1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 1
  1. Hey Paul, Silvanus, and Timotheus, big shoutout to our Thessalonian crew holding it down for God the Father and the OG, Jesus Christ. Sending love and good vibes your way, straight from the big man upstairs.
  2. Just wanna give thanks to the man upstairs for all of you, keeping you in our prayers 24/7.
  3. Always remember, your faith is what keeps you grinding, spreading love, and staying patient, all because of our main dude Jesus Christ, in God and our Father’s eyes.
  4. Hey fam! Quick reminder to my beloved squad, you’re handpicked by God. Like, you’re His VIPs, chosen and cherished.
  5. Our message wasn’t just talk, it came with power, Holy Spirit style, and tons of conviction. You saw how we held it down when we were with you, doing everything to lift you up!
  6. And yo, you started following our lead and the Lord’s, even though it wasn’t easy, but you were hyped to hear the truth, all thanks to the Holy Spirit!
  7. So now, you’re setting the standard for all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia.
  8. You’re spreading the word, not just in Macedonia and Achaia, but everywhere your faith is making waves. We don’t even need to say more, it’s obvious.
  9. They’re spilling the tea about how we first came to you and how you ditched your old ways to worship the real deal, God. Talk about a glow-up!
  10. And listen, we’re waiting for his Son to make a grand entrance from the heavens. He’s the one who rose up and saved us from all the drama that’s about to go down.
1 Thessalonians 2
  1. Ayo, fam, just lettin’ you know, when we pulled up on you, it wasn’t for nothin’ or to waste time, aight?
  2. But yo, even after all the struggles we faced and got treated like straight-up trash, just remember what went down in Philippi, we still had mad courage in our God to come through and drop truth bombs about the gospel of God, even with hella challenges.
  3. Our message wasn’t fake or shady or sly, yo:
  4. Yo, like, God straight-up trusted us with spreading the good news, so we’re literally speaking with His backing. And peep this, we ain’t out here tryna please just anyone, we’re all about pleasing God ’cause He’s the one who really knows what’s up with our hearts and intentions.
  5. Yo, we never tried to sweet talk you or use charm just to get something from you – you know that. And we definitely weren’t tryna be all greedy and sneaky about it. God can vouch for us on that, no cap.
  6. Yo, we weren’t tryna flex on anyone, not on y’all or anyone else, when we could’ve totally made things difficult, like how Christ’s apostles could’ve thrown around their authority.
  7. But we were really chill with you all, like how a nurse takes care of her kids and shows them love and stuff:
  8. So, like, we really, really cared about you and wanted to share not just God’s message, but also a piece of ourselves, ’cause you were super important to us.
  9. Yo, fam, remember how we hustled and worked hard? We were grindin’ day and night, not tryna be a burden to any of y’all. We straight up preached the good news of God to you.
  10. You guys were there, and God knows too, how we were totally on our best behavior with y’all who believe – living holy, just, and blameless lives.
  11. You know how we hyped you up, gave you comfort, and gave you some real advice, just like a dad does to his kids,
  12. For real tho, live your life in a way that’s straight-up worthy of God. He’s the one who straight-up called you to be part of his kingdom and experience his glory. Respect.
  13. That’s why we’re constantly thanking God for this too – because when you guys got the message from God that we delivered, you didn’t just think of it as some random talk from us, but you recognized it for what it truly is: the powerful Word of God, making a real impact on all you believers out there.
  14. Because you guys, my homies, started following the churches of God in Judaea who believe in Christ Jesus. You’ve been through rough times, just like they have, dealing with your own peeps from your own country, just like they’ve dealt with those Jewish folks.
  15. These people straight up killed Jesus, their own prophets, and have been giving us a hard time. They definitely don’t make God happy, and they’re just causing trouble for everyone. #haters
  16. They’re stopping us from reaching out to the non-believers and helping them find salvation. By doing this, they’re only adding to their own sins. The consequences of their actions will be severe and unavoidable.
  17. But yo, fam, we got separated for a hot minute, not in person but definitely in spirit, and we were straight hustlin’ to link up with y’all and really eager to see your faces, like for real.
  18. Yo, I was totally planning on coming to you guys, like, multiple times, but freaking Satan messed everything up.
  19. So, like, what’s our hope, joy, and, like, winning glory all about, you know? It’s all about you guys being with our Lord Jesus Christ when he comes, right? So cool, right?
  20. You all are our ultimate flex and source of happiness, fam.
1 Thessalonians 3
  1. So, like, we were bursting with excitement, and we were all, “Athens is the spot, let’s crash there solo, you know?”
  2. So, we totally sent Timotheus, our homie, who’s, like, super connected with the big G upstairs, and he’s all about spreading the good word about Christ with us. His gig? To help you find your vibe and give you major backup in staying true to your faith.
  3. Don’t let these rough patches shake you, ’cause you know we’re built for this.
  4. Yo, when we were hanging with you, we straight up told you we’d face some tough stuff. And boom, it happened, and you’re all over it.
  5. That’s why, when I couldn’t hold it in anymore, I hit you up to check on your faith, just to make sure the haters didn’t mess with you and ruin all our hard work.
  6. But yo, when Timotheus rolled through from your hood to hang with us, he brought some lit news about your faith and love, saying you remember us big time and can’t wait to kick it again, just like we can’t wait to see you too, fam.
  7. So, fam, you totally lifted us up in tough times when we were going through some serious struggles and feeling mad stressed. Your faith was a huge comfort for us.
  8. As long as you stay true to the Lord, we’re living the dream right here.
  9. Yo, how can we thank God enough for you? Like, you bring us so much joy and we just wanna give props to God for having you in our squad, seriously.
  10. Our prayers are on repeat, day and night, hoping we can link up and take your faith to the next level!
  11. Yo, may God, our Father, and our main man Jesus Christ light the way and lead us straight to you.
  12. And may God help your love for each other, and for everyone else, keep growing and spreading, just like our love for you already does:
  13. So that he can make your hearts solid and pure, with no shade, as you stand before God, our Father, when our Lord Jesus Christ comes back with his whole crew.
1 Thessalonians 4
  1. A’ight, peeps, check it! Jesus has got a message for ya’ll. So, like, live your lives in a way that’s all about pleasing God, just like we showed ya. And hey, don’t stop there—keep levelling up and doing even better!
  2. Yo, you know the drill we got straight from Jesus, right?
  3. So, here’s the deal: God’s all about that pure life, no shady stuff, ya know?
  4. Everyone should be all about keepin’ it real and respecting their own body with mad respect;
  5. Don’t let those lustful vibes get to ya like those who ain’t about God’s vibe.
  6. Never hustle or disrespect your bro, ’cause the Big Guy ain’t down with that. He’s gonna deal with those who try it, and we’ve already warned you. So, just don’t go there, alright? #brocode
  7. God didn’t pick us to be impure, but to be all about that goodness and purity.
  8. So, dissing or hating on someone isn’t just disrespecting humans, but disrespecting God too, who hooked us up with His super cool Holy Spirit. Don’t sleep on it!
  9. When it comes to showing love to your squad, I don’t even need to write about it, ’cause you already got that lesson from God Himself to love one another.
  10. And, like, you’re already doing this for the fam in Macedonia, but yo, fam, we’re straight up beggin’ ya to keep levelling up, like, even more, ya feel me?
  11. Make sure you’re chillin’, focused on your own grind, and putting in work with your own hands, just like we told ya.
  12. So you can be real with those outside, and not be lacking anything.
  13. But yo, fam, I don’t want ya’ll to be clueless, my peeps, about those who passed away, so you don’t gotta be all down and hopeless like those who ain’t believers.
  14. So, like, if we believe that Jesus died and came back to life, then God’s gonna bring those who are ‘sleeping in Jesus’ with Him too. 🙏
  15. A’ight, listen up fam. The Lord’s droppin’ knowledge. Those of us still here when the Lord comes back won’t steal the spotlight from those who already passed. We won’t get there before them, ya feel? #Respect
  16. Yo, the Lord himself gonna roll down from heaven, straight up shoutin’ with the voice of the archangel and blasting the trumpet of God. And yo, those who died believing in Christ gonna rise up first, no cap.
  17. And those of us still kickin’ it gonna link up with the Lord in the clouds, in the air! We’ll be with the Lord forever and ever!
  18. So basically, lift each other up with these words. You got this! 💪🌟
1 Thessalonians 5
  1. Yo fam, I ain’t gotta school ya on the times and seasons, y’all already know what’s poppin’.
  2. Y’all know what’s good, the day of the Lord’s gonna roll in like a stealthy thief when no one’s expecting.
  3. So, when peeps start talking about peace and security, that’s when chaos gonna hit like labor pains on a pregnant mama. And ain’t nobody dodging that, fam.
  4. But yo, fam, you ain’t clueless, so that day ain’t sneaking up on you like a thief in the night.
  5. Y’all are the real ones, the squad of light, rocking with the day. We ain’t about that night or darkness.
  6. So, we can’t be sleeping all day like everyone else. Gotta stay woke, keep our minds sharp, you feel?
  7. Those who snooze, snooze at night, and those who party, party at night.
  8. But us day dwellers gotta stay on point, repping the faith and love, and rocking that lit hope of salvation.
  9. ‘Cause God ain’t about wrath, He’s about that salvation vibe with Jesus Christ, our main man.
  10. He straight-up sacrificed for us, so whether we’re woke or catching Z’s, we’ll be kicking it with Him.
  11. So, hype each other up, keep that motivation flowing, just like you already do.
  12. Yo, fam, listen up. Gotta show love to those who guiding you in the Lord’s ways, looking out for ya, giving you that wisdom.
  13. Big respect for all they do. And keep that positive energy going with your crew.
  14. Listen up fam, real talk. Gotta call out those acting reckless, give ’em a heads up. And for those struggling, bring them peace and understanding. Help out the weak ones, be patient with everyone. #Solidarity
  15. Never repay hate with hate; always aim for what’s right, not just for your crew, but for everyone.
  16. Stay hyped, always.
  17. Keep that convo with God going 24/7, stay connected.
  18. Always give thanks, ’cause that’s what God’s about through Jesus Christ, fam.
  19. Don’t kill the vibe of the Spirit, keep it flowing.
  20. Don’t sleep on those prophecies, fam.
  21. Test everything out; keep what’s dope.
  22. Stay away from anything sketchy or shady.
  23. May the Lord of chill vibes keep you pure, from your spirit to your body, until Jesus Christ comes back.
  24. The one hittin’ you up is solid, and he’ll come through.
  25. Yo, keep us in your prayers, fam.
  26. Spread love to all the fam with a genuine hug or handshake.
  27. Listen up, everyone! The big man upstairs wants me to drop this message to all the righteous crew. Spread it far and wide.
  28. May Jesus Christ’s grace be with all of y’all. Amen. This message to the Thessalonians was sent from Athens with love.