
Esther 1
  1. Yo, check it: back in the day of Ahasuerus, this dude was totally running the show, ruling over this huge stretch of land from India to Ethiopia, like, 127 provinces and all.
  2. Picture it: King Ahasuerus chilling on his epic throne, holding it down in his fancy palace in Shushan.
  3. So, like, in his third year of ruling, Ahasuerus decides to throw this epic bash for his crew – all his homies from Persia, Media, the VIPs, and the big shots from the provinces, they’re all there, vibing together.
  4. And get this, he’s flaunting his wealth and power for a whopping 180 days, like a total flex.
  5. So, like, when the 180-day flex fest was done, the king decides to throw down another huge bash. This time, it’s for everyone in Shushan, from the big shots to the regular folks. It’s a full-on seven-day rager in the king’s palace garden court. 🎉
  6. Imagine this: the setup is lit with these dope white, green, and blue drapes, hanging from slick cords made of fine linen and purple, hooked onto shiny silver rings on marble pillars. And get this: the beds are decked out in gold and silver, on a floor that’s poppin’ with vibrant red, blue, white, and black marble. (You could even call those blue drapes violet if you’re vibing with that). (Or maybe the floor’s made of porphyre, marble, alabaster, and blue-colored stone). 🌟
  7. So, they’re servin’ up in these ultra-fancy gold cups, each one totally one-of-a-kind, and pouring out the top-shelf wine, fit for a king. (I’m talking seriously bougie wine, you feel me?) And it’s all totally hitting the mark with the king’s taste.
  8. And here’s the deal: they’re all chilling, sipping as they please, ’cause the king’s made it crystal to his squad that nobody’s getting pressured into drinking if they’re not down. 🍷
  9. Alright, check it: Queen Vashti hosts this dope party for all the ladies at King Ahasuerus’ pad.
  10. Now, on the chill seventh day, when the king’s feeling the vibe with some fine wine, he straight up talks to his crew Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethar, and Carcas – these seven cool dudes who serve Ahasuerus the king, you get me? (Just a heads up: those chamberlains were actually eunuchs, just so you know). 🎉
  11. So, they’re thinking, “Let’s bring Queen Vashti to the king, rocking her royal crown, so everyone – the regular folks and the VIPs – can see how stunning she is. I mean, she’s got a seriously gorgeous face.”
  12. But Queen Vashti is like, “Nah, not feeling it,” straight up denying the king’s request through his crew. And let me tell you, the king was beyond furious. His anger was on another level. 🚫👑🔥
  13. The king’s like, “Listen up, all you wise folks who know what’s good in this day and age (‘cause that’s how the king rolled with anyone who was knowledgeable about laws and all that).
  14. Now, let me tell you about Carshena, Shethar, Admatha, Tarshish, Meres, Marsena, and Memucan – the big shots of Persia and Media. These dudes were straight-up VIPs, kicking it with the king and holding the highest positions in the kingdom. 😎
  15. So, like, what’s the deal with Queen Vashti, you know, according to the law and everything? ‘Cause she straight-up didn’t follow what King Ahasuerus ordered through his crew.
  16. Yo, Memucan steps up in front of the king and the crew, saying Queen Vashti didn’t just disrespect the king, but she dissed all the squad, even the folks from every province under King Ahasuerus.
  17. Okay, so, word about the queen’s move is gonna spread like wildfire, and it’s gonna make all the ladies lose respect for their husbands. It’s gonna be like, “Yo, did you hear? King Ahasuerus wanted Queen Vashti to kick it with him, but she was like, ‘Nah, I’m good.’”
  18. And you know the girls from Persia and Media are gonna be all like, “OMG, did you hear what went down with the queen?!” And because of that, there’s gonna be mad drama and anger everywhere. 🙊🔥
  19. Check it, if the king’s down with it, he should lay down a solid command and make sure it’s written in the official Persian and Mede rulebook. It’s gotta be straight-up crystal that Vashti never sets foot in front of King Ahasuerus again. And not just that, he should hook someone even better up with her royal position. No turning back, no exceptions. 📜👑
  20. And when the king drops that decree and spreads it across his whole empire (which, FYI, is massive), all the wifey babes gotta show respect to their hubbies, whether they’re big shots or just regular dudes. 🌟
  21. The king and the VIPs were totally vibing with this idea, so the king went ahead and followed Memucan’s suggestion.
  22. He sent out messages to all the provinces of the kingdom, talking to each province in their own slang, and to every group in their own language. The message was all about everyone being in charge of their own household and spreading it in a way that everyone can relate to. 📣🌍
Esther 2
  1. Once the dust settled and King Ahasuerus cooled off, he remembered Vashti and the whole ordeal she stirred up and the consequences she faced.
  2. So, the king’s crew who look after him were like, “Hey, we should find some seriously attractive young girls for the king, you feel?”
  3. So, like, the king was all, “Yo, let’s scout out all the chill babes in the hood, round ’em up, and bring ’em to the palace in Shushan.” And he appointed this dude Hege, the king’s right-hand man, to handle the girl gang. They gotta hook ’em up with all the stuff they need to freshen up, you know? Like, get ’em all cleaned up and ready for the big show.
  4. So, the king was vibing with this whole new queen situation after Vashti bounced. He was all good with it, so he just rolled with the flow and made it official.
  5. In the lit palace of Shushan, there was this Jewish dude named Mordecai. Checking out his family tree, it’s like: his dad’s Jair, his grandpa’s Shimei, and his great grandpa’s Kish – all repping the tribe of Benjamin.
  6. So, back in the day, when Jeconiah, the king of Judah, got snatched up and taken to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, some of the crew from Jerusalem got caught up in the mix as prisoners. (BTW, Jeconiah is also known as Jehoiachin.)
  7. Mordecai, being the real one that he is, took in his niece Hadassah, aka Esther. She had been through a lot – lost her parents and all – but let me tell you, she was a straight-up queen, inside and out. Mordecai stepped up and became her dad. And can we talk about how stunning she was? Like, seriously, she was a total knockout, with beauty that went deeper than just her looks.
  8. So, when the king’s decree spread like wildfire and a bunch of girls got swooped up and brought to this spot called Shushan palace, Esther was among them. Hegai, who was running the show for all the ladies, had his eyes on her too.
  9. Hegai was feeling Esther’s vibe, so he hooked her up real quick with all the gear she needed to freshen up. He even handpicked seven other rad girls from the king’s crew to be her squad. And let me tell you, he made sure Esther and her crew got the primo spot in the palace where all the ladies were chilling.
  10. Esther played it low-key about her fam and background, ’cause Mordecai was like, “Keep it on the down-low, girl.”
  11. Mordecai was on top of it, checking in on Esther daily at the women’s pad, making sure she was good and staying in the loop about what was going down with her.
  12. So, when it was a girl’s turn to meet up with King Ahasuerus, they had to prep big time. They had a whole year to get their act together. And let me tell you, it was all about that beauty routine. For six months straight, they were lathering up with myrrh oil, and then for the next six months, they were slathering on all these sweet-smelling potions and lotions, making sure they were on point, you feel me?
  13. When it was go-time, all the girls lined up to see the king. And get this – he was playing Mr. Generous, giving them whatever they wanted. They could take anything from the women’s spot to the king’s pad.
  14. So, like, when it was her turn to roll up to the king’s spot, she went in the evening. Then, the next day, she bounced back to the second house where all the other girls were kicking it. This guy Shaashgaz, who was like the king’s wingman, was running the show for all the backup babes. After that, she couldn’t just pop in to see the king whenever she felt like it. She could only see him if he was really feeling her vibe and specifically asked for her by name.
  15. When it was Esther’s turn to kick it with the king, she didn’t ask for anything extra, just what Hegai, the dude overseeing the girls, hooked her up with. And you know what? Esther turned heads and became the ultimate crowd-pleaser!
  16. Esther got whisked away to King Ahasuerus’ fancy palace digs in the month of Tebeth, basically December, during the seventh year of his reign.
  17. The king was totally smitten with Esther. She was on a whole other level compared to the other girls, and he thought she was straight-up amazing. He was so head over heels for her that he crowned her queen instead of Vashti.
  18. So, the king decided to throw this epic bash for all his high rollers and crew, just to honor Esther and everything. He even gave the folks in the provinces a day off and hooked them up with some sweet gifts, all based on how loaded the king was.
  19. So, when all the rad virgin crew reunited, Mordecai was just posted up at the king’s gate, keeping it real.
  20. Esther was staying true to Mordecai’s advice, not spilling the beans about her fam or crew, ’cause loyalty runs deep between them, like back when they were ride-or-die buddies.
  21. So, back in the day, Mordecai was just chilling by the king’s gate, you feel me? There were these two chamberlains, Bigthan and Teresh, holding it down, keeping watch at the door. But for some reason, they got heated and plotted to take out King Ahasuerus. (Oh, and just so you know, Bigthan is also known as Bigthana, and in Hebrew, ‘the door’ means ‘the threshold.’)
  22. Mordecai caught wind of the plan and filled in Queen Esther. Esther then spilled the tea to the king, making sure Mordecai got the credit.
  23. When they dug into the whole situation, they got the 411 on what went down. Long story short, both Bigthan and Teresh got the axe – well, technically, they got hung on a tree – and the whole shebang got logged into the king’s history book.
Esther 3
  1. Okay, peeps, listen up! King Ahasuerus was vibing, and he’s like, “Haman, you’re my main dude now, top of the chain, above all the other VIPs in the squad.”
  2. So, all the crew posted up at the king’s crib were like, “Haman, we gotta give you props, ‘cause the king said so.” But Mordecai was like, “Nah, not feeling it,” and he straight-up didn’t bow down or show any love.
  3. The king’s crew, posted up at his palace, were all, “Yo, Mordecai, why you gotta go against the king’s vibe, bro?”
  4. They kept trying to chat him up every day, but he straight ghosted them. They were like, “We gotta spill the tea to Haman, see if Mordecai’s gonna stick to his game plan.” ‘Cause Mordecai was real about it, making it known he was repping the Jewish scene.
  5. When Haman saw Mordecai not giving him props or showing respect, he was seriously triggered.
  6. Haman was totally triggered ‘cause Mordecai was stealing his spotlight, so he went all out cancel culture and plotted to wipe out all the Jews in Ahasuerus’ realm, including Mordecai’s squad.
  7. So, in the first month, which they call Nisan, in the twelfth year of King Ahasuerus’ reign, they’re rolling dice every single day and month, right up until the twelfth month, known as Adar.
  8. Haman slides up to King Ahasuerus and drops this bomb, like, “Listen up, there’s this whole crew scattered across your kingdom, and they’re playing by their own set of rules. And, bro, they’re not even vibing with your laws. Not cool, man. Letting them do their own thing ain’t gonna benefit you, just saying.”
  9. “Hey, King, check it. How about we drop a decree to straight up wipe these guys out? And just to sweeten the deal, I’m down to throw down ten grand of silver to the peeps in charge, and we’ll beef up your royal cash flow.”
  10. So, the king was like, “Haman, bro, here’s my ring,” and he passed it over to Haman, son of Hammedatha the Agagite, who was like, the ultimate enemy of the Jews. Or you could say, the oppressor, if you’re feeling fancy.
  11. The king was all, “Yo, Haman, here’s a fat stack of cash and a squad of peeps. Do whatever you gotta do, man.”
  12. So, on the thirteenth day of the first month, the king’s scribes got called up. They penned down every word that Haman spat out to the king’s officials, governors of each region, and leaders of every community in their own lingo. It was all stamped with King Ahasuerus’ name and sealed with his ring. Super official vibes, you feel me?
  13. So, it was like they hit send on these letters, kinda like email blasts but without the spam filter. The whole deal was to wipe out every single Jew, no exceptions, on this one day. Crazy, right? They even marked it on the calendar, like some messed-up holiday, the thirteenth of the twelfth month, Adar. And get this, they were eyeing up all their stuff as a jackpot. Talk about ruthless!
  14. Yo, peeps, that memo droppin’ knowledge on what’s up in each hood? It went straight fire, spreading like wildfire, making sure everyone’s on fleek for that day.
  15. So, like, the king hit up those posts, slid ’em into everyone’s feed real quick, and they all did what he said, making it official up in the palace of Shushan. Then the king and Haman kicked back, sippin’ on some drinks, but the locals in Shushan were straight up shook.
Esther 4
  1. When Mordecai peeped the scene, he straight-up tore his threads, swapped ’em for some serious gloom gear, and hit the streets, bawling his eyes out with major sorrow vibes.
  2. He didn’t just stop there, though. Homie made a beeline for the king’s hangout spot, ’cause you couldn’t roll up to that gate looking like you just stepped out of a pity party.
  3. So, basically, in every spot where the king’s rules were locked in, the Jewish crew was straight-up down in the dumps. They were fasting, shedding tears, and mourning hard. People were rocking sackcloth and chilling in ashes like it was the new vibe.
  4. Esther’s crew rolls in, spills the tea to her. Queen Esther’s not having it; she’s shook. She sends her team with some fresh gear for Mordecai, trying to upgrade his look from mourning to morning, but my man’s like, “Nah, I’m good.” #unfazed
  5. Esther slides into Hatach’s DMs, ’cause she knows he’s one of the king’s squad but also keeps it real with her. She’s like, “Bruh, hit up Mordecai and spill the tea. What’s the 411?” She trusts Hatach since the king put him in charge of her. No cap.
  6. So Hatach rolls up on Mordecai at the king’s gate, ready to get the scoop.
  7. Mordecai drops the knowledge bomb, spilling all the tea about Haman’s shady moves, how he tried to slide some serious cash to the king’s treasury just to wipe out the Jews.
  8. Then, he hands over a written script straight from Shushan, telling Hatach to pass it to Esther and break it down for her. He’s like, “Sis, you gotta slide into the king’s DMs, beg for mercy, and put in a request for your peeps.”
  9. Hatach slid into Esther’s DMs and gave her the lowdown on Mordecai’s message.
  10. Esther hit up Hatach again and dropped him a message to pass on to Mordecai;
  11. Listen up, y’all in the king’s crew and anyone in his hood needs to know this: if anyone, whether they’re a dude or a chick, tries to slide into the king’s private zone without an invite, they’re straight up playing with fire. Only shot they got is if the king blesses them with his golden sceptre as a sign of mercy. But yo, it’s been a solid month and I’m still not on the guest list.
  12. Mordecai got the scoop on Esther’s message.
  13. Yo, Mordecai kept it real with Esther, letting her know she can’t just chill in the king’s palace while the rest of the Jewish crew is going through it, fam.
  14. If you stay silent now, best believe help and freedom for the Jews will pop up from somewhere else, but you and your fam will catch the L. Who knows, maybe you got put in power for a moment like this?
  15. Esther hit Mordecai back with this message:
  16. Gather up all the Jewish crew in Shushan, fam. We’re going all in with a major fast for three straight days, no grub or sips, not even when the sun’s out. Me and my girls, we’re joining the vibe too. Then, I’m gonna risk it all and step into the king’s spot, even if it’s against the rules. If I gotta go down, I’mma go down. #YOLO
  17. Mordecai was like, “Got it, Esther!” and he fully followed through with everything she laid out. #loyalty
Esther 5
  1. So, like, on the third day, Esther put on her fly outfit and posted up in the bougie courtyard of the king’s palace, right in the front. And the king was just vibing on his extra throne in the decked-out crib, chilling by the entrance.
  2. The king totally spotted Queen Esther posted up in the court and thought she was dope. He even extended his golden sceptre to her like, ‘You’re the queen, Esther!’ So Esther strolled over and tapped the top of the sceptre.
  3. The king was all, “Yo, Queen Esther, what’s good? Anything you want, even if it’s half the kingdom, it’s yours.”
  4. Esther was like, “If the king is cool with it, tell him and Haman to slide through to the lit banquet I’m throwing later today.”
  5. The king was like, “Yo, Haman, quit lagging, and do what Esther said!” So the king and Haman rolled up to the lit party Esther had hooked up.
  6. Then the king was like, “Yo, Esther, at this lit wine session, tell me what you need. I got your back. Seriously, name it, even if it means handing you half of my kingdom.”
  7. Esther came back with her request like, “Alright, here’s the deal, King.”
  8. “Yo, if the king’s feeling my vibe and he’s cool to hook it up, tell him to slide through to the lit banquet I’m throwing. Tomorrow, I got his back, doing exactly what he needs. #NailedIt”
  9. Then, like, Haman was all hyped and pumped that day, feeling mad joyful and stoked. But when Haman peeped Mordecai at the king’s gate, not giving him any props by not standing up or showing respect, he got hella mad and straight lost it on Mordecai.
  10. But Haman stayed chill, and when he got home, he hit up his crew and texted his wife, Zeresh.
  11. So Haman flexed on them, boasting about his stacks on stacks, his massive squad of kids, and how the king totally acknowledged his grind and promoted him higher than all the other bosses and peeps in the kingdom.
  12. Yo, check it, Haman was like, “Listen up, fam, Queen Esther didn’t let any of the crew come to the banquet she set up with the king, except yours truly. And, bro, guess what? Tomorrow she’s inviting me AGAIN, along with the king!”
  13. But, bro, honestly, none of this even matters to me if that Mordecai dude, who’s Jewish, keeps posted up at the king’s gate.
  14. So, like, Zeresh, Haman’s wifey, and all his crew were like, “Yo, let’s build, like, a massive fifty-cubit tall gallows, and then tomorrow, you can totally persuade the king to hang Mordecai on it. After that, you can, like, chill with the king at the banquet.” Haman was totally on board with the plan and got the gallows built and all. (Just so you know, “gallows” means, like, a tree in Hebrew.)
Esther 6
  1. That night, the king was totally tossing and turning, couldn’t catch those Z’s, so he’s all like, ‘Yo, bring me that lit book with all those epic stories and vibes.’ And they start reading to him.
  2. So, they find out that Mordecai spilled the tea on these two dudes, Bigthana (or Bigthan, potato, potahto) and Teresh. These guys were like VIPs for King Ahasuerus, you know, and they were plotting to straight up attack him or something. Oh, and FYI, that whole ‘door’ deal in the OG Hebrew? It’s actually talking about the doorstep. Just dropping some knowledge.
  3. And the king was like, ‘Bruh, did we even show any love to Mordecai for this?’ Then the king’s squad, who’s always got his back, was like, ‘Nah, fam, we haven’t done squat for him.’
  4. The king was like, ‘Who’s kicking it out in the court?’ So, guess who shows up? Haman, straight-up pulling up to the king’s pad, ready to ask for permission to hang Mordecai on those gallows he set up.
  5. The king’s crew was all like, ‘Bro, Haman’s in the palace.’ And the king was like, ‘Tell that dude to slide through.’
  6. So Haman strolled in, and the king hit him with, ‘Yo, how should we show mad respect to someone that I, the king, vibe with?’ And Haman’s thinking on the low, ‘Man, who else could the king possibly be feeling more than me?’
  7. Haman was like, ‘Yo, King, straight up, if there’s anyone you’re feeling and wanna show major love to…
  8. Yo, bust out the king’s swag – his dope threads, the whip he rolls in, and that crown that’s on point.’
  9. Yo, have one of the king’s top dudes hook up a sick outfit and a rad whip for the dude the king’s feeling. Then, they’ll take him on a lit horse cruise through the city, with everyone hyping up how this is how you honor the dude the king’s vibing with. Oh, and make sure he’s riding, not walking – that’s what the Hebrew says!
  10. And the king was all like, “Hey Haman, hustle up and grab the drip and the wheels, just like you said. Then roll up on Mordecai, the Jewish homie, posted at the king’s pad. Make sure you don’t flop any part of your plan.”
  11. So, Haman copped the gear and the sick whip, decked out Mordecai, and flexed on him by cruising him around town on horseback, shouting to everyone, “Check it, this is what goes down for the dude the king’s hyped to show love to!”
  12. So Mordecai dipped back to the king’s spot, but Haman bounced real quick, feeling low-key bummed and covering up his face.
  13. So Haman spilled all the deets to his wifey Zeresh and his squad about the whack stuff going on. Then his crew, along with wifey Zeresh, hit him with some real talk and were like, “If Mordecai’s one of those Jewish homies you’re already taking Ls from, you’re not gonna win this one, bro. It’s gonna be an epic fail.”
  14. And while they were still vibing with him, the king’s peeps rolled up to scoop Haman for the dope bash that Esther organized.
Esther 7
  1. Alright, check it: the king and Haman were totally vibing at Esther’s crib, the queen’s pad. And when I say “vibing,” I mean they were there to chill and have a blast, you feel me? #partytime
  2. Then the king was like, ‘Hey, Esther, what’s good? What’s on your mind, Queen E? Anything you need, it’s yours. Seriously, name it – even if it’s half my kingdom, it’s all yours.’
  3. Queen Esther was like, ‘Sup, King? If you’re vibing with me, could you hook me up with a favor? Spare my life and save my squad, please and thanks?’
  4. Listen up, fam, we’re in deep. Me and my squad, we’re all marked for destruction, about to be wiped out completely. But if we were just sold off as, like, slaves or something, I wouldn’t even trip, even though it wouldn’t fix the mess the enemy caused for the king.
  5. Then King Ahasuerus comes back at Queen Esther, like, who even thinks they can pull this off? Like, who are they and where they at?
  6. Esther’s like, ‘Bruh, this Haman guy is pure evil, and he’s our archenemy.’ And Haman, he’s straight-up terrified in front of the king and the queen. Like, shook to the core.
  7. Then the king was seriously ticked and bounced from the lit wine bash straight to the palace garden. Meanwhile, Haman, this dude who was seriously sweating bullets, stood up and pleaded with Queen Esther for his life. He could sense the king was cooking up trouble for him.
  8. When the king came back from chilling in the palace garden to where the lit party was going down, he saw Haman laid out on the same couch where Esther was posted up. The king was like, ‘Is this guy really trying to make a move on the queen right in front of me, in my own house?’ Before anyone could even speak, they threw a cloak over Haman’s face and shut him down.
  9. Alright, peeps, listen in! Harbonah, one of the king’s top guys, straight up spills the tea to the king, saying, ‘Yo, check it out! Haman built this huge, 50-cubit tall gallows to hang Mordecai. And guess what? Mordecai actually did some solid stuff for the king!’ These gallows were just chilling at Haman’s pad. So the king was like, ‘Yo, hang Haman up on that thing, ASAP!’ (Oh, and BTW, ‘gallows’ in Hebrew means like a tall tree.)
  10. So they totally grilled Haman on the gallows he set up for Mordecai. And like, the king’s rage was totally cooled down.
Esther 8
  1. Yo, check it, back in the day, King Ahasuerus was all, “Yo, Esther, you can have Haman’s spot,” you know, that dude who was totally dissing on the Jews? And Esther’s ride-or-die, Mordecai, he straight up went to the king ’cause Esther let him know what was up with Haman.
  2. Then the king was like, “Yo, Haman, give me that ring,” and he passed it to Mordecai. And Esther was like, “Mordecai, you’re in charge now.”
  3. So, Esther went back to the king, dropped down, and pleaded with him, tears flowing, to squash Haman’s evil scheme against her peeps, the Jews. It was some serious shady stuff, you feel?
  4. Bro, the king totally throws out his golden sceptre to Esther. And then Esther steps up and faces the king.
  5. So I roll up to the king and I’m like, “If you’re vibing with me and you’re down with this plan, how about we drop a new letter to cancel out Haman’s messed up scheme to wipe out the Jewish crew in all your lands? I mean, seriously, that guy, Haman, son of Hammedatha, was cooking up some serious trouble.”
  6. I’m freaking out, yo. How am I supposed to cope with watching all this bad stuff go down with my crew? I mean, seriously, how do I deal with seeing my fam getting wiped out?
  7. So, the king Ahasuerus was chopping it up with Queen Esther and Mordecai the Jew, and he’s like, “Listen up, I hooked Esther up with Haman’s spot, and you know what? They straight up hung him on the gallows ’cause he messed with the Jews!”
  8. Check it, hit up the Jews however you want, using the king’s name, and seal it with his ring. Once it’s written in the king’s name and sealed with his ring, ain’t nobody gonna mess with it.
  9. So, the king’s crew of scribes got called up in the third month, Sivan, on the twenty-third day. They penned down all that Mordecai laid out for them to write to the Jews, as well as to the big shots and honchos in the 127 provinces stretching from India to Ethiopia. Each province got a copy in their own language, customized to their people, and the Jews got their own version in their language too.
  10. Bro, he straight up drafted this letter in King Ahasuerus’s name, for real! And to seal the deal, he stamped it with the king’s ring, no joke. Then he shot out the letter with these fast messengers riding horses, mules, camels, and young dromedaries – total flex, you feel?
  11. So, here’s the deal: the king gave the Jewish crew in every city the go-ahead to rally up and protect themselves. They were cleared to take out anyone who tried to mess with them, even the kids and the ladies. Plus, they could totally score whatever they wanted from them as spoils.
  12. So, listen up: one day, in all the lit provinces of King Ahasuerus, you know, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which is, like, Adar.
  13. The written decree went out to every province, spreading the word that the Jews should gear up to get back at their enemies on that day.
  14. So, check it, the messages were like, zooming out real quick ’cause the king was on it. They were rolling on mules and camels, and it all went down in Shushan, where the palace is, you dig?
  15. And Mordecai bounced out of the king’s pad, looking fresh in this sick outfit of blue and white. He had this dope crown made of pure gold and was stylin’ in a fine linen and purple ensemble. The whole city of Shushan was lit and hyped up.
  16. The Jews were straight up living their best lives, feeling lit 🔥 and vibing with happiness 😄, spreading that positive energy ✨ and getting some serious respect 🙌.
  17. And you know what? In every province and every city, wherever the king’s word and his decree reached, the Jews were absolutely hyped and joyful. They threw down an epic party, and it was off the charts. Plus, loads of locals got in on the action and decided to join the Jewish crew, maybe ’cause they were kinda intimidated by them.
Esther 9
  1. Yo, so, picture this: it’s Adar, the thirteenth day, and the king’s orders are about to go down. The enemies of the Jews are feeling themselves, thinking they’re about to take over. But nah, plot twist! The Jews flip the script and gain control over their haters instead. Talk about turning the tables, right? Total game changer!
  2. So, check it out: the Jews were all, “Yo, let’s link up in our cities across King Ahasuerus’ turf and handle anyone trying to mess with us.” And guess what? Nobody dared to step up against them because they were straight-up terrified.
  3. And get this, all the VIPs in different provinces and the big shots working for the king were totally riding for the Jews because they were shook of Mordecai. These were the folks in charge of running the king’s show, FYI.
  4. Mordecai was, like, the king’s right-hand man, and his rep was fire all across the kingdom. Dude was just on a constant grind, leveling up and becoming even more legit.
  5. And then, check this out: the Jews straight-up wrecked all their enemies with their swords, completely wiped them out and everything. They went full savage on anyone who tried to mess with them. #Savage 🗡️
  6. So, like, in the palace of Shushan, the Jews totally went all in and took down a whopping five hundred dudes.
  7. And then there’s Parshandatha, Dalphon, and Aspatha, just to name a few.
  8. And don’t forget about Poratha, Adalia, and Aridatha, you know? They were also in the mix.
  9. And yo, there were these awesome dudes named Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai, and Vajezatha, you know?
  10. So, check it, the ten sons of Haman, who were all about hating on the Jews, they got taken out, no questions asked. But get this, they didn’t even mess with their loot, man.
  11. Yo, they filled the king in on all the action going down in Shushan palace that day. Just keeping him in the loop, you know?
  12. Then, the king’s chatting it up with Queen Esther, and he’s like, “Yo, the Jews went full beast mode, taking out five hundred dudes in the palace alone, plus Haman’s ten sons. So, spill the tea, what else went down in my kingdom? What’s your wish, girl? Just name it, and I got you. Anything else on your mind, just say the word, and it’s done.”
  13. Esther’s vibe was all about chatting with the king, and she’s like, “Hey, if it’s cool with you, can the Jews in Shushan score an extra day to handle their enemies? Oh, and BTW, let’s hang Haman’s ten sons on the gallows too. It’s only fair, ya know?”
  14. So, the king gave the green light, and it was like, “Yeah, we’re making moves,” in Shushan. And they straight-up hung Haman’s ten sons, no joke.
  15. Then, all the Jewish crew in Shushan linked up on the fourteenth day of Adar, and yo, they went full-on beast mode, taking down three hundred dudes in Shushan. But check it, they didn’t even touch the loot, though.
  16. But yo, check it, all the other Jews in the king’s turf came together, held their ground, and scored some peace from their enemies. They straight-up crushed seventy-five thousand foes, but they didn’t even cop any loot.
  17. On the 13th day of the hype month called Adar, and on the 14th day, they kicked back and made it a day of epic feasting and pure joy. Like, it was off the charts awesome.
  18. So, all the Jewish crew in Shushan linked up on the thirteenth and fourteenth of the month. Then, on the fifteenth, they kicked back and turned it into a major celebration, packed with tasty grub and positive vibes.
  19. And yo, the Jewish peeps living in those chill little towns went all out on the fourteenth day of Adar. It was like, a straight-up day of bliss, feasting, and just sharing the love by sending each other some sweet treats.
  20. Mordecai dropped this message and slid into the DMs of all the Jewish peeps throughout King Ahasuerus’ kingdom, no matter where they were.
  21. Basically, they had to make it a tradition to party it up on the fourteenth and fifteenth days of Adar every single year.
  22. Way back, the Jews were like, “Peace out” to their haters. And this one month went from a total drag to a lit time. They decided to throw epic parties and spread major good vibes. Everyone shared tasty eats and hooked up those in need with some dope gifts.
  23. So, the Jews were totally on board with the plan, just like Mordecai had laid it out for them.
  24. This dude Haman, son of Hammedatha, straight-up despised all the Jews. He came up with this messed up scheme to wipe them out. He threw this thing called Pur, like a lottery, to pick a time to crush and wipe them off the map.
  25. So, when Esther slid into the king’s DMs, he flipped the script and sent out this mass text guaranteeing that all the shady schemes he cooked up against the Jews would totally blow up in his face. Long story short, he and his crew got served a major L—they ended up hanging on the very gallows he set up. Talk about a plot twist, right?
  26. And that’s why they call these days Purim, after this dude Pur. So, basically, this message spilled all the tea on what went down and what they witnessed, you feel me? And it’s all about this thing called Pur, which is like, another name for Lot.
  27. So, the Jews were all like, “Alright fam, let’s lock it in. We’re gonna make these two days official party days every single year. And it’s not just for us, but for our squad, our kids, and anyone who wants in on the fun. We’re talking about putting it in writing and everything. You better believe we’re not skipping out on this—it’s gonna be lit like clockwork.”
  28. And it’s mega crucial to keep these days on our radar and party it up, like, for eternity—every single crew, every kin, every hood, and every spot. We can’t let Purim slip through our fingers, like, not even once, and we absolutely can’t ghost it or let it fade out for the next generations. That would be majorly uncool.
  29. So Queen Esther, Abihail’s daughter, and Mordecai the Jew, they were straight-up running the show, you know? They dropped this second letter about Purim to make sure everyone’s on the same page. #bossmove #official
  30. And Mordecai slid into the DMs of all the Jewish squad, hitting up like a hundred and twenty-seven provinces in Ahasuerus’ kingdom, spreading that message of peace and realness.
  31. To keep the Purim vibes going strong at the right time, just like Mordecai the Jew and Queen Esther laid it out, and as they all agreed, along with their crew and future fam, with all the fasting and shedding tears.
  32. So Esther stamped it official and penned the deets of Purim in the book.
Esther 10
  1. So, like, King Ahasuerus dropped this thing called a tribute on the land, you know, and also on those chill islands out in the sea.
  2. Yo, check out all the epic moves King Mordecai pulled off and how he leveled up big time. I’m talking about his legendary power moves—you can peep them in the lit history book of the kings of Media and Persia. They were seriously impressed and made him a major player. It’s all in there, no cap!
  3. Mordecai, the Jew, was like tight with King Ahasuerus, and he was a big shot among the Jews. Dude had mad respect from everyone—he was always there for his crew, hustling to make them prosper and spreading good vibes to his future generations.