1 John

1 John 1
  1. Yo, fam! We were straight vibin’ from the get-go, witnessing, peepin’ with our own eyes, gettin’ up close and personal with the Word of life, you feel?
  2. Listen up, squad! The sickest flex ever is that life was totally unveiled, and we were there, front row seatin’ it. We’re here to spill the tea and let you in on the lowdown: eternal life is the real deal, chillin’ with the Father from way back, and now it’s our time to know.
  3. OMG, spillin’ all the deets about what we’ve seen and heard, so you can be part of our squad goals. And guess what? Our squad’s all about kickin’ it with the OG, the Father, and His boy, Jesus Christ.
  4. Scribblin’ this to you so you can vibe with ultimate joy.
  5. So, here’s the sitch: We’ve heard straight from the plug and now we’re cluing you in. God? Total beam of light. Darkness? Don’t even try to step to Him. No shady biz happening here, y’all.
  6. If we claim to be tight with God but still livein’ a jacked-up life, we fake and not keepin’ it real with ourselves.
  7. But if we keep it one hundred, just like He does, we’ll be mad tight with each other, and Jesus Christ’s grind will wipe clean all our mess-ups.
  8. If we front like we flawless and got no imperfections, we just playin’ ourselves, and we far from being authentic.
  9. If we own up to our screw-ups, He’s got our back for real, ready to forgive us our mess-ups and erase all the negativity.
  10. If we act like we never slip up, we basically callin’ Him a liar and straight denyin’ His truth.
1 John 2
  1. Hey squad, check it out! I’m dropping some truth bombs for y’all, my fam, so you don’t get caught up in any shady stuff. But if you slip up, don’t stress, ’cause Jesus Christ has got our backs. He’s always got us covered, keeping us in line with our main man upstairs, our heavenly Father.
  2. And he totally took on our sins, making things right not just for us, but for the whole world, fam.
  3. That’s how we know we’re tight with him, if we stay true to his rules.
  4. If someone says they’re tight with him but ain’t following his vibes, they’re straight up lying and not living that truth life.
  5. But if you keep it real, showing love like God does, that’s how you know you’re tight with him.
  6. If you say you’re down with him, then you best be living like he did.
  7. Yo, fam, I ain’t dropping some new rules on you. It’s all about an OG rule that’s been around since day one. This rule is like the truth bomb you’ve been hearing since forever.
  8. Yo, listen up: I got a fresh rule for y’all. It’s legit, true for both him and all of you. Why? ‘Cause the darkness is out, and now the real light is shining bright.
  9. If someone says they’re woke but still hates on their own crew, they’re stuck in the dark, like, forever.
  10. If you show love to your squad, you’re living in the light, no drama, solid as a rock.
  11. But if you hate on your squad, you’re lost in the dark, clueless ’cause that darkness has totally blinded you.
  12. Yo, listen up, fam! Just dropping some words to all you young ones out there. Your sins? Totally wiped clean, thanks to him. No need to stress, he’s got your back!
  13. Yo, listen up fam. I’m writing to all you dads out there ’cause you’ve known him since day one. And to all you young fellas, keeping it real ’cause you’ve smashed the wicked one. And to all you kiddos, holding it down ’cause you’ve known the Father, aight?
  14. Yo, listen up, dads! I’m reaching out to y’all because you’ve known this dude from the very start. And hey, young bloods! I’m hitting you up because you’ve got that inner strength, the word of God staying with you, and you’ve totally defeated the evil one. Keep it up! 🙌
  15. Don’t get too caught up in this world or the stuff in it, ya feel? If anyone is too caught up in the world’s ways, they ain’t feeling the love from the Big Guy upstairs.
  16. Like, all that hype in this world – you know, chasing after physical pleasure, wanting fancy stuff, and flexing – ain’t cool with the big guy upstairs. It’s all part of this worldly scene, man.
  17. Like, everything in this world is gonna fade away, along with all its desires. But anyone doing what God wants will last forever, no cap.
  18. Hey squad, listen up! It’s endgame now, no cap: just like you’ve heard that the antichrist is gonna show up, there are already loads of ’em around. That’s how we know we’re living in the last days, for real.
  19. They bounced from our crew, but they were never really one of us; if they were, they’d still be riding with us. They left so it would be clear they weren’t part of our squad.
  20. But y’all got this lit spiritual power from the Holy One, and y’all know all the things.
  21. I ain’t hitting you up ’cause you’re clueless, but ’cause you already got the 411, and for real, no cap, lies ain’t part of the truth.
  22. Like, seriously, who can be a total liar except someone who straight-up denies that Jesus is the ultimate Savior? That person is like, the epitome of being against everything good, rejecting both God the Father and His Son, Jesus.
  23. If anyone doesn’t recognize the Son, then they ain’t recognizing the Father either. But if you acknowledge the Son, you’re also acknowledging the Father.
  24. So, like, keep holding on to what you’ve known since the start. If you do, you’ll totally be connected to the Son and the Father.
  25. And this is the sick promise he’s totally given us, like, eternal life. Dope, right?
  26. So, like, I’ve written this for you about those who try to lead you astray.
  27. But the divine power you’ve got from him stays within you, and you don’t even need anyone else to teach you ’cause that same power within you will guide you and reveal the truth about everything. It’s not deceiving you or leading you astray, and just like it has already taught you, you will continue to stay connected to it.
  28. Yo, fam, stay connected with Him, so when He shows up, we can be all chill and confident, not embarrassed in front of Him.
  29. If y’all know that he’s righteous, then y’all know that anyone who does what’s right has been born of him.
1 John 3
  1. Ayo, check it fam! Peep the crazy love our Father’s got for us, claimin’ us as His own crew. Yeah, we’re straight-up God’s sons and daughters. But yo, the world might not vibe with us, ’cause they don’t even know Him like that.
  2. Listen up, fam! Right now, we’re tight with God, but we ain’t seen the full picture yet. But here’s the deal – when God pops up, we’ll be on His level, no cap.
  3. And anyone holding onto this hope puts in work to keep clean, ’cause they’re already pure.
  4. Ayo, fam! If you’re out there sinning, you’re breakin’ the rules, ’cause sin’s basically a lawbreaker.
  5. He came to show up and clean our slate from our mess-ups; and in Him, there’s zero wrong.
  6. Stick with Him, and sin ain’t gonna be your thing. If you’re all about sin, you ain’t really vibing with Him or seen His deal.
  7. Yo, fam, don’t let anyone fool you: if you’re living right, you’re just as legit as they are, straight up.
  8. Anyone doing dirt is basically rollin’ with the devil, ’cause the devil’s been messin’ up from the jump. But God’s Son came through to wreck the devil’s game and fix all his mess.
  9. If you’re truly reppin’ God, sin ain’t your style. God’s DNA is in you, making it impossible to mess up ’cause you’re born of God.
  10. This is how we know who’s on God’s team and who’s on the devil’s: anyone not doing good ain’t with God, and if you ain’t showing love to your crew, you’re not on God’s level either.
  11. Yo fam, this is the real talk you’ve been hearing since day one – we gotta show mad love to one another. It’s a straight-up commandment, fam. 🙌
  12. Not like Cain, who was all evil vibes and straight up killed his own bro. And why’d he do it? ‘Cause he was on that wicked tip, while his bro was all about righteousness.
  13. Don’t be shocked, fam, if the world’s hatin’ on you.
  14. We know we’ve leveled up from darkness to light, ’cause we’re all about that love for our crew. Anyone not showing love to their fam’s stuck in the dark side.
  15. Hatin’ on your bro is like being a straight-up killer. And you know eternal life ain’t down with murderers, no cap.
  16. We can see God’s love ’cause He straight up sacrificed for us, and yo, we should be ready to do the same for our crew.
  17. If someone’s got all the dope stuff but won’t show empathy to their bro in need, how they gonna say they got God’s love?
  18. Yo fam, my homies, let’s not just talk love, but live it out through our actions, keepin’ it real and genuine.
  19. This is how we know we’re on the right path, and we can be confident before Him.
  20. If our hearts trip us, God’s bigger than that, He knows all.
  21. If our hearts ain’t trippin’, we’re good with God.
  22. And whatever we ask for, we get from God ’cause we’re following His vibe and making Him happy.
  23. Ayo, listen up! God’s deal is this: believe in His Son Jesus Christ and show mad love to each other, just like He said.
  24. If you’re down with His vibe, He’s chillin’ with you too. And that’s how we know He’s vibin’ with us, ’cause He hooked us up with His Spirit.
1 John 4
  1. Yo, fam, don’t just vibe with anything you feel, but peep if it’s coming from the Big G upstairs. There’s mad fake spiritual influencers out there, spreading lies and messing with peeps’ heads.
  2. So, here’s the 411 on spotting someone repping God: if they’re all like, ‘Yo, Jesus Christ totally came in human form,’ then you know they’re on that godly grind for real.
  3. If a spirit ain’t acknowledging that Jesus Christ showed up in human form, then it’s straight up not from the Big Man. That’s like the spirit of the antichrist we’ve heard about, and guess what? It’s already doing its thing in our world RN.
  4. Hey fam, you’re legit squad goals from God, like His crew of homies, and you’ve totally owned those haters. ‘Cause the power inside you is way bigger than the negativity out there.
  5. They’re all about that worldly life, so they’re chatting about worldly stuff and the worldly crowd’s all ears.
  6. We roll with God: those who know God vibe with us; those who ain’t about God don’t vibe with us. That’s how we tell the real from the fake spirit.
  7. Hey fam, we gotta spread mad love ’round here, ’cause love comes straight from God. Anyone all about that love is totally God’s fam and knows Him like no other. 🙌🏼
  8. If you’re not about love, you ain’t really knowing God, ’cause God is all about those love vibes.
  9. God showed us His love by sending His one and only Son to the world, so we could live through Him.
  10. Yo, peep this – love’s all about this: it ain’t about us loving God, but it’s about God loving us so much He sent His Son to sort us out and wipe away our sins.
  11. Hey fam, if God showed us mad love, we gotta spread that love to each other too.
  12. No one’s actually seen God. But if we’re showing love and care to each other, it means God’s living within us and His love’s shining through.
  13. That’s how we know we’re connected to Him, and He’s vibing with us, ’cause He’s blessed us with His Spirit.
  14. And lemme tell ya, we’ve totally seen it go down and we’re here to confirm: the Big Guy sent His Son to save the whole world, no doubt.
  15. Anyone who’s shouting out that Jesus is the Son of God, God’s feeling them and they’re feeling God.
  16. And like, we totally get it and believe in the love God’s got for us. God’s all about love, ya know? Whoever’s living in love, lives in God, and God’s living in them too. It’s all about that love vibe, dude.
  17. That’s how we level up our love game, so when judgment day swings by, we’re totally slaying it like He does in this world.
  18. Love’s the ultimate fear-buster, free from fear vibes: ’cause fear’s messing with your head big time. If you’re all about fear, you gotta work on your love game, yo.
  19. We stan Him, ’cause He showed us love first.
  20. If someone’s saying they’re all about God but straight up hating on their bro, they’re seriously trippin’. Like, how can they claim to love a higher power they’ve never even seen when they can’t even show love to a person they actually have seen?
  21. So, like, here’s the deal: God straight up told us if you love Him, you gotta show love to your fellow humans too. It’s, like, a whole package deal, ya feel?
1 John 5
  1. If you’re vibing with Jesus as the real deal, you’re totally plugged into God, and if you’re all about God, you automatically got love for everyone in His fam too.
  2. Bro, here’s how we know we’re all about showing love to God’s crew: when we’re loving on God and sticking to His game plan.
  3. ‘Cause, like, that’s how much God’s got love for us, you know? He’s all about us following His playbook, and trust me, His rules are not even that complicated.
  4. Like, anyone who’s legit born of God can totally crush it in this world, man! And that’s, like, the ultimate win, dude. Our faith is what gives us that crazy victory over the world, yo. Like, it’s already in the bag, you know? It’s not just some future thing. Our faith is lit!
  5. Like, who’s really bossing up in this world? Only the ones who truly believe that Jesus is God’s Son, you know?
  6. Yo, this is the one who came through water and blood, ya feel me? Jesus Christ, not just through water, but through water and blood. And let me tell you, it’s the Spirit that’s spitting out the truth, ’cause the Spirit is all about that realness.
  7. Yo, up in heaven, there’s three total legends: the big man himself, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. And get this, here’s the coolest part—they’re all one squad, inseparable and unstoppable.
  8. Yo, listen up fam, here’s the deal: There are three things that straight up testify on earth – the Spirit, the water, and the blood – and they all be on the same page, no cap.
  9. Dude, listen up! If we’re taking people’s word for it, we gotta remember that God’s testimony hits different. He’s vouched for His Son and it’s solid!
  10. If you’re really riding with the Son of God, you’ll have this crazy self-assurance. But if you don’t trust in God, you’re basically saying He’s lying ’cause you’re not acknowledging the sick proof He’s dropped about His Son.
  11. Yo, listen up! Here’s the deal: God has hooked us up with eternal life, and we can only find it through His Son.
  12. If you’re rolling with Jesus, you’re living that good life vibe; but if you ain’t got Jesus, sorry but life’s not gonna be lit.
  13. I wrote these things for all you believers in the Son of God, so you can be sure you’re rocking with eternal life and keep holding it down in the Son of God’s name.
  14. And here’s the dope part: we can totally trust Him. If we’re asking for anything that lines up with His plan, He’s listening to us, you know?
  15. And like, if we know He’s really tuning in, whatever we ask for, we can be totally confident we’ll get what we’ve been wanting from Him.
  16. If one person peeps their friend slipping up but it’s not a major fail, they should hit them up and help them get back on track. Like, be there for them and lift them up. But there are some mess-ups that are really bad and lead to spiritual death. I’m not saying we shouldn’t care about those people, but, you know, it might not be the same kind of help we can offer, like throwing some prayers their way.
  17. Sin is doing anything that’s not on the level, and there are some sins that ain’t deadly.
  18. We know that whoever’s on God’s squad doesn’t trip up, but the one who’s part of God’s fam keeps themselves in check, and that evil dude can’t even touch them.
  19. And we’re clued in that we belong to God, while the whole world is chilling in wickedness.
  20. And we all know that the Son of God has shown up and blessed us with knowledge, so we can really know the true one. We’re connected to the real truth through his Son, Jesus Christ. This is the real deal, the genuine God, and everlasting life.
  21. Hey fam, make sure you stay away from idols, alright? Amen.