
Galatians 1
  1. Ayo, it’s Paul, straight-up apostle, not picked by any randoms or human stuff, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who totally brought Jesus back from the dead and all that, no lie!
  2. Big shoutout to all my squad rolling with me, sending love to the churches in Galatia:
  3. Yo, may y’all be blessed with mad grace and peace from God the Father and our homie, Jesus Christ,
  4. He straight up sacrificed himself for our sins, so we could bounce from this messed-up world we’re stuck in, all part of God’s plan and our heavenly Father, ya feel?
  5. Big ups to the one who deserves all the praise for eternity. Amen.
  6. I’m shook how quick y’all switched up on the one who invited you to experience Christ’s goodness, and fell for another gospel:
  7. But hold up, there’s no other gospel out there. Some peeps, though, be causing drama and trying to twist up Christ’s good news.
  8. But, like, even if we, or an angel from heaven, start preaching a different gospel to you than what we already told you, like, let ’em be totally cursed.
  9. Just like I told you before, I’m saying it again: If anyone starts preaching a different gospel than what you already know, they better watch out for some serious consequences.
  10. Do I even care about what people think? Nah, it’s all about pleasing God. I ain’t out here trying to impress anyone, ’cause if I was, I wouldn’t be a true follower of Christ.
  11. Just so y’all know, fam, the good news I preached to you didn’t come from any human source.
  12. ‘Cause, like, no one taught me this or anything, I straight up got it from Jesus himself, through His divine revelation, ya know?
  13. Ayo, y’all probs know about my past grind when I was deep into the Jewish scene. I went all in on God’s church, no cap, and left it in ruins:
  14. And I was all about the Jewish religion vibe, even more than others my age from my own crew. I was super hyped about all the traditions my ancestors followed.
  15. But when God, who straight up set me apart from my mom’s womb, and called me by his amazing grace,
  16. To make his Son known in me, so I could spread the word about him to everyone, I didn’t waste time talking to humans about it:
  17. I didn’t even bother hitting up Jerusalem to link with the OG apostles before me. Instead, I dipped to Arabia for a bit, then made my way back to Damascus.
  18. So, like, after three years I slid to Jerusalem to chill with Peter, and I stayed with him for fifteen days.
  19. But I didn’t come across any of the other apostles, just James, who was actually the brother of the Lord.
  20. Ayo, let me tell you something real, straight up, no cap, before the big man upstairs, I ain’t about to front or lie or anything.
  21. Then I, like, ended up in Syria and Cilicia, ya know?
  22. And nobody knew what he looked like in the churches of Judaea, where all the believers in Christ were.
  23. But, like, they only knew that the dude who used to mess with us in the past, now he’s out here preaching the faith that he once totally wrecked.
  24. And they were like, ‘Yo, God is straight up lit in me!
Galatians 2
  1. So, like, fourteen years later, I bounced back to Jerusalem with my main man Barnabas, and I brought my dude Titus along for the ride.
  2. So, like, I had this major epiphany, and I spilled the tea on the gospel I’m all about to the non-Jewish crew. But I kept it real selective, you feel me? Didn’t want my grind to go to waste or anything.
  3. But even Titus, my Greek bro, wasn’t pressured to get circumcised while rolling with me:
  4. And that’s ’cause of these fake friends who snuck in under the radar, trying to peep if our freedom in Christ Jesus is legit, just so they can try to control us and snatch away our freedom:
  5. We shut that down quick, didn’t let ’em take over, not even for a sec, so the true essence of the gospel stays with you.
  6. But TBH, those big shots (whatever they were, IDGAF: God doesn’t play favorites) didn’t drop any knowledge bombs during our pow-wow.
  7. But on the flip side, when they clocked that spreading the good news to the uncircumcised was my mission, just like Peter’s was to the circumcised;
  8. ‘Cause the same big moves the big man upstairs pulled with Peter, making him an apostle to the Jewish crowd, he did for me with the non-Jewish squad.
  9. And when James, Cephas, and John, who were straight-up legends, peeped the blessings flowing my way, they gave me and Barnabas a dope welcome, signaling we should hit the road to spread the word to non-believers, while they focus on our Jewish fam.
  10. It’s crucial to look out for the underdogs, something I was totally about.
  11. But yo, when Peter showed up in Antioch, I had to call him out, ’cause he was off, no cap.
  12. Like, before he rolled in from James, he was vibin’ and grubbin’ with the non-Jewish crew. But when the other cats showed, he bounced and started acting different, ’cause he was shook of the circumcision crew.
  13. And like, the rest of the Jewish squad started fakin’ it too, to the point Barnabas got caught up in their act.
  14. So, when I peeped they weren’t keeping it 100 with the gospel, I called out Peter in front of everyone. I was like, ‘Yo, Peter, my man, if you, a Jewish homie, can live like a Gentile and not follow all the Jewish customs, why you makin’ the Gentiles do the same? That’s not cool, bro.’
  15. We, being Jewish, ain’t out here sinning like the Gentiles,
  16. Yo fam, check this out: Trying to be righteous and follow all the rules ain’t gonna make you legit in God’s eyes. It’s all about putting your faith in Jesus Christ. We all believed in Him, not ’cause of what we do, but ’cause of faith. You can’t earn your ticket to heaven by following the rules, nah, it ain’t like that.
  17. But, like, if we’re all about being in sync with Christ and then we slip up and make mistakes, does that mean Christ is cool with us sinning? Heck no, dude.
  18. Like, if I start rebuilding what I already tore down, I’m totally breaking the rules, man.
  19. So like, I died to the law ’cause of the law, you know? Did it so I could live my best life for God.
  20. I’m all in with Christ: still livin’ life, but it’s not just about me, it’s about Christ livin’ through me. The way I roll in this world is by having faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me.
  21. I ain’t messing with God’s grace, ’cause if being right with Him depended on following the rules, then Jesus died for nada.
Galatians 3
  1. Hey, Galatians, for real though? Who put you under that spell where you’re not vibing with the truth? It’s like you totally missed seeing Jesus Christ front and center, crucified for everyone to peep!
  2. So, here’s the tea: Did you get the Spirit by sticking to all the rules, or was it because you really believed and vibed with what you heard?
  3. Are you seriously making that rookie mistake? Like, you started off with the Spirit and now you think you can level up just by relying on your own hustle and grind? SMH.
  4. Bro, did you go through all that struggle for nada? Like, was it all just a big fat waste? Not cool if it was, man. I mean, total bummer, you know?
  5. So, the one who hooks you up with the Spirit and pulls off mad miracles, does he do it by ticking off a checklist, or by straight-up trusting in your faith?
  6. It’s like when Abraham totally had faith in God, and bam, it was like pure righteousness on his record, you dig?
  7. Just so you know, if you’re all about that faith life, then you’re totally in Abraham’s squad.
  8. And the scriptures totally called it that God would make the non-believers righteous through faith, and even way back then, it was dropping the good news on Abraham, like, ‘Yo, all the nations are gonna get blessed through you!’
  9. So, like, anyone who’s got faith is straight-up blessed, just like our homie Abraham, who was faith goals.
  10. Those who’re all about following the rules are in a sticky situation, you feel me? ‘Cause if you don’t keep up with every single thing written in the playbook, you’re in a tough spot.
  11. Okay, listen up fam, it’s pretty clear that no one can flex on God by following a bunch of rules. Seriously, it’s crystal clear! Instead, the real ones are those who live by faith. They trust in God and stuff, rather than just relying on their own good deeds.
  12. And it’s not just about believing in the rules, but those who actually live by them will live a lit life.
  13. Yo, Christ totally saved us from getting wrecked by the law. He took the curse for us, ’cause the book says, anyone who hangs on a tree is cursed, man.
  14. So basically, thanks to Jesus Christ, even us non-Jews can get in on the whole Abraham blessing vibe. And by having faith, we can totally lock in that promise of the Spirit.
  15. Yo, fam, I’m just keeping it real here. When humans seal a deal, even if it’s just between them, once it’s locked in, no one can cancel it or change the terms. Just so you know, ‘covenant’ can also mean ‘testament’.
  16. So, like, the promises made to Abraham and his descendants, right? He didn’t say ‘seeds’ as in a bunch of people, but ‘seed’ as in one, and that’s Christ.
  17. So, like, peep this, God made this promise to Abraham, right? And then, like, four hundred and thirty years later, He brought in the whole law thing through Moses. But here’s the deal, guys: that law can’t just cancel out the promise God made. It’s, like, totally irrelevant to it.
  18. If it’s all about following the rules, then it’s not really about the promise. Instead, God straight-up promised Abraham this inheritance.
  19. So, what’s up with the law, you ask? Well, it was added because people were messing up left and right. It was only there temporarily, until the one the promise was made to showed up. And get this, it was even put in place by angels, with the help of a mediator.
  20. So, like, a mediator isn’t just there for one person, you know? God is like, the one and only, man.
  21. So, like, is the law, like, totally against what God promised? No way, dude! Like, if there was a law that could’ve given life, then, like, being righteous would’ve totally depended on following the law.
  22. But yo, the Bible straight-up said everyone’s got sin on lock, so that the promise of Jesus Christ through faith can be straight up given to those who believe.
  23. But like, before we had faith, we were totally bound by this set of rules, like stuck until the time when our faith would be fully revealed, you know?
  24. So, like, the law was basically our guide, you know, to lead us to Christ, so that we could be made right with God through faith.
  25. Once we’ve embraced faith, we no longer need someone bossing us around like a teacher.
  26. You’re all squad members of God, believing in Christ Jesus.
  27. Yo, all y’all who got baptized in the name of Christ, you straight up rocking Christ now.
  28. In Christ Jesus, it doesn’t matter if you’re Jewish or Greek, if you’re enslaved or free, or if you’re a guy or a girl – we’re all equal and united.
  29. And if you’re part of Team Christ, then you’re like a descendant of Abraham and, like, entitled to all the good stuff that was promised.
Galatians 4
  1. Yo, fam, peep this: When it comes to the heir, if they’re still a kid, they’re basically on the same level as a regular servant, even if they’re supposed to inherit everything.
  2. But, like, they gotta follow the rules and respect their teachers until the old man says it’s time.
  3. Back in the day, we were all trapped under the basic rules of this world, you feel me?
  4. But then, when everything was set, God was like, ‘Yo, it’s go time!’ and sent His Son down to Earth, chilling like a regular human and following all the rules and stuff.
  5. He did it to save us from being chained down by the rules, so now we can be accepted like His children.
  6. And since you’re His children, He sent His Son’s spirit into your hearts, calling out, ‘Yo, pops!’
  7. So now, you ain’t just someone doing chores; you’re part of the crew. And since you’re part of the crew, you get that inheritance hookup from God, all thanks to Jesus.
  8. But back in the day, before you even knew God, you were out there worshipping things that ain’t even real, you dig?
  9. Yo, once you’ve been awakened to God, why you gotta go back to that basic life? Don’t get chained up again, fam.
  10. Y’all stuck on those days, months, times, and years.
  11. Real talk, kinda buggin’ that I might’ve wasted my time on you.
  12. Yo fam, listen up. I’m vibing with you, let’s be on the same wavelength. No drama, we’re cool.
  13. You know I was straight-up honest with y’all from the jump ’cause of my own struggles.
  14. And you didn’t bounce when I was dealing with my own issues; you embraced me like I was heaven-sent, just like Christ himself.
  15. So, what’s up with all that hype? I know you’d have gone to bat for me, even giving up your own eyes if you could. Seriously!
  16. So, just ’cause I’m dropping some truth, I’m your enemy now?
  17. They’re trying way too hard to impress you, but it’s not cool. They’re trying to make you feel left out just so they can be in the spotlight.
  18. It’s dope to stay hyped about the good stuff, not just when I’m around.
  19. Hey fam, my beloved crew, I’ve been grinding, trying to help y’all grow to be more like Christ.
  20. I’m itching to chill with y’all and vibe, ’cause I’m kinda unsure where we’re at right now. shrugs
  21. Listen up, all you rule-followers, ever actually read what the rules say?
  22. So, back in the day, Abraham had two sons, one from a servant girl and the other from a free woman.
  23. The one from the servant girl was born in the usual way, but the one from the free woman was born because of a promise.
  24. Yo, cool story time. There’s some deep stuff going on here, like a hidden message. It’s about these two deals, or whatever you wanna call ’em – they’re major. One was made on Sinai Mountain, all about being stuck and tied down. That’s where Agar comes in. And when I say deals, I mean testaments. Oh, and Sinai is Sina in Greek, for the record.
  25. So, Agar is like Sinai in Arabia, and just like Jerusalem today, both are kinda tied down with their people.
  26. But heavenly Jerusalem? Totally free, and like, the mother of us all.
  27. As it’s written: ‘Rejoice, barren woman who can’t have kids! Shout for joy, even though you never had labor pains. ‘Cause let me tell you, the deserted one will end up with more kids than the one with a husband.’
  28. Yo fam, just like Isaac, we’re the chosen ones, destined for greatness.
  29. But just like back then, when the naturally born caused drama for the one born through divine inspiration, it’s happening again.
  30. But like, scripture says it all: Kick out the servant woman and her son, ’cause the son of the servant can’t boss up like the son of the free woman, you get me?
  31. So listen up, dudes and dudettes, we’re not stuck being slaves anymore. It’s all about that freedom life now.
Galatians 5
  1. So, like, hang on tight to the freedom Jesus hooked us up with, and don’t let yourself get caught up in those chains again.
  2. Yo, listen up, fam! It’s your boy, Paul, dropping some truth bombs. Here’s the deal: Getting circumcised won’t do squat for your spiritual journey with Christ. Just saying.
  3. Just to be clear, all you circumcised dudes are totally obligated to follow every single law. No loopholes, bro.
  4. Yo, if you think following the law saves you, you’re totally missing the point. Grace? Yeah, you’re slipping away from that.
  5. ‘Cause, like, we’re totally relying on the Spirit and stuff, and we’re all super pumped for the hope of being righteous through our faith, you know?
  6. In Jesus’ crew, whether you’re cut or uncut doesn’t matter at all – it’s all about having faith fueled by love.
  7. You were doing so good, who messed you up and made you not follow the truth anymore?
  8. This mindset isn’t from the one who’s reaching out to you.
  9. A tiny vibe spreads major vibes.
  10. I totally trust you in the Lord, that you won’t have any other thoughts. But whoever causes you trouble will face the consequences, no matter who they are.
  11. Yo, fam, if I’m still out here preaching about circumcision, why am I still getting hated on? That just means folks ain’t trippin’ anymore about the message of the cross.
  12. I wish those who annoy you could just disappear.
  13. Yo, fam, listen up. You’ve been chosen to live free. But like, don’t abuse that freedom as an excuse to satisfy your own desires. Instead, show love by serving each other selflessly.
  14. Basically, the whole law can be summed up in just one thing: treat your neighbor the way you want to be treated.
  15. But yo, if y’all attack and tear each other apart, just watch out that you don’t end up totally destroying each other.
  16. So, like, here’s the deal: You gotta live your best life in the Spirit, and then you won’t even feel tempted to satisfy your fleshly desires, you know? Trust me on this one.
  17. It’s like, our desires and our conscience are constantly at odds with each other, totally conflicting. It’s a constant struggle, man. It’s like we’re trapped and can’t do what we really want to do, you know?
  18. But if you let the Spirit guide you, you don’t have to follow all the rules.
  19. Alright, let me break it down for you. These are the things that show you’re being driven by your selfish desires: cheating, hooking up casually, impurity, and being all about that inappropriate behavior.
  20. Being obsessed with idols, practicing witchcraft, hating others, causing arguments, being jealous of someone’s success, getting angry easily, constantly arguing, causing divisions, spreading false teachings,
  21. Yo, like, envy, killing, getting wasted, partying hard, and all that stuff are a big no-no. I’ve mentioned it before, just like I’m telling you now, that those who do these things won’t be getting into the kingdom of God, ya know.
  22. But like, the vibes that come with the Spirit are love, joy, peace, being patient for a hot sec, being chill and kind, being good, and having faith, ya know?
  23. Being humble and self-controlled, there’s no rules against that vibe.
  24. And those who belong to Christ have totally rejected giving in to their selfish desires and uncontrollable cravings.
  25. If we’re all about that spiritual life, let’s stay on that same wavelength in our actions too.
  26. Yo, let’s not be all about seeking attention for ourselves, constantly trying to provoke and be jealous of each other.
Galatians 6
  1. Aye fam, when someone in our crew slips up, those of us who’ve got that spiritual insight should lend a hand with humility, knowing we could easily trip up too. #RealTalk
  2. Let’s have each other’s backs through the struggles and keep it 💯, ’cause that’s how we live out Christ’s vibes.
  3. So, like, if a dude’s frontin’, but deep down he’s got nada, he’s just playin’ himself, you dig?
  4. But yo, everyone should own up to their own hustle, then they’ll be feeling themselves, no need to compare to others.
  5. Each one gotta deal with their own stuff, ain’t no one else can do it for ’em.
  6. If you’re soaking up game from someone, show ’em love by spreading good vibes their way.
  7. Don’t front, you can’t play with God, I’m tellin’ ya! What goes around comes around. #Facts
  8. Whoever’s all about their own desires will face the consequences; but those focusing on their spirit and growth will live a lit and eternal life.
  9. And let’s not get tired of spreading positivity, ’cause we’ll see some major blessings if we keep grindin’.
  10. So, like, whenever we get the chance, let’s spread good vibes to everyone, ya feel? But, like, let’s make sure to show extra love and kindness to our squad of believers.
  11. Peep this long text I’m droppin’ with my own words.
  12. Those who front about following traditions might try to pressure you into doing stuff, just to save face for their faith in Christ.
  13. ‘Cause even the ones all about tradition ain’t really keepin’ it real. They just want you to conform so they can flex.
  14. But nah, I ain’t flexin’ or boastin’ about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. ‘Cause thanks to Him, the world ain’t even on my radar anymore, and I ain’t tryna fit into its mold. #ByeFelicia
  15. Yo, listen up! In Christ Jesus, whether you’re down with certain rituals or not ain’t the point, bro. It’s about being a whole new vibe, no matter what.
  16. To all those vibin’ with this, may they catch that peace, mercy, and blessings, ’cause we’re God’s chosen crew.
  17. Yo, don’t even come at me anymore, ’cause I’m reppin’ Jesus loud and proud, you feel me?
  18. Aight fam, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen. ‹This message to the Galatians was sent straight outta Rome.›