1 Timothy

1 Timothy 1
  1. Ayo fam, it’s Paul, reppin’ Jesus Christ’s squad, ’cause God our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ said so, and He’s our ultimate hope, ya feel?
  2. To my main man Timothy, in the faith game: Sending you tons of grace, mercy, and peace from our heavenly Dad and Jesus Christ, our ultimate leader.
  3. So like, when I was kickin’ it in Macedonia, I straight up told you to hold it down in Ephesus and make sure nobody’s preaching any whack stuff, you dig?
  4. Don’t waste time on fake news and endless fam dramas that just stir up pointless drama. Instead, focus on lifting each other up in a way that’s all about boosting that faith. That’s the move, for real.
  5. So basically, the main aim of this rule is to spread love from a real heart, with a clear conscience, and with genuine faith:
  6. Some peeps have gone off track and started spewing empty talk instead;
  7. They wanna flex like they’re law experts, but they’re clueless AF about what they’re saying or if they’re even right.
  8. But, like, we know that the law’s actually pretty chill, ya know, as long as we use it right.
  9. Ayo, listen up – here’s the deal: the law ain’t for those who play by the rules, but for those who break ’em, rebel against authority, diss the divine, get up to shady stuff, disrespect what’s sacred, and even straight up take lives.
  10. For those into casual flings, those getting down with same-gender love, those snatching others up, those spreading lies, those swearing false oaths, and anyone going against the truth;
  11. Ayo, listen up! The lit news about our awesome God, who’s totally blessed, got handed down to me, yours truly.
  12. And shoutout to Christ Jesus, our ultimate bro, who totally backed me up ’cause he saw I was solid and hooked me up with this ministry hustle;
  13. Back in the day, I was out here dissing, harassing, just being all toxic and junk. But yo, I got blessed with some mercy ’cause I was straight up clueless and had no faith.
  14. God’s grace was like hella overwhelming, man! It came with mad faith and love, all ’cause of Jesus, ya know?
  15. Ayo, listen up! This is straight facts and everybody should be vibin’ with it. Jesus Christ came into this world to save us sinners, and I gotta admit, I’m at the top of that list.
  16. But lemme tell you why I got that sweet mercy – it’s so Jesus Christ can flex on all the haters with His endless patience, setting an example for all the future believers who wanna live that eternal life.
  17. To the OG King, who’s eternal, unstoppable, low-key invisible, the G.O.A.T wise God, mad respect and clout for all eternity. Word. Amen.
  18. Ayo, Timothy, listen up! I’m passin’ on this major task to you, my dude, just like the prophecies said. It’s time for you to step up and fight the good fight, man!
  19. Stayin’ loyal and true to your beliefs, and keeping yourself morally grounded; ’cause some peeps have straight up tossed their faith aside, endin’ up in a hot mess like a giant shipwreck.
  20. So there’s these two cats named Hymenaeus and Alexander, who I kinda handed over to Satan. It’s not as wild as it sounds! I did it to school ’em and help ’em realize not to be clowning sacred stuff.
1 Timothy 2
  1. Yo, fam, listen up: I’m all about spreading good vibes, sending prayers, looking out for others, and being grateful for everything. And I mean everyone, no exceptions. Trust me, it’s gonna make a huge diff!
  2. Show some love to the OGs and those in charge, so we can all chill and live our best lives with love and integrity. #Blessed
  3. It’s like, totally rad and lit in God’s eyes, our ultimate homie and savior.
  4. God’s vibe is all about wanting everyone to be saved and know the truth.
  5. So, peep this: there’s only one God, and Jesus is the real MVP, the one who connects God and us, you know what I’m saying?
  6. He straight-up sacrificed himself for everyone, and this epic story’s gonna be shared at the perfect moment.
  7. I’m on a major mission, no cap! (I’m not lying, I swear in Christ.) My gig is spreading the word to non-Jewish peeps about faith and truth.
  8. So, like, I’m all about everyone praying wherever, whenever. Just throw up those pure hands without any anger or doubt, ya dig?
  9. And girls, it’s cool to rock humble and modest threads, showing respect and self-control. Let’s keep it real, without getting caught up in fancy hairstyles, bling, or bougie outfits.
  10. But (and this is key for women who are all about godliness) through showing love and doing good deeds.
  11. Ladies, it’s cool to soak up knowledge without making a fuss and showing respect.
  12. But, like, I’m not vibing with a woman being the teacher or taking charge over the guy, you feel? She should just chill and keep it low-key, tbh.
  13. So, like, Adam was totally made before Eve and all that jazz.
  14. And Adam wasn’t the one who got duped or anything, but the woman, she fell for it and messed up big time.
  15. But yo, she’ll bounce back if they stay loyal, showing love and living a righteous life with some chill vibes.
1 Timothy 3
  1. Aight fam, peep this: If someone’s gunning to be a bishop, that’s some serious ambition right there.
  2. So, like, a bishop’s gotta be legit. He’s gotta be hella faithful to one boo, always woke, not getting lit, keeping it classy, welcoming af, and dropping wisdom bombs left and right, ya feel?
  3. Don’t get turnt on wine, don’t be out here starting drama, and definitely ain’t about that cash flow; but instead, stay chill, dodge conflicts, and don’t be all about the material grind.
  4. Homeboy gotta know how to run his own crib, keeping his fam in check with mad respect.
  5. (Like, if a dude can’t even handle his own crib, how’s he gonna handle God’s squad, am I right?)
  6. Don’t be acting all fresh, ’cause if you get too full of yourself, you’re gonna end up on the devil’s blacklist. (And by fresh, I mean someone new to the faith, just FYI!)
  7. Plus, he’s gotta have street cred with the non-believers, ’cause otherwise, he might catch some serious shade and fall into the devil’s traps.
  8. Deacons gotta keep it real, no gossipin’, no wildin’ out, and definitely not chasing that paper.
  9. Keeping it 💯 with that pure vibe, embracing the deep truth of faith with a clean conscience.
  10. And before they can rep as deacons, they gotta prove themselves and make sure they’re squeaky clean.
  11. Wifey gotta be on point too, no drama, no wildin’ out, but steady and loyal in everything.
  12. Deacons gotta stay loyal to their partner, holding it down for their kids and running their homes like a boss.
  13. Those who’ve served as deacons with mad skills will earn respect and confidence in their faith in Jesus Christ.
  14. Just dropping this message, hoping to link up with y’all real soon:
  15. But if I gotta chill for a bit, it’s so you know how to roll in God’s crib, which is like the ultimate HQ of the living God, the rock-solid foundation of all that’s real.
  16. No cap, the mystery of godliness is next level: God pulled up in human form, backed by the Spirit, seen by angels, preached to all the non-homies, believed on worldwide, then taken up in glory.
1 Timothy 4
  1. A’ight, check it, peeps! The Spirit’s dropping truth bombs about the future. Heads up, some are gonna ditch their faith for some shady vibes, buying into wack influences and twisted teachings.
  2. Spittin’ fake truths like they’re the real deal; their moral compass straight up fried like overcooked bacon.
  3. Dead serious, they out here tryna tell you can’t tie the knot and giving you the side-eye for chowing down on certain grub? Bruh, God hooked us up with those eats to enjoy and give thanks for, especially for those who got faith and know what’s good.
  4. God made everything lit, and nothing should get dissed, as long as you’re showing gratitude!
  5. ‘Cause it’s all blessed when God’s word and prayer are in the mix.
  6. Spread the word to your crew, you’ll be a solid minister of Jesus Christ, fully fueled by faith and legit teachings that you’ve leveled up on.
  7. Straight up ignore those weak and superstitious tales and focus on leveling up with positive vibes and spiritual growth.
  8. Yo, hitting the gym might get you lookin’ fly, but it ain’t gonna do jack for your soul. Being godly though? That’s the real plug. It sets you up for a lit life now and later. Trust, it’s worth it!
  9. Real talk, that’s a straight-up truth bomb and deserves all the props.
  10. So, we grind and catch flack ’cause we rep the real MVP, God, who’s saving everyone, but especially those who ride with Him.
  11. Spread these truths like wildfire and drop that solid guidance, fam.
  12. Don’t let anyone sleep on you ’cause you young. Show ’em what it means to be a believer through your words, actions, kindness, vibe, trust, and integrity.
  13. Until I roll through, stay focused on reading, inspiring others, and leveling up.
  14. Don’t underestimate your skills, fam. They came through a prophetic word and OG elders blessing you. Keep it real.
  15. Meditate on these truths, go all in on ’em, so everyone sees your glow-up.
  16. Stay on top of your game and the teachings, keep pushing, you dig? ‘Cause when you do, you ain’t just helping yourself, but also the squad vibin’ with you.
1 Timothy 5
  1. Don’t diss the elders, yo! Treat them like OG dads, and the younger crew, they’re your ride-or-die bros.
  2. Show older ladies that motherly love, and treat the younger ones like your squad, keeping it one hundred percent pure.
  3. Give props to those real widowed ladies, for real.
  4. But if any widow’s got fam, they gotta show love and repay their peeps first at home. ‘Cause that’s hella good and totally lit in God’s eyes.
  5. The real widow who’s feeling alone trusts in God and stays praying, day and night, seeking that divine help.
  6. But if you’re all about that high life, you’re missing out on the real deal.
  7. And, like, make sure you do all this without tripping up, so nobody can call you out.
  8. But if you ain’t taking care of your own fam, especially in your own crib, you straight up deny the faith and are way worse than a non-believer.
  9. Don’t add a widow under sixty, who’s only been hitched once, to your crew.
  10. She’s a straight-up legend, doing good like raising kids, hosting strangers, serving the saints, helping out those in need, and straight-up slaying every good deed without hesitation.
  11. But, like, younger widows? Nah, they gotta chill. ‘Cause if they start getting all flirty and stuff, going against Christ, they’ll just end up tying the knot again, you know?
  12. They’re in deep trouble ’cause they totally ditched their original belief.
  13. And they’re just chilling, going from place to place without doing anything productive. And not only that, but they’re also always gossiping and sticking their noses where they shouldn’t.
  14. So, like, it’s best if the younger ladies get hitched, pop out some kids, hold down the fort, and don’t give the haters any reason to talk smack. You know, gotta block those negative vibes!
  15. ‘Cause some have already fallen for Satan’s tricks, man.
  16. If any believer’s got widowed homies, hook them up without putting the church on blast. This way, the real widows get the support they need.
  17. Give mad respect to those experienced leaders who handle their business, showing them double love, especially those dropping wisdom bombs.
  18. Like, scripture says, don’t muzzle the ox while it’s treading out the grain. And the hardworking hustler deserves their due. So legit.
  19. Don’t just throw shade at an elder without receipts; make sure you got two or three witnesses backing you up.
  20. Call out those messing up in public so others can learn from their mistakes and think twice.
  21. Yo, listen up! I’m giving you a serious heads up in front of God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and all the heavenly squad. You gotta pay attention to what I’m spitting and keep it equal, no favoritism allowed! Zip, zero, nada!
  22. Don’t be getting handsy outta nowhere, and don’t get caught up in others’ drama. Stay in your lane and keep it pure.
  23. Bro, don’t just be chugging water all the time; have a little wine for your stomach and frequent aches.
  24. So, like, some people’s sins are out in the open, even before judgment day, while others catch up later.
  25. Similarly, some people’s good deeds shine bright from the start, and those who do dirt can’t hide forever.
1 Timothy 6
  1. Yo, listen up, all you who gotta answer to someone else, show some serious respect to your bosses. When you do that, you’re keeping it real for God, and showing love for what He’s about.
  2. And yo, if your bosses are all about their beliefs, don’t diss them just ’cause you’re on the same team. Show ’em some love, ’cause they’re part of the crew too. Spread that love and give ’em some props.
  3. But if anyone starts teaching some other stuff, not keeping it real with the words of our main dude Jesus Christ and the teachings that lift us up,
  4. They’re just talkin’ smack, actin’ all high and mighty but don’t know squat. They’re just into pointless arguments and stirring up drama. And guess what? That kinda vibe brings nothing but jealousy, fights, dissing others, and spreading lies. What a mess!
  5. Stay away from those who stay starting drama and got twisted minds, thinking they’re all that just ’cause they got paper. They don’t know what’s up. Keep your distance!
  6. Being chill and staying content is where it’s at.
  7. Just so you know, when we came into this world, we didn’t bring jack, and we ain’t takin’ nothing when we bounce.
  8. Long as we got food and swag, let’s be cool with that.
  9. But if you’re all about chasing that bag, watch out! It’s a trap that leads to nothing but trouble. You’ll get caught up in all sorts of messed-up desires that just mess you up and everyone around you.
  10. Listen up, fam! Being obsessed with cash is a big problem ’cause it leads to all kinds of messed-up stuff. Some peeps can’t stop craving it, and they end up losing their way, causing themselves mad pain. Stay woke, y’all! Don’t let the love of money fool you.
  11. Hey, fam of God, drop that nonsense and start chasing what’s real: goodness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and staying humble.
  12. Keep hustlin’ for your faith, grab onto that eternal life you’re meant for, the one you’ve been shoutin’ out about.
  13. Yo, listen up! I’m tellin’ you, straight from God, the one who gives life to everything, and in front of Jesus Christ, who held it down and stayed true when facing Pontius Pilate. (I’m talking about a real declaration of faith here, you feel me?)
  14. So, like, make sure you stick to this message, you hear? No slip-ups until our main man Jesus Christ comes back in all his glory.
  15. When that time comes, he’s gonna show up as the ultimate boss – the King of kings and Lord of lords, yo!
  16. The one who’s eternal, kickin’ it in a place so bright no one can even get close; nobody’s ever seen or can see that dude. He deserves all the respect and power forever. Amen.
  17. Tell those ballers out there not to get all cocky and trust in their fancy riches, but instead, put their faith in God, who hooks us up with everything we need to live it up. Don’t rely on that shaky money game, ya dig?
  18. It’s all about doing good, stacking up those good deeds, being generous with what you got, and being down to share with others; #spreadthelove
  19. Invest in the real deal for a solid future, so you can secure that eternal life.
  20. Yo, Timothy, hold onto what you’ve been given, and steer clear of all that empty talk and disrespectful chatter that leads nowhere. Don’t get caught up in those pointless arguments that front like they’re all about knowledge and science (knowledgee in the original Greek).
  21. Some peeps who claim they’re about the faith have gone off track. May grace be with you. Amen. “[This letter to Timothy was written from Laodicea, the most important city in Phrygia Pacatiana.]”