re all in this lit journey together. #teamwork #perfectedtogether #foreshadowed
Hebrews 12
  1. Yo, squad! With all these peeps hyping us up, let’s ditch the extra baggage and kick those sins to the curb. Then, with some major patience, let’s ace this race set before us.
  2. Keep your focus on Jesus, the GOAT who kickstarted and will finish our faith journey. He went through all that pain on the cross knowing it would lead to ultimate joy. No shame could hold him back. Now, he’s posted up at God’s right hand, ruling like a boss.
  3. Think about how Jesus handled all that hate and negativity from haters, yo. Don’t let yourselves get drained and lose sight of the goal, stay mentally strong, fam.
  4. You haven’t even gone all in, risking everything, to fight against sin.
  5. Don’t sleep on the Lord’s teachings, aight? Don’t trip or lose motivation when He calls you out, bro. He’s just tryna steer you right.
  6. The Lord checks those he loves, giving reality checks to every child he embraces.
  7. If you can handle getting called out, God treats you like one of His own. I mean, every parent lays down the law with their kids, right?
  8. But if you’re never getting called out, and everyone does, then y’all straight up missing out, not real fam.
  9. Our earthly parents laid down the law and we respected them, right? So shouldn’t we totally submit to the ultimate Father of spirits and live our best lives?
  10. They disciplined us based on what they thought was right, but God does it for our own good, so we can join His holy squad. They did it for a hot minute, but God’s about that long-term growth, ya feel?
  11. Being called out or disciplined ain’t fun at the time. It sucks, actually. But afterward, it’s all about that glow up and inner peace, for real.
  12. So, don’t mope around. Lift those weak knees and get hyped!
  13. Keep on the right track and lift up those who are struggling. #GoodVibesOnly
  14. Strive for harmony with everyone, and live that righteous life, ’cause without it, no one’s seeing God.
  15. Stay woke so you don’t miss God’s grace. Don’t let negativity mess you up. Stay strong and stay true.
  16. Don’t be out here wildin’ or disrespecting sacred stuff, ya dig? Remember what happened to Esau when he traded his birthright for a snack.
  17. Dude tried to get that blessing later, but it was a no-go. Couldn’t fix it, no matter how hard he tried, even cried about it.
  18. It wasn’t like y’all were on some wild, spooky mountain covered in darkness and chaos.
  19. There was noise and craziness, and the people were like, ‘Nah, we good, don’t talk to us.’
  20. (If even an animal touched the mountain, it was a wrap:
  21. It was intense, man. Moses was shook, and I was too, TBH. 🙂
  22. But now, y’all are at Mount Zion, the lit city of the living God, with a squad of angels, no cap.
  23. To the coolest crew and the original church fam, all listed in the heavenly VIP club, shoutout to God, the ultimate Judge, and to the righteous legends, (written: or, super exclusive membership)
  24. Shoutout to Jesus, the original mediator of the new deal, and to His lit blood that speaks louder than Abel’s. No cap. (Ps. deal also means testament, FYI)
  25. Don’t ignore the one talking to you. If those who dissed the dude speaking on earth got dealt with, imagine what’s gonna happen if we diss the one speaking from heaven?
  26. That voice made the earth shake back then, but now it’s like, ‘Hold up, I got more! I’ll shake not just the earth, but even the heavens.’
  27. This means everything that can be shaken, like man-made stuff, will get tossed, and only the unshakable stuff will stick around. You know, the real deal.
  28. Since we’re getting in on this unshakable kingdom, let’s be thankful and show some love, so we can worship God in a way that’s respectful and awe-inspiring: let’s keep grinding!
  29. Our God is like, straight fire, burning everything up.
Hebrews 13
  1. Keep that love for your bros going, fam.
  2. Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, ’cause you never know, they might be real angels in disguise!
  3. Yo, don’t forget to show love and support to those who are going through tough times, just like you would if you were in their shoes. Empathy, fam!
  4. Guys, can we agree that marriage is totally respectable, and keeping things pure in the bedroom is important too? But let’s be real, God’s gonna call out those who play around or cheat on their partners.
  5. Don’t be constantly wanting what you don’t have, and be satisfied with what you’ve got. ‘Cause remember, the big man upstairs promised that He’ll stick with you no matter what, never gonna ditch ya!
  6. So, we can totally be like, ‘The Lord’s got my back, and I won’t stress about what people gonna do to me.’
  7. Don’t forget to respect those who lead you and share the wisdom of God with you. Take inspiration from their faith and think about the outcome of their actions.
  8. Jesus Christ, he hasn’t changed a bit – yesterday, today, and will be forever.
  9. Don’t get caught up in all these different and weird teachings. It’s better to have a heart that’s truly grounded in grace rather than obsessing over pointless rules and rituals that won’t actually benefit you.
  10. Yo, we got this altar, and those who work at the tabernacle ain’t allowed to chow down on it.
  11. The high priest takes the blood of those animals with sinful bodies and burns them outside the camp.
  12. So, Jesus was like, ‘I’m gonna make the people feel all holy and stuff by shedding his own blood,’ and he went through some tough times outside the city walls.
  13. So, like, let’s totally step outside the boundaries and embrace his criticism, you know.
  14. Like, bro, we don’t have a chill city over here, but we’re totally on the hunt for one in the future.
  15. So, let’s make it a thing to constantly give props to God through praise, which basically means expressing gratitude to His name with the good stuff we say. (confessing = giving mad props)
  16. Don’t forget to spread positivity and stay connected, ’cause those are the sacrifices that make God totally stoked.
  17. Listen to those in authority over you and humble yourselves. They are responsible for your spiritual well-being, and they will answer for it. They should fulfill their duties with joy, not with sorrow, because that won’t benefit you at all.
  18. Send some prayers our way: we truly believe we’ve got a clear conscience and we’re all about living an honest life, no matter what.
  19. But listen up, fam, I’m seriously begging you to help me out with this, so that I can come back to you ASAP.
  20. Yo, check it out! The Almighty God of peace, who raised our guy Jesus from the dead, he’s like the ultimate shepherd for all us sheep. And he did it all by sheddin’ his own blood as part of this never-ending promise between us and him. Ya feel?
  21. May you become experts in every good thing you do to fulfill his desires, with Jesus Christ working inside you to accomplish what brings him joy. He deserves all the recognition and honor for eternity. Amen. (working: or, doing)
  22. Yo, fam, listen up. I’m just here to kindly remind y’all to take in this word of encouragement. I ain’t trying to waste your time, so I wrote a short letter to get straight to the point.
  23. Yo, just FYI, our boy Timothy has been released, and if he pulls up soon, I’ll link up with y’all.
  24. Respect those in charge and show love to all the righteous peeps. The homies from Italy say what’s up to you.
  25. May grace be with all of you. Amen. (This message was written by Timothy from Italy and intended for the Hebrews.)