2 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians 1
  1. Ayo, Paul, Silvanus, and Timotheus sliding into the Thessalonians’ chat, representing God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, ya feel? 👍
  2. Sending you all some major grace and peace vibes from the man upstairs, God our Father, and the OG himself, Jesus Christ. Stay blessed, fam!
  3. Gotta give props to the Big Guy upstairs, fam, ’cause you guys are on fire with your faith, and the love and support you show each other are unmatched, no cap.
  4. We’re hyped to shout you out in the divine squad because you’ve been patient and faithful despite dealing with all the haters and tough times. You’re straight-up champs! 🙌
  5. This shows that God’s judgment is legit, and by staying strong through tough times, you prove you’re worthy of His kingdom:
  6. Listen up, fam, God’s all about justice. He’ll make sure those causing you trouble get what’s coming to them. It’s just how He rolls, no cap.
  7. And for those of you going through a tough time, chill with us, ’cause when the Lord Jesus comes back with His squad from heaven,
  8. Like, bringing down some serious heat on those clueless about God, who ain’t down with the good news of our Savior, Jesus Christ, you dig? 😤🔥
  9. They’re gonna get wrecked with eternal destruction, far from God’s presence and His epic power.
  10. When He rolls up, flexing with His holy crew, getting props from everyone who believed (y’all actually bought what we were selling) on that day.
  11. So basically, we’re always sending prayers your way, ’cause we want the man upstairs to see you as deserving of His special purpose, and we hope He’ll make all the good stuff happen in your life ’cause He’s cool like that. Oh, and we hope your faith gets some serious muscle! (Just so you know, ‘count’ means ‘vouchsafe’).
  12. So that our Lord Jesus Christ’s name can shine through you, and you can rep Him, all thanks to the amazing grace from our God and Lord Jesus Christ.
2 Thessalonians 2
  1. Yo fam, check it out! We’re here to chat about our homie Jesus Christ and how we’re all gonna vibe with him. It’s gonna be lit, like, kickin’ it around him and all.
  2. Don’t let yourself get all stressed, whether it’s from your own head, some drama, or even a text from us, saying the end is near.
  3. Don’t get played, aight? Before things go down, there’s gonna be a big rebellion, and this super shady dude, the son of destruction, gotta make an entrance first, you catch my drift?
  4. This person’s straight up disrespecting anything that’s godly, acting like they’re the real deal, posted up in the temple, thinking they’re God.
  5. Remember when I was chillin’ with y’all and dropped some truth bombs?
  6. Now you know what’s holding back the show until the right moment.
  7. The sneakiness is already going down, but someone’s holding it back until they’re outta here.
  8. Then that shady character will get called out, and the Lord gonna flex his power and take ’em down with his epic entrance.
  9. This dude’s gonna pop up after Satan’s been causing chaos, throwing down power moves, signs, and some next-level tricks,
  10. And there’s gonna be a bunch of people buying into lies, doing shady stuff. They ain’t about the truth, so they ain’t getting saved.
  11. That’s why God’s gonna let ’em believe some fake news,
  12. So basically, if you weren’t about the truth and were doing sketchy stuff, you’re gonna face the music.
  13. But hey, big shoutout to God for y’all, fam! He’s been loving you since day one, picking you for salvation through the Holy Spirit and believing in the real deal, you get me?
  14. He called you through our message to experience the awesome glory of Jesus Christ.
  15. So, fam, stay solid and keep living out what we’ve taught you, whether we were chatting or texting.
  16. Gotta give props to our main dude Jesus Christ and God, our Father. They got mad love for us, hooking us up with eternal comfort and hope through their grace, ya feel?
  17. Take a breather and spread those good vibes. Let your words and actions make a real impact, fam.
2 Thessalonians 3
  1. Ayo fam, could y’all toss us some prayers? We’re all about spreading the good Word, hoping it blows up like wildfire, just like it’s been doing with y’all. Keep it lit, ya feel? 💯
  2. So we don’t gotta deal with any haters and negative vibes, ’cause not everyone’s on the faith train. (unreasonable: Gr. absurd)
  3. But the big man upstairs got your back, you know? Always stayin’ real, keepin’ you steady, shieldin’ you from all that negativity.
  4. And we’re fully vibin’ with the Lord when it comes to you, trustin’ that y’all are gonna keep rockin’ what we’ve been preachin’.
  5. Ayo, may the Lord lead your hearts to fully embrace that Godly love, and keep it chill while waitin’ for Christ to slide through. And by chill, I mean on the same level as Christ Himself.
  6. Ayo fam, listen up. In the name of our boy Jesus Christ, we’re tellin’ you to bounce from any homie actin’ all crazy and not vibin’ with our flow.
  7. Y’all know the deal, how we roll, ’cause we didn’t bring the chaos when we were kickin’ it with y’all;
  8. We never mooched off anyone’s stash. We hustled hard day and night, grindin’ so we wouldn’t be a burden to any of y’all.
  9. It ain’t ’cause we’re weak, but to set a dope example for y’all.
  10. Ayo, even when we were hangin’ with y’all, we straight up said if someone ain’t about that grind, they shouldn’t be gettin’ fed.
  11. So, we heard there’s some folks lurkin’ ’round with no discipline, not puttin’ in work, just busybodyin’ around.
  12. Alright, to all those cats out there, we’re throwin’ it down, shoutin’ out from our boy Jesus Christ – hustle in peace, mind your own business, and enjoy your own stash.
  13. Ayo, fam, don’t get worn out doin’ good.
  14. And if anyone ain’t vibin’ with what we’re layin’ down here, peep that and keep ’em at arm’s length, so they know what’s up.
  15. But don’t treat ’em like enemies, nah, give ’em a friendly heads-up like you would to a sib.
  16. May the OG of tranquility bless you with that solid peace, no cap, in every way possible. Shoutout to the Lord, chillin’ with all y’all.
  17. Ayo, it’s Paul signin’ off with my own hand, like always. That’s just how I do, fam.
  18. May Jesus Christ’s grace be with all of you. Amen. This is the end of the second letter to the Thessalonians, written from Athens. 🙏