2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 1
  1. Ayy, it’s Paul! I’m repping Jesus hard ‘cause that’s straight up what God wanted. Big shoutout to my boy Timothy. This message is for all the squad in the church of God in Corinth and all the real ones in Achaia.
  2. Yo, may grace and peace be all up in your life, straight from God our Father and my homie, the Lord Jesus Christ. Keep it chill.
  3. God is lit, fam! He’s like the ultimate dad to Jesus and the real OG of mercy and comfort, you feel me?
  4. God’s got our back when life gets rough, so we can be there for others when they’re going through tough times, using the same comfort we’ve gotten from God.
  5. Just like how Christ went through a ton of suffering, we also get a whole lot of comfort from Him.
  6. Whether we’re going through tough times, it’s for your comfort and salvation. And if we’re finding comfort, it’s for your comfort and salvation too.
  7. And we believe in you, knowing that just as you share in the hard times, you’ll also experience comfort.
  8. Yo, fam, just wanna keep you in the loop about the crazy situation we went through in Asia. It was seriously overwhelming, like way beyond what we could handle. We were so drained and discouraged, thought we might not even make it out alive.
  9. But, like, we were basically ready to throw in the towel, knowing we can’t rely on ourselves but on God, the one who brings the dead back to life. That’s the real deal.
  10. This guy saved us from a major death scare, and he keeps on saving us. We trust he’s gonna keep coming through for us.
  11. Yo, also, keep those prayers coming for us, so the love and support we’ve been given by many can be appreciated by everyone on our behalf.
  12. We’re stoked because we’re living with a clear conscience, trying to keep it real and godly. We’re not relying on our own wisdom or thinking we’re all that, but on God’s grace. Our actions and how we live speak louder than words.
  13. So, basically, we’re just writing to you to clarify, not throwing anything new your way. We’re only talking about what you already know. And I’m confident you’ll keep on getting it until the end.
  14. Just like you’ve shown love and support for us, bringing us joy, we feel the same way about you when the Lord Jesus comes.
  15. So, I was really planning to come see y’all earlier with full confidence, so we could experience something awesome together.
  16. And, like, I’m planning to swing by Macedonia first and then head back to you. You guys can totally help me out and see me off on my journey to Judaea.
  17. So, when I planned this, was I just saying stuff lightly? Or when I make plans, am I just basing them on my own desires, saying both yes and no?
  18. But, for real, God is legit, so when we speak to you, we ain’t flip-flopping or anything. Word.
  19. Yo, let’s talk about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He was preached to you by me, Silvanus, and Timotheus. And let me tell you, he wasn’t wishy-washy. Nah, in him, it was always a solid YES!
  20. All of God’s promises in Jesus are totally legit and lit, and in Him, it’s like, ‘Yes!’ and ‘Amen!’ to bring glory to God through us, fam.
  21. The one who hooks us up with you in Christ and blesses us, is none other than God.
  22. God has also locked us in and given us the real deal of the Spirit deep down in our hearts.
  23. Just so you know, I swear to God that I haven’t come to Corinth yet because I didn’t want to make things harder for you.
  24. We don’t control your faith, but we’re here to boost your happiness. ‘Cause when you’re believing, you’re unstoppable.
2 Corinthians 2
  1. But seriously, I’ve made up my mind not to bring any negativity when I come back to you.
  2. If I bring you down, then who’s gonna lift me up, except the one who’s also feeling down because of me?
  3. I texted you this, just in case I get bummed out by those I should’ve been excited about when I show up. But I totally trust you guys got this, and my happiness vibes with all of you.
  4. I was going through a lot of tough times, and my heart was hurting so bad when I wrote to you, tears streaming down my face. It’s not to make you sad, but to show you how much love I have for you, overflowing and all.
  5. If anyone’s caused grief, it’s not like they’ve totally wrecked me or anything, just a bit, you know? So I won’t lay it on heavy.
  6. For a dude like that, the punishment is totally enough. Everyone saw it go down. (And by punishment, I mean like, a big call-out session.)
  7. Instead, you should forgive him and show support, ’cause you don’t want him to be totally overwhelmed with sadness.
  8. So, I’m just asking y’all to really show your love for him, you feel?
  9. I wrote this to see if you’re really on point and obedient with everything. Just testing the waters, fam.
  10. If you forgive someone, I forgive them too, ’cause when I forgive someone, it’s for your benefit in the name of Christ; or, in a way, like Christ himself forgiving them.
  11. So Satan doesn’t outsmart us, ’cause we know exactly how he rolls.
  12. So, when I arrived in Troas to spread the word about Christ and His good news, God totally hooked me up with an opportunity, you know?
  13. My spirit was so restless ’cause I couldn’t find my homie Titus. But after saying my goodbyes, I bounced and headed to Macedonia.
  14. Shoutout to God for always making us win in Christ and spreading His knowledge through us everywhere we go!
  15. ‘Cause when it comes to God, we’re like that amazing vibe of Christ, both for those who are saved and those who don’t make it:
  16. For some people, we might be like a vibe of death leading to more death, while for others, we might be like a vibe of life leading to more life. Like, who even has the skills to handle these situations, you know?
  17. Yo, real talk, there aren’t many people like us, twisting up God’s word and all. Nah, we keep it real, striving to honor God and speak with pure intentions, knowing He’s watching, all in Christ’s name. Respect.
2 Corinthians 3
  1. Do we really gotta start flexing on ourselves again? Or are we just craving those shoutouts and commendation posts?
  2. You guys are like our soul-speaking social media posts, seen and followed by everyone in the online world.
  3. So, like, it’s mad obvious that you guys are legit repping Christ. We’re talking about the Spirit of the living God writing His message on your hearts, for real. No stone tablets here, just hearts of flesh, ya feel?
  4. And we got this mad trust in Christ towards God:
  5. We can’t handle everything on our own and come up with dope ideas solo, you know? We rely on God for all our strength and abilities.
  6. God’s made us lit influencers of the new covenant; not just about rules, but driven by our inner passion: rules alone can crush, but our passion brings true life.
  7. But, yo, if the whole death thing, written on stones, was lit, to the point where the Israelites couldn’t even handle looking at Moses’ face cuz it was blazing; that glory was fading, you know?
  8. Isn’t the work of the Spirit gonna be even more amazing though?
  9. ‘Cause, like, if being all judgy and condemning is kinda impressive, being all about doing the right thing is way more impressive. It’s like, next level glory.
  10. Even the most fire thing ain’t got no chance against this next level glory, you know? It’s like, so lit that everything else fades into the background.
  11. Bro, if the old stuff was cool, the new stuff is even cooler.
  12. Since we got hope, we’re gonna speak up bold and straight.
  13. And not like Moses, who covered his face with a veil, so the Israelites couldn’t fully see what was up:
  14. But they couldn’t get it: even till now, there’s a barrier preventing them from fully getting the old testament; that barrier gets removed through Jesus Christ.
  15. Even now, when people read about Moses, their hearts stay closed.
  16. But once you start seeking the Lord, the fog clears up.
  17. Yo, the Lord is totally Spirit vibes, you know? And where the Spirit of the Lord is, there’s ultimate freedom.
  18. But yo, we all, with a clear view like checking ourselves out in a mirror, see the stunning greatness of the Lord. And guess what? We’re transformed into that same dope image, leveling up and shining brighter, just like how the Spirit of the Lord does it. Mind-blowing, right?
2 Corinthians 4
  1. So, like, we’re all about this rad ministry, and we’ve been shown mad mercy, so we’re not throwing in the towel, you feel me?
  2. But we’re done with the fakeness and sneakiness, no more trying to twist God’s word; now it’s all about keeping it real and proving ourselves to everyone’s conscience in God’s sight.
  3. But if our gospel seems whack, it’s ’cause it’s whack to those who are lost:
  4. The ruler of this world has totally messed with the minds of the non-believers, so they can’t see the dope truth of Jesus, who’s basically God in human form.
  5. We’re not out here flexing for ourselves, but we’re all about lifting up Christ Jesus; we’re just the crew serving you because of Jesus, you know?
  6. Yo, like God, who straight up said ‘Let there be light’ back in the day, has totally shone in our hearts to give us the insight into how amazing and glorious God is through Jesus Christ. Like, it’s so legit, dude. (hath means He who hath, by the way)
  7. But like, we’ve got this dope treasure, right, but it’s all in these basic vessels, you know? So the lit power it’s got comes straight from God, not from us messing it up.
  8. Going through a lot, but not totally losing our cool; feeling confused, but not throwing in the towel;
  9. Dealing with haters, but still got the squad; facing tough times, but we ain’t gonna crumble;
  10. Carrying the sacrifice of Jesus in our bodies, so that the power and presence of Jesus can shine through our lives.
  11. ‘Cause we, who are alive, constantly face challenges for Jesus’ sake, so that Jesus’ life can shine through our imperfect human selves.
  12. So like, death’s doing its thing, but there’s this whole vibe of life going on with you.
  13. We totally vibe with that same spirit of faith, like it’s written, I believed, so I spoke up about it; and now, we’re all about living that faith life and speaking our truth too;
  14. Knowing that the one who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us through Jesus and will unite us all together.
  15. Everything we go through is for you, so that God’s amazing grace can shine through the gratitude of many, giving glory to God.
  16. So we’re not giving up, even though our bodies might wear out, our inner selves are getting stronger every day.
  17. The struggles we face might seem heavy now, but they’re just temporary. They’re actually setting us up for an epic and eternal kind of glory.
  18. Instead of just focusing on what’s in front of us, let’s look beyond. You see, the things we see with our eyes are only temporary, but the things we can’t see have a forever impact.
2 Corinthians 5
  1. ‘Cause, like, we know that if our earthly bods get trashed, we’ve got a heavenly setup straight from God, a chill spot that’s outta this world.
  2. ‘Cause, yo, we’re totally done with this world and we just can’t wait to level up, vibing in our heavenly crib, you feel?
  3. Like, if we’re decked out, we won’t end up looking basic, you know?
  4. ‘Cause those of us stuck in this temporary gig feel a sense of unrest and heaviness. Not ‘cause we wanna ditch our bodies, but ‘cause we’re craving something bigger to cover us, so our human nature can get a major glow-up.
  5. So, like, God’s the one who made us for this exact gig, and He’s hooked us up with a taste of the Spirit.
  6. That’s why we stay confident, you know? Like, we’re just cruising in these bodies, but that means we’re not kickin’ it with the Lord, ya dig?
  7. ‘Cause we believe in what’s real, not just what we peep:
  8. We’re totally sure, like, dead serious, that it’s way better to peace out from our physical forms and hang with the Lord, ya know?
  9. That’s why we hustle hard, whether we’re here or not, to get props from Him. #GrindMode
  10. Yo, we all gotta show up before Christ’s big judgment scene, ya feel? Everyone’s gonna be called out for everything they did in their bods, whether it’s dope or not, squad.
  11. Yo, squad, acknowledging how awesome the Lord is, we try to convince people to roll with Him. And yo, not only is God peeping us, but I bet our message is hitting you deep in your soul too.
  12. We ain’t trying to flex on you again, but we wanna give you something to rep for us. This’ll help you clap back at those who talk big but ain’t about it, frontin’ like they’re something they ain’t. (Note: ‘in appearance’ means they just fakin’.)
  13. Whether we wildin’ out or keeping it real, we’re doing it all for God or for your benefit.
  14. Our love for Christ guides us and helps us make this call: if Christ died for everyone, then everyone was dead.
  15. And, like, he totally laid it down for everyone, so that those who are living can stop being self-absorbed and start living for Him, the one who died for them and even bounced back.
  16. So like, from now on, we ain’t sizing people up based on surface-level stuff, ya know? Even though we used to see Christ like just another person, now we’ve leveled up and we see Him differently, dude.
  17. So, like, if anyone’s totally in Christ, they become a whole new vibe. All the old junk is out, like, vanished! Peep it, everything becomes, like, fresh and new. Like, for real!
  18. So, like, everything flows from God, who totally brought us back to Him through Jesus Christ and also gave us the mega important task of bringing others back too;
  19. Basically, God was in Christ, making things right between Himself and the world, not keeping score of their screw-ups. And He gave us the job of spreading the word about forgiveness.
  20. Listen up, crew! We’re like reps for Christ, spreading God’s message to you. On Christ’s behalf, we’re urging you to make peace with God.
  21. ‘Cause he’s taken on our sins, even though he never sinned himself, we get to be pure and righteous through God, all thanks to Him.
2 Corinthians 6
  1. Yo, peeps, we’re all on Team God, right? Don’t waste the epic grace He’s hooked you up with.
  2. He’s like, “Hey, I got you when you were down, like a total legend. Now’s your shot to get things straight and snag that salvation. Don’t snooze, fam, this is your moment.”
  3. Keeping it low-key, no drama, to keep the haters away from the ministry:
  4. But in every sitch, we’re reppin’ as God’s true squad. We’re patient AF, tough through the grind, face the struggles, and keep grindin’ through the hard times.
  5. From taking hits, getting locked down, dealing with all sorts of craziness, hustling, pulling all-nighters, and even going on hunger strikes; (or, just dealing with life’s rollercoaster)
  6. By being real, staying woke, staying chill, showing kindness, guided by the Holy Spirit, and spreading that real love.
  7. With straight-up truths, God’s power on fleek, and flexin’ that righteousness from every angle,
  8. Dealing with both props and shade, having both good and bad rep: seen as tricky, but always true;
  9. Maybe we’re not on everyone’s radar, but we’re big deals to the right crew; we may stumble, but we bounce back and keep it lit; we face discipline and tough times, but we stay lit.
  10. Even when I’m down, I keep that good vibe flowin’. Even if my pockets ain’t stacked, I’m bringing abundance to the table. Might look like I got nada, but trust, I’m living large where it counts.
  11. Ayo, Corinthians, listen up! We’re spittin’ truth, showin’ that our love for y’all knows no bounds.
  12. We ain’t holding you back, it’s your own feels that do.
  13. Alright, let’s talk payback, fam, time to level up.
  14. Don’t cuff someone who ain’t vibin’ with your faith, like, for real. What’s a righteous homie got in common with a shady one? And like, light and dark? Nah, they don’t mix.
  15. Like, why even pair Christ with Belial? And what’s the deal with believers and non-believers? They’re from different galaxies, man.
  16. Seriously, why would God’s crib chill with idols? Y’all are God’s hangout spot, alright? He’s posted with you, walkin’ beside you. He’s your God, and you’re His ride-or-dies, no question!
  17. So, listen up. God’s calling you to dip from that scene and do you. Keep clear of the negativity and shady stuff. If you do, trust, God’s got your back and is ready to welcome you with open arms.
  18. And I’ll be your main dude, and you’ll be my ride-or-dies, says the Big Man Upstairs, the OG Almighty.
2 Corinthians 7
  1. So, like, check it, since we got these lit promises, fam, let’s drop all the toxic vibes in our lives, both IRL and spiritually, and focus on leveling up our holiness game while showing mad respect to Big G, aight?
  2. Accept us, y’all; we ain’t done dirt to nobody, didn’t mess with anyone’s flow, didn’t pull any shady moves.
  3. Yo, I ain’t trying to call you out or nothing, ’cause you know you’re squad deep in our hearts, rolling together through thick and thin.
  4. I gotta keep it real, I got mad confidence in what I’m saying to y’all. And yo, I’m seriously proud of you too. It’s like a major vibe boost, bringing me joy despite all the rough patches we’re navigating.
  5. So, when we touched down in Macedonia, we were straight-up drained, facing drama from every angle. It was like constant battles outside and anxiety on the inside.
  6. But check this, Big G, always coming through for those feeling low, lifted our spirits when Titus pulled up.
  7. And it ain’t just his presence, but how much better he felt ’cause of the love and support you showed him. He spilled about your deep longing, your sorrow, and how you held it down for me. It warmed my heart, for real.
  8. So, even though my message hit you in the feels, I ain’t really sorry. Well, okay, maybe a bit at first, but then I realized, yeah, it stung for a minute.
  9. I’m hyped, not ’cause you felt bad, but ’cause you owned up and made moves to make it right. Your repentance game was on point, and it’s all good now.
  10. When you genuinely feel remorse for your actions, it sparks a transformation that leads to redemption, and you won’t regret it. But if it’s just worldly guilt, it’s a one-way ticket to ruin.
  11. Yo, peep this: when you were feeling that godly sorrow, it lit a fire under you to get real and get it together. You got focused, got serious, felt a righteous anger, and maybe a touch of fear. You wanted it bad, you were all in, and you were dead set on making things right! You showed you’re legit about this life in every way.
  12. Just so you know, I ain’t hitting you up to point fingers or stir the pot. It’s all about showing love, straight from Big G’s playbook.
  13. So, we were feeling major comfort from your vibes, for real. And we were amped for Titus, ’cause you all boosted his spirits big time, fam.
  14. If I’ve been hyping you up to him, no shame here. We kept it a hundred with you, and it turns out, our praise to Titus about you was totally legit.
  15. And he’s got mad love for you, remembering how you showed him love and respect with a mix of reverence and humility.
  16. It’s dope knowing I can count on you for anything, no cap.
2 Corinthians 8
  1. Ayo, squad, gotta spread the word on that lit grace of God blessing up the churches in Macedonia. It’s straight fire!
  2. Even in the struggle, when times were tough and cash was tight, their vibe was all about mad joy, overflowin’ and makin’ ’em give big, way beyond their means. (liberality: Gr. simplicity)
  3. Gotta give props, they blew my mind with how they went above and beyond, no cap.
  4. They were straight-up beggin’ us to take their gift, join forces, and serve the saints together.
  5. And they flipped the script, puttin’ God first, then us, all ’cause that’s what the big man upstairs wanted.
  6. We were hyped for Titus to roll through and finish up the dope work he started with y’all, spreadin’ that same good energy. 💯 (grace: or, gift)
  7. So, since you’re killin’ it with your faith game, speakin’ up, knowin’ your stuff, and showin’ love, make sure you’re killin’ it with this awesome grace too.
  8. Not tryna be all bossy, just sayin’ ’cause everyone else is feelin’ it. It’s all about showin’ that love for real.
  9. Y’all know how Jesus flexed that epic grace, right? Even though he had it all, he straight up went broke for y’all, so you could be blessed. Pretty dope, huh?
  10. Here’s the deal: keep it up, keep that same energy you had a year ago, and keep it goin’ strong. (forward: Gr. willing)
  11. Do it like you were mad eager to start. Prove you’re ready to follow through on what you said.
  12. If you’re really down, it’s cool as long as you’re doin’ what you can with what you got, not stressin’ over what you don’t.
  13. Not tryna make it easy for others while you’re strugglin’, nah.
  14. But let’s keep it real, aim is to make it fair. Your extra helps those in need, and theirs helps you. It’s all about keepin’ it level, you feel?
  15. Like it says, the hoarder didn’t end up with more, and the one who had just a bit didn’t run out.
  16. Big shoutout to God for givin’ Titus that love and passion for y’all, fam.
  17. He got the message and was all in, even though he wanted to visit y’all anyway.
  18. And we got this brother, known for spreadin’ the good word in all the churches, chillin’ with him too.
  19. Plus, this one was chosen by the churches to roll with us, bringin’ their talents to the table, honorin’ the same Lord, and showin’ off your willingness and hype. (grace: or, gift)
  20. Let’s keep it real, no shady business with this generous stuff.
  21. Doin’ right, whether God’s watchin’ or not, and even when everyone else is watchin’.
  22. Our bro’s comin’ through, always on point, and now even more so, all ’cause we trust y’all. (For real, no cap!)
  23. If anyone asks about Titus, he’s my right-hand man, always got my back with y’all. And if you got questions about our brothers, they’re the top reps for the churches, spreadin’ that Christ goodness.
  24. So, show ’em love, in front of everyone, let ’em know how much we appreciate y’all.
2 Corinthians 9
  1. Ayo, peeps, gotta talk real with ya about helping out your fellow believers, no cap.
  2. Y’all are straight-up fire, and I gotta flex on you to the squad in Macedonia. Remember how you were killing it in Achaia like a whole year back? Your passion was lit and inspiring AF.
  3. I’ve sent some homies your way, just so our hype about you doesn’t end up being for nothing. Gotta keep you prepared, you feel me?
  4. Imagine if the Macedonia crew rolls up with me and catches you slippin’. That would be hella embarrassing after all the bigging up.
  5. Had to make sure my fam heads your way and preps those dope gifts you’ve been hyping. Gotta keep it generous without any greed vibes.
  6. Listen, fam! If you’re stingy with your seeds, expect a weak harvest. But if you go all out and sow generously, you’ll reap big, no cap!
  7. Give from the heart, no pressure, no cap. God vibes with those who give with joy.
  8. And trust, God’s got you with those blessings so you can stay flexing in good deeds.
  9. It’s all over the books, man. God’s been blessing the less fortunate, His goodness is forever.
  10. The same one who gives you seeds to plant also hooks you up with bread for the table. He multiplies your seeds and ups the good deeds game.
  11. We blessed with everything, so let’s spread that blessing and thank God for real. #blessup
  12. Serving others ain’t just about meeting their needs, it’s about showing love and gratitude to God.
  13. When they peep how you’re living out the gospel by serving and giving generously, it’s all glory to God.
  14. And trust, they’ve been praying for you, hyped about the God-given grace flowing through you.
  15. Big shoutout to God for that insane gift He blessed us with. Can’t even put it into words. 🙌🎁
2 Corinthians 10
  1. Yo fam, it’s your boy Paul droppin’ some wisdom in the name of JC. Just a heads-up, even though I may seem low-key when I’m chillin’ with y’all, don’t sleep on the fact that I’ll speak my truth when I’m not around. Just keepin’ it real, ya feel?
  2. Listen up, squad! I ain’t tryna front like I’m all that when I’m with y’all. Yeah, I’m down to stand up to anyone who’s all about that surface-level life. But don’t get it twisted, I stay grounded.
  3. I know we’re livin’ in this physical realm, but our battles? They’re on a whole different level, not just some physical brawl.
  4. Our weapons ain’t basic, they’re straight-up lit ’cause of the big G upstairs, smashing strongholds like a boss. #Blessed
  5. Keepin’ it positive, staying humble before God, and taking control of our minds, aligning them with JC’s teachings and values.
  6. And stay ready to handle disobedience once you’ve locked in that obedience.
  7. You really out here judging based on appearances? If someone’s reppin’ JC, they best remember we all reppin’ the same squad.
  8. But yo, even though I could flex about the power the Big Man gave us to build y’all up, not tear you down, I ain’t gonna front or be ashamed about it.
  9. No cap, I ain’t tryna scare you with my messages.
  10. They talk mad smack ’bout his letters, but when he’s there in the flesh, they act like he’s weak sauce. (FYI, he’s got a different take on that.)
  11. Real talk, we’re the same IRL as we are online. So if you’re all cool in your texts, bring that same energy when we link up, ya dig?
  12. We gotta ditch the whole tryna fit in or compete with the so-called cool kids. Our worth ain’t measured by their standards. Trust, that’s a dumb move.
  13. But we ain’t flexin’ beyond our lane, only rockin’ with the standard Big G set, a standard that can even reach you.
  14. No cap, we ain’t actin’ like we’re too boujee for y’all. Truth is, we’re right here, spreading that JC goodness everywhere!
  15. Ain’t tryna flex on stuff we ain’t even put work into, or ride someone else’s coattails. But best believe, as your faith grows, we’ll be leveling up too, on our own terms, big time.
  16. Spreading the gospel where it ain’t reached yet, and not bragging ’bout what others did for us. (or guideline)
  17. But if someone wanna flex, let ’em impress us with their devotion to the Big Man.
  18. It’s not about boosting yourself to impress others, it’s about getting that recognition from the Man Upstairs.
2 Corinthians 11
  1. Yo, chill with me for a sec and bear with my antics, for real, just hang tight.
  2. I’m like your ride-or-die, but in a godly way: I’m committed to keeping you pure, so I can present you flawlessly to Christ.
  3. But, yo, I’m lowkey worried, ’cause, you know, the snake played Eve. I’m scared y’all might get sidetracked from the simple truth in Christ.
  4. So, if someone starts preaching a different Jesus, or if you’re vibing with some new spiritual wave, or if you’re buying into some twisted gospel, just hear them out, I guess. It’s your call, fam. Just saying!
  5. ‘Cause, honestly, I’m as legit as those apostle MVPs, you know?
  6. Even if I’m not the smoothest talker, I got wisdom for days. We’ve shown ourselves, no doubt.
  7. Was it wrong to hook you up with the good news, expecting nothing back, just to lift you up?
  8. I even borrowed stuff from other crews to help y’all out.
  9. When I kicked it with you, I didn’t mooch off anyone. The squad from Macedonia held me down. I didn’t want to burden y’all, and I’m keeping it that way.
  10. Listen up, fam, I won’t let anyone silence me about Jesus, especially in Achaia. Ain’t nobody shutting me down, you feel?
  11. So, why does it seem like I don’t care? But hey, God knows what’s good.
  12. Whatever I do, I’ll keep doing it to shut down the haters. They ain’t better than us, no matter what they boast.
  13. Those fake apostles are just that—fake. They’re fronting as Christ followers.
  14. No cap, Satan be flexing, shining bright like an angel.
  15. So, it makes sense if his crew acts all righteous. But in the end, they’ll get what’s coming based on their actions.
  16. Listen up! Don’t sleep on me, okay? Even if you do, just bear with me a sec, cool? Time to flex a bit.
  17. Gotta be real, what I’m about to say isn’t exactly God’s talk. It’s more like some bragging, but I’m feeling it.
  18. Since everyone flexes their looks, I’ll flex too.
  19. You vibe with the ignorant ’cause you’re wise AF.
  20. It’s a struggle when someone tries to control, exploit, or disrespect you.
  21. I wanna call out the haters who think we’re weak. But hey, I can flex too.
  22. They Hebrews? Same. Israelites? Yup. Descendants of Abraham? Got that too.
  23. Are they on Team Jesus? (No offense, but I got this.) I’ve hustled harder, been through more, faced death.
  24. Whipped by those Jewish peeps five times, 39 lashes each.
  25. Beaten with rods three times, stoned once (not the fun kind), shipwrecked three times, spent a day and night at sea.
  26. Been on crazy journeys, faced danger, dealt with my own people, city chaos, wilderness drama, sea struggles, and fake friends.
  27. Exhausted, in pain, hungry, thirsty, fasting, cold, naked.
  28. Besides all that, I’m worried about all the churches.
  29. Feeling down? Me too. Upset? Relate.
  30. If I’m gonna flex, it’s about my struggles.
  31. The OG, God, the Father of Jesus Christ, knows I’m keeping it real.
  32. So, in Damascus, the ruler under King Aretas had his squad ready to catch me:
  33. So, I dipped out through a window in a basket to escape.
2 Corinthians 12
  1. Yo, fam, I ain’t about boasting, but let’s chat about the epic stuff God’s shown me in visions and stuff.
  2. So, check this, like, I heard about this dude who was tight with Jesus, like, way back, like over 14 years or something. Not sure if he was there physically or had some out-of-body trip, only God knows. But yo, this guy got zapped up to the third heaven, bro. Wild, right?
  3. Met this dude, can’t tell if I saw him IRL or spiritually, IDK, only God knows.
  4. So, he gets taken to paradise and hears some next-level stuff that’s too crazy to spill.
  5. Props to him, but for me, I’m not gonna flex except about my flaws.
  6. Even if I wanted to brag, I’ll keep it real. But for now, I’ll chill so you don’t think I’m all about myself.
  7. And just to keep it real, so I don’t get too big-headed with all the dope things I’ve seen, Satan sent this annoying thing my way to keep me grounded, you feel?
  8. So, I begged the Lord three times to bounce this thing, you know?
  9. And He’s like, “Chill, I got you with my grace. When you’re weak, I’m strong, you dig?” So, I’m cool boasting about my flaws, ’cause that’s when Christ’s power shines.
  10. So, I find joy in the struggles and haters, all ’cause of Jesus. When I’m weak, that’s when I’m strong.
  11. It feels dumb boasting, but you made me. Should’ve got props from you, ’cause I’m up there with the top apostles, even though I’m nothing special.
  12. For real, apostle signs were lit—patience, miracles, mad skills.
  13. So, what sets you apart? I didn’t mooch off you, my bad if that irked you.
  14. Yo, listen up! Third visit’s happening, but don’t stress, not here for your stuff, but for you. Like, parents provide, not the kids.
  15. I’m down to give my all, but it seems the more I give, the less love I get back.
  16. But, like, I didn’t wanna hassle you, but low-key outsmarted you with some tricks.
  17. Did I flex too hard sending peeps your way?
  18. Wanted to see Titus, sent a bro with him. Titus cool with you? We on the same vibe, right?
  19. Think we’re capping? We’re real with God through Christ, but everything we do is for your growth.
  20. Worried when I pull up, you ain’t who I hoped. Don’t wanna beef, be jealous, or start drama.
  21. Just saying, when I’m back, God might humble me ’cause y’all still into some messed up stuff.
2 Corinthians 13
  1. Yo, peeps, I’m hitting you up for the third time now. You know the vibes – when a couple of squad members back something, you know it’s legit.
  2. Just a heads up, I’ve mentioned this before and I’m saying it again, even though I’m not chilling with you in person right now. I’m reaching out to those who messed up before and everyone else, letting you know that if I roll through again, I won’t be holding back.
  3. Need some receipts that Christ’s words in me are legit? Well, let me tell you, it’s not some weak sauce; it’s straight-up powerful in y’all.
  4. Even though he got nailed to the cross and seemed weak, he’s alive and kicking because of God’s epic power. We might seem weak too, but we’ll keep the vibe alive with him all because of God’s incredible power that’s coming your way.
  5. Hey, do a vibe check on yourselves, seriously, to make sure you’re still holding onto your faith. Take a real deep dive into your own selves. Don’t you realize that Jesus Christ is vibing in you? Unless, of course, you’re just not about it.
  6. But I’m confident you’ll catch on; we’re definitely not taking any Ls.
  7. Yo, I’m straight up praying to God that you don’t do any shady stuff. Not because we’re trying to flex or anything, but ’cause it’s all about doing what’s right, even if others think we’re a bunch of losers.
  8. Like, we can’t do anything against the truth, but we’re totally down to spread it.
  9. We’re hyped when we’re feeling low and you’re killing it: and we’re all about your growth and leveling up! #goals
  10. So, I’m dropping this wisdom even though I’m not there with you right now. I don’t wanna come off tough when I’m actually there, you feel? The Lord gave me this power to lift you up, not to bring you down.
  11. Yo, fam, before I dip, listen up. Strive for greatness, stay positive, stay united, keep the peace. And trust, the God who’s all about love and peace will ride with you.
  12. Spread some love with a sacred hug, fam.
  13. Yo, all the saints are sending their love your way.
  14. Yo, may the Lord Jesus Christ hook you up with mad grace, and God shower you with love, and the Holy Ghost keep y’all connected. Amen. Oh, by the way, Titus and Lucas penned this second letter to the Corinthians from Philippi in Macedonia.