2 Peter

2 Peter 1
  1. Ayo, it’s Simon Peter, just your average servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, dropping this mad important message to all y’all who are rocking that top-tier faith with us, all thanks to God’s righteousness and our Savior Jesus Christ. (Oh, and BTW, Simon goes by Symeon too! And when we say ‘our God and Savior,’ we mean the one and only!)
  2. Ayy, may grace and peace be totally stacked up in your life as you get to know more about God and Jesus, our main homie.
  3. God’s infinite power hooked us up with all we need for a lit life and to be godly, by knowing Him who called us to live our best life with honor and excellence.
  4. Check it, fam: we’ve been blessed with some seriously dope promises. Like, they’re next-level amazing and crazy valuable. These promises are like our key to unlock our godly potential, and we can bounce out of the messed-up stuff in this world caused by our desires. No cap.
  5. Yo, listen up! Along with all that, make sure you grind to level up your faith, add some virtue to your game, and stack up that knowledge.
  6. And like, focus on gaining knowledge and having self-control, ’cause with self-control comes patience, yo. And with patience, aim to be godly and all that, ya feel?
  7. And as part of living that godly life, show kindness to one another like true fam and spread love and compassion.
  8. If you’re rocking these qualities and they’re overflowing in you, they’ll make sure you stay woke and not stagnant in your understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ. Stay sharp, fam!
  9. But if you’re lacking in these things, you’re clueless and can’t see what’s ahead. You totally forgot you ditched all your past mistakes.
  10. Hey fam, listen up! Put in work and grind hard to solidify your purpose and destiny. ‘Cause if you stay on top of things and handle your business, you won’t ever stumble or fail, ya dig?
  11. Yo, if you stay on this path, you’ll be hooked up with a major VIP entrance into the epic kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s gonna be lit, trust.
  12. So, I ain’t slacking in reminding you about all this, even though you’re already in the loop and grounded in the truth that’s popping right now.
  13. Yeah, it’s crucial, while I’m still chilling in this temporary spot, to hype you up by reminding you of some things;
  14. Like, I know soon I’m gonna bounce from this temporary body of mine, just like our main man Jesus Christ made it clear to me.
  15. And I’m gonna make sure even after I’m out, you won’t forget about all this, you feel me?
  16. Ayo, just so you know, when we told y’all about the powerful presence of our main man Jesus Christ, it wasn’t some made-up story or fairy tale. We straight up saw it go down with our own eyes, no cap, and it was mind-blowing.
  17. Yo, God totally showed mad love and respect to Jesus, man! I mean, when this epic voice came from the ultimate glory, it was like, ‘This is my super beloved Son, the one who I’m totally hyped about!’
  18. And we straight up heard this voice from heaven when we were chilling with him on the holy mount.
  19. We got a super reliable prophecy going on here. It’s legit important for you to pay attention to it, like a beam of light cutting through the darkness. Hold onto it tight until the day comes and your hearts light up with the day star.
  20. First things first, understand that no scripture prophecy is meant for just one person to decode.
  21. Back in the day, prophecies weren’t just made up by people, but by holy people inspired by the Holy Spirit. Like, not just in ancient times, but for real, anytime.
2 Peter 2
  1. Yo, peep this: Back in the day, there were these fake prophets, right? Well, guess what? There’s gonna be fake teachers among y’all too. They gonna slide in with some jacked-up beliefs, straight-up denying the Lord who died for ’em, and it’s gonna end in their own quick downfall.
  2. And, like, a bunch of folks will totally start following these whack and harmful ways, which will, like, totally make people talk smack about the path of truth.
  3. And these people, driven by greed, gonna use shady words to exploit and profit off of you. But their punishment, which been looming for a grip, can’t be delayed no more, and their condemnation won’t be put to rest.
  4. Yo, if you think God let angels slide when they messed up, you’re dead wrong. He straight-up sent them to hell, and locked them up in some dark chains, waiting for judgment day.
  5. And like, God totally didn’t hold back and didn’t spare the old world, but He totally saved Noah, the eighth bro, who was all about spreading righteousness vibes, and He brought down the whole flood thing on the world full of the ungodly dudes and dudettes.
  6. And, like, totally wiped out the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha, because of their wickedness and stuff, as a warning to all those who choose to live in a totally godless way.
  7. And God saved Lot from being disturbed by the gross behavior of the wicked people:
  8. (So like, for that totally righteous dude who lived with them, ya know, he was constantly bugged by all the messed up stuff they did, like seeing it and hearing about it all the time. It seriously messed with his totally righteous soul, man, ’cause they were just doing all these wrong and illegal things, you feel me?)
  9. God knows how to protect the righteous from temptations and will save the wicked for judgment day when they gonna face punishment.
  10. But especially those who live according to their worldly desires, chasing impure passions, and showing disrespect towards authority. They are arrogant and stubborn, unafraid to trash-talk those in power.
  11. Unlike angels, who are powerful and strong, they don’t go around trash-talking people to the Lord.
  12. But like, these people, they’re like clueless animals, designed for destruction, go around talking smack about stuff they have no clue about; and they’re totally gonna self-destruct due to their own messed up ways.
  13. They gonna get what they deserve for their wickedness, like those who enjoy causing chaos during the day. They’re like stains and flaws, having fun deceiving others while they party with you.
  14. Their gaze is constantly drawn towards infidelity, and they can’t resist the temptation to sin. They deceive those who are easily swayed, and their hearts are consumed by greedy desires. They are like cursed individuals, skilled in coveting what belongs to others. (adultery: Greek term for an adulteress)
  15. They’ve totally ditched the right path and gotten hella lost, going after the same messed up ways as Balaam, who was all about that love for shady money!
  16. But he got called out for his wrongdoing: the idiotic donkey straight-up talked and put a stop to the prophet’s crazy guff.
  17. These things are like empty wells, floating clouds caught in a storm; destined to be covered in eternal darkness.
  18. When they use flashy and empty words, they attract and tempt those who have managed to break free from the wrong beliefs, all by appealing to their desires and indulging in excessive pleasures. (Some read it as ‘just for a little while’)
  19. They be like, ‘Yo, we’ll give you all the freedom!’ But fam, truth is they’re just slaves to all the messed up stuff. ‘Cause whoever you let control you, that’s who ends up owning you, straight up.
  20. Like, if someone has like totally escaped all the messed up stuff in the world and found the truth and salvation in Jesus Christ, but then goes and gets all caught up in that same junk again and gets totally beat down, well, let me tell ya, things are gonna be way worse for them than when they started.
  21. Like, it would’ve been way better for them to not even know what righteousness is, instead of knowing it and then totally bailing on the holy commandment they were given.
  22. Well, it’s like this saying came true for them: the dog goes back to its own vomit, and the pig that got cleaned up just can’t resist getting dirty all over again.
2 Peter 3
  1. Aye fam, dropping my second letter for all you beloved peeps. Time to light up those pure minds with some OG memories.
  2. Remember what the holy prophets and us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, laid down back in the day, you know?
  3. Yo, listen up fam. In the future, there’ll be haters dissing on what’s good, just doing their own thing.
  4. And peeps be questioning when this guy’s gonna roll back, you feel? Been a minute since our ancestors bounced and everything’s still status quo since day one.
  5. Yo, peeps be clueless about how back then, God spoke and made the heavens pop, and how the earth was set up with water all around it and inside. (FYI, ‘standing’ here means ‘consisting’, ya feel?)
  6. So, like, the world back then got totally flooded and like, wiped out, ya know?
  7. Yo, the sky and earth we got right now, they’re held in check by that same power, waiting for the day when everything’s gonna get lit during judgment time, taking out all those who reject God.
  8. Yo, fam, tune in! Don’t sleep on this: time’s different for the Lord. Like, a single day to Him is like a thousand years to us, and vice versa. Mind-blowing, right? 🙌
  9. God ain’t dragging His feet on His promises like some peeps think; He’s just patient with us, not wanting anyone to miss out, but wanting everyone to change their ways and find forgiveness.
  10. But yo, the day of the Lord gonna creep in like a stealth-mode ninja; skies gonna go BOOM with a crazy noise, and everything in nature gonna straight up melt from blazing heat. The whole earth and all the stuff on it gonna get burned up, fam.
  11. So, since everything’s gonna get wiped out, how should y’all really act – talkin’ about being all holy and godly and stuff, ya know?
  12. Eagerly waiting and leveling up for the day when God shows up, and the skies burst into flames and the elements start melting like crazy heat?
  13. But hey, like, we’re banking on what God promised, ya know? We’re pumped for a whole fresh vibe – new heavens, new earth – where everything is righteous and chill.
  14. Yo, fam, since y’all expecting that kinda stuff, make sure to grind so you can be chill with Him, all peaceful and clean, free from any fault.
  15. Yo, just remember that our Lord’s patience leads to salvation, like how our homie Paul dropped some wisdom he got from above and wrote to y’all, ya feel?
  16. In all his letters, he talks about these things. Some of it can be pretty confusing, and those who ain’t got the knowledge or are all over the place twist it up, just like they do with other scriptures, only to bring themselves down.
  17. Yo fam, pay attention. You guys, who I love so much, already know what’s up. But watch out, ’cause you could end up getting caught up in some shady stuff and lose your own stability, for real.
  18. Keep leveling up in grace and gaining mad knowledge about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He’s the real deal and deserves all the glory for all time. Amen, fam.