
Habakkuk 1
  1. The prophet Habakkuk caught some serious vibes.
  2. OMG, God! For real though? How long am I supposed to stress out while you just sit there not listening? I’m literally screaming at you about all this unfairness, and you’re not gonna swoop in and fix things?
  3. Yo, why you gotta show me all this messed up stuff and make me see all this suffering? Everywhere I turn, there’s robbery and violence going down. People out here always stirring up drama and causing conflicts.
  4. So like, the law is low-key forgotten, and nobody’s stepping up. The bad guys are all up in the good guys’ grill, so obviously the judgments being made are totally messed up and unfair. #justsaying
  5. Yo, peep this among all the peeps and be amazed! ‘Cause I’m about to drop something so epic in your time that you won’t even believe it, even if someone spilled the tea!
  6. Yo, listen up, I’m gonna talk about the Chaldeans, this nation that’s mad bitter and impulsive. They’re gonna sweep through the whole land, taking over places that ain’t even theirs. (FYI, “breadth” means like, wide.)
  7. They are straight-up scary and intense: they’ll have total control and influence just by being who they are. Their power and dominance will lead to consequences, including defeating and capturing their enemies.
  8. Bro, their horses are like crazy fast, faster than leopards and more savage than evening wolves. Their riders are gonna spread out from far away, swooping in like hungry eagles on a mission. (By the way, ‘fierce’ in Hebrew actually means ‘sharp’, just so you know.)
  9. They’re coming in hot for chaos: their faces fierce like a strong wind, and they’ll gather up captives like sand on the beach. (Their fierce faces will be aimed eastward.)
  10. And they’re gonna wreck the kings, and the princes are gonna be a total joke to them: they’ll mock every fortress, seriously diss it and tear it down.
  11. Then he’s gonna switch gears and cross the line, causing harm and wrongly giving credit to his deity.
  12. Aren’t you, like, eternal and all, O LORD my God, my super holy dude? We won’t perish. LORD, you’re totally the judge, and you’re the ultimate boss for setting things straight. (mighty…: in Hebrew it means like, a solid rock) (established: in Hebrew it means like, laid the foundation)
  13. You have, like, pure eyes and stuff, can’t stand evil at all. So why do you even bother looking at those sneaky people? And why stay quiet when the bad guys crush someone way more righteous than them? Like, it just doesn’t add up, man.
  14. You’re treating people like they’re fish in the sea, or like creatures on the ground with no leader? It’s like, total chaos… (btw, crawling can mean moving)
  15. They use their slick fishing skills to catch everyone, trapping them in their epic net and rounding them up like pros. That’s why they’re totally hyped and super pumped.
  16. So they flex with their fishing gear and worship their sick traps; ’cause they bring in huge gains and endless grub. (lit. food that’s poppin’)
  17. So, are they just gonna ditch their plans and not even think twice about wiping out whole nations?
Habakkuk 2
  1. Imma rise up on my lookout, chillin’ on the tower, waiting to see what He gonna say to me and how I’m gonna respond when He corrects me. #SafeZone #RepresentingFromWithin
  2. And God was like, “Write down what you see clearly on tablets, so everyone can get it quick and act on it.”
  3. The vision’s gonna happen, but it’s gonna take time. Don’t stress though, it’s definitely coming true. Just gotta chill and wait for it.
  4. Yo, peep this: if someone’s all frontin’ with their soul, actin’ all high and mighty, they ain’t truly righteous inside. But the ones who stay real and trust in their faith, they gonna live their best life!
  5. Yeah, ’cause he’s all about that wine, totally full of himself, never stays put. His cravings are bottomless, like straight up hell, and he’s as relentless as death. Dude’s never satisfied, always chasing more. He’s gathering up nations and snatching people like, seriously!
  6. Yo, won’t everyone be throwin’ shade at this dude, roasting him like, “Bro, you’re in deep trouble for trying to snatch what ain’t yours!” How long you gonna keep stockpiling fake and worthless stuff? Seriously, bro?
  7. Don’t you see it coming? Like, imagine someone sneaking up to trip you and suddenly you’re their comedy show. Honestly, you kind of brought it on yourself.
  8. Yo, ’cause you went and messed up a bunch of nations, now the ones left are gonna mess you up. It’s payback time for all the blood you spilled and all the violence you caused in the land, the city, and everywhere else.
  9. Dang, that dude who’s all about greed, tryna build his fancy sky-high crib, thinking it’s gonna save him from all the bad stuff! Like, come on, bro?
  10. Bruh, you seriously messed up big time by messing with so many people, now you’ve messed up your own soul too.
  11. The bricks will straight up start shouting out, and the planks of wood will be like, “Yo, we got this!” They gonna do their thing, and it’s gonna expose all the shady stuff.
  12. Dude, seriously messed up vibes to the one who builds a town through violence and establishes a city by shady means! Like, so not cool, bro!
  13. Yo, isn’t it the Lord of all that people gotta hustle in the blazing fire, only to exhaust themselves for no reason? Like, is it all for nothing or what?
  14. Yo, like, the whole earth gonna be filled with the knowledge that the LORD is totally glorious, you know? It’s gonna be like the waters covering the sea, no doubt. #wisdom #glory
  15. How messed up it is for someone who gets their neighbor drunk and tries to take advantage of them, just to see them naked!
  16. You’re getting humbled instead of praised. Keep indulging yourself, and your secrets will come out. Your actions will catch up to you, and instead of feeling glorious, you’ll be left feeling ashamed and embarrassed.
  17. Dude, Lebanon’s power will overwhelm you, and you’ll end up with loot even wild animals wouldn’t touch. It’s all because of the bloodshed and violence across the land, from cities to the countryside.
  18. Why bother making a carved or molten image, acting like it’s some wise guru, when really it’s just a useless idol? Seriously, what’s the point?
  19. It’s a total mess for anyone who thinks a piece of wood can wake up or a dumb stone can suddenly start giving wisdom! They even deck it out in gold and silver, but it’s dead—can’t even breathe!
  20. Yo, the LORD is just chilling in his holy crib, so everyone on earth better quiet down and show some respect, you know? No need for all that noise, just embrace the quiet and recognize his presence, bro. #stayhumble
Habakkuk 3
  1. Habakkuk dropped a lit prayer, like straight fire tunes
  2. OMG, God, I totally heard Your message and it was so intense! Please, God, bring back all that awesome stuff You’ve been doing in the world, like, right now. Let everyone know Your game plan, even when things are super tough. And, like, show us mercy, even when You’re feeling all fired up.
  3. Yo, God rolled in from Teman, and the Holy One was flexin’ on mount Paran. Selah. His glory was lighting up the whole sky, and the earth was buzzing with His praise.
  4. And he was glowing bright, like a lit-up selfie; he had these epic spikes coming out of his hand, where all his massive power was tucked away. (spikes…: or, cool rays shooting out of his side)
  5. The pestilence sped ahead of him, and fiery blasts shot out from his moves.
  6. He totally stood up and scoped out the whole earth. And, he like looked and separated the nations, and even the mountains that have been there forever got scattered, and the hills bent down. His ways are like, totally forever and ever, you know?
  7. I saw Cushan’s tents in total chaos, and the curtains of Midian’s land were trembling. Cushan, kinda like Ethiopia, was going through some tough times, and it was definitely not cool. And things in Midian were equally shaky. It was a pretty intense scene overall, no doubt about it.
  8. Was God angry at the rivers? Like, did He have issues with them? Was He furious at the sea that He decided to ride on His awesome horses and in His epic chariots of salvation?
  9. Your bow was on point, totally unveiled, just like the promises You made to the tribes, you know, Your word, fam. Selah. You split the earth with rivers, like, rivers flowing everywhere, representing the earth and stuff.
  10. Yo, when the mountains caught sight of You, they straight-up shivered. And when the floodwaters rolled through, they couldn’t even handle it. The deep sea started flexing, raised its voice, and threw its hands up in the sky.
  11. The sun and moon stayed in their places: they moved forward when Your arrows lit up the sky and Your shiny spear gleamed. (or, Your arrows walked in the light)
  12. You came through the whole land, blazing with fury! You dominated and took down those nations in a burst of anger.
  13. You stepped up to save your people, yeah, deliverance for your chosen ones. You struck down the leader of the evildoers and exposed their foundation. Selah. (by revealing their truth from the depths to the top.)
  14. You completely wrecked their leaders with your mighty moves, and they came after me like a wild storm, all pumped and ready to tear me apart. They were eager to harm the defenseless, like they wanted to do it all sly and under the radar.
  15. You navigated through that sea with your horses, riding through that huge water pile-up like a boss. And yeah, we get it, it was like a messy situation too.
  16. When I heard it, my stomach churned; my lips started trembling because of what I heard. I felt weakness deep in my bones, and I couldn’t help but tremble, longing for peace in these tough times. When he arrives with his crew, it’s gonna be chaos and destruction, tearing them apart.
  17. Even if the fig tree doesn’t blossom, and there’s no fruit on the vines. The olive crop fails, and the fields don’t yield food. The sheep are cut off from the pen, and there are no cattle in the stalls.
  18. But yo, I’m straight-up gonna be pumped about the LORD, like totally stoked about my salvation from God.
  19. The LORD God is like my ultimate power boost, He’s gonna give me swift and nimble feet like a fancy deer, and He’s gonna make me walk confidently on the highest places. Big shoutout to the main musician who jams on my instruments.