
Ecclesiastes 1
  1. Yo, peep this, fam: the Preacher, son of David, droppin’ wisdom when he was king in Jerusalem.
  2. So, like, hear this: everything’s just mad pointless, says the Preacher, like, for real, everything’s just… pointless.
  3. Like, why you gonna grind non-stop, just to end up with, like, zero gain?
  4. Like, one gen peaces out, another rolls in: but the earth stays steady vibin’ forever.
  5. Check it, the sun be out here doing its thing, rising and setting, like it’s on a mission to get back to where it began. It’s on that grind, you dig? 💫
  6. The wind blows south, then flips and heads north; it keeps circling and circling, sticking to its route.
  7. Yo, peep this: all the rivers flow into the sea, but the sea never maxes out, ya feel? It’s like they bounce back to where they started, man. They keep coming back, like hitting that reverse button or somethin’. Nature’s wild, huh? 🌊
  8. Bro, life’s like a constant hustle; it’s beyond explanation. Your eyes always craving more, ears never satisfied.
  9. What went down in the past, gonna go down again, and what’s been done, gonna go down again too; ain’t nothin’ new under the sun.
  10. So, like, anything we can be all like, ‘Yo, this is brand spankin’ new’? Nah fam, been around since way back, ancient vibes.
  11. Like, we won’t even remember what went down in the past, and future squads won’t even remember what goes down with us.
  12. Yo, it’s me, the Preacher, holding it down as the big cheese ruling over Israel in Jerusalem.
  13. So, like, I went all in trying to figure out the whole deal about life and all that jazz with wisdom. It’s like a real mission that God handed over to us humans to figure out and learn from. He’s looking out for us and all, but trust, it’s no walk in the park, you feel?
  14. Yo, I’ve been checking out all the moves people make in this world, and let me tell you, it’s all just like, empty and seriously frustrating for the soul.
  15. No matter how you flip it, you can’t fix something that’s already messed up. And there’s no point in trying to count what’s missing, ’cause it’s just not happening.
  16. So, like, I’m having this real talk with myself, you feel me? And I’m like, ‘OMG, I’m totally living my best life and I’ve racked up way more wisdom than anyone who’s been around here before, like, no contest!’ And my heart’s been through it all with wisdom and knowledge, like, legit.
  17. So, I’m all about chasing wisdom, right? And also trying to figure out why people get all crazy and foolish. And, like, honestly, it’s just a massive headache.
  18. Yo, like, the more you learn, the more you see how jacked up stuff can get, and that can seriously bring you down, you feel?
Ecclesiastes 2
  1. So, I was like, ‘Alright, let’s do this, I’m gonna dive into all the fun and good times.’ But, peep this, it’s all pointless at the end of the day.
  2. I was thinking, laughing your head off is just nuts, and what’s the deal with all this entertainment, anyway?
  3. So, I was like, “Let’s dive deep into the party scene and the whole drinking vibe, but still keep it together upstairs, you know?” I wanted to feel that rush of doing crazy stuff just to see if there was any real meaning to it all, you feel me? Like, what’s the key to living it up on this planet for all us humans? And I was down to put it to the test.
  4. I pulled off some sick moves: I built myself some killer houses and started my own rad vineyards:
  5. So, I went all out and made these epic gardens and orchards, planting a bunch of killer trees with every kind of fruit you can think of, you feel?
  6. I hooked up some sick pools to water those lit trees and keep ’em thriving:
  7. I had a squad of servants and maids, and some of them were straight-up family. Plus, I had stacks on stacks of livestock, more than anyone else in Jerusalem before me. Those servants born in my crib were practically like my own kids, you dig?
  8. So, I stacked up mad silver and gold, copped all these bougie treasures owned by kings and provinces. I even scored some lit male and female singers, and all kinds of stuff that brought joy to people, like dope musical instruments of every kind.
  9. So, like, I totally crushed it and became way more successful than anyone who came before me in Jerusalem. Plus, my wisdom game was tight and stayed on lock.
  10. I didn’t hold back on anything my eyes craved; I let my heart indulge in all the things I desired. My heart was pumped about all the hustle I put in. That’s what I got from all my grind.
  11. So, like, I scoped out everything I had worked on, you know, all the stuff I had put so much effort into. And guess what? It was all meaningless and totally frustrated me. I mean, I didn’t gain anything from it in the end.
  12. So, I started diving into wisdom, madness, and foolishness. I mean, what’s the point of trying to outshine the king? Everything that’s been done, well, it’s been done before, you know? Like, there’s nada new under the sun.
  13. Yo, check it. So I realized that wisdom is way better than acting dumb, like how bright light totally outshines darkness. You feel me? Like, there’s something seriously special about being wise instead of messing around with foolishness, you know what I’m saying’? It’s like wisdom levels up, while being dumb just falls short. Facts.
  14. The wise dude keeps his eyes where they should be, but the clueless one stumbles around in the dark. And I clocked that both of them go through the same stuff in life.
  15. So I’m thinking, like, just as fools, I’m riding the same wave; so why should I think I’m any smarter? Then it hit me in my own head that this, too, is pointless.
  16. So, check it, let me lay down some deep wisdom for you – in the grand scheme, folks don’t really remember if someone’s wise or a fool. Everything just fades into the background, you feel me? So, no matter how on point or clueless someone may be, they all end up in the same spot when they’re outta here.
  17. So, like, real talk, I was straight-up hating life. I mean, the stuff going down in this world, it’s just so draining, you know? It’s like everything’s pointless and just messes with your vibe.
  18. Honestly, I was so over all the hard work I put in, you feel? Like, every single thing I busted my butt for under this freakin’ sun. And why? ‘Cause I gotta leave it all behind for some random dude who’s gonna be taking over after me. Ugh, such a drag. sighs
  19. And who knows if he’ll be a total genius or a complete clueless one? But he’s gonna be in charge of everything I’ve busted my butt for and all the smart moves I’ve made on this planet. And let me tell you, that’s just pointless.
  20. So, I was basically trying to convince myself that all the hustle I was putting in was pointless and it seriously bummed me out.
  21. There’s this dude who’s grinding hard, all about being wise, knowledgeable, and fair. But in the end, he’s gonna leave all his hard work behind for some lazy dude who didn’t even lift a finger. It’s messed up and just a huge waste of time. Such a bummer!
  22. Like, what’s the deal with all this grind and stress we put ourselves through in life, you know? Seriously, why are we hustling so hard under the sun?
  23. Life’s always a struggle, always dealing with stress and hardship. Even at night, his mind can’t chill. It’s all pointless.
  24. There’s nothing more satisfying for a person than to feast, sip on some drinks, and let their soul vibe while working hard. I’ve noticed that this dope experience is a gift from the man upstairs, God.
  25. Like, who else can totally devour or, like, quickly achieve this more than me?
  26. God’s all about blessing those who live righteously, hooking them up with wisdom, knowledge, and joy. But those who stray and sin? They’re in for a rough ride, grinding hard to stack up riches that, in the end, only benefit the righteous. But you know what’s the real deal? It’s all meaningless and frustrating. #DeepThoughts
Ecclesiastes 3
  1. Like, everything’s got its own vibe and there’s a specific time for everything under the sky:
  2. There’s a time to come into this world, and a time to bounce out; a time to sow, and a time to reap what’s been planted; you know, like when a plant starts popping fruit.
  3. There’s a time to bounce, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
  4. There are times when we’re shedding tears and times when we’re cracking up; times to mourn and times to hit the dance floor;
  5. There’s a time to toss rocks, and a time to gather ’em all up; a time to dish out big hugs, and a time to keep your distance;
  6. There’s a time to level up, and a time to take an L; a time to grip tight, and a time to release;
  7. There’s a time to wreck it, and a time to patch it up; a time to chill, and a time to drop some wisdom;
  8. There’s a time for spreading love, and a time for dealing with hate; a time for conflicts, and a time for peace vibes.
  9. What’s the point of hustling so hard if it doesn’t pay off?
  10. Yo, I’ve peeped the struggles that God’s dropped on us, the crew, to go through and learn from.
  11. God made everything lit in its time, and He planted a sense of forever in our hearts, so no one can fully grasp the epic work that God does from beginning to end.
  12. I know they might not seem all that cool, but yo, a person should just vibe and live their best life doing good stuff.
  13. And, like, everyone should totally chill and feast, and enjoy all the awesome stuff they hustle for, ’cause it’s totally a gift from God, you know?
  14. I understand that whatever God does sticks around for good: nothing can be added or taken away. God does it to make people show him mad respect and be in awe of him.
  15. What went down before is goin’ down now, and what’s gonna happen has already gone down; and God expects us to learn from the past.
  16. And like, I peeped around and saw that in this world, where everything’s poppin’, there’s wickedness and unfairness goin’ down where there should be justice and righteousness.
  17. I was pondering, you know, God’s gonna be the one to sort out who’s on the right side and who’s not. ‘Cause, like, everything’s got its own timing, its own logic, and its own result.
  18. I was mulling over what goes down with us humans, hoping that God would bring clarity so we could realize we’re no different than wild animals.
  19. What goes down with humans goes down with animals too – we’re all in this together. We all kick the bucket eventually, and we all share the same breath of life. So, humans aren’t superior to animals – everything’s just temporary and sorta meaningless.
  20. Everyone ends up in the same place; we’re all made of dust, and we all return to dust eventually.
  21. Like, who really grasps how humans have this super high-flying spirit that heads up, while animals are all about heading back down to the earth? It’s like, mind-blowing, right?
  22. So, like, I totally vibe with it that there’s, like, nothing more awesome than someone being hyped about their own wins, you know? ‘Cause that’s what they can own, you feel? Who’s gonna be able to predict what’s gonna happen in the future?
Ecclesiastes 4
  1. So, I bounced back and reflected on all the messed up stuff going down in this world. There were folks getting stepped on, shedding tears, but no one to give ’em a shoulder to lean on. And those doing the stomping? They held all the power, but still no one to give ’em solace.
  2. So, like, I gotta confess, I sorta started thinking that the ones who’ve already kicked the bucket have it easier than the ones still grinding and bustling in this wild world, you catch my drift?
  3. Honestly, it’s way better to never have been born than to witness all the messed-up things going down in this messed-up world.
  4. So, like, I pondered over all the sweat and good vibes, and how it just breeds envy. But you know what? It’s all meaningless and just messes with your mind.
  5. The fool just lounges around, doing zip, and ends up screwing themselves over.
  6. It’s way more rad to have a little and be chill than to be loaded up with stress and hustle.
  7. So, I bounced back and realized that basically, everything’s just empty in life.
  8. There’s this one dude, totally unique. No kids, no siblings, but he’s grinding non-stop. He’s never content with all his wealth, never questioning why he’s putting in so much hustle. It’s all empty and just piles on more stress in his life.
  9. Two is better than one, ’cause when you team up, you score awesome rewards for all your grind.
  10. Yo, if someone takes a tumble, their buddy’s gonna be there to lift ’em up. But, man, it’s gonna be rough if you gotta face that fall solo ’cause there won’t be anyone around to lend you a hand.
  11. Like, if two people kick it together, they can keep each other warm and all, but how’s someone gonna stay cozy flying solo, ya know?
  12. And if someone comes at you, two others will back you up; together, you can take on any challenge. Strength in numbers ain’t easy to beat.
  13. It’s way more lit to be a wise and humble kid than a clueless and arrogant old king who’s too proud to take advice anymore. Like seriously, who doesn’t know how to listen?
  14. ‘Cause when someone gets out of jail, they climb up the ranks, while even those born into wealth in that kingdom end up broke.
  15. I scoped out all the peeps out there, doing their thing under the sun, and noticed the younger ones who would take their place in the future.
  16. Like, people are always gonna keep rolling in, ya know? And all those who came before, they won’t be remembered or celebrated by those who come later. It’s like pointless and just messes with your head, dude.
Ecclesiastes 5
  1. Before you hit up the house of God, check yourself and be more down to listen than to throw out empty sacrifices like fools. They don’t get that their moves are wicked.
  2. Don’t be all quick to run your mouth without thinking, and don’t jump to say anything before God. Remember, God’s up in heaven while you’re here on earth, so watch your words. Keep it tight, no need to gab unnecessarily.
  3. When you’re chasing your dreams, it’s all about the hustle and grind. But yo, watch out for that fool who’s all talk, chatting nonstop, showing their true colors.
  4. When you make a promise to God, don’t slack on keeping it; ’cause he’s not into foolishness: stick to your word.
  5. It’s way better to not make a promise than to make one and flake out.
  6. Don’t let your mouth trip you up; don’t be all quick to cover up your slip-ups in front of important peeps. Why mess with God’s vibe and ruin all your hard work?
  7. Bro, check it: When it’s all about talking big dreams but not backing it up, that’s just empty noise. But, like, for real, show some respect for God above everything else.
  8. Yo, if you see the underdogs getting shafted and justice getting twisted in a spot, don’t stress: ’cause the truly woke see what’s good, and there’s even higher up folks than them. True dat.
  9. Yo, check it: Everyone can tap into the Earth’s resources, it ain’t just for a chosen few: even the king gets his needs sorted from the fields, man.
  10. If you’re all about chasing the paper, it’s never gonna be enough; and if you’re all about the grind for more, having more won’t satisfy: in the end, it’s all meaningless.
  11. When you flaunt what you got, there’s always someone eyeing a slice of the pie. But real talk, what’s the point of having it all if you ain’t even enjoying it yourself?
  12. The sleep of a hard worker is sweet, whether they eat a little or a lot. But the wealthy can’t sleep with all their riches piling up.
  13. Yo, peep this: I’ve clocked something majorly messed in our world. Some folks stash their cash and end up in deep trouble, seriously not cool.
  14. But yo, all that wealth just gets wiped out by bad vibes: then he has a kid, and boom, he’s got nada left to his name.
  15. Check it, when someone pops into this world, they’re stripped down to the basics. And when they peace out, they bounce just as they came, with zip from all their hustle that they can haul along.
  16. And here’s the real deal: whatever we score in life, we can’t pack it in our bags when we bounce. So, what’s the point of grinding hard for something as fleeting as a breeze?
  17. Dude’s stuck in a cycle of chomping down in the shadows, and he’s majorly bummed and ticked off ’cause he’s all sorts of sick.
  18. Real talk: I’ve scoped out something rad and enticing – it’s totally legit to chow down, sip on some drinks, and relish the rewards of your grind in this life that God’s tossed your way. It’s like your personal slice of bliss and satisfaction while you’re vibing under the sun. #blessed
  19. Yo, God showers blessings on those peeps who rake in the dough and get to savor the sweet rewards of their hustle. It’s like part of God’s lavish present to them, ya dig?
  20. They won’t be stressing about remembering every single day of their life, ’cause God’s got their back, filling their hearts with joy and all that good stuff.
Ecclesiastes 6
  1. So, listen up fam, I’ve seen some real messed-up stuff going down worldwide, like it’s a big deal for everyone, you feel me?
  2. There’s this dude, got stacks on stacks, flexing hard with everything he’s got. But for real, he can’t even vibe with any of it. Feels like someone’s just snatching away his blessings. It’s a total void, a real messed-up scene.
  3. So, check this out, if this dude’s popping out kids left and right, living long, but still feels like he’s got nothing, and to top it off, doesn’t even get a proper send-off, it’s like, was it even worth being born?
  4. When someone rolls in, all flashy, but bounces out leaving everybody guessing, their rep just fades into the background.
  5. This dude’s totally in the dark, like he hasn’t even seen daylight, clueless about everything. He’s on a whole other level of chilling.
  6. Even if someone could live, like, two thousand years, it’s not like they’d see anything good come out of it. We all end up in the same spot in the end, right?
  7. We grind for our daily bread, but it’s like we’re always hungry for more. #AlwaysCraving
  8. So, like, what’s the real diff between someone who’s got it all together and someone who’s totally lost? And, like, what’s the deal with those who keep it real without much in their pockets?
  9. Seeing it for yourself beats running after something non-stop. But seriously, it’s all just a chase that leaves you feeling empty and bummed out.
  10. Yo, what went down in the past already got a name, and let’s be real, it’s just part of the human experience. You can’t flex on someone who’s got more clout than you, no use even trying.
  11. With all this emptiness and meaninglessness floating around, it makes you wonder, what’s the deal with being human anyway?
  12. It’s like, who really knows what’s the vibe for us during this short and meaningless life? We’re just like, passing shadows, you know? And who can even predict what’s gonna go down after we’re gone? It’s all just a big mystery under the sun.
Ecclesiastes 7
  1. So, having a solid rep is like scoring major clout, way better than flexing the latest drip; and embracing the end of life is more meaningful than hyping up your entrance into this world.
  2. It’s actually more deep to be at a sad place than a lit one: ’cause that’s where all peeps end up eventually, and those who are still living will seriously reflect on it.
  3. Being real about feeling down is actually more legit than always putting on a happy face. ‘Cause when you let your sadness or maybe even anger show, that’s when your heart starts growing for real.
  4. The wise ones know how to vibe with those going through tough times, while the fools are all about kicking it with the party crew.
  5. Sure thing! Here’s a Gen Z version that’s still respectful and keeps the biblical vibe:
  6. Listening to solid advice hits different than paying attention to dumb stuff.
  7. It’s like when your TikTok flops with zero likes—that’s how empty a fool’s laughter is. It’s all cap, like the crackling of thorns under a pot. #Vanity
  8. Yo, getting oppressed can make even a smart person lose it; and taking bribes totally messes up your heart.
  9. Sure thing! Here’s a Gen Z version that’s still respectful and keeps the biblical vibe:
  10. The end of something is way cooler than the start, and staying patient is way better than acting all high and mighty.
  11. Don’t lose your chill too fast, ’cause getting mad just makes you look foolish.
  12. Don’t be like, why were the good old days better than now? For real, you’re not even being smart about it. #NotWisely
  13. Got it! Here’s the Gen Z version:
  14. Wisdom is like a fire inheritance—major gains for those who get it. For real, it’s even better than money, no cap.
  15. Both wisdom and money got your back, but the real flex is that knowledge gives life to those who have it. It’s like a shield that covers your flaws.
  16. Absolutely, here’s the Gen Z version:
  17. Think about what God’s done. Like, who can fix something He made all messed up?
  18. When life’s good, celebrate and enjoy it. But when things get tough, take a step back and reflect: God balances the good and bad so we can’t predict what’s next.
  19. Sure thing! Here’s the Gen Z version:
  20. I’ve seen it all during my clueless days: sometimes good people die young even when they do everything right, and sometimes bad people live long while being shady.
  21. Don’t be too righteous or act like you’re too wise, it’s just gonna backfire on you.
  22. Got it! Here’s the Gen Z version:
  23. Don’t go overboard with being wicked or acting dumb. Why risk dying before your time?
  24. It’s pretty dope if you get this—seriously, hold on to it. Anyone who respects God will come out on top in the end, no doubt.
  25. Sure thing! Here’s the Gen Z version:
  26. Wisdom boosts the brainiacs way more than ten super strong dudes flexing in the city.
  27. For real, there’s literally no one on this planet who’s perfect and does only good things. We all mess up, man.
  28. Got it! Here’s the Gen Z version:
  29. Don’t stress about everything people say about you, or you might hear your own servant talking smack. Stay focused and don’t give unnecessary importance to their words.
  30. You know deep down you’ve dissed others too, no cap.
  31. So, I tried to be all wise and stuff, but honestly, it was way out of my reach, dude.
  32. Sure thing! Here’s the Gen Z version:
  33. Yo, like, who can even fully get something that’s super distant and crazy complicated?
  34. I started diving deep to understand and explore wisdom, logic, and what’s behind everything. I wanted to figure out the stupidity and absurdity of foolishness and madness. No lie, I put a lot of effort into it!
  35. Sure, here’s a Gen Z rendition while still being respectful and maintaining the biblical essence:
  36. Yo, check it, life can hit hard, but you know what’s next-level? Dealing with a woman who’s all about traps and snares, with hands like tight bands. If you play it smart and stay on God’s side, you’ll dodge her tricks and come out clean. But if you’re out there sinning, watch your back ’cause she’ll snag you for sure.
  37. Sure thing! Here’s the Gen Z version while keeping it respectful and retaining the biblical essence:
  38. Check it out, fam! I’ve uncovered some truth, says the preacher, breaking things down to get to the bottom of it: examining and evaluating each thing to find the answers.
  39. I’ve been on the lookout for someone solid, but it’s been slim pickings. Out of a thousand dudes, I’ve only spotted one decent guy. But when it comes to ladies, they’re like rare gems.
  40. Alright, here’s a version that’s both Gen Z-friendly and respectful, maintaining the biblical essence:
  41. Yo, check it, I just clocked that God made humans to be real, but they’ve gone and spun all kinds of wild ideas.
Ecclesiastes 8
  1. Yo, who’s vibing with the wise homie? And who’s really clocking what’s up? When someone’s got that wisdom game strong, their whole vibe glows up, transforming their whole aura. (That strength? That’s what’s up, that power.)
  2. I totally recommend locking in with the king’s moves, and for real, don’t forget about that sacred oath to God.
  3. Don’t bounce out too fast from being with Him: steer clear of doing wrong stuff, ’cause He’s all about that good vibe.
  4. When the king drops words, it’s got major clout, and who’s got the guts to be like, ‘What’s the deal, fam?’
  5. Stick to the code, and you’re good to go, and wise peeps know when to make those right moves.
  6. Yo, peep this ’cause I’m laying down some real talk. Life’s not always a vibe, you feel me? Every moment’s got its own deal and outcome. That’s why sometimes we’re feeling low-key down, like the grind is real.
  7. For real, dude’s clueless about the future ’cause who even knows how or when it’s gonna play out, you feel?
  8. Can’t control your vibe or dodge death. When it comes to fighting evil, there ain’t no sneaky exits or hacks to save those who dive deep into it.
  9. I’ve scoped out all this realness and let it sink in, watching every move go down on this planet. There are times when one person totally owns another, and it ends up wrecking them bad.
  10. So, I peeped the scene where the wicked got their final rest, you feel me? They’d roll in and out of the holy spot, but eventually got ghosted in the city where they pulled shady moves. And honestly, it’s all just empty vibes in the long run.
  11. Yo, when bad stuff doesn’t catch heat right off the bat, it just gives folks a pass to keep on with the messed-up vibes. It’s like their hearts get pumped on doing dirt, you dig?
  12. Yo, peeps, check it: Even if someone’s been messing up big time and racking up a ton of wrongs, I’m telling you, those who show mad love for God and stay reverent are gonna be straight chillin’, no doubt.
  13. But yo, the wicked? Nah, they ain’t gonna have a blast, and their days ain’t gonna be long either. It’s like their whole vibe is just a shadow, ’cause they ain’t showing any respect for the big guy upstairs, you feel?
  14. Okay, listen up, fam: Sometimes life throws us a curveball, right? The good ones? They’re getting dealt a bad hand, while the shady ones? They’re skating by, scot-free. Like, for real? It’s straight-up whack.
  15. So, here’s the deal: I was vibing, and I was like, yo, living it up, that’s the move. There’s nothing better than munching on some grub, sipping on some drinks, just kicking back, you know? Those moments? They’re the ones that’ll ride with you through all the ups and downs, ’cause man, that’s the blessing God’s dropping on us.
  16. So, I’m on this deep dive into wisdom, right? Checking out all the crazy stuff going down on this planet, and here’s the kicker: There are folks out there who never catch any Z’s, day or night. Like, they’re constantly awake, eyes wide open, never hitting that snooze button.
  17. Okay, fam, check this out: I’m peeping all the moves that God’s making, right? And let me tell you, it’s a whole other level of complex. We, mere mortals, trying to wrap our heads around it? It’s like trying to crack a code with no key. Even if we go all in, putting in mad effort to decode it, we’re still not gonna have all the answers. And yo, even if someone’s flexing their brain power, thinking they’ve got it all figured out, they’re still gonna come up short on unraveling the whole deal.
Ecclesiastes 9
  1. Alright, peeps, check it: I’ve been pondering hard on life, and I gotta drop some truth bombs. God’s got the ultimate control over everything the righteous and the wise are up to. But here’s the kicker: You can’t just look at what’s going down and think you’ve got God’s feelings all figured out. It’s like, on a whole other level of deep, you feel me?
  2. Life’s a rollercoaster, no doubt. Whether you’re playing by the rules or living on the wild side, it doesn’t always play fair. The good, the bad, the oath-keepers, and the oath-breakers, they’re all riding in the same boat, facing the same waves.
  3. Yo, peeps, let’s get real for a sec. There’s this one harsh truth about life that’s got me feeling some type of way, you feel me? It’s like, no matter who you are, we’re all cruising toward the same jacked-up destination in the end. But wait, there’s more. Deep down, our hearts? They’re wrestling with darkness and straight-up craziness our whole lives, until our time’s up.
  4. Yo, listen up, fam. As long as you’re still breathing, there’s hope on the horizon, ya dig? ‘Cause let’s keep it 💯, being alive and kicking, even with all the struggles, beats being a ghost in the game with no heartbeat.
  5. Those living know they’re clocking out one day, but once you’re outta here, it’s lights out and no more chances. Nobody’s keeping tabs on you then, no clout to chase.
  6. So, check it, all that love, hate, and envy? Poof, gone. They’re out of the game, not a player in this world anymore.
  7. Just vibe out, enjoy your eats with pure joy, and sip on that wine, feeling the vibes; ’cause God’s totally vibing with what you’re bringing to the table.
  8. Keep that swag on lock; never let your mane miss out on the freshest products.
  9. Just kick back and vibe with your day-one through this temporary gig we call life, under the sun. It’s all part of the ride, making the most out of the hustle and bustle under the sun. Embrace life, soak in those good vibes!
  10. Yo, put your all into whatever lands on your plate; ’cause once you’re laid to rest, there ain’t no more grind, gadgets, smarts, or wisdom to be snagged.
  11. Okay, fam, check it: I was scoping out the scene, and it hit me hard that in this journey called life, it ain’t always about being the fastest or the strongest to come out on top. It’s not just about the brainiacs securing the bag or the wise ones stacking up riches. And even those with mad skills don’t always get the props they’re due. It’s all about timing and those curveball chances that swing by for everyone.
  12. Yo, peeps are clueless about when it’s their time to bounce, you feel me? It’s like when fish get snagged in some sketchy net or birds get locked in a trap. It’s wild how we humans can also get tangled up in some messed up scenario outta nowhere. Life’s throwing curveballs left and right, man.
  13. I gotta give props where it’s due, I’ve stumbled upon some next-level wisdom in this world. Straight-up blew my mind, no lie.
  14. Once upon a time, there was this tiny town, home to just a few peeps. Then outta nowhere, this mega king rolls up, ready to wreck shop, throwing up huge walls and defenses all around.
  15. Now, there’s this unsung hero in the mix, right? Dude’s low-key broke but hella wise. And with all his brainpower, he straight-up saves the day for the whole city! But here’s the kicker: Nobody even bothers giving props to that legend.
  16. Yo, check it, being wise beats flexing strength any day. But it’s a bummer ’cause folks straight-up sleep on this dude’s wisdom, brushing off what he’s spitting.
  17. Quiet wisdom carries more weight than the loud rants of fools.
  18. Brainpower trumps brawn, hands down. But one wrong move can mess up a whole lot of good vibes.
Ecclesiastes 10
  1. So, picture this: Dead flies straight-up ruin the vibe of the pharmacist’s fancy scent, you feel me? And, like, even a smidge of foolishness can wreck the rep of someone known for their wisdom and honor. It’s a major bummer, man. Dead flies, for real.
  2. Check it, a wise cat keeps their heart in check, all on the right track. But a fool? They’re straight-up steering left.
  3. So, when a clueless homie starts flexing, their supposed wisdom straight-up tanks, and they’re out there broadcasting their foolishness to the world. I mean, seriously, their ego’s like, in their heart or something.
  4. When the ruler’s throwing shade your way, don’t dip out; ’cause keeping it cool can de-escalate some serious drama.
  5. Check this out, fam, I’ve witnessed some major dysfunction in the world. It’s like a system glitch, but on a whole other level, you dig? Straight from the ruler’s crib. And we’re not talking tech bugs, this is some real-deal trouble, fam. It’s a whole mess trickling from the top, no lie.
  6. Foolishness is trending, and the rich? Lowkey not as lit as you’d think.
  7. Check this wild scenario: I’ve seen the help cruising on horseback while big shots stroll around acting all low-key like regular Joes down here on earth. Mind blown, right?
  8. Try to mess with someone else’s gig, you’re gonna catch some heat. Stir up drama, it’s coming back around to bite you.
  9. Try messing with those stones? You’re asking for trouble. And if you’re chasing after that wood, you’re straight-up risking it.
  10. Your blade’s dull and you ain’t sharpening it? You’ll be putting in extra work to cut through. But being wise? That’s making life a whole lot easier.
  11. So, check it, that snake? It’ll straight-up bite you, no hocus pocus needed, and someone who’s always spouting nonsense? Same vibe, you feel?
  12. A wise cat? They’re dropping wisdom with grace, but a fool? They’re choking on their own words.
  13. When that dude opens his mouth, it’s like a stream of pure gibberish, and by the time he’s done, it’s just a hot mess of chaos.
  14. A fool’s always running their mouth, and ain’t nobody got a crystal ball to see what’s up next, not even them. Like, for real, it’s a mystery to everyone.
  15. Yo, the clueless decisions and grind of fools? They’re draining everyone ’cause they’re lost in the city without a map.
  16. It’s rough when your ruler’s acting like a kid and your leaders are straight-up feasting in the morning, land and peeps both feeling it.
  17. Yo, listen up, land: You’re mega blessed when your ruler comes from a solid bloodline and your leaders ain’t about partying, but about fueling up!
  18. If you’re slacking and ain’t hustling, things start crumbling, and your crib’s headed for disaster.
  19. Okay, so imagine this sick bash, right? Laughs, drinks flowing, vibes on point: but let’s keep it real, cash is the ultimate problem solver. (Just saying, money makes the world go ’round)
  20. Don’t be throwing shade at the king, not even in your thoughts, and don’t be hating on the wealthy while you’re chilling solo. ‘Cause news travels fast, even through the birds up high, and gossip spreads like wildfire.
Ecclesiastes 11
  1. Yo, spread that bread with the world, bro. Believe me, it’s gonna circle back to you eventually, way down the line. #GoodVibesOnly
  2. Share with your squad, and then some; ’cause you never know when chaos is gonna strike.
  3. When the clouds are packed and ready to let loose, they pour down rain on the earth. And when a tree topples, whether it’s to the south or north, that’s where it stays.
  4. Yo, if you’re stuck in that cycle of overthinking and second-guessing every move, you’re never gonna make moves. Don’t get caught up in overanalyzing or you’ll straight-up miss out.
  5. Just like you can’t predict the spirit’s moves or how bones pop in a pregnant chick’s belly, you ain’t got a clue about the epic ways God crafts everything.
  6. Yo, get those seeds in the ground in the AM and go all out till the sun sets. You never know which one’s gonna blow up, maybe one, maybe both. Either way, it’s gonna be lit!
  7. Check it, that light? It’s legit dope, and seeing that sunshine? It’s majorly satisfying for the eyes, no lie:
  8. But yo, if a dude’s clocked in a ton of years and savored every moment, he better realize tough times are gonna roll through ’cause they’re for sure coming. Pretty much everything’s fleeting.
  9. Yo, youngin’, soak up that youth vibe and let your heart ride that joy wave in these prime days. Chase your passions, explore what sparks your interest. But don’t forget, every move you make, God’s taking note.
  10. Okay, so bounce that sadness outta your heart, and straight-up shut down any shady vibes creeping in. ‘Cause let’s keep it 💯, those days of being young and wild? They’re just a blip on the radar in the big picture. #ByeByeSadness #PositivityOnly
Ecclesiastes 12
  1. Yo, never sleep on the One who crafted you, especially when you’re young and feeling on top of the world, ‘fore the grind hits you like, “Bruh, where’s the fun?”
  2. Long as the sun’s blazing, or the moon’s glowing, or them stars keep shining, and the clouds don’t crash the party after the rain:
  3. When the crew at home’s trippin’, and the tough ones start taking a step back, and the influencers ease up ’cause the numbers ain’t adding up, and those scrolling through socials are feeling hella down – it’s a reality check for the influencers, for real.
  4. When the hustle and bustle of the streets die down, folks will wake up to birds chirping, and even the music lovers will be on a chill vibe.
  5. Anxiety’s creeping in, folks are scared of heights, even the elders are feeling restless, but they can’t handle a little bug jumping around. And it’s all ’cause one day, we’re all gonna clock out, and mourning’s spreading through town.
  6. Before that sleek chain snaps, the golden bowl shatters, the water jug cracks at the source, and the wheel crumbles at the well.
  7. When we bite the dust, our bodies return to the earth, just like they came, and our spirit heads back to God, the one who handed it to us in the first place.
  8. Turn this into Gen Z language and style, and at the same time keep it Bible and respectful,
  9. The preacher was all about dropping words that’d vibe with everyone: what he penned down was dope, like, straight-up facts. Delightful words, you know what I’m saying?
  10. Those wise words? They hit different, like those motivational TikToks, and they’re as solid as Insta posts by the coolest influencers, all stemming from one leader.
  11. Yo, check it, my dude, and soak in this wisdom: there’s a ton of books out there, but overdoing it with the studying? It can straight-up drain you, mentally and physically. (P.S. ‘Study’ can mean ‘reading,’ too).
  12. So, here’s the deal: Show love and mad respect to God, and stick to His playbook. That’s pretty much what we’re all about.
  13. OMG, like, God’s gonna totally size up everything we do, even those sneaky moves we think nobody’s onto. Whether it’s epic or a total mess, He’s clocking it all.