1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 1
  1. Ayy, it’s Paul, handpicked by the Big Man upstairs to roll with Jesus Christ. Big shoutout to my homie Sosthenes for being in on this too.
  2. To all my peeps in the Corinth crew, the ones who are living their best lives in Jesus Christ, chosen to be the holiest squad around, plus everyone else out there repping JC, whether they’re rolling with us or not:
  3. Ayy, may you all be blessed with major grace and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ, our main man.
  4. Gotta give props to my man upstairs for always holding you down, ’cause you’ve been blessed with mad grace from Jesus Christ, fam.
  5. Y’all are straight-up flexing with His blessings, with mad speaking skills, knowing what’s up in every situation.
  6. Like, Christ’s message got real in you, fam:
  7. So you’re stacked with every dope gift, keeping it chill until our main homie Jesus Christ rolls through:
  8. And He’s gonna keep you strong until the end, so you can be flawless when our Lord Jesus Christ shows up.
  9. God’s loyal AF, and He called you to be part of the crew with His Son, Jesus Christ, our epic leader.
  10. Listen up, fam! I’m here to ask y’all, my brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to keep it real and avoid any drama. Let’s stay united and tight, making decisions together. No room for splits or disagreements, ya feel? (Note: ‘divisions’ means ‘schisms’, just so you know!)
  11. So, word’s been spreading through my crew from Chloe’s squad, saying y’all got some serious drama going on.
  12. So, I gotta lay it out for you, you know? Each of you is claiming ‘I’m with Paul,’ or ‘I’m rolling with Apollos,’ or ‘I’m repping Cephas,’ or even ‘I’m all about Christ, yo.’
  13. Yo, is Christ like, split into different crews? Did Paul get nailed to the cross for you? Or were you baptized in Paul’s name?
  14. Bruh, I’m so glad I only baptized a few of y’all, like Crispus and Gaius. For real though.
  15. Just in case anyone starts thinking I baptized people trying to be a big shot.
  16. Oh, and I did baptize Stephanas’ whole crew, but honestly, can’t remember if there were any others. 🌊
  17. So basically, Jesus didn’t send me to baptize people, but to spread the good news and share the gospel. And let me tell you, it’s not about sounding fancy or smart, ’cause that would take away from the power of the message behind Christ’s cross. You dig?
  18. Like, to those who are lost, the message of the cross might seem whack or whatever. But to us who are saved, it’s all about God’s ultimate power, you know?
  19. Like, the scripture says, I’m gonna totally wreck the knowledge of all those smarty-pants and make the understanding of the clever ones useless.
  20. Like, where the smart ones at? Or the ones who can spit mad game? Or those who love to argue? Seriously, God made the wisdom of this world look dumb. Can’t even handle it.
  21. Like, back in the day, God was all wise and stuff, but the world didn’t get it, you know? So, God decided to flip the script and save those who have faith by, get this, preaching, which everyone thought was kinda foolish. But hey, who’s laughing now?
  22. The Jews are all about signs and the Greeks are all about wisdom:
  23. Yo, we out here spreading the word about Jesus getting nailed to the cross. Some peeps, especially the Jews, trip over it; they just can’t vibe with it. And then there’s the Greeks, they straight up think it’s all nonsense.
  24. But for those who are called, whether they’re Jews or Greeks, Christ is the ultimate power move from God, packing both the strength and the smarts.
  25. Yo, peeps, listen up! God’s foolishness is wayyy smarter than us humans, and His weakness is super powered compared to our strength.
  26. Yo, guys, peep this. Not a whole lot of smart or powerful or rich folks getting called here, right?
  27. Like, God straight up chooses what seems dumb in the world to totally surprise the so-called smart ones, and He picks the weak stuff to shock the powerful ones, you know?
  28. Yo, check this – God picked the low-key and despised things of the world. And get this, even stuff that doesn’t really exist, He chose to overthrow the things that do exist.
  29. So, like, nobody should be boasting or showing off when they’re around Him.
  30. But in Christ Jesus, God made him our source of wisdom, righteousness, holiness, and redemption, you know?
  31. So, like it says, if you’re flexing, flex on the Lord.
1 Corinthians 2
  1. Yo, peeps, when I came through, I wasn’t dropping big words or deep knowledge, just keeping it real with God’s truth.
  2. ‘Cause I’m all in for Jesus Christ and His whole crucifixion vibe, ya feel? No distractions, just Him.
  3. And, like, I had your back when I was a hot mess, scared and shaking.
  4. I wasn’t frontin’ with fancy talk, but the Spirit was moving through me, making my words hit different, ya know? It was about that spiritual power, not just smooth talk.
  5. So, don’t base your faith on human smarts, but on God’s power. (Oh, and ‘stand’ in Greek is basically ‘be.’)
  6. We drop wisdom for those who got it, but not that world’s wisdom that’s worthless in the end.
  7. We flexing God’s divine knowledge in a mind-blowing way, stuff He planned way before time so we could shine.
  8. None of those big shots knew what was up; if they did, they wouldn’t have dissed the Almighty by putting Him on the cross.
  9. But, like it says, God’s got some mind-blowing stuff lined up for those who ride hard for Him. Beyond what you can imagine.
  10. God’s Spirit shows us everything, no cap. He’s digging deep into God’s mysteries.
  11. You can’t know someone’s thoughts unless it’s their own spirit. Same deal with God’s thoughts; only His Spirit gets that.
  12. We ain’t vibin’ with that worldly spirit; we’re on that God vibe, helping us grasp His blessings.
  13. We diving deep, but not with fancy words from textbooks. Nah, we speaking that Holy Ghost lingo, making them spiritual connections.
  14. But if you ain’t on that spiritual wave, it’s like gibberish to you. You just don’t get it ’cause it’s on another level.
  15. But those tuned in to the cosmic vibe get it all, even if others don’t get them.
  16. Like, who can figure out the Lord’s thoughts? We ain’t out here giving Him advice. But as believers, we got that Christ mindset, which is, like, a major privilege, ya dig?
1 Corinthians 3
  1. Aight, squad, let me keep it 💯 with ya. When I drop some wisdom, I ain’t gonna hit you with deep spiritual stuff. Nah, gotta break it down like you’re still reppin’ those training wheels in this Christianity game.
  2. I’ve been giving you the basics, not the pro-level stuff, ’cause back then you couldn’t handle it, and guess what? You still can’t.
  3. You’re still trapped in that worldly mindset, with all the jealousy, drama, and cliques. Ain’t that just like everyone else?
  4. Bro, some are like, ‘I’m ride or die with Paul,’ while others are all about team Apollos. Ain’t that just surface-level?
  5. So, who even are Paul and Apollos? They’re just servants helping you vibe with God, ya know? Just doing their thing, the way the Man Upstairs made ’em.
  6. I started the party, Apollos kept it going, but God made it pop off.
  7. So, who plants and who waters ain’t the big deal. It’s all about God bringing the growth.
  8. The planters and the waterers? They’re on the same squad, and everyone gets their own rewards based on their grind. No cap.
  9. We’re all in this grind with the Big Man Upstairs, His top-notch crew, His masterpiece. We’re like His planted crops or the blueprints to His epic project. Just farming vibes, bro.
  10. Thanks to the supernatural hookup from God, I laid the groundwork, and now someone else is building on it. But everyone needs to be careful how they build.
  11. There’s no other solid base than Jesus Christ.
  12. Imagine this: if someone adds stuff to this solid foundation, it’s either valuable like gold and silver, or worthless like wood, hay, or trash.
  13. Everyone’s work will be tested when the day comes, like a big reveal, with fire checking it all. 🔥
  14. If your work stands the test, you’ll get a lit reward, bro.
  15. If it burns up, you’ll take a hit, but you’ll make it out alive, like walking through fire.
  16. Yo, don’t you know you’re God’s crib and the Spirit of God’s chillin’ in you?
  17. If anyone disrespects God’s spot, they’ll get dealt with; ’cause that place is sacred, and that’s where you come in. You’re important, just sayin’. 😇
  18. Don’t gas yourself up. If anyone thinks they’re all that, they gotta embrace being a fool to get true wisdom.
  19. Worldly wisdom might be dumb to God. Like, He catches smart people in their own schemes.
  20. And once again, God knows that smart folks’ thoughts are pointless.
  21. So, don’t flex on people, okay? ‘Cause everything is yours, man!
  22. Whether it’s Paul, Apollos, Cephas, or whoever’s popular, or life, or death, or things now, or things later – it’s all yours!
  23. And y’all belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God.
1 Corinthians 4
  1. Yo, peeps, we’re like the original squad for Jesus, keeping it real as we handle God’s deep truths.
  2. And, yo, stewards gotta stay loyal AF, ya know what I’m saying?
  3. But honestly, I couldn’t care less if you or anyone else tries to judge me. I mean, even I’m not all judgy about myself. #NoJudgment
  4. So, like, I might not even know my own flaws, but that doesn’t mean I’m blameless, you feel me? It’s up to the Big Guy upstairs to be the ultimate judge, giving off those major vibes.
  5. So, don’t be so quick to pass judgment before it’s time, until the Lord shows up and spills the tea on all the shady stuff in the dark. Then, bam! He’ll expose everyone’s true intentions and thoughts. That’s when everyone gets their moment in the spotlight from God.
  6. Hey, fam, let me break it down for ya. So, me and my homie Apollos, we kinda threw ourselves into this story to drop some wisdom. Here’s the deal: don’t go thinking too highly of peeps, beyond what’s already been said about them. Don’t get all cocky, comparing yourselves to each other.
  7. Like, who made you so special compared to others? And what do you have that you didn’t get from someone else? If you did get it, why are you acting all superior like you didn’t? Seriously, what’s with the ego trip?
  8. Alright, listen up, crew! Right now, you think you’re killing it, stacking up those riches, acting like you’re the bosses of the world, leaving us in the dust. I wish you were really reigning like you think, so we could all be on top together, you get me?
  9. So, I believe God’s put us, the apostles, at the very end of the line, with a mission that might lead to our downfall and stuff. It’s like we’re some kind of spectacle for everyone – you know, like a show for both the world, angels, and peeps.
  10. We might seem foolish for sticking with Christ, but you think you’re wise because of Him; we might look weak, but you see yourselves as strong; you might think you’re all that, but we’re often looked down upon.
  11. Bro, even now, we’re hungry, thirsty, barely clothed, getting pushed around, with no place to crash, to be honest.
  12. And we hustle, working hard with our own hands: when we’re hated, we spread love; when we’re pushed down, we stand tall:
  13. Yo, people out here talking smack about us, but we’re just staying humble. Society treats us like trash, and we’re always getting dissed and laughed at.
  14. Just so you know, I ain’t trying to shame you or anything, but I gotta give you the heads-up, my beloved crew.
  15. Even though you got plenty of peeps guiding you in Christ’s ways, you don’t have many who truly care for you like a father. But listen, I’ve become like a spiritual parent to you, bringing you into the faith through the good news of Jesus Christ.
  16. Yo, I’m seriously urging you guys, like, please, just follow my lead.
  17. That’s why I sent Timotheus, who’s like my bro and totally down for the Lord. He’ll remind you of how I roll in line with Christ, just like I teach in every church, you dig?
  18. Yo, some of y’all acting all high and mighty, thinking I ain’t gonna call you out.
  19. But I’ll be there soon, if the Lord’s cool with it, and I’ll suss out who’s real and who’s just frontin’.
  20. Like, the kingdom of God ain’t just about talking the talk, it’s about walking the walk with real power.
  21. What’s your vibe? Should I come at you all strict and boss-like, or with love and a chill attitude?
1 Corinthians 5
  1. Alright, peeps, so word on the street is there’s been some serious drama going down. I’m talking next-level scandal, like, stepmom romance vibes, and not even the non-believers are pulling this kind of stunt. Seriously messed up, am I right?
  2. And instead of feeling down about it, you all are out here flexing, not even considering kicking that person out of your squad.
  3. So, even though I ain’t physically there, spiritually, I’m vibing with y’all, and I’ve already made up my mind about the situation. It’s like I’m right there with you, feeling the energy, you know?
  4. Hey, fam, when you come together in the name of our main man, Jesus Christ, and I’m there with you in spirit, backed up by the power of the Lord,
  5. It’s like we’re handing this person over to the dark side, so their worldly desires get wrecked but their soul gets saved when Jesus rolls through.
  6. Guys, it’s not cool to be bragging about this. Don’t you see that even a little bit of negativity can mess up the whole vibe?
  7. Let’s ditch all that old negativity and vibe with something fresh, like Jesus, our ultimate homie, who straight-up sacrificed himself for us. Like, he went full-on selfless mode, you feel me?
  8. So, let’s party, but leave all that old negativity behind, like being mean and shady. Instead, let’s keep it real with sincerity and truth. It’s all about those good vibes, you dig? #purevibes #keepingitreal #positiveenergyonly
  9. Yo, in my last message, I straight-up told you to steer clear of those shady characters.
  10. But that don’t mean you gotta cut ties with everyone out there doing shady stuff, or hustling for more, or all about those idols. If you tried avoiding them all, you’d have to bounce from this whole world, and that’s just not feasible.
  11. Listen up, fam. I gotta drop some wisdom on you. If you’re kicking it with someone who claims to be your ride or die but is out here doing dirty deeds, or always chasing after what others got, or worshiping idols, or just talking trash, or always causing drama, or straight-up scamming, don’t even bother sharing a meal with them. Catch you later.
  12. Why should I be worried about judging those outside our squad? Let’s focus on sorting out our own peeps, right?
  13. But God’s gonna handle those who ain’t believers. So, make sure to distance yourself from anyone pulling shady moves.
1 Corinthians 6
  1. Yo, why you gotta take all your drama to some random judge when you could just hash it out among your squad, the righteous crew?
  2. Don’t you get it? We saints are gonna lay down some serious judgment on the whole world! And if you can handle that, why not step up and deal with the small stuff too?
  3. Seriously, imagine having the power to judge angels. Handling everyday drama would be a piece of cake!
  4. If you got beef, let the less popular folks in the church handle it.
  5. Seriously, this is disappointing. Is there not one wise person among you who can squash the drama within your own crew?
  6. But seriously, one sib is suing another in front of non-believers? That’s a mess.
  7. Listen up, fam. Y’all need to chill with all the lawsuits. Why not let stuff slide instead? Swallow your pride for once. #FoodForThought
  8. Bro, you’re out of line, scamming your own crew like that.
  9. Don’t you know the unrighteous won’t inherit God’s kingdom? Don’t get played—ain’t nobody into all that mess making it.
  10. Listen up, folks! Thieves, greedy peeps, party animals, haters, and the money-chasers won’t be in God’s kingdom, got it?
  11. And yeah, some of y’all used to be like that. But you’ve leveled up now. You’re cleansed, set apart, and made right in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanks to God’s Spirit.
  12. I could do anything, but not everything is helpful. Yeah, I’m free, but I’m not letting anything control me.
  13. Food’s for the stomach and the stomach for food, but God’s gonna destroy both. Our bodies ain’t for sinning, they’re for the Lord, and the Lord’s for our bodies. ‘Food’ means all sorts of sustenance, not just grub.
  14. God raised the Lord, and He’ll raise us too by His mega power.
  15. Your bodies are part of Christ, so why use them for trashy stuff? No way!
  16. Didn’t you know? If you hook up, you become like, one flesh with that person.
  17. But if you’re vibin’ with the Lord, you’re one spirit, man.
  18. Stay away from hooking up. Any other sin’s outside the body, but hooking up messes with your own body.
  19. Your body’s the Holy Ghost’s temple. It’s a gift, dude, not yours to mess with.
  20. You were bought at a price, so show God some major love with your body and spirit—they belong to Him.
1 Corinthians 7
  1. So, like, that message you sent me? It’s actually legit smart for guys to keep their distance from girls.
  2. But, yo, to avoid getting into anything wild, every guy should stick to his own girl, and every girl should stick to her own guy.
  3. Dudes, show love and respect to your girls, and girls, do the same for your dudes.
  4. In a relationship, it ain’t just about one person owning their body; it’s a two-way street, yo.
  5. Don’t play each other, unless you’re both down with it for a hot sec, so you can focus on deep stuff like fasting and prayer. Then come back together, so the devil doesn’t mess with your self-control.
  6. But, like, I’m just saying this ’cause I can, not ’cause I’m trying to boss anyone around.
  7. Yo, I wish everyone was chill like me. But yo, God gives everyone their own dope skills, like one person’s vibe is totally different from another’s.
  8. So, to all the single and widowed peeps out there, it’s cool if you stay solo, just like me.
  9. But if you can’t handle it, then go ahead and tie the knot, you feel?
  10. Yo, all you married folks, this isn’t just me talking; the Man upstairs says wives shouldn’t leave their dudes, no way, no how!
  11. But if she dips, she should stay single or work things out with her man, and dudes shouldn’t bounce on their wives.
  12. But listen up, this is just me talking, not straight from the Man upstairs: If a dude’s got a girl who’s not into the faith thing but she’s cool with staying, he shouldn’t kick her to the curb.
  13. If a girl’s got a dude who’s not into all this faith stuff but he’s chill with sticking around, she shouldn’t bail on him.
  14. Like, if one person in a marriage ain’t vibing with the faith, it’s cool ’cause they still get that holy vibe from their partner. And yo, their kids ain’t seen as dirty or whatever anymore; they’re in the holy club now.
  15. But if the non-believer wants out, let ’em bounce. A believer ain’t tied down in situations like these ’cause God wants us chill, ya know?
  16. Yo, wifey, you don’t know if you’ll save your dude. And dude, you can’t predict if you’ll save your girl. Like, who knows, man?
  17. Just like how God gives everyone different skills, and how He’s got a plan for everyone, let them live that out. This is how I want all churches to be.
  18. If someone’s already circumcised, they shouldn’t try to reverse it. And if someone ain’t, no need to go through with it.
  19. Circumcision don’t matter, and being uncircumcised don’t either. What matters is following God’s rules.
  20. Like, everyone should stick to what they’re doing, ya know? Keep doing what you were doing from the start—no need to switch it up.
  21. If you’re labeled as a servant, don’t stress, dude. But if you get the chance to be free, take it, man.
  22. The one who sees themselves as a servant of the Lord is actually free in God’s eyes. And vice versa, the one who sees themselves as free is a servant of Christ.
  23. You were bought with a price; don’t get caught up serving others.
  24. Yo, guys, if you’re in a specific role, just stick with it and keep it real with God.
  25. So, about staying pure, I don’t have some strict rule from the Man upstairs. But yo, I’m gonna share my thoughts ’cause I’ve been shown some mercy and try to keep it real.
  26. I guess this is cool considering the tough spot we’re in right now. Like, it’s smart for a dude to act this way when things get tough.
  27. You in a solid relationship? Don’t rush to dip. Single? Don’t rush into something.
  28. But if you decide to tie the knot, it ain’t a sin, man. Even if a girl who’s never been hitched decides to, it’s cool too. But just so you know, they might face some struggles, but I’m just trying to be gentle with you, ya feel?
  29. Yo, listen up, fam. Time’s ticking, so hear me out. We don’t have much time left. It’s important for those who are married to live like they’re not, ya dig?
  30. And those who cry, they cry without losing themselves; and those who are happy, they’re happy without getting too hyped; and those who buy things, they buy like they don’t really own ’em;
  31. And those who live in this world, do it responsibly, ’cause the trends and vibes of this world won’t last forever.
  32. But yo, being single has its perks. Someone who’s not tied down can focus on things that matter to the Man upstairs, ya know, making Him happy and all.
  33. But someone who’s married focuses on worldly stuff, trying to make their partner happy.
  34. Let me tell you, there’s a pretty big difference between a wife and a virgin. An unmarried woman focuses on the Lord’s business, trying to stay pure in body and spirit. But a married woman is more about worldly stuff and keeping her man happy.
  35. And I say this to help you, not to trap you, but to guide you so you can focus on serving the Lord without any distractions.
  36. But like, if a guy feels like he’s not treating his girl right, and she’s, you know, getting up there in age and stuff, and it’s necessary, then he can do what he wants, and it’s not really a sin, they can just get married and all.
  37. But yo, if someone’s got that strong self-control and ain’t feeling the pressure, but can handle their choices and already decided to stay pure, then they’re doing great.
  38. So like, if someone marries, that’s cool and all, but if they don’t, that’s even better.
  39. As long as her dude’s alive, the wife’s gotta follow the rules; but if he passes, she’s free to marry whoever, as long as they’re a believer too.
  40. But it’s better for her to stay the same way, according to my opinion. And yo, I believe I got the Holy Spirit too.
1 Corinthians 8
  1. Okay, so, about grub that’s been offered up to idols, we’ve all got some intel on that. Knowledge can make you feel like you’re on top of the world, but spreading love? That’s what really lifts peeps up.
  2. And if anyone thinks they’ve got all the 411, they’re actually clueless. Like, zero clueage.
  3. But if anyone’s got mad love for God, it’s kinda obvious, you feel?
  4. So, let’s rap about chowing down on food that’s been given the idol treatment. We all know those idols are straight-up nada. There’s only one Big Guy upstairs, no one else.
  5. You feel me? There are those who think they’re divine, ya know? They’re flexing their power, whether in the spiritual realm or here on Earth. They’ve got many names, a big fanbase—like, loads of lords and whatnot.
  6. Check it, for us, it’s all about one God, the OG Father, who whipped up everything, and we’re vibing in Him. Then there’s only one Boss, Jesus Christ, through whom everything’s vibing, and we’re here ’cause of Him.
  7. But not everyone’s hip to this, ya know? Like, some peeps, even though they know idols are zilch, still snack on idol-offered munchies. It messes with their conscience, like a GPS gone haywire.
  8. But munching on meat ain’t gonna score you brownie points with the Big Guy, and skipping it won’t land you on His naughty list either. It ain’t about how much or little we chow down, dude.
  9. Just watch out that your freedom doesn’t trip up those who aren’t as solid in their game.
  10. Like, if someone catches you, Mr. Know-It-All, posted up at an idol-themed eatery, won’t it influence those who aren’t as steady to dig into that idol-offered grub? They might get a boost, you know? (Boosted, like, lifted up in Greek.)
  11. And ’cause you’re in the know, will the bro who’s still shaky in their faith take a hit, even though Christ laid it all down for them?
  12. But, like, when you mess up and bruise your crew’s vibe, especially if they’re not as grounded in their beliefs, you’re not just letting them down, but you’re also letting down Jesus, man.
  13. So, if chowing down on steak’s gonna bum my bro out, I’m swearing off steak for as long as the world’s spinning, ’cause I’m not about bringing my bro down, ya dig?
1 Corinthians 9
  1. Yo, check it, I’m like a straight-up apostle, no cap! And guess what, I’ve straight-up seen Jesus, our lit Lord, with my own eyes, fam! And y’all, you’re like the epic result of all my grind for the Lord!
  2. Even if others don’t see me as an apostle, I’m definitely one to y’all, ’cause you’re the receipts that I’m legit in the Lord’s eyes, for real.
  3. Here’s my comeback to those who doubt me,
  4. Don’t we have the right to grub on some food and sip on some drinks?
  5. Don’t we have the right to bring along a homie, or maybe even a partner, just like the other apostles and Jesus’ crew and Cephas do?
  6. Like, why should me and Barnabas be the only ones expected to grind? Don’t we have the right to chill too?
  7. Who heads into battle and covers all the expenses? Who plants a vineyard and doesn’t get to enjoy the juicy grapes? And who looks after a flock without sippin’ on some creamy milk?
  8. Am I just sayin’ this as a regular dude? Doesn’t the law say the same thing, though?
  9. Like, in the law of Moses, it says not to muzzle an ox while it’s grindin’, you feel? But like, does God really care about oxen?
  10. Or is He sayin’ this just for us? For sure, He wrote this for our benefit: that the one who works should work with hope, and the one who puts in effort should share in that hope.
  11. If we’ve dropped all this deep spiritual knowledge on you, it ain’t a biggie if we get some material stuff in return, right?
  12. If others have authority over you, don’t we have even more? But we ain’t flexed that power. Instead, we’ve toughed it out so we don’t block the spread of the good news about Christ.
  13. Don’t y’all know that those who work with sacred stuff get their needs covered by the temple? And those who serve at the altar also get a piece of the blessings?
  14. Just like that, the Lord’s decided that those who spread the good news should get supported by it.
  15. But, like, I ain’t taken any of this stuff, you know? I didn’t write all this just so folks could do this to me. For real, I’d rather die than let anyone mess with my bragging rights.
  16. Even though I’m out here spreading the good news, I ain’t got no reason to flex about it. It’s like an obligation weighing heavy on me, like, seriously, bad vibes and regret if I don’t go around spreading the good news!
  17. If I’m doin’ this willingly, I’ll get a dope reward, but if it’s not my choice, I’ve been given a special duty for spreading the gospel.
  18. So, um, what’s in it for me, you know? Well, like, when I spread the good news about Jesus, I wanna do it for free, you know, no charges or anything. I mean, I don’t wanna misuse my authority or anything when it comes to sharing the gospel.
  19. Even though I’m totally free, I choose to serve everyone to make the most impact.
  20. So, when it came to hanging with my Jewish squad, I totally vibed with their customs and lifestyle, just to connect with them. And for those who are all about following the law, I played by the rules, because I wanted to win them over too.
  21. To those who don’t follow the rules, I’m willing to adapt (not ditching God’s rules, but living by Christ’s teachings) to vibe with them.
  22. I entered their world, adapting to their weaknesses, so that I could win them over. I’m flexible in everything I do, aiming to save as many as I can.
  23. And I’m doing this for the sake of spreading the good news, so that I can be a part of it with y’all.
  24. Don’t you know that everyone who competes in a race wants the prize, but only one wins? So go all out and give it your best shot, so you can come out on top.
  25. And anyone who goes all out to achieve their goals knows the importance of self-control. They do it for something that will eventually fade away, but we do it for something that lasts forever.
  26. So, like, I’m all in this race, but I’m not just going without a plan, ya know? And when it comes to fighting, it’s not like I’m just throwing punches aimlessly in the air, man!
  27. I stay in control of my own body and make sure it obeys me, so that even after telling others the truth, I won’t be disqualified myself.
1 Corinthians 10
  1. Ayy fam, let me drop some truth bombs on ya. Back in the day, our ancestors were all chilling under this massive cloud, and then they straight-up crossed the sea, like it was NBD. Just thought you should know, don’t wanna leave you clueless, ya feel me?
  2. And we all got baptized to Moses, like, in the cloud and in the sea, you know?
  3. And they all grubbed on the same lit spiritual meal;
  4. And they all had the same lit spiritual sippin’: they drank from that mad spiritual Rock that flexed with them, and that Rock was Christ, fam.
  5. But yo, God wasn’t vibin’ with a lot of ’em, ’cause they got straight up toppled in the wilderness.
  6. So, like, these things were sorta like examples for us, ya know? To remind us not to crave bad stuff, just like they did. #lessonlearned #temptation
  7. Don’t worship idols like some people did before. They just chilled, grubbed, and then turned up.
  8. Let’s not engage in sexual immorality like some of them did, and ended up with twenty-three thousand dead in a single day.
  9. Let’s not try to test Christ like some of them did, and they got completely wrecked by serpents.
  10. Don’t even trip, like some of them did back in the day, complaining and getting wrecked in the process.
  11. So, like, all these things that went down with them, you know, were basically life lessons for us. They were written down to warn us, since we’re the ones living in the end times and all. #LifeLessons #WakeUpCall
  12. Yo, if you think you all that, be careful not to mess up and fall flat.
  13. Yo fam, don’t trip ’bout the temptations that come your way. It’s all basic stuff that everyone faces. But peep this, God’s got your back. He’s mad trustworthy and won’t let you get tempted beyond your limits. Plus, He’ll always hook you up with an exit strategy so you can handle it like a boss.
  14. So, fam, listen up, I urge y’all, my loved ones, step away from idol worship. #NoIdols
  15. Listen up, yo! I’m talking to all the smart peeps out there. It’s time for you to weigh in and decide what I’m about to drop.
  16. Yo, fam, the blessed cup we be sippin’, ain’t it, like, unitin’ us with Jesus’ blood? And the bread we be breakin’, ain’t it, like, unitin’ us with Jesus’ body?
  17. Yo, fam, check it – even though there’s a bunch of us, we all make up one tight squad. We’re like a single piece of bread, and together we form one dope body. We all get to enjoy that same awesome bread, no one left out!
  18. Yo, check it out! Like, think about Israel in their earthly existence, ya know? Don’t those who chow down on the sacrifices get to be part of the altar scene?
  19. Like, what’s the deal then? Is the idol, like, actually worth anything? Or, is the stuff that people offer to idols actually worth anything?
  20. But yo, like hear me out, the stuff those non-believers be sacrificin’, they be offerin’ it to straight up devils, not God. And yo, I don’t want y’all gettin’ down with the devil’s crew, ya feel me?
  21. You can’t sip from God’s cup and sip from the devil’s cup at the same time. You can’t join in at God’s table and party at the devil’s table.
  22. Yo, can we make the Lord jelly? Like, are we even more flex than Him?
  23. I have the freedom to do whatever, but not everything is helpful. I can do whatever, but not everything builds me up.
  24. Don’t be self-centered, y’all, and look out for each other’s bag 💰.
  25. If you’re buying food at the market, go ahead and eat it without worrying or overthinking about it.
  26. Yo, the earth is totally the Lord’s, like, everything in it too.
  27. If someone who doesn’t believe in what you do invites you to a party, and you feel like going, eat whatever they serve you without overthinking it or worrying about your beliefs.
  28. But, like, if someone tells you that this food has been offered to idols, don’t eat it because of them and because of what you believe is right. ‘Cause, you know, the earth and everything in it belongs to the Lord, so we gotta be mindful of that, dude.
  29. Listen up, fam, I’m talking about having respect for others’ feelings, not just your own. Why should someone else’s opinion define how free I am to live my life to the fullest?
  30. So like, if I’m all about that grace and chill with it, why am I getting hate for being thankful? #blessed
  31. So, like, whether you’re munching on some snacks, chugging a beverage, or doing anything at all, make sure you’re doing it in a way that totally honors God.
  32. Don’t be a jerk to anyone – whether they’re Jews, non-Jews, or part of the church fam. No discrimination here! 🙅‍♀️
  33. Yo, I’m all about pleasing everyone and looking out for the greater good. It’s not about getting something for myself, but about helping out many peeps and saving their souls, ya know.
1 Corinthians 11
  1. Yo, peeps, follow my lead, just like I’m following Christ, a’ight?
  2. Big shoutout to all my homies holding it down, keeping it real with the teachings I dropped. Mad respect for those who stay true to what I laid down.
  3. Check it, fam, Christ’s the top dog for dudes, and for ladies, their man’s their main squeeze. And for Christ? Yeah, God’s His OG.
  4. If a dude prays or predicts stuff with a lid on, he’s disrespecting himself and his head.
  5. But, like, if a girl’s praying or prophesying without a cover, not cool. It’s like she’s rocking a buzz cut, major disrespect vibes, you dig?
  6. If a girl ain’t covering up, might as well shave it off. But if it’s embarrassing for a girl to rock the buzz, then she better throw on a cover.
  7. Dudes, no need for the lid, ’cause we’re repping God’s image, bringing that honor. But ladies? They bring honor to us.
  8. ‘Cause dudes came first, then ladies.
  9. Yeah, man ain’t made for woman; it’s the other way round, woman’s got man’s back.
  10. Ladies, cover up to show respect for your man’s authority, especially when the big man’s angels are around.
  11. Listen up, fam, we’re all in this together, no solo acts, ya feel?
  12. Just like woman came from man, man comes through woman. But, yo, it all comes from the big man upstairs.
  13. You gotta figure out for yourselves: cool for a woman to pray without her cover?
  14. Like, even nature says it’s whack for a dude to rock long hair.
  15. But when a lady’s got the long locks? Total flex, man. That hair’s her crown. 👑
  16. And if anyone’s still tripping, nah, we ain’t vibing with that, and neither are the churches of God.
  17. Real talk, fam, not giving props for this one. Not cool how y’all roll, bringing the vibe down.
  18. Yo, when y’all link up, word’s out there’s drama, factions, and stuff. Hate to say it, but it’s facts.
  19. Differences among y’all ain’t a bad thing; it’s how the real ones shine.
  20. When y’all come together, it ain’t just for a casual meal. It’s a sacred deal, something you can’t front on.
  21. ‘Cause when we grub, some are left hungry while others feast. Not cool.
  22. Y’all got houses to eat and drink in, right? Don’t be disrespecting the church and making others feel less. What am I supposed to say? ‘Keep it up’? Nah, not feeling it. And when I say ‘have not’, I’m talking about the broke ones.
  23. So, I got this from the Lord, passed it on to y’all: the night Jesus got betrayed, he grabbed some bread.
  24. Blessed it, broke it, and was like, ‘Here, take it and munch. This bread’s my body, broken for y’all. Remember me when you do this, ya hear?’
  25. Then he took the cup after grubbing and said, ‘This cup’s a new deal through my blood. Sip on it, remember me.’
  26. Every time you eat the bread, drink from the cup, you’re shouting out Jesus’s sacrifice until He’s back.
  27. So, anyone disrespecting the bread and cup is disrespecting the Lord’s body and blood.
  28. Before you chow down, check yourself, ya feel?
  29. Eating and drinking without respect? You’re asking for trouble, clueless about the importance of Jesus’s body.
  30. That’s why some of y’all are weak and sick, and some even passed on.
  31. If we check ourselves, we won’t get called out by others.
  32. When we get checked, it’s so we don’t end up in the same mess as everyone else.
  33. Yo, when y’all grub, make sure to wait for each other.
  34. If you’re hungry, eat at home, so when we come together, it’s all good. We’ll handle other stuff when I roll through.
1 Corinthians 12
  1. Aight fam, listen up! When it comes to spiritual stuff, squad, I don’t want y’all clueless, you dig?
  2. Y’all know back in the day, you were just regular peeps, caught up in worshipping those whack idols, just riding the wave.
  3. Just so you know, anyone speaking through God’s Spirit wouldn’t diss Jesus. And you can’t call Jesus the Boss without that Holy Ghost guidance.
  4. So, like, there are, like, different gifts, but it’s all from the same Spirit.
  5. And there are different gigs, but it’s all under the same Boss.
  6. And there are different ways to do things, but it’s all the same God making it happen.
  7. But, like, the Spirit’s vibes are totally for everyone’s benefit, ya know?
  8. Yo, crew, listen up! The Holy Spirit blesses some with mad wisdom, while others get that knowledge flowing from the same Spirit.
  9. And some have mad trust in the vibes from that same energy, while others got those sick healing skills, thanks to that same energy.
  10. Some people got the ability to do miracles, others got the gift of prophecy. Some can sense and understand different vibes. Some got the talent to speak in different languages, and others can decode them.
  11. But, like, the same Spirit is behind all these things, ya know? It’s doing its thing and hooking everyone up. It’s on point with that.
  12. Just like a person’s body got different parts but they all make up one whole body, same goes for Jesus, he’s like the ultimate squad.
  13. Through one Spirit, we all join together and become part of one crew, no matter if we’re born into a Jewish or non-Jewish fam, or if we’re living different lives. We all sippin’ on that same spiritual vibe. (Shoutout to the Greeks!)
  14. Dude, listen up! The human body ain’t just one body part; it’s a bunch of ’em.
  15. If the foot’s like, ‘I ain’t the hand, so I’m out,’ does that mean it ain’t part of the squad?
  16. And if the ear’s like, ‘I ain’t the eye, so I don’t belong,’ does that mean it ain’t part of the squad?
  17. Imagine if the whole body was just one big eye, like, how would you hear anything? And if the whole body was just for hearing, where’s the smell at?
  18. But yo, God placed each of us in the body, just how he wanted, no cap.
  19. If everyone was just one part, where the whole body at?
  20. But hear me out, fam, we might be different, but we’re all part of the same squad, ya feel?
  21. The eye can’t be like to the hand, ‘I don’t need you,’ and the head can’t be like to the feet, ‘I don’t need y’all.’
  22. Actually, those parts that seem weak? They’re crucial, way more than you think.
  23. And the parts we don’t think much of? They get even more respect. The less attractive parts become the MVPs.
  24. Our flashy parts ain’t the important ones; God brings us together, giving props to the parts lacking.
  25. We gotta be on the same vibe, no drama, just unity fam. 🙌
  26. If one of us hurts, we all feel it; if one gets props, we all celebrate.
  27. So, like, y’all are basically the body of Christ, each with your own role and vibe.
  28. And God’s set up different roles in the crew: first, the apostles; then, the prophets; next, the teachers. Plus, we got miracles, healing, helpers, leaders, and diverse languages.
  29. Like, not everyone’s gonna be an apostle, prophet, or teacher, ya know? It’s not everyone’s gig.
  30. So, like, can everyone heal, speak in tongues, and interpret? Nah.
  31. But, like, desire those sickest talents, and let me put you on an even better path.
1 Corinthians 13
  1. Yo, even if I’m a total boss at speaking human and angelic tongues, but I’m lacking that real love vibe, it’s like I’m just background noise, like an annoying car alarm or clashing cymbals.
  2. Even if I could predict the future like some next-level psychic, unlock all the universe’s mysteries, and have all the knowledge, and even if my faith could move literal mountains, without love, I’m just a big fat zero.
  3. Even if I give away all my stuff to help out those in need, and even if I lay down my life for a cause, without love, it’s all just empty gestures.
  4. Love’s all about being chill and kind; it doesn’t get envious or boastful, doesn’t flex, and definitely doesn’t act all impulsive.
  5. It doesn’t act cringey, it’s not all about “me, myself, and I,” doesn’t easily lose its cool, and doesn’t dwell on the negative.
  6. It’s not about hyping up shady stuff but hyping up authenticity and truth.
  7. We gotta handle whatever life throws at us, trust the process, keep hope alive, and stay strong through it all.
  8. Being kind always wins: but predictions will flop, speaking in tongues will fade, and understanding everything ain’t gonna last.
  9. Like, we’re just seeing a snippet of the whole picture, you know? And when we predict stuff, it’s like, only catching a glimpse.
  10. But when the perfect vibe rolls in, all the imperfect stuff’s gonna bounce.
  11. When I was a kid, I talked like a kid, thought like a kid, and acted like a kid. But now that I’m all grown up, I’ve ditched that immature vibe. (Or you could say, I’m thinking more logically, not just rolling with my instincts). (Dropped: Like, completely vanished)
  12. Right now, everything’s kinda blurry, like staring at a smudged-up phone screen. But one day, we’ll have that crystal clear connection – no more guesswork or doubts. Right now, I’m only catching snippets of the big picture, but in the future, I’ll see the whole shebang, just as I’m fully seen myself.
  13. So, like, the real deal is that faith, hope, and showing kindness to others are what really matter, you feel me? But out of the three, spreading kindness totally takes the cake.
1 Corinthians 14
  1. Yo, prioritize spreading love and leveling up spiritually, but major keys, work on spitting truth.
  2. When someone’s speaking in tongues, they’re not vibing with the squad, they’re talking straight to God. Nobody else can decode it, but spiritually, they’re dropping some deep mysteries.
  3. But if you’re dropping prophecies, it’s all about lifting the crew up, dropping wisdom, and bringing the good vibes.
  4. If you’re into that tongue game, it’s cool for your own growth, but if you’re into future-telling, you’re leveling up the whole fam.
  5. Check it, it’s dope if y’all can speak different tongues, but it’s even more lit if you can predict the future and stuff. ‘Cause the one who predicts is MVP, unless they break it down for everyone to learn and vibe with.
  6. Ayy fam, listen up! If I start spitting tongues but it ain’t bringing any vibes, what’s the point? Real talk is dropping deep insights, knowledge, prophetic vibes, or straight-up wisdom.
  7. Even inanimate objects like pipes or harps gotta make distinct sounds, otherwise, how we gonna vibe if we can’t tell ’em apart?
  8. If the trumpet’s dropping vague sounds, who’s gonna get hyped for battle, you feel?
  9. So, if you’re not speaking in a way everyone gets, it’s like talking to yourself, man.
  10. There’s a bunch of voices out there, each with their own meaning and vibe.
  11. If I don’t get what someone’s saying, we’re both on different wavelengths, you feel?
  12. If you’re all about that spiritual grind, put in the work to uplift the squad. #1 priority, you dig? #spiritualgoals #churchfam
  13. So, if someone’s dropping tongues, they better pray for someone to decode that vibe.
  14. If I’m praying in some unknown language, it’s like my spirit’s praying, but I ain’t getting it, you know? No understanding, no results.
  15. When I pray, it’s heart and mind, and when I sing, it’s the same vibe. Spirit and understanding, always.
  16. When you’re blessing with the Spirit, how’s someone uneducated gonna vibe with that? They don’t get the gratitude, so how they gonna say ‘Amen’?
  17. You’re great at giving thanks, but it’s not leveling anyone else up.
  18. Gotta shout out to my God, I’m dropping tongues more than anyone!
  19. But when I’m in church, I’d rather drop knowledge with a few words, using my brain to teach, than just rambling in some unknown language.
  20. Don’t stay ignorant like kids, but stay pure like innocent children. When it’s about using your brain, level up and be mature AF.
  21. The ancient laws say I’m using different languages to reach out, but even then, some won’t vibe with me, says the Lord.
  22. Speaking in tongues is like a signal for non-believers, but prophesying is for the believers, you feel?
  23. If everyone’s speaking different languages and outsiders roll up, they’ll think we’re crazy, man.
  24. But if everyone’s prophesying and someone’s clueless, they’ll be convinced and judged by everyone, for real.
  25. That’s how they’ll show respect to God, and know He’s real in us.
  26. So, when y’all gather, each bringing your vibe, knowledge, language, insight, and wisdom, make sure it’s all about uplifting each other.
  27. If someone’s speaking in tongues, only let two or three go at a time, and take turns. Make sure someone’s there to break it down for everyone else. (Two or three separately is cool too!)
  28. But if nobody gets it, chill and stay quiet. Talk to yourself and God.
  29. Let prophets spit some bars, maybe two or three, then let the squad decide if they’re legit.
  30. If someone else gets the vibe, the first should stay quiet.
  31. Y’all take turns dropping knowledge, so everyone can learn and vibe.
  32. The vibes of the prophets gotta align with themselves, you know?
  33. God ain’t about that chaos, but about chill vibes, like in all the saints’ hangouts. (chaos: Gr. tumult, or, unquietness)
  34. Ladies, keep it lowkey in church. Obey the vibe, just like the law says.
  35. If anyone needs to know something, ask at home. Women staying quiet in church, it’s the vibe.
  36. Did the word of God start with you, or just land on you?
  37. If you’re a prophet or spiritually connected, recognize these are the Lord’s instructions.
  38. If someone’s clueless, let ’em stay that way, you feel?
  39. Get keen on prophesying, no hate for tongues.
  40. Keep it respectful and organized, fam.
1 Corinthians 15
  1. Yo, fam, gather ’round, I gotta drop some truth bombs on ya. Remember that gospel I laid down before? I know you’re all about it and holding strong.
  2. This is the key to salvation, y’all. Just keep it locked in your minds, don’t let it slip away. Hold tight to what I’ve been preachin’, aight?
  3. So, like, I passed on to y’all the real deal I got myself, ya know? Jesus went all out for us, just like it says in the scriptures and stuff.
  4. He got buried and then bounced back on the third day, just like the scriptures said, you dig?
  5. And he showed up to Cephas, then to the whole squad of twelve.
  6. Plus, there were over five hundred peeps who saw him at once; most are still kicking it, but some have passed on, ya know.
  7. After that, he dropped in on James, then flexed on all the apostles.
  8. And yo, he even showed up to me, like a surprise guest at a party.
  9. Honestly, I’m like the least likely apostle, I used to be all about hatin’ on the church.
  10. But yo, God’s grace got me where I am. I worked my butt off, but it was all God’s grace workin’ through me.
  11. So whether it’s me or anyone else, that’s how we spread the word, and that’s how y’all got down with it too.
  12. So, if folks are out there sayin’ Jesus didn’t rise up, then why you trippin’ sayin’ there’s no afterlife?
  13. But yo, if there’s no resurrection, then Jesus never made a comeback, and our preaching is just hot air, and so is your faith.
  14. So like, we’d be straight-up lying about God raisin’ up Christ. If the dead don’t rise, then we just makin’ stuff up.
  15. If the dead don’t rise, then Jesus didn’t either, and your faith is worthless, still stuck in your mess.
  16. And those who passed believin’ in Christ are just gone, no hope.
  17. If our hope in Christ is only for this life, then we’re the biggest losers out there.
  18. But yo, Jesus did rise up, he’s like the first of those who passed.
  19. Death came from one dude, but Jesus brought the resurrection game strong.
  20. Just like we all get messed up ’cause of Adam, we all get brought back to life through Christ.
  21. Death gets wrecked because of Jesus, total game-changer.
  22. Sooner or later, Jesus comes back, then those who ride with him get in on the action.
  23. Then it’s a wrap, God hands over the kingdom to the OG, the Father. He shuts down all the haters.
  24. He keeps ruling until he’s got everything under control.
  25. Death gets smashed, it’s game over.
  26. God’s got total control, but even he submits to the one who put everything under him.
  27. When everything’s under control, even the Son submits, so God’s everything to everyone.
  28. But yo, if there’s no resurrection, why you gettin’ baptized for dead peeps? Waste of time, man.
  29. And why we riskin’ everything all the time?
  30. Seriously, I’m pumped about Jesus, our main dude. I’m livin’ that new life every day.
  31. If I’m fightin’ wild beasts in Ephesus, what’s the point if there’s no resurrection? Let’s just party, yo.
  32. Don’t hang with negative peeps, they’ll kill your vibe.
  33. Wake up and start livin’ right, ’cause some peeps don’t even know God, that’s weak.
  34. Some peeps are like, how the dead gonna rise and what they gonna look like?
  35. What you plant don’t grow unless it dies first, ya feel me?
  36. God gives it a new body, whatever He wants.
  37. There are all kinds of bodies, not all the same.
  38. Human, animal, fish, bird, each got its own vibe.
  39. There are different kinds of bodies, celestial and terrestrial, each with its own glory.
  40. The resurrection’s gonna be lit, starts off messed up but ends up pure.
  41. Sun, moon, stars, each got its own glory.
  42. The resurrection’s gonna be epic, starts off weak but ends up powerful.
  43. Sown weak, raised strong.
  44. Natural body, spiritual body.
  45. Adam’s a livin’ soul, Jesus a life-givin’ spirit.
  46. Natural comes first, then the spiritual.
  47. Earthly vibe, heavenly vibe.
  48. Earthly peeps act earthly, heavenly peeps act heavenly.
  49. Since we’re all earthly now, we’ll be heavenly later.
  50. Flesh and blood can’t get into God’s kingdom, straight up.
  51. Not everyone stays dead forever, we all get a major upgrade.
  52. Quick as a flash, trumpet sounds, dead peeps get raised, we get transformed.
  53. Perishable becomes imperishable, mortal becomes immortal.
  54. Death gets wrecked, for real.
  55. Death loses its sting, grave loses its victory.
  56. Sin gives death its power, law backs it up.
  57. Big shoutout to God for the win through Jesus.
  58. Stay solid, keep grindin’ in the Lord’s name, it’s all worth it.
1 Corinthians 16
  1. A’ight, fam! Let’s chat about supporting our peeps in need. Just like I hit up the churches in Galatia, I’m giving y’all the lowdown. Let’s make it happen, cool?
  2. Every Sunday, stash some cash based on how much you’ve been blessed, so we won’t need to hustle when I roll up.
  3. When I pull through, whoever you vouch for with your letters, I’ll send them to drop off your dope gift in Jerusalem. (Yeah, “generous contribution” is like giving a sick present, ya know?)
  4. And if it’s all good, they’ll roll with me.
  5. Yo, I’m gonna swing by Macedonia real soon, on my way to check in with you guys. Catch me sliding through Macedonia, for real.
  6. And, like, I might crash with you for a minute, even through winter, so you can, like, help me out on my journey wherever I’m headed.
  7. I can’t link up with you in person right now, but I’m hoping we can vibe together soon, if the Man upstairs is cool with it.
  8. But I’ll be posted up in Ephesus until Pentecost.
  9. Yo, listen up! A major opportunity’s coming my way, and it’s gonna be lit! But, gotta keep it real, there’s gonna be haters and obstacles in the mix.
  10. If Timotheus rolls through, make sure he’s chilling with no drama – he’s doing the Man’s work, just like me!
  11. So, like, show the dude love, and send him off in peace so he can link with me, ’cause I’m waiting for him with the crew.
  12. About our boy Apollos, I was really hoping he could kick it with you and the crew. But it looks like he’s got stuff going on right now. Don’t stress though, he’ll slide through when he’s got a minute.
  13. Stay woke, stay faithful, stay strong, and stand firm, like bosses.
  14. Yo, let everything you do be filled with love.
  15. A’ight, fam, listen up! So, you know our peeps Stephanas? They’re like the OG believers in Achaia, and they’re all about serving the saints, 24/7!
  16. So, like, show respect and love to those who have our backs and roll with us, ya dig?
  17. I’m hyped about Stephanas, Fortunatus, and Achaicus coming through, ’cause they totally held it down for what was lacking.
  18. They’ve boosted my mood and yours too, so show some love to those who come through like that.
  19. Yo, the churches in Asia send their love. Aquila and Priscilla give you a shoutout in the Lord, along with their home crew.
  20. Hey fam, the whole squad says what’s up. Show love to each other with a real-deal embrace, ya’ll.
  21. Hey, it’s Paul here, giving you a shoutout with my own hands.
  22. If anyone’s not vibing with the Lord Jesus Christ, they’re outta sync, man.
  23. May the vibes of our main man Jesus Christ be with you.
  24. Sending love to all y’all in Jesus Christ. Amen. The first letter to the Corinthians was sent from Philippi by Stephanas, Fortunatus, Achaicus, and Timotheus.