2 Timothy

2 Timothy 1
  1. A’ight, fam, it’s your boy Paul, handpicked by the man upstairs, droppin’ knowledge about the lit life Jesus promised us.
  2. Yo, Timothy, my ride or die! Sending you mad blessings – grace, mercy, and peace straight from the man himself, God the Father, and our main bro, Jesus Christ!
  3. Gotta give a shoutout to God, holdin’ it down since day one with my crew. And yo, I’m always keepin’ you in my prayers, 24/7, no cap.
  4. Been thinkin’ ’bout kickin’ it with you, rememberin’ how you were feelin’ down, so I can turn those tears into smiles;
  5. Yo, when I think about that solid faith you got, big ups to your grandma Lois and your mom Eunice for passin’ it down. And let me tell ya, I’m hella sure you got that same energy.
  6. Just a little reminder to tap into that divine gift from God inside you, all ’cause I blessed ya with my vibes.
  7. God didn’t lace us with fear, but with power, love, and a chill vibe.
  8. So, like, don’t be ashamed to rep the word of our main man, or about me catchin’ heat for it. Embrace the grind of spreading the good news, and trust in God’s strength to see you through.
  9. Yo, our savior who gave us a holy purpose, it wasn’t ’cause of our own hustle, but ’cause of his divine plan and grace, laid out in Christ Jesus way before anything went down,
  10. But now it’s all out there, thanks to our boy Jesus Christ. He straight up canceled out death and put life and immortality on blast through the gospel.
  11. So, like, I’m on this real mission, you feel me? I’m here to preach, spread the word, rep as an apostle, and teach the non-Jews. That’s my jam, bro.
  12. So, I’m goin’ through it too, but I ain’t trippin’, ’cause I know who’s got my back and I’m sure they can hold it down until the end. (Believed can also mean trusted, just so you know.)
  13. Keep holdin’ onto those wholesome truths you learned from me, grounded in faith and love through Christ Jesus.
  14. Cling tight to that important duty you’ve been given, guided by the Holy Spirit who’s chillin’ within us.
  15. You know how pretty much everyone in Asia bounced on me, even Phygellus and Hermogenes.
  16. Yo, big shoutout to Onesiphorus and his fam; ’cause he held it down for me, even when I was locked up, never frontin’ about it:
  17. So, when he rolled through Rome, he straight up hunted me down, and guess what? He found me, no cap!
  18. May the Lord bless him with mercy when judgment day rolls around for all the ways he had my back and held it down for me in Ephesus. You know he came through, for real!
2 Timothy 2
  1. Alright, fam, let’s break it down. My dude, you gotta stay locked into that mad love and grace that Jesus hooks us up with.
  2. Share what you’ve learned from me with reliable peeps who can spread the word further, with plenty of witnesses to back it up.
  3. So, like, stay solid and keep grindin’, ’cause you’re like a real soldier reppin’ for Jesus.
  4. A soldier caught up in everyday drama can’t fully rep the one who recruited them.
  5. And yo, if someone’s chasing after those W’s, they ain’t getting that crown unless they’re playing fair, fam.
  6. The farmer who puts in the work should be the first to enjoy the fruits of their labor.
  7. Think about what I’m saying, and may the Lord help you understand it all the way.
  8. Don’t forget, fam, Jesus Christ, straight up from David’s bloodline, came back to life, no cap, just like I’ve been preachin’:
  9. Yo, I’ve been dealing with some real struggles, you feel? People treating me like a criminal, locking me up and all that. But let me tell you, the word of God ain’t never gonna be silenced, it’s always gonna be free.
  10. So, like, I’m staying patient and pushing through everything for the chosen ones, so they can also secure that ultimate salvation in Jesus Christ, complete with endless glory.
  11. Check it, if we’re ready to go all-in and make sacrifices for, we’ll experience true life with too. No cap.
  12. If we ride out the tough times, we’ll come out on top with Him. But if we turn our backs, He’ll do the same to us.
  13. Even if we lose faith, He stays true to Himself and can’t deny who He is.
  14. Just a reminder, don’t waste time on pointless arguments that do no good but instead mess with people’s heads. And hey, put this message out there in front of the Lord.
  15. Put in the effort to prove yourself worthy in God’s eyes, like a pro who ain’t ashamed, by understanding and sharing the truth.
  16. Avoid getting caught up in irrelevant chatter, ’cause it’ll only lead to more ungodly behavior.
  17. And watch out for those spreading false memes: Hymenaeus and Philetus, they’re part of the problem; did they really start this mess?
  18. Some folks out there got it all twisted about the truth. They’re saying the resurrection already went down, like, game over. And that’s messing with some people’s faith.
  19. But God’s truth stands firm, backed up by this fact: God knows His own. So, anyone claiming to follow Christ better steer clear of wrongdoing.
  20. Yo, in a dope house, there’s not just fancy bling made of gold and silver, but also some basic stuff made of wood and clay. And guess what? Some things are for flexing and honor, while others are just trash.
  21. So, like, if a person ditches all that garbage, they become this sick vessel of honor, all purified and ready to be used by the master, you know? And they’re totally ready to do some real good.
  22. Let go of those wild desires that come with being young and restless: instead, embrace doing what’s right, having faith, spreading love, and seeking peace with those who call on the Lord.
  23. Skip those dumb and pointless debates, ’cause you know they just stir up unnecessary drama.
  24. The Lord’s servant shouldn’t be all about arguments and drama, but should be chill with everyone, good at explaining things, and able to keep it cool when things get rough.
  25. Humbly teach those who oppose themselves; maybe God will help them see the truth and change their ways;
  26. So they can escape the devil’s trap, who’s got them captured and under control as he pleases. (awake from their slumber) (taken alive)
2 Timothy 3
  1. Yo, heads up fam, as we near the end times, stuff’s gonna get real intense.
  2. Future vibes? People gonna be mad self-absorbed, always craving more, flexin’ for clout, hella arrogant, dissin’ all that’s sacred, straight rebelling against their folks, ungrateful AF, and totally unwoke.
  3. They ice cold, breaking promises left and right, spreading fake news, no self-control, straight-up hostile, disrespecting the real ones.
  4. Betrayers gonna be wildin’, reckless AF, thinking they’re top dog, putting their own pleasure over the real higher power;
  5. Frontin’ like they righteous but don’t even believe. Swipe left on those types.
  6. Watch out for those creepers sneakin’ into houses, preying on innocent souls weighed down by sin, easily tempted by their own desires.
  7. Always chasing knowledge but never clocking the real truth.
  8. Yo, remember back when there were these two clowns, Jannes and Jambres, who went head-to-head with Moses? Same vibe now, haters be clashing with the real truth. They clueless about faith, man. #NoJudgment
  9. But they ain’t goin’ far, their stupidity gonna be exposed, just like it was for them.
  10. But yo, you already hip to my teachings, my grind, my goals, my faith, my hustle, my patience.
  11. So, peep this, I dealt with major drama, haters be trippin’ in Antioch, Iconium, and Lystra, you dig? It was rough, but yo, God had my back, saved me from all that noise.
  12. Yeah, all the homies tryna walk the righteous path with Jesus gonna catch flak and face trials.
  13. But these shady cats and smooth talkers gonna keep levelin’ up in deceit, playin’ themselves as they play others.
  14. Stay on your grind, stay true to what you learned, and remember who schooled you!
  15. Since you were a youngin’, you been vibin’ with the sacred texts, droppin’ wisdom and leading you to salvation through Jesus Christ.
  16. Listen up! All Scripture comes straight from God, mad useful for schooling, calling out BS, fixing mistakes, and keepin’ it real. Trust, it’s legit.
  17. So the squad of God can stay on point, fully stacked for all the epic moves they gotta make. #NoFilterNeeded
2 Timothy 4
  1. Yo, peep this! I’m dropping some serious truth bombs in front of God and Jesus Christ, the OG judges who gonna assess everyone, alive or dead, when they step into their kingdom.
  2. Spread the word, stay woke 24/7, whether it’s trending or not; call out, correct, and hype up with patience and knowledge.
  3. There’s gonna be a time when folks can’t handle the realness; instead, they gonna chase whatever floats their boat and vibe with teachers who just tell ’em what they wanna hear.
  4. They gonna straight ghost the truth and get caught up in fairytales.
  5. Keep grinding, stay strong when it gets real, spread that gospel like a boss influencer, and show you’re all in for the mission.
  6. Yo, I’m ready to bounce, looks like it’s time to dip.
  7. I’ve fought the good fight, finished my hustle, stayed true, no cap:
  8. I’m hyped ’cause I know there’s this lit reward waiting for me in the future—like a dope crown of righteousness. The Lord, the real MVP judge, gonna hook it up on that day. And guess what? It’s not just for me, but for all the squad hyped to see Him too.
  9. Make sure you link up with me ASAP, aight?
  10. So, Demas dipped, fully into the world, jetted to Thessalonica. Crescens is reppin’ Galatia, and Titus chillin’ in Dalmatia.
  11. Me and Luke holdin’ it down, but yo, bring Mark through ’cause he’s fire in the ministry game.
  12. Oh, and FYI, Tychicus on his way to Ephesus.
  13. Grab that jacket I left at Troas with Carpus when you slide through, and don’t forget the books, but most importantly, scoop up them parchments, fam.
  14. Yo, Alexander, that coppersmith? Dude did me dirty. But you know what? Big man upstairs gonna handle him. Karma’s real, my dude.
  15. Watch out for that one too, been throwing shade on everything we preach. #Can’tLetTheHatersBringUsDown
  16. When trouble hit, nobody had my back. Everyone bounced. Prayin’ God don’t hold it against ’em.
  17. But yo, the Lord came through, gave me mad strength, so I could spread the word far and wide, even to the non-Jewish crew. No cap, saved from some serious danger!
  18. God gonna save me from all the nonsense, keep me safe till I hit heaven: and we gonna give props to God forever and ever. Amen.
  19. Shoutout to Prisca, Aquila, and Onesiphorus’ fam!
  20. Erastus holdin’ it down in Corinth, but left Trophimus in Miletum ’cause he wasn’t feeling it.
  21. Make sure you slide through before winter hits, aight? Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, Claudia, and the whole squad send their peace.
  22. May Jesus be with you and bless you. Amen. Second letter to Timothy, top dog of the Ephesus church. Written from Rome when Paul was dealing with Nero again.