
Colossians 1
  1. Yo, I’m Paul, straight up reppin’ as an apostle of Jesus Christ, ’cause that’s how the Man upstairs planned it. And Timotheus? He’s like our main dude.
  2. What’s up to all you chill and faithful crew in Colosse! Big ups to God our Father and the legendary Jesus Christ, sending you tons of grace and peace, yo.
  3. Massive shoutout to God, the ultimate source and loving Father of our incredible Lord Jesus Christ. We’re always vibing with gratitude and sending up prayers for you, fam.
  4. Bruh, we’ve been hearing how you all are rocking that faith in Christ Jesus and showing love to all the saints, fam.
  5. Yo, there’s this lit hope waiting for you up in heaven, you feel me? You’ve heard about it before in the real deal gospel. So legit!
  6. It’s spreading everywhere, touching everyone, and making a real difference, just like it has in your lives since day one when you experienced God’s grace for yourselves.
  7. Just like how our homie Epaphras has been schooling you guys. He’s got your back and is straight-up loyal to Christ, fam.
  8. And word on the street is, you’re spreading those love vibes through the Spirit, you know.
  9. That’s why we’ve been praying non-stop since we heard about it, wishing that you’d be fully woke with total understanding and spiritual wisdom, you feel?
  10. So you can live a life that’s on point with the Lord, spreading joy, and making big moves in doing good, while leveling up your understanding of God;
  11. With all the strength, like, from his epic power, staying patient and persevering with a super positive vibe!
  12. Giving thanks to God, who hooked us up to join in the awesome blessings of the saints in the spotlight:
  13. Yo, guess who saved us from the dark side? Yeah, it’s our homie who brought us into his rad kingdom, where his beloved Son rules the game. No doubt, that Son is his absolute fave!
  14. Through him, we get saved, his sacrifice bringing forgiveness for all our screw-ups:
  15. Yo, check it out, this dude is like the exact representation of God, the OG of everything created:
  16. Like, he made everything, whether it’s stuff up in heaven or stuff down here on earth, visible or invisible. Like, all that throne, dominion, principality, and power stuff? Created by him and for him.
  17. And he’s literally ahead of everything, you know? And everything, like seriously everything, is held together by Him. So chill!
  18. He’s like the MVP of the crew, the church: the OG, the first to rise from the grave; so basically, he’s top-notch in everything.
  19. You know, it made super hyped that everything totally awesome could be found in Him, you feel me?
  20. So, soaking up those good vibes with his sacrifice, he’s bringing everything and everyone together, making peace. It doesn’t matter if it’s down here on earth or up in the heavens, he’s got it covered.
  21. And all y’all, who used to be totally disconnected and enemies in your thoughts through doing messed up stuff, but now he’s made peace with you
  22. Through his physical death, he made it possible for you to be presented as pure, blameless, and without fault in his eyes:
  23. Yo, if you wanna keep it real and stay committed to your faith, it’s important to stay strong and not let anything shake your hope in the good news. This message has been spread far and wide, reaching every living being on this planet. And just so you know, I’m the one preaching it as a messenger from God, Paul here.
  24. We, like, totally find joy in the struggles I go through for you, and we’re, like, putting in effort to complete the suffering of Christ that I experience in my body for the sake of his crew, which is the church.
  25. So, like, I’ve been chosen to be a minister by God, and He’s given me this rad opportunity to spread His word and make it all happen for you guys. It’s all about fully preaching His message and stuff, you know?
  26. This lit mystery that’s been hidden for, like, centuries and generations is finally spilling the tea to all the true believers:
  27. God wants everyone to know how awesome and amazing this mystery is for all the non-Jews out there. The mystery is that Christ lives inside you and gives you hope for a super glorious life!
  28. Yo, we out here spreading the word, giving everyone the heads up and dropping some knowledge on them with mad wisdom. Our goal is to bring every person into that perfect state, all connected with Christ Jesus.
  29. I grind hard, giving it my all, working alongside the power within me that’s making big moves.
Colossians 2
  1. Peep this, fam, I’m grinding hard for y’all and the crew over at Laodicea, even for those I haven’t met IRL. This struggle? It’s no joke.
  2. So they can vibe secure and connected, all wrapped up in love, knowing what’s up with God and Christ, for real.
  3. They’re packing all the knowledge and wisdom, like, it’s all in them.
  4. Aight, listen up, so you don’t get played by smooth talk.
  5. Even though I can’t pull up in person, I’m riding with y’all in spirit, hyped to see how solid your faith in Christ is.
  6. So, like, since you’ve fully signed up with Jesus as your main, walk that talk, you feel me?
  7. Stay grounded, keep leveling up in him, rooted in your faith just like you were taught. Let gratitude overflow in your lifestyle.
  8. Yo, watch out for the fakes trying to mess with your head with that deep talk and fake news, following trends instead of Christ’s truth.
  9. God’s got the whole package in him, all that divine goodness living in his physical form, you know what I’m saying?
  10. And you’re shining bright in him, the ultimate influencer of everything legit:
  11. And when you’re fully plugged into Him, it’s like shedding your old self, getting rid of that baggage. It’s all because of what Jesus did, he’s the ultimate game changer, ya know?
  12. Yo, when you got baptized, you rose up with Him through your faith, vibing with how God brought him back from the dead.
  13. And like, before you were stuck in your mess, your flesh wasn’t even cleaned up, but then, he brought you back to life with him, forgiving you for all that, ya know?
  14. He wiped out the rules that were against us, nailed them to his cross;
  15. Jesus straight flexed on those top-tier villains, putting them on blast, showing off his win.
  16. So, like, don’t let anyone trip on your choices about food, drinks, or how you get down on holy days. That’s all personal, no one’s got the right to judge.
  17. Those things are just a preview; the real deal? That’s Jesus, no doubt.
  18. Don’t let anyone trick you into missing out on your blessings, acting all high and mighty, messing with stuff they don’t know squat about.
  19. And don’t sleep on connecting with the big man upstairs, ’cause that’s where the whole squad gets their power and unity, you feel me? When we stay tight, we grow, thanks to God’s blessings.
  20. So, if you’re really plugged into Christ and not stuck in the old system’s rules, why you still following those outdated guidelines?
  21. Don’t even think about touching that stuff;
  22. ‘Cause it’s all gonna get wrecked when we’re done with it, just man-made rules and teachings.
  23. They might seem wise, all that religious hustle, but it don’t really satisfy or honor your true desires.
Colossians 3
  1. So, if you’re all about that risen life with Christ, then focus on the things that are way up high, where Christ is just vibing on God’s right side. #goals
  2. Focus on things that matter beyond this world, not just on the earthly stuff.
  3. You’re basically zombies, and your whole existence is like a secret VIP party with Jesus in God’s epic crib.
  4. When Christ, the one who is our whole life, pops up on the scene, you too will show up, shining alongside him in all his glory.
  5. So, totally keep your actions in check, okay? Don’t go getting all caught up in hooking up, doing nasty stuff, obsessing over things, giving in to your excessive desires, and being greedy for stuff, because that’s like, worshipping idols and stuff. Just saying! 🙌
  6. When people do disobedient stuff, that’s when God gets super mad and stuff happens.
  7. Yeah, there was a time when y’all were totally into that, you know, living life that way and all.
  8. But seriously, ditch all of these things too: anger, rage, maliciousness, disrespecting others, and talking dirty. Keep it clean and positive, fam.
  9. Don’t lie to each other, since you’ve ditched your old ways and actions;
  10. And you gotta totally wear the new version of yourself, which is like upgraded in knowledge and stuff, just like the image of the dude who made you, ya know?
  11. In this squad, labels don’t matter – whether you’re Greek, Jew, circumcised, uncircumcised, Barbarian, Scythian, or whatever. It’s all about Christ, fam. He’s everything to everyone.
  12. So, since you’re chosen by God and all, you gotta wear compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, ya know?
  13. Just chill and be cool with each other, and forgive each other, if anyone has beef with someone else. Just like how Christ forgave you, you should do the same. No need to hold grudges or complain about little things, ya know?
  14. And most importantly, rock that love like it’s your signature fit, because it’s the glue that holds everything together flawlessly.
  15. And let the chill vibes of God totally rule your hearts, ’cause that’s what you’re all about as a squad. Stay united and show gratitude, y’know?
  16. Yo, make sure you have the word of Christ in you, like, for real. Get that wisdom, teach and remind each other with dope psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing with mad grace in your hearts, giving props to the Lord.
  17. Whatever you say or do, make sure it’s all about Jesus, and don’t forget to show gratitude to God our Father through Him.
  18. Wives, respect your own husbands, cuz it’s all good in the Lord’s eyes.
  19. Dudes, show some mad love to your wives and don’t be all salty towards them, ya hear?
  20. Listen up, fam! Make sure to respect and follow your parents’ guidance in every aspect of life, ’cause that’s what makes God happy.
  21. Hey dads, don’t be like, constantly annoying your kids and making them mad, or else they’re gonna feel super down and lose all their motivation.
  22. Hey, guys, listen up! Remember to respect and follow your bosses at all times, not just when they’re watching. Be sincere and genuine, not just trying to impress others. And most importantly, do it all with a deep reverence for God. 🙏
  23. And whatever you do, give it your all, like you’re doing it for the Lord and not just for people;
  24. Like, knowing that you’ll totally receive the epic reward of the inheritance from the Lord, because you’re serving the Lord Christ, you know?
  25. But if you mess up, you’re gonna face the consequences for what you did. Everyone gets treated the same, no playing favorites.
Colossians 4
  1. Yo, leaders, treat your crew right, ’cause even you answer to the big boss upstairs.
  2. Keep up those prayers, stay woke, and always give thanks.
  3. And yo, pray for me too, that I can keep spreading the word about Jesus, even though I’m locked up for it right now.
  4. So I can break it down for you exactly how it’s supposed to go.
  5. Be chill and show respect to everyone, even if they’re not on the same page spiritually. Every moment counts, fam.
  6. Always keep it respectful and drop some wisdom in your words, so you know how to vibe with everyone.
  7. Shoutout to my dude Tychicus, he’s gonna fill you in on what’s good with me. He’s not just a bro, but also holding it down in the Lord’s squad.
  8. I’ve sent someone your way to check on you and bring some positive vibes to your crew.
  9. Yo, meet Onesimus, he’s fam and he’s gonna give you the lowdown on what’s happening over here.
  10. Yo, Aristarchus and Marcus say what’s up. If they swing by, show them some love, alright?
  11. And Jesus, aka Justus, are holding it down with me. They’re grinding for the kingdom and keeping me sane.
  12. Big ups to Epaphras, he’s repping hard for y’all in his prayers, keeping you in check with God’s plan. Keep hustling, fam!
  13. I can vouch for him, he’s legit and all about you guys, plus the crew in Laodicea and Hierapolis.
  14. Yo, Luke and Demas say hi too.
  15. Shoutout to the squad in Laodicea, and props to Nymphas and the crew holding it down.
  16. And when you read this, make sure the Laodiceans peep it too. Check out their letter while you’re at it. Peace out.
  17. Archippus, listen up! Don’t sleep on the ministry God gave you. Time to rock it!
  18. It’s Paul signing off. Don’t forget about me in lockdown. Grace be with y’all. Amen. “This letter was sent from Rome to the Colossians by Tychicus and Onesimus.”