2 John

2 John 1
  1. Ayy, big ups to the chosen queen and her crew, you know I got mad love for y’all and I ain’t the only one. We all about that real talk and truth in this house.
  2. Straight up, the truth lives in us and it’s gonna ride with us forever.
  3. Sending you all those good vibes like grace, mercy, and peace from the OG himself, God the Father, and Jesus Christ, the OG’s kid. Keep it authentic and spread that love, fam. Catch you later.
  4. I was hyped when I peeped that your kids were staying authentic and staying on that right path, just like we’ve been coached by the Big Guy.
  5. Yo, just a quick check-in, girl, not like I’m laying down some new law or anything, but just a reminder of what’s been on our radar from the jump, that we should be showing love to each other.
  6. And bro, that’s what love is all about – staying true to his vibe. His rules are like the ultimate GPS. Since day one, we’ve been coached to stick with it and keep walking that line.
  7. Bro, there are so many posers out there, straight up deceivers, acting like Jesus Christ never even touched down in human form. That’s some next-level deception, basically making them anti-Jesus.
  8. Yo, check yourselves before you wreck yourselves, so we don’t lose all the dope progress we’ve made and instead, we can secure that major glow-up. Just saying, make sure you hold onto what you’ve gained, cool?
  9. If anyone ain’t vibing with or rejecting Christ’s teachings, they ain’t vibing with God. But if someone’s sticking true to Christ’s teachings, they got that direct line to both the Father and the Son.
  10. If someone rolls up on you not living by this vibe, don’t even let them through your door and don’t even give them a shout-out from the man upstairs.
  11. ‘Cause if someone’s backing up someone who’s on that shady tip, they’re just as responsible for the shade they’re throwing.
  12. Ayy, got a lot on my mind for you, but I ain’t about that pen and paper life. Nah, I’m hoping we can link up in person, chop it up face to face, you feel? That way, our joy levels will be through the roof. For real!
  13. The crew from your girl’s hood sends their love. Amen.