1 Peter

1 Peter 1
  1. Ayo, it’s Peter, one of Jesus’ OG crew, shoutin’ out to all you homies kickin’ it in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia,
  2. Ayo, chosen ones by God the Father, vibin’ with the all-knowing vibe, and powered up by the Spirit, get ready to vibe with Jesus Christ’s life-saving love: May grace and peace be all up in your grill.
  3. Big ups to God, our OG Lord Jesus Christ’s pops, who, out of mad love and mercy, hooked us up with a fresh start and a lit sense of hope when Jesus flexed that resurrection game. (Abundant: like, so much)
  4. You’re straight-up inheritin’ some everlasting, untainted, never-fading riches up in heaven.
  5. Those who stay loyal are protected by God’s power until the grand finale when salvation drops.
  6. For real though, you gotta be pumped about this, even if life’s throwing you some major curveballs:
  7. Your faith test is way more valuable than any basic gold—it’s gonna go through some intense fire, but trust, it’s all worth it ’cause it brings mad praise, honor, and glory when Jesus Christ rolls up, ya dig?
  8. Y’all are totally crushing on someone you’ve never met in person, like seriously! Even though you can’t see ’em right now, you got faith and it’s givin’ you the most amazing and glorious happiness ever, I can’t even put it into words! 😍🌟
  9. When you finally peep the result of your faith – that sweet, sweet salvation for your souls.
  10. The prophets who spit game about the grace that would come to you were mad eager and searched high and low for the salvation they were talkin’ about.
  11. Like, they were totally tryna figure out what the Spirit of Christ, you know, the one that was in them, was tryna say when it was all prophesying about Jesus’ sufferings and the epic glory that was gonna come after.
  12. They found out they weren’t just doin’ it for themselves, but for us too. Now, those who spread the good word to you, with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven, have let you in on the deal. Even the angels are curious about these things.
  13. So, like, get your thoughts in line, stay focused, and keep hope alive until the very end for the totally amazing grace that you’re gonna scoop up when Jesus Christ reveals himself. Trust me, it’s gonna be lit!
  14. Ayo, listen up! As obedient fam, don’t try to flex and be like you used to when you were clueless:
  15. Ayo, the one who called you is all about being straight up holy, so you gotta be holy too in every aspect of your life, fam.
  16. Ayo, it’s written and stuff – you gotta be all holy ’cause I’m totally holy, fam.
  17. And, like, if you reach out to God, who doesn’t play favorites and judges everyone based on their actions, just make the most of the time you’re spending here on Earth, yo, and live with a healthy dose of respect and awe:
  18. You already know that you weren’t bought with fancy stuff like silver and gold to escape your pointless way of living that was passed down from your dads.
  19. But, like, Jesus totally sacrificed himself for us, yo. He was pure and perfect, just like a flawless, spotless lamb, ya feel me?
  20. Ayo, this dude was totally planned ahead of time, even before the world started. But he became visible to all of us in these recent times, just for you, y’know?
  21. Those who trust in him believe in the one who brought him back to life and bestowed upon him great honor. This way, your trust and optimism will be rooted in God.
  22. Since you’ve cleansed your souls by living in truth and being guided by the Spirit, make sure to genuinely love your fellow brothers and sisters, and do it with a heart full of purity and passion.
  23. Like, when you totally hit that refresh button on your life, it’s not like starting fresh with a sketchy foundation that can easily go bad. It’s more like upgrading to this indestructible foundation that never gets messed up, thanks to God’s eternal and unchanging truth.
  24. Listen up, fam! Like, all of us humans are just like grass, you know? And all that swag and success we chase after? Yeah, it’s as temporary as a flower that blooms on the grass. Trust me, the grass dries up, and the flower just falls off eventually. So, like, you feel me? We gotta remember that, okay?
  25. But God’s word is eternal, fam. And this is the lit message that we preach to y’all through the gospel.
1 Peter 2
  1. So, like, cut out all that hate, lying, fake vibes, envy, and spreading rumors.
  2. Yo, as newborns in this faith game, crave that real talk straight from the Bible, so you can level up and grow, ya know?
  3. If you’ve felt how epic the Lord is, then you’re vibing with what’s up.
  4. When you approach someone, treat them like they’re part of the coolest clique, even if they’re not the popular pick – ’cause they’re special and mad respected by God.
  5. Squad, as dope stones, we’re being stacked together to make a spiritual fam, a lit crew, to serve up those spiritual blessings that God’s all about through Jesus Christ.
  6. So, in the scripture, it’s like, written, “Check this out, peeps, I’m setting up this mega-important cornerstone in Sion. He’s chosen, mega-valued, and if you’re down with him, no shame, no regrets.”
  7. If you’re all about believing, then you know this is major: but for those who don’t vibe with it, it’s like they missed the memo. Turns out, that thing they brushed off became the main deal, like a total game-changer! It’s like they snoozed on something big, or a major flex, you dig?
  8. And then there’s this stone that trips people up and a rock that gets them all salty. It’s for those who trip over the word and refuse to roll with it. It’s their deal to rebel against it and all that.
  9. You guys are the chosen squad, like the ultimate posse, repping the highest level of spiritual royalty. Together, we’re a holy tribe, like a standout squad, set apart from the rest. Our mission? To hype up and celebrate the amazing greatness of the one who pulled us outta the darkness and into this lit AF way of living. It’s all about shouting out and sharing the sick qualities and goodness of our God.
  10. Back then, we weren’t in the squad, but now we’re totally in God’s crew. We used to be out of luck, but now we’re all about that mercy life.
  11. Listen up, fam! I’m begging you all as fellow travelers in this wild journey, steer clear of those selfish desires that mess with your vibe.
  12. Make sure your game is tight when dealing with non-believers, so even if they throw shade, they’ll still be blown away by your dope moves, and eventually, they’ll give props to God when He shows up.
  13. Yo, make sure you’re following all the human rules and laws, ’cause it’s all for God’s sake, you feel? Even if it means following the top boss, aka the king.
  14. And show respect to the authorities, those who are in charge of keeping order and punishing the bad vibes, and recognize those who deserve props for doing what’s right.
  15. God wants you to do good so you can silence the clueless haters.
  16. Don’t abuse your freedom to mess with people, but embrace your role as servants of God. (using: Gr. having)
  17. Respect everyone, yo. Show love to your crew. Be in awe of God, fam. Give props to the ruler, ya feel me? (Respect everyone: or, Value everyone)
  18. Yo, peeps, listen up! If you’re serving someone, show them major respect – not just when they’re chill, but even when they’re being difficult.
  19. It’s pretty dope if someone can tough it out through hard times and unfair treatment just ’cause they wanna do right by God. (And by dope, I mean like, super respectable!)
  20. Seriously, where’s the credit if you catch hate for doing wrong but handle it without flipping out? But if you catch hate for doing right and stay chill, that’s legit impressive in God’s eyes. And by ‘impressive,’ I mean He’s all about it!
  21. So basically, dealing with this stuff is part of the deal: ’cause even Christ went through some tough times for us, showing us how it’s done. He left us a dope example to follow, so take notes from his vibe. Just saying, some people swap out that ‘us’ for ‘you’ but you get it.
  22. Bruh, this dude never messed up, and he never fronted or lied.
  23. When people talked trash about him, he didn’t clap back; when he faced tough stuff, he didn’t go all threatening. He trusted the one who judges fairly instead of handling it himself.
  24. He straight up took on all our sins, like in his own body, on that big tree, so that we, dead to sins, can live our lives doing right: ’cause of those scars, you got your healing, fam.
  25. Like y’all were lost sheep, but now you’re back with the ultimate shepherd and caretaker of your souls.
1 Peter 3
  1. Hey queens, make sure you’re giving your partners the respect they deserve and stay vibin’ with them. Show ’em your epicness, and if they’re not really into the faith scene, no worries, just let your actions and words do the talkin’ – they’ll be won over by your awesomeness.
  2. When they peep your pure and respectful moves.
  3. Don’t sweat the fancy looks like extravagant hairstyles, blingin’ jewelry, or high-end threads.
  4. But, like, your inner self should be all about that purity and goodness, ya know? Keep it chill and humble, not all loud and extra. And trust, God totally vibes with that and sees it as precious and all.
  5. Back in the day, these holy queens knew how to rock their style while keepin’ it real with their partners without losin’ their own vibe:
  6. Just like how Sara showed mad respect to Abraham, even callin’ him “lordd’” – you queens are like her daughters as long as you’re stayin’ on point and not lettin’ fear hold you back.
  7. Ayo, kings, listen up: Show some empathy and respect to your ride-or-die. Give ’em that honor, knowing they might not be as physically strong as you, but we’re equal partners in God’s grace. Keep your prayers clean, don’t let anything mess with that connection.
  8. Alright fam, check it: It’s time to sync up, show love for each other, treat each other like kin, keep that heart soft, and show respect. Spread that love, you dig?
  9. Instead of clappin’ back at someone for dissin’ you, hit ’em with kindness and positivity. Remember, you’re meant to spread blessings and receive ’em too.
  10. If you wanna live your best life and keep those good vibes rollin’, stay real and speak truthfully. No room for negativity or shady talk, fam.
  11. Dodge the drama and chase after peace, make it happen.
  12. God’s peepin’ the good moves, always listenin’ to their prayers. But He ain’t feelin’ those on the dark side.
  13. And who’s gonna mess with you if you’re all about those positive vibes and doin’ what’s right?
  14. But, like, if you catch heat for doin’ the right thing, that’s a blessing, you know? Don’t let their fear trip you up, and don’t stress about their drama.
  15. Ayo, keep the Most High close to your heart. And always be ready to break it down for anyone askin’ why you’re so hopeful, but do it with humility and respect.
  16. Keep your conscience clean, so when people talk smack and accuse you of wrong, they’ll be red-faced when they realize they got you all wrong about your lit life in Christ.
  17. It’s actually way better if, by God’s will, you catch some flak for doin’ the right thing than for bein’ a total jerk.
  18. Yo, Jesus went through some real stuff for our mess-ups. He, bein’ totally righteous, took the hit for us messed up folks, just so we could reconnect with God. He died physically but came back with that Spirit flow!
  19. And then he went and preached to the homies locked up spiritually.
  20. There were some peeps back in the day who were hella disobedient, but God stayed chill, waitin’ during Noah’s time while he was buildin’ that ark. Only a small squad of eight homies got saved through the water, you feel me?
  21. Baptism is like the ultimate transformation that saves us now, ya know? It’s not just about washin’ off the dirt, but it’s about havin’ that deep connection with God and feelin’ at peace, all thanks to Jesus Christ’s comeback, dude!
  22. Who’s kickin’ it in heaven, chillin’ on God’s right hand? Even the angels, rulers, and total bosses bow down to them.
1 Peter 4
  1. So, like, since Jesus went through some major struggles for us in human form, gear up with that same mindset. ‘Cause anyone who’s been through the wringer in life has stopped giving in to shady stuff.
  2. So that they don’t waste any more time chasing after things that don’t even matter, but instead live according to God’s blueprint.
  3. Alright, listen up, we’re done wasting our time living like those who don’t even believe, you feel me? Back then, we used to be all about those sketchy vibes: endless parties, getting lit, wild scenes, lavish feasts, even bowing down to fake gods. But nah, we’re flipping the script!
  4. They’re gonna trip out when you don’t roll with them to crazy parties, and they’ll talk smack about you:
  5. Yo, we’re all gonna have to answer to the one who’s gonna judge everyone, alive or dead.
  6. It’s like, the good news got spread to those who’ve passed away so they could be judged just like everyone else in their bodies, but live according to God in their soul.
  7. Yo, it’s like, the end of everything is coming soon: so, stay focused and keep it real with your prayers.
  8. Yo, make sure you’re showing mad love to each other, big time. ‘Cause love can cover up a whole bunch of screw-ups, for real.
  9. Be open and welcoming to one another, without any negativity or grudges.
  10. Just like when you get an awesome gift, share that same awesomeness with others, like being responsible buds looking after God’s blessings.
  11. When you’re talking, talk like you’re spreading God’s word. And when you’re doing stuff, do it with the skills and strength God gave you. That way, everything you do will reflect God’s glory because of Jesus Christ. He deserves all the props and power forever. Amen.
  12. Yo fam, don’t freak out when you’re going through tough times. No need to act like it’s some random craziness hitting you:
  13. But like, seriously, get pumped ’cause you’re totally going through the same stuff Jesus went through. And when His true awesomeness is revealed, you’ll be hyped AF and filled with so much joy, like, beyond words.
  14. If you’re getting hate for repping Jesus, you’re actually blessed! ‘Cause the lit spirit of glory and God is all up in you, while they out here talking smack. But you? You’re straight flexing and getting praised!
  15. But yo fam, don’t be out here suffering for doing some messed up stuff like murder or straight up stealing, or being a total troublemaker, or being all up in other people’s business.
  16. If someone’s going through rough times because they’re rocking with Jesus, they shouldn’t be ashamed. Instead, they should give props to God for it.
  17. Yo, it’s about time judgment starts with those claiming to be on God’s squad. If it starts with us, what’s gonna happen to those who ain’t following God’s truth, you know?
  18. Bro, if it’s a struggle for the righteous to stay on track, where do you think the ungodly and sinners are gonna end up? Seriously, think about it.
  19. So, like, if you’re going through tough times because it’s all part of God’s plan, just trust Him and keep doing good, man. He’s always got your back ’cause He’s a loyal Creator, ya know?
1 Peter 5
  1. Aye, all my OGs, listen up real quick. I’m right there with y’all, and I gotta drop some wisdom. I’ve been through the grind, seen the struggles of Christ, but check it, I’ve also seen the lit revelation that’s coming our way. So, peep my words, fam.
  2. Look out for the squad that’s rollin’ with the Big Guy, not ’cause you gotta, but ’cause you genuinely wanna vibe with ’em. Don’t do it for clout, but with that real love. Do your utmost, fam.
  3. Don’t be flexin’ power moves on the squad, but show ’em how it’s done, ya feel?
  4. And when the Ultimate Leader pulls through, you’ll get blessed with an everlasting flex that never fades.
  5. Yo, listen up, you young bloods! Give props to the OGs, no cap. And yo, everyone, keep it respectful and stay humble. ‘Cause let me tell ya, God ain’t vibin’ with the prideful, but the humble ones get hooked up with grace.
  6. So, stay humble under God’s reign, ya dig? Then when the time’s right, He’ll boost you up for real! 🙌
  7. Just dump all your stress on Him, fr, He’s got love for ya, bro.
  8. Stay woke, stay alert; ’cause the devil’s out there, prowlin’ like a hungry lion, lookin’ for someone to trip up:
  9. Stay solid in your faith and hold it down against the struggles, knowin’ your fam worldwide is grindin’ through similar trials.
  10. But the God who’s all about grace, the ultimate homie, He’s the one who called us to ride that heavenly wave through Christ Jesus. Just hold it down, ride out the struggles, and He’ll have your back, keepin’ you solid, steady, and unfazed.
  11. Let’s give mad props and ultimate power to Him, forever and ever. Amen.
  12. Yo, it’s your boy Silvanus droppin’ a quick shoutout to hype ya up and testify that this God’s grace you’re rockin’ with is legit.
  13. Yo, shoutout from the Babylon church fam, we’re all in this together ✌️ Also, big ups to my dude Marcus, he’s like fam to me 👊
  14. Spread love with a friendly vibe. May all y’all in Christ Jesus find peace. Amen.