
Amos 1
  1. Yo fam, peep this word from Amos, who used to kick it with the cows in Tekoa. He’s speaking up about Israel back when Uzziah was reppin’ Judah and Jeroboam, Joash’s kid, was holding it down in Israel. This all went down about two years before that massive earthquake.
  2. Aight, check it! The LORD is about to drop some serious vibes, like a roar from a lion straight outta Zion! His voice gonna shake up Jerusalem big time, no cap. It’s gonna be so lit that even the shepherds’ hood gonna be mourning, and the tippy-top of Carmel gonna dry up, no joke.
  3. Yo, peeps! God’s spittin’ truth: Damascus seriously messed up, not just once or twice, but three times! Now, they gotta face the music ’cause they thrashed Gilead with their heavy-duty iron sledges. Ain’t no turning back from this!
  4. But I’m ’bout to bring the heat to Hazael’s place. It’s gonna wreck Benhadad’s swanky pads for real.
  5. Yo, I’m gonna straight up wreck Damascus and clear out everyone from the plains of Aven. Even the big shots from the flashy city of Eden gonna lose their grip. And guess what? The Syrians gonna end up in lockdown in Kir. Yeah, you heard it right, says the LORD.
  6. Listen up, says the LORD. Gaza messed up big time, not once, not twice, but three times! And lemme tell ya, I ain’t lettin’ that slide. Why? ‘Cause they straight up took peeps captive and handed ’em over to Edom. Can’t let ’em get away with that, you feel?
  7. Yo, I’m about to drop some serious fire on Gaza, straight up demolishing those fancy palaces.
  8. I’m gonna clear out everyone from Ashdod, Ashkelon’s big shot won’t stand a chance, and Ekron is gonna catch my wrath. The rest of those Philistines? They’re toast. That’s the word straight from the Lord GOD, no cap.
  9. Yo, check it out! Here’s what the LORD is saying: Tyrus messed up big time, not just once or twice, but four times over. And you know what? I ain’t gonna overlook their wrongs. Why? ‘Cause they straight up betrayed their own crew by handing them over to Edom, and on top of that, they totally ghosted on the promise they made to have each other’s backs. No chill.
  10. But I’m ’bout to bring some serious heat to Tyrus’ walls, and it’s gonna roast those fancy palaces real good.
  11. Yo, fam, listen up! Here’s what the LORD says: Edom seriously messed up, not just once or twice, but three times! And lemme tell ya, I’m not gonna let that slide. Why? ‘Cause they straight up went after their own bro with a sword, showing zero mercy. They were always fuming, holding onto their rage forever. It’s like they forgot what mercy even means.
  12. But I’m ’bout to bring down some fire on Teman, straight up devouring the fancy palaces of Bozrah.
  13. Yo, listen up, fam! The LORD’s got a message for y’all: The peeps of Ammon messed up big time, not just once or twice, but three times! ‘Cause they straight up ripped apart pregnant women in Gilead just to expand their turf. No way I’m letting that slide. Yeah, they literally sliced and diced innocent moms to grab more land. Not cool, and the Big Man Upstairs ain’t pleased.
  14. But I’m gonna set up some fire in Rabbah’s walls that’ll straight up wreck those fancy palaces. There’ll be shouts during the battle, and when the storm’s raging wild:
  15. Their leader and all his top crew will get caught, says the LORD.
Amos 2
  1. God’s like, ‘Yo, listen up! Moab messed up big time, like not just once, but three times, and then they added another for good measure. And you know what? I can’t just let that slide. They totally burned the bones of the king of Edom to a crisp, like turned them into ash. Not cool, Moab, not cool.’
  2. But I’m gonna bring down fire on Moab, like whoosh, and it’s gonna straight up wipe out those fancy palaces in Kerioth. Moab’s gonna be toast, all chaotic and loud, with mad shouts and trumpets blaring, fam.
  3. And I’m gonna take out the leaders and bring down all the rulers with them, says the LORD.
  4. Yo, God’s like, “Check it. Judah seriously messed up—started with three sins, then added a fourth. I can’t let that slide. They totally dissed my law, didn’t follow my commands, and their lies led them way off track, just like their ancestors.”
  5. But here’s the deal—I’m gonna bring down some heavy fire on Judah. It’s gonna straight up wreck those fancy palaces in Jerusalem.
  6. Yo, check it out, God’s like, “Enough is enough!” Israel keeps pushing boundaries, not just a few times, but like, four times over. And let me tell you, they’ve got some serious payback coming their way. They’re out here, straight up selling out righteous people for cash, and ditching the poor just to flex in some fresh kicks. It’s messed up, dude.
  7. They’re all about chasing clout, trampling on the humble, and they don’t give a rip about disrespecting my holy name—letting a dude and his dad both hook up with the same girl like it’s no biggie.
  8. And they’re all about flexin’ their swag clothes as collateral at every altar, sippin’ on that top-shelf wine in their god’s crib. #savage
  9. But check it—back in the day, I straight up took down the Amorites, who were towering like cedars and strong as oaks. I wiped ’em out from top to bottom.
  10. So, I totally pulled you outta Egypt and guided you through the wild for, like, forty years, just so you could take over the Amorite turf.
  11. I raised up some of your crew as prophets and turned others into Nazarites. Isn’t that legit, fam? That’s what the LORD says.
  12. But y’all messed it up by offering wine to those Nazarites and straight up telling the prophets, like, “Don’t even bother with your prophecies, dude.”
  13. Yo, I’m seriously feeling overwhelmed here. It’s like I’m getting crushed, like a cart loaded down with a ton of sheaves. You feel me? That’s exactly how I’m feeling right now.
  14. So, like, those who used to be all about speed will lose their swiftness, and even the strong won’t be able to boost their power. The mighty won’t be able to save themselves, man. (P.S. ‘himself’ in Hebrew means ‘his soul’ or life, yo)
  15. The sharpshooter won’t stand a chance, no matter how quick they are! Even riding a horse won’t save them!
  16. Yo, even the bravest warriors will bail butt naked on that day, says the Lord. They might front like they’re tough, but when push comes to shove, they won’t have the guts to stick around. #Truth
Amos 3
  1. Yo, listen up, fam! God’s got a message for all y’all Israelites, the whole crew He rescued from Egypt. Check it out:
  2. Out of all the squads on this planet, I’m only tight with you, fam. So, just know, I gotta drop some consequences on you for all the sketchy stuff you’ve been pulling. (Visit upon = Hebrew for punish)
  3. Like, can two people chill together and vibe unless they’re on the same wavelength?
  4. Yo, can a lion flex in the jungle if it hasn’t snagged any prey? And will a young lion roar from its crib if it’s got nada?
  5. Yo, can a bird get caught in a trap if there ain’t no trap set? Like, would someone pick up an empty trap from the ground and caught zilch?
  6. Yo, if a dope vibe hits the city and the squad ain’t phased? And if there’s straight-up chaos going down that ain’t from the Lord? Nah, fam, you better find shelter. The Lord ain’t letting anything slide.
  7. Fr, the Lord GOD doesn’t move without letting his homies, the prophets, know what’s up.
  8. Did you hear that lion roar? Bro, it’s straight up powerful! And when the Lord GOD speaks, it’s like, whoa! How can you not start dropping prophecies? It’s next level!
  9. Yo, spread the word in all the bougie spots in Ashdod, and in all the luxe places in Egypt. Tell everyone to gather up on the epic mountains of Samaria and peep the mad chaos and struggles going down. #RealTalk, folks there are going through some real hardships.
  10. They’re clueless about doing right, says the LORD. Instead, they keep stacking up violence and theft in their swanky cribs. (Robbery = loot)
  11. So, listen up, the Lord GOD is dropping this truth bomb, alright? There’s gonna be this major adversary circling the whole land, and they’re gonna wreck your strength and leave your fancy pads in ruins.
  12. God says: Just like a shepherd saves a couple of legs or a piece of an ear from a lion’s mouth, the peeps of Israel in Samaria will be saved—whether they’re squeezed in a corner of a bed or loungin’ on a couch in Damascus.
  13. Yo, listen up and spread the word in the crib of Jacob, says the Lord GOD, the Almighty.
  14. When I roll in to check Israel for their mess-ups, I’m also gonna handle those altars in Bethel. I’ll chop off their horns and bring ’em crashing down.
  15. And I’m gonna straight-up wreck that winter house, demolish it to the ground! Those fancy ivory houses? They’re gonna vanish too, no cap. The high roller mansions? They’re outta here, just like God said, for real!
Amos 4
  1. Yo, listen up, you bougie influencers in your ritzy spots, chilling in Samaria. You’re all about flexing on the underprivileged and grinding down the needy, while ordering your servers to fetch you another round.
  2. God just swore on His holy name, like, check it, there’s gonna come a time when He’s gonna hook you up and your offspring too, like catching fish.
  3. And you’ll bail through the breaches, with each influencer taking the lead, and you’ll be thrown in the slammer, declares the LORD. Toss out all those fancy gadgets from the slammer.
  4. Hey, head on down to Bethel and stir up some rebellion; at Gilgal, crank it up even more. And don’t forget to drop your sacrifices every morning and your tithes every three years. Yeah, three years straight!
  5. And hey, throw down a rad sacrifice with some leaven, and spread the word about those freebies, ’cause that’s your vibe, you hipsters of Israel, says the Lord GOD. #burnbabyburn #spreadthelove
  6. I’ve scrubbed your cities squeaky clean and caused a nationwide bread shortage, but you still haven’t bounced back to me, says the LORD.
  7. So, check it out, I totally shut down the rain, like three months before harvest, you feel me? Then I let it pour in one city but kept it bone dry in another. So, one place was lush and thriving, while the other dried up and withered away.
  8. And like, a few cities—maybe even three—were all desperate, hitting up this one city for water, but it was wild ’cause they couldn’t find enough to quench their thirst. Can you believe it? And despite all that, you still haven’t come back to me, says the LORD.
  9. I laid down some serious devastation on you: even with your epic gardens, vineyards, fig trees, and olive groves, they all got wrecked by those annoying bugs. But still, you haven’t turned back to me, says the Lord.
  10. I totally unleashed some major plague vibes among you, just like back in Egypt days. And let me tell you, I straight up took out your young ones with my epic sword moves, and swiped your horses too. Oh, and in case you missed it, I made the stench of your camps unbearable. But here’s the deal, you still haven’t come back to me, says the LORD. Like, seriously?!
  11. I’ve straight-up wiped out some of you, just like how God took down Sodom and Gomorrah. You were basically pulled out of a burning fire, but you still haven’t turned back to me, says the LORD.
  12. So here’s the deal, Israel: Because of all your crazy antics, this is what’s coming your way. Get ready, ’cause you’re about to have a real encounter with God, Israel.
  13. Yo, you gotta give mad props to the one who carves out those epic mountains, spins up the wind, and keeps us in the loop with his plans. And get this, he’s the one who brings deep darkness in the morning and rules over the highest peaks of the earth. We’re talking about The LORD, The God who’s in charge of all those awesome crews. That’s his name, no doubt. (Oh, and FYI, ‘wind’ here can also mean ‘spirit’.)
Amos 5
  1. Yo, check it out, fam! I’ve got a real talk for y’all, the crew in Israel.
  2. Bruh, Israel’s in a bad place. She’s down and out, deserted in her own turf with no one to back her up.
  3. Aight, listen up! This is what the Lord GOD is saying: The city that once had a thousand peeps will only have a hundred left, and the one that had a hundred will be down to just ten. This is what’s going down with the house of Israel.
  4. Yo, Israel crew, listen up! The LORD’s dropping a message on ya: If you wanna live your best life, make it your hustle to seek me out. No cap!
  5. Don’t even flex with Bethel or try to hit up Gilgal, and steer clear of Beersheba. Gilgal’s gonna get straight wrecked, and Bethel’s gonna be wiped out.
  6. Yo, if you wanna live your best life, you better chase after the LORD. ‘Cause otherwise, it’s gonna be lit like fireworks in Joseph’s hood, and trust, ain’t nobody in Bethel gonna be able to put out that fire.
  7. Yo, those who twist justice and ditch what’s right in this world,
  8. Check out the One who made the seven stars and Orion, who flips darkness to light and turns day into night. He commands the seas to pour out over the earth. That’s the LORD for ya.
  9. Like, dude, watch out! This power backs up the ones who got robbed and amps them to take on the tough guys. It’s like the robbed ones breaking into the fortress. #justice #powerboost
  10. People can’t handle being called out or hearing the truth in public.
  11. Yo, listen up! So, like, because you’ve been trampling on the poor and straight up jacking their grain, let me drop this truth bomb on you: You might have fancy houses built with fancy stones, but guess what? You won’t be living in ’em! And those sweet vineyards you’ve been tending? Yeah, you won’t be sipping any wine from ’em either! #KarmaIsReal
  12. Yo, I’ve seen all the shady stuff you’ve been up to—major sins, causing pain to innocent peeps, taking bribes, and denying justice to the struggling ones. Not cool, dude. Not cool.
  13. Sometimes it’s best to stay low-key when times are tough, ’cause it’s seriously messed up out there.
  14. Yo, make it your vibe to spread good vibes, not get caught up in the bad stuff, ya feel? That’s how you’ll thrive and all. And for real, the LORD, the God who’s got everyone’s back, will roll with you, just like He’s been saying.
  15. Hate what’s evil and seriously love what’s good, and make fairness your thing. Maybe the Almighty God, the Lord of everything, will show love to those who stick with Him.
  16. So God, the ultimate boss, says this: There’s gonna be crying everywhere, and people on every street will be like, ‘Oh no! Oh no!’ Farmers will be mourning, and all the experts in complaining will be wailing.
  17. And yo, there’s gonna be mad tears and stuff in all the vineyards, ’cause I gotta come through, says the LORD.
  18. For real though, listen up. You might be hyped for the day of the LORD, but trust me, it ain’t gonna be what you expect. It’s gonna be straight-up dark, no light at all. So just chill and think twice about what you’re hoping for.
  19. Picture this, okay? You’re haulin’ butt away from this massive lion, just tryna save yourself. And just when you think you’re safe, bam! Out pops a bear, totally killin’ your vibe. Or you finally find shelter in a house, feelin’ all relieved, and then bam! You lean on the wall and bam! A sneaky snake bites you outta nowhere. Talk about some seriously bad luck, dude.
  20. Like, won’t the day of the LORD be crazy dark, like, zero light at all? Seriously, it’s gonna be pitch black, no brightness anywhere.
  21. I’m so over your fancy feast days, like, they’re seriously overrated! And your solemn assemblies? Total letdown, #notimpressed.
  22. Yo, those burnt offerings and fancy meat sacrifices? Not my thing. And those peace offerings with your fat livestock? Yeah, I’m not even looking at ’em. Peace out! 🙅‍♂️
  23. Stop with the loud tunes! I’m not feeling those violins anymore.
  24. Let justice flow like water, and righteousness be a mighty stream.
  25. Yo, did you really think all those sacrifices you offered during those forty years in the wilderness were enough, fam? I’m calling you out, House of Israel!
  26. But yo, you’ve been flexin’ with your Moloch’s crib and statues of Chiun, that lit star god you made for yourselves.
  27. So, I’m gonna take you captive beyond Damascus, says the LORD—btw, His name is The God of hosts.
Amos 6
  1. Uh oh, major issues for those who think they’re all cool in Zion, acting like they rule up on the mountain of Samaria. They’re strutting around like they’re the kings of the nations, but remember, it was the house of Israel who started this whole thing!
  2. Yo, peep Calneh, then check out Hamath, that dope city. After that, swing by Gath of the Philistines. Are they even on the same level as these kingdoms? Is their turf bigger than yours?
  3. Yo, all you frontin’ and brushing off the consequences of your shady moves, bringing violence and chaos into your own lives;
  4. They kick it on fancy ivory beds, lounge on plush couches, and chow down on prime lamb and top-notch calf meat—all about that luxe life.
  5. They vibe to the sound of the violin, dropping sick beats with all kinds of lit instruments, just like David did.
  6. They sip wine from fancy cups and slather themselves with luxury potions, but couldn’t care less about Joseph’s struggles.
  7. So they’re gonna get snatched up with all the other captives, and their bougie parties are gonna be totally shut down.
  8. OMG, the Lord GOD, like, swore by Himself—yeah, says the LORD, the God of hosts—that He’s totally fed up with how Jacob thinks he’s all that and hates his fancy mansions. So, He’s gonna hand over the whole city, every single thing, no exceptions. #savage #micdrop
  9. Yo, like, even if there’s just ten dudes chillin’ in one spot, they’re gonna end up biting the dust.
  10. And his cool uncle will swoop in, along with the cremator, to clean up the bones from the pad. They’ll be like, ‘Hey dude, anyone else left?’ And he’ll be like, ‘Nah, man.’ Then they’ll be like, ‘Chill bro, we can’t even say the name of the LORD. It’s off-limits.’
  11. Yo, peep this, the LORD is straight-up commanding and stuff, and He’s gonna wreck that fancy mansion with major damages, and the humble pad with serious structural issues. #OopsieBreeches #TinyTear
  12. Like, for real though, do horses even run on rocks? And who even uses oxen to plow there? You guys have totally messed up justice and flipped righteousness into poison.
  13. You really think it’s lit to flex on something totally worthless? Seriously though, you actin’ like we got superpowers on our own?
  14. Yo, listen up! I’m bringin’ a nation against you, Israel, says the LORD, the ultimate boss. They gonna give you trouble, from Hemath all the way to the wilderness. (BTW, ‘river’ could also mean ‘valley’).
Amos 7
  1. Yo, check it fam, the Lord God showed me something lit. He had these grasshoppers poppin’ up right when the plants were making a comeback after the king chopped ’em down. Mad impressive, right?!
  2. So, like, after they munched through all the grass in the land, I was like, ‘Hey, Lord GOD, please forgive us. Who’s gonna save Jacob? He’s, like, so small.’
  3. God flipped the script on this one: It’s a no-go, says God.
  4. Yo, peep this fam, the Lord God showed me something like this: He’s like, ‘Yo, I’m bringing the fire to straight up wreck everything, even the deep waters. It’s about to go down!’
  5. So I was like, ‘Yo, Lord GOD, can you please chill? Like, who’s gonna help Jacob come up? He’s totally small and all. Who’s gonna have his back?’
  6. The LORD straight up changed His mind about this: Nah, it’s a wrap, says the Lord GOD.
  7. So then, I peeped it for real: the Lord was posted on this straight-up wall He made, holding a plumbline like a boss.
  8. Yo, God hit me up like, ‘Amos, what’s good? What you seein’?’ And I was like, ‘A plumbline, yo.’ Then the Lord was like, ‘Check it, fam. I’m ’bout to drop a plumbline right in the middle of my homies in Israel. I ain’t gonna ignore ’em no more, you feel me?’
  9. The lit spots of Isaac gonna be deserted, and the holy hangouts of Israel gonna get wrecked. And I’m gonna pull up on Jeroboam’s crib with my sword, no cap.
  10. Yo, check it, this Amaziah dude, the priest from Bethel, hit up Jeroboam, the king of Israel, and was like, ‘Yo Jeroboam, Amos is straight up plotting against you, stirring up drama in the whole Israelite crew. His words are too much for the land to handle.’
  11. Yo, Amos was spitting facts like, Jeroboam gonna get wrecked with the sword, and Israel gonna straight up get bounced from their own turf, no cap.
  12. Amaziah was all, ‘Hey Amos, you’re a seer, right? Well, do yourself a favor and bounce to Judah. Go chill there, grab a bite, and drop your prophecies there, man.’
  13. Yo, don’t be droppin’ any more prophecies in Bethel, aight? That’s the king’s turf, his palace and all. You dig? #sanctuaryvibes #kingdomlife
  14. Amos fired back at Amaziah and was like, “Listen up, dude, I wasn’t born no prophet. I was just out there chillin’, herding sheep and snaggin’ those sweet sycomore figs, the wild ones.”
  15. So, like, the LORD straight up grabbed me when I was just chillin’ with the flock, and He was like, ‘Yo, go and drop some truth bombs on my peeps in Israel.’ #BehindTheScenesVibes
  16. Yo, listen up, peeps, tune in to what the LORD is saying: Don’t be out there prophesying against Israel or dissin’ the house of Isaac, okay?
  17. So, like, this is what the LORD says, yo: Your spouse is gonna get scandalous in the city, and your kids – both boys and girls – they’re gonna face the sword, ya feel? And your land, man, it’s gonna get split up all over the place. Plus, you’re gonna die in a messed-up land. And, for real, Israel’s gonna end up in captivity, away from their own turf.
Amos 8
  1. Ayo fam, listen up! The Lord God just dropped some major truth on me. Check it out, there’s this dope basket filled with summer fruits, like, totally ripe and ready to be devoured!
  2. And God was like, ‘Yo Amos, what’s good?’ And I was like, ‘Bruh, I see this lit basket of summer fruit.’ Then God straight up told me, ‘Dude, it’s a wrap for my people in Israel. I’m not gonna let their stuff slide anymore.’
  3. And on that day, the vibes in the temple will turn into intense cries, says the Lord GOD. Dead bodies will be scattered everywhere, and they will be disposed of in silence.
  4. Yo, listen up, squad! You who straight up exploit the less fortunate, causing them to suffer—pay attention,
  5. They’re all like, ‘When is this dumb new moon gonna be over so we can sell our corn? And the Sabbath? Can’t wait for that to be done so we can flex our wheat and scam people by skimping portions and hiking prices. Oh, and let’s not forget those janky scales for cheating folks.’
  6. So, are we seriously gonna trade the poor for some cash and swap the needy for some fresh kicks? And hustle off the leftover wheat? Really?
  7. God has promised, by the greatness of Jacob, that He will never ever forget anything they do.
  8. Yo, won’t the land be shook by this? Everyone living there gonna be mourning. It’s gonna rise up like a massive wave, and get washed away and drowned, just like the flood of Egypt.
  9. Yo, listen up fam! The big guy upstairs, the Lord GOD, He’s saying that one day, I’m gonna make the sun go down at high noon, and I’ll darken the whole earth during broad daylight. For real!
  10. And I’m gonna turn your lit parties into straight-up sadness, and all your hype jams into mournful tracks. Everyone will be rocking sackcloth like it’s the latest trend, and sporting bald heads like it’s the hottest look. It’s gonna be the saddest event ever, like mourning for an only child, and it’s gonna be a seriously bitter day, fam.
  11. Yo, check it! The Lord God’s saying there’s gonna come a time when people won’t hear His Word. It won’t be like running out of bread or being super thirsty, but like starving for His teachings.
  12. They’ll be searching everywhere, from sea to sea and all the way up north to the east, trying to find the word of the LORD, but they won’t find it.
  13. On that day, all the beautiful ladies and dudes will be parched and completely worn out.
  14. Those who boast about the sin of Samaria, saying ‘O Dan, your god is awesome!’ or ‘Yo, Beersheba’s vibe is top-notch!’— They’re in trouble, fam. They’ll crash hard and won’t recover. 🚫💔
Amos 9
  1. So, I saw the Lord posted up on the altar, and He was like, “Yo, strike the top of the doorframe so the pillars shake. Bust ’em on the head—all of ’em. Then I’ll finish ’em off with the sword. No one’s slipping away; those who try to bail won’t make it.” (Alternative: “Yo, hit that cool top part of the door so the posts shake. Mess ’em up. Anyone trying to run won’t get far.”)
  2. Even if they try to go all out, digging down to the depths of hell or trying to climb up to the skies, I can still yank ’em back down.
  3. Even if they try to hide up on Carmel’s peak, I’ll find ’em and drag ’em out. And if they think they can vanish in the deepest sea, I’ll send a serpent to nip ’em there—no place to hide, no escape.
  4. Even if they get snagged by their enemies, I’ll be the one telling their swords to do the slicing. I’ll keep tabs on them, but only to bring trouble, not good vibes.
  5. The Almighty God, the ultimate boss, is the one who touches the earth and it goes wild, melting away. Everyone living there will be devastated, mourning like it’s a funeral. It’ll rise up like a massive flood, swallowing everything just like in Egypt.
  6. He’s the one who builds his epic sky castles and sets up his crew here on earth; he’s the boss who tells the sea to bring out water and cover the whole planet. His name? The LORD. #skygoals #squadgoals #waterworks
  7. Yo, check it out! You all, yeah, you Israel crew, aren’t you just as dope as the kids from Ethiopia in my view? That’s right, I’m the LORD who brought Israel out of Egypt, and I even helped the Philistines peace out from Caphtor, and the crew from Syria bounce from Kir. Pretty rad, huh?
  8. Yo, listen up! The all-knowing Lord God is totally watching that wicked kingdom, and I’m gonna erase it from the map. But don’t stress, ’cause I won’t wipe out the house of Jacob completely, says the Lord.
  9. Yo, listen up! I’m about to command and scatter the house of Israel all over the world, like when you sift corn in a sieve. But don’t trip, not a single grain will be lost. #NoFOMO
  10. Anyone in my crew who’s out here sinning is gonna face the consequences, thinking they can front like there won’t be any repercussions.
  11. On that day, I’m gonna restore the fallen tabernacle of David and fix up all the cracks in it. I’ll rebuild it just like it was in the good old days.
  12. So they can inherit what’s left of Edom and all the other nations that recognize me as their God, says the LORD who makes it happen. #blessed
  13. Yo, listen up! God’s saying there’s gonna come a time when the person plowing the field will catch up to the one gathering crops, and the one crushing grapes will be right behind the one planting seeds. It’s gonna be wild, ’cause even the mountains will flow with wine, and all the hills will be gushing like melted chocolate. Trust me, it’s gonna be epic! By the way, in Hebrew, ‘soweth’ means ‘draweth forth,’ and ‘sweet’ can also mean ‘new.’
  14. And I’m gonna help my squad in Israel break free from captivity. They’ll rebuild those deserted cities, move in, and start planting vineyards to enjoy some top-notch wine. They’ll also make rad gardens and feast on the tasty fruits they grow.
  15. And I’ll firmly plant them in their own land, no more getting uprooted ’cause I’ve totally given them that place, says the LORD your God.