
Ephesians 1
  1. Ayy, what’s good fam? It’s your boy Paul, Jesus Christ’s main homie thanks to God’s master plan. This message goes out to all you dope peeps kicking it in Ephesus, and to all the real ones repping Christ Jesus: let’s get this party started!
  2. Sending you mad grace and chill vibes from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. Big ups to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! He’s blessed us big time with spiritual blessings up in the heavenly realm through Christ.
  4. Like, even before the whole world kicked off, He already chose us to be pure and blameless in His love, ya feel?
  5. God had already plotted for us to be His children through Jesus Christ, ’cause He was vibing with the idea and it brought Him joy.
  6. Let’s give some serious props to the amazing grace that fully accepted us into the fam with mad love.
  7. Through Him, we got our freedom back, all thanks to His sacrifice. He wiped away our wrongs, showing us just how generous and forgiving He is.
  8. He’s been mad wise and smart with us, no doubt;
  9. Yo, God’s filled us in on the epic plan He’s rolling with, in line with what gets Him hyped and what He’s got in mind for Himself:
  10. So, when the time’s right, He’s gonna bring everything and everyone together in Christ, whether up in the heavens or down here on earth. Everything’s gonna link up with Him, ya know? (Oh, and by heavens, we mean the real deal – the Greek says so.)
  11. So, like, we totally scored this whole inheritance gig, ’cause, you know, we were predestined for it by the one who calls the shots and plans everything according to His own will, right?
  12. We should totally be hyping up and giving glory to Him, who had faith in Christ first.
  13. You believed in the real deal, the good news about how you can be saved. And once you believed, you got that stamp of approval from the Holy Spirit, like a solid promise.
  14. It’s like a teaser of what’s to come when everything’s set straight, and it’s gonna be lit, all glory to Him.
  15. So, when I heard how you guys are all about having faith in the Lord Jesus and spreading love to everyone,
  16. Ayy, I’m always showing love and keeping you in my prayers.
  17. I pray that the Almighty, who’s the God of our Lord Jesus Christ and the source of all glory, hooks you up with wisdom and insight to truly know Him. May you vibe with His presence and truth.
  18. Let your mind expand and see clearly; so you can grasp the incredible future that God’s got lined up for you and tap into the blessings waiting for you as part of His chosen crew.
  19. And let me tell you, His power is off the charts for all of us who believe. It’s like He’s flexing His muscles and showing off His strength. I’m talking next-level power that He’s unleashing in our lives, like it’s unstoppable. And when I say mighty, I mean Super Saiyan level mightiness!
  20. That’s what went down in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places.
  21. Way more powerful than anyone or anything, with the dopest authority, and total boss status, way beyond any name you can think of, not just in this world, but in the world to come too:
  22. And, like, He made everything bow down to Him, and put Him in charge of everything, especially the church.
  23. Yo, peep this. His body is like, the full package, the MVP covering all bases with His greatness.
Ephesians 2
  1. So, check it, fam: you were straight-up struggling, caught up in your own mess and bad calls. But then, bam! You got this epic revival, like, next level stuff.
  2. Remember when you used to just roll with whatever was cool, following the pack, getting caught up in that rebellious vibe that’s still floating around? Yeah, that.
  3. We were all about satisfying our own cravings, doing whatever felt good, right? We were just part of the crowd, caught in our own mess, dealing with the fallout.
  4. But yo, God, he’s all about that love and compassion, and he was totally feeling us.
  5. Even when we were deep in our mess, Christ came through, saving us big time, all thanks to his grace. (Seriously, it’s all about that grace.)
  6. He totally lifted us up, and now we’re chilling together with Jesus in that heavenly vibe.
  7. It’s all so that down the road, he can flex how crazy rich he is with his kindness, all thanks to Jesus.
  8. Because of God’s love, you’re saved through faith, and it’s not something you did on your own. It’s a dope gift from up top.
  9. This ain’t about showing off, so no one can boast about it.
  10. We’re like God’s masterpiece, crafted in Christ Jesus to do good stuff. It’s like he had this plan all along, you feel?
  11. Remember when you were outsiders, not part of the crew? Those Jewish folks used to call you “Uncircumcision” because you weren’t in on their ritual. But like, that’s just human stuff, ya know?
  12. Back then, you were clueless about Jesus, not in on the whole Israel scene, and left out of God’s promises. It was rough, living without that connection.
  13. But now, thanks to Jesus, all you outsiders are brought in, all because of his sacrifice.
  14. He’s the ultimate peacekeeper, bringing everyone together and breaking down those walls that divided us.
  15. He straight-up canceled out all that drama, even those old-school rules written on paper. The goal? Uniting everyone into one tight crew and bringing some serious peace.
  16. So, he made peace between everyone and God by sacrificing himself. No more division, no more hostility.
  17. Jesus came through, spreading that peace message to everyone, whether you were near or far.
  18. Thanks to him, we all get to connect to the Father through the Spirit’s power.
  19. So, listen up! You’re not outsiders anymore, you’re part of the crew, part of God’s fam! #Blessed
  20. Our foundation? It’s solid, thanks to the OG apostles and prophets. And don’t forget, Jesus himself is the main event, the ultimate boss – the chief cornerstone, if you will. Everything we’re building is on him. Pretty rad, huh?
  21. It’s where everything comes together perfectly, like building a sacred space for the Lord.
  22. You guys are like a dope squad, coming together to create this lit space where God can vibe with us through the Spirit.
Ephesians 3
  1. Hey fam, it’s your boy Paul, droppin’ some truth while I’m holdin’ it down for JC in lockdown.
  2. So, if you’ve ever vibed with how God’s grace totally blessed my life, listen up ’cause this is for you.
  3. God’s let me in on a major secret, fam. I’ve mentioned it before, but lemme break it down again real quick.
  4. So, when you read this, you’ll get why I’m so hyped about knowing the real deal about Christ.
  5. Back in the day, peeps didn’t have the 411 on what’s now being revealed to the holy squad, all thanks to the Spirit!
  6. Non-Jewish crew, listen up – y’all are just as much a part of this fam, sharin’ in all the dope promises of Christ through the good news.
  7. God’s grace hooked me up, making me a messenger. His power? Next level, fam.
  8. I may be the littlest of the saints, but check it – I’m blessed with some serious grace to spread Christ’s wealth to all y’all non-Jewish squad.
  9. And peep this mystery that’s been on the DL since day one, hidden in God and now revealed through Jesus Christ:
  10. Church fam, we’re out here showin’ off God’s wisdom to even the angel squad in heaven, ya feel?
  11. God’s had this epic plan all along, centered on Jesus, our main man and Savior, ya dig?
  12. Through him, we can chill without fear, feelin’ secure and connected ’cause of our faith in him.
  13. So, don’t trip about the tough stuff I’m dealing with for y’all – it’s actually all good for you.
  14. That’s why I’m keepin’ it humble, prayin’ to the big man upstairs, our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ, ya know?
  15. Shout out to the whole fam, whether up above or down here, reppin’ that name.
  16. Prayin’ that you get hooked up big time with all the blessings, powered up by the Spirit in your soul;
  17. So, may Christ vibe in your hearts through faith, keepin’ you rooted and grounded in love.
  18. Let’s all grasp together how massive this love is – how wide, long, deep, and high!
  19. Understand how much Christ loves you, it’s beyond what you can even imagine, so you can be filled with all God’s goodness.
  20. Big ups to the one who can do way more than we could ever ask or think, all thanks to the power workin’ within us,
  21. Let’s give props in the church, all thanks to Jesus, forever and ever. Amen. 🙌
Ephesians 4
  1. Hey fam, check it, as a believer vibing with the divine, I gotta hit you up with a favor. I’m straight-up begging you: let your life vibe with the epic calling you got from the Most High, ya feel?
  2. Stay humble and chill, show patience, and spread that love vibe, you dig?
  3. Keep that unity vibe strong among your crew, keeping it peaceful and chill, ya know?
  4. We’re all part of one squad, one vision, one energy. We’re all on the same journey, feel me?
  5. It’s all about one amazing Lord, one solid faith, one dope baptism.
  6. There’s just one Almighty, flowing through everything and in everyone.
  7. And yo, each of us has got this sweet thing called grace, matching up with the blessings we got from Christ.
  8. So, when Christ ascended, he totally conquered captivity and hooked us up with mad gifts, ya know?
  9. Before he bounced, he even went down to the depths, like, for real.
  10. The same dude who went down also went up higher than anything, filling everything with his presence.
  11. He gave some peeps roles as apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers.
  12. Their job? To help make us saints even more awesome, building up the crew in Christ.
  13. Until we all vibe together in faith, fully understanding the Son of God, and becoming more like him in every way – mentally and spiritually, praise hands up!
  14. So we ain’t falling for every trend or getting played by smooth talkers; nah, we’re leveling up, being real, and becoming more like Christ.
  15. We’re all connected, doing our thing, leveling up together, growing, and showing love to the fam.
  16. So listen up, fam. I gotta drop some truth bombs in the Lord’s name. Don’t be living like the outsiders, lost in their empty-headed foolishness.
  17. Their minds are clouded, hearts are blind, all ’cause they lack knowledge and are stubborn.
  18. They’re all about indulgence and greed, but that ain’t us, nah.
  19. We learned better than that, vibing with Christ.
  20. Assuming you’ve actually listened and learned, ’cause he’s all about that real truth.
  21. Ditch your old ways, trash that toxic mindset, and freshen up your mind, bro!
  22. Rock that new you, all about righteousness and true holiness, no faking it.
  23. Keep it real when you talk, ’cause we’re all connected.
  24. It’s cool to be mad, just don’t let it lead to bad moves.
  25. Don’t give the devil any space.
  26. If you used to steal, stop that. Work hard, help out those in need.
  27. Keep your talk positive, uplifting others.
  28. Don’t mess with the Holy Spirit’s vibe, it seals us until we’re redeemed, for real.
  29. Ditch the drama and hate, spread love, forgiveness, and empathy.
  30. Be kind to each other, forgiving, just like how God forgave us through Jesus. You know the drill.
Ephesians 5
  1. Yo, peeps, aim to be godly, you know? Like, act as if you’re God’s fam, ’cause you totally are.
  2. Bro, let’s spread love and vibe selflessly, just like Jesus was all about us. He straight up gave himself up, yo, as a dope offering to God, making it lit for Him.
  3. But, dead serious, never even think about hooking up or getting dirty, or being all about that cash, ’cause that’s not how saints roll;
  4. Don’t be nasty or talk trash, ’cause that’s whack. Instead, show some gratitude.
  5. You already know those who are into hook-ups, impurity, chasing paper, or fake idols won’t be part of Christ and God’s crew.
  6. Don’t let anyone fool you with empty talk, fam. ‘Cause God’s not cool with those who disobey. disobedience: or, if they don’t believe
  7. Don’t ride with them, fam.
  8. Yo, y’all used to be in the dark, but now you’re lit with the Lord. So, live like true children of the light!
  9. (Because the vibe of the Spirit is all about being good, righteous, and real)
  10. Showing what the Lord’s into.
  11. Don’t chill with shady folks in the dark, instead call ’em out.
  12. It’s embarrassing even to mention their secret stuff.
  13. But when things get exposed, it’s all because of the light, you know? ‘Cause light reveals all, no shade.
  14. So, listen up! This verse is like, ‘Wake up, sleepers! Rise from the dead, and Jesus will light you up!’
  15. So, be careful with your moves, don’t act dumb, be wise.
  16. Make the most of your time, ’cause these days are wild.
  17. So, be smart, know what the Lord wants.
  18. Don’t get wasted, that’s trouble. Let the Spirit keep you lit.
  19. Spittin’ psalms, hymns, spiritual tunes, vibing for the Lord;
  20. Always giving thanks to God and our Heavenly Father for everything, in Jesus Christ’s name, our Lord and homie.
  21. Respect and support each other, God’s watching.
  22. Wives, respect and support your husbands, like you do the Lord.
  23. Husbands lead, like Christ leads the church, saving it.
  24. Wives, respect and support your husbands in everything.
  25. Dudes, listen up! Love your wifey hard, like Jesus loved the church, sacrificing for it. Respect, bro!
  26. So, He could make it pure by speaking truth.
  27. So, He can have a dope church, flawless and perfect, pure without flaws.
  28. Dudes, love your wives like yourselves. When you love your wife, you’re loving yourself.
  29. No cap, nobody hates their own body; they take care of it, like the Lord does the church.
  30. We’re part of His squad, tight like family.
  31. That’s why a dude leaves his fam and vibes with his wifey, becoming one unit.
  32. Bro, listen up. This is big. When I talk about a ‘great mystery,’ I’m not joking. But check it, I’m spilling about Christ and the church. They’re inseparable, you feel me?
  33. Fam, show mad love to your spouses, for real, treat them like you. And wives, respect your husbands, straight up.
Ephesians 6
  1. Hey, squad, listen up and show some love to your OGs ’cause that’s major respect vibes in the eyes of the Most High.
  2. Respect your parental units, fam! (It’s like rule numero uno with some sweet perks attached;)
  3. So you can thrive and live your best life on this Earth.
  4. Hey, pops, don’t trip up your kids on purpose; instead, guide them with love and school them on the divine playbook.
  5. Yo, peeps on the clock! Just tune in and do what your bosses say, like, for real. Keep it respectful and kinda humble, showing them you’re all in. And remember, do it with all your heart, like you’re doing it for Jesus, you know.
  6. Don’t front for the ‘gram, trying to impress others; but roll with the crew of Christ, following God’s plan with mad passion and sincerity.
  7. Doing tasks with real hype, like you’re doing it for the big guy upstairs, not just for regular folks:
  8. You gotta know that whatever good deeds someone drops, they’ll totally get blessed by the Lord, whether they’re all tied up or totally free.
  9. Hey, bosses, y’all gotta pull the same moves for your crew and ease up on the pressure. Remember, your Boss up in heaven sees all and doesn’t play favorites with anyone. #EqualOpportunity
  10. Alright fam, check it. Like, get pumped, my squad, and tap into that inner strength from the Lord, tapping into his crazy power.
  11. Rock the full-on God gear, so you can flex on the devil’s shady moves.
  12. Yo, listen up! We ain’t just dealing with regular peeps here, but some next-level stuff. We’re talking about these heavy hitters, rulers of the dark side of the world, and some wicked spirits up in the heavenly scene. It’s a full-on spiritual showdown, no cap! So, keep your guard up and stay strong, ’cause it’s gonna be a wild ride!
  13. So, make sure you suit up with the full armor of God, ya know? It’s gonna help you stay strong and resist all the negativity coming your way. And don’t forget to give it your all and stand tall, no matter what goes down. (Oh, and ‘having done all’ can also mean you’ve totally aced everything!)
  14. So like, stand strong with truth, and gear up with righteousness, ya feel?
  15. And make sure you’re ready to move, repping that gospel of peace.
  16. Yo, listen up fam. Put on that shield of faith, you dig? It’s gonna help you block all those crazy attacks the wicked throw your way.
  17. Get that salvation vibe, slap on your helmet, and wield the lit sword of the Spirit, aka the word of God!
  18. Always stay linked with God through constant convos and heartfelt requests, guided by the Holy Spirit. Stay sharp and keep those prayers coming for all believers.
  19. And like, I hope I can speak up boldly and spill the tea on the gospel’s secret sauce, you know?
  20. I’m repping the squad, even though I’m locked down, so I can speak truth without holding back, like it’s meant to be.
  21. So you can stay in the loop about my situation, Tychicus, a real one and loyal servant of the Lord, is gonna fill you in.
  22. I sent him to you with a mission, so you can stay updated on what’s good with us and find some comfort in his presence.
  23. Yo, shoutout to all my homies! May you chill in peace with love and faith straight from God the Father and our boy, Jesus Christ.
  24. Sending love and blessings to all the fam who ride hard for our main man Jesus Christ. Amen. «This letter to the Ephesians was penned from Rome, by the homie Tychicus.»